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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1927)
Klsinore Theater - Satan was first represented In human form daring the ninth cen tury. This curious tact was re cently brought to light by the Paramount Long Island Studios Research Department. - The representation was on an ivory diptych of the time of Charles the Bold. Since then ja long line or pain- era Schbngauer, Durer, Michel-J angelo, Titian, Raphael, Rubens. Pussln. Van Dyck, Breughel, Gus tare Do re and innumerable book illustrators an dother artists have produced their conceptions of the spirit of evil.. Modern artists Felicien Rops. Max Klinger and Frans Stuck hare embodied the Kv.ll One as a female. Victor Hugo thought the Devil to be a woman. - It was -necessary to collect a mass of data and paintings so that D. W. J3riffith could have some thing with' whjch " to work "when production- began on his Version of Marie CorelU's book, "Sorrows of Satanjrhich stows at theElsi nore theater, May 5. . In bis treatment of the story, Mr. Griffith follows Miss CorelU's conception-of Satan-. -He is pic tureauas'a polished man of the world, tempting those with whom he associates. But In order to introduce Satan and make his mo tives clear it has been found neces sary to go back to the legend of Lucifer's expulsion from Heaven. ":t: Capitol Theater "The -Marriage : Clause" shows at the .Capitol theater today. May 5. This is an interesting picture showing : hew Sylvia Jordan, an , inexperienced' girl, is given an op portunity by. Barry Townsend, famous theatrical director. Under his expert tutelage; she gradually becomes successful. He has fallen in love with her and unknown to him.', she reciprocates his affec tions. Through a series of mis understandings, he believes that she is in love with Max Ravenal, the producer, and in despair, he sinks lower in the social scale as she rises. In reality she misses his stimulating presence and i.s peruaded to appear for the open ing of her new play, by Ravenal who deceives her into thinking that Barry is in the audience. Ac tually, Barry is present and as lie watches her triumphs, due-to her thinking he was .there, he be comes bitter at the thought of her being able to succeed fwithout him Accordingly, he leaves town with Mildred LeBlanc, an actress who is putting on a play out of town. From then on, the action moves at a fast pace, ending with a de lightfully surprising finale. MOTHERS warn run MM Oregon Theater "Don't Tell the Wife" will be the big attraction on the screen at the Oregon theater today, May 5. A Tarisian couple are celebrat ing their seventh wedding anni versary and among the guests are a fascinating flirt and a young man who is deeply in loye with her. The flirt's roving eyes set tle on the husband and be finds her an amusing companion. Later he takes her to a gay ball. The wife and the flirt's lover follow. Husband and wife accuse each other and angrily decide upon a divorce, with a switch in life part ners; the wife to marry the young man, and the husband to marry the flirt. A magistrate, who is a friend of the family, frames a fake divorce and the scrambled couples get married, illegally. Be fore they can be prevented, they are off on their respective honey moons. The magistrate follows them and catches them just in time to warn them of the fraud Husband and wife are happily re united and the other pair get married. Hazel Green-Team to Play Central Howell Nine Friday at Silverier) . HAZEL. GREEN, May 4. (Special) A Mother's day pro gram will be given on Sunday at 11 o'clock. Mrs! Sarah Oliver, president of the county WCTU, will speak on the "Home," and Mrs. Charton of Salem will speak on "Francis Willard and Mother Love." A. cordial invitation is ex tended to all. The Woman's Missionary so ciety will entertain the gronp from Middle Grove at the home of Mrs. G. G. Looney on Thursday, May 12. This is to be a Mothers' and Daughters' meeting. The road from the Pacific highway is being improved by grading and graveling. It will be paved next year. William Kelly is reported to be quite ill. The community club gave a splendid program on Friday even ing. The proceeds will be used by the club. LeRoy Van Cleave Is recover ing from an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Adale Jones of Portland is visiting her mother, Mrs. Louisa Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. McCormack of Oregon City were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Woelke. They attended the community meeting. Mr. McCormack lived here a number of years ago. The school was represented at the speical spelling contest by Helen Davis, sixth grade; Gerald- ine Porter, fifth grade and Stan ford Davis, third grade. The following pupils of the school are on the health honor roll: Dorothy Dunigan. Leonard Faist, Alfred Montanion, Richard Van Cleave, Geraldine Porter, I Victor Williamson, Claude Lucan- Set Of Seven Rules Formed At Meeting Various Organizations May Art On Them Soon Representatives of the building trade unions including plumbers, sheet metal workers, electricians, plasterers and painters have 'drawn up a set of seven rules for members pf their trades to abide by in Salem. They are being submitted to the various organi sations included. I A. lob that is unfair to one craft is unfair to all crafts. 2 The first worker to stare on Ihe job shall act as job steward unlH a-surcenor has been chosen. 3 All. workers before starting to Work must inquire of the job stewart and present his working credentials before going to work. 4 Any worker arriving on a job jand "finding n.o steward shall report the same to the business agent as soon as convenient. 5 When a member of any craft goes on a Job "where other crafts havp worked and have gone from the Job, he must ascertain wheth er the other crafts that preceded his craft were fair. (This clause is t& apply only to new work.) 6 Any member violating these working rules shall be re ported to his organization as soon as possible. T-In case of trouble on a job, the tbusiness agent shall be called andif he is unable to adjust the trouble, he shall call the building trades council together as soon as possible . and after 'they have ter .they shall render a decision and their ruling shall be final and binding unless an appeal is taken to the central labor council as pro vided by the constitution of the Salem Trades and Labor council. FLOOD VICTIMS RUSH MANY SHELTER AREAS (Continued from page 1.) quarters office. While .most of Arkansas sec tions reported waters receding steadily, promising more easiness in the situation in that sector, im perative calls for men, boats and supplies came from Ashley county where waters were reported ris ing. A heavy rain in sections of the Mississippi delta caused a rise of three inches over night in Bel-zoni,- Miss., after the flood began it-ceding. Boats continually re ported discovery of additional marooned people in the older of the flooded sections. Taft Siletz bridge off Roose velt highway opened. NOTED AVIATOR COMING FRIDAY tt The Junior Class ofW.U. Presents THE INTIMATE STRANGERS" Three Act Comedy " " "" By Tarkjngton llcserved Seats By Mail Now Lower Floor- Reserved 7."c . .Balcony 50c Ilox Office Open Now i fall SO for Seats Mea's and Ladle suits cleaned and pressed, f i.00. Ladies' silk dresses, 91.25. Coats rellned, 93.OO. Men suits pressed, 50c. VARLEY CLEANERS Over Bosicka LEAN ON A BETTER BANK BALANCE .W. GRIFFITH'S V "7 V Last Times Today THE ELSINORE - f. : MARTIN . t Writes . Profit Producing - Ads ADVERTISING SERVICE v. 1 , v Directors f ; : Profitable Publicity' ; f25 Oregon K4z. Phos3 7S)5 ' : ' v . t Lieutenant Oakley, G. Kelley, who will pilot the big De Haviland plane in the race with an automobile and a motorcycle at Saturday's race meet at the fairgrounds. Kelley's chief claim to fame is nis coast-to-coast daylight flight, but he has contributed numerous other records to the history of the thrilling conquest of the air. beal, Marvin Van Cleave, Guy Allen Looney and Sanford Davis. Mrs. D. Steiwer is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Ella McCoffery. Mrs. Steiwer will make haj home in Portland as she has just re turned from Oakland, Calif. The Hazel Green baseball team will play the Central How ell team on the Silverton diamond Friday for the county championship. Gales Creek and Wilson River Group Makes Claim In event the public service com mission grants the franchise for the proposed W'ilson River toll road extending from near Newberg to a point eight miles from Tilla mook City, the .Gales Creek and Wilson River Railroad company will insist that its prior rights be protected. This was indicated in a letter received from attorneys of the railroad company at the of fices of the public service com mission. It was pointed out in the letter that the proposed route of the toll road might conflict ' with he sur veys of the railroad corporation looking to an extension of its line along Wilson river. The railroad extension would cover a distance of approximately 38 miles, the let ter indicated. 4 Docket For May Term Of Court Very Light 1 Carson Hopes to Get Wheeler. Case 4 , to Jury Soon With, the docket for ; the May term of department onie,' circuit court, very light. District Attorney John Carson; hopes to get-the case of State vs. Art Wheeler through to the jury without delay on ' the first day of the session. 1' Wheeler has been held on a charge of manslaughter since early October. " His case came up in the April term but due to the absence of Jim Gee, Chinese wit ness, the case was carried over an other month. Gee has been in Alaska engaged In commercial fishing. - Other criminal cases are those against Oliver Gault, charged with forgery, and Nels Blixseth, held for contributing to the delinquen cy of a minor. Gault was appre hended last month while trying to pass an alleged ; forged check at the George Johnson clothing store in Salem. Blixseth is'accused of furnishing liquor Jo a minor girl and transportation of two other girls to Portland. . . Ray Wyley of Salem will ans wer an indictment .for "possession of Jntoxlcants. lie was arrested in a prohibition raid at a Front street house. - ' Mrs. Miller to Attend v State-Wide Assembly OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL. Monmouth, Ore., May 4. (Spe cial.) -President of the- Polk county religious council. Mrs. Inez Miller of the rural department of the Monmouth normal school, will attend the three day state-wide assembly of religious educational workers and leaders to be held lit Portland May 9, 10 and 11. Dr. Paul II. Vieth of Chicago, director of the international coun cil, and Professor M. A. Honline, nationally known lecturer on relig ious education, are two of the out standing speakers on the program. Monday's program will .center around "Saving the Loss in Church and Pastoral Productivity The Administrator. - Tuesday. TELEPHONE 4-2-6 JOE the battery man service calls free. 540 Cbemeketa Street "Saving the Loss in Life Build Ing'V The Teacher, and Wednes day. "Saving the Loss in Livin Youth. SHOW ' JOINS "UXIOX" LONDON G. Bernard Shaw has joined a unions the National Association of Non-Smokers. Tliov wear a green badge with the "union's" initials on it in black. ROLLER SKATING Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Prom 7:30 to 10:30 P. u. DRKAMLAND RINK Ladies Admitted Pr Gentlemen 10c SKATING B5e 1: V J L U HE 2005 N. Capitol Phone 520 Thursday and Fridav Kite 7 and 9 P. M. "My Official AVifc" ,See "Her" Comedies and Weekly Always 25c Children 10c i Would you risk your life to save your Bro ther -- to bring c k to he had from WOJ stolen TML2 Q13lZGOM - - ' m ' - 1 " " 1 ' j y 5!5: See three countries . United States t m i r - wm t i ie 1 1 hi i'x is ? k iia i t. Biir.iriiii jit thiyiii ; Again . TK is Year . SPECIAL ATTRACTION TONITE AT 9 for National Music Week Salem Oratorio Society in Concert at 9 P. M. TODAY AND SAT. mm nm awims ma m Deacon at the WorliUer NEWS COMEDY A Lois Weber Production Inside story of a stage star tho "secret .bf: her ambitions and hopes --her loves and he,r triumphs -her Joys and heartaches all truthfully portrayed by a spleoflid all-star cast.: ; TOMOUROW . .. ; . -8il5 JJJNIOR CLASS OP W. U. - ' Presents -. "The Intimate Stnuaurera' S-VTURDAV . S---Rig Acts , j- ' Ievey N. Y. YAUDEV1LLE and . "The Marriage Clause" Southern. Pacific's Around the United States " for but little more than the roundtrip direct route fare to New York. Two oceans, three nations, famous cities, your favorite ; vacation playgrounds com bine them all in this greatest summer travel bargain. Ol-fake the Circle Tour your trip east. Stopover where you please, stay as long as you wish. You have until October 3 1 to complete the return trip. Summer roundtrip fares ef fective May 22. Start the Cir- cl e Tour on or after that date. Travel over new Cascade . or the Siskiyou line to Cali fornia. Finery faster service than ever before, over this scenic route. Visit San Francisco, Del Monte, YosemitcThen Los Angeles, Hollywood and its movie studios, San Diego. East now through the color ful southland. Phoenix, the spectacular Apache Trail of Arizona; Tucson; El Paso, with Juarez nearby, San An tonio, Houston to historical ' ly romantic New Orleans. From here by train or ship to New York City ---meals and berth on the boat includ ed in your fare. Visit eastern friends and relatives ; see noted centers of the east; then! westward via Canadian or northernUnited States lines. Montreal," famed Niagara Falls, the Great Lakes, Chi cago, on to Glacier, Yellow stone and Jasper national . parks, the Canadian Rockies, .; the Pacific North westRai: nie r National Parkand home. No finer travel opportunity . . than this. Rest, recreation, education. Ask a Southern Pacific agent for the new Circle Tour brochure (pro fusely illustrated) and further details. ' i . Cirde the United State for but little more than roundtrip direct route fare to New Yorfc J "" - . i'N.if' ' - " r 1