The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair Grounds Beginning at 3 O'clOdk This AHefhodri Will Bring Large C?o?jB
The Auto Racec at the
ony Orchestra and Local Talent SI ill RH the Elsinore Theater at 8:30 J oriigtrt
IThR Portland Junior S
They are now talking about Pullman" air
ships and -wo nope they make the berths bo
you can't fall out of 'em.
'- They used to say that an apple a day kept
the doctor away, but that was before germs
were discovered, t
WEATHER FORECAST: Generally fair
with moderate temperature; fresh north
winds on the: coast; humidity slightly be
low normal. Maximum temperature yester
day, 3: minimum, 40; river, 4; rainfall,
trace; atmosphere, cloudy; wlad, west. ;
Hundreds Trapped "m Homes
in Inundated Area; Sal
vation Problem
Policy of Watchful 'Waiting
Adopted With Regard to
Major Danger Fronts;
Conscription tTscd
AIM While a thrilling drama of
lire-saving was unfolding across
inundated northeastern Louisiana
today, engineers directing the
fcrces combatting the Mississippi
flood adopted a policy of watchful
waiting along wide fronts where
danger is likely to-develop as the
crest moves on to the guff.
Serious situations were report
ed in some of the flooded sections
of the huge funnel between the
Mississippi and the Ouachita riv
ers, but the relief machine was
straining every aervfe to prevent
any serious loss of life.
Many Trapped
Iteports received here from
many sections of the flood were
that hundreds of persons in re
mote places were trapped in their
homes. The task of searching
them out and taking them to safe
ty was the one upon which the
rescue squadron concentrated.
Several thousands are reported
on Macon Ridge, which probably
soon will be swallowed up by the
rushing flood waters, but officials
expressed confidence .that all Of
fhem could be. removed before
Towns Tiu-eateneu
With nearly a score of towns
already flooded, others were being
threatened with serious damage-
South of Alexandria, where a
threatening situation is being de
veloped by the rising tide in the
Red river, more than 100 idle
nien literally have been conscript
ed by the courts for levee work
nd plantation owners have been
sending large force3 . from their
fields to the danger points.
Back waters - iroui the La
Fourche lowlands still were bat
tering the levees at Monroe. a
town of 30,000 people, and bad
entered the lower sections.
i UniH Fall Into Basciuciil ; Res
cue Work Handicapped
by Water
NEW YORK, May 6. (AP)
After finding seven bodies among
huge concrete blocks of a two
story concrete tflullding which,
with u mysterious explosion, col
lapsed this afternoon, fatigued
and drenched workers late tonight
decided nothing, more could be
done until daylight.
Severely handicapped by water
which tilled, the. collar from a
broken water . main and which
could not "be entirely pumped out
by fire engines, workers struggled
with the wryfckago until long after
dark, aided", by powerful search-
liKlltS. ;
When t be -search was given up
for ihe uight, all of ,the 60 occu
pants of the building had .been
aet-ouuted for. but there remained
the possibility that passersby-may
have been mutilated or drowned
when the walla crumbled and were
partly submerged. ... :
The dead William E, Kelleher.
32. uttofner Frank Zurhmulcn,
attorney: Robert O'Rourke.
25. filing clerk; Charles Malasky.
21. clerk: Charles J. -Quintan, 65.
k head of claim department; Flor-
. Mence lavanaagh,, 19, stenographer:
Elizabeth Loviuger; 20, ; atenov
grapher. , , ' . -
, All were employes of the Yellow
Taxi company, whoso offices were
housed In the East 23 rd street
building. Of the 40 injured, none
r of the 11 who remained at the
Ik'llevuo hospital tonight -was con
sidered in a critical condition.. -
The bodies of the victims were
dug out of the wreckage and water
in the basement where the men
hud been precipitated when - the
nrst floor 'caved fn,
Robert Bradley of Newport Ar
rested for Lack of Driv
ers License
Two persons injured, three
badly damaged and disabled cars.
a fourth car damaged but able to
proceed under its own power, and
three drivers badly shaken by the
melee was the result of the driv
ing of Robert Bradley, 18, of New
port, near Woodburn last night.
The four-car crash occurred on
the Pacific highway, one and a
half miles north of Maple Grove
when Bradley driving south in a
borrowed Ford sedan, crashed in
the rear of a Dodge car driven by
Miss G. McDaniels of Woodburn.
The sedan swerved into the high
way and struck a northbound
Ford truck driven by Charles Sol
omon 'of Portland. The" truck was
hit a second time by the Chevrolet
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Michler
of Hubbard.
Mr. Michler had not seen the
mix-up and drove into the truck,
putting on the brakes too late to
avoid trouble. The Michlers were
badly shaken up by the crash and
sustained minor injuries. They
were treated by a physician who
was called to the scene of the ac
cident and were taken to their
Bradley, who la said to have had
no drivers' license, was arrested
by State Traffic Officer G. D.
Watkins and brought to Salem
where he was held by police on a
no drivers' license charge.
Wrecking crews removed the
three cars from the highway.
Capitol Post Drum Corps and Min-
strels Assist in Work
SHERIDAN, May 6. (Special)
The regular meeting of the Yam
hill county Pow Wow of the Am-
Igriffrft. ,JUEtftnjWAH,.hfld hexe to
night and over ZOO Legionnaires
and members of the auxiliary were
in attendance.
Practically every Legion post . in
Yamhill county was represented
by a large delegation and many
posts from other counties sent
representatives. The largest del
egation came from Salem Capitol
Post No. 9. Over 150 made the
trip from that city and th Drum
corps r urn is bed considerable en
An excellent program was one
of the outstanding features of the
evening. Musical selections, read
ings and the minstrel show of the
Salem post proved to be very en
tertaining. Talks were given by
some of the state officers who
were present and by other prom
inent legion men. Membership
was stressed and all posts were
urged to push this work at once
This was one of the largest
meetings of the Pow Wow as it
assumed the nature of a district
gathering. Among the state le
gion officers to be present were
Carl R. Moser, state adjutant
June Valiant, state service offi
cer; Irl S. McSherry, district ex
ecutive committee, and Gerald
Owens, editor of Pacific Legion
Elderly lint Over-Knergjetlc News
boy Circulates Rumors
"Extra! Extra! Hugh DeAutrc-
mont found guilty!"
No. it isn't true, but cries situ
ilar to the above have been heard
every evening recently on Salem's
downtown streets, emanating from
the lips of a 50-year-old newsboy
who Is looking, too strongly to
the main chance.
No Oregon paper has gotten out
an extra edition for weeks, so far
as there is any record here, but
The Statesman office is receiving
telephone calls every evening ask
ing about them, and the rumors
have been traced to this news
"boy." ,
,The untrue rumor about De-
Autremont was broadcast Wednes
jay nigm, ana mere n as been a
different excuse for a fake, ."extra
every night since. Last sight Jt
was about an ocean wreck.
Defeat Warrcnton High Takt
. . , Western Division Title
WARRENTON. Ore., May C.-i
f AP) Ashland high school's dc
bating team won the high school
championship, of Western Oregon
tonight bydefeating the Warren
ton high' school team here.' Atl
three judges voted for Ashland.
Richard Joy and- Dorothy Joy
were the Ashland team. Helen
Smith and Dulcie LyUell debated
tor Wat-Teuton ' "
Historical and Pioneer Asso
ciation's Picnic to Be
Held Today
Premier Event of Oregon's History
to Be Observed Again; Hem
inlscciises of Early Times
Will He Heard
If the" weather is favorable,
about three thousand people will
gather this afternoon at Cham-
poeg to celebrate the historical
event of 1842, when the early set
tlers decided to recognize allegi
ance to the United States instead
of to Great Britain. It will be
the 27th annual meeting and pic
nic of the Oregon Historical so
ciety and the Oregon Pioneer asso
Governor I. L. Patterson will be
one of the principal speakers. He
will discuss the subject: "When
Will the Road From the Highway
to the Memorial Building Be
Paved?" E. C. Elliott, a Walla
Walla attorney, will present a pa
per on Dr. Robert Newell, one of
the important characters of the
historical event which occurred
May 2, 85 years ago.
Judge D'Arcy Chairman
Judge Peter H. D'Arcy, Salem,
will be chairman of the day. Ho
Is a past president of the Oregon
Pioneer association.
The picnickers will gather for
the basket dinner at noon and at
1:30 o'clock, the meeting will be
called by Judge D'Arcy. Howard
f. Sehoff wfll lead thr -sWging
of "America." Invocation will be
given by Dr. John Martin Canse,
(Continued on Jge 8.)
Salvation Army Obtains 3300 to
Send for Flood Relief
Two hundred eighty children
paid .their way to the special
liligh's Capitol theater matinee
yesterday afternoon at 4:15, the
proceeds of which went to swell
the Mississippi relief fund of the
Salvation Army.
Ensign A. Pitt, of the Army, re
ports that about $300 has been
raised for relief purposes. This
money has been sent immediately
to the areas where it is to be used.
Final Program at Elsinore
eludes Numbers By Local
The completion of Music Week
in Salem will be marked with a
concert by the Portland Junior
Symphony Orchestra tonight at
the Elsinore; numbers by the Sa
lem Men's Chorus; numbers by
the Schubert Octette; and num
bers by the Salem Men's Chorus.
Doubtless every seat in the Elsi
nore will be sold for this signifi
cant closing concert. Jacques
Gerschkovitch, conductor of the
Junior Symphony Orchestra, has
made a brilliant record for" him
self and the performance tonight
will be nothing if not outstanding.
The following is the program:
Symphony. No. 1, Op. 21, in C
Major, Beethoven.
Adagio Molto, Allegro Con
Brio Andante, Cantabile con
Menuelto, Allegro molto e Vi
vace. Adagio, Allegro molto e Vivace.
Symphonic Poem, "Dance Mac
abre," Saint-Saens.
"At Church," Tschaikowsky.
Arranged for strings and wood
wind by Jacques Gershkovitch.
"The Death ot Kin Sei," Av
shalmof f.
"Cue Tabatiere a Musique,"
(Music Box' Liadow.
Overture, "La Grande Paque
Russe." (The Resurrection) Rim-sky-Korsakoff.
It is interesting in connection
(Continued on Page 4.)
Informed on Other Violators, Had
Liquor Himself, Report
,. Henry Lehman, convicted in
justice court yesterday morning
on a charge of illegal possession
of -intoxicating- Bquor, was fined'
$300 and sentenced to serve three
months in the county -jail. The
man was unable to pay his fine
and until he does will be confined
for a period of not to exceed five
months longer.
Lehman has been reporting
other liquor law violators to po
lice officers, all the while he has
been engaging in the illicit trade
himself, according to unofficial
statements from officers.
The man was arrested on the
Silverton highway when 2 gallons
of liquor was found in his car. Of
ficers had been watching another
place near the scene of the arrest
where bootlegging operations
Were going on. Discovered near
the place. Lehman's car was
searched and the liquor un
covered. TO BE THE FATHER OF ' -
Every Penny Needed, Secretary
Hoover Declares; 330,000
Need Assistance
The Mississippi flood relief fund
reached a total of $1632 Friday,
according to a1 report from Dr.
Henry E. Morris last night. This
leaves the fund short $168 of the
original quota of $1800, and far
away from the quota of $3600
which was set last week when re
ports from the inundated districts
indicated that more relief would
be necessary.
No definite time has been set
when the quota should be reached,
but Dr. Morris is anxious that the
contribution be sent in as quickly
as possible. "Now is the time the
money is needed, and now is the
time to raise it," said Dr. Morris.
VICKSBURG, Miss., May 6.
(AP.) Every penny of the Red
Cross fund and as much more as
the American public can give will
be needed to care for the flood
refugees of the Mississippi valley,
Secretary Hoover declared tonight
in summarizing the situation of
the lower valley.
Three hundred and thirty thou-
(Oontinad on pr 4.1
Governor's Secretary Will Meet
German Ambassador
Hal Hoss, private -secretary to
Governor Patterson, will represent
the executive department at the
various functions arranged in
honor of the 'German ambassador
to the United States'who is sched
uled to arrive in Portland May 12.
The entertainment programme
includes a drive over the Colum
bia River highway, public recep
tion, and banquet to be served
under the direction of the German
consul in Portland and the Port
land, chamber .of commerce
y Governor Patterson will not be
able to welcome the ambassador
because of a previous appointment
in Eastern Oregon. 1
Cancer of Stomach and Anemia
Fatal to Famous "Silencer"
6. (AP) Hudson Maxim, in
ventor, author and explosives ex
pert, died at his home at Maxim
Park late today of cancer of the
stomach and an.emie. He was 74
years old.
Mr. Maxim enjoyed good health
until two years ago" when he first
began to suffer from anemia. He
became ill while on a tour of
Movements of Green Auto
Will Be Told Today in
Jacksonville Trial
Collision With Steer and Subse
quent Actions of Defendant
Recalled; Silverton Men
to Give Testimony
COURTHOUSE. Jacksonville.
Ore., May 6. (AP) In the half
day session of the court in the
trial of Hugh DeAutremont to
morrow, special Prosecutor Geo.
M. Roberts said this afternoon,
that testimony bearing upon the
purchase of an automobile from a
firm lit Portland would be intro
duced. !
The travels in the automobile
of the defendant, jointly accused
with his fugitive brothers. Ray
and Roy, of the murder of Charles
O. (Coyle) Johnson, and three
other trainmen during the prog
ress of the Siskiyou tunnel hold
up and killings in October, 1923,
will be detailed, it was indicated
tonight by George Neuner, Unit
ed States district attorney, aiding
in the prosecution.
Collision- Recalled
The part that the automobile
a green car played in the crime,
and its use Hugh will be told by
garagemen of Ashland, to whom
the car was brought for repairs
after it collided with a red "Steer
belonging to William High, Rogue
river valley farmer.
The steer-died , from injuries
and the machine was taken, first
to one garage for repairs and la
ter to another as the first could
not make repairs rapidly enough
to suit defendant who became
profane at the delay.
Garage workers will be called
to identify Hugh DeAutremont as
the driver of the car the first
definite step to connect him with
the crime of which he stands ac
cused, and it is evident, it- will
arouse the defense counsel from
its complacency.
Worked at Silverton
Witnesses have also been called
by, the prosecution from Silverton,
Ore;, where the defendant and his
brothers were employed in a log
ging camp, and are alleged to
have made their preliminary
plans for the holdup.
The state expects to close its
case late Monday or Tuesday
morning, with witnessing giving
what the prosecution considers
the crucial testimony of the trial
with a narrative of Hughs move
ments over the country before he
joined the army and his purport
ed statements to his mother in
Alcatraz island prison, after he
was returned from the Phillip-
pines, when, the state declared in
the opening statements, he made
damaging admissions of guilt.
Both DeAutremont and his moth
er deny they even as much as
mentioned the crime.
Officers Testify
In today's testimony. P. C. Mc
Carthy of Duusmuir, Cal., train
master, festified to bringing the
wrecked mail car to Ashland, fol
lowing the holdup, and corrobo
rated the finding of a shotgun
shell near the mouth of the tun
nel. The final witnesses of the day
were John Apert, former coroner
and Charles E. Terrill, former
sheriff of Jackson county, who
told respectively of receiving of
ficially the bodies of the slain
men, and the exhibits in the case.
H33 Industrial Injuries Subject to
Compensation Law
.There were four fatalities " in
Oregon due to industrial accidents
during' the, week-ending May 5,
according to a report prepared by
the state industrial accident com
mission. ..... ," ,' -
The victims wore Harold F.
Thom pfcon . -Porthihd.V, laborer :
Fred II. Clous, Portland, machin
ist ; . . El raer , $ Watson, J lfolbrOok
rigger,: and Carl Weber, Matsh
field, "powder man.
. Of th . total "number of acci
dents reported to- the commission
633 were subject to the workmens'
compensation law, ,
Investigation Made" After Affida
vits Suggest Shell Shock
Injuries ,
Albert Brownlee, who is to be
hanged in the state penitentiary
here May 17 for murder commit
ted in Lane county, is normal,
both physically and mentally, ac
cording to a report filed with
Governor Patterson Friday by a
committee of alienists.
The- report was signed by Dr.
R. E. Lee Steiner, superintendent
of the Oregon state hospital; Dr.
L. F. Griffth, assistant superin
tendent of the institution, and Dr.
J. C. Evans, member, of the medi
cal staff.
The examination was ordered
by Governor Patterson following
receipt of affidavits from the Am
erican Legion, and Brownlee's
parents indicating that the mur
derer might be insane because of
shell shock suffered during the
World war. . " -
Friends .of Brownlee said re
cently that, an effort would be
made to have Governor Patterson
Kcommute his sentence to life im
Brownlee was convicted of first
degree murder In connection with
the robbery of a pool hall at Ven
eta and the subsequent slaying of
a member of the posse sent in
pursuit! of the robber. The. pro
prietor of the pool hall was shot
and seriously wounded during the
Service Club Just Place to Get
Contact, Says McCulIough
Pinch hitting for a speaker un
able to appear at the Lions club
luncheon yesterday noon, ' C. B.
McCulIough, state bridge engineer
picked up many of the pet Ideas
associated with service clubs and
threw them out the window to be
replaced by nine 'don't and do's
to be attached to Lions, Rotary
and Kiwanis work.
"Don't expect the average club
to be an uplift society or aclear
ing house for propogandists' pet
ideas. . Don't believe that every
service organization should drop
its work to "raise funds for every
known charity that possesses a
pitiful appeal.
No business club can be classed
one especially organized for civic,"
betterment," said the speaker.
Contacts made in the .so-called
"knife and fork" clubs prove in
valuable in establishing confi
dence and add the correct atmos
phere to business relations in the
McCulIough stressed the im
portance of "giving support to the
transitional program advocated
for the city this yeaf as a means
of helping Salem out of Its ado
lescent period. He described the
present system of government as
a shaky back number and uTged
that a progressive stand be taken
by all club members for better
bivic improvements including the
addition of several needed city
bridges. 1
Portland Man Named on Fish
Commission; Tried to Resign
John C. Veatch of Portland Fri
day was reappointed a member of
the Oregon state fish commission.
He has served on the commission
since 1924. Mr. Veatch filed his
resignation with Governor Patter
son a few weeks ago bnt the gov
ernor declined to accept it. He
will serve for .a term of four years
under his new commission.
Truce Declared While Liberal;
Asked to Lay Down Arms
A truce between liberal and con
servative faction in : Nicaragua
unfit tomorrow has bpen declared
to permit General Mbncada, liberal
commander; to persuade his troops
to lay down their arms.
Decision MaU at Men,ing of Uio
Creditors; Early Sale, Ilan
PORTLAND. Mayi.(AP.) -Decision
to sell the Portland Tele-;
gram," an afternoon newspaper and
Its property witbin 20 days, was
made today at a meeting of credit
ors held before A. M. Cannon, fed
eral referee la bankruptcy. Sealed
bids will be accepted prior to the
next meeting of the creditors, set
for May 23.
Coronation of Queen Mildred
and Dances Witnessed " r
fay 3000 People ji
Tennis Tournament, Track Meet,
Darning 6t Given Caps and
Symphony .Orchestra
-Concert on Today
Sunny 'skies greeted the open
ing yesterday afternoon of the
annual Willamette university May
day festival when Mildred Tom
linson, a Salem girl, was crowned
queen of the fete. Nice weather
prevailed throughout the day, and
every, detail of the program was
carried out with success. The
May dances, a baseball game in
the afternoon, and the junior play
at the Capitol theater last night
were- the high spots in the day's
entertainment. Abo'ut 3,000 peo
ple witnessed the coronation.
Coronation Impressive
The exercises, held on the su
preme court grounds, were im
pressIveQueen Mildred entered
at a littlejgate in .the arena, pre
ceded by two flower, girls,, little
Emily Bremmer and Joan New
combe, the varsity quartet singing
"Make Way. for the Queen," her
two . attendants Gladys' Flescher
and Irene Clark, and the tiny
crown bearer, Harriet Vick. Tho
queen's two pages, Alfred Nolan,
Jr., and Charles Sherman, fol
lowed. Directly after the pages
came the senior girls, all dressed
in white and carrying bouquets
of pink and.'White carnations. -
; Upon reaching the platform.
Queen Mildred took her place Jn
the ' big fan-shaped chair in the
center, with her two maids on
either side of her, and the senior
girls on the steps In front. When
the coronation ceremony was com
pleted Elizabeth Silver sang a
vocal solo, Holiday," by John
Prindle Scott. .
i Dances Well Received
. . .
The May dances, - honoring the
queen, followed. The theme about
which the frolic centered was that
of Pied Piper of : Hamelin, and
the .dances given were Mouse
fiance. Ware dance, Dance of the
Council men. Dance of the Child
ren, Dance of the" Pygmies, Crys-?
tal dance. Cat-tail dance, Ball
dance and the May pole dance.
The dancers were all attrac
tively costumed in keeping with
the particular , Idea 'carried out.
One of the special features was
the pyramid building of the pigmy
dancers. Perhaps the most at
tractive dancers were' the child
ren. Marjorie Miller. Virginia Ed-
wards, Florence Power, Margaret
Pro, Mary . Klghtlinger, Carolyn
Lambrlth and Mary Elizabeth
Randolph, These dancers weru
' (Continued on Pgb 8.) ,
. - . ; , ,
U. IT. Lieaiog, Jr., CorvalUs, 1 fleet
ed lrcsldent of Aid
, Rev. A. R. Schraalle, Portland,
was elected Director of -Religious
Education ' ror Evangelical
churches in Oregon at yesterday's
sessions of the Evangelical con
ference which is being held In Sa
lem this week. Sunday school and
Christian Endeavor activities and
religious training come under di
rect supervision of the director.
The conference on Evangelism
yesterday was addressed by Rev.
B. R. Wiener of Naperville, Illin
ois ;E. , C. Kreitlow of Portland,
and F. B. Culver of Salem. Stesw
were taken for organization of a
commission to outline-a progra, it
tor evangelism In Oregon.
The -Educational Aid : soot, y
elected as officers for the com;'
yearr G. F. Lienlng, Jr., Corva I : i
President; V. A. Ballantyne. Kin; t
Valley, vice-president; L. H. v, ;i
lird, Monmouth, t secretary-t rea j
urrRev. AVE.' Lehman and D.
It.-Kauffman; both mbolo-uriess
from China, were receive 1 into the
conference and will "be assigned
churches.? -tv:: .
'.Meetings of the -conference y. Hi
continue today.