The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    v" Saturday morning; may .7; 192Trr
r s
ir .
; If
The Oregon Statesman
t't,"i' ' t V hnU Daily Ecapt Maday 5" '
- S15 Soath Caaaaaarcial Straat. Bal.m, Oreeon
B. J. Haadrieka .- . - - Manager
Irl 8. MeSharrr - t
I City Kiiior
Ralph C? Cart i. -
4adr1 Baarh
1 - . (
Telegraph Editor
Society Editor
Tba Aaaaeiated Presa ia eicluairety aotitM to the aaa for publication of all aewa dii-
patch m croditad to it or aot other wia credited ia this paper and alio tba local aawt pub
lished hereia. .. ..b. v - -
i BUSUTESS orncEs:
O. B. Boll, S2S-22S SorarHy Bid., Portland, Or., Telephone Broadway 9240.
Tfcoaiaa K. Clark Co Nr York. 12136 W.3Ii St. ; Chicago, Marqaetta Bid.
Joty Stypoa. loc CaliforaU representatives, Sharva Bldg., Baa Francisco ; Chamber
, of UoaajDorco JMrt.. Loa Angelas. f
Revi Dept. 23 or 106
Boslaets Office
Society. Kditor ,
-23 or 63
Eatered at the Poat Office ia Ha I en,
May 7, 1927
The night is far spent, the day la at hand: let us therefore cast off
the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let
us walk honestly as in the day. Romans 13:12-13.
' The American' War Mothers believe there is no more fit
tinjj or beautif ul way to celebrate Mothers' Day than to pro-
' vide, carnations worn in honor of the motherhood of
America, the carnation. bein the flower used by their organ
ization and formally adopted at its national convention held
at Sacramentoj Cal., several years ago
, And they also think there is no organization that can more
fittingly do this work than, their organization, composed, as it
is, of the mothers who sent their sons to support this country
and its flag.
V The, American War Mothers are devoting their energies
and funds to assisting the service men and ex-service men in
1 EVERY WAY where assistance may be useful, and in assit
ing to create better Americanim, peace time patriotism, and
. more honor and respect for the flag
. And in order to assist in raising funds for this purpose it
has been the custom of the War Mothers to sell artificial
carnations on the day before Mothers' Day
"'All the proceeds going to the
Veterans. - - '- ;.- "
The custom has been endorsed by President Coolidge,
army officers, governors,' mayors and public officers generally.,-
- V.''
President Coolidge says: "I think the idea an excellent
one; particularly in view of its purpose to assist the needy
ex-service men.- You have my hopes for the fullest measure
of success in the enterprise."
si ' .General Pershing says: "I shall certainly wear a carna
tion on Mothers Day. Aside from any consideration of your
purpose in selling these flowers, it would be unthinkable that
,1 should -refuse a flower tendered by the American War
Mothers' -
" So- buy and wear a carnation today. v
Your 10 cents, added to millions of others, will give a vast
amount of help to disabled World war veterans. Every cent
, goes for that purpose. There are no salaries paid, nor any
overhead. It goes 100 per cent to the disabled veterans.
The Statesman is pleased to be able to say that the cam
paigns for grape growing are bearing fruit. There is no
reason why the Willamette valley may not have a large "grape
industry, with juice factories and jam and jelly factories.
Put still water in the Willamette, and the Willamette valley
will be able to reach the world markets at a much lower
freight cost than is available to the eastern grape juice dis
tricts. The whole improvement campaign outlined by the city
administration, to be submitted at the election of next month,
ought to be adopted. Salem is growing into a real city, and
its people should step out and preprae for the period of
greater progress that is just ahead. We can maintain indefi
nitely, the splendid reputation Salem has as the most pro
gressive city of its size in the Pacif ic northwest.
It will pay the neonle of
jf efforts or Falls City to get the road to the coast.-. It will
i brinST a great country into the Salem trading district. The
tiper road district? ought sustained and allowed to
- - "
The auto races at. the. fair grounds. this afternoon will
bring a big crowd to Salem from near and far places.
"Who ran to help me when fell,
An would some pretty story tell,
.Or kiss the place to make it well?
Notice is hereby given that the
Common " Coancil of t the City ot
Salem Oregon Invites sealed bids
for the making of an improvement
on North 18th street- In the' City
f Salem,- Marion county, ; Oregon,
from the north line of Nebraska
Avenue to the south curb line Of
Frlcker afreet with -rtk-i .-a.-r .4
; tncH' cement concrete iiaver
' ment;... .r-a;tv.p -ir.r-.., :r,l
" . 4 inch cement concrete base and
2 inch wearing surface;
' 4 inch cement concrete base and
1 V inch wearing surface; U "
. Inch cement concrete base and
a bituminous wearing surface;
, i Standard Bllulithie pavement
. . a - - a a. . , "
in Hccoraance wjin pians,
specifications and estimates on file
in the tfflce of the City Recorder,
which are hereby referred to and
made a part of this notice
' : Said bids "will be opened on or
after the 16th day of May. 1827,
at or about 8 o'clock p m. in open
council meeting In the city hall In
Ealem, Oregon. Each bid submit
ted rau-t fce accompanied by a cer
tlSed cLcck equal ia amount to tea
j,cf cr cf, ths amount of the bid.
Tfc9 Cty reserves the riht to re
ject S-y and a!I bids, and no bid-,
der will be permitted to withdraw.
luodify or explain his bid.
Thti tintfrtt It nn!!li?hPd fn Urn
W. H. Handeraa - Cirenlatioa Maaaxer
Ralph H. KUtsiag. Adrcrtiaiag- Manager
Frank Jaakaaki - - Manager Job Dept.
E.A. Rbotea - - - Umlwk Rditar
W. C. Caaaer - - - Poaltry Editor
Job Department
Cirealation Office
Oregon, aa aeeoad-cIaa matter
relief of disabled World warlfrom the south line of Hunt street
"" eE- w avVMWivu W VAA V
'My mother.?
j Jane Taylor
successive days In a daily news
paper published in the City of Sa
lem. Oregon, the date of the first
publication being May 6th, 1827V
- M. POULSEN. City Recorder.
. m 5-6-7-8-10 r ;
Notice. Is hereby, given that the
Common. Coancil of the City of
Salem, Oregon. Invites sealed bids
for the making of an Improvement
on South Cottage street tn the City
of Salem. Marlon county, Oregon,
from the south line of Electric
Avenue to the north curb line of
Hoyt street, with
6 inch cement concrete pave
ment; . . " v
4 inch cement concrete base and
2 inch wearing surface;
4 inch cement concrete base and
I ft Inch wearing surface;
6 inch cement concrete base and
a bituminous Wearing surface; i ,
Standard Bllulithie pavement;
in y accordance v with the plans.
specifications and estimates oa file
in the office of the City Recorder,
which are hereby referred to and
made a part of this notice.
. Said bids will be opened on or
after the 16th day ot May, 1927,
at or about 8 o'clock p. m. ia open
counell meeting In the city hall ia
Salem, Oregon. Each bid submit
IpH nttt h nri-nir.nanlr.rt h .aw
tilled check equal in amount to ten
per cent of the amount of the bid.
The City reserves the right to re
ject any and' all bids, and no bid
der will be permitted to withdraw,
modify or explain bis bid. " -
This notice Is published for Ave
successive days In a daily news
paper published In the City ot ta
lent. Oregon, the date of the first
publication being May Btb. 1927.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder,
m 5-6-7-8-10
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of
Salem, Oregon, invites sealed bids
for the making of an Improvement
on Columbia street In the City of
Salem, Marion county, Oregon,
from the east line of Myrtle Ave
nue to the east line of William
son's Addition, with .
6 inch cement- concrete pave
ment; - , . ..
'- 4 inch cement concrete base and
2 inch wearing surface;
4 Inch cement concrete base and
1 Inch wearing surface; -
6 inch cement concrete base and
a bituminous wearing surface;
Standard Bitulithic pavement;
in -accordance with the plans.
specifications and estimates on file
in the office of the City Recorder,
which are hereby referred to and
made a part of this notice.
Said bids will be opened on or
after the 16th day of May, 1927,
at or about 8 o'clock p. m. in open
council meeting in the city hall in
Salem, Oregon. Each bid submit
ted must be accompanied by a cer
tified check equal in amount to ten
per cent of the amount of the bid.
The City reserves the right to reject-any
and all bids, and no bid
der will be permitted to withdraw,
modify or explain his bid.
This notice is published for fire
successive, days in a daily news
paper published in the City ot Sa
lem, Oregon the date of the first
publication being May 6th, 1927.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder,
tn 5-6-7-8-10
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Coancil of the City of
Salem, Oregon, Invites sealed bids
for the making of an improvement
on Warner street in the City of
to tne south line of Progress Ag-
UlllUU, Willi
6 Inch cement concrete pave
ment; 4 inch cement concrete base and
2 inch wearing surface;
4 inch cement concrete base and
Vx inch wearing surface;
6 inch cement concrete base and
a bituminous wearing surface;
Standard Bit ulKhic pavement;
in accordance with the plans,
specifications and estimates on file
in the office of the City Recorder,
which are hereby referred to and
made a part of this notice. -
Said bids will be opened on or
after the 16th flay of May, 1927,
at or about 8 o'clock p. m. in open
council meeting in the city hall in
Salem, Oregon. Each bid submit
ted must be accompanied by a cer
tified check equal in amount to ten
per cent of the amount -of the bid.
The City reserves the right , to re
ject any and all bids, and no bid
der will be permitted to withdraw,
modify or explain his bid. -
This notice is published for five
successive days in- a daily news
paper published in the' City of Salem,-
Oregon , the date of the first
publication being May-ith. 1927.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder,
m 5-6-7-8-10
,. Notice is hereby given that the
Common- Council of the City of
Salem, Oregon, invites sealed bids
tor the making of an improvement
on Market street, in the City of
Salem, Marion county. Oregon,
from the east line of Eighteenth
street to the east line of city
limits. witS
6 inch cement concrete pave
4 inch cement concrete base and
2 inch wearing surface;
4 inch cement concrete base and
lVs inch wearing surface;
6 inch cement concrete base and
a bituminous wearing surface;
Standard Bitulithic pavements
in .accordance with the plans,
specifications and estimates on file
i the office of the City Recorder,
which are hereby referred to and
made a part of this notice.
Said bids will be opened on or
after the 16th day of May, 1927.
at or about 8 o'clock p. m. in open
council meeting in the city
Salem, Oregon. Each bid. submit
ted must be accompanied by a cer
tified check equal in amount to ten
per cent of the amount of the bid.
The City reserves , the right to re
ject any and all .bids, and no bid
der will be permitted to withdraw.
modify or explain his bid.
This notice is published for five
successive, days in a daily news
paper published in the City ot Sa
lem, Oregon, the date of the first
publication being May 5th. 1927.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder.
nx 5-6-7-8-10 ' ;
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of
Salem. Oregon, invites sealed bids
for the making Qf an inrprovement
on Laurel Avenue in the City of
Salem. , Marlon county, Oregon,
from the north line of South street
to the south curb line of Highland
Avenue, with
e inch cement concrete pave
ment: ..-.
4 inch cement concrete base and
2 inch wearing surface;
? 4 inch cement concrete base and
1 inch wearing surface;
6 inch cement concrete base and
a bituminous wearing surface;
Standard Bitulithic pavement;
in accordance with the plans
specifications and estimates on file
in the office of the City Recorder.
wnicn are nereby-referred to and
made a part o f t hla, n otice
; Said bids will be opened on or
arxer tne isth day of May. 1127
at or about 8 o'clock p. m. in open
council meeting in the city hall la
baiem Oregon. .Each bid submit
ted must be accompanied by a cer
tified check equal in amount to tea
per cent of the amount of the bid.
The City reserve the rlsht to re-
j .. . j 7 . . .
Contralto Delight- '
Monmouth Audience
After Program, Entertainment Is
Given at lenders Home
- -. , a ;
Monmouth. May 6. (Special.)
Margaret Matzenauer, distinguish
ed contralto of the Metropolitan
Opera company, appeared in con
cert in the auditorium of the Ore
gon normal school Thursday eve
ning. May 5. Matzenauer'8 con
cert was a special feature spon
sored by the normal school for
National Music week. In recog
nition of this fact. Madam Matz
enauer chose a program which was
particularly appropriate, many of
her encore numbers and one group
having been written by American
composers. , Matzenauer's wonder
ful pure tones, her radiant per
sonality, and the graciousness with
which: she responded to applause
entirely won her audience. The
students of. the normal school
greatly appreciated the opportun
ity of hearing this famous artist,
who was altogethr charming.
, Matzenauer was accompanied by
George Vause at' the piano. Mr.
Vause also gave several giano so
los, which were rendered with
wonderful technique. The deli
cate shadings and bewitching tones
of his Sea Chanty," by Grainger,
made this number very outstand
ing. His work is that of an art
ist. Mr. Vause is an Oregon man.
The; program given was as fol
lows: Aria, Ah! mon fils! from
Le Prophete, by Meyerbeer; Sap
phic Ode, Brahms; In meszo al
mar. Geni Sadero; Estrellita, by
Ponce; Chanson Norvegienne,
Fourdrain; Dawn in the Desert.
Gertrude Rosa; Lullaby, Cyril
Scott; Homing, Del Riego; Hills,
Frank LaForge, and Aria, . Mon
Coeur souvre a ta volx from Sam
son at Delila, Saint-Saaens.
After the concert. Madam Matze
nauer, her daughter Adrienne,
George Vause and their manager,
J. B. Barron, were entertained
very informally at the home of
President and Mrs. J. S. Landers,
who are old friends of Mr. Vause.
O : O
I Bits For Breakfast I
Buy a carnation
Help the disabled World War
Have you seen the beautiful
carnation exhibit in the window
ot the United States National
What troubles us as much as
any, if the probabilities of an un
der will be permitted to withdraw.
modify or explain his bid.
This notice is published for five
successive days in a daily news
paper published in the City Ql ba
le m. Oregon, the date ot the first
puDUCatlon oeing, a
M. POULSEN, City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City, of
Salem, Oregon, invites sealed bids
for the making of an improvement
on Wilson street in the City of
Salem, Marion county, Oregon,
from the west line of Commercial
street to the east curb line of John
street, with
6 Inch cement concrete pave
4 inch cement concrete base and
2 inch wearing surface;
4 Inch cement concrete base and
Vi inch wearing surface;
6 inch cement concrete base and
a bituminous wearing surface;
Standard Bitnlithic pavement;
in accordance with the plans,
specifications and estimates on file
in the office of the City Recorder,
which are hereby referred to and
made a part of this notice.
Said bids, will be opened on or
after the 16th day ot May, 1927,
at or about 8 o'clock p. m. in open
council'meeUng in the city hall in
Salem, Oregon. 1 Each bid submit
ted must be accompanied by a cer
tified check equal in amount to ten
per cent of the amount of the bid.
The City reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids, and no bid
der will be permitted to withdraw.
modify or explain his bid.
This notice Is published for five
successive days in a dally news
paper published in the City of Sa
lem. Oregon, the date of the first
publication being May 5th, 1927.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder,
m 5-6-7-8-10
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of
Salemy Oregon, invites sealed bids
for the making of an Improvement
pn Norway street In the City of
Salem. . Marlon connty. ' Oregon,
from the west line of 6th street- to
the east curb line of , Broadway
street, with ; ;
6 inch - cement concrete pave
.4 inch cement concrete base and
2 inch wearing surface;
4 inch cement concrete base and
IVi inch wearing surface;
.6 inch cement concrete base and
a bituminous wearing surface; --
Standard Bitulithic pavement;
in accordance with : the plans,
specifications and estimates on file
in' the office of the City Recorder,
which are 'hereby referred to and
made a part of thin notice.
Said' bids - will be opened on or
after the 16th day of May, 1927,
at or about 8 o'clock p." m. in open
council meeting in the city hall -in
Salem. Oregon.: Each bid submit
Ud must be accompanied by a cer
tified check equal in amount to ten
per cent ot the amount of the bid.
The City, reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids, and no bid
der will be permitted to -withdraw.
modify .or explain his bid.
.This notice is published for Are
successive days ia a 'daily news
paper published in the City ot Sa
lem. Oregon, the date of the first
publication being May Sth."1927.
. " t uuwit., ifcecoruef.
a ar : Ymrarvr a- r. . . a
certain future is, what. Is '.going
k become of horse sense when, the
auto drives the last horse away?
-ExT' '
It is suggested that "New Mex
ico" be dropped a,sd the state be
named Coolidge; - but some one
remarks that It would be super
fluous, since . we have a state
which is Cal. for short.
Idle land is poor property, and
the quicker such land Is put to
work producing a good crop of
timber, pasture, or cultivated
crops, the5 better tor the owner.
2;More life Insurance Is 'carried
by ; Americans than by the rest of
the world. 'Americans need more.
(Continued from par 1.)
sand people must be cared for as
a result of the devastation already
wrought by the Mississippi, he
The river already has spread
over 3400 square miles of Louisi
ana lowlands, be . said, and the
crest of the flood is just passing
"There is about 6,000 square
miles of Louisiana still kept dry
by the levees," he .pointed out,
"but these levees upon which
thousands of men are working
have not yet felt the full power
of the flood."
(Continned from Page 1.)
with music week to find the re
markable influence of the various
singing groups as typified by
those which will appear in con
cert tonight.
In the Schubert Octette, which
is directed by Miss Minnetta Mag
ers, the singers are:
Jean Pearcy, Eleanor Moore,
Hilda Amsler, Dorothy Brent, Ar
butus Rudie. Grace Fawk, Elaine
Chapin, Ruth Swart and Myra
Gleason. Miss Elva Amslej Is ac
companist. V
Their numbers will be:
(a) ' Allah's Holiday. Friml.
(b) Italian Serenade, Steven
son. (Octette with baritone solo and
The Salem Men's Chorus, a com
paratively new group in musical
circles, is directed by Dan F
Langenberg, with Bernice Clark
East as the accompanist.
Their Dart of the program will
be: "
(a) Silent Recollection. Pache.
(b) Swing Along. Cook.
The personnel follows-
1ST TKNOHS Arnold J. Winner
Harry t. Pearson Vernon O. Tlr
Karl S. Irons
r.. rranK nncnie
1 Kenneth O.. Perry
Iran Corner
Wm. MrOil. hrlht Jr
Alexander G.
Harrr 1,. Peart-jr
llurl J. Pearson
Jeosc Meeka
Frank IHotitl'
rVank R. Kelloes
I.ckt.-r R. vaut
Today we made an experiment. It occurred to us
tht the women of Salem would gladly be their own
sales ladies providing of course that they received
something worth while for their trouble. Our exn
pectations were far surpassed this morning when we
opened our first self service department and so con
vinced are we that the women of Salem really want
this- service we are starting today to rearrange the
whole store and from now on this will be'known as
the t.
Shipley's Special Self Serving
Saunter Store
Tables, counters andsracks will display our merchan
dise and you may take your own time in sauntering
through, choosing what you wish or go about just
inspecting if you desire. You will be your own sales
lady if you do not sell the merchandise to your
selves it will not be sold. v Prices of course will be
governed accordingly and those of you who visited
the first self-service department today know what
that means.
We will make further announcements
in tomorrow's paper ;.
The STATE1SM AN has purchased at
considerable expense a wonderful beau
tifully bound cook book." - :'- .
This book Is not only full' ot surprise' dishes, but also
helps you. in 'choosing, caring,' storing and laundering your
table linens. .
. -r - , ' - i
It helps prepare your meals with a real interest.
ING DELIGHTFUL FOODS' is by Ida Bailey Allen,
international authority. - -
, ' - 'TO UOVTOl l"OSTAGi: - .
Name '. 1 , . .'. . . i .'. . . . . iiaj
Address . . 4 ... 1 t ...... . ', ........ i ........ . . '
Town .............. . .... j Stale .
2ND BASSES T ' Joia A. nHirl
Walter Ixttr Martia J. Ioerf lar
Oliver B. Huatoa Aaalay O. Bataa
Dr. H. C. Epley directs the SaT
lem Boys' Chorus which, will sing
two numbers on tonight's Tro
gram : ,
" My Own Native Isle. White.
Moonlight Dance, White. s
Mrs. F. N. Woodry accompanies
the young musicians; which O. J.
Hull assists in directing.
The following
Arnold. Clifford
Aatrtcao, Kdirartl
Barklev. Chan.
Kaldo-k. Rout.
Karnes. Frania
Brown. Paul
Brown. Koht.""
('otapton, Darid
Cain, Ray
., ltoy
Churtth. IHuiiel
Causpy, Jark
t'awsey, George
Coward. Warren
Doddridge, Phillip ,
Domogalla, Vernon
Dewey, Jack
Dewey, Fred
Kpler, Forrest, Powell
Kllia, Iean
Klein. Harrison
F.lpn, Rol.t.
Feliler, Wayne
Fereuson. Curtis
Filsincer. Y-mtI
Filtiinjcer, Kenneth
Gordon, Wayae
trra ner." G ordon
Garrison, Howard
Hilt. Taos. Jr.
IloV.hs F.merv
boys belong:
SIuim. William
;iffh?r, I .o well
Mkewi. RoM.
Stewart, KioM.
Sanndera. Samini
Ktorkwell, Donald
Stout. Ha3ld
Schonek. Robt.
Taylor. Milton
Todd. Kdwin
Taylor.1 William
Taylor. Jtmmia
Vadney, Kalsman
Vineent, Clinton
v adner. Georee
Willard. Frank
Marston. Kenneth
Matthews. Milo
Myera, Rodney
MverH. Ralph
Moritz. Bernard
Meaney, Joe
Nunnemaeher. John
Oxtlind. Jaek
Potter, Alexander
Peter. Richard
Potter, Earl
Potter. Irwin
Quesseth. Cecil '
Veeth, Alfred
Randall, Raymond
Randall. Berton
Henderson, Adelbert
Reaney, Arenll
Robbing. Ruiisel
Kadrlifte. Robert
Rhaten. Ray
Kheten, Rex
Kicter. Junior"
Keriek. Ottaker
Smart, Kichard
Walsh. Bill
Waleh. Perry
Wolfe. Fred
WoWe. Victar
Woodry, Glen
Woodry. Donald
Woodruff, Morgan
Wiles. Theo.
Wilcox, Raymond
Willard. Wayne
Wick lender. Roger
Winterraute. Ira
Wintermute. Earl
Yonng, Clarence
Younit. I.oya
Yarnell. William
lliimnhrer. Jesse
Humphrey, Norman
Hunt, Kennetk
ITiil.t ilAn.r
Ins-re. Homerr
Jones, Raymond
Jone. ray
Jenka. Will -
Kirk wood,' Homer
Kiliam. Phillip,
Kinr, Howard
Kjng, tioraon
Long, Robt.
Lambken. Walter
Lay ton. Horris
l.unn. Kdrar
I.on? Kenneth
I.undstrom. W. M.
MeWain. Edwin
McKiniev. Maynard
McNeil. Jack
McCulloo-gh, Jack
McGinn, Karl
Mudd. Billie
Martin, Linn
Tow Oar
America's Finest Tire
10O 8. Commercial TeL 471
All Sixes Films. Kodaks. Devel
oping Our Specialty
Prompt Service"
157-South Commercial
The Home ot Drug Store
flt2T FRKB
sample: books
Call, phone or write
179 X. Oonuntecial
urArr.PAPEH i
Numbers of people have taken advan
tage 'of our greatly reduced prices at
this sale why not you?
j t. . - ' ;; - ' , ;-" -
I - - " - :
f- -.- - " ' ' . "- -: .
Still a splendid selection of
Axminster and Wilton
New Chinese patterns and heavy
weight. One piece Axminsters 9x1 2
at ... . . . 539.00
Wiltons,1 the genuine worsted (not
wool) beautiful patterns and color
ings, 9x12, at 74.00
Only a few days longer at these prices
Alcazar Wood and Coal
At big reductions; none better than
these ranges; few as good; buy now
and save.
These beautiful blended or plain
at the reduced prices are real bargains
Only two left, of these eight-piece
! Walnut . .
r a a -
at $99Mi and but one of the $ 1 1 2.00;
if interested in a dining suite don't let
these bargains slip past you: ,
Davenports, Chairs, Rockers, Fancy
Tables,, Deslcs, Tea Wagons, Cedar
Chests, Day Beds, Trunks and Dags,
- 1 all at big savings at our.
in our new location, 35.9 N. High St
a Chambers
Walnut -