The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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- . -i i . : . . ... . . i
Yets InTlted to Show
' Tiie Legionnaires of Capital
xpt No. 9. and Veterans of For
jfe Wars have been invited to at
c special showing of the
Unlwn Soldier" at the New
Hollywood theater at 9 o'clock to
night. All veterans are also in-
Tited as well as mew wires uu
members of the families. No ad
mission will be charged, as John
Williamson Is serving as the host,
according to Al Krause.
Ileal Furniture Auction
Tonite, 7:30; See adT. m4
Close in Quarter Block-
121.000: excellent income and
certain ralue increase. Suitable
some retailing ana most wnoie-
eale. 8 homes on net per cent.
This Is old-time price on real buy.
j See this. Becke t Hendricks, 189
N. High. n4
Removed to Her Home
Miss Lois Taylor daughter of
Kev. and Mrs. Fred C. Taylor, who operated on oyer a week ago,
has sufficiently ,. recovered . to be
removed to her home at 36 State
w Dresa Goods
At auction tonight at F. N.
Woodry's Summer street. . ml
To Observe Mother's Day
Mother's day will be observed
is the First Methodist church next
Sunday with: appropriate services
in the morning and evening. Spe
cial music will be rendered by the
large vested choir and a Mother's
day, sermon will be given by the
pastor. Rev. F. C, . Taylor. .
Flower in the Bottle
Toilet water for mother. Spe
cialty Shop, 453 Court St. ml
In Finer Home List'
The Better Homes week home
at 1820 Fair mount, has been cut
from $7700 to $7200. Ready for
you TODAY.! Becke & Hendricks,
189 N. High. - m4
Dance at Turner
Every Wednesday night.
Final Account Filed
Final account of the Ella Steffen
estate was filed with the county
court yesterday by Goldie Aesch
liraan, administratrix.
Four for f 1 7
Popular music.-, during' sale.
Moore's Music House. m7
Two Injured in Wreck-
A. Nelson and W. L. Keller of
Fortland were bruised- and cut
vabout .the head , and arms when
ueir automobile; turneA over into
ditch north of Aurora yesterday
f olldwtertomsloif wnVthe -tea-chine
ldrtvea by W. J. Hasella.
Nelson reported to the sheriff's of
fice that he was traveling' .well
under the speed limit .when the
accident occurred.
where 97 of women
! AGE shows firet at one o tnreo tell
XJL tale placet By her skillful prepara
tions and treatments for counteracting
the approach of age, Dorothy Gray has
won international recognition.
.Your beatify problems
9K :-fi
may 3Iscussed next week with Miss
Gray's personal representative at bur
store; She comes direct from 'Dorothy
Gray's Fifth Avenue Salon. Her advice
is without charge. At our toilet goods
department all next
: r r - Capital Dros Store ;
; " 1 Phone 1 1 B Prescriptions "Only the Best -
y : ;---:--r jr. H. WLLETT - h ,.
405 State Street at liberty i j Salean, Oregon.
. . . . . i
Postmaster on Vacation
J. II. Farrar, Salem postmaster,
left yesterday for eastern Oregon
where he will spend a three weeks
vacation. Arthur Gibbard. aanfnt.
ant postmaster. Is in charge dur
ing Farrar's absence.
Buy "Player Roll" During
Sale at Moore's Music House.
- -: '- :. m7
Three Released From Jail
BenonI de Ceukeieire, Ed Stan
ton and Floyd Bond were released
from the connty jaif yesterday,
baring served out their 30-day
sentence drawn from justice eourt
on a charge of stealing sacks. The
men were arrested by city police
Remington Typewrit
At auction tonite. F. N. Wood
ry's, Summer street, ml
Mothers Day Observed
Mothers dav will Ha nhumii
bv the Elks at their
with full ritualistic style for mem-
ners oniy, tomorrow night. It was
announced- yesterdar bv Harrv
Wiedmer? secretary.
Big Auction Tonite, 7:30
r. n. wooary a, summer St. m4
Fire Warden Calls
W. B. Ferguson, Are warden for
Clackamas and Marion counties,
was a business caller in Salem
Saxophones Greatly Reduced-
uunng sale. Moore's Music
House. m7
Kilverton Men He:
"Daddy" Steelhammer and B. S.
McGinnis of Silrerton were callers
at the county court offices yester
day. i
Brand New Terms Horn
At $4200 to $5,000; two ready
to occupy. If you want sound con
struction by union labor with $150
furnaces, built-in bath tubs, hot
water heaters, wired ranges, flre
place, deep full basement, coils,
(dry. tubs, large garage and drive,
etc., and shades, light fixtures,
linoleums, lawns in, walks in, etc.
See 940 Highland avenue; 940,
970 and 980 Tamarack. Protected
district. Becke & Hendricks, 189
N. High. . ml
Kl wan U. Offers Support .
Dr. Henry E. Morris, chairman
of the -Willamette chapter of the
American Red Cross, read a mes
sage to Salem Kiwanians from the
secretary of the international or
ganization urging them to support
the Red Cross relief drlYej fox;
southern flood sufferers.
Let Halik & Eon InstaU To
ETecttrewater heater.
Olson to Open Shop
O. D. (Frosty) Olson, who' ha
been manager of the C Brelt
haupt floral " company for four
la tarnation all
beauty expert
years, will open a new flower shoo
m conjunction wun u. H. Largent,
be stated yesterday. A .five-acre
tract one mile north on. the Pa
cific highway has been purchased.
Olson attended Willamette Juni-
VersitV thren and a half vartrm own
where he was a letterman in foot-
bail and baseball.
Electric Welder Wanted
Must be A-l mechanic C. D
Oppen, 695 Mill. m(
Song-Book Ready j
The Willamette song book, ; a
loose-leaf affair, will be ready for
sale during the May day festivi
ties, it was announced yesterday
by Earl Pemberton, manager of
the publication.
To Erect Dwelling
A dwelling costing $3800 will
be erected at 1570 D street by
H. C. Hummel, a building permit
issuea yesteraay shows.
Piano Bargains During Sale
Moore's Music House. m7
Hal Hoss to Speak
Hal Hoss. secretarv tn nnvernnr
Patterson, 'will be the nrineinat
speaker at the Dallas Kiwanis
club luncheon today. Hoss will
aaaress tne club on problems of
the administration.
Let Halik & Eoff Install Your
Electric water heater. m4
Desertion. Cause for DiTorce
Mrs. Eva Tyrer. mother of two
children, three and one years of
age, asks the circuit court to grant
ner a divorce from Frank Tyrer,
whom she alleges deserted her on
March 1, 1926.
Special Auction Tonite
F, N. Woodry's, Summer street.
Don't miss it. ml
Divorce Decree Granted
Eva M. Johnson was granted a
divorce yesterday from Walter S.
Johnson on the grounds of deser
tion. They wfsre married in 1919
and lived together for six years.
No property rights were under
consideration, the defendant pay
ing costs of the case for both par
ties. Two More Weeks "Sale Prices"
Moore's Music House. m"
Kiwanians Hear Traveler-
William McGilcbrist Jr., Salem
tealtor and more lately known as
a world traveler, told Kiwanians
yesterday of the freaks, mishaps
and oddities of a world tour on
one of the largest liners in naviga
tion. McGilchrist returned a few
weeks ago with his wife from a
nine month's tour of the globe
and has since delighted . many
audiences with reports of his
Hotel Marion
Dollar dinner served 5:45 to 8
every evening. n26tf
Dwelling Costs $3300
A dwelling costing $5500 will
be constructed by V. E. Kuhn at
895 North Cottage street, accord
ing to a building permit Issued
Stain to Build
Alex Stain will erect a dwelling
at 1958 McCoy street costing
$4500, a building permit - Issued
yesterday shows.
Plans for Repairs
A permit was issued yesterday
to C H. Bryan .who plans repairs
on a dwelling at 1935 North Front
street costing $1,000.
Furniture Upholstery
And . repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co. f3tf
Bus Sideswipes
A Salem street bus sideswiped
a car driven ; by C. E. Lamb yes
terday doing slight damage.
Many Pay Fines r
J. A. Mills, W. A. Bond, John
Wren, C. L. Snyder, R. E. Knowles
Mary Eoff, T. P. Manoles and W.
L Staley paid $1 fines in police
court yesterday for overtime park
ing. Board Meeting Thursday
The regular monthly 1 board
meeting of the TMCA will be held
next Thursday, it was announced
Warner to Build
David B. Warner, 2175 Laurel
avenue, was Issued a permit yes
terday to erect a one-story dwell
ing costing $1,000.
New Stock Arriving Dally -Will
soon be ready for inspec
tion. Complete line draperies and
awnings. Homer-Leisy, 487, Court.
Former manager of .Stiff's drapery
lept. l . . m;. .. ml
Salem Boys -to Travel-
Benott McCroskey and : Avery
Thompson, two Salem boys, have
been chosen with Jack Hempstead,
Aurora' to represent University of
Oregon on a round-the-world de
bate trip next year. The men will
debate in all English speaking
countries, going to Australia first.
Part of the expenses of the trip
will be paid by team members.
Secretary He:
H. S. Sneyed, -general secretary
of the TMCA In Yokohama, Japan,
wlll discuss conditions In J that
country at Willamette university
this morning, the Rotary club at
noon, and before a group of TMCA
officials this evening.
Keenan's ' Father Dies -.- "
Thomas Keenan, father of Vin
cent Keenan, pastor of St. Vincent
de Paul church of Salem, was
found dead In bed at his home, in
Portland yesterday. . Father Keen
an Is In Los Angeles on his vacation.-
He hat been notified. - :
to n n. n
We have a 1921 Ford
Ton Truck with start
ery motor overhauled
and in fine shape for
, $150.00 ;
The IZouse Zbat Bervles Bad
Xurses Meet
Twenty-two members of the
Oregon League of Nursing associ
ation met Monday night at St.
Vincent's hospital, in Portland
Salem was represented by the
superintendent of the Salem hos
Flower and Garden Plant
Leavenworth, 1028 S. 12th St.
' ' " . m6
Address at Kimball
Mr. Gilbert, superintendent of
the reform school, will address
classes at Kimball School of The
ology today.
Party Postponed
The card party, which was
scheduled to be held jn the St.
Vincent de Paul hail tonight, has
been postponed owing to the death
of Father Keenan's father in Port
land yesterday
Larger Apartments, Unfurnished
New; $35 to adults, with gar
age. Strictly modern brick build
ing, hot water heat, hardwood
floors throughout. All first or sec
ond floor. See owner at building,
205 Fairgrounds road, or Becke
& Hendricks, agents, at 189 N.
High street. mi
Cantrell' Sneaks Thursday i
Edward Adams Cantrell of Loa
Angeles will lecture Thursday
night, it was announced yesterday
by the Salem . Dramatic laegue,
sponsoring the series of talks giv
en by Cantrell. The lecturer was
to have appeared last night. The
subject this week is "The Human
izing of Knowledge," based on a
book by James Harvey Robinson.
The lecture will be given in the
woman s club building.
Postoffice Receipts Decline
Jfostonice receipts for the month
of ADril this vear nhnw n rlw1ina
over last year, a comparison at
tne postoffice yesterday showed.
Receipts for April, 1927, were
$15,571, and for April, 1926, $16,-
(Continued from page 1.)
Secretary Davis of the war de
partment to accompany Secretary
Hoover when Mr. Hoover returns
to the south tomorrow and to put
the army engineers to work in co
operation with the Mississippi riv
er commission in making a sur
vey. The report which is drawn
up, Mr. Coolidge believes, will be
of great value to congress when
flood prevention measures are
taken up.
It was reiterated today at the
White House that President Cool
idge does not believe an extra ses
sion of congress will be necessary
to meet the emergency. He also
feels that a personal trip to the
flood area would not help condi
tions. S3,00e,000 Mark Passed
The Red Cross fund, for which
the president has issued two ap
peals, has passed the $5,000,000
mark and the president is hopeful
that money contributed by the
people at large will meet the im
mediate requirements.
Reports to Red Cross headquar
ters today showed a wide re
sponse to the request for .the
$10,000,000 relief fund.
Buy Quality When Ton '
Bay Paint
The greatest assurance of qual
ity is purchased from an insti
tution that knows paint. We
have been spreading paint for
35 years. '
264 Chexaeketa. Tel. 921 - 87$ J
It's Time to Think of
We Sell Martin Senour 100 Per
: Cent Pure Paint
286 N. Commercial TeL 689
Reasonable prices. Don't for
get our hemstitching, stamping
button making and pleating.
Over Busick's Telephone 181
v We have testimonials
' . J$j from many r:. persons,
T wKa '- A A - unrsalt - vain
who are well . again
after . suffering with
fcaiV-ai) In f flat ? vi a T
; jV kidney, and skin dis-
!T e a s e, piles, ulcers.'
rheumatism and other
- 5t dIsord ers. We can help
T- " "yon also., .
Opea 9:00 A. II. to 5:00 JP.'M.
Yicli So HeA Co ;
4SO State St. : ; Salem, Ore,
en of tulips
Imprint of Boy's Shoe Found,
Fifty Fine Blossoms Re
moved mi Night
Ravaging of a garden of tulips
at the home of H. E. Leavenworth,
1028 South 12 street last week,
the latest work of vandals in. the
depot district, was reported to po
lice officers yesterday. About
fifty blooms were stripped from
the plants Friday, and on' Sunday
night every bloom in the garden
was stolen.
- Tlower thieves recently entered
the garden at the home of Mabel
Currie and Gertrude Chamberlain.
1115 Waller street, .and pilfered
a large number of flowers, mutil
ating the garden In the process.
. The Imprint of a boy's shoe was
found in the Leavenworth gar
den. This leads Kim to believe
that the robbery may be the work
of a lQ-y ear-old boy who. has
caused trouble in that district be
fore. Mail boxes have been tam
pered with, it is said, and on one
occasion a garage was entered and
a number of tools taken.
Mrs. Myra L. Shanks, police
matron, is investigating the case.
She believes that a small gang of
boys in that section are causing
the trouble, and expects to get
some definite clue soon. -
(Continued from page' l.
a desperate struggle with the
bandits. .
' Another early witness( for the
state will be Charles ,E. Terrill.
picturesque former sheriff of
Jackson county, who led the early
chase for the bandits through the
Siskiyou mountain wilds.
. W. O. Chandler of Dunsmuir,
Cal., special agent, will be another
early witness for the state. Chan
dler was first to reach the burn
ing mail car in which was found
the charred body of Mail Clerk
Jury Mature Men
Twelve men, most of them In
middle life or the shadows of the
sixties, were sworn In as the jury
at the close of court today and
were placed in charge of bailiffs.
The list follows:
Al Piche, 33, merchant, Med
ford: Fred Frredenberg,. 33 con
tractor, Medford; James E. dem
ons. 4 0, farmer, Medford; F. E.
Wiley, merchant, Central Point;
S. W. Punham, clerk. Medford:
S. M. 'Bush; laborer. Central
Point: E. N. Judy, farmer. Med-
,ford: S. E. Heberling, 55, miner,
Central Point: C. W. Davis, en
gineer. Medford: H. W. Ward, 35,
farmer. Eagle Point; Frank Ear
hart, 40, farmer, Medford; Nick
Kime, 62, farmer. Medford.
All the men lived for years in
southern Oregon and have read
and talked much of the sensation
al crime bnt have formed no opin
ions, they said. ;
Jury Under Guard
Under the instructions of the
court, following an agreement
with counsel for both sides, the
jury was ordered placed under the
care of three bailiffs, and was
taken to a hotel. Communication
of the members with their fami
lies, except in emergencies, is pro
hibited. A feature of the monotonous
grind, was he 'number of men
called to the Jury box who were
opposed to the death penalty.
Hugh DeAutremont took an
Men's and Ladle' suits cleaned
and pressed, f l.OO. Ladies silk
dresses, fl.25. Coats rellned,
13.00. Men's suits pressed, 50c,
Over Busicks
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
From 7:30 to 10:30 P. M.
Ladies Admitted Free .
, Gentlemen 10c
AU Sixes Fllnu, Kodaks, Derek
oping; Our Specialty ;
Prompt Service
187 South Commercial
The Home of Drug Store -Service
on Fairmont JUH .
f a AT S2600
8300 down, balance 823.00 per
month ..
" 129 North Commercial
LADD& BUSH, Bankers
- ; ' Established 1863 , . . ' ,
" General Banlnns Businesa ,
f Office Hobt from 10 a. a. to S p, ioa.
active part In the afternoon pro
ceedings. The nervousness of the
first day had vanished. - Twice he
conferred - with his counsel upon
the rejection or, acceptance ;ol
jurors.;; ; ' : - ' ' ..
The afternoon crowd at the
trial was largely women who add
ed a" lively toach of color to the
dull routine. The defendant sat
with his back to the throng and
never glanced their way. ' x
Throughout the tedious ques
tioning of the veniremen, the state
referred to the defendant as "this
young man," and the defenss
counsel as "this boy."
(CBtinu4 rom Pa( I.)
utaries claimed new towns and
ftelds in northeastern Louisiana.
Serious problems of rescue and
care of refugees were presented,
bnt the enormous machine hastily
built up by. Civilian Dictator Par
ker was functioning smoothly and
thousands' had been evacuated to
ttigh ground without the report of
a single loss of life.'
New Break Threatened
. Everywhere alone ttm tin ex
cept at Millikeu's Bend, across the
Mississippi from Vicksburg, the
river lines were held. At that
point the Mississippi, racing mad
ly under the added nr ensure nf
"flood water from the delta region
mowing back through the Yazoo
river, flowed over . the embank
ment for a distance of 100 feet,
threatening to loosen a torrent of
water into Tensas parish, already
partially inundated.
Reports to former Governor
Parker were thaHf this flow were
not checked it Drobablv wo.iiH
carry from six to ten feet of water
into Tellulah parish, seat of Mad
ison, of which has
approximately 1500 people. The
town itseir is about ten miles from
the river. I
It was estimated bv offiHain th '
if this threatened break material
ized -it would result in the early
inundation of aoDroximatelv 2.000
additional square miles of terri
Evacuation Akletl
Immediately upon receiving
word of the danger npot, Parker
directed that rescue and !relif
operations be conducted from
Vicksburg and Natchez, with ad
ditional craft sent from here if
they should be needed.
Harrisonburg, parish seat of
Catahoula, to the west, already
is under many feet of water, ac
cording to photographs taken to
Baton Kouge by naval aviators
who daily are winging their wav
over the flooder territory to search
out marooned and direct their res
W. K. Shill died at a local hos
pital May 3, aged 70 years. Body
at Webb's, funeral announcements
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketn Street
Telephone 724 1
Bedding and Window Box
Are now ready, also fine line
of shrubs and perennials.
Telephone 880 ' S12 State St.
the battery man
service calls free.
640 Chemeketa Street
8, 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also
buttons, stamping and pleating.
Over Miller's Telephone 117
Caaeya Guaranteed
Money refunded if it doea not
cure your ease
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 1
Call, phone or write
179 N. Oommerdal
Hearing the1 application of the
Oregon, California & Eastern
Railroad company for permission
to establish crossings and occupy
certain streets in the city of Klam
ath Falls, has been set by the pub-'
lie service commission for May 19.
The hearing will be held at Klam
ath Falls..
Other hearings set by the'pub
lic service commission follow:
Discontinuance of station agen
cy at Stay ton; May 13.
Application of. Josephine coun
ty for grade crossing. May 17.
Complaint of the Braymill White
Pine company (Sprague River
company) vs the California Nor
theastern Railway, with relation
to rates between Ivan and Klam
ath Falls, Chiloquin, Braymill and
Kirk. May 19. T -
Application, of Klamath county
for grade crossing over' tracks of
Southern vPacific company be
tween Texum and Midland, May
20. -
Application of the Oregon, Cal
ifornia & Eastern, railroad for ex
tension of spur track from west
side of- Dalles-California highway
across highway to" east side.
May 20.
Relative to service and equip
ment of Lakeview Water company,
May 23. '
Lehman Bail Fixed .
Pending His Trial
Harry Lehman,, a Salem man
who was arrested Monday night
Do you know that Chiro
practic has advanced more
in the past two years than
in 20 years, before that
time ? The Neurocalometer
is given credit for this
great advancement. It gives
to the doctor absolute ac
curacy in diagnosis.
Consult a Chiropractor
who has the latest
Straight Palnur Chiropractor
806 First National Bank
X' - 1:- !
Fisher's Developing Mash has no "equal, ,'lt
will develop your pullets as they should bo
developed because it is balanced exactly right.
Unlike many of the chick and developing mashes
of the present day, Fisher's developing rnash ,
does not contain an excess amount of corn meal
and powdered skimmed milk. Of all grains,
corn contains the least amount of mineral. An
excess amount of corn meal and powdered skim
med milk might work o. k. in fattening mash,'
but will not do. in a growing mash where yen
want your pullets to come to maturity in goo J
shape for laying standard eggs during the pul
let year and to "continue laying good sized C.;
the following year.
. Feed Fisher's Developing Slash until they arc
six months old. ;
;. The Fisher Flouring Mills Company, Seattle or Port
land, will gladly send you on request a complete bock
on the subject of Chick Raising by Judge W. M. Coats.
Ask also for Fisher's Feeding Schedule by Judge Coats.
Tune In on.
Ask For
on a liquor possession charge, was
placed In the;ounty Jail yesterday "
pending his 'trial on the eharga
in justice court. T Bail was set nt
$500. . .;; ..
Lehman asked for time to con
sult an attorney. The man has -had
quite a police record, officers
say, having been in the clutches J
of the law several times on Jiquor
possession charges.
We Sell and Recommend
". t A Superior Washer
wums ELtCTRIC TAtlL ' 1
: . " 337 Court" r . '
Tonight 7:30 "
1610 N. Summer
1 Remington typewriter like
new; 1 ivory bed, spring
and mattress; 3 glass vanity
and chiffoniere; 1 brass bed,
steel spring and floss mat
tress; 1 Simmons bed. steel
spring and cotton mattress;
2 new wool mattresses; 1 oak
library table; 1 oak dining
table; 1 oak buffett; 6 oak
diners; 1 new 50 ft. hose; 1
42 piece set dishes new; 1
,oak dresser; 1 oak chif
foniere; 1 green enamel chif
foniere; 2 overstuffed Craft
leather rockers; 2 linoleum
felt base. rugs; new left base
linoleum by the yard; 2 new
'walnut and velour rockers;
1 oak and leather bed daven
port; 1 day bed; 1 New
Home sewing machine; 2 Ax
minister rugs 9x12; 1 mal-
eable steel range; 1 refriger
ator; 1 2-burnet oil stove
and oven; new dress goods;
overalls, etc. . . ;
You'll Be Sorry If Yon Miss
. Phone 511
L 1 1 II Phnn Kit II
V llll. II
Here is a Mash
Without an Equal