The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 06, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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4. , " . .
'? . 1- - . V7 v :
All Outdoors .
Invites Your
j'- ''' " - : " .
: Kodak
that's particularly true in the;
i Spring, when picture opportuni
i ties are everywhere.
Stock up here with Kodak Film and return it for quality
finishing. .
' " rhone 110 -Proscriptions "Only the Beet , f
405 State Street at Liberty..
1 .?
Salem. Oregon.
(o (())(( op
U fl I! fl
U Us U :
We have a Reo Speed: .
"Wagon that runs fine ;
and will make some ?
one the cheapest berry
truck they can buy.
Priced at $125 1
The TJowse That BcttIm BsUt
Saturday to make an appraisal
of health conditions in ' Marion
county. The association is made
up of doctors, nurses and public
health officials from all over the
For Mothers Day
A nestle circuline wave.
Haley, 1047.
Cruel Treatment Charged
C. W. Brown charges his wife,
Maude F.. with cruel and Inhuman
treatment in a divorce complaint
filed yesterday. He alleges that
his wife's affections hare been
alienated by a certain stage driver
and that she has deserted' their
three children at various times.
The plaintiff asks that he be
granted custody of the three
children, who are 9, 7 and 2 years,
respectively. No property Tights
are under consideration.
Two More Weeks "Sale Prices"
" Moore's Masks House. m7
Failed to FJ11 Contract
Max Bechert has filed suit in
circuit court against Robert Mc
Gilehrlst for f 121.54. damages al
leged to have been incurred by the
defendant's failure to fulfill a
wood cutting and 'delivery" con
tract. -
Charity Street Carnival :
"All this week. ! Merry go round,
ferrls wheel, , whip- and . glider.
Charity Carnival. ; ; ra
Mstheeon Invoice Ftled-i- '4 "
Inventory' of the Rachel J.
MathesOn estate "has . been filed in
t h. mnntT rnnrt hv'th njlminio-
.trator. E. L. Brooks, Guy Lu
ink and 'hnrUarTtoperr were
appraisers.' ' -
PEP company. Hamilton decried
the supposed benefits derived from
municipal ownership, comparing
rates and successes of tests in
various cities of the country with
those of private companies.
Saxophones Greatly Reduced
During sale. Moore's Music
House. . , m7
Fined for "Overparking -
J. O. Brown, M. C. Evans, Ellis
Cooler, Dr. I. A. Steeves, Alfred
K. Erickson. Otto Hlllman and
Sud Lesi were fined $1 each in
police court yesterday for over
time parking.
Please Take Notice That
Hereafter I will not be respon
sible for any obligations except
those incurred by myself. Frank
T. Cutsforth. mlO
Grant Fined
W. S. Grant, who was arrested
for operating a motor vehicle to
transport personal property with
out a permit from the public ser
vice commission, was fined S25 in
Justice court yesterday.
the faculty 'of i QA C4. to attend the
dedication . of the jew woman's
building; en . the CorvalHs campus
Saturday "morning. Tomorrow
Miss . Simpson will be guest of
honor, at a faculty' luncheon and
tomorrow evening- she will attend
a dinner given by the physical ed
ucation faculty. For six weeks
each summer Miss Simpson is a
member of the faculty at OAC,
returning to her work in Marion
county at the end of that time.
Dance at Turner
Every Wednesday night.
Golden West Girls Meet
-The Golden West Girls' club of
the W. B. A. will meet tonight at
the home of Mrs. Jennie Miller,
351 SHouth 19th street, for a bus
iness and social meeting.
Bay "Player Rolls" Daring
Sale at Moore's Music House.
Hotel Marion-
Dollar dinner served 5:45 to 8
every evening. &2Ctf
Dance Tonight
Domes' hall, McCoy.
To Construct Dwelling
A permit was issued yesterday
to D. C Brock, 'who plans con
struction of a dwelling at 1110
South 23rd street, costing 13500.
Fined for- Drunkenness
S. P. Nelson was fined $10 In
police court yesterday on a charge
of drunkenness.
Furniture Upholstery -v
And repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture Co. Mtf
Don't Forget to Send- Mother
A remembrance on Mothers
day a card, motto, book or sta
tionery. See onr gift suggestions.
Atlas Book store. m7
Kloesen Gets Permit-
Edward Klossen, 2440 Cherry
avenue, was Issued a permit yes
terday to erect a dwelling at 2440
Cherry avenue costing $3800.
Bond Buyers
With $20,000 and $21,000 to
invest: .Right now we have two.
large close-in corners with pres
ent income to net 8. You will
agree that they will be worth two
to ten times these prices la ten
years. In the meantime a sound
investment and fair return. Becke
& Hendricks, 189 N. High street.
. . - - xn7
Power Costs Discussed-
Comparative costs of power and
fuel in Oregon's industries were
discussed before Salem realtors at
their luncheon yesterday by.W. M.
Hamilton, .local manager of the
Agate Balls' Taken
C. A. Godwin, 1440 center
street, reported to police officers
early yesterday morning that the
agate balls of gear shift handles
had been stolen from cars parked
on Cottage street.
82JS bv 163 Frons Street
Warehouse or wholesale prop-
artv. Rood nresent Income: suit
ihla ta shin both railroads. $10,
ooo cash. Becke & Hendricks, ixs
N. Hlch street. m7
ArlAnt. is AIleT -
Cars ohstructinr the view ana
excessive sneed on the part of A.
Blake, motor car salesman, were
causes of an accident 13 the alley
between Chemeketa and Center
streets today, according to a re
port filed at the police station by
G. Farris,; 1685 North Liberty
street. "I vj'.
Connected With Firm
J. E. Gentry of Salem is now
connected with the Salem Realty
company of 462 State street. This
firm is composed of E. N. Peetz
and H. E. Barrett.
For-"Women and Children-
Nothing equals osteopathy.4 Dr.
MarshSttTOf egSn Bldg. m 6
Address Tomorrow
"Building for the Child" will
be the subject of Dr. Walter H.
Brown's address before the Wash
ington County Federation of Wom
en's club members at M el trer to
morrow. Dr. Brown is director
of the health demonstration.
Attention K. of P.
Supreme Representative Leslie
E. Crouch will visit Central lodge
No. 18, Saturday nite, on behalf
of Supreme Chancellor and Grand
Chancellor of Oregon.
Peck Slightly Burned
Bert Peck was slightly burned
yesterday and his automobile dam
aged when fire broke out under
the seat of the 'vehicle while it
was stopped at . Cheek's service
station. Court and Capitol streets.
yesterday morning. The fire de
partment Quickly extinguished the
blase, origin of which is unknown.
Peck lives in Washington.
Flower and Garden Plants
Leavenworth, 1028 S. 12th St.
- .; . m
i, Casey's Ouaranteed '
Money refunded If tt does not
cure your case -
kelson Humr
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7
Salem Couple Licensed
W. S. Munker and Lucy fc. jpar-
sons of Salem were granted a
marriage license here yesterday.
WoodburniMan to Marry
Jacob Trnack of Woodburn re
ceived a license yesterday to marry
Anna S. Pilacek of Baltimore, Md.
MJnto Appointed
John Minto, Salem, was yester
day ! appointed manager of the
Wallulah, Willamette university
student annual, for next year, at
a meeting of the student executive
committee yesterday. Minto is a
sophomore, and was president of
his class last year. He is No. 2
man on the varsity tennis team.
Live in Better Home
We have four new homes, mod
ern every way, that must be sold
right now. Prices $4350 to $7.-
200; easy terms to responsible
people. These are best buys we
have handled. Every one has lire-
place, large garage, large furnace
and coils, electric water heater,
wired range, built-in tub, Idry.,
hardwood, etc. Ready to occupy.
Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High
street. m7
torical: society - groups.- Parking
space for 2,000" automobiles has
been provided, 4 s w
to Choose Prettiest- i
One of the features of the Sa
lem high school annual, which will
be off the press about May 16,
according to the editor, Donald
Deekebaeh, i will be the choosing
by the engraving rxrm of the book
of the -two most beutifnl, girls
in the schools The choice will be
made on the basis 'of the pictures
in the book only.
Card of Thanks.' '
We wish to thank our friends
for-.their sympathy and beautiful
floral offerings in the recent be
reavement of 'our wife and mother.
Marie L Girod, Arthur Glrod and
family. m5
Nature Club Meets Tonight
Members of the Salem Nature
club will , meet at 7:30 o'clock
tonight at the YMCA for a. valu
able meeting, with George W.
Shand In charge. Mr. Shand will
talk on spring and summer birds,
particularly those which are be
ing considered in the contest.
Rooked as Drunks
S. P. Nelson and Pat Devine,
who have appeared on the police
blotter many, limes for the same
charge, were arrested last ngiht
and .booked as drunks.
Erroneously Reported' ' , '
John Drake and Carl Heigstadt
were erroneously reported yester
day morning as: having been ar
rested together and booked on the
same charge. The two men were
fined $100 "each: in police court
Wednesday, but - on separate
counts." The wine,-which was re
ported to have tested 6 per cent,
was said to have been a sample
of some confiscated. -
Rodge-rs Arrested
J. Rodgers was" arrested yester
day afternoon-chanced with drunk.
! enness.
Woman Fined for Possession
Ann Adams of Portland was
fined $50 in justice court yester
day for unlawful possession of in
toxicating liquor. She was ar
rested Wednesday night by Officer
Watkins of the state traffic de
partment. The evidence was a bot
tle of gin. r
Four for f 1
Popular music during sale.
Moore's Music House. tn7
To Give Concert ' '
All musical numbers given at
the state contest at Forest Grove
will be presented in a special con
cert in the high school auditor
ium Monday evening, . according
to an announcement made by the
music department In high school
assembly , yesterday morning. 1
' Hi
Awards Presented
Awards which have recently
been 'won by representatives of
the high school were officially pre
sented to the student body at an
assembly held yesterday. Among
them were - the cup won by the
typing classes at CorvalHs for sec
ond place in the state contest, and
the $25 in gold won by musicians
in the Forest Grove contest. '
Ford Coupe, Stolen
A Ford coupe belonging to E.
J. Cleary, 475 North Capitol, was
stolen from in front of the Elks
temple last night,: it was reported
to police, The license number of
the machine is 122-057.
O . o
Bit For Brcakfant i
Rig limes at Willamette
, '.. - V V
May day festivities.
- The third very interesting let
ter of Col. E Hofer, concerning
his recent trip, will appear in the
Sunday Statesman. '5
' H
Last Sunday's Statesman gave
the history of -the old residence
torn down at Capitol and Cheme
keta streets., to make room for
the Adam Engel apartment house.
A, friend who knows says the
name of one of the outstanding
occupants of. the historic resi
dence was omitted. He was Judge
Chester Hj.-. Terry.-eounty elerk-
and afterwards county judge In
the early seventies. He was
county judge when the Marion
county court house was built, and
John. Giesy of .Aurora and Ai
Piano Bargains During Sale
Moore s Music House.
Choose Picnic Ground
The senior class at the high
school has chosen Taylor's grove
for the annual picnic. 'The picnic
will be held Wednesday, May 25,
if the weather is good.
Many Visitors Expected -l
Modern lighting fixtures have
been Installed at Champoeg park
in preparation for the 1,000 vis
itors who are expected to attend
the 84th; birthday anniversary of
the state,' as well as the 27th pic
nic of the Oregon Pioneer and Hls-
Walker to Visit
Dru W. F. Walker, field director
of the American public' health as
sociation,: with offices in New
York- city, will arrive in Salem
Local Girl Marries
A-marriage license was Issned
yesterday to Lee Hlghberger of
Aumsville and Mary M. Fischer,
1930 Chemeketa street, Salem. '
- - ,
r liatftnr man
a service calls tree.
S40 Chemeketa. Street
I Health Director Invited 4
Miss Anne Simpson, director of
I health education for Marion coun
ty, has received an Invitation from
Says Cream Applied in Nos
trils Relieves Head-Colds
,"at Once.
- on Fairmont HUl
AT S26G0
C300 down, balance fS&OO per
1X9 Nerta Commercial
.' ' ISM.
The Winchester Store
Phone 179 i 180 N. Court. St.
PHONE 727 .' : :
OxcnEbctrlc IhwrC
Carefully Repaired and '
.Guaranteed at !
291 N. Commercial St., Salem
Cool id ge of - Silverloa were commissioners-
The decision to build
the court house cost them all re
election. But, 10 , or 20 ' years
later, every one saw that it was a
very wise expenditure. The same
informant says .the post office in
those days was at the place where
Ceo.- C. Wills music store is now,
and not at the place where the
Kafoury .store is.
Buy a carnation tomorrow
s s s
Give 10c to the disabled World
war veterans.
. ;
Can you think of a more worthy
cause? Or a better way to raise
money for It?
Tis better to have laughed and
lost, thanv to have lived and died
rich and grouchy.
. S
The person who tries to make
everything perfect never gets any
thing done. "
An Ohio barber has submitted
to the league of nations a plan
for central -( world government.
Every one knew a barber would
be the one to wort it out.
Salem entries in the swimming
meet which will be held at the
TMCA Saturday evening were an-
By Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
' Vegetable Compound
Here is Proof
St. Paul. Minn. -Here Is a little
advice I would like to have you put
in the papers,
Mrs. JackLorber
ter of 704 Dell
wood Place wrote
to the Lydia E.
Pinkham Medi
cine Company.
"If young women
want to keep
their health and
strength for the
next thirty years
of their lives. It
is best to start
in right now and take Lydia E.
Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. I
have tried the Compound myself
and received fine . results." In de
scribing her condition before taking
the Compound, she writes, "I was
afraid in my own house in broad
daylight, I used to lock the doors
and pull down the shades so that
nobody could see me." - One day a
booklet advertising the Vegetable'
Compound was left on her porch and
she read it through. In so doing;
she found a letter from a woman
whose condition was similar to her
own. ,,"I bought the Vegetable
Compound," Mrs. Lorberter con
tinued, "ana have had fine results..
The condition I was in made me n
burden to my husband. Now Jf. ask
"How is housekeeping?" and he says,
"It is Just like being In Heaven!"
When Glasses Are;
Dr. CX B. O'Neill
Fourth Floor
First National Bank Building
Phone 26
t t
4 x
" Buy Quality When Ton ?
Buy Paint
The greatest assurance of Qual
ity is purchased from an insti
tution that knows paint. Wc
have been spreading ' paint for
S5 years. -
254 Chemeketa. Tel. t21 - C7SJ
In New Location
Watches, Clocks and Jewelery
'.V'";':''V. Repaired 4.5.1
' If your aostrils arc clogged and your
Bead is stuffed and on east breathe
freely because of a cold or catarrh,
just get a maa bottis of Ely cream
Balm at any dru 2 store. Apply a
IRtle of this fragrant, aatifleptlo
cream Into your nostrils aad let it
- penetrate through every aw passage
of your head, soothlag and healing
, ue lanamed, swollen mucous mem
braae aad yon get Instant relief. J
- I Ah I How cood it feels. ' Your nos-
trile are open, your bead H dear, no
: more hawking, snuJSing, blowing; no
; more keadaehe, dryness or struggling
for breath. ? Ehv'a 0m TWlm is inafc
wkat sufferers from bead colds aad
eajarra need, it's a delight. .
Bedding and Window Box .
s:'.fTv:. Plants
Are now ready, also fine line
of shrubs and perennials.
Telephone SSO : 12 State St.
0, 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also
buttons, stamping aad plea flag.
. . , ,' t - - ' --;y - . . -
Over SUlera Telephone 117
n FOR SALE r r
Store building and residence,
corner lot, 4- blocks out,
841-State Street . - .
r It's Time to Think of ' v
We Sell Martin Senonr 100 Per
Cent Pare Paint -
280 N. Conunerclal : Tel. 6S9
Reasonable prices. Don't e for
get oar hemstitching, stamping,
button making and pleating. ; .
Over Busick's Telephone 4 ' 81
CslcSc, Reliable Service '
1818 Center Street
Phones 852 aad ISIO-W
Fine Fixtures
Standard Equipment v
We have testimonials
7- ' from; many, persons
rT who are welL again
J 2, after suffering -with
backache, intestinal,
, T' '? kidney and ': skin dis-
e a s e, piles, ulcers,
t$T rheumatism aad other
jzfm disorders. We can.hslp
v you also. - - - -
Open S:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M.
Yids So Herb Coi,
420 State St, - Sal em,. Ore.
-z m:--.-
w :
'llf 'tup
Buy your hard
ware necessities
here this Spring
and it will be many
Springs before
youll have to do it!
- again. Here you"
will " find : a coid
, plete stock olrTual- C
ity harclvare at
prices that we f
jteow you can af-
, ford and will think
right. Every arti
cle that goes out
of this store is
guaranteed to give
I satisfactory serv
Square Deal Hardvare
220 North Commercial
r.ounced last, night .by Louis-An-j
derson. coach at the high school. !
In the- senior division William
East will take part in the dives,
breast stroke and 100 yard swim;
William Alley -will enter - the - 60
yard race, while Henry Thlelsen
will swim in the to and 100 -yard
events.. . . .r. ". .: '. j 'I;
For the. Juniors, William Cal
fce will participate in the 50 yard
race and dives: Wallace ,Hug in
the 220 yard race; Max Langford,
the 100 yard :race, and Bob Need
Aam the SO and. 100. - ; ?
No-- entries have as yet been
made in the 220 yard - sehior
event. ; ' v' -
Roy S. Keene, coach at Wil
lamette university, and Louie An
derson, Salem high coach, will be
judges of the dives. Francis De
Harport, John Shaffer and Clair
Miller wli; judge the races. Bob
Boardman, physical director at
the "Y," will be announcer. ;
The swimming meet, in which
1 4 1 representatives from Astoria,
eight from Portland, eight from
Eugene, and those ,rom Salem,
will he entered, is open to ttie pub
lic' It will start at 7 o'clock.
La Grande Park bulldic at
Emigrant Springs Park, Old Ore
gon. Trail, tO COSt 1,3M.
s. .Marr . . - -"
William O- Marr died at a Med
ford hospital May 4, age 25 years:
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Marr c
1118 Hines street, Salem, and
brother, of James Marr of San
Francisco, John O. Marr of Aber
deen, s - Wash.,' r Charles Marr o:
Portland, Edward Marr of Salem,
and of Mrs Carl A. Fischer ot
Salem. Funeral will be held at
3:15 p. m. Friday from .Rigdon'.n
undertaking parlors.; V , ' '- -
Perfect Funeral Service
:;v,, For Less ;
licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724
The Pride of the
Young Wife
the Big
and the pastry from
Peerless Bakery
170 N. Commercial
Enjoy Salem's Finest Bakery Lunch'at the
Peerless Lunchroom : ; v
Here's What You Have
Reen Waiting For
At A Remarkable Price
Owing to the fact that we made an excep
tionally good buy direct from the manufac
turer we are going to pass the saying along
to the people of Salem. Here is the price.
- Fiy h i g?f Very X
Choose your lamp now while the line
is complete. Several beautiful designs.
i r
mauuu ELECTRIC taiu!
337 Court Street
Phone 4S3
' - r
..... , v.. 4 . ! . f . ' t .
Saturday - SpscicI
Glass Kitchen Se
" 1 Measuring Cup.
1 Graduated Mayonnaise BovI.
1 8-inch Mbdng Bowl. .
1 3-pint Pitcher.
4-Piece Refrigerator Set.