The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 06, 1927, Page 12, Image 12

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    FRIDAY MORNING? ; MAY 6; 192T rm:mmy
"Acres in Plat; Restric
tions to Be Placed on
.Type of Dwellings
K logwood Heights, latest of the
attractive subdivisions near Sa
leirt, overlooking the city from the
helghts-on the west side of the
WllatnBtte. wtll be opened today,
according to an announcement
from Angelo Comittl. West Salem
realtor and agent for Major C. A.
One hundred choice building
nitea, so irraflged ihd.t no location
obstructs the view of another, are
offered In the plat which covers
approximately 40 acres of ground.
The entire tract is dotted with old
fir trees, adding to the beauty and
ncenic value of each site.
That only the best class of own
ers locate in the addition., a re
striction has been placed on the
typfc and cost of buildings con
structed. No . residence may be
put iip at q cost of less than $.".000
and only dwellings will be allowed
In the tract.
Water and electric connections
wilt be supplied with all sites and
every modern convenience sup
ported. This newly opened district is
bnly 18 blocks from the business
district and with the proposed
regulation should become a se
lect residential district for home
cAvners desiring suburban loca
tions. Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council 'of the City of
fialein, Oregon, invites sealed bid
for the making of an improvement
on Warner street in the City of
Ralem, Marlon county. Oregon,
from the south line of Hunt street
to tnfe south tine of Progress Ad
dition, with
6 Jnch cement concrete pave
ment; 4 inch cement concrete base and
2 Inch wearing surface;
4; inch cement concrete base and
IV Inch wearing surface;
t inch cement concrete, base and
a bituminous wearing surface;
Standard Bitnlithic pavement;
In. accord knee with the plans,
specifications and estimates on file
in the office of the City Recorder,
which are hereby referred to and
nade a part of this notice.
, Said "bids will be .opened on or
-after the 16th flay of May, 1927,
at or about 8 o'clock p. m. in open
council meeting In the city hall in
Salem, Oregon. Each bid submit
ted must be accompanied by a cer
tified check equal in amount to ten
per cent of the amount of the bid.
The City reserres "the right to re
ject any and all bids, and no bid
der will be permitted to withdraw,
modify or explain his bid.
This notice Is published for five
successive days in a daily kcw
paper published in the City of Sa
lem, Oregon, the date of the first
publication being May 5th, 1927.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder,
m 5-6-7-8-10
The Heart of Your Bank Account Is Your Charge Account
at Kafoury Bros.
Kayser full-fashioned puVe silk slip
: per heel with marvel stripe garner top.
VA11 the leading spring shades, g qq
, Blue Crane or ArroW
HeaH Sfllc Service Hose
Good Line of Colors J,-
A Pair $1. 05
Nicaragua Liberal Force
Ready to Lay Down Arms
MANAOITA. NMearagua, May 5
(AP Though no definite
peace settlement has lieen reached
by Henry I. Stimson, President
Coolfdge's representative, as med
iator between the warring liberals
and conservatives, General Jose
Maria Moncada, commander of
the liberal armies, announced in
effect that on the insistence of the
United States he was ready to lay
down arms.
After an interview today with
Mr. Stimson, General Moncada
said to the correspondent of the
Associated Press:
"The view seems certain that
the United States is prepared to
take the field against us if fight
ing continues and I am prepared
to order my troops to lay down
their arras, turning them over to
the United States troops.
"As continuation of Diaz (as
president) is essential to the
United States program, we are un
able to resist, but we are not
signing any peace agreement
bearing such a provision."
De Molays Reach Eugene
for Annual Convention
EUGENE. May 5 (AP)
Several hundred meihbers of the
Order of Demolay arrived here
from ail parts of the state today
lo attend the annual state conven
tion to be held here Friday and
Sunday. A public banquet and
automobile excursions are among
the features of the gathering. All
session will he held in the new
Masonic temple.
Notice is hereby given that the
Tommon Council of the City of
Salem, Oregon, invites sealed bids
for the making of an improvement
on Columbia utieet in the City of
Xnlom. Marion county, Oregon,
from the east line of Myrtle Ave
nue to the cast line of William
son's Addition, with
6 inch cement concrete pave
ment; 4 inch cement concrete base and
2 inch wearing surface;
4 inch cement concrete base and
IVi inch wearing surface;
6 inch cement concrete base and
a bituminous wearing surface;
Standard Bitulithic pavement;
in accordance witn tne plans,
specifications and estimates on file
in the office of the City Recorder,
which are hereby referred to and
made a part of this notice.
Said bids will be opened on or
after the 16th day of May, 1927,
at or about 8 o'clock p. m. in open
council meeting in the city hall in
Salem. Oregon. Each bid submit
ted must be accompanied by a cer
tified check equal in amount to ten
per cent of the amount of the bid.
The City reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids, and no bid
der will be permitted to withdraw,
modify or explain his bid.
Thi notice is published for five
buecesive days in a daily news
paper published in the City of Sa
lem. Oregon, the date of the first
publication being May 5th, 1927.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder,
m 5-G-7-8-10
StylisK Silk Hose of Fine Quality
Phoenix full-fashioned pure
silk hose. A pair.
Hummingbird full-fashioned y
chiffon service hose.' A pair 1 OU
Salem Store -
466 State St
Rev, and Mrs. H. Shukneckt;
Rev, and .Mrs, Ballantyne''
Thursday evening following the
dinner hour a jubliee service was
held honoring Rev. and Mrs. H.
Shukneckt of Portland who are
attending the Evangelical church
conference in Salem this week.
Rev. II. Shukneckt
They have completed 50 years of
active service in the church this
year. They also celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary. Rev.
and Mrs. M. J. Ballantyne of Dal
las were present. They also
passed the half century mark in
the work of the church.
Rev. Mr. Shukneckt, who is ih
his 73rd year, is well known in
the Pacific northwest as he has
served pastorates in Portland, Ta
coma, Seattle. ;,nd acted at times
as the presiding elder of the Port-
land and the Puget Sound dis
tricts. He came to the Pacific
coast from Michigan in 188 5 as a
missionary to work in what was
then known as the Washington
Territory mission. Later he be
came superintendent of the activ
ities of the Washington confer
ence. For 16 ye n he continued
to serve the ehimh as superin
tendent and as presiding elder in
addition to the others years as a
pastor. During this time Rev. Mr.
Shulcneckt held 36 camp, meet
ing and dedicated 14 churches.
For the past six years he has been
active in the ministry as a con
ference missionary.
Rev. Mr. Shulcneckt was born
in Buffalo, New York, in 1854 and
served pastorates eight years in
Michigan before coming 5 to the
coast. .
Rev. M. J. Ballantyne is 74
years old and came to Oregon
from Pennsylvania in 1891. Until
recently he labored in the Evan-
t t -V.3.. -'i "
1 7
f -
Hundreds and hun
dreds of lovely gifts as
happy memories for
that, dear mother of
Flowers, Pearls, Gloves, Neck
laces, Ear-rings, Perfumes,
BagsUmbrellas, Hose, Scarfs
Etc., Etc.
Women's Gloves
Smartly styled and very chic
are the gloves to be found
here. Embroidered turnover
cuffs of exclusive design.
Priced, a fcair
$.50, $3.8 t
for MoUier
Aim DO" ,
Portland Silk Store (
362 Alder St. :
gUcal church as a pastor and prev
stding eider. For a number of
years he was . a member of the
faculty , of Dallas college.
Answering the roll call of the
first meeting of the conference
session in Salem was one well
known to the older residents of
Marlon county. Rev. J. liower
sox, who has passed his 90th
birthday, ame to the Oregon
Territory iu 1867 and in Salem
built the first Evangelical church.
For many years after that he trav
eled along the Oregon coast
preaching and o r g a n i z i ng
Bishop M. T. Maze of Harris
burg, Penn., is chairman of the
conference. Dr. R. H. Nicbel, hon
orary secretary of the board of
missions of the Evangelical
church of Cleveland, Ohio, and
Itev. B. R. Wiener, secretary of
evangelism of the Evangelical
church of Naperville, Illinois, are
also in attendance at the confer
ence in Salem.
Troops Remain on Guard
to Prevent Race Rioting
LITTLE ROCK, Ark.. May 5
(AP) While a grand jury inves
tigated the lynching of John Car
ter, negro, and subsequent dis
orders by a mob here last night.
Governor Martineau ordered state
troops to remain on guard duty
in the city.
The order was issued after he
bad summoned Mayor Charles K.
Hoyer and Sheriff J. M. Haynie
to the capitol and discussed the
situation with them. While ho
did not issue a formal statement,
he said ho was convinced that po
lice and sheriffs forces could
have averted the disorders and
might have prevented the lynch
ing. The governor said it was
not within his province to remove
any officials from office even
should he believe their failure to
act justified it.
Carter was hanged and riddled
with bullets by a mob of several
hundred men following his cap
ture in a tree near the city and an
alleged confession that he attack
ed two white women yesterday.
Later his body was attached to an
automobile and dragged through
downtown streets and then
burned. A wild orgy of rioting
and indiscriminate gun firing fol
lowing. This was lbdued when
state troops were ordered out.
Salesladies' wages are quite a factor in merchandising, and it takes just as long to sell a' $1.50;house
dress as a $49. 50 silken frock. We will pay you yourown wages in substantial savings if you care to wait
on yourself in our new department for
House, Porch and Garden Frocks
Carpenters have been busy all week making-changes for this department, and in the rear part of the store
you will find a self-serving section where you actually get paid for picking out and trying on your own
dresses. (Note the prices below) . Saunter through, take your time, select what you want. If you care
to try them on, we have arranged two dressing rooms and one girl will be in charge to wrap bundles and
put xwfxy uiictcccpLcu garments. v
First we come to a rack of Sniocks, they
are of plain blue or pink, in broadcloth.
Not perfectly finished. Your choice at
2 for $1
Next is a group of candy striped reps, very
well made and just right to blend in with
the high colors this season.
2 for $1
Dresses of gingham, novelty prints with
trimming of lace .or contrasting materials.
Some embroidered.
General Markets
1'OKTf.AVl. Mat 5 A1') l'.id t
firWr: - '
Uilfc fiaHr: milk, raw milk 4 pr
Cfiitl "J.:!0 t'vrt. f.w.ti. I'imlanil. llnuer
fat 4iir tortlitft
rViirftr.T if:irty: hparr lie-n 2 j't litir :
lifcbt :!0'f riisrs nominal.; lroitr
'.iUi It-kin white rim-ks :!t-: !
ortMl nominal; tnrky live iiiHntna),
ilr-sMi 'Mr
Onions ten1.v," $3,756(7.
)'tati f-ni-. $1. .' 1.8.1 ack.
t PllRTI.AMl, May .1IAP) ':,tt!r
aftal ralv aliont stpudy; rppitt, rail -
r;,(l!f :,titi 1-1 ia!v,- riirtlllll.
1 ! tiirv lt'ai!y: rreijts Oo.
Shi-p nnl lajrtK : sprint; lamhs easy;
otImtn Mt-iitly-.
I'OliTI.AND. .May " (AIM Straw
IxTri". mv :irriviis from many iiinl in California but' many are .houiis:
rr.tiNitleraMt srrt-eniwss. Tht - 11 pint
crate are untying at $:i.2.V$:t.:i5, lnnxity.
with ;n net asionai fancy nne at s3..1'.
Kant year the Oregon erop wan in full
swing at this time, Vint robl weather has
delayed it about three weeks.
li rowers of early trnek rrnps in the
Kennewit'lc and Yakima sections complain
that the KTouTid is still cold and many
seed :ire rottini; instead of growing..
'rytal white onions from the Coach
ella valley of California are in fair sup
ply now at il.ti-.I.. ler crate.
Some asparagus i in from the Walla
Walla -e' tioii at 1." per ilo.i-n biinclMs.
l'Uryn.ANH.. May .1 (AD hairy ex
clia Njre'" net price :
llnfter. extra. ::9 '4 r : standard :'.'.h-;
prime fir-t :S ; firsts .'!..
Ks, extras j:ie; firsts "J I c ; pullets
J tic: current receipts 19c.
J'01M'I...I. .May .1 Af) Wheat
liids: lilU hard white. May, June $l.."ti;
II W, MS. Itiiart, May. Jui.e'.f 1 . H : federa
tion. Kift while, western while, Mac,
I . I ! : June .!.-:! ; hard wiiit.-r, M,
June $1.11; northern spring, May, June; western red. May, June
Oats. Xo. J. :Sii piiiind while f --d and
Krnj. May. June $:!!;
liarh-y, Xo. 2, II pound 1!W, Hay
Corn. No. 'J, j shipment, Mav," June
Millrun, standard, Mav $3.1. .lit- June
IV)i:TLAr. May .1 (.P) Hay )ly.
ina prices; K.istern (tregon timothy tjfjl
' 2: ditto vail, y $1 7 hi 1 7..K) ; cheat
14.:1t): alfalfa 1 H(r 1 M.r.u ; hay
$14. .Id; oat and vetch $ 1 .."() ; 1 7 ; straw
!?.-!.. It) o r ton. Helling prices M a ton
CIUCAfiO, May ;1 CAl'J Wheat and
corn rivaled each other today in regard
to active buying am- ?n brisk upturn of
value-. Forecasts of 10 p,.r cent reduc
tion of wh.-at s.piting in Canada were
current, and there was further advi.-e at
hand as to lateness of corn planting.
l(oth': whfnt and rorn closed stronsj,
wheat e to 2 .1-Hr net higher: com at
1 34 c to - '-2 f" '2 .1-Ke advance and atv
unchan-.d to .1-Ke tip.
POfiTF.AXI). .May .1 t A 1" ) lint ter
anil esir iirics were aeain unchanged at
the Dairy exchange. liutter storin" has
started with 11,100 pounds now in the
coolers. Receipts were 14,5.1.1 ounds
and output C'!,72?t pounds.
K'i receipts were largpr at 2,7.11
cases and l.t:!2 cases were stored.
Poultry and dressed meats were quiet.
Shipley's Special
Look At These
: I V 1 1 ;3 -K;V. RsrUe. houselioW
iiolpii and music.
10:M-1 1 :tio KXb :1i!. Mortung nui-
1 0 ;IJU- !!") KKWV ( 21-J). Home lteau-
" tifttl hour.
1;Mf). -lH) KKX (242). Vid tie Cools;
moruint; enttert atnnient. . .
1 1 ;Oi)-l2;Dt KtlX C119). Housewife's
12:iO KKKC cj.".'.' i. Weather reports:
12 ;O0-12 ;'.'0 KKX, Popular orchestra
12:30-1:30 K(iV. Noon concert.
2:iO-3;mi KXI.. "Music. ' t
'' :00-:s :)) KfiW. . Matinee program.
2:0-Knd-i-KTlt (2:'..t. I'lay by play
.baseball rf-fjort.
3:00-4:oO KOIX. ies, music.
4 :O0 1 :o0 KKKC. Music.
4 ::!- :t)) KFWV. Twilito hour.
.1 : 1 :() KKX. Postman Hill's chil
dren's party.
.1:1.1-:ii0 KOIX. Tnpsy Titrvy Times.
A New Model-Monarch Electric
s?5Si I I ' i 7 n ; ' ;"i" 'rU.. .'. ...""'S'
Just the range for newlyweds arid small families.
limited number at this price
Want a job
Printed chiffons, georgettes mopacs
grouped on a rack of odds and ends.
all sizes, your choice at
Then there is a rack of clever smocks ma
terials are broadcloths and printed reps
with sateen trim.
Printed voils are here in abundance, and
right in season. To start this new depart
ment off they go at -
Khaki outing dresses, ideal for the morn
ing garden work. There -are about a dozen
to goat v
0,1 7:fMlKOlX (319). Orsaii ,ne.rt.
:ni.rt:)0 KFWV 212). .Aiuuseiut nl
KUlde. -
:ui-t;:jiOKKX -t'i)..
and time signals.
:00-T :Ot KC W (4M)r.
:() 7.: t)t K T 2 ii :i )
Nws markets
littiter eoticert
M nsic.
itit)- :!H KXI. (3S'l).
:30-7 ::ii KKX.
: 00-7:21 KOI X.
'.The K FX trio.
unrf police bulletins
;(K).7;S(-KTItK. AAA road
ait.-l announreinenjf s.
':(0-7:2. KiiW. Music.
;2.1-M:ot)Y-Ki W. Kisl.ine and hunting
i.iik aioi prvoiiry iaiK
:U)-8:i KXI.
Hits of Soi,"l:,n,r
:30-K MX) Kt:X.
:4-H;2H K(IX.
:oo-:on KKWV.
:0() -9 :('() KTHU.
;(MI-!l:0n KiW.
:oti.):t(0 KXI..
:2O-H:40 KOIX.
. 0 l;iiO KOIX.
;IM) ;!( KFW V.
:oo-io :t0 K(iW.
The Vfl.ft t-ri.-r.
Web.Ts Junior Striif"
Studio program. -Concert
nrch.-stra uio!
Studio prosram.
Classical hour.
Stud io'prorain.
Miller & Tracev
K. is. C.
340 Court St.
Saunter Section
! . .-- -
are . j A rack of novelty prints and broadcloth
Not dresses. Not all sizes, but a good selection
i of colors and styles
It isn't just the li tile, women who come in
for the bargains, here are a group of out
size dresses in percales, ginghams and nov
elty prints. .
Then another rack for the larger women is
loaded with prints and gingham frocks em
broidered and trimmed with contrasting
-KOI.X. Misli, Teli orehci-
:to-1 :3 ft K FV .
10:w-10:t K(JW.
Hi:3012.M4 KOIX.?
10:30-12:00 k"(iV.
Studin; program.
l'luyiTs. i
Kd'n orchestra.
Hoot OwU
i-;ini-ia--r. rv r j t:nj. Modern nutsic.
KHO Oakland: (!. l.itth Svm-
lihony orchestra. K, inartet nd harp
ist; i. X. It. '. proaram.
KSA S.kaile t :tt ). i. lime sipnaU- H,
KtA Denver (3.22). 0:3O, 7. "The
Vikntlo" opera: !. band concert."
KFI l.os Anelea (l7l. .1:3o. i : 1 .1,
:3)i harmony sinters; 7. Aedin ir
sran concert : M, tt, X. B. f. program;
lo, ballad honr.
KFOA Seattle (4.14. fi, trio; S;4.1, 7.
. KGW program: . X. H. C. program;
lo, dame orchestra; J0:;to, 1,mi )wls.
Kfl.1 l.os AliCeles J40.1). fi. concert
trio; tt;:!ilt children), proirani; 7:30,
7:40. . H, band roticert.
KKtl--Liiit Heach (232. I!, rt 1 .1. r rf
err orchestra; 7, 7-: art. s, band
err; H, dance prnrram ; lo, frolic !M
KK(j.T-UoHy-oo. C-2H). fi. 7, Hawaiian
, orchestra H, dance orchestra.
Kri:HnlywoodJ25). fi. concert: ".
:3o. Hawaiian quartet ; rf. tio and
soloist,: fl. concert .ensemble and so
loists; io, rainbow hour: 11, dance or
chest m.
Former IVice $1GS.00
Special new price
A beautiful range for a little
money. Thoroughly equipped
with fuses for every clem eh tr
Temperature control and indi
cating light for oven.
Only a
C '
t i
l f
i !
i !
' i;i
I ,
e! J
i i