THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING MAY 4, 1927 i: T a t 1' :' ufWXtMi'Vl I ft in rrr? F f " 1 f f f f. r 1 A ! I New First National Bank Building Directory BASEMENT D Lui Shining Parle Expert for Lodtes and Gentlemen. ENTRANCB Ted's Cigar Stand Td Irwln Proprietor. SECOND FLOOR Coffey' a Fhote Borvtee Tel . 70S. Over the Spa THIRD IXOOR Morrli Optical Co., 301-S08-303 Dr. Henry E. Merrla. Optometrist Telephone 238 F. Gillette -Lawyer Suite Sir -Telophase 1058 Socolofsky ft Son. TeL 870 304-8M Ra! Estate. Loan. Insurance FOTRTK FLOOB Drs. O'Neill A Bard acta, Optometrist Phone 625 401-402-403-404-400 Guardian Building- St Loan Aaeoelatioa O. Bayford Ely 1S Telephona 7rw WUlard H. Wlrti and Paul T. Barxla Attorney. 410-411-418 Taj. ISt Lane Morley. 41S. Tat 767; Boa. lSlft-W Beat Eatato Loans Xasvaaeo SIXTH TXOOR Geo. B. Venn, SC. D., PkyateUB St SaiS Snita 603. TeL SS7S-2S7S; Boa. 77 Robin D. Day and Donald W. SCUm Attorneya at Lav Telephona 103. 610-ll- E. P. Room Smith, New York Life 613. Telephona 103 EIGHTH PLOOR Dr. O. Ward Davie. Ooaoral Dentlatry Telephone 816. Open Evening- Koom 803 Dr. H. R. Seof laid .806 Chiropractor. Naaxoealomotor Berrtce I. N. Sandera, SC. Phyaldam A Snrfaoa Saite S10. Telephona SSS; Roa. 234f NINTH fXOOB Dr. H. SC. Brows, Eye, Bar. Noaa St Throa Spodaiiat. Salto 00. TENTH FLOOR Dr. w. A. Johnson. Deo tin Telephona 1183 ... . -, . .108 Chaiaee- Loo Goorga, D. D. S. fMiioi el Dosclatry B. M. Grtmn. D. S. 8.. Orthodontia Telephone 181. Salto lOOs-1002 JjJNION ROSTER HOI) CARRIERS AND BUILDING LA borere Loal No. 441, moots Wed.. 8 p. m Call, 178 -for men. . -r CAPITOL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION No. 210 Preiident. O. F. Ivans; lee reury, M. D. Pilkentoou Meets sec ond Seturday. 8 p. m. CARPENTERS' UNION NO. 1065 Mwti Thura. ereninf. . Herbert Halo, president; Wm. Pettit, aeeratary fekillrd mechanics tarnished. Tel. 179. SALEM UNION LABEL. LEAGUE sleet at Labor Hall oa call of preai dent. P. W. Bears, secretary Boa 0 44. sal em, Urt. LODCE ROSTER T BvMUHTS OF PTTBIAB MEETS Al MeCoraack Hall, over Millar's Store every Saturday evening. P. J. Tooao C. 0.; H. R. Bnrka, K. of B, 8. Tel 1319 W REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY I BECKE HENDRICKS 189 N High. TeL. 169. LEB W. BELL 503 Book of Commerce Bldg. Tel. 484 BOHRNSTEDT PAYNB 147 N. Commercial. ' Telephone S77. Pi W. GEI8EK Tslephon III?. -tti Cout. W. O. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'L Rm. 1. TsL S17. JOHN W. ORR Bligk Bldf. Tsl. 1485. Nee GERTRUDE 3. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage. , -TeL, 1184 " TRIANGL REALTY CO. 21 Court St. n v- Tel. 681 ULRICH ROBERTS ' ' 129 N. OommareiaL . TaL 1154. V ICTOR 8CHNEIDXB, Realtor. U7 !t. Com'L TaL ST1. SQUARE DEAL REALTY Vat'l Rank RMr Twl 4T The Oregon State8man rHbliehed every morning (except Mon day) at Salem, the capital of Cvogom. ADVERTI8INO -HONEST ADVERTISING Thoso eoV ume matt bo kept fro from aay thing of a qaestionabla nature. Miarepreeen Utions will not ho tolerated. . Isfer "istioa (Sowing any ouettioneale ln-.-tent oa th part of the advrtlr hould be reported to tsie nowspaaor AUCTIONEERS 4PN. Woodry ; 1 1 Vyrs. : Salem'a leading aoetloneei sd fiiNiitnre nosier. Res. and Store torn I. Boms. TeL 511. "NO KICK ON Mr SERVICE" 2apr22t F.N. Woodry The Woodry every Vedy Snow. Cash paid for twl furniture, tools, ete. Re, aad Store 1819 N.. Summer. ' . , phone ill , .y :-' nprzui "" 1 - - 1. VJl .IV. , 11 ' H. F. Woodry 5t Son . Righ down towsu Cash 'Bald f . i 1 - d faraitare. Store 871 N. Com'L Tel. 75. , Agent for Laeg Rnsgea. Mokk B AUCTION BALE, W ED.. MAY 11. 56 head Jersey, complete dispersal farm implements,, horses, harness, 2 iunit DeLaval miltdag machine, eleetri driven cream separator, bogs, gaa en gine, wind mill. Halo to we held on farm near Turner. Watch few larger , nevertiaetaent .in Sunday a -paper . George Moore, owner. Turner. Ore. - H 1 , r --: AUTO TOPS SEE CS rOR TOP AMD PAINT WORK O. J. Hall Aete Top and Pais Baop. 867 8. Commercial. 8al6tf BATTERY M ELECTRICIAN O R, D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES Starter aai generator work: SOS South High. . TeL 19 COURT ST. JO H WILLIAMS FLEE NER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSf wirinf by hour or contract. Estimate furnished. Tal. 80 471 Court fH BICYd.ES) ft REPARXG 8 LLOTD E. RAM8DEN COLUMBIA Bl cycles aad repairing. 887 Court-. HELP WANTED Alale IS APPRENTICE WANTED HCLLS TOP hop. 09 8. Cora l. UniayStf WANTED A LIVE NEWSPAPER SOB riptina etiriwr. Call Oireulatiot VairT tttm wf'iee 11ml ltt HELP WANTED Female 18 GIRL FOR HOUSE WORK. TEL. 1607-J 13mav CHIROPRACTORS 15 JR. H. B. 8COPIELD, P. B. First National Bank Bldg. 80f DR. O. L. SOOTT. PRO CHIROPRACTO 35 N Hi. Tel 838-R or 87 FLORISTS 10 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUET" run ere I wreathe, decorations, . U. r Brelthanpt. flonet, 813 State Bt Tel. 880. MAGAZ1.NKM Pann Papers 1? fF YOU WANT TO GET THE BE81 farm papr send five fc-eent stampa St tbo Pacific Home toad. Salem, Oregon for three months' trial subscription Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent atamps for special . throa months trial for the best and oldest Joarna' in the west. The artielea and advar tisements ore of spoeial interest to the poultry breeder of tk Northwest Northwest Poultry JoarnaL til B. Com mereial fit.. Salem. Ore. INSURANCE 18 FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mart gages. Trust Deeds, Oo a tracts ot nouioe Will net 6 to 80. BECKS HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg 189 N. High St. Jl-tl FARM LOANS PLENTY OF M0NE1 to loan on good farm eecurity. CITY LOANS Wo - are loaning Pro dential Insurance 1 Company money or city residence and business proport; st 5, pins a commission. Hawkins a Roberts, Inc.. SOS Oregon Bailding dl4t Insure Your home or car now. Phone 161 BECKE HENDRICKS Heilig Bid-., 189 N. High St. It WANTED Employment IB UOL MOTHERLY LADY TO CARK for two hoys. $15 each per month. jD.i N. 14 St. 19mayo YOUNG I.ADY STENOGRAPHER wants position. Call at 510 S. 25th St. 19may4 CONTRACTOR We specialise in repair, garagee ana out buildings. Gravee, Tel. 765. 19may3' LANDSCAPE GARDENING AND CON struction work contracts. Tal. 1008-W Hobbard Cookt ' 19May29 FOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMEN7 digging and team arork. Tal. 72F2. 19ml4i FOR RENT 21 STORE ROOM FOR RENT 260 FERRY etreet, between Front and Commercial, formerly occupied by Withers a Nasi. 820 a month. Inquire at Statesman office. S'lapr28t FOR RENT Apartments 23 APARTMENTS. OPPOSITE HUNT'S canary. 110 Division. 23mayl0 NICE FURNISHED APARTMENT, 590 Union. 23m7 2-ROOM - APARTMENT NEW, CLOSE to state house. 1034 Oak. 23may6 FOR RENT LARGE FLAT DOWN tain. 668 Ferry, 835. Also large new ADts. at 835 st 2073 Fan grounds. Beck A Hendricks, 189 N. High. 23nvl MODERN. WELL FURNISHED 8 ROOM AdL Lars-a and licht. 1133 Court St, 23-apr26tf FOR RENT Rooms 25 ROOMS WITH BOARD AT THE ALEX ander. TeL 1539: 1030 Chemeketa. 25apr21tf FOR RENT Nice office room and eloie In sleep Ins- room. Melvin Johnson. TeL 637 25sprI4tf AOOM FOR RENT IN MODERN HOME Bear Capitol Building. Gentleman only. Telephone 1894 J of call 1465 rhomeketa S5rl7rf FOR RENT How 27 4-KOOM HOUSE. 1540 STATE. 29may4 3-HOOM HOUSE. 816 PER Tel. 1390-J. MONTH.i 27may3tf BUNGALOW IN PALMER COURT. LIrieb a Roberts. TaL 1854, 27apr23tf MODERN FIVE-ROOM FLAT, NEATLY furnished, and garage. Uoj f. 5tb t. Tel. 428-W. 27may5 6-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. 80 IN noire 1185 Marion. Tel. 1911. " 27may7 FIVE ROOMS. BASEMENT. GARAGE rurmT -3rd mad Htate St. will Icaae tyvth year for $:5 per month. Home at 2318 State street. Tel. owner 2338-R. j HmiyS MINUTE MOVIES ED VJUWEEUN-1? IJBRi-'-THRiLLErnV- . H AMDS Of rvTHE LAW. ' EPISODE IT i . ; Loovs IUSOCaTCWES 82 capital crrr latjndbt The Laundry of Pure MatarisU." Telephone 165. ISM Broadway. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. . Tal. 171. 1858 B Street, J17J THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WEIDEB LAUNDRT Telephone S a B Hlfk TAILORS 84 D. H. MOSHEB TAILOR FOR MEN and woman. 474 Court 84. . - WANTteli SUsceiianeoai 85 FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP meats. Giese Powera Furniture Co. S5a20tf CIIRYPANTUEMrM PLANT'S. CHOICE mixed colors, 2 c a doxcu ; perennial 5c. Mm. Hall, end of South 12th atret. Box 26. 35m7 WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB farm loan. We have several applica tion on hand. Hawkina a i Robert, fnc. 20.1 Oregoa Bldr SSdl4tf MATTRESSES 88 MATTRESSES RENOYATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co.. 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work gneranteed. Tel. 10. flOtl FUR SALE 87 CLOVER HAY Box 101. -TEL. 105F11. RT. 9. 37my4 FOR .SALE 1000 plants at 2'.jf each, mile., east of Salem. LOGANBERRY Ben Irntz 0 37may4 YEARLY RAVOW POTATOES FOR aeed. 1005 Broadway. 37may7 HOUSE CAR ON FORD TRUCK. SPK cinl high speed transmission, with every convenience---- including rsdio. 2546 Hazel Ave. 37may5 SLACK DIRT FOR SALE IN EITHER North or South Salem Reasonable Tel. 72F2. S7dl2tf FOR HONEY OR BEES CALL MEAD at F5 S7mv5' FOR SALE Live Stock 8 WORK HORSE. 825. GOOD JERSEY 39may4 cow. 1810 Mission. FOX TERRIER PUPPIES. BOTH sexes, nieelv marked, pure bred, priced chesn to move ouickly. Tel. 49F23 (Salem) or write Mrs. Frank Jones Jefferson. Ore., Rt. 1. 39mltf VETERINARIAN 89a FBED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office '529 B. Commercial, let. uvs Roa. Tel. 1666. m88tf WOOD SAWING 42 WOOD CUTTERS TO CUT AND PEEL white fir. Good timber, $2.o0 per cord. Otto Schwab, Gertais, Ore. 4'2my4 WOOD FOR SALE 43 16-IXCH OLD FIR. Telephone 142. 43m7 16 INCH WOOD. 86.00 Delivered. Phone 1736. PER OORD, 43 M 20 18-INCH OLD FIK. ft.i.'. PER I,OAD. 10-inch preen mill wood. 83 per load ." loads of rreen mill wood $14. Tel 2313. 43ti!ujatf DRY SMALL - 16-INCH SECOND growth for $7 per eord.i Also big sec ond growth and old fir!. C. U. Har baugh. 1038 Highland Ave. Tel 1990. 43may26 16-INCH OLD FIR WOOD. TEL. 1851-M. 43May20 16-INCH OLD FIR. CHAS. CHRISTEN sea. Tel. 1786. 43mayl5' GOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOU D. A Larmer. TeL 930. j 43aprl6tf 16.1 NCH OiJ FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Tel. 7ZFk. SC. u. hit field. 43fl8t( GOOD COAL DRY WOOD. - PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 185S Telephone 529. SSaSOtf BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16-inch. Iarge load are cheaper to boy. Mill wood la onr specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. FRED E. WELL? 280 8. Church. TaL 1542. 48d9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Tel. 517-W. POULTRY , AND EGGS 45' HATCHING KGOS. TEL. 2036-.T. 45mayl0 PURE TANCRED WHITE LEGHORN Uby chix for My 12th delivery, fl2 per hundred. 8110 per thousand, li F. Levelin. Silverton, Ore.. Rt. 2. 45m7 BABY CHICKS EVERY TUESDAY AND Wednesday. "You raise onr chicks, they'll raise yonr profits." Seven varieties. Prieee reasonable. Salem thicker iea, 264 N. Cottage St. 5mey9 CHICK. CHICK. CHICK 'OUR chicks live to make your liv ing." Open range, healthy stock: 5 lreels. fc'ecial reduced price now m effect. FLAKE'S PETLAND 277 State. Salem. Ore 45may4t ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE Only one left. A new brooder of 850 ehix capacity, wall known make, sever u oersted will bo sold at a aiseoaat. Can bo seen st the Statesman office Ask for Mr. Stiffler. 45ml3tf BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH inc. Expert help, most modern equip mens. Chicks for sale, all breeds. every Monday. Settings four days each week. TaL S2F31. Loo- Hatch rv 4ftotf PRODUCE WE PAY CASH FOR POUL- try. eggs, pork, veal and hides. W carry feed and poultry supplies. Sera and at 8iiverton. Withers A Neat Pro tne Oo. nan irrrv Tl tsu ssfnt MUSIC STORES 40 GEO. O. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- graphs. aewiag machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing phono graph and sawing mschiaes. 433 State street, eaiem. "Tom RiSkf . uwn6 BEErs.VJOUHDED EV A MEMBER Or "XHE SHEr2lFp(S TO E-SCAPB ON MiS rKT ice ; LIKE, TVEV COT US SVR rrrr ROUNDED, ov LAUNDRIES sTi3 i 'snK a vi (f . i .1 i vw k'w. s-1 m .Try 5 a t A ' -"Wrff V -O'S, m m ."Hi .. ... . V at.-. .. It i a . ' a 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency. TM Ac. Tel. 99. THE OREGON STATESMAN BO CENTS ter month delivered to Tear early esc morninc . Tel. 3S er S8S. N CRM ER Y STOCK . 49 PAN8Y PLANTS. STEELE'S GRAND Masted. Flakaa Potlaad. ITS Htato. - ; - - AOaprlS PAPERH ANGI NG 50 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decoratiag. paperhanging. tinting, ate. Reliable workman. PAIVTIXG 50. CHA8. BENNETT. PAINTING COS tractor, i painting. rPr bsngtog; 1283 J. 187 Well Miliar. MISCE1XANEOU8 51 PIANO FOR SALE IN SALEM VICIN ity, pay 810 month. Beautiful stand ard make; bargain for qui aale. For particulars add rem C. F. Hendrick, fac tory piano adjuster, 413 North Boron Ava 8esttle. SlmaylO ALL TYPES CERTAINEED SHINOLES laid over old wood siungiea or on new work. Highest quality made; price range from 87.50 to 80. Cohbn-Mitchell Co Lumber. 849 So. 12th St, Tel. 813. 51apr20tf OUR CUSTOMERS ; ARE OUR BEST boosters becoosa when we do your welding 'tis done, not yen. Electric and acetylene welding, largo and smslW a D. Oppen, 895 Mill 8t. Tel. 373 snd 2086 J. 51m6t BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL ry. Guns. Tools. Bicycles, etc. Star Exchange, 324 N. ComU. TeL 856. FOB SALEM 8CAVENGRR CALL 187. aitiu- so FUilNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE- pairing. Giee-Power" Furniture Store 51s20tf PACKING AND SfflPPNG 52 FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and ahipping, call Stiff s Furniture Store. TeL 941. PIANO TUNERS 54 THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER. NOW a too ronun aauaic w . uii u. Have your piano tuned by on who has had rears of experience in th work SaStf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Will s Mnsie Store. PRINTING 58 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPH lets, programs, books or sny kind of printing, call at the Statesman Print ing V Tel Department. 313 . uommereiai SUB MONEY TO LOAN FEDERAL FARM LOAN 6k. F. L. Wood. 341 Stste St. 67m7tf P. H. BELL. 219 U. 8. BANK BLDG Residence and business loan. TeL 607 or 2141 W. 67pr7tf PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL estate. Socolofsky A Son. First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. 67may8 CITY AND FARM LOJNS AT LOWEST rates. Best terms obtainable. Out insurance department offer you as pert advise and aervice in all liaea. HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 1427. 205 Oregon. Bldg. 57flOtt MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on out property. B. S. Msrtin A I. R. Martin, attorneys, 418 Oregon Building. Tel 2084 57ml0tf WANTED LOANS 59 WANTED TO BORROW $1000 ON country property for Iwo years. Tele phone lUf'4. - - SWmayl WANTED money to loan Private ESTATE. on REAL W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 184 8. Liberty St. 59026M PLUMBING 00 PLUMBING AND REPAIRING REA eonable Estimates. A. L. Godfrey, 127 Union St. Tel. 495-W. 60fl6tf PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIB work. Graber Bros., 154 S. Liberty Tel. 550. 19tf BUS. OPPORTUNITIES 61 FOR SALE BY OWNER GROCERY and confectionery in Salem. Good lo cation, reasonable rent, including liv ing room. $3500 cash or trade for clear property. Box 999, care States man. 6 1 mayo BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A good business proposition. Net profits $800 monthly. Price $3000. SOCOLOFSKY A SON First Nat l Bsnk Bldg. Clmay.ltf GROCER OR CONFECTIONER EXCEL lent opportunity in neighborhood Iocs tion. Kesponsitile people only. Bncke A Hen$rieki. 189 N. High. 61ra4 RADIO 02 Radiolas For every purpose, for every purae- All stsndard sise of Radio Tube. HALIK A F.OFF ELECTRICAL SHOP 835 Court St, TeL 488. onprl7vf REAL ESTATE 08 LOTS $125 ON UP. ALL LOCATIONS Several groups for contractors. Beeke A Hendricks. 189 N. High. 63m4 FOR RENT FURNISHED AND UN furnished Apt. Alo bouses. Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 N. Cottage. 63mayltf HAVE GOOD SALEM HOUSE. WILL trade for Portland. 1437-W. C3myj SACRIFICE New 4 room, owner leaving e.ty. pre fer to show than tell roa about 1 ; $000 cut from the price. California, clear. 8 room for jSaleai A good deal may W had beret apartment boue in Wood burn to rt c Stance for Salem. lmd old 8-room. rIo- in timnc. $3204). -A crease for matl home. Two lot with lota of fruit, $550 for l.:h. BOND with JOS. BARBER 255 Gray Bids. 125 X. I.iWrty Camay 1U NeiELL.lrJEyiL STiLL NEWSPAPERS TT Wave to Go some To UlS - - - - CATCV-J us, ov pal.. 1HC - A. -r-s. Wis liACANVflWlLE THE ES . . siuieT CAHcU' iirv vtsi , SAC SNP& A WlGH CLIFF, . 0WEPLOOK1NG - . Am. 1 88 NEW MODERN 8-ROOM - HOUSE, BY owner. . TeL 97F14. 63apr28tf S1SO DOWN Balance 825 per month buys a larg lot with bearing cherry trees, locat ' ed oa paved highway and bus line. Price for QUICK SALE 82100. IM r .MKDITE POSSESSION. : - . ' W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. ' s- Realtors.-. - 134 S. Lihorty St. 83m4 FOR SALE OR RENT Large home with large lot located at 2217 Fairground .road. Price v'85000 . or wiM rent for 825 ' per month. LOOK IT OVER. Lot size 100x'OO; W. H. GRABKNIIORST & CO. 134 S. Litmrty St. 3in4 TEX-IMK)M HOl'Sht ri.OSK IN ON pain tit. GimhI Imii - rowriy. (ii'y 855O0. Haleiu Re:ty Co.k 4i2 State Kt. i:mav4tf Fy SALE A REAL IlOSir. well cou&tnieted wilh concrete block), with stucco fin nish, beautiful shade trees, wonder ful finish on the inieror, located i near Parrish school. Price 815,000; - 8 rooms complete in every wsy. 850O0 down, balance terms. W. II. Ci RABKNHOUST CO. 134 S. Liberty St. TeL 515. 2f.50 CASH Buys a fiae three-room bungalow with fireplace, nice lot, garage. I.o ruled at I5AU South Cottage St. UHJK IT OVER. W. il. GRABENHORST A CO. 131 r,. Iiliertv St. .63m4 LOTS LOTS LOTS 81750 Lot 50x165, close in, esy terms. S12..0 1.1 50x150. on 8. High St. Jl iOO Fine lot on Saginaw. 8150 Finn lot on N. Summer St. 8 95(1 Lot A2x62 ln N. Summer St. $ 700 Lot on 23rd, close to State. 8 700 I.ot .V2V&X12 oo N. 14tii St.. 8100 down. , 8 5fK) Iot on i:tth: 3 10. down. 8 500 Lot on N. 4th, paving paid. 81-5u Fine lot on N. Church, south of Uelraont. 8 375 Lot on N. 4th. subject to par ing. Lots in all parts of the city. Money to loan. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bide. Tel. 637. 63apr30tf MODERN Nr.W 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, just fini.u-d, east front, oa paved street, small payment down. Balance like rei.t. 5-room plastered honse and gsrage. E. front, close to Stste St. Onlv $2000; $200 down snd balance like rent. 5-room plastered house and garage, E. front, lot 66x1 65. v Lots of fruit. All for $2150; $200 down, balance $20 per month, including interest. 5-room house located in North Sa lem for exchange for a 6-room bouse in IxnKvtew, Wash. 3 acres with new 5-room plastered house at a sacrifice, all in cultivation; price $2650; $1150 down, near Keiser -school. o acre chicken ranch, new modern bungalow and good modern chicken houses. 450 laying hens. Ranch ful ly equipped. Will trade for Salem residence. Income property to trade for Salem residence property. Fee fl ASK I LL & EAKLK. Realtors. lGti S. Liberty St. Tel. 2242. 63may3tf 8-ROOM HOME $25K). CLOSE UNI versity and S. P. Depot. Termv Va cant. Berke & HeuJrirWs, 189 N. High. (i.Tml modern poultry plant up to date l.uililins U"0xlij; cement floor; city water: eUtric lights; yard divid ed in 4 runs: living quarters; fruit. In 2ool town neiir Salem. 82500 value for ONLY $ln(iO: .km will hnnflie. TIU.X;LK REALTY COMPANY 121 Court Street. Grouud Floor. OSmayltf GKEATKST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFI0 COAST We have over 8000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. See GASK1LL A EARLE. Realtor. 166 S. Liberty. Tel. 2243. 63aprl5tf 10 ACRES CHERRIES WELL LOCAT ed. No Bldg. Now $4000. Beck & Hendricks. 189 N. High. 63ml ON ACCOUNT OF TREFSINO INDEBT edness widow will make special price ,and terms on 10, 15, or 20 acres of her farm situated just S'fc miles from Salem, in excellent fruit and berry section. Call for information. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans InsursDce 147 No. Com l St., Salem. Ore. 63my3tf FOR SALE Furnished 3-room raudern house and a dandy good lot. for small payment and balance by the month. This is nut an ordinary proposition. Ten modern new homes in different se-f"ons of the city for sale on easy- terms. 3-room apurtmcut for rent $,15 Water, liht and telephone . furuislie'l Ground floor. LANE MORLKY A CO. First Nat. Bk. Bldg. C.1may4tf FOR SALE STORE BUILDING AND residence, corner lot, 4 blocks out. $12,000. F. L. Wood, S4r State St. 63apr22tf DISTINCTIVE HOME NEARLY NEW 7 ROOMS Modern in every detail. Close in on one of Sa lem's bes-t residence streets. Large Un. bearinr fruit, flowers, shrubbery. Fix tures, hardware, material and construc tion THE BEST. Owner built this, for A HOME. Circumstances force him to SACRIFICE. Prii-e. reduced to $6750. Terms See TR I A Nti LE R K A LT Y CO M PA N Y HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMES" 411 Court Street. Ground Floor. SNAP One acre home located within three blocks of bns line snd one block ott of Main Pacific bighwsy, has six room bung-alow with basement, firo ' place, oak floors, plumbing and elec tric lights. Price $3500; $500 down, talanc easy terms. W. H.-XJRABENHORST CO. Realtors. 131 S. Liberty SL - 6m4 TO EXCHANGE 2'n ton truck for rood lot. 1 acre with 5-room house for houee in Salem and pay difference. 12 H acres wilh rood house for laud on coast. 0 room housp close in for land with creek and timber. He THOMASON. 320 State Rt. With Lo N. Chi Ids Co.. Realtors. 3m)Uf REAL ESTATE REAU?iHG vyj he. oWEKlf F, SHOT HAS HI! li S A A t lllltrA l f-WN HU J f -kTl itr C . - iS v-Wtnuje VHV1 A- , its r i FOLLDUJcT WOUV VNJ rXJRSOlT ; l Dorr ,. KNQVeJ THls? COUAlTRy AT ? ALL - I Hey LL ME SOONER. OR UNLESS I FAST ,f AVW?3TV ' V. V i X " e (rl r 68 SPECIAL FOR SALE A SNAP A nine-room, modern, in fine shape and well located, clear. of debt. Made into three apartments. Furniture geea with two apartments. Price 86300. Rents as follows. One fear-room apartment $30. One three room apart ment $30. and one two-room - apart ment $25, One garage $4. Total rent 489 a month or $1068 per year. Will take $300(1 carh and carry back a mort ; gage for 83500 it t fer rent. Buy this, pay your taxes and interest out of. the income and have 35 per cent io teres t on the 83000 invested. The lot is worth 825H). t L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED Stl Slate St. ::niy3tf FOR SALE OR RENT Modern five-room home located 1162 N. 5th St. Price 34500 or will rent for 8-10 pT monthf XOB VACANT. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 8. Liberty St. - 63m4 LISTINGS WANTED 7 have calls for homes and vacant lota that can, be bought on easy pay ments. Soma ran pay the cash. If yon wish to sell, trade your property. See LOUIS BECHTEL. Realtor. 311 State St. Tel. 303.- 63mayltf GOOD HOMES $9000 Fine 8-room home oo N. Capi tol St. Terras. ' $C750 Fine English type 6 mora bun galow, close is on State St. Easy terms. $6250 Fine English type bungalow on S. Church. Terms. $t0O0 New 7 room English type bun galow, modern in every way. Terms. $500O New 6-room modern bungalow. good location, $500 down. $3150 New 4-room modern bungalow, $200 down. $3350 5-room bunsalow, basement, fur nare, . 83Su down. $3230 Six-room home on N. Conner rial St. Large east front lot, $250 down. $3750 New modern 4-room bungalow on N. 23rd St. $.V0 down. Many other good homes to select from. Money to loan. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bsnk Bldg. Tel. 637. - 63spr30tf BEST BUYS JN SMALL TRACTS AND FARMS Some will trade for city property. $fioo. one acre, near car line.. 9liH. .sale or trade: 130' acres Tillamook county, take house in Salem, pay diiferenee. Ideal for small dairy tarm. BEAUTIFUL 4 ACRE SNAP On Pacific highway, 1 mile N. of Sa lem. Some fruit. Priced to sell quick. only f.ljuU. terms. 10 ACRES 82500 Best buy, just off highway, not far out, old buildings, some choice fruit Ideal for poultry ranch. 14 ACRE SNAP Best of soil not far out. Small house. Good barn. Price $250O, Terms. FINE 70-ACRE FARM $7500, good soil, half seeded to grain, balance timber and pasture, good blags. Ideal for dairy. FOR LAND BARGAINS See LOUIS BECHTEL, Realtor. 341 State St. Bayne Bldg. 63ni3tf OWING TO 8ICKNE8", I MUST SELL a au-aere (arm all in cultivation, most ly all fenced with woven wire. Prsc ticslly new house: good, large barn. all stock and equipment goes with this place. Would consider tsking small bouse as part payment. For partiru lara see my agent, G. T. Wodsworth, Gervais, Or. 63M20 BRAND NEW BUNGAI1W SNAP MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. WORTH 84f)o. MAKE AN OFFER OWNER A NON-RESIDENT lias 4 large rooms, breakfast nook, fireplace, furnace, cement l.asement, all the bunt ins; paving paid. Phone 303 ask for Mr. Bechtel. Realtor. 341 State street'. ' 63m3tf SPECIAL New 4-room stucco bungalow modern in every way, paved street sod garage, $3650. We'll lake lot aw first pay ment. -New 4-room stneco bungalow, mod ern except basement, good location 82800. easy payments or will tk lot as firt payment. Monev to loan MELVIN JOHNSON, 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 637. OMmayltf LOTS LOTS LOTS Some of the very best buys in the c:ty with paving paid. Lot for 84. 0, or two for 8800. One $600. Two bean . fill lots, fine location, pavinf paid for, 6xi. tan von heat it. BEST BUYS IN LOTS At LOUIS BECHTEL, Realtor. 311 Stale St. Room 2 C3May3tf INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $500 down and balance terms will handle 5 acres close in. three room house. barn, well, running water. Price 83300. $500 down and balance terms will handle a fine improved acre tract in Salem Heights. 6 room honse. basement furnace, fireplace. Price 83200. $150 down and balance terms will handle three room house and large lot, all in bearing cherries. Price 82100. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month buy 1 acre all in bearing cherries price au. $ 25 down snd balance 810 per month buys a acrea on the Garden road. Price 81500. $ 10 down and bslsnc $10 per month bnvs in sere of fine fruit soil, all cultivated. Price 81250, $100 down snd bslsnce 820 per month l.nys 10 seres, small sback, well. Price 82500. $200 down buys 7V& acre tract, old house ami barn, some fruit, aonie fine tim her. located sooth, close in. Price $2200, int. 6 per cent. $100 down and balance terms buy seres close in, some fine timber Price $250 per sere. If it is small installment acreage that you are looking ror. see W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St 6329tf 6 ACRES. ON PAVED HIGHWAY, room bungalow. fireplace. eleetri tisrhts. .bath, hardwood floors. Dutc kitchen, beautiful shade trees, would make fine chicken farm. Very close in. ramily fruit and berries, SboOO Tins is a real home. I arre. o-room modern home on si reel car line, bearing walnuts, $5000 25 acres, fruil. berries and nuts. On creek, goon buildings, near Keize school. $12,000. Will tske city proii ert. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 175 H. High St. 63msy3tf LOT BARGAIN Corner lot 50x100 feet located on Fairmount Hill with both street paved. Terms. W. H. GRABENHORST ts CO. 131 8. Liberty St. 63m4 I SV4tfeLDS, Tlies CtinTo LOOTS OP IM TiME TO ' GtT AN REAL ESTATE THAT CABIN bACW TWERE ,1 CATCH sivtff. n& am idea r &y LATtr?. THW Mid f V7, 63 3000 BUYS - -. A nice three-room bungalow located oa Faurmouat Hill with lot 50x150 $500 down, balance term. Lot e show yon this- home. . t W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty SL 63m4 WHY PAINT A HOUSE BLACK t Let ns explain. One proposition re duced from $2000 to $1500 for quick sale. Short time to procrastinate. Doable apartment house, remodeled, newly painted j inside and out. - Price and terms very reasonable. PAYNE with BOHRNSTEDT. ' 147 X. Commercial St. 3mayltf 19 ACRES GOOD SEMI-MODERN house. Lara, chicken house. 1 mile Monmouth Normal achooL wt side pavement. Fine site for road market 67000 mir' vne in Ha! em GUY DEM ING Willattmitv' t . ..and Monmouth, Or. 63mayl6 00-A. FARM NEAR 8ALF.M, LAYS -fine, all in cult. Prire $100 per arre. Uasy terms or lake residence for pert. Good 5-room bungalow, nice corner. 2 fine lots $3500, want acreace; Dandy 6-rnnm bungalow close in, " modern $5000 easy terms. .:1000 to loan on farm. $2OO0 to loan on farm. $1200 to loan- on residence. - $1IOO to loan- on residence. PF.RR1NE A MARSTERS 212 Commercial Club Bldg. ' 63mayttf SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES - New 4 foora biinzakiw. Built ins and breakfast nook. Good plnmbinrl and light fixtures. tiara xe, paveni I street. Owner movinr away and re duced price to 82815 with $650 cash. 5-room plastered house. Plumbing and electric - light. Large lot . with bade trees. Close to hn.s line and school. A sacrifice for $1500. 5 - room house, rarare and woodshed. I .arre lot with ffarden and fruit trees. Price only $1300, csh $200, balance 8'.u Tier month. 5 choice lots in N. Salem with a few Isrge apple trees. $1400 will buy them all. Lssy terms. N. Church St. Hot 50x120 ft. East front. $450. Another one close by for 8350. For "I. est buys in homes or vacant lots SEE . . LEO N. CHTLDS CO.. Realtors. 320 Stat Street. Tel. 177. 63m3tf FOR SALE. NEW S ROOM BGKGA low $3600, SSO down, balance like rent. Tel. 520. 6Saprl5tf FURNISHED ROOMING HOPSE CLOSE in and money maker, $9500. Apt. house rinse in $8500. Apt. house furnished; business loca tion, $ Take bouse and tot for payment down. 6-room house, 3 garages, close in. $4500. 5-room, new bungalow, $5300. 5 acres, all in cherries, attractive bungalow close to Sslem, trsde for bouse and tot. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N.; Cottage St. 63myltf REAL ESTATE TRADES 88 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO h' K K K K EXCHANGES i , Well improved two acres near Hubbard to exchange for Salem home and will assume. 9 close In acres to exchange as payment on good city proper- ty or will make a very low price on a cash sale. Several eood medium priced ranches to exchange for city" property. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K ly new, to exchange for small 3C cose m cr"- K K FAUGHT K With Kl. i Realtor. K 147 N. Com l St. Tel. 217. K K 6"nnvl K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO TAXIDERMIST CM TAXIDERMIST 8HOP E. E. WIG- gin. Prep- 1145 1 Norwey. Near Woodry' Auction Market. Tel. 3261 W REAL ESTATE Suburban NEW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOB ssle on Urma lika rent, double con struction, fully plumbed, eleetri fix tures, etc.. 4 room and breakfast nook, gsrsgs, etc One half acre of finest garden land. Prie $8100, Carle Abrama. 1465 Oh em ek eta St. ; Tel. 1894-J-. fl3tf transfer HAULING 7o WE MOVE. 8 TORE AND SHIP HOUSE- hold goods. - Our specialty i piano and furniture moving. We also make conn-1 try triDa. We handle the best coal and wood. Call on ns for price. We give good meesure. good quality and good service, banner iransier uo. lei. w. TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. TeL 72F2. SALEM TRANSFER A FUEL OO. Local and Long Distance Hauling. Store re and Fuel. - 899 8. High. Tel. 529. 7030tf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER OO. SZ Stat St. TeL 933. Distributing, for warding nnd storage our specialty. Get our rates. WANTED Real Entate 71 LISTINGS WANTED W hsve several call for small pay ment down, homea modem aad ' aeml modern.. If yon. are ia need of mene) see c at once, perhaps we can aeit you along. Lee W. Bell, 60S Bk. e' Comm. TeL 484. Fire Insurance. 7lm9tf WELL DRILLING 72 K. A. WEST. RT. 6. BOX 108-A. TEL 'lOFS mile, east .on Garden Road TRAVEL' TO TRAVEL Safely, Swiftly sd Comfortably la busee of the Psrker Stsg Line STAGES LEAVE FOR Silverton 7 a. nr.. 11 a. m.. 5 p. as. Mt. Aogel 11 a. n.. 5 p. m. Italia 7 a. m 9 a. sa.. 1:25 a. m. Fslls City 7 a. mw 1:10 p. n, 5:15 p. m. Independence 7 a. m., 8 a. m.. nils' a. mn 8:10 p. rn. 5:15 p. ia. Sua day only 8:30 p. as.' Monmouth 7 a. m, llilS a. nv. 8:10 p. tau. 5:15 p. m. Sunday only 7:10 p. m.. 8:30 p. sa. -MeMinavillo 8:30 . an.. 2:10 p. nw 5:15-. p. m. Newberg 8 :30 a. nx,. 3:10 p. aa. 5:13 p. m. Tillamook 8:30 a. m.. :10 p.. am. CaU 22? or 696 for information. - , .. ' distf. By Ed Wheelan See ' , CWAT-lrVE' tbRUTAL v "EEL DOES TO MIS Horse- I'LL t0 IT r rTo-MoRrtou) REAL ESTATE ; . ; WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO . Office 804 Sovith Commercial St. Te' nor cent discount on domestic flat rat paid la advance. No deduction for eh . senee or ey cause naioM water is shut off yonr promisee. -- 1L '-' AUTOS WANTED . 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS WXERACThV USED CARS FOR SALE 79 Vick Bros; Used Cars Voniiar Coach 1924 Oakland Touring l-6 Ford Roadster 1926 Ford Coupe ....... ".I.,' 8725 " 8-"il $35 '"- ...823 : ..i-8550 1924 Dodge Sedan 19-25 Star Tourinr 837 3 l'J2t Overland Sport Touring l!lfi I Mv. Toutse 'n" jo.;., ontT ........ 321 1924 Cbevrolet Coupe , . 1225 Phone 1811. 280 South HijU. Vick Bros. : ..The House That Service Built ..... 79in7 FORD SPECIAL BUG.- IT'S A BEAT. raring car jn.-t dolled np. Perfect condition. 6i S. 13th - St. fter p. m. " maye . Dependable Cars 1923 Doda-o Tonrin;...;.... 3SO 124 Chevrolet touring, rebuilt $275- 1925 Ford coupe, hirh bk u300.. 1925. Ford tourinr. Rackatel xle. JF3 "' 192S Chevrolet foeine ... .375 See these cart before you buy Newton Chevrolet Co. Opposite City He!! " 79-apr36tr 1 If You Owned These Fords, You Would Want More Mon ey For Them Dont get the idea that a used ear i one that fsiled to give its ongntar owner satisfaction. These Fords au prepared to. give, good service. 1923 Tonnngs m excellent conai- t'on . . $150- 192 Touring $175 1922 Tonring . , 113 1920 Taurine- - 8 75 Coupes ..-8185 to $310 Two Sedans on hand for 8 H 19.4 Tmck. cab and steel ex press body, overhauled and repainted A.. $235 Deliveries ..... $100 to 8250 Chevrolet Touring .. 75 Overland 6 Touring .. . , t...$li5 Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oregon. " 79apr30tf. BEO TOURING, 1924. Jo it liko new Worth $800. Bserifie. for 850. Tel. 1241-M. - 7Baprl4t MARION CHANDLER MacDonald Auto .Co. Priced to Sell DON'T OVERLOOK THESK BARGAINS. EVERY" CAR IS . A REAL BARGAIN AND MUST BE SOLD. -THIS 18 A CLEAN UP 8ALE. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY 1928 Oakland Sedan aim . new. Msrmon 5-pass Sedsn. Marmon Coupe. Chrysler 70; Roadster. Hudson Brougham. ! Hudson 7-psss. Sedan. . " f Willy-Knighi Sedans - i Willys-Knight Touring. ' ! Willye-Knight Sport Touring. -Overland 1 Lux Sedan. l Overland Sedan. . Franklin Touring. - -j Overland 'Tourings. t Ford Tourings." . Dodge Roadster. ' All car r ia good mchsaicsl condi tion many Sate new paint and good mbber. Liberal Term. .. 'Trades Accepted. MacDonald. Auto Co. Open 8undayt and evening, until 8 t.r Cottage and Ferry. ; T1. 409. MARMON CHANDLER. 79aprflf PACK ARO OLD8MOBILB Two -Of " The Best Packard 7 psasenrer dsn, dne print A-l ahap . $143$ Oskland sedan, late model - .. $7flf Jewett touring, late modal ..$75 Ford coepe, late model . ..$850 Earl sedan, new painty goad coadl- - tion ; $350 Ford sedan, a bargain ..." $125 Dodge touring, a bargain ....-$125 8-4 toa Republic truck pneumatic tires and stsrter $200 ' We have only listed a few of onr used ears above wf ye J are Interested in a good used ear com ia aad look our stock ever before yon buy. i J Capitol Motors Inc. 850 No. Hlgb 8t. . TaL S185 Biddy Bishop. AL Rousssaa. Two Of The Best PACKARD OLD8MOIII1.P 79apr22tf SEE OUR Select Stock Better Automobile Values iNash .? SPECIAL SIX SEDAN Lata BtodeT, CaUb -Jaal lika aw. g- tion. Exceptional otfering. Buick MASTER SIX RSDMTER With glfc em -ir-Tr Fe'ti - pert u aiiy, late model Buick Roadster, especially attractive pr po.lni.. Oldsmobile Sedan ' Tme condition, good tirea aai flupmobile Sedan aseelleat finish, good rendition and attractive price Buirk Touring Chevrolet Teuriag Fnrds Hudson Bedaa ' Jordan 9 r.oclnstir Nh Tiwring - Oldamekila Teoriag . Overland Touring - PeMyjobn TIuUn: ro'icy Incnr-- area busiaes prtneiple which temilt ir dvantax o in vera of efhacr'! a-' mobitea ae4 create better values ia t eaerchaod is.. F W. Pettyjohn ;C'j. 893 ert CosBnie!sI . i Fhon 1. - .'Alef W Sell W Ef- 9 a. 7.5 wmmfr-mjmmm. ' 1 -L - '. X1':" .r 1 ' ' ' 1 . V A, A A a a A 4 ft A A A A A v A A