Section Will Be the Chief Crude Drug rden of the World, and Should rBe Soon ? itol Theater fftoy M Proceeds Go To Salvation Army Flood Relief Fund WEATHER FORECAST: Fair, rising temperature and falling humidity in the in terior gentle northerly wind. Jrtaimuut temperature yesterday. 55; minimum, .42; You couldn't entirely disarm a flat ion un less you burned, all the. rolling pins and sank all the Hat Irons.. v I ; Italy and Hungary hare ratified a treaty of friendship, bat the friendship is nbt thought to extend to the rest of Europe. .1 i Li river. 4.1 ; ruiaiaii. .". iiiiujmcin,. ldiuly; wind, south. SFArENTY-SEVENTH YER SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY CORNING, MAY 5, 1927 FRICE FIVE CENTS Did You Know -That Or Special tflatinee At the SQUARE ill rinvastation of Northeastern Louisiana Completed by j Mississippi MORE REFUGEES MOVING Many Remained in TlircnteiHil i Region. I'mil Fiiutl Warning I-oikmI; KojMlrt Rlockcd, ReWClie IfcMttM I'mmI NKVV Oi:i(KANS, May A. -(AIM VI;.- charging Mississippi river to nivlit rapidly was completing the i'v:istaf ion of northeastern Lou isiana started hy its tributaries. Sweeping through fts banks at :,niiihT place today between Vi.ksMirg and Natehez. the river was sending roaring torrents into Tensas parish north of the town -l St. Joseph. Save for narrow ridges running through Franklin and - West Car- 1 k.ii parishes and Ouachita and .Vorehouso parishes, water now overs, or soon will cover, the whole of the 5.000 square rnUes iu i lie-funnel bounded on the north liy Arkansas, on the west and east by the Ouachita and Mississippi, iiid on the south by the Red and Did rivers. Warning Start Exodus While backwaters long since have driven a large percentage of the population of the nine affected parishes to refugee concentration points, many other thousandshave pinned their faith on the -Missis i-ippi leves and clung to their liOllies. Warned by telephone and air- these began moving out ight and the human stream rS inued on the move today, al t'jgh all reports Indicated there was no wild dash before the water as it crept slowly toward neatly . dozen towns whose populations bad been augmented by hundreds f rcfugees. Roads I Hocked In most of the parishes .where Die inundation is being. made com plete by the breaks in the Missis--ippi levees, main roads already, bad .been blocked by back waters trorn the Red. the Black, the Ar kansas and the Ouachita rivers. and chief reliance for rescue was r-iaced in boats. The new crevasses on the Mis sissippi are widening what al teady is the largest lake ever ere "led by any flood .since the levee system was installed. Av'iators flying over the territory report a ract ically solid sheet of Water in southeastern Arkansas, north- astem Louisiana and western Mississippi; measuring several hundred miles north and south and M-rhaw 100 miles east and West. The vast funnel of water hear- (Continued on paf 5.) DEBT DISCUSSION DODGEti BY U. S. imiTAIV XOTK -CatAl.IJSXGKK STATEMENT'S TRUTH Mellon - llibben , OotTCNpondcitre I'urely Ilomestlr, Secretary Deelarcfi WASHINGTON May 4. ( APJ The state department advised 'lie Hritish government today that i he Tinted States regards the re cent correspondence between Sec retary Mellon, and President Hlb ben of Princeton university on war debts as a "purely domestic dis- ussion and does not desire'o en fcace in any formal diplomatic es ' hanges on the subject." Th views of the .Washington '-'overnment were contained in a note transmitted to the British embassy. It was in reply to a ", dated May 2 banded the de partment yesterday by the British 1 !:arge d'affaires, actinr tn the ab from Washington of Ambas- Air Howard, which challenged k: accuracy of a statement by Mr. Mellon that Great t Britian's 'lebt paymenU to the United States Would not pnnetttnt drain on KHritish economic resources. fj The statement of '- the treasury - iciary was a pan oi a teuer written by him to Dr. Hibben in reply to the contention of mem t'-r of the Princeton and Colum f'ia university faculties that there should be a revision of the debt settlements. BO WEN RILLED; HIT BY MACHINE MAX STEPS FROM IMRKKO CAR OXTO HIGHWAY .AfrKco Kvoneralcd of Rlnmc; Stop Aitto.Williin Few Feet ; of Accident 'SILVERTOX. Ore.. May 4. (Special! Stepping from behind a parked car directly into the path of an approaching automobile. Glen Ilowen, 34v Silverton world war veteran, was instantly killed this morning shortly before 8 o'clock on the highway one mile west of Silverton, at the Mt Angel intersection. The car which hit' Rowen was driven by L. D. McKee. According to L. T. Rigdon, cor oner, and Rert Smith, deputy sher iff, who investigated the accident. Rowen had been called to the road by his uncle. Gideon Rowen. The latter , had parked his car pract ioaly .orf the pavement head ing west arid had talked with his nephew several minutes, before he turned to leave. Evidently without the least thought of other traffic he started at a half trot across, the road to be knocked down by the McKee car. His skull and jaw were fractured besides several contusions on the body causing instant death. McKee was driving at approxi mately 25 , miles pes hour being followed by T. E. Preston, Silver ton electrician, who corroborated his report. Roth men were going to Rickreall where McKee is con structing a service station and barbecue stand. McKee stopped his car within a few feet of the spot where Rowen went down, too late however to save Bowen's life. JCo inquest was taken as all evidence pointed that McKee was not at fault. His form al report was filed at the sheriff's office yesterday afternoon. Rowen served more. than a year with the A. E. F. in .France, go ing through the war with scarce ly a scratch. For several years, he has been an extensive t grower of strawberries on his farm, near Silverton. He is survived by his wife, La vone, one daughter, his father, Harvey S. Rowen of Silverton. two brothers and a sister, the lat ter living in Eugene. Funeral ser vices will be held by Delbert Reeves Post Xo. 7 of the American Legion. CASE MAY BE APPEALED : i ; - ' Argument Heard About Rorcow- irtg Commission' Funds Arguments of attorneys were heard In the circuit court here yesterday in two suits filed re cently, to restrain the state board of control from harrowing'' funds of the state industrial accident commission for the construction of . the proposed $600,000 state of fice building authorized by the last legislature. One suit was filed by the Oregon-American Lumber company, Eastern and Western Lumber company and the Silver Falls Timber company, which are con tributors to the state industrial aecideht fund The other suit waa brought by Peder Pederson, employe and beneficiary of the accident fund. Plaintiffs contend that under the constitution the state has no authority to contract an indebted ness of more than $50,000 unless such action is approved by the voters. It further was alleged that the funds -of the industrial acci dent commission were contribut ed for a specific purpose and can ftot be used for building opera tions. . It was said that the case would be appealed to the state supreme court regardless of any decision that may he landed down In the lower court. 41 SCHOOLS ACCREDITED Or-Ron Stands Second in Number of Standard Hifrhs, Report PORTLAND. May 4. (AP) T6e state of bregon stands' second fn the list of northwest states in the number of funy accredited high schools, according to a list received today by E. F. Carleton, chairman of, the Oregon commis sion ion accrediting, froia the sec retary, of the Northwest associa tion. Superintendent Soulen, of Moscow,' ' Idaho. Washington heaas the list wUh 59 fully ac credited schools. : Oregon has 41, Montana 3 3 ;r Id aho 27, . Utah 3 9 Nevada 2, and. Alaska t. - Among .their accredited high schools- in Oregon are r those in Astoria. Albany, Clatskanie. Eugene,- McMinayille, Medford. Rose- burg; Salem, Silverton, and the Portland schools-'"' iSim OF JUDD GRAY Mrs. Snyder Twisted Wire About Husband's Neck, Paramour Relates SPECTATORS IN TEARS Corset Salesman Pictures Self As Liquor Soaked Weakling; Weakened at Critical Moment, He Asserts NEW YORK, May 4 (AP) -With women spectators weeping freely and with tears streaming down his owncbeeks, Henry Judd Gray today told from the stand at the SnyderGray murder trial his version of the slaying of Albert Snyder, magazine art editor. His story fixed upon himself and Mrs. Ruth Brown Snyder, his co-defendant, the actual killing. It placed upon Mrs. Snyder the in stigation of the crime and revealed him a drunken, quavering tool in her hands Mrs. Snyder Weeps Mrs. Snyder, holding her lips with twitching fingers, as if try ing to keep from crying out. wept profusely as Gray described in minute detail how she took him by the hand, led him into the bed room where her husband lay sleeping, and when his courage failed, snatched up the sashweight he had dropped and ' struck her husband as he called upon her to help him. The murder. Gray related, was committed by hoth, but he said Mrs. Snyder must have twisted about her husband's neck the pic ture wire that, according to ex pert -tejittnonyi --rause -death' "by strangulation. The saturation of (Continued on Paxe 5.1 BUSINESS OUTLOOK GOOD Speakers at t". S. "hamher of Com merce Meet Optimistic WASHINGTON, May 4. (AP) - -The business outlook for the United States was pictured in bright colors by speakers who ad dressed the aanual meeting of the United States, but one shadow was cast by the agricultural situation in the middlewest. Harry -Chandler, publisher of the Los Angeles Times, predicted the Pacific coast would become the front door for American commerce. CHINA ISN'T THE ONLY PLACE THE PUZZLES COME FROM I ' ' -FVU III Jy- ySPRIHGONlTflE - til It v. V V - i r . : 111 jjti i -riiri SPJEIGIAL MATJNEE FOR FLOOD FUND LL PROCKF.DS TO HE l"SKI BY ARMY FOR RELIEF Capitol Theater Cooperates in i Most Worthy Work; Friday Afternoon Afternoon Salvation Army officials report a hearty, response to the Army's belated canvass for funds to stip pirt its workers among the very first in the flood stricken districts. Ensign Pitt of the Army here reports S2l:5 now on hand, with their workers just getting into aetion. Much of the money now on its way to ttm flooded areas was brought in on volunteer sub scriptions. One lady who withheld her name, yesterday gave $10. The Ladies Aid society of Leslie Methodist church today sent the Army a check for "ST through the society's treasurer. Mrs. Ralph Thompson. Fi-Jttik Bligh, of the Capitol theater has given the biggest bqost for the Army fund, offering the Friday matinee beginning at 4:15 as "Flood Benefit Show." This is a special Jackie Coogan picture. The admission charge will be reas onable and all proceeds will go into the- Salvafion Army's flood fund. "This Friday show offer by Mr. Bligh is most generous, and we hope the public responds with a "standing-room-only house." said Dr. B. F. Pound last night, in an nouncing that the Salvation Army executive board had accepted the Capitol theater offer. . Dr. Pound, who is chairman of the board, alsq announces that th.i Business Men's club of Amity has volunteered to raise a sum for the Army's relief work. LYNCH ARKANSAS NEGRO Mo4 Slays Man Relieved to Have Attacked Two White Women LITTLE ROCK. Ark., May 4. (AP) Troops of the Arkansas national guard were ordered out by G6vernor Martlneau tonight to prevent further trouble in Little Rock following the lynching and burning of a negro who earlier today had attacked two white women. In a telephone conversation with Major F. E. Fredman, assist ant adjutant general, the governor ordered that all state troops avail able be utilized to prevent a threatened outbreak of race trouble. Lynching of another negro to night was theatened when he was found armed in a huge crowd which congregated in the negro section where the body of John Carter, 2 2. negro, was dragged and burned after he had been hanged in the woods nar the city. , - V.V. w.' FLOOD VICTIMS RUSH ALL CAMPS SHELTER AREAS HOUSE 25,000 MANY NEW BREAKS Willamette District Contributes 8I.V:t.:!7; Children and Others R"Mmling , How is this for response to the ci.ll for aid of the hundreds of thousands affect ed by south and central west floods? (1) Seven children, all of the students attending at district No. SO. each gave SI to the Red Cross. (2 1 Children at the school for deaf give SS. (.1 "When Willamette district's mi ota was SI 800. I gave $20 as my share." said a well known Sa lem business man yesterday. "Now t?.at the quota, has doubled with the increased terrors of the flood, I believe that I should give anoth er S20." The man who has thus g'ven $40 requested no publicity for himself. Dr. Henry E. Morris, chairman 6f t lie Red Cross drive, announced hst night that Marion and Polk counties have subscribed a total ot S 1 5 n .A 7 . with workers active but not reporting in several lo calities. All of the 'reports will probably be in early next week. M KM PHIS. Tenn.. May 4. (By AP. With 25.00O' homeless, Louisianians already in concentra tion camps, and the expectation that today's breaks in the Missis sippi levee will raise the liguro to between 40,000 and 50,000, the American Red Cross turned anx ious eyes to the stretch of river betweeh Baton Rouge and New Orleans. ' Levee breaks between Baton Rouge and New Orleans will in crease the number of refugees in Louisiana by 100.000 persons, Henry M. Baker, national director of disaster relief, estimated. The enormous relief forces in Louisi ana steadily increased with the arrival on tlfe scene of more men and boats. The erratic nature of the fload emergencies daily, com plicate the problems of head (Continued on Page 2.) INJUNCTIONS REVOKED Orders Preventing Interference With Oil Firms Withdrawn MEXICO CITY. May .4. The Mexican ' supreme court by1 unani mous decision revoked ' the par tial amparos or injunction grant ed by lower courts to nine foreign oil companies restraining the fed eral , authorities from enforcing the new oil regulations. The supreme court ruled that that district court must grant or reject amparos in totality, not in part, as had "been done by the Mexico City district courts in the case of the amparos question. HOTEL SURVEY HERE HERE Matter Referred for Cham ber of Commerce and Serv ice Club Action MAY NAME COMMITTEE Representative of Firm of Experts Adtltetisod Local Group; Ad vantages of Accommodat ing Tourists Shown After hearing Louis D. Barr. western manager of the Hocken bury system, and Eric V. Mauser, Jr. president of the Multnomah Hotels corporation, present the purposes of their organizations in regard to community sponsored hotel propositions, about 3 5 repre sentative business men of aSlem last night voted to refer the mat ter of a new hotel in Salem to chamber of commerce directors and service club heads for furth er investigation. If it is thought advisable, a hotel committee later will be appointed with power to (Continued on page 6.) LEGION OPENS CAMPAIGN Many legionnaires to Attend Rig; Meeting in Sheridan Friday A general membership drive .for Capital post No. 9, American Legion, will be opened today, ac cording to Raymond Bassett, adju tant. Every effort will be mad; to bring the total to the 1.000 niark within the next few days. At present there are over T5 paid np members in the post. A prize will be awarded the per son getting the most members be fore the meeting on the evening of May 16. This prize ha been offered by the past officers of the post, and there is every indication that a lively battle will ensure in the membership drive. Announcement was made yester day that 190 American Legion men fom Salem will attend the Yam hill county meeting at Sheridan Friday evening, M,ay 6, at Sheri dan. Special preparation is being made by the Sheridan Legionnaires to furnish entertainment and, as an offer of cooperation is always welcome, the Salem delegation will stage their famous show for the benefit of the Yamhill county boys. ALTITUDE RECORD MADE Captain Hawthornn C. Gray Rises to Height of 4f.OOO Feet SCOTT FIELD, Belleville, 111., May 4. (API- A new world's altitude record for free balloons apparently was established today by Captain Hawthorne C. . Gray, who descended at 4 p. m. at Gol den Gate, 111., after his altometer showed a reading of approximate ly 41,000 feet. The previous rec ord of 35,433 feet' was made 2 years ago by two German aero nauts. On the-descent, Captain Gray, who depended on" his balloon to "parachute" itself, found that he was falling 1500 to 1800 feet per minute at a height of 8,000 feet He immediately climbed over the side of the basket and made a parachute Jump landing about 200 yards from a creek in a mud dy field. Although making .a complete somersault while land ing, he was uninjured. JAPAN'S CREDIT GOOD Speaker at Luncheon Relates Some Interesting Facta "Japan's credit as one of the five world powers has not weak ened." said H. S. Snyd. TMCJL secretary at Yokahoma, : mw 1b America on a vacation, in an ad dress before Rotarians yesterday. Although its finances are now in tight straits, Mr. . Sneyd be-' lieves that the government - would be Inviting revolution If It failed to sustain the banks. Japan is the most densely populated power la the world and has a tremendous handicap to overcome in whatever it undertakes. The speaker emphasized the de pendence of Japan : qn imports from this county and in correla tion compared the dependence-of the Pacific northwest with IU ex ports of lumber' and other pro ducts to Japan, . , BUSINESS IE ORATORIO GROUP TO GIVE CONCERT PROGRAMS GIVEN LAST NIGHT OF GRKAT. 1XTEUEST Formal Concert Scheduled for To night in St. Joseph's A uditorlum The fourth day in Music Week, which is being extensively ob served in Salem and the surround ing community, came to a success ful close last night and a new calendar of events is promised for today. Of much interest is the fact that the Salem Oratorio Society, which was received with such enthus iasm at the Elsinore theater on Tuesday night, will repeat its per formance at 9 o'clock tonight at the Capitol theater. Last night a program of merit was given at the Oregon School for the Blind. A second program of interest took place at the Girls' Industrial school, with Miss Vivian Whistler in eharge;and a third at Fruitland by pupils of Mrs. Ethel Phelps, assisted by Miss Naomi Phelps, lyric soprano. Of outstanding interest among the events of last' night was the elaborate and1 decidedly . finished dress rehearsal of the operetta, "Cinderella,'' -which the music de partmntbf th Parrish Junior High school will give tomorrow night at the school auditorium under the direction of Mrs. Walter Zosel. Gorgeous costumes and symbolic stage sets have been prepared for this signal attraction. Claudine Gillespie has the title role -of Cin derella. Still another program of in terest last night was that given by Mrs- P. F. Thomas and Zena Thomas at the Mennonite church (Continued ; on Page 5.) WILLIAM 0. JWARR DIES Well ,Kuwvn Young Man of This City Passes Away at Medfortl William O. Marr, former resi dent of this city and formerly well known and well liked employee of the First National bank, of this city, died at Medford at 6:45 Tuesday following a serious operation- Better known as "Scotty," Mr. Marr was a popular student and graduate of Salem high school, being a member of class '18. He was born in Scotland, October 16, 1901. At the time of his death Mr. Marr was with the First Nation al Rank of Medford. He had been ill but a short time and with the operation hopes had been held for his recovery until Wednesday morning whefn he suffered a sud den relapse. He leaves his parents, Mr. -and Mrs. John Marr, of 11 IS Hines street, Salem: a sister, Mrs. Carl Fischer, Salem; brothers, James, San Francisco; John G.. Aberdeen, Wash.; Charles, Portland and Ed ward, of Salem. The body arrived at Salem last night and will be received at the Rigdon mortuary. Funeral jan nouncements will lie made later- FEDERALSHIP RELEASED Steamer Makes Mysterious Halt Jnst Outside Golden Gate SAN FRANCISCO, May .4. (AP) -The steamer FedeTalship, her $1,000,000 liquor cargo sealed by the United States coast guard, today steamed from ; the harbor here, passed out to sea and re sumed the voyage rudely inter rupted two months ago by the shells of . coast guard cutters. The steamer halted for" a few moments outside the Golden Gate but continued her .voyage after a short delay. The, reason for the halt was a mystery ashore, as much a mystery as was the real destination ' of the liquor .carrier whose papers call fdr delivery of her cargo at Buena Ventura, Co lombia. . - SOUTHERN ORATOR WINS ... . .. . -., d . , i 'J ir If. R. V. Speaker Will Iteprr4nt CoAkt In Xatlonnl Contet ' CORVALLIS. May 4. (AP) -Arthur Syvertsoir; representing the University of Southern California; won first place in Mhe regional oratorical contest oh the constitu tion at Oregon ; Agricultural col lege today, against state ' cham pions from Washington. Oregon, South Dakota and northern Cali fornia. ,r,-';'fj:-:?: i ;: v -' : ' - Benoit McCroskey, University of Oregon, was second with an ap peal ; for individual adherence . to the constitution.' Syvertson, who will now eater the national finals, delivered a' polished eulogy of the constitution. - 1 V. TR1 ROBBERY Ri RELATEO US FQUNDATIDfJ 14 Witnesses Called First Day in Murder Trial of Hugh De Autremont J REVOLVER INTRODUCECf Bandit Seen by Several, but ilit tU' IescHpt Ion Offeretl; John- ' son's Ieath .Recalle! by ..Physician ' . .. ' " COURTHOUSE. JACKSON- V I L L E , Ore.. May 4. (APJ The state of Oregon made rapid " progress today in its effort to luf a foundatino of , evidence '-whir h ' will connect Hugh De Antreraont 23, with the murder of ' Charlea O. Johnson, and with the holdup and dynamiting of a Southern Pa cific train in the. Siskiyou tunnel on October 11. 123. with the attendant deaths of three 'other trainmen. . Fourteen witnesses were called, 13 of whom 'were employes of tbe Southern Pacific, and the other Dr, Lawrence George of Tacoma.. Wash., a passenger on the ill-fated train. The testimony moved swiftly. ' ; : Saw MenTtuniiing Hugh . Haffey, express messen ger on the train, testified today to having seen men. dressed like laborers, running from the tunnel after the explosion that' wrecked . the mall car. and tn having uun them climb a bank to the right of me tracKs, where they disappear ed.' - On cross examination Haffey believed the men looked "like rail road employes. One of them. .ha' saidappeared to him to be of fair- iy large stature, with square shoulders, and weighing bet wees 150 and 160 pounds. De Autre mont Is small and weighs 121 pounds. J. S. Benjamin, rear brakemanj testified that he saw a man whe appeared to be tugging at a wire at the rear of the engine, .or in front of . the first baggage car. when the train stopped and he had clambered out with a lantern to see what was the matter. He thought there was trouble with the engine, he said. As he went back to set a warn- ' ing signal for the second section, the explosion occurred. The man, (Continued, on Tag' 4.) CHURCH LEADERS MEET IN SALEM XSSUAI CONFERENCE -OF EVANGELICAL GROUPS OPEX 100 Delegates: Here From Kw tiona of Oregon, Western Washington ' ?f The annual conference of Evan gelical churches . of Oregon and western Washington convened at the First Evangelical church of Salem yesterday forenoon, f At Ibe forenoon; meeting, Dr: C. C. Poling was elected, delegate to the board Of missions - nnri T?rtY CP. Gates of Portland was cluis en as alternate. There was held in the forenoon an election of officers of the tnia- ' slonary society for the Of on conference. Rev. F. B. Culver, was elected president: Rev. M. 3. Ballantyne, Sr., vice president; Rev. F. E. Fisher, secretary, and Rev. E. C. Kreitlow treasurer. . ; Bishop M. T. Maze of Harris- nurg, pa., opened the conference w-- m j mm i-umuiuHiuu serv ice, and examination of ministers was held and regular business transacted, : with about 100 dele- t ofl att&TiAtvi ar yrn f am nra - i At last evening session. Dr. I. H Nefbel of Clereland. Ohio: mie- tnnarw afliiPatirV ' frkA TTvoVtrcktLw cal church, preached the annual missionary sermon.' i f. Interel ing Meetings Tonight ' '.The sessions last over Sunday, and further announcements will be made tomorrow. ,' This evenlag, following stir-rcr, there will be a .jubilee serr: , held in honor" of the" completion, el 10 years of active service i a tip uinlstry by Rer. JI. S. Schukce-ht ef Portland, j. : i The regular business of the con ference will proceed at today's sessions, and at 8 o'clock thi evening Bishop M. T. Mazesr'i speak. :