rim ORECO!, STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON .7 SATURDAY MORNING, . MAY 7. 1027 auctioneers F.NWoodry U yr. tolM'l leediag eaetlonaav .BJ furniture dealer. Be. d Bter fill) N. . TeL Sit. "NO KICK ON MY SERVICE" 2apr22tf F.N. Woodry mill for "sed luraiture, too la, Ree. and Store 1610 N. 8f. Pkoae Ml mM lepr3tf H. P. Woodry & Son . sPj7 atf f urauure. o wi "N, 75. A cent (or Ut Ranges 57Hfc'S auction sale. wed. may 1 1 SO head Jersey. complete dispersal farm Implements, liorses. harness. Z unit UeLaval miiama; '"'-". driven cream eprtor. hogs, fee en tine wind mill. Sal to b held on f.nu' near Turner. Watch fof larger advertisement in Suaday a paper, i.eorge Moor, owner, Taraer. rM7 ACTO TOPS HFE US FOB TOP AND PAINT WORK O J. Hull Auto Top aad Paiat Shop 267 8. Ctaatteitl. 1 6al6tf BATTERY t ELECTRICIAN 0 IB. D. BAttW """" -l. enS Starter a"""""" w , - South High. Tel. 191 COURT ST. ELEESER ELECTRIC CO. HOUM wiring by er ooaUaet. Ettimati taniaW TeL 980 471 Coart Bt BICYCLES a BEFARNG 8 LLOTD K. RAM8DKN COLUMBIA. BI cycle and repiric. 981 Ooart. HELP WANTED- Mile 11 I'I'KEVTICF WANTED HULL' S TOP shop'. 9 8. Com'l. llmayStf WASTED A LITE N EW S PAPER BUB .Option esjiTaaser. Call Cirenlatlot Manacar. 8tataaaa offie. llaillti CHIROPRACTORS 15 JK. H. B. gCOTIILD P. rint National Bank Bldg. 806 DR. O L. 8COTT. PBO CHTROPBACTOB 256 N. High. TeL 828-B or 91. FLORISTS 16 CUT FLOWERS, WED DIN O BOUQUETS Foaeral wreatha, decortiona, C. r. Breithaopt. fieriai, 61S State Si. Tel. 380. IAQAZINKS Fnn Papers 17 IF YOU WANT TO GET THi BKB1 fana paper sead five eeat stajnpa to the Faeifie Homestead. Balsas, Oregon for a three months' trial subscription Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN BEND EIGHT TWO uniii for asocial three months trial for the Vest and eldsst Jenrna tba vuL The articles aad adver tisemeata are of special interest to the poultry breeder ef tae nortawees Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 B. Oo mereial St. Salsnt. Ora. INSURANCE 18 FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mart races. Trass Deeds, Contrasts e Will net to 80. BECKS s HENDRICKS Beilig Bldg. 189 N. High Bt. Jl-tl FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to losa en good farm aeennty. CITY LOANS We are loaaiag Pre dentiat Isiorancs Company money ea jaitv reaidenca aad business property vf -5H. pin eemmiasioa, Hawkiaj 7 ILotMrts. Ima 208 Oreaoa Baildiaff 14H Insure Tow home er ear Phone 181 BE0KB HENDRICKS Heiiig Bldg. 189 M. High B. Il-M WANTFO Fmptoyment 19 JOB AS CHAUFFEUR OB TRUCK driving. Bos 966, ear Statesman. srwiso in Hc.'8-M. MY HOME OR YOURS. lmayo CONTRACTOR We ipeeialiae ia repair, garages aad eat buildings. Oravee, Tel. 7 ns. ISauyM LANDSCAPE GARDENING AND CON' trortion work 'ooatraeta. Tel. 100S-W Hubbard A Cook. 19May30' FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT dinine and taam work. TaL T2F9 19ml4tf FOR RENT 21 STOKE ROOK FOR RENT 280 TERRY street, between Front aad Commercial, formerly occupied by Withers A KeaJ. 920 a month. Inauira at Stateem office. I lapr2 8 tf FOR RENT pBrtments 23 APARTMENTS, OPPOSITE csnarr. 110 Division. HUNT'S 23mayl0 MCE FURNISHED Uaion. APARTMENT, 590 23m7 MODERN. WELL FURNISHED 8 -ROOM Apt. Large aad light. 1113 Court St: - 93-apr26tf FOR RENT Room 25 rooms with board at the alei sndcr. TeL 1339: 1080 Chemaketa. . 2Sspr31tf ROOM FOR RENT IN MODERN HOME near Capitol Baildiag. Gentleman oaly. Telephone 1894-J or eall 1465 rhemeketa. 25aprl7tf FOR RENT Hoa 27 I OI RKST 4-1 ijl Call 15 ROOM HOUSE NEARLY 540 State. - 27may6 KOOM HOUSE. Tel. 13 90-J. 916 PER MONTH. 27may3tf BUNGALOW IV PALMER OOTTRT Cinch Roberta, TeL 1354. 97apr?8tf FOR RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE. 2173 State St. . Madera ascent basement. Iuble garage, only 824.60. Must la for 1 year. 27may5tf C KOOM FCRNI8HED HOUSE. 980 IN ouire 1183 Marion, TeL 1911. 27may7 HE ROOMS. BASEMENT. GARAGE. coraer 23rd and State St. will lease l-r the year for $35 per month. Honse at 2318 State street. TeL owner a3.R, S7may6 RENT 5 ROOM MODERN BUN gain 2t43 Portland Road I'm block uorth of Highland Are. Large lot o8xi75; plenty of flowers and shrub beries, tteaatifnl home. Only 930. an fornisned. See thia. then aee owner. ri73 State. 87may5tf LAUNDRIES sa .CAPITAL CTTT LAUNDRY The Laandry g Pare Materials." Telsphoae 195. 1864 Broadway. TRY" THE BOMB WET WASH jLATJK ry. TeL 171. 1856 B Street. J17f THE NEW 8ALEM LAUNDRY . THE WEIDEB LAUNDRY eUFObona it aa H. H1 TAILORS 84 Cmmo jok wiLliamb D. B. WANTEU muraiuuieoma 83 4- FURNITURE - PACKING rOB BEDS maata. Gi aee-Power rural tax Co. s ' . aoaotf CHRYSANTHEMUM PLANTS.- CHOICK mixed colors, z:e a useo ; perennials &. Mrs. - Hall, , cad of Bo 12th street. Bos 26. 15m7 WANTED PRIVATE MONET FOB farm loaaa. Wa bare aereral eppliea tioaa oa hand. Hawkfaa Roberta, lac 205 Oregon Bide. . SSdtdtf MATTRESSES -So WAITRESSES RENOVATED BT THE Capital City Bedding Oa, 1190 Berth Capitol. Called for aad delivered. All work guaranteed. Tl. 19. fl9tf FOR 8 A LB 97 OT FOR BALK IN SOUTH RALKM. 37mayl2 Tel. 134.VW. YEARLY SAVOW POTATOES FOR seed. 1005 Broadway. 37may7 BLACK DIRT FOB 8AJ.C IB EITHEB North or South Balaam Reasonable. Tel 7tM 7dtf FOR SALE Lire Stock 89 FOX TERRIER PUPPIES. BOTH sexes, aiely marked, pure bred, priced cheap to move quickly. Tel. 49F23 (Salem) or writ Mrs. Frank Jones. Jefferson, Ore.. Rt. 1. 39mltf VETERINARIAN 88 FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN Office 529 8. CommerciaL TeL 1198. Res. Tel. 1666. 28U WOOD FOR SALE 48 16 INCH OLD FIR. Telephone 142. 43m7 16 INCH WOOD. . 86.09 PBB CORD. Delivered. Phone 1786. 48-M-20 16-INCH OLD FIR, $4.25 PER LOAD. 16-inch green mill wood, 93 per load. 3 loads of green mill wood 914. TeL 2313. 43may8tf DRY SMALL 16-INCH SECOND growth for 17-per cord. Alto big sec ond growth and old fir.' C. TJ. Har baurh. 1038 Highland Are. TeL 1890. 43may36 16-INCH OLD FIB WOOD. TEL. 43May20 185I-M. 6 INCH OLD FIR. CHAS. CHRISTEN- sea. TeL 1736. 43mayl5 GOOD DRY WOOD sr. TeL 930. FOR YOU D. Lara 43aprl6tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. TeL 72FSV M. D. May field. 43fl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1866 Telephone 529. 4SaS0tt BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16 Inch. Large load are cheaper to hay. Mill wood is our specialty. Prompt delivery aad reeeonaoie price. FRED E. WELL 280 8. Chare h. TeL 1842. 4Sd9tf MEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Tel. 517-W. POULTRY AND EGGS 45 FRVS FOR SUNDAY DINNER 2 I.BS. Tel. 32F21. Lee's Hatchery. 4omayi;i HATCHING EGGS. TEL. 2056-J. 45mayl0 PURE TANCRED WHITE LEGHORN baby chis for May 12th delivery. 912 per. hundred. 8110 per thousand. H. F. Lovelin, Silverton, Ore.. Rt, 2. 45m7 BABY CHICKS EVERY TUESDAY AND Wednesday. "Yon raise our chicks, they'll raise your profits." Seven varieties. Prices ressonab'e. Salem Chickeriea, 264 N. Cottage St. 45may9 CHICK, CHICK. CHICK "OUR chicks live to makf yonr liv inc." Open range, healthy stock: I .breeds. Social reduced prieea now in etfect. FLAKE'S PETLAND 27? State. Salem. Ore. 45may4tf ELECTRIC BROODER FOB BALE Only one left, A new brooder ef 250 ehiz capacity, well known make, never naerated will be sold at a discount. Can be aeon at the Statesman office Ask for Mr. Stiffler. 45ml8tf BABY CHICK 8 AND CUSTOM HATCH - ing. Expert help, most modern aoero ment. Chicks for sals, all breeds. every Monday. Settings four days each week, TeL 82181. Lea'a Hatch' ery. 5fl0tf PRODUCE WE PAY CA8H FOR POUL- try. errs. pork, veal aad hides. Ws carry feed and poultry supplies, here and at Silverton. Withers Noel Pro dnee Co.. 260 Ferry. Tel. 125. 46f8tf MUSIC STORES 40 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- grapha, sawing machines, shoe maaie and piano studies. Repairing" phoao- grapna ana aewmg maebiaea, 438 knots street, sal em. NEWSPAPERS 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency, me Aee. TeL . rHE OREGON STATESMAN 50 CENTS per month delivered to yonr home eaiiv each morning. Tel. 28 or 588. NURSERY STOCK 48 PANSY PLANTS, STEELE'S GRAND Mastodon. J lakes ifetiand, Z78 State. i . 49aprl8 PAPERHANGING 80 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorstiag, peperhanging, tinting, etc riefiabie workmen. PAIN 60A CHAS. .BENNETT. PAINTING CON tractor, painting, paper hanging, V283-J. l7 wt Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 81 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 92300 will handle business shewing fine profits. Splendid opportunity for right party, see as today. 8OC0LOF8KT 80N Firat Nat'l Bank BIdg. ? SlntayStf MINUTE MOVIES STtR SERIAL HAWbS o? THE LAW ewsoDB ZO ( AlMy GOOD 11 tc inSCELLANEOCS 01 PAINTERS "-SBAUED BIDS) WILL. BE roeatved at otfteo of -andaraigned. for painting of exterior of Chriatiaa ehareh, in Defies, Polk eonnty, Oregon, ac cording to specifications, rales and reg ulations, a ,iig office, copy of which will The anpptied to proapeetiro bidders upon request. Bide to close at & o'clock P. M. Mar 21. 1927. H. A. JOHNSON, Trees. Pallas, Oregon. 51mayS PIANO FOB SALE IN 8AXM VIOIN ity, pay $10 month. Bonntitml aUnd ard snake; bargain far ejniek sale. For partiealara address O. F. Head rick, fee to ry piaao odiaator, 418 North Bore Are, Beattlo. SlaaaylO ALL TYPES CERTAINEED SHINGLES laid over old "wood eninglea or on new work. Highest ouality made; prices range from 87.50 to 99. Cobba-Mitchall Co., Lumber, 349 So. 12th Bt. TeL 813. 51apr20tf OUR CUSTOMERS ARB OUR BEST boosters boeanao whea wo do year welding, 'tis dona, not yen. Electric aad acetylene welding, large and emalL a D. Oppen, 695 Mill St. Tel. 873 and 2086-J. 51m6tf BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL- ry, uana, 1 ooie. Bicycles, etc. esiar Ezehaege. 824 N. Com I. TeL 856. FOR 8ALEX SCAVENGER CALL. 167. 61fl0-'2S FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE- pairiag. Gisse-Powere Furniture store. 51s20tf PACKING AND SHIPPNG 52 FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING aad ahippiag, eall gtiff'a Furniture Store, TeL 941. PIANO TUNERS 84 THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER, NOW at the Portland Mnsio Co. 955 N. High. Have yonr piano tuned by one who has had yearn of experience ia the work. 8a3tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piaao tenor. Leave orders will's Maaie Store. PRINTING 68 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS, PAMPH- lata, programa, hooka or any kind of nrintinc. call at the 8tateamea Print ing Department, 215 8. Commercial Tel SM8. MONEY TO LOAN 87 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5H. F. I Wood. 841 States Bt. 57m7tf MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE -Cupper h 8impson, 411, Masonic BIdg. 57mayll P. H. BELL, 219 U. 8. BANK BLDG. Realdeaee aad basiaass loans. TeL 607 or 2141-W. 67apr7tf PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL estate. Soeolofsky Son, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 67may8 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Beet terms obtainable. Oar inaeraaee deportment offers yea I pert adviae aad service ia all llnea. HAWKIN8 6) ROBERTS fine.) TeL 1427. 905 Oregon Bldg. 67M0tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND oa estv oroporty. B. B. Martin a u. R. Martin, nttorneya, 418 Oregon Building. Tel 2084 67mL0tf DISAPPEARING MORTGAGES We make loans on res idence property. Month ly payments. Reason able, rates. No delay. STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 703 Firat Nationsl Bsnk Building. 57J3 WANTED LOANS 8 WANTED Private snoney to loan am ESTATE. W. BL ORABENHORBT A CO 34 & Liberty St. 69026tf PLUMBING AO PLUMBINO AND REPAIRING REA aonable Estimates. A. L. Godfrey. 127 Union St, TeL 495 W. 60fl6tf PLUMBING AND GENERAL. REPAIR work. Graber Broa 154 8. Liberty. TeL 550. - 19tf BUS. OPPORTUNITIES 01 RADIO Radiolas For ererY purpose, for arery pnrta- All standard sites of Kaaio in Dee, HAI.IK A EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 335 Court 8. TeL 488. eveprl7tf REAL ESTATE 0S FOR SALE ALMOST MODERN 5-ROOM bouse at 298 N. 23rd St. 63may8 LOTS LOTS LOTS 91750 Lot 50x165, close in, easy term. 91250 Lot 50X1KU, on o. in i a bi. 91500 Fine lot on Ssginaw. 8150O Fine lot on N. Summer St. 8 950 Lot 62x62 H N. Summer St. 9 700 Lot on 23rd. close to State. 9 700 Lot 52Vsxl28 on N 14th St. 9106 down. - . 500 Lot on y. 13th; $10 down, a smi Tit an N. 4th. navinc psid. S1C50 Fine lot on N. Church, south ef Belmont. $ 375 Lot on N. 4th. subject to par inc. Lota in. all parts of the city. Money to loan. MELVIN JOHNSON - 820 n. S. Bank Bide. Tel. 637. . 63apr80tf A COUPLE BARGAINS Sis-room home, modern except fur nace.' eloee in on North High. Price e.3100. Hood terms. . Four-room new, modem - home, well 'furnished, just off of North Capitol. Price for-all 83800. Good terms. Sis-room modern home, except base ment, in perfect condition. on psved street, just off Btste. fnee ssoau Borne terms. , KALFlf REALTY CO. No. 462 State St. 63may6tf "sTr.e.-r TOM'S wouno. TLf A- To WN DlH, UIHQ ATTER- "XrlE. HOLD-UP, IS RIDING fcfcCV TO HS 5 VXJMTAMOAeM : OMW30SU v rvs "THE BANDIT I 1 v 0FH5f SHACK , es FOR SALE STORE BUILDING AND reeideaee, earner lot, 4 .atoeae ens, 913.000. F. 1. Wood, 941 State St. etaoraatf NEW HOIJjOW TILE STUCCO FIVE ROOMS AND NOOK largo floored attic, a Irge living room and dining room with fireplace and hard wood floors: fall Dutch kitchen U wir ed for range. Full cement basement; pipe furnace: laundry trays. Gsrsjre ?aved street and walk. $5259. ONLk 500 each will handle. TRIANGLE, REALTY COMPANY, r "Headquarters for Home" 421 Court St. . Ground Floor ' 63mayTU FOR RENT FURNISHED AND . UN- fiiraisbed Apt. A I no hoasea. Uertruea J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. 6.1ms jltf 1 1 ", 1 m ' FOR RKNT ADULTS LAROE. MOD ern A pertinents with garage n:ii. Ready to errupy at 2075 Fairrrounda. . owner at Beilding or Be-ke A Hen dricks at 189 N. High atroet. Pnoae 161. 6amayt FOR SALE BY OWXER Seven-room, modern home on North Summer street. Oaks Addition Very choice residence district. See owner at 703 First National Bank Building, 63may5tf LOW PRICED HOUSES $ 750 $1000 $1200 $1400 $1700 17."0 $1800 $2000 4 rooms, garage. $300 down. 4 rooms and bath, garage, wood shed. $300 cash, 4 rooms, large lot, garage.- . 3 rooms, pavement, garage, wood ahed. $500 down, 3 rooms, large lot. Terms, 4 rooms, plastered, hear ing fruit. $M) cash, car as part pay ment, 4 rooms, large lot. ' $500 down, 3 room, large let, nice shade, garage. SOCOLOFfiKY 80N First Natl Bank Bldg. 63may6tf TODAY'S SPECIAL Owner away, must sell at a sacrifice price tor a quick deal, real cosy, 5 room cottage, neat snd clean; 'has fire place. Immediate possession. Electric light, good pluuibtng, bath. Urge lot, good so. I. Vrice $i500. Also a fine large lot. Paving paid; for $900 rat.li or 930 on term, well located and both properties are worth good deal more. 1 hate also a fine 10-acre tract, lot of fruit. Old buildings to close estate. Price $2000, cost $4700. ANo nifty 5 room bungalow. Best in town lor $4Oo. A runner one lor ts.lnoo; one at $7500; large lot, paving paid, $4."0 or two tor 8j0. For the best buys in new modern bungalows and vacant lots. See LOUIS BECHTLL, Realtor. 341 State Street . Tel. 303. ASK FOR MR. BECHTEL o3nia7tf MODERN NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, just finished, esst front, on paved alreet, small payment down. Balance like rent. 5-rooin plastered house snd garage. E. front, close to State St. Only $2000; f200 down aud balance Lke rent. 5-room plastered house snd garage, K. front, lot Stixlt5. Lots oi fruit. All for $2450; $200 down, balance $20 per month, including interest. 5-room house located in North 8a-. lem for exchange for a 6-roooa bouse ia Longview, Wash. 5 acres with new 5-room plastered bouse at a saerifiea, all in cultivation; price 92650; 115u down, near Keller school. 3 -acre chicken ranch, new modern bungalow and good modern chicken houses. 450 laying heua. Ranch ful ly equipped. Will trade for Salem residence. income property to trade for Salem residence property. See OASK1LL A KARLt, Realtors. 160 8. Liberty St. TeL 2242. t3uiaydti GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION UN THE PACIFIC COAST We iave over 8000 pro pert iee listed for eebaug. A very a.ma vt propots, eveiy price, every location. We oa , match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would tike to trade your property f-ODAY, come in TODAY. Bee UABK1LL. EA&LE, Realtor. 16tf U. Liberty. tel. s42. 63aprl5tf ON ACCOUNT OF PRESSING INDEBT ednefa widow will make special price aud terms oa lo, 15, or 20 acres of her farm situated just 5 miles from Satem, in excellent fruit and ' berry section. Call for information. A. C. BuHKNSTKDT Realtor Loan Insurance ' 147 No. Com'l Bt.. Salem.-Ore. ? oamaytttf FOR SALE BY OWNER" Eight lots. on paved street. All for $1400 cash. See owner at 703 First Nat'l Bank Building.. . 63mi5tf TO EXCHANGE - 2 Vi ton track for good lot. 1 acre with 5-room house for house in Satan) and nay difference. -12 V4 acres with ood house for land on coast, tt-reom onae close ia for land with creek aad timber. See TH0MA8ON. 320 State St. With Leo N. Child Co.. Realtors, 63my4tf MODERN NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, just fiaished. east front, on paved street, small payment down. Balance like rent. 5-room plastered house and garage. K. front, close to State Bt. Only $2000; $.200 down and balance like rent. 5-room bouse located in North Sa lem for exchange for a 6-rooiu bouse in Longview. Wash. 8-acre chicken ranch, new modern bungalow and good modern chicken houses, 450 laying hens. Ranch full? equipped. Will trad for Salem resf- . deace. ' Income property to trade for Salem residence property. See GASKILL A EARLE, Realtors. 1 168 S. Liberty St. Tel'. 2242. 63my?tf OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K FOR SALE Clowe in lot on N. Church St. Price $1200. Paving paid. Corner lot near the Holly wood theater, price $500. $10 does, $10 per month. Seven-room house and ga rage, east frout. Price $1300; $3M cash, balance $15 a month and int. KRUEGER, Realtor. 147 N. Com'l 8u TeL 217. K 6.1ms to O KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KO r taklSMrNiT ' P- T TPfe VAIN7 AGAlIi VTAJ ME -'A3 REAL ESTATE ; ' S VQ& A iWltE vbROTHER. POT ONS FALSE FiKDS THAT , VHAS TAKE 0S . SPECIAL FOR SALE A SNAP A nino-rooaa. modern, la fine shape and well located, clear of deb. Made - lata three aparunenta. Faraitare goes - with , two apartmonta. Price 86&00. ; Rente as foilowa. One four-room apartmeat $30. One three-room apart ment $30. aad one . two-room epart 1 aseat $25.: On farage $4, Total rent - $89 a nsonth or $1068 per year. Will Uke $300O eaah aad carry back a mort gage for $3500 at 7 Pr cent. Buy . hia. ; pay year taxes and interest out ef the income and have 35 per eent iatereat on the 9300O i a Tea ted. The lot ia worth $2500. F. I WOOD GEO. F. PEED . 341 State St. S3may3tf OH! LOOK 5 ' NEW 4-IIOOM AND BREAKFAST ALCOVE, rortajie on;"pard lret in jrood district: cement basement ; fur nace'; fireplace;. hsrttwood, .floors: Dutch kitchen: wired electric range; garage; fruit tre. COZY ATYKAC itH IIO.MK REDUCED TO 3475. fr.OU down Kulaoee like rent. TKIANtJI.E REALTY COMPANY "Meadqnarters for llomen" 421 Court St. Ground Floor' GOOD ftOMES $9000 Pine 8 room home on N. Capi tol St. Terms. $6750 Fine English type 6-room "bun galow, close in oa Stste St. Easy terms. $r.2".0 Fine English type bungalow on S. Church. Terms. $6000 New 7 room English type bun galow, modern in every way. Terms. : $5000 New 6-room . modern bungslow, good location, $500 down. $3150 New 4 room modern bungslow, 200 down. , -.' $M.1.r.O 5-room bungslow, batemeat, fur nsce, $35n down. $.1250 Six room heme oa N. Commer cial St. Large east front lot, $250 down. ' $3750 New modern 4 -room bungalow oa N. 23rd St. $5O0 down. ' Many other good homes to select from. Money to loan, MELVIN- JOHNSON 820 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Tel. 637. " 63apr30tf ' SPECIAL .Furnished- 4-roora borne in good lo cation, good lot, woodhouse. Look it ver and make an ofTer. Small pay ment down. BERTHA ZUEHLKE 671 N. Capitol St. R3nay7 SPECIAL New l room stucco bungalow modern in every way, paved street and garage, $3650. We'll taket lot as first pay ment. New 4-roora stacco bungalow, mod ern except basement, good location $2800, easy paymenta or will take lot aa first payment. Mnnev mi loan. MELVIN JOHNSON, 320' U. S. Bank Bldg. TeL 637. 63mayltf INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $500 down and balance terms will handle 5 acres close in, three room house, bsrn, welL running water. Price $3500. $500 down and balance terms will handle a fine improved acre tract in Salem Heighta. 6 room house, basement, furnsce, fireplsce. Price $3200. $150 down and balance terms will handle three room house snd large lot, all in bearing cherriea. Price $2100. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month buy 1 acre all ia bearing cherriea. Price $650. $ 25 down and balance $10. per month buys 5 seres on the Oardaa road. Price $1500. $ 10 down aad balance $10 per month buy io acres of fine fruit toil, all , militated. Price $1250. $100 down sad balance $20 per month buys 0 acres, small shack, walL Price $2500. $200 down buys 7 H acre' tract, eld house and barn, some fruit, some fine tim . ber. locsted south, close in. Price $2200. int. 6 per cent. $100 down snd balance terms bnya 5 acres close in, some fine timber. Price $250 per sere. If it is small installment acreage that you are looking for. see :Jf W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Realtors 134 8. Liberty 8t. i 63a29tf 6 ACRES. ON PAVED HIGHWAY, 7 room bungalow, fireplace. electric lights, bath, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, beautiful shade trees, would make fine chicken farm. Very close in. Family fruit and berries, , $6500, This is a real hone. i acre, i-roorn modem nome on street car line, bearing walnuts. $5000 25 acres, fruit, berries and nuta. on creek, good buildings, near Keiser achool, $12,000. Win take city prop erty. ,2i vWINNIE'PETTYJOHN.' Realtor. 7175 8. High St. 68may3tf Trade -a are our specialty 40-a. bottom ' ; land with buildings will trade for small acrea-ge suitable for chickens. IB to 93500. Whst have you to - offer for ' exchange on equipped 40-a. dairy farm. See u about it at once. Yu can ask; nothing better than this 1:2 -a. tract fine land, some fruit 1-3 crop oats go with it all at $3150. A soap.- - Have thia new . entirely modern 4-room bungalow shades, electrie water neater, garage, lawn graded, ia north Satem near Jason Lee church. Price for quick tale, $3600. Terms. For $6000. we offer one of the best 15-a. diversified fruit and poultry raaenee a valley close in on good road with fine buildings. Recently reduced in price on account oi owner a health. A bargain 3 lots 6-room house What abundance of frnit paved street north and east. Let as show you this property. Price too low te quote. Yon should aee tHia, 4-room and nook, plastered bungalow,- just finished, sjziao. Want ed. soma on with 8300 to bnv -raon new nnagaiow witn una' A"' ment. garage, etc., at 82600. : ULRICH A ROBERTS. Realtors.- 129 North CommerciaL $3mayl0 . WEEK END SPECIALS 4-room modern new home $3400 Another .$3475 Another " ....$3OO0 Another, nearly new, repainted ..$3500 3-rootn, one year old .........$3400 Aonther, two years old .....$33.r0 rnms new .$4250 7 -room old, good condition $2200 8. room, old, good condition, close in- ... .. $3200 We have many other homea both jv and old, but have selected these to meet the pocket hook. I Splendid list of rent houses. ' Farms and suburban for tal and exchange. - One 51 -acre farm, we could almost guarantee 10 per cent profit from with even fair management., . BOSO with JOS. BARBER 200 Gray Bldg. , 125 N.. Liberty 1 ' 3maytf lAKtr4 MV UiHOLB MONTH'S SAVIN $ WW VCV)'' -THE .WG BUNi GQNHA xbtt EUDDlfs? VO A ti&i! REAL ESTATE VClLlXT.CfOLy :; lb EE M&T fey THE ' r ' -TrtOUfclE- worn i 9 0S 18 ACRES GOOD SEMI-MODERN house, tarn, chick hoeae. 1 sallea Monmouth. Normal eehoeL weet aide rsvemeat, Fiae ait for read market. 70OO might coaaidar haaae ia Balem, OUT DEM ING ; Wills me tie V alter Land Menmoetk, Ore. 63mayl6 lOO-A. FARM NEAR. SALEM, LAY8 Tiaa. all ia cult, price $100 . per acre. Easy terms or take residence for part. - Good 5 room bang alow, nice eoraer, 2 fine lots $a500, want acreage. Imndy S room 1.0 nralow cloee in, all modern f50u easy Mm. . $.1000 to loan en farm. $2000 to loan or farm. $1200 to loan on residence. $1000 fo hmn on residence, PERRIKF. A MARSTKRS 312 Commercial Club Bldg. A3mayltf PRIVATE MONEY WANTED To J.OX on real estate. TRIANGLE REALTY, 421 Court. ::ni?:f WANTED ON'K ACRE OR MORE UPOX which a soldier a bonus ran be placed in exchange for -lately 4-room. modern home in Salen-. Must lie w thin ten miles of Saleinv No objm-tion to part improved. Btd -:h JOS. II RBF.R TOO Gray Bldg. 133 N. Liberty FURNISHED 3 ROOM MODERN. HOUn and dandy good lot for $1830. Terms. Tim property in worth seeing. NORTH SUMMER ST. HOME SEVEN" rooms, la rife porches and hallways; Te rPt n moms will pav for prop erty. Three bloeka from State House. 54 ACRE FARM. WILL TRADE FOR S;i lem iK-f- LANE M0RLEY ft CO, 4!3 First A at. rtuk rtluic. " 63msy7tf LISTEN! HOUSES AND LOTS ON many streets at prices hard to beat. Come and see them any day: buy them the installment way. City and subur ban property, farms and t imberland. PAYNE with Bohrnstedt. 147 N. Com mercial St.. tel. 30b3-J. SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES New 4-room ..bungalow. Built ina and breakfast nook. Good plumbing and light fixtures. Oarage, paved street. Owner moving away and re duced price to $2815 with $650 cash. 5-room plastered house. Plumbing and electric lights. Large lot with shade trees. Close to bus line and achool. A sacrifice for $1500. 5-room house, garage and woodshed. Large lot with garden and fruit trees. Price only $1300, cash $200. balance $;0 per month. 5 choice lots ia N. Sslera with few .large apple trees. $1400 will buy them all. Easy terms. ' s N. Church St. lot 50x4 30 ft. East front. $450. Another ons close by for $350. For best buys in homes or vacant lots SEE LEO N. CHILD8 CO.. Realtors. 320 State Street. Tel. 1727. , 63m3tf FURNISHED ROOMING- HOUSE CLOSE in and money maker, $9500. Apt. house close ia $8500. Apt. house furnished; business Iocs tion, $10,000.- Take house and lot for payment down. 6-room honse, 3 garages, close in. $4500. 5-room, new bungalow, $5500. 5 acres, all ia cherries, attractive bungalow close to Salem, trade for house and lot. GERTRUDE J. M. PA0E 402 N. Cottage St. 63mayltf NEW MODERN "ROOM HOUSE, BY owner. Tel. 97F12. 63apr28tf OWING TO SICKNE8S. I MUST SELL a ou-aere (arm all in cultivation, -most ly all fenced with woven wire, prae tically new house; good, large barn, all stack and equipment goea with this place. Would consider taking small bouse aa part payment. lor partiea lara aee my ageat, O. T. Wodsworth, Gervaia, Or. 63M20 FOR SALE NEW 5 ROOM BUNG A low $2600, $50 down, balance Uke rent, TeL 620. 68aprl5tf TAXIDERMIST OS TAXIDERMIST SHOP E. B. WIG tgina. Prop., 1145. Norway. Neer Woodry'a Aaetioa Market. TeL 2261-W. REAL ESTATE SabartMta 09 NEW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOR aale oa terme like rent, doable eon struct ton. fully plumbed, electrie fix tures. etc 4 rooms aad breakfast aook, garage, etc. One half aero ef fineet rardea lead. Price 98100. carle 1 Abrama. .1465 Chemeksta Bt. Tel. 1894-J. - ' ' " ' 6fl8tf TRANSFER HAULING 70 WE MOVE. 8TORS AND SHIP HOU8E- hold goods. Our specialty ia piano aad faraitare moving. We also make eoua try tripe. Wa haadl the boat coal and wood. Call oa aa for prices, We give food measure, goo, quality . aad good aerviee, Larmer Transfer Co. TeL 930. TBAN8FZR AND HAULING kind. .TeL 7 8 Fa. OF ALL SALEM TRANSFER FUEL 00. Local and Loaf . Distance Healing, Storage aad FueL 899 8. High. TeL 529. ,7O30tf CAPITAL CTTY TRAN8FEB CO. 226 State 84. Tel. 933. Distributing, for warding and atorago our specialty. Get our rates. WANTED Real Estate 71 LISTINGS WANTED We have eersral calls for small pay ment down. Homes asodera aad aei modern. If you are la need of money see us at one, perhaps we- can aelp ye long. let W. Bell, 609 Bk, of OoauB. TeL 484. Fir Iasuraaes. 7tm9tf TRAVEL 70 TRAVEL Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably la , buses of the Parker Stag Liaea. STAGES LEAVE FOR Silverton 7 a. as.. 11 a. m 5 a, as, Mt. Aagel 11 a. m S p. m. Dallas 7 a. m, 9 a. m., 1:29 a. m. Falls City 7 a. at., 2:10 p. as, 5:15 a, as, '- ' ; ' : - Independence 7 a, at., 9 a. at,, 11:15 a. u, 8;10 p. ou 5:16 p. m., Baa day only 8:30 p. m. Monmouth 7 , m.. 11:15 a. wu, 3:10 p. aa.. 6:15 p. m. ' Suaday only 7:10 p. BL, 8:80 p. m. MeMinnville 8:80 a, m, 3:10 a. aw.' . 5:15 a. am. Nawbergt 8:30 a. bl, 2:10 P. at, 5:15 p.. at. Tillamook 8:80 a. m., t:10 p.-as. Call 22? or 696 for information. d88t NtT TiNlP I REAL ESTATE f LL SVIOMJ SOME' STgAD . ; AN HOORs? RIDE, . DAM ARRIVES AT Ml? CABIN' ;. HAS yDUR GAL'? rieN-Fetrl etEN CUM&W' 73 tt. A. WEST. RT. 8. BOX 103 -A. TEL. 110F5. 8 Bailee eest ea Oardea Bead. WATER 74 SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO. Office 804 Poeth Commercial SL Tea . per real discount oa domeati flat rota paid ia adraae. N dedaetioa for ab sence r any csase a ales water ia ah at off your premise. . v. AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS BIKER AUTtt T7ml2tt USED CARS FOR SALE 79 MARMON CHANDLER. M?iy Specials Real Ba rgal ns , We have the rsr you want for fish ing, huntin, and touring in rebuilt,. reduced and gae aver, used ears. Come up sad inspect our liaa. DEMONSTRATIONS FREELY GIVEN ' nere are a few cars that are duller for dollar value. Marmen Coupe. . ? - I Maranon Sedan. Willys-Knighf 3 Model 70 Sedan 192d Hudson Brougham. Hudson Sedan. Buick Coupe. Chrysler Roadster. Willys-Knight Sport Touring. ' Willys-Knisht Touring. . m Overland 6 Dc- Luxe Sedan. Overland 4 Sedan. 2 Cleveland Touring. Cleveland Croupe. 2 Dodge Tourings. - Willys-Knight Model 64 Sedaa. Dort Touring. Ford Coupe. Ford Roedster. . Ford Tourings. - ' ' - Prices from $35 to $2750 .' Liberal Terms. - . Trades Accepted. MacDonald Auto : Co. Open Evenings and Sundays -Cottage and Ferry St. Tel. 409. Salem. Oregon. MARMON CHANDLER. Here Are 112 Bargains in Used transportation. 1921 Ford Touring, starter ... .$100 Painted snd overhauled. 1918 Hup 4 Touring ,.;...$230 A real good Car. 1922 Ford Touring $165 A dandy. 1922 Iodge Roadster . 250 O.K. 1920 Overland Touring $150 In good shape, 1920 Franklin Touring $385 Repainted Overhauled. 1022 Study Special Club Touring. $575 1922 Study Special Six Touring. $575 fi good tires, lots of extras. 1923 Big Six Coupe Sedan $1100 la wonderful shape. 1925 Chandler Chummy Sedan ..$950 New paint, overhauled. 1921 Franklin. Two-DooSeJan ..$J85 A peach of a car. . 19C4 Willys-Knight Sedan ..$900 A pledge car. , STUDEBAKER USED.CAR PLEDGE 1 Every need car is conspicuously marked with ita price in plaia fig ures, and that price, just ss the price of our new cars, is rigidly maintained. 2 AH . Studabaker automobiles which , . are .sold a XERTlEQiU C A RS, hs va been properly reconditlooed," and carry a 80-day guarantee for re' placement of defective parte, and iree service on sajustments. 13 Every purchaser of a used iar may drive it for five days, and then, ,if not satisfied for any reason, tnra . it back and apply the' money paid as a credit on the purchase of any other car in stock new or -used. . (It is ssumed that the car has not been damaged in the meantime.) Convenient Terms at Lowest Rates. We Now Have Ertkiaea for Delivery,'' Marion Auto Company Studebaker and Erskiue Sis Dealers for Salem and Marion- County. Ask for R, U Gibbin. - Used Car Dept. 235 South Coail St. Telephone 362. USED CAR LOT ' NEXT TO FIRE . STATION ON CHEMEKETA LOT 1 . PHONE 2117. , ., ' ; 79may$ Dependable Used Cars 1921 Ford Coup $125 1923 Ford Coudo. hirh back, new paint $250 1923 Dodge Touring, special price. $300 . 1924 Overland Touring, lota of extras --.-y- . -...$250 1924 Chevrolet Touring, complete- -ly rebuilt., top and paiat $275 tjnevroiet . Koadster, over hauled -1 .. ,..$265 Newton Chevrolet Co. !. 79may6tf O I Oenerskl XarketB -1 -O LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. May . AP Cattle and calves no early trading, inquiry about steady; receipts no- cot lie, 1 car sheep. Calves', medium to choice, milk fed ex cluded $8.00(10:50: vealers. medium and rhoie 610.006t 1.2.50: culls and Mmmu .Mlfl 10 :OO. " Hoes steady;" no receipts. . Feeder and stocker pigs 70-13O pounds, medium, gooiL choice $10.5011.50. ilieep and Ismbs nominally steady; re ceipt 305 on contract. .. VEOETA8U8 PORTLAND, May . fAP) The first Oreaon lettuce of fhe season wss oa the market from The. Italic today. it was fresh and fine looking but the heads were not hard enough to meet the ideas of the trade. The market is bare of rahba d one is expected until, next week. ' The last stocks cleaned up . at $7.60 per ewt, By Ed Whcelan WDhir - SI 1BM1T SO BAS-- H BACK WELL DRILLING r USED CARS FOR SALE 79 Better Automobile Values .tnilebsker Redan, late model. Ituick Roadster, waster, f v ! Chevrolet Touring. , Dodge Touring Essex Touring. , Muick Touring, excellent shspe. Ford Coupe, late model. Hudson Sedan. v 04dsaaohile Sedan, like new. 4M,reobi Coach. 4 Ford Touring Cars. Nash Sedan, - late model. Nash Tourings. " yStudebaker Touring. SEE THESE EXCELLENT VALUES BEFORE YOU BUY. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 4 3(15 North Commercial Street. Telephone ItrtO . . 'Afler we sell We erve" 79may7tf Vick Bros. Used Cars 1926 Poutisc Coach J 1124 Oakland Touring li 6 Ford Roadster - 1926 Ford Coupe 1924 Dodge Sedaa .$72 . tio l . $39 I . $tar. .$55 1925 Star Touring ... . 1924 Overland Sport Touring 1923 Dodge Coupe ..$37S -27 $400 1822 Buick Roadster 1924 Chevrolet Coupe ..$323 .$225 Phone 1841. 280 Sonth High. Vick Bros. The House That Service Built. . 79r7 FORD SPECIAL BUG. IT'S A REAL racing car: just dolled up. Perfect condition. I 865 8. 13th St. after 5 p. m. 79may6 If You Owned These Fords, Vou Would Want More Mori ey For Them . . r Dont get the idea that a ased ear la one that failed to give its original wwner satisfaction. These Fords are prepared to give good service. 1923 Tourings ia excellent eoadi tion . $150 1924 Touring $175 t22 Touring J $ 1 1 1930 Touring .... 75 Coupes ....... .. $185 to $310 Two Sedaaa ea baud for - ...$ HO li4 Truck, cab and steel ex press body, overhauled and repainted $23.' Deliveries -. ; $100 te $S.r.O " Chevrolet Touring ,...,..,,,, 8 7S Overlend 6 Touring ,, -.,..$125. Valley Motor Co. Salem, Orefon. - 79spr80tf REO TOURING. 1934. last like Worth $eOO. Bacrtfic. for 8050. Tel. IMI:s1o, fft 5.4,-.;7ci4tf; PACKARD OLDSMOBlLB , Two TheBest Packard 7-passeagr sedaa, dueo paiat, A-t ahapo ....$IS Oakland edaa..lat model ..-$7M Jewett touring, late model TI Ford eoepe, late model $85 Earl sedan, ww paint, fod eondl- - tioa - T-.. $35$ Ford sedan.. a bargala - k..... 6123 ; Dodge tearing, a bargaisv -..$12a. . 8-4 tea Kepublie" truck pneunsatle flrea and starter .. 9200 . We -have only listed a few -of ear ' aaed ears above If yoa are intsreated ia good ussd ear com ia aad lookj . ur stock. a ver kefor ye bay. Capitol Motors. Inc. ' ''X;'- 860 N. High St. -. TaL 2126 . Biddy BisaOBv AL XoaAMlB. Two -: or The Best PACXARD OLDSMOBII.B 79apr2?U Warmer weather Is expected to ineress the supple of local vegetables next week: and to ripen some Oregon strswberries. PORTLAND. Msy 6. AP Milt stesdv; raw milk (4 per cent) $2.30 ewt. fob Portland. Butterfat 40e fob PorlH Poultry steady; heavy hen 23ff.2fV: light 20?2le: aprings nominal; broilersi 3uT31e; Pekia whit ducks 2e; .colored nominal; turkeya , live, nominal, dressed:, 37Onions. local " ' -: Potstoes $1.501.83 sack.- . . I ' , ' - v BAXET - ' , PORTLAND, ' May4 - .-(AP) Diiry Exchange, liet prices : ' . ... Butter, extras, standards .TO Virr prime firsts 3c; firsts 3He. Eggs., extras 22e; firsts 2Ie; pullets ; 20c; current receipts 19e. , . ' ' - , HAT ',. PORTLAND, May 6. P) Hay oay ing prices- - Eastern Oreaoa iinniuf ' a' I7fr-I7.50; cheat $14.50; . alfalfa $18(218.50; oat hay 4t4..'Mi: oat and vetch a16..017; straw i.'0 per ton. -Selling priees , $2 a ton mere. ;.. PORTLAXD GRAIW PORTLAND. May - ..AP WVeat bid: BRB hard wh't. ?"v . .t t ! US. Bsart, May. Jua al.dSl tt erstion, - soft white, westei a , 81.43. Juue 81.43 M: hard winter. War. Jun. $1.41 ; aort hera nringMsy June Oil t a. No. S, Jl twa wile t4. $1.43: -wester red May. June $1.40. Barley. No. 3. 45 peuad byv. sy, a.c. gray. Way, 'June, 39c.' $419.75. torn. No. I r.T stMpmenr, way, June. Millran, standard May, tlj.r.o, June. $33. OO. - f - CHICAGO ORJUir I1ICAOO, May .-(AP) Illin)" tea-islstioe aeekio to aM state .upervis- ion to present federal gncerning grain es- ssrM 'H arjeonsn etieev on graia vslues today, , especially wheat. Com, however, rallied abarpry ia the late Vhest clod unsettled to S eent act lower, aad corn unchanged to- Tr aigaer, oata -S(iVe off to -We up. VaWe of k manufacture i produced per worker In tbe Unite J States, which now totals $7473 per -year, bas Increased stead I'r durlnir the past few years as r -suit of Invention, of. laior-sar!:.-machinery, end greater cfrif' ; of "workers '.therasalyps. .17. have licrea?l as per car'i r - MOBRER TAILOR FOB MEN -3 7 comrt Bt. . w,e-.e7t..'--