The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 06, 1927, Page 9, Image 9

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o J
Ch em electa Chapter Will
Hold May tUi&itiess
Session at Champoeu
Th- May mpetins of ChfmekPta
liiipter of the Dsi lighters of the
American Revolution will be an
interesting event of tomorrow at
CfuimpoeK. A short business ses
sion will he neld at 11:30 o'clock,
after which the group will enjoy
luncheon toRether, each member
bringing her own banket. Those
in charge of the Salem delegation
have arranged a special table for
ilr.- ("hemeketa group.
A party of six cars is being ar
r.insM'drfor the trip.
Solem War Mothers Wll
Sponsor Annual
Carnation Sale Tomorrow
No (loul)t every, citizen in Salom
i in sympathy with the carnation
sale project of American War
Mothers, whereby funds are raised
for the relief of disabled World eterans.
The Salem chapter of American
War .Mothers will .conduct an ex
t nsive sale of the paper blooms
tomorrow from several down town
stations, including the Ladd &
I'.usb hank, the I'nited States Na
tional bank, and Cahlsdorf's.
Supply headquarters will be the
,. ity YWCA.
War Mothers Will Attend
Special Service at
First liaptist Church
Kvery War Mottier in Salem is
invited to attend a special ser
vice at 11 o'clock Sunday morning
at the First liaptist church, with
Ki v. K. 11. Shanks in charge.
Mrs. Mark Skiff, president of
the Salem branch of the American
War .Mothers, requests that the
Mothers be at the church a few
minutes before 11 and enter in
a body. Any War Mother, wheth-
cr a member of the organization
or not, is invited. .
Mothers' Ddy Program Will
U Held at Brush College
An interesting program is be
ing planned for Sunday. May S.
a; the Brush College school for
tl.e observaju-e of Mothers' day.
Mrs. Ada Iee Unruh, of the
Children's Kami Home, will be
the speaker of the evening-.
Clyde and Theodore Madison
will give vocal solos and trios.
The program will open at 8
o'clock. 4
Business and Professional
Women State Convention
Will be Held in Coreallis
J, Into C'orvalljs, heart of the Wil
fAJamette valley, will ride -the four
hundred business and profession
al women of Oregon, and Corval
lis will surrender the key. The
state federation convention of Bus
iness and Professional Women will
meet in Corvallis May 13, 14 and
lf. A reception Friday evening,
a trip along the beautiful drive
ways and inspection of the build
ings on the campuB of Oregon Ag
ricultural college, a luncheon in
the college tea room Saturday, a
banquet Saturday evening, break
last at the Country club on Sun
. day morning, to be followed by
a drive about the city and sur
rounding country, and then a
jaunt to Albany, ten miles distant,
to lie guests of Albany Business
and Professional Women at lunch
eon before departing for home
these are a few of the pleasures
to be wedged in between the pro
gram sessions of the seventh an
nual convention of the state fed-
Salem is entitled to seven dele
gates and seven alternates to the
state federation convention. A
great many Salem club members
are planning to motor over for
one or more sessions, and it is
hoped that at least 50 members
from Salem will 'be present.
Miss Merle Diniick is convention
chairman for Salem for both the
state federation and Oakland con
vention. Daughter Is Porn
Mr. and Mrs. Miles McKey are
lr-ceiving congratulations over the
birth of a daughter on Wednesday.
May t. The little girl has been
famed Mercedes.
Plant Sale Will lie
Sponsored on Saturday
Salem gardeners will be inter
ested in the plant sale which the
Salem Carden club, of which Mrs.
tV. W. Kosebraugh' is president,
will sponsor tomorrow. May 7. in
the building across from Steus
loffs on North Liberty street, be
tween Court and Ceinter streets.
Many varieties of plants suit
able for planting at this time of
ear will be on sale after lit
Xcw Chapter Inst (died
Py P. K. O. Sisterhood
A new chapter of the P. K. O.
Sisterhood was installed in Port
land last week at the home of Mrs.
I. I). IioDine. 104 S Rodney ave
nue. The chapter will be known
as chapter AN. and is composed
of 15 members, four of whom are
transfers from other chapters, in
cluding Mrs. Harry Hulse of chap
ter I. La Crande; Mrs. Kdward (3.
Brown of chapter H, Enterprise;
Mrs. Frances Demorest of chapter
D, Forest drove, and Mrs. Arthur
K. Welch of chapter Z, Portland.
Those initiated were Mrs. Eni
mett Hathbun, Mrs. I. D. Wood,
Mrs. W. A. Tebbetts. Mrs. G. T.
McFadden, Mrs. Julius Krebs,
Mrs. I. L. Olmstead, Mrs. Noma
hasmussen, Mrs. Marion Rogers,
Mrs". John Iiankua, Mrs. Ernest
McKeen and Mrs. E. E. Horning.
Mrs. BoLMne was assisted in the
work of initiation and installation
by Mrs. Ella S. Herman and Mrs.
Lena Odell, past slate president,
members of chapter C; Mrs. Ma
bell Simkins, state president, and
Miss Bessie Mickey, first state vice
president. Following the lunch
eon, musical numbers were con
tributed by Miss Bessie Mickey.
Oregon Journal.
Golden West Club to Meet
The Golden West club of the
Woman's Benefit association will
meet this evening for a social and
business meeting at the home of
Mrs. Jennie Miller, 351 South 19th
Mrs. Floyd White Is
Hostess for La Mere
Clubon Tuesday
Mrs. Floyd White was hostess
on Tuesday at a delightful meet
ing of the La Mere club. Two
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
From 7:30 to 10:30 P. M.
DRKAMLA nd rink
Ladies Admitted Free
Gentlemen 10c
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hoar from lO k. m. to I p. m.
Long and Short Distance Hauling
' Public and Private Storage
t Fireproof Building
Free Delivery to any part of the city ,
Farmers W
PAUL TRAGtlO, Prop. ; -Day
Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267-W
Social Calendar
Woman's Alliance of First Uni
tarian church, 1 o'clock luncheon.
Kxeentivo committee-meeting of
American. Legion auxiliary. YWCA
at .'5 o'clock.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary. Armory.
2 o'clock.
OAO club. Woman's club house,
S o'olock.
Operetta, "Cinderella." Parrish
junior high school, 8 o'clock. '
W. U. Junior class play, "The
Intimate Stranger." Capitol thea
ter, 8:15 o'clock.
Salem Heights Woman's club.
1 o'clock luncheon and election
of officers.
War Mothers' carnation sale.
Portland- Junior Symphony or
chestra. Klsinore theater, 8:15
May morning breakfast,
lamette university campus
to 9:30 o'clock.
Plant sale. Auspices of Salem
C.arden club. New building across
from Stensloff's, on N. Liberty,
between Court and Chemeketa
Chemeketa chapter. Daughters
of the American Revolution, at
(hampocg. iiusincss session at
11:. in o'clock.
Service for Salem
ers. First liaptist
Mothers' day program
College. S o'clock.
War Moth
church. 1 1
additional guests. Miss Emily Hol
ien and Mrs. Harley White, en
joyed the afternoon with the club.
The rooins of the White home
were lovely with a variety of
spring flowers. On the tea stable
v basket of red tulips and lighted
red tapers in crystal holders were
The club group included Mrs.
S. H. Struble, Mrs. Karl Cregg.
Mrs. Charles Davis, Mrs. Harry
Harms, Mrs. W. J. Nelson, Mrs.
K H. Pickens. Mrs. Carl H.uber,
Mrs. Harry White, Mrs. Clifton
Mudd. Mrs. D. K. Peterson. Mrs.
L. H. Bingenheimer, Mrs. R. J.
Filers, Mrs. William McLaren and
the hostess, Mrs. Floyd White.
Royal Neighbors Honor
Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Minto With Shower
A feature of the meeting of the
Loyal Neighbors of America held
on Tuesday evening was the mis
cellaneous shower which honored
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Minto (Ada
Sharp whose marriage took place
early in the spring.
Forty members were in attend
ance at the meeting, wjth a social
hour following the business ses
sion and program, with Mrs. Laura
Mackin in charge.
A clever flower game was en-
jcyed. after which Mrs. Sarah
Peterson , and Mrs.. Azel Hixson
participated in a humorous skit.
"The Newlyweds First Quarrel."
Late in the evening the gifts
were presented to Mr. and Mrs.
Minto. Mrs. Carrie Bunn gare
the presentation speech and Mrs.
Minto the speech of acceptance.
E celesta.- Club Meets at
Green Gate Tea Room for
First May Luncheon
The first Ecclesia club luncheon
of May was held yesterday non
in the Oreen Gate room at The
Covers were placed for Ola Vol
kel. Marcella Caspell, Velma Ro
ninger. Esther Krickson, Bertha
Miller, Zelma Busch. Marlowe Mil
ler. Reta Claggett. Gladys McKee,
Ldna McElhaney. Flora Turnbull,
Jessie Miles, Nina Marshall, Golda
Wheeler, Vivian Whistler, Inez
Woods and Hazel McMorris.
Joy Turner Moses Will
Give Annual Concert
Tonight at Y. M. C. A.
Joy Turner Moses will present a
group of her advanced violin and
piano students in her fifth annual
National Music week recital on
Friday evening at 8 o'clock in the
YMCA auditorium. The public
is cordially invited to attend. She
will be assisted by Oral Violette.
vocalist, and Joan Evans, ocalist,
and Norma Sutherland, reader.
The following program will be
Violin (uattet. Playful Rondo
Margaret Eddy, Marjorie
Wunder, Glenna Hilti
brund, Irene Rush.
Piano. Dream Memories. ...Benson
Margaret Burns.
Violin. Tannhauser March. .Wagner
Dalhert Jepsen.
Piano. To the Summer Virgil
Alice Claxton.
Vocal. In the Garden of My
Heart Cano Roma
Joan Evans.
Violin duet. Dreams of the Shep
herdess Labitzky
Marjorie Wunder. Glenna
Hiltibrand. j
Violin. Ebisine d'Amore ...Danclh
Irene Bush.
Reading. At the Fray Anon
Norma Sutherland.
Piano duet. Triumphal March,
Peggy Sadler, Elizabeth
K raus.
Violin, Pizzicato Polka ... Strauss
Joan Evans.
Trio Violin, cello, piano
March Wellesley
Dwight Armstrong. Wm. E.
Moses, Joy Turner
ta Traumeri Schumann
( b ) Asra Haesche
Verna Wood.
P.ano. Country Gardens... .Grainger
Ralph Savage.
Violin, Adoration Borowski
Margaret Eddy.
Vocal. Little Mother of Mine,
(By request) Burleigh
Oral Violette.
Piano dnet. Polonaise in A "
Major .
Violin. Air Varie No. III. op. S9
Dwight Armstrong.
Piano, My Old Kentucky Home,
(Paraphrase de Concert
Feme Tweetlie Davenport.
Violin quartet, The Dancing
Master Severn
Margaret Eddy. Marjorie
Wunder, Glenna Hilti
brand, Irene Bush.
Mrs. Moses,' piano accompanist.
Violin Choir Will Make
Initial Appearance at
Lions' Club Luncheon
The Violin Choir, a group of
eight young lady violinists under
the direction of Miss Elizabeth
Levy, will make their initial how
to the public at the Lions' club
luncheon this noon.
In the group are Miss Fay Ir
vine, Miss Norma Green, Miss
Yvonne Pickell. Miss Margaret
Hogg, Mrs. Kathrine Pankalla.
Mrs. Rosetta. Wooley, Mrs. Hazel
Logan and Mrs. Ruth Fuller.
They will pla "Rondino," by
Beethoven, and "Intermezzo Pizzi
cato." by Neury. Miss Mildred
Jaeger is the accompanist.
Oregon's 1927' wheat crop pro
mises better yield than for years
Men's ami ladles' srtit.s cleamMl
a ml pressed, Sl.OO. JjwlieV silk
dresses, $1.2.". Coat refined,
SJl.OO Men's suits pressed, 50c.
Over Dusicks
Profit Producing
Directors of
Profitable Publicity
325 Oregon Bldg.
Phone 795
1 rz ,
ii j , f . i i . . . .
uoin me Dusy little Dee
Add luster to hit fame?
By making honey every hour
For sweetening
( t
Supply the Elements That
Build Tooth Structure
Nature endows every child with perfect
teeth. Keeping them sound depends
largely on the diet. Tru-Blu Grahams
supply the mineral salts that build tooth
and bone structure. If your child gets
these mineral salts in sufficient quantity
he will have sound teeth. Children like
Tru-Blu Graham s they're honey
sweetened delicious, nutritious. ?
Order From Your Grocer NOW
Ask for the Blue and
Cold FAMILY Package
7 JO
Jr. 'tt
Next Sunday, May 8th, is Mother's day. A fitting remem
brance is a useful gift front Miller's -Hosiery, Gloves, Neck
wear, Stationery, Kerchiefs, Bouttonieres, Table Linens, Tow
els, Lingerie, Umbrellas, Comfy Slippers, etc. Here one has
ample choice of unquestioned quality. ' .
Fancy Pillows
Mother will enjoy one of these fancy. Rayon Pillows made
of good , quality rayon with metallic lace and ribbon trim
ming. Priced $2.49 and $2.98. Also Black Poster Pillows
with gold colored silhouettes copied from popular pictures.
(2nd floor, Needle Art Shop) .
Flower Baskets Boivls
and Vases
We have arranged a tajble of specials for Mothers day gift
giving flower bowls and vases, -candlesticks, wax flowers,
book ends, handmade curtain tie backs, shell petal and pot
tery electric boudoir lamps, antimony salt and peppers in
fancy designs, and many other novelties . that will. please
mother. Your choice of this table $1.50. At entrance to
elevator, Main Floor. I -
, Silk Hosiery for Mother
Always the useful gift Holeproof and Theme pure silk
jio top; full fashioned hosiery in all the new shades at $1,95
pair. In chiffon or service weight. Gordon V-line heel
pure silk to top, full fashioned hosiery, chiffon and service
weight, new colors, $2.50 pair. v
Holeproof pure silk over the knee hosiery in all the popu
. lar shades at $1.00 pair. . - T
I -
mot ner s uay uin
a Fine Purse
If mother needs a purse, here is opportunity, to choose a
fine one at a very moderate price--Patent .leathers hand
tooled calfskins, simulated reptile skins, silks and others in
pouch and envelope styles. Colors to harmonize with the
costume or decided contrasts. Prices range from $3.00 to
Give Her a Hand
Blocked Silk Scarf
A new shipment of silk Scarfs give you a wide range from
which to ch.oose a Motherrs day gift Hand blocked crepes,
tied and dyed designs, prints, etc., also new square scarf s.
y aiic new, tuiui wuiuuiiiitllUIls clS well as " 2lf lliiug uitnti. aiiu
whites are here. Priced from $1.75 to $7.50.
. Salem's- Jarting Depart moat Store ' '
.jmuiii.. j - I I UTil -TTT -1 II Hi I - T MirnriiilTii mi