rr': WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1927 r a - fTHE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON Oregon Statesman Issued Daily Exeept Monday by THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY ' 115 South Commercial Street, Sales, Oregon JCJ. Hendricks - - - - Manager Jr.S.McSberry ?$ft0 Ralph C. Curtis Telegraph Editor Andred Banc- - - - bociety Kditur W. H. Henderson Circulation Manager Ralph II. K lft xing Advertising Managee Prank Jaskoski Manager Job Uept. K. A. Khoten .... Livestock Kditor W. '. thinner ... . I'onltry Editor MMEB Or THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated1 Press ia exclusively entitled to tbe use for publication of all uewe dis- Ktebea credited, to it or aot otherwise credited la thia paper and alao the local new pub had herein. . BUSINESS OFFICES: O. B. Bell. eA-22S Security BUlg.. Portland. Or.. Telephone Broadway 9240. ( The aa P; Clark Co, New York. ISa-lfto W. Slst St.; Chicago, Marquette BMf. Ioty fltype. Inc., California represeatativea, .Sharon Bl.lg , San Francisco; Chamber .f terce Bldg., I.aa Angeles. " Business Office Society Editor . a. TELEPHONES: .23 or 53 Job Department 5H3 106 Neva Dept. 23 or 106 Circulation Office 583 Entered at the Poat Office in Salem. Oregon, aa second-class matter ' i V . - ,. May 4, 1027 ' , Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due: custom .to whom custom Is due; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. Romans 13:7-8. THE PARKER PLAN Because of conflicting: repqrts concerning: the so called "Parker Plan" and its present status in California, the fol lowing quotations from a wire just received by C. J. Hurd, specialist in organization and markets, Oregon Agricultural college extension 1 service, from Mr. Parker, should prove of interest: "ANSWERING YtfUR WIRE, CONTRACTS ARE NOW IN STAGE OF PREPARATION. WILL MAIL YOU COPY JUST AS SOON AS THEY HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED BY BOTH PRINCIPALS." Also, the following quotation from a letter received from Mr. H. E. Erdman", prof essor of agricultural economics of the University of California: "My information is that the plan has not progressed to the point where the contracts are available. If it is available it has very recently been made so." From the above quotations it would appear that the Plan, if there be a plan, is still in process of evolution and that no one knows at the present time just what it will contain or whether it will be accepted by the growers when perfected j And in the mean while, those in Oregon interested in its development will have to be content with surmises and guesses as to its content. CANADIAN BEETS, NOT OREGON'S The farmers of the Fraser river valley in British Columbia are planting or have planted 1000 acres of sugar beets, to be made into sugar this year by the Bellingham, Wash., plant of the Utah-Idaho Sugar company The-guaranteed minimum price to the British Columbia farmers being $6.50 a ton. p This is the identical contract offered to the Salem district farmers last fall by the same company And the Salem district farmers did not take it And the British Columbia farmers did " And a factory is to be built in British Columbia next year. This was what would have happened in the Salem district. had our farmers taken the contracts last fall. And over 45,000 acres have been contracted in all sections to the Utah-Idaho Sugar company, including Utah, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota and Canadathe South Dakota fac tory being a new one now under construction, to be ready for this year's crop, with 10,000 acres of sugar beets contracted for it. - BACK TO PROHIBITION "With the appointment of Roy A. Haynes as acting commissioner, the turn-is made' from promises back to prohibition. It is significant that in assuming his new office Haynes made no statements about what he Is going to do. He just set about doing it. In this he differs from his former superior. General Lincoln C. Andrews, who has been as prolific at prophesy as the oracle at Delphi. The appointment of Haynes Is widely interpreted as a direct slap at Andrews and Secretary Mellon.- Whatever the truth of this, the appointment definitely aligns 'President Coolldge on the side of the prohibitionists. Despite Haynes' eclipse following the rise of Andrews, he has symbolized bone-dryness in the administration of the law. Ilia restoration to a post of import ance' a Tictory for the drys indicates a return to the policy of strict enforcement.;:; i. r. "Promises have been the distinguishing feature of General' An drews' tenure of office. The-future has seemed the favorite time for action rather than the present. In three months, in six months, in a yeav something would have been done. But the people of America are eager to hear what has been accomplished, not what may be done at some tenuous period of tomorrow. 'General Andrews Promises has been too frequent a headline, 'General Andrews Does too rare. Interviews cannot take the place of accomplishments; nor can pro hibition be enforced by talk. The manana policy may be very excel lent in itsplace, but that place is most assuredly not in the enforce ment of the law. What the nation wants in this particular instance is history, not forecast." Red Cross Heeds . $5,000,000 For ' Flood Victims; Mobilizes All Relief Resources at Memphis , v. - - " - ----- --y-y; h a T , -JVn - imsi ' j J'-jJ'" I "Mai Street" in one of the S3 refugee; camps estahliahed by the tied Cross i ftoicn ' the upper photo. In the foreground two helpless t -tlms of the merciles waters are shown inspecting their new quarter. 2. A group of .refugees receiving food from a Red Cross canteen uorJcer. Mass. feedi g such as this has been necessary in some camps but is being avoided wherever possible. Acting Chairman James L. Fieser of the Red Crons irhn is assist ing the Administration of relief from base headquarters at Memphis, Ten- toes, madam," dial smile. he said with a cor- Single BIU "Well." remarked a : married man after examining his friend's new apartment, r "I wish I could afrorrt a place lite this." "Yes," said his friend, "you married men may have, belter halves, hut we bachelors usually have lefter quarters." FERRYMAN DROWXS LEWISTON. Ida May 3. (AP) Walter Hoffman, ferryman at Agatha on the rlearwater river. 30 miles from Lewiston. was drowned today when flood waters swamped his boat.' TKLI-S COIFFl'RR MODELS With more than 200,000 per sons already homeless and the mighty Mississippi .threatening each instant to tear its way through additional towns in the one-time happy valley, the Ameri can Red Cross finds itself fare to face with probably the greatest relief problem of the past cen tury. The president of the United Spates has actively participated in mobilizing governmental agencies and resources to assist the Red Cross in its relief program. On April 22, following the custom in previous disasters of the first magnitude, he issued a proclama tion calling; upon the ' people to subscribe to the Red Cross relief fund. . This he did in his capacity as president of the United States and president also of the lied Cross. He followed this action with the appointment of a special committee from his cabinet, com prising Dwight F. Davis, secretary of war; Curtis D. Wilbur, secre tary of the navy Herbert C. Hoover, secretary of commerce. and Andrew W. Mellon, secrstary of the treasury, to work in con junction with Red Cross officials. At the first meeting of this com mittee with the Red Cross acting chairman, James L. Fieser, and others, it was decided that a min imum of $5,000,000 will be need ed to take care of the flood suf ferers! The disaster was reported to exceed in proportions the Florida hurricane of last fall, when the roster of homeless was 80,000. It differs in that there is a huge total of dead and wounded. In this case, however, there is no definite ly cut out problem as in Florida, jfor the elements have not finished their havoc. Whether the waters will start to recede within a few weeks o whether they will con tinue to rise indefinitely, sweep ing additional houses down to the sen and engulfing additional acres of farmlands and villages, cannot be foreseen. I Henry M. Baker, national direc tor of disaftthr relief for the Red Cross, has bon made dictator of the Mississippi Valley with the powers of a general in war. Head quarters of the relief corps is at Memphis. Tenn.. , where liason of ficers of the army, navy, com merce department, coast guard, public health service and veter ans bureau are working in con junction with Mr. Fieser, Secre tary Hoover, Major General Jad win, chief of army engineers, and Dr. William R. Redden, medical advisor for the Red Cross in Mem phis, to assist in the gigantic pro gram. Relief-funds are ' beginning to come in to National Red Cross headquarters in Washington and to chapter headquarters in every state and all that it is humanly possible to do is being done for the refugees. Quotas have been assigned to the chapters and 3. 000 of these are collecting funds. Prior to leaving for Memphis, Chairman Rieser expressed his be lief that the American people will respond generously to the appeal for the flood sufferers. LONDON. Hairdressers here are following a hairdressing stylo set by Dutch dolls '- :i NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S -APPOINTMENT p Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County -of Marion, as Executor of the last will and, testament and estate of Fred G. Blumhart deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such executor; - all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are heTeby notified to present the same, duly verified to me, at the oince or Konam u. Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. p Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 26th day of April, 1927. W. A. LISTON, Executor of the last wiU and testa ment of Fred G. Blumhart, de ceased. Ronald C. Gloyer. ' " " Attorney for Executor, j Salem. Oregon. a27m4-8-18-25 State of Oregon; as said addition U shown and designated by the plat thereof ,on file and of record in the, office .of the "Recorder of Conveyances in and for the count) aforesaid; running thence souther ly along the westerly line of said lot, fifty-six (DC) feet; thence easterly parallel with the norther ly line of said lot, one hundred and five (105) feet to the easterly line of said lot; thence northerly, along said easterly line, fifty-six (G6) feet, to the northeasterly late for tb early sale hnt are evnMtod to be on aaie later m the day. Tb market ia about bare of cauliflower.. - LIVESTOCK V om steady . with MotuUra l.?2 a1van-e; no reipt. , fibres and Jamba ateady to easy; m open market rneeipU; aas u -outra.t-I.atnt, ntedism to hoire fll$l:i: -nii and common' 1 1 : during, medium ,f -boir 84 ' pound dnwn ?13.."(i( 14 ;tl PORTLAND OSAIH TORTi.AXU. - Alay . (At) Wheat. max: nttti. Irani wmte May, Jan, an ji HW. US, Haart May, June 1.4t; td-1 corner of said lot; thence westerly, ; XA, ane fi.4i'4; hard winter TAf transmission of electric power to a distance of 1,000 miles. The present limit is 100 miles. ' No one can estimate the value of that discovery, or its effect among many industries, espe cially steel. . . "'With power from a waterfall carried economically to raw material a thousand miles away, beds of iron ore can be made into steel by the new electric process, anywhere , within a thousand miles of cheap water power. "The Pacific coast may sro ahead of Pennsylvania and Indiana in steel manufacture." Marion and Polk counties are about $300 behind iniRed Cross flood relief funds, considering that the entire cotntry has raised half of the $10,000,000 now set as the total needed. Polk and Marion have about the $300 to go to be 100 per cent up to date. But our district will catch up, and come out with the whole $3600 called for as its quota. Any other result is unthinkable. Bits For Breakfast The above quoted paragraphs are from the editorial page of .this week's issue of the Dearborn Independent, Henry Ford's newspaper, now one of the most widely read and influ ential journals in the country , And every friend of good government and honest law en forcement will 'breathe the hope that the words concerning Mr. Haynes will prove true ' .... t As the outspoken words concerning the administration of ; General Lincoln CV Andrews are certainly to the point. He r f should never have been appointed, nor have accepted the ' place ; nof been held in the place when he proved a washout. ; - V,Na law can be properly enforced by officials ,who do not - 1 believe in its soundness , and justice. - WONDERS NEVER CEASE "-'.; Says Arthur Brisbane, the highest salaried editor in the United States (on the Hearst. newspapers) in.a recent editor-1 : ial article:!?': vv-i- ..Vt-c " "A more important rush fox wealth, never ceasing, always I productive, is the steady march of science.'5 German and French scientists plan to produce electrical power by" the use of tropical sea water, at one-tenth the present cost, i That dis- covcry nay be worth a thousand times as much as all the . diamond fields in the world. - .-; ; : " " "Equally important is the discovery that makes possible !. sea scouts: Great Bfiusleweek - Salem is a music center na And becoming more so, to her pleasure and profit. This Idea cannot be stressed too much. It is good business; capable of help ing materially in making Salem a city of 50.00ft, and then 100.000. snd on up. Britisp Columbia took the op portunity to grow sugar beets that the Salem district turned down last fall.' and gets the factory that would have been Salem's. Never was anything more short sighted. It was a mistake that mast not be repeated when opportunity, again comes knocking at oar doors.; Marion and Polk -must come through 100 per-cent with their $3600 quota of flood. relief funds; , and will. And then we must add our help to the end that the thing' shall ; never happen again. f The nation must, by reforestation and' engineering, make the great rirer safe for; all time, s It will be a stupendous undertaking, bat it can W done, and is worth doing. 'Any thing short' of this . will be sloth fulness and a national disgrace. i . .: 'Th old city refuse damps now almost completely surrounded by modern homes and Industrial plants Is a relic of the old by-gone days and. should be removed, ob literated and replaced with a mod' era incinerator." says a friend at the writer's elbow.? The building of a modern plant for the treat ment of both refuse and sewage would be better. Snch a plant could be made to pay for Itself. . - T. J. Keane. director National "The growing; boy.oJ today is beset by problems and perplexities that our forefathers never knew at his age. Flapper dress, petting parties, movie love scenes and the like serve to bring the sex question before him in a wrong way and at a wrong time." "No. madam. I'm sorry. They all come one width at the top. "Well, isn't there anything that you could suggest to improve their fit?" "Only that you eat" more pota- NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been duly ap pointed by the county court of the Sjate of Oregon for the County of Marion, as executors of the last will and testament and estate of Elizabeth J. Ratcliff, deceased, and. that they have duly qualified as such executors' all persons hav ing claims against the estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to us at the office of Ronald C. Glover, 203 Oregon buUding, in Salem, Marion county, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at .Salem, Oregon, this 20th day of April, 1927. GEORGE I. RATCLIFF. CHARLES A. RATCLIFF. Executors of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of Eliza 1 ) beth J. Ratcliff, Deceased. Ronald C. Glover, ' Attorney for Executors, Salem, Oregon.- ' a 20-72 m 4-11-18 A Liftfe Muddled Mother to Bobby): "Surely you did something else but eat at the school treat?' ' Bobby: "Yes, mama. After tea we sang a hymn called 'We can sing, full though we be."' Mother learned later that, the hymn selected had been, "Weak and sinful though we be." , - Judaism . " " Ikey was very slow, in learning to subtract and the teacher was having a trying time with him. Now, see here. Ikey," said she;ptiently. "if Ikey had eight pennies and he lost three, ,bo manv nenriies would Ikey have left?"1. "Veil." - was the 1 quick , reply. "for vy should I key j lose three penr - Just a Suggestion The woman, after many years devotion to old-fashioned rubber overshoes, had finally succumbed to modish. If by no means aes thetic galoshes. At the salesman tried on a, pair of the newest tippers the woman noted with distaste the great bulge at the top of them. "Haven't yon a pair that fit me mora sn.ujely?" ahe aaked. Notice of Proposed Vacation of Waverly Street Notice is hereby given that the block Oregon State Board of Control, acting on behalf of the State of Oregon, has filed with the Common Council of the City of Salem, Ore gon, a petition' for the vacation of Waverly street, running north and south, from the north line of State street to the south line of Court street, within the corporate lim its of -said City of Salem, said street being required for the use of the state . In connection : with the modern fireproof office build ing to .be constrpcted . lor - said State . of Oregon, as provided in Chapter 322, Laws of Oregon, 1927. . - . ' 1 . Said petition will be heard on the 20th day of May. 1927, at the hoar of 7:30 o'clock p. m. at the council chamber in the city hall of said City of Salem, Oregon. -Dated this 49th day -of April. 1927. . ... :' By order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem, State of Oregon. .-. c, ' ' . M. POULSEN, City Recorder. L L. Patterson. Governor. SAM A. Kozer, Secretary of State. Constituting .a majority of . the Oregon State Board of Control, Petitioner. - " " - . . a 20-27; m 4-1 1-1 FIRST NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX To whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given that by an order of the County Court for Marion County, Oregon, duly en tered sof record this day, the undersigned has been duly and legally appointed executrix of the last will and testament of Thomas J. Cronise, deceased, and has duly qualified as such executrix. All persons having claims against said estate are respectfully requested to present the name, with proper vouchers of verification attached thereto, to the undersigned at Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated Salem, Oregon, this 2nd day of May, 1927. NELLIE M. CRONISE Executrix of the last will and testa ment of Thomas J. Cronise, de ceased. , Carey F. Martin, Attorney for estate, 413 Masonic Temple Building, Salem,' Oregon. m-4-11-18-25 J-l RTJMMOX9 No. 18721 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County Of Mar ion. Department two. Carl H. Mason and Anna Mason. Plaintiffs. vs. . Joseph Todes, Karl Todes, the unknown heirs of Peter Todes, de ceased, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to the real property described in the complaint herein. Defendants. To Joseph Todes, Karl Todes, the unknown heirs of Peter Todes. de ceased, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or interest in or to the real property described in the complaint herein: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You, and each of you, are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above-entitled court and cause on or before six ( 6 ) weeks rrom the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof plaintiffs will apply to said court, for the relief prayed for in their said . complaint, namely: that you. and each of you. be re quired to set forth the nature and extent of yonr respective claims, interests or estates In or to the following-described premises, to wit: - . . . "Reeinnlne at the northwesterly I corner of lot numbered six () is numbered eight (8) of Pleasant Home Addition to tha City of Salem, County of Marion, along the northerly line of said lot, one hundred and five (105) feet to the place of beginning." That it he adjudged and decreed that you. and each of you. have no claim, right, title, estate, lien or interest whatsoever in or to said real property, or any part thereof; that plaintiffs are the owners in fee simple thereof; that you, and each of you. be forever enjoined and barred from asserting 'any claim whatsoever in or to said premises, or any part thereof, ad verse to plaintiffs, or either of them, and that plaintiffs have such other and further relief and remedy as to said court may seem meet and equitable.- . This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Oregon Statesman, a newspaper of general circulation published in the county aforesaid, for six (6) successive weeks, commencing with the issno thereof of the twen ty-third day of March, 1927. andi ending with the issue thereof oft tha fntirth v of Mav. 1927. Tin r- S suant to an order of the honorable L. H. McMiihan, judge of said urt, dated the twenty-first day of March, 1927. CARSON. CARSON & CARSON, attorneys for plaintiffs, resi dence and post office address: Salem. Oregon. . , m23-30-a6-13-20-27-m4 o- : . i . : o General Markets I O -O - PROVISIONS . : PORTLAND.1 May 3. (AP) Bids to farroertt: Milk ateady; raw milk 4 n- at) $2:30 ewt. f. o. b. Portland. But - terfat 40e t. O. O. roriiano. Poultry steady; heavy hens 25tc; light ' 20 afe; springs nominal; broiler 30(T 31c;- pekin white .dueka 2 Or; colored nominal; turkera lira nominal; dressed 37e -.- Onion stead) r local 3.75& 7. Potatoes. l-H)ft..S3 ack. - " DAIKY - ' PORTLAND, May v S. ( AP) -Dairy Kxchanye, . net prices:- Butter, extras 39 Vic; standard 39c; prime first 3HV firsts 38c. . Eyg. extras "2Sr firsts 2lci -pullet 20- qtirreut receipts 19c. ' " The hotter and egg markets were un changed today, batter receipts were 16, 950 pounds and oiitpat 29.U33 pounds. Egif receipt Were SiiS casea and 809 eases were stored. Poultry was fteetlY, hens selling it 22 fie 'Jfie and springs at '20f.t i-.2c. ltresKed meats dragged, veal at 1 f I I c at;d pnrk af 14&flti. . . VEGETABLES PORTLAND. May 3. tAP) Trading was moderate and price practically un changed in the local market today. The June $1.39; northern spring May, Junn western re May, June f 1.37. Oat. No. 2. 3i teiind while fred and gray. May. June $37-' O o I Salem Llarketa ' I o- o No. I. wneat, white : $ 10 Ked. wheat, sacked . 1.2.1' Oats, per ba. milling .53 PORK. MUTTOX XSD BZX7 Top hog ; ; r .10-- 8wo .oM Top steer . ! .oc Cow . . ! .o , Ba . , js.i lamtis. under oft !!. ' .12 K (Top Vt . lressed veal traae4 pig ..07Q.O ! .17 POTJITBT Light hens . Heaey hens it rollers ..... Kooatera . ..... .IS i .0C.0S EOGS, BUTTZR, I TJTT FJLT AT Standards . jg Pound : . , j u Butterfat 4l Cream butter .43Q.44 VEOETASUES " Vegetablea. beets, sacked On ion a, ds. bunches New Cabbage telary California lettuce, erst Local onione .OS .90 .07 3.25 S.50 -4VO.06 DYNAMITE KILLS MAN There Are Only Two Places i in Salem to Eat Home and Here Black Cat Restaurant 130 South r 'Liberty Street One . Half Block from State promised Coacsella onions arrived too OWAni?) 'W -i , S ava aj - urn m Mrs 1 arl . A.s . ct--H, snuu 'it I !' !. tn . - - - fc I i s. -!. ,ms er 4 I IS tat t .-rt. X- LSr ssvX a a.-a-t. STORE DISPLAY . : " - - V MAV 2Zth and good all summer ROUND TRIPS St. Paul $77.G3 Chicagorl$9.35 New York $153.75 Other pIta tm prwartlo Choice of Fine Trains NORTH COAST LTD., 9:30 a. m. from Port land via S., P. & S., N. P., C, B. & Q., and ORIENTAL LTD., out at 8:00 p. rti. via S., P. & S...G. N C, B. & Q.; both followinjr the famous Columbia River 'scenic water level route through the Cascades, , and" with co ordinated service east of Chicago..;- Let Us Help You Plan Yoitr Trip li. F.v KXOWLTOX, TR.W. PSGR. AGT. ; - -J..W. RITCHIE, ACESTV" ; Phone 727 " ilmnaPcrCr If -Mrhdl U Li. Is Viewed by Hundreds MARTIN'S ; Ad Copy is Seen by y , Thousands MARTIN ADVERTISING SERVICE Directors of. ; ProfitaUe robUdtr 323 Oregon Elij. , ;;Pho8 795 i : ii mm i ii M is c T The STATESMAN.has purch at considerable expense a wonderful beau tifully bound cook bopkl - This book Is not only fall of snrprise dishes, bat also helps yon in choosing, caring, storing and laundering yonr table linens.." ' - v . ... - . r H helps prepare your meals with a Tffal interest, This boblcVTHE 1IODERN METIIOD OF PREPAR ING DELIGHTFUL FOODS," is by Ida Bailey Allen, international authority; t S ' SEXT ONLT 10 CpXTS TO THS STATESMAN Xame -. . r- . i . . . . ...I.. . "; , "J :. 1.; . . . , . . AdOres ' . J.V. .V. ; ....LaieCv.. 1.. ......... " . - - - -., ; ----- ; i : - m- Town .... . . . . . . . . , r State .... .. . ...... 3q Vets Ii ' The Holly night. Wited i I membc mlasioi WlMai ; accord llteal 1 1 Ton: Cloee i 121, certaii , some sale. Thia 1: See th IN. ni; Itemo' Mis Her. t was o has e remo street Highway Workers Vnable to Got A way Before lilast MARSHFIELD, May 3. (AT) --Carl Webber, 28, was killed, and Frank "Welghill was Injured , here today when ia dynamite charge exploded before they could run to- safety." The accident oc curred on the Roosevelt highway four miles from Coqnille. The men were working with short fuses. f .Webber' is survived by. his wid- ; ow and one child. New 1 At Wood To Ol Mo In th Sundi In th cial i large day. paste Flow ; Tc I ciait: I In F Tt at 1 from yon ' 189 Pani E' Fins F: esta com lira i Fon - F i Hoc I Tw - Tor ' vabo I foil i chi I ' e! 1 flee un ace -r"