SATURDAY MORNING. MAY 7, 1027 p g - J- f i. (2 -House Guests Frorrt Washington Are Honored With li'ridqe Tea Mrs. H. (J. Matson entertained Thursday afternoon at a de u Atul bridge, tea honoring Jier Mrs. Levi Ankenyof JW alia Wash., and Mrs. FraucJa ;heir are sisters Walla, OritTIn of Seattle, who house KiientH tbs week. ; The rooms and tea table were lovely with many pink and sold tulips. At the tea hour Mrs. F. A. Klliott presided at the urns. In the Kitest sronp were Mrs. Ankeny and Mrs. Griffin, the hon or Kiiests, Mrs. Clifton lrwfn, Mrs. Paul Hen-drichs, Mrs. John If. arson . Mrs: .Walter J.; KU i!razi r . V. tJSaal. Mrs. WfllU K.HiKliton.- 'AXOC . iVillard Wirtz. Airs. Koy Simmons. Mrs. Paryl Proctor, llrs. Wallace Hone si I . Mrs. t'arl Nelson. Mrs. Mollis Huntington, Mrs. Walter Mrs. Donald Jtoberts,"u Mm. It. ; Hrudy-aua tbehokes,-Mr8. )1 . Maison. ; - . - ' Child Study Class to Meet The child study class of the American Association of Univers ity Women will meet at 7: SO o'clock Monday evening. May .9, mi the tenth floor of the First National bank building. The study will he on "Food and Nutrition," with Mrs. A. ('. F. J'etry as the leader. Hurst From MUuxiuJrie .Miss Margie Wissinger of Mil waukie, Or., spenta few days in Falun recently visiting with the Key. A. F. Ililmer Tamily. Jason Lee W. F. M. Sf Is Fntertained Wednesday at 11. F. Vick Home ' , The- Woman's Foreign Mission- ary society spent a very delightful afternoon last Wednesday at the i home of Mrs. H. F Vick on Bel i mont street, the occasion heing! the society's quarterly tea. Mrs. ('. M. Roberts conducted the devotions and Mrs. Marie Put nam had charge ..of the lesson from the study book, "Master Per--nality." At Uie tea Jiour Mrs. Vick was assisted by Mrs. A. F. Waller and Mrs. W. L. Lewis, who poured. The members present were Mrs. P. J. Voth. Mrs. Herman Clark, Mrs. Phil Aspinwall, Mrs. C. M. Uoherts, Mrs. E. E. Roberts, Mrs. J. M. Scharf. Mrs. A. F. Waller, Mrs. W. L. Lewis, Mrs. Edward Olson, .Mrs. P.J. U ster, Mrs. P. L.. Frazier, Mrs. jTVirie Pu.tnani, JAtb. B. V.' TVel n. Mrs. A. J. Vick,! Mrs. Belle Roberts. Mrs. C. L. Wright, Mrs. Alhert Fuestman and the hostess, Mrs. B. F. Vick. Additional guests for the after- r'Hn were Mrs. Bertha Loveland, Mrs. F. P. Phipps, Mrs. Emma Roberts, Mrs. A. R. Fisher, Mrs K. Crawford. Mrs. H. H. Box i ud and the Misses Anna Wenz and Kvangeline Voth. House Guests at Coffey Home Mr. and Mrs. 1. R. Evans ar r ived in Halera Wednesday evening t'yrn Kuna, Idaho, by motor, ac coiuiianied by Mrs. Gyle Lie wis. also of Kuna. As anon as , they are permanently settled they will be joined by Mrs. Evans' parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Pethel,nd by Mrs. Evans daughter and flus-!. Mr. and Mrs. Read Lathey. 'Hie group is visiting at. -the .home oi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coffey. Golden West Club Is Or ionized This Week A aft -together party was called at the home of Mrs. Jennie Mil ler to organize a' -club for all the vount? ladies of. Queen Review No. ". Women's Benefit: association. "Colden West" was the name e,!ios ii for the club. '' The following officers were el. , ted for the first term: Presi dent. M Iss" Xsota, . Crosson ; Vice I ) evid.-nt. Mrs.'TJdra Keeney; see i ireasnref'&lsa Alice M ee, ; mi publicity reporter, " Miss : Lor Tin- object of the club is to get : "ni.iinted with fellow members i t 'l to have social gatherings. Alii members of the"Calden ) club are going to Albany to iicinatn In a. riistrtet rnllv ic he held today. Mrs. F. L. Cannon Jictums to Salem After Ten" Months Absence " The many friends of .Mrs. F. 1- annnn, mother of Mrs. T. S. MacKenzie, will be happy to hear ' h;it she has returned to Salem ; ti. r a ten months' ,,a.hsenoe In Minnesota and North Dakota. Mrs. ' annnn ArrivedjJn Saiem .Wednes 'ay with MrsJ MacKenrie. who met l r in Portland. - . ,; Mrs. MaeKenzie was en route homo from Kelso,' where she was the guest of her soo-in-law and . daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Al N. I'earson and time Mrs. Cannon reached Portland. Mrs. Cannon spent the .greater Part of her time In Fargo; N. D., as the guest of her son, Arthur Cannon, and his family. Mrs. Can non also visited in Blintonville, Wis., her old home, Vhich she 4had rot seeo oranryears. ", J' Chapter AB WiU jv Meet on Monday'. '..'.'.y, Chapter AB of the PEO Sister flood will meet on Monday even g at the home ot.Mrs: Mildred fw, Worth -2nt street. - Family Fjim at-Church Will Celebrate Mot Iters' Day "The Coose Hangs High." an excellent pictnrization of the stage play, by- the same name, will be the Mothers day feature at the .First Congregational church to morrow ; evening. "'. The yoiee , of Young America rings out clear and true and strong jn this optimistic comedy drama of family loyalty and affection.. Three ultra-modern children, af ter demonstrating their complete jnodernness in a selfish disregard of everyone's feelings except their own. show their real fine ness when disaster threatens the family. Jn ibrief, ."The , Goose Hangs Iligli." is one, of the greatest fam ily pictures of the year. James Cruze, the directorial genius who has "The Covered Wagon" to his credit, produced the film version of Lewis Beach famous stage jrtay. Dakota Club Will Sponsor Picnic ill Polk Comity on June First The Salem Dakota club met in the parlors of the First Metho dist church at 6:30 o'clock May 4. A large number were in at tendance and enjoyed a picnic dinner, after which the business, meeting of the club w!as held, with the reading of by-laws and constitution, and adoption of the same. , The program ,was in. the hands of Mrs. ' Heine, Mrs. Clarence Townsend and Mrs. W. F. Brietz ke. Pjano solo and duet, readings, accordion music and a little play made up the evening's entertain ment. Weather conditions permitting, the next meeting will be held out of doors at the home of R. A. Blevins on the Glenn Creek road, in Polk county, June 1. All . former residents of either of the Dakotas and their families are invited to this picnic. Rainbow Girls Will Fleet Officers An important meeting of Chad wick assembly No. 3, Order of Rainbow for Girls, wjll be held in the Masonic temple this evening at 7:U0 o'clock. New officers will be elected at this time. Alegria Club Entertained at Delightful Meeting on Wednesday Mrs. Homer Best, and Mrs. P. W, Arnold delightfully entertained the Alegria club at the Best home on Wednesday afternoon. The living rooms were prettily decorated with baskets of tulips. A short busi ness meeting was held. A feature of the afternoon was a "stork shower," given by mem bers of the club in honor of Mrs; Harry. Kroner. A huge basket o tulips seemed the only thing via ible on the dining table, hut dain4 ty packages were- found concealed among the drooping flowers. The shower was a complete surprise to Mrs. Kroner. Light refreshments were served by the hostesses. Members present were Mrs. P. F. Arnold and Mrs. Homer Best, hostesses; Mrs. Russell Buckles', Mrs. Willis Clatter of Albany, Mrs, Jack Collins of -Albany, Mrs. Wal ter Fraser, Mrs. J. H. Hunt, Mrs. A. P. Kjlian, Mrs. Harry Kroner Mrs. J. 11. "Lambrith, Mrs. Alvirt Marr, Mrs. Ralph Mase, Mrs. Lor epz Schnuelle and Mrs. Ben Wil liams. Business and Professional Women, Plan Occupational Survey An occupational survey is being carried on by Margaret Elliott fori Social Calendar o . .,. Today : ' War .Mother' carnation sale. -Portland Junior Symphony or chestra. Eislnore theater, $:J o'clock. May morally breakfast, lathette university campus, to !:S0 o'clock. Plant sale. Auspices of Salem Garden club. New bulMfnp across from Ste.usfoff's, on N. .Liberty, between Court and Chemeketa streets. Wil-f:30 Chemeketa chapter. Daughters: of the American Revolution., at Champoeg. Business session at 11:30 o'clock. Rainbow Girls. Masonic temple, 7:30 o'tdoek. Cooked food sale. Giese-Pow er furniture store. Young people of Brush College. Sunday Service for Salem War Moth ers. First Baptist church, 11 o'clock. Mothers day program. Brush College. 8 o'clock. riim at Firt Congregational church. "The Goose Hangs High." Monday Child study class of AAHW. Tenth floor of First National bank building. 7:30 o'clock. Chapter AB of the PEO Sister hood. Mrs. Mildred Flagg, hos tess. Tuesday, Social Afternoon 4-luh of Chad- wick chapter of the Eastern lar Masonic Temple. Dr. Doney Will SpeaJc ' ui Brush College Jr. Carl Gregg Doney. president of Willamette university, will he the speaker ,of the uvening at the program which the Brush College community will sponsor at the school bouse at X o'clock tomor row, s Proof Positive "Jim used to be a great sports-4 man. Is he reconciled o mnf rieii life?" -.', f: "1 think "o. I calletl on -him recently and found him sifting ashes through .an old tennis racket. t . ' he National Federation of Busi ness and Professional Women who sent out some time ago a question naire ;f or all , business and prof es s i on atj women; i& 4ll out. Tnese ' '. questionnaires -call for definite Information concerning oc cupations. They will afford infor mation' valuable to many. So far. Oregon is the last to'vrespond. There are lSG menbers in the Sa lem club, and only 94 question naires have been returned, from all Oregon. '. Each member of the Salem club is asked at this time to do her share and fill out and mail her questionnaire immediately. ) Cooked Food Sale The young people of the Brush College community will sponsor u cooked food sale today at the Giese-Powers store on Court -st. Springfield Contract new M. church. let for WILLAMTT FSJtVAL CRAWS 3PbO PEOPLE i''onluuol from pa- 1.) dressed in blue and white Dutch costumes with yellow wigs. May morning breakfast, an an nual tradition of the festival which is well attended by students and towns people, will be serVed this morning in Chresto cottage. The food will be prepared and served by YWCA girls and the tevenue derived will go into the "Y" treasury. Salem merchants are donating the materials for the breakfast. After the breakfast a tejinis tournament will be the center of interest. The games will be held on the jmjversity court, and Bear cat competitors will be Oregon Agricultural college players. A musicale, under direction of Miss Frances Melton, head of the piano department, will he given in Wal ler Hall at 11 o'clock. This afternoon the Creshmen will burn their green "lids" in a ANDY for Mother's Day The Sp a for Quality and Freshness stunt ealcnlated to- Arouse both tears .and "aughter. After thla stout the freshman will not wear ther distinctive headgear any more this year. The freshman-sophomore ttug of war, in which 'he two iiiiderclatvfs annually attempt lo pull, one another into tire mill r:ce, is another tIg feature. A tr iitk . t w i i h -Ch uia w a v i 1 1 ho sta&ed t ,3 !click. Tnight at .the JSlsinore theater i3 W.iUfwcjte .university night. The .entertainment-. ii' the .s Junior S.vmphouy orcheatra .of Portland. G.veriur and Mrs. I. L. I'attursou, President '.and Mrs. Carl -.Greg Honey, and the May king and a ueeil ,aKa pa r jy wili jpecuPT in 7. T- 0,11 boXe, A J;re ttujnlAr ofalnmnl jwul f rionds or the- university are on tlte campus Tor ho fete.,.,. T X Burnett Bros. J ewelers Pay Us As You A re Paid J Eleven Stores on the Pacific Coast From Everett to Hollywood Not 6nly the largest .but (we hope)the bestj , Wishing the Standard Furniture Company I ."5 A Very Successful Opening ,and A Continued Success Just to Make Friends Artistic Floor s $4.95 Take Ojae f or 50c Down Lamp Just one to a buyer please We prefer not tojsell my for .casft The lamp pictured stands well over five feet in height and possesses not only beauty, but a very dignified air. The shade is parchmentized and is hand painted with marine scenes one of which (an old Spanish Galleon) is shown in the picture. The shade measures 18 inches across the bottom and is a foot deep. The standard is of wrought iron slightly polj chromed and the base Is of heavy metal; there are two light sockets with pull chains and the necessary electrical connections. The electric cord (which is not shown in the sketch) is frankly displayed outside of the standard, the latter being solid metal. In most of the fine stores hereabouts the shades alone will command from $7.50 to $lu but, by buying COO lamus at fill . " -,f a clip for our Northwestern stores we are enabled te of fer Lamp, Shade, and all, for the lowest price anybody eer hoped to meet with, and a price too far lower than" anjbody would ever guess $4.95! And then just to make new friends we are selling them on the Burnett Budget plan Never mind the money we prefer not to sell any for cashJust pay 50c and take a lamp along. Pay the balance "as you are paid' a dol lar a week will do. And in this practical way you will -' learn, (a thousands have already learned) that the Bur nett Budget plan Is the Easiest, the LI appiewt, and the most Economical way of scurinit "(lifts that Endure and En-DEAR." All of which we have said beforel Wilson's Fasihion Shop Style and Quality Without Extravagance State Street, Below High. Next Door East Oregon The.ter. A New Mo.del--Monarcli Electric ff . ... a. n ' 4 ' ,Foriner.Price;68.00 Special; new price V ,1 A beautiful range for a little money. thoroughly 'equipped with fuses for every elernebt. Temperature control and indi catins light, for oven. j Just the range for newlyweds and small -families. :Only a limited number ' at this price rrn: 340- Court St. i, ,,,. -.-jw Sale of Normandie Chime Clocks $19.50 Better than the picture would lead you to be-lieve-a .mahogany finished case .ahoujt twenty- two inches long and a foot high. The movement goes for eight days with one winding and strikes the hours in the most musical fashion pn a pair of gongs called by courtesy the "Normandie Chimes". A featured value today at $19.50 and on terms. Take one for a dollar , Pay the bill $1 a week Sale! Rogers Silverware Thirty-eight pieces $20.25 On the glass bottom tray as sketched a complete set of pieces of ight" which is another wiy of saying "eight of everything." - , x , , . For feat that" somebody will misunderstand u want to make it clear that this is the genu ine Wm. Rogers & Son Silverplate in the f 'Tri umph" pattern and is guaranteed for a life time of daily .service. Twenty-two ! eets, on sale today at this the lowest price we can everi recall Twenty dollars and twenty-five cents -for the complete set of thirty-eight pieces and '-the tray thrown in for good measure! . , Take one set for a-dollar bill f t iPay for it a dollar a week Bracelet Watch $12.45 for the 10,000 "Sweet Girl Graduates" Offered more to make friends than to make money a guaranteed bracelet watch in,the style shown the case is of white gold (fourteen karat filled) and the movement has fifteen -jewels. Despite the astonishing price concession it is fully guaranteed. Special at ?12.45-Tand you may Take one for a dollar Fay the bill $1 a week The Bulova Walch $24.75 for the Lords of Creation ' sn achievement- the famous Bulova watch for o mon iii ihd stvlA -shown in the sketch-vrith the inner !case-rglai5s lined and , with the famous ; J Jiulova movement nationally Known .ana secona . to none in; the wide, wide world! Special at $24.75..: ... and you may ! Take one. for a dollar Pay Ihe bill $1 a week - A Diamond Set Rinff $48.5 ' for the Ona Woman Here is the famous "Lady Mary" .FJaJn Watch $19.50 Terms diamond in a new dres3. " A beau- " r " - l tiful mounting of the finest White jn A white gold niled case ag handsome gold a diamond that is full of fire as a man can wish for and , with the and wondrous brilliancy offered famous blgin . guaranteed movement, -at the lowest cash; price and. on iSSiS? cuTrV. me Jtjurnetx Jtsuagex tian $4ju jna to of ail that good fortune yon . cash or terms. 0-y ' V Take one for a dollar Pay the bill $1 a week way Take one for a dollar bill Pny as youare paid $1 a, week, A Diamond Set Rinf for $9S.S0 A Value That Speaks ' 7 To see it 'is to realise that . the . diamond' is one that will compare with the best diamond.that a hun- . dred 'dollars ever, bought what's more we 'guarantee that to be a r fact. In a white gold .mounting the most diamond that a hun- ; dred dollars ever bought and atop , of that-on the Burnett Budget Plan- " . .t-';..- A'-'. - - t Take one for a dollaxw- Pay the bill-2t week . tit n -;j ftJA -vS 11 ? Hi m r !! -. ' - . - . . ? " .. .- . . , I ,...-' ' . - 457- State . Street.; Salem