-TIIE OREGON STATESMAN; HALEJI,OBEG0N MORNING,' APRItr 20, 1927, I r New First National Bank Building r Directory BASEMENT Da Lax Shining Parlor Brums for Ladies and Gentlemen. ENTRANCE Ted' Clr Stand TedIrwtnProg rletor. SECOND rirOOB Coffey's Phot Servlc TeL 708. Over the Bps IHIED FLOOR Morris Optical Co., S01-302-303 Dr. Henry E. Morris, Optometrist Telephone 239 C. r. Gillette ..Suite 311 lawyer Telephone 1058 HILLMAN FTJEIi COMTAJTT D.ll rtfflra 311-318 Stoker Display - . S11"2J2 .nanltinv Enflll .. i i 30 Executive Booms .308-3 1 Telephone 87 Tard 1(65 ITlTiar A: Wvekoff 30-301 Distributors for W lie tire' ' 'X-wn-evco' socolofsky Bon, TeL 970 .304-301 Besl Estate. Loan, Insurance FOURTH FLOOR Drs. OTJeUl Pbone 625 ... A Burdette. Optometrist! 401-402-403-404-406 Guardian Building O. Rayford Ely fc Loan Association 113 Telephone 787 WiUard H. Attorneys. Wlrts end Fanl T. Burrto 410-411-413 Tel. 185 Lane Morley, 413. TeL 767; Bee. 1915-W Seal Estate Mans uniaace SIXTH FLOOR Oeo. E. Vehrs, M. D., Physician Bargee Suits 603. Tel. 2378-8379; Bee. 77 Bobin D. Day end Donald W. Miles Attorneys at Iw Telephone 193. 610-811-611 E. T. Boem Smith. Nov York Life 613. Telephone 199 EIGHTH IXOOB nr. a. Ward Davla. General Dentistry Telephone 816. Boom 803 Dr. H. B. Seofleld .806 Chiropractor, Xenzocalomet Sortie Z. N. Sanders, M. D Physician. Burgeon Suite 810. Telephone 666; Bos. 234f NINTH IXOOB Dr. H. M. Brows. Eye, Ear, Bom Throa specialist. sane w , TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. Johns, Dentist Telephone 1885 , - .100! Chalmer Lee George. D. S. B. General Dentistry B. M. Griffin. D. D. S.. Orthodontia Telephone 181. Suite 1002-100; UNION ROSTER HOD CARRIERS AND BUILDING LA borers Local No. 441, .meets WedU. J p. m Call 179 for men. CAPITOL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION No. 210 President, G. F. Evan; see retary. M. D. Pilkenton. Meet see ood Saturday. 3 p. m. CARPENTKRS' TTNIOW NO. 1065 b"! Meete Thura. aTcmlnr. Herbert Hale. f president: Wo. Pattit. secretary. ' Skilled mechanics famished. TeL 179. f At.KM UNION LABEL LEAGUE Meets st Labor Hall on call of, presi dent. F. W. Sears, secretary Bos 443. Salem. Ore, I LODGE ROSTER I O o KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEETS A McCornack Hall, over Miller Store, every Saturday evening. 7. 3. Tool, t. C.; H. B, BmrkeyK. of B, 8. Tel 1319-W j REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BECKE 189 S High. HENDRICKS TeL 169. LEE W. BELL . 503 Rank of Commerce Bldg. TeL 484 HOHKNSTEDT N. Commercial. A PAYNB Telephone 677. 147 P. W. GEISEB Telephone 881. Court. V . W. G. KRUEGEB Baos. 1. TeL SIT. JOHN Bligh Bldg. W. OBB TeL 1485. GKRTRCDE I. U. PAQ 2 N. CotUge. TeL 1186. TRIANGLE REALTY OO, 421 Court St. . TeL 651 CLRICH BOBKBTS 128 N. CommereiaL Tel. 1154, VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. 147 N. Com'l. ToL TT. SQUARE DEAL REALTY Nat' I Bank Bldg. TeL 470 Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or San day One time Three times 3 easts per word 6 cents per word St wrd tis tin 1 Rio. dailv aad Rn . 9n mmtm M ward In order to earn the snore than one tue rate, advertising mass m in r "cnn lean as. So Ad takem fn 1... h.o K Ads. ran Sandav OVT.Y charred at rate. . . A diT,rti (ezeept Personals "d 8itat5on Wanted) win bo takes. r!V ,JI,J,kB the adrartiaer it ubseribeT to phono, u 8t't'"" wiU receive aeVeo "" any tiaao erf the dey oe JV5". To taan pro our olaeeiftea tn Ad. .W,M ho fcoforo 7 P, as. TELEPHONE 88 or 66$ The Oregon Statesman Published every morel eg (except Most day) at Salem, the) capital ef Oregwsw ADVERTISING HONEST ADVERTISING Theee eol di mast be kept free from aaytklng f a questionable nature. Misrepresen tations will set he tolerated. Infor mation shewing eay questionable la test em tho part ef the advertise should be reported to this newspaper or the Salem Ad. club. AUCTTOVEER8 a F.N.Woodry 11 yrs. Salem's leading anetioneer and furniture dealer. ' Ken. and Store 1610 N. Summer. Tel. 511, "NO KICK ON MY 8ERVICE" 2apr22tf F.N.Woodry The Woodry every body knows. Cash paicl for uspd furniture, tooli, etc. !. and .Store 1610 N. Summer. Pbone 511 2apr2ttf H. F. Woodry & Son Right down town. Cash paid for need furniture. Store 271 N. Com'L elJkfentsoJjngRanfeB AUTO TOPS SEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK O. J. Hall Auto Top and Paint Shop. 267 S. Commercial. 6al6tf BATTERY & ELECTRICIAN 6 R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES Starter and generator work; 202 South High. CWillcMD Tel. 198 COURT ST. JOS WILLIAMS FLEE VER ELECTRIC CO HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Tel. 980 471 Court St: BICYCLES & REPARNG 8 LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI cycle and repairing. 887 Court. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED IP YOU ARE MAK- me lets than S150 per month, see Mr, Smith at 174 South Liberty Street. Saturday. April the 30th after 3 o'clock. 9apr30 HELP WANTED Male 11 WANTED A LIVE NEWSPAPER SUB- aeriotion canvasser. Call Cirealatioi Manager. Statesman office. llmlltl CHIROPRACTORS 15 JR. H. B. 8COFIELD. P. First National Bank Bldg. S. C, 806 DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSO CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Tel. 83B-K or 87. FLORISTS 16 OUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreathe, decorations. U. jr. Breithaupt, florist, 612 State 84. Tel. 380. MAGAZINKS Farm Papers 17 CP TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm' saner send five Went stamps to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. INSURANCE 18 FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mors cares. Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses Will not 6 to 80. BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 180 N. -High St. JI M FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONET to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pro dential Insurance Company money on city residence and business property at 5tt. Bins a commission. Hawklni A Roberta. Ins.. 905 Ore son Building diert Insure Your home or ear now. Phono 161 BECKE HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High St. 11 -tf WANTED Employment 19 YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER wants position. Call at 510 S. 25th St 19msy- CONTRACTOR We specialise in repair, garages and out buildings. Grsves, Tel. 765. 19may8 LANDSCAPE GARDENING AND CON- struction work contracts. Tel. 1008-W. Hubbard A Cook. 19May20 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT die-cine- and team work. TeL 72P3. 19ml 4 tf FOR RENT 21 FURNISHED APT. ALSO room. 267 S. Church. SLEEPING 2lmsyl STORE ROOM FOR REST 260 FERRY street, betvm trout and Commercial, formerly oceaoied br Withers AS Neal. $20 a month. Inquire at Statesman office. lapr28tf FOR RENT Apartments 23 FURNISHED APARTMENT 210 N. 14th. . . . 23mayfl MODERN. WELL FURNISHED 3 ROOM, Ant. Larre and liehw 1133 Court Sti 23-apr26tf FOR RENT -Rooms 25 ONE FINE ROOM DOWNSTAIRS, ALSO one fine room and sleeping porch up stairs. 102O Center 8U 25apr29 ROOMS WITH BOARD AT THE ALEX ander. TeL 1539; 1030 Cbemeketa. 25apr21tf FOR RENT i Nice office room aad close In sleep! ing room, Melvin Johnson. TeL 63i. , . . T . 25aprr4tjf PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BY TH IN. Wording, "Rooms to Boot." price ID eenU each. . Statesman Business Office, . ground floor. I BOOM FOR RENT IN MODERN HOME near Capitol - Building, Uentlem . only. Telephone 1894-J or Cbemeketa. . call 1435 S5aprl7U lVlINUTE MOVIES CPSCO& ,3 AFTER TRE.fcOfc&ERM IN TMC MySIgRiOvJS Tufjwct ,rbr) Risk:. I rAf?M 5 -Tt-IKT", "TUP GIRL WE MAS fiES CUEt FROM THE FUfcV . we sheriffs f2::- FOR REXT Hotue 27 6-ROOM HOUSE. DOUBLE GARAGB and good garden, 20 per month. 1M N. 15 St. 27opra NEARLY NEW FOUR-ROOM HOUSE with gararo, 1540 State St. 27spr28 BUNGALOW IN PALMER COURT. Ulrieh -A Roberta. TeL 1354, S7apr?Stf FOR RENT A GOOD FIVE-ROOM houso, modern, garden, with half acre of land. TeL 222-J. 27apr30 LAUNDRIES 82 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Lanndry of Pure Materials." Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry. Tel. 171. 1356 B Street, J17tf THE NEW 8 A I.EM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone g.S tt8 a. High. TAILORS 84 D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN women. 474 Court St. and WANTElJ jriiAreiianeoaa 80 FURNITURE PACKING FOB SHIP menta. Giese-Power Furniture Co. . 85a20tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB farm loans. We have several applica tions on hand. Hawkins A Roberts, Tne. 205 Oregon Bide. 85dl4tf MATTRESSES 80 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co.. 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Tel. 19. f!9tf FOR SALE 87 NEW MODERN owner. TeL 9" 8-ROOM F12. HOUSE. BY 37spr28tf SEED POTATOES. Broadway. Call o'clock. ALL KINDS. 10O5 between 3 and 8 37apr29 BLACK DIRT FOR BALE IN EITHER North, or South Salem, Reasonable TeL 72F2. 87dl2tf FOR HONEY at 8F5.. OR BEES CALL MEAD 87may5 ALFALFA. GRAIN. HAY. TIMOTHY. barley and wheat: guaranteed quality Prompt shipment. Prices upon appli- estioa. Richard Nyman, Welle Walla, Washington. 87mayl FOR SALE Live Stock: 3 FOR SALE ENGLISH BULL DOG registered, from the best blood in the northwest. Good brood animaL Dr. Morehouse. Phone 1510. FOR SALE FRESH COW. HEAVY milker, with heifer calf. 771 N. Com mercial. 39a30 VETERINARIAN FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 529 8. CommereiaL TeL 1198. Res. Tel. 1666. m23tf WOOD FOR sale: 48 16-INCH WOOD. . 86.00 Delivered. Pbone 1736. PER CORD, 43 M 20 DRY SMALL 16-INCH SECOND growth for 87 per cord. Also big sec ond erowtb and old fir. C. C. Har baurh. 1038 Highland Ave. Tel. 1990. 43may26 16-INCH -1851-M. OLD FIR WOOD. TEL. 43May20 16-INCH OLD FIR. sen. TeL 1786. CHAS. CHRISTEN 43mayl5 GOOD DRY WOOD FOR Larmer. TeL 980. YOU D. A, 43aprl6tf THE BEST WOOD IN THE CITY FOB the money at Tracy's .wood yard. Tel. 2313 . 43J4U 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH Oak and ash. TeL 72FI. M. D. May field. 48fl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 Telephone 529. 43aS0tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD Drv wood. 4 ft. and 16-inch. Large load are cheaper to bay. Mill wood is our specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. FRED E. WELLS 2ft0 a. Chnreh. TeL 1542. 48d9tf MEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Tel. 517-W. POULTRY AND EGGS 45 FOR SALE 150 BARRED ROCK PUL lets. 2 months old. 80e a piece if taken at once. A. C. White. Rt. 4 Box 75-D. 45apr30 BABY CHICKS EVERY TUESDAY AND Wedneadav. "You raise our chicks, they'll raise your prof He." ; Seven varieties. Pricee reasonable. Salem Chickeriesf 264 N. CotUge St. 45moy9 CHICK, CHICK, CHICK I 0TJB CHICKS live to make your living. Big hatch every Monday. 5 breeds. rlrUA.iu I4aw a, I5fltf SALEM, OREGON. ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE Only one left. A new brooder of 250 chix capacity, well "known make, never onersted will be sold at a discount. Can be seen at the Statesman office. Ask for Mr. StifOer. 45mlStf BABY CHICKS' 'AND CUSTOM, HATCH ing. Expert help, most modem equip ment. Chicks for sale, all breeds, every Monday. Settings four daya each week, TeL 82F21. Lee's Hatch ary. 45fl0tf PRODUCE WE PAY CASH FOR POUL try, eggs, -pork, veal and hides. We carry feed and poultry supplies, here and at Silverton. Withers Neal Pro dace Co. 2 SO Ferry. TeL 125. 45f8tf MUSIC STORES 46 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PH0NO grapha, sewing machines, sheet music end piano studies. Repairing phono graphs aad aewing machine. 432 State street, 8" l.ra. NEWSPAPERS 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency. The Ace. TeL 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN SO CENTS per month delivered to year home early each morning. TeL 23 or 588. ND NOUl 1HE EEL, rlMDlNG "PATCHED OWL OP THE. OTrAER MDfSES AWAY WlTrt HIS PLUNDER 1 v nomj that jve?u kodz. u oh no-l i mi jut were To sioiM m E Come lb SUR w . j- . a xwt 1 as Sinao" w w ' au i-w snw ' - jr NURSERY STOCKS 49 PANSY PLANTS. STEELE'S GRAND Mastodon. Flakes Potmnd. 273 tttate. 49eprl2 FAPERHANGIXQ 80 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, peperaeagng. tinting, Keliablo workman. PATNTINQ SOA CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING CON- trsctor, painting, paper hanging. I283-J. 187 Wt Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 51 PIANO FOR SALE IN SALEM VTCIN- ity, pay f 10 month. Beauttfnl stand ard make; bargain for quick sale. For particulars address C. F. Hendrick. fac tory piano adjuster, 418 North Borea Ato., Seattle. 51mayl0 AI.L TYPES CERTAIN EED SHINGLES laid over old wood shingles or on new work. Highest quality made; prices range from 87.50 to $9. Cobbs-Mitchell Co.. Lumber, 349 So. 12th St. Tel. 818. Slapr20tf OCR CUSTOMERS ARE OCR BEST boosters because whoa we do year welding, 'tis done, not yon. Electric and aeetylene welding, large aad email. C. D. Oppen, 695 Mill St. Tel. 872 end 2086 j. 51m6tf BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL- ry, linns. Tools. Bicycles, etc Star Exchange, 824 N. Com'L TeL 856. FOR SALEM SCAVENGER CALL 167. 51fl0-28 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE- pairing. Giee-Pewere Furniture Store. 51s20tf PACKING AND SHTPPNG 52 FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff's Furniture Store, TeL 941. LOST AND FOUND S3 LOST A PAIR OF GLASSES NEAR public library. Reward. Leave at Statesman office. 53apr30 PIANO TUNERS 84 THOMAS FAY,.- PIANO TUNER, NOW at the Portland Musis Co., 855 N. High. Have your piano tuned by one who has had years of experience in the work. 8a3tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano toner. Leave orders Will's Mnsie Store. PRINTING 56 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPH lets, programs, books or any kind of Drintina-. call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 8. Commercial Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN 57 FEDERAL FARM LOAN Wood, 841 State St. 6M. F. L. 57m7tf P. H. BELL, 219 U. S. BANK BLDG. Residence and bnsiaeaa loans. TeL 607 or 214 1-W. 57apr7tf PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL estate. Socolofsky A Son, First Nat' I Bank Bldg. 57msy8 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST ratee. Beet terms obtainable. Oar insurance -deportment offers yon ex pert advise end service in all limes. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inn.) TeL 1427. 205 Oregon Bldg. 57U0tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on otty property. B. 8. Martin m L. R. Martin, attorneys. 418 Oregon Building. Tel 2084 67mltf WANTED LOANS 50 WANTED Private money to loan a SEAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHOR8T A 134 8. Liberty St. e OO. 59026tf PLUMBING 80 FOR GOOD SERVICE, TELEPHONE 2599. Debs the Plumber. Repair work. Shop 1815 N. 5th St. PLUMBING AND REPAIRING REA bvu.i,g ij.ii m m trim . a. u, v "u . i , j , 127 Union St. Tel. 495-W. 60fl6 PLUMBING AND GENERAL &EPAIB . work. Graber Broe 154 S. Liberty. TeL 550. 19tf RADIO 62 Radiolas Pop every purpose, for every puree All standard sites --or Kaaie Tabes u n m. ttwm u" t rnroin a t. cun I JIAlillh SXr FiVr r bUbVA IsAWAAi UtiVI 335 Court St. Tel. 488. 6?eprl7tf REAL ESTATE 63 18 ACRES GOOD SEMI-MODERN house, barn, chicken house, 1 milee Monmouth Normal school, west side pavement. Fine site for road, market. $7000 might consider house in Salem. GUY DEMING Willamette Valley Land Monmouth, Ore. o3mayl6 60 ACRE DAIRY FARM, $7000.00 30 acres extra fins Keixor Bottom soil. 3ti miles from Ualom. witu acres fine bearing prone orchard. A high class property $9000.00. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Resltor Loans Insurance 147 No. Com'L St., Salem. Oregon 63apr29tf FOR SALE NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGA low, strictly modern, oak floors, fine location, $4550. Five-room modern bungalow, garage, paved street, 8 blocks out, $4900. Five-room bungalow, gsrage, paved street. 10 blocks oot, $4000. Bungalow Court. We have a choice site for one. North Salem, not too far out. Lot 115x182, $2800. F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED 341 State St. 63apr22tf FOR SALE $5500 buys close in 40 orres, 12 acres prunes, some berries, good house, bsrn, rnnning water, $2500 down. $6125 hoys 63 acre farm, 5 miles put, 6 room bouse, bsrn, well, r Home timber.' A real buy. This : party paid $135 per acre cash, : must sacrifice. $8000 buys a well improved 20 acre ! tract close in, good buildings. ; fruit, running water: will cont aider part trade. W. H. GRABENHORST" A CO. Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. i ' - ' 63a29tf H0RTL7 ' 2HERSFP. SHlEiOS AND WANK, AI?V in 7own , ' : THATr NUHV HE'LL BE SO (SfATfe ; FUL TO WO tVFZ TbR ME 'y' OM. WOW emit voss.r:. j'"Ht 89 ACRES. 15 MILES FROM SALEM, 11 leveL Threo to foar tboossnd eords of wood. Only $40 per aero. This is a real boy. Salem Realty Co.,- 462 State St. 63spr28tf LAFLAB FOR Insurance - Loans Iaveatmenta ' 65 acres, all in cultivation, fait bldgs maia road, 10 blka. R.. R, sto tion and store A bsrgsin this week; 4 acres and house to trade for Sa lem homo. Apt., boose to sell or trade. ' Lots of money to loan, , : LA FLA R i 406-7 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 546. " 63apr20tt PROCRASTINATION . NEVER MADE A DOLLAR. OR SEIZED A BIG OPPORTUNITY! 5 rro. bungalow, fireplace, full bae- ment. garase. 835O0. Terra,. 6-nn. bunrslow, basement, furnace, fireplace, laundry tray, sarare. k Price reduced to 14550. Trade or terms. , Lota, houses, farms, ranches, size and price to suit. PAYNE, 147 N Commercial St. ' ' . 63apr28tt OREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We heve over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We" caa match your exchange EXACTLY. If you -would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. See . GASKILL A EARLE, Realtors. 166 a Liberty. TeL 2242. 63sprl5tf SPECIAL eighty acres, 40 cultivated, good ft rm buildings, best of land, creek water all the year, $7500. Will take Salem property up to $2000. Eighteen acres on paved highway, 20 minutes drive to Salem. $1800, $100 down. 0 Five eres, two' miles from Salem on paved road. $1500. $100 down. Twenty and 66-100 acres, 2 hi miles north of Salem, 8 acres prunes, one acre peaches, acre rhubarb, 2 acrea clover, one acre gooseberries, 4-room house, outbuildings, BEST OF LAND. $7 SOU. MELVIN JOHNSON U. S. Bsnk Bldg. Tel. 637. 63apr24tf $2650, 4 rm., new, north, well built in. $3600, 4 rms. hdw. floors, furnace, fireplace, garage. $4000, 6 rms. same description. $3200,. 6 rooms, new stucco, very attractive. $6200, 8 rms. N. Capitol, modem. large lot,. will take smaller house. $4750, 4 unfinished and 2.npstairs onfinianea, hdw. floors, furnace and fireplace. Will take car and imtl down payment. $7500, 9 rms. strictly modern, plate giats windows, lot 63 by 250 to creek. walnuts and variety fruit. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 S. High St. 63-apr26tf BEST BUYS IN HOMES 5 -room plastered bungalow. Built ins, fireplace, bath and toilet, light paved streets and garage. A snap for 'J8dU. cash foOO. 4-room plastered bungalow. Built int. good plumbing, paved street, walks and garage. Price $2500, cash $500. 4-room cottsge. Closets snd bath, large front porch and screened in back porch. Garage, psved street, shrub bery and flowers. All for $2300, cask $o00, balance monthly. Immediate pos session as house is now vacant. Owner writes us to sell her two bouses at once and hss reduced the prices for quick sale. Immediate poa session as both sre vacant. Both havs large lots and shade trees. Price for one $1500 and other $1400'. If you want a bargain in a home see us at once. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors. S2fl Rtata Blnat T.l 172 7 63apr28tf OWING TO SICKNESS. I MUST SELL a. 50-eere form all ih cultivation, most lr all fenced with woven wire, nrsa ticaliy new house: rood, lares barn: all stock snd equipment goes with this piece. Would consider taking small house as part payment. - For parties. lars see my agent, G. T. Wodsworth, G errs is, Ore. 63M20 SPECIAL ,-" 10 acres 6 miles esst. near Fruit land, has good buildings. All kinds of fruit, eows, chickens, horse, machinery end some furniture, all for 84000. 3 lots, a bargain for $625. A new four-room home worth $2500 Will trsde for a lsrger home and psy casn difference. GEO. THOMASON. 320 State St. With Leo X. Childs Co. 63spr29tf SUBURBAN HOMES FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 12 -a. close in, bldgs., fruit 5-a. bldgs, fruit , 17-a. paved road, bldgs., fruit .. 10-a. bldgs. and fruit - 5-a. bldgs and fruit 5-e, new bungalow HOME BARGAINS 4- room cottsge, gsrsge 5- room house, gsrsge ..$5800 ..$2000 ..$2250 ..$2000 -$2500 .$3000 ....$1750 .$1500 ....$3000 A 1600 7-roora heme, 2 lots 4 room home, 2 lots, fruit ... 5-room home, gsrage , . PEBRIXE MARSTERS ...$Z750 212 Commercial Club Bldg. 63apr24tf LARGER HOMES AT RARGAIN PRICES EIGHT ROOMS On Court street rine locstion. Lot 50x157: fruit; flowers, shrubbery; 5 bedrooms; fire place: furnace; gsrsge. Plastered throughout REDUCED TO $3750. Terms. Tske good car. EIGHT ROOMS North Good loca tion; paved street and bus line. Newlv finished throughout. A BARGAIN AT $3500. Terms. Accept good building IOC. 'TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 'HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMES" 421 Court Street. Ground Floor. 1 63apr29tf TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS IN 4-ROOM houses built and arranged for comfort New and modern, fireplace, laundry trays, garages, furnace in one. Price ent $400 on one, $500 on the other. Must have at least $500 down; pay ment. One rented for $30 per month llsve a wonderful 6-room borne. Large living room set off from rest of house by hall wsy. Dining room just ngni size, no waste room yet plenty. Lots of kitchen bdiltins, bath room .. down" stairs, also one upstairs. Doable garage and a beautiful north front lot witn tv foot frontage. We BELIEVE this home is a real bur. Wo KNOW it is a real home. $1000 cash, balance $40 and interest per month. BOND with JOS BARBER 200 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty s i 63apr29tf THAT CONVICT Tow LOOKIAJG VfcU It LJE REAL ESTATE DROPPED 1 HE ROB&EP) I a TRee .'lus,75oi?- 0 OUT MOW REAL IZES THAT 'HE' MOST N3AKE. OQNFi ess 6-ROOM MODERN COLONIAL BCNGA- law N. Summer St. -Call owner, 2237. , 6Sml THREE HOUSES FOB SALE ON NORTH 5th. TeL 1567-M 1662 N. 5th. . 63-mayl FOR SALE STORK BUILDING AND residence, corner lot, 4 blocks out. $12,000. F. L. Wood, 841 State St. I 63apr22tf SPECIAL , $3700 New 5-roora.bungslow, basement, filrnsce. fireplace, lanndry trays, recess tub. nook, garage, east front, lot 50x135, $700 down. $5500 Ten-room home, snitable for an apartment houso. Urge east front lot, lets of fruit. Terms. $10,500 Fourteea-room apartment house fine location. Will consider small tract. $1500 Three-room bungalow bath, ga rage, paving paid. Easy terms. Money to loan on city property. MELVIN JOHNSON 320- C. 8. Bank Bldg. Tel. B37. 63apr24tf LARGE APT. HOUSE, FURNISHED. ON large lot, bringing income on invest ment and is basinets location, $20,000. See me- about trade. Large corner 100x100 feet. ' Large house, easily made into 4 modern apta. $6850. Apt. house paying $55. Can be bought for $3500. Business house well located $6850. Attractive corner lota $2500, $2100. 1 acre and modern home $6500. 5-room bungalow, everything modern, Street paved $3600. Attractive English style homo elose in $6000. We write Insurance. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. CotUge Street. 63apr23tf BARGAINS IN HOMES $5050 buys a Tine" 5 ' room modern home located on X. Winter St. near D St. $1250 down balance $50 per month. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION". $3OO0 three room bungalow located on Fairmount: hill with dandy . lot 50x150 with garage, $500 down bal ance terms. $2650 three room bungalow located on S. Cottage St. near the new Leslie junior school, Vi cash balance terms. $3600 new 4 room home well located on Market St. $500 down balance terms. $4000 new six room home with garaget basement, furnace. firepUrce. $500 down balance easy terms, ready to occupy. $15,000 new masonry constructed nome who eignt rooms, modern in every way located on fine lot with beautiful shade trees near creek. THIS HOME MUST BE SEEN TO BE AP PKECIATED. Terms. W. H. GRABENHORST k CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St 63a29tf GOOD CHEAP BUILDING LOTS 5 lots South Salem, 13th and How ard street, $1050. 12 lots North Salem, price $?500. 4 lots South 12th street $900. 3 lots 18th and C street, $900. Real Estate- Loans Fire Insurance LANE MORLEY AND CO. 413 First Nafl Bank Bldg. TeL 757. INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $500 down and balance terms will handle 5 acres close in, three room house, barn, well, running water. Price $3500. $500 down and balance terms will handle a fine improved acre tract in Salem Heights, 6 room house, basement. furnace, fireplace. Price S3200. $150 down and balance terms will handle three room house and large lot, all in bearing cherries. Price $2100. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month buys 1 .acre all in bearing cherries. Frice 9650. $ 25 down and balance $10 per month buys 5 acres on the Garden road. Price $1500. $ 10 down and balance $10 per month buys 10 acres of fine fruit soil, all cultivated. Price $1250. $100 down and balance $20 per month buys f0 acres, small shack, well. Price $2500. $200 down buys 7V acre tract, old house snd barn, soma fruit, some fine tim ber, located south, close in. Price 12.200. int. 6 per cent. $100 down and balance terms buys ' 5 seres close in, some Jine timber. rrtee io0 per acre. . . If it is small installment acreage that you are looicing ror. see W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St 63a29tf Owner Leaving Salenr Will Sacrifice Bungalow 5 rooms and bath, built ins, built-in refrigerator, garage, woodshed, large oak tree, pavement; for quick sale, $2750., Terms. Socolofsky & Son First Naf l Bsnk Bldg. 63spr27tf A CLOSE IN BUY ON NORTH HIGH will mske money while yoa wait, $4750. Close in on Center street apartment house $8500. ' Will be bust' ness locstion-soon GERTRUDE M. PAGE. 492 N. Cottage. 63-ap26tf BEST BUYS IN HOMES 8EE LOUIS BECHTEL, Realtor $8500 A real home, 8 rooms. Oaks Add. Best Res. section. $7500 A real home, 7 rooms, most ideal location.: $1600 A real coxy 4-room, electricity. Gas, bath, fruit,. garden. $2500 A dandy 5-room bungalow, small payment down, balance like rent. $3600 A brand new modern bungalow, fireplace. furnace, hardwood floors, stationary wash trays; built-ins; paving paid. Easy payments; worth $4500. $1600 Beautiful 5-acre tract, snap. $ 600 Choice lot near State street. . $7500 Fine farm, 70 acres, half seed 'ed to grain, balance timber and pastare, good buildings, ideal for dairying. TO BUY YOUR HOME See LOUIS BECHTEL, Realtor. 841 BUte St. Rooms 1 and 2. 63apr27tf FOR SALE NEW 5 ROOM BUNQA low $2600, $50 down, balance like rent. TeL 520. 63eprl6tf TAXIDERMIST 08 TAXIDERMIST 8HOP - E. E. WIG gins. Prop., 1145 i Norway. Near Woodry Aactien Market-. TeL 2261-W. Falls City Bids, requested for construction of new postoffice here. CXH .THE LONE PROS-. PECTOR . , . IS LOUPEST 1MHIS i WAIL Of .NICE- 1M BuT I DOT tARE MEET VOUR. ; 1DAE( MSS SHIELDS A REAL ESTATE 1 'rfhru,r sT? REAL. ESTATE flbnrbn 69 NEW BOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOR aalo oa terms like Teat, dbe eoo e tract ioa, telly p lambed, oleetrio fix tures, etc.. 4 rooms and breakfast nook, garage, etc. Oaa halt aero of tineas garden land. Price $3100, Carl Abrama, . 1465 Chemsksta St, - Tel. 1894-J? 6fl2f TRANSFER HAULXNQ TO WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSK- hold goods. tnr specialty is piano ana furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. , W handle the belt coal and wood. Call on ns for pricee. Wo give good measure, good quality aad good service. Larmer Transfer Co. TeL 930. TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. TeL 72F2. SALEM TRANSFER FUEL CO. Local and Long Diataaeo Healing. Storage aad Fuel. - - 899 8. High. TeL 529. ?090tf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER OO. Ml Stat St. ' TeL 933. Distributing, for ward ing snd storage oar specialty. Get our rates, - WANTED Real Eatate 71 LISTINGS WANTED We have several calls tor email pay ment down, homee modern had sessl modera. If yoa are in need of money see ns at once, perhaps we . caa help yon along. Lee' W. Bell. 508 Bk. of Comm. TeL 484. Fir Iatnramee. 71m9tf WELL DRILLING 72 B, A. WEST. RT. 6, BOX 10S-A. TEL. 110F5. 3 mites east on Garden Road. WATER 74 SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office 804 South Commercial St. Tea per cent discount on domostie flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or any eauae onlesa water is shut off your premises. TRAVEL TEA VEX Ssfely, Swiftly and 'Comfortably !a buaea of the Parker Stage lane. STAGES LEAVE FOR- Silverton-s7 a. m., 11 a. mM 5 p. am. Mt. Angel 11 a. in., 5 p. in. Dallas 7 a. m., 9 a. m., 1:25 6. m, Falls City: 7 .a. m., 2:10 p. at.. 5:15 p.m. a Independence 7 a. m., 9 a. mu, 11:15 a. m., 3:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m., San day only 8:30 p. m. . Monmouth 7 a. m., 11:15 a. hl, 3:10 p. m.. 5:15 p. m. Sunday Only 7:10 p. m., 8:30 p. m. MrMinnTille 8:80 a. m., 2:10 p. sou, 5:15 p. m. Newberg 8:30 a, m., 2:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Tillamook 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m. Call 222- or 696 for information. d23tf AUTOS WANTED - 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO 77ml2tf USED CARS' FOR SALE 79 Economy Just as much fan in an economical ear; travel just as fsr in an economi car; money in the bank driving an economical car. , y Here They Are FordsFords Fords 1926 Coupe, $100 worth of sxtrss$465 1924 Roadater. These are rare ot the price . $175 1935 Coupe, guaranteed ear $S10 IB ? 4 Touring, Pyroxylin finish, guaranteed $315 1923 Touring. Nitrolite finish, like new . $165 1920 Roadster, piek up body, new ' paint .$100 1920 Tudor Sedan .....$ $0 1921 to 1925. Deliveries, $126 to $150 Other Cars Than Fords Chevrolet Touring T5 90 Chevrolet Delivery Dodge- Panel Delivery, make n a price. Cleveland Six Touring 125 Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oregon, . ' 79apr20tf , Dependable Cars . 1923 Dodge Tourings. . $350 1924 Chevrolet touring, rebuilt $275 1925 Ford coupe, high back $300 1925 Ford touring. Ruckstel axle$350 1925 Chevrolet touring , $375 See these ears before yon buy ' Newton Chevrolet Co. - Opposite City Hall 79-apr26tf REO TOURING. 1924, Just like new. ' Worth $800. Sacrifice, for $650. TeL 1241-M. 79aprl4tf MARION CHANDLER MacDonald Auto Co. Priced o Sell DON'T OVERLOOK: THE81 BARGAINS. EVERY CAR 18 -A BEAL BARGAIN AND MUST . -BE SOLD. THIS IS A CLEAN UP SALE. SEE UB BEFORE YOU BUY. 1926 Oakland , Sedan almost new. ' 'Mormon 5-pass Sedan. - -i Msrmon Conpe. . Chrysler 70 Roadster. - Hudson Brougham, i Hudson 7 -pa ss. Sedan. Willys-Knight Sedan. " Willys-Knight Touring. Willys-Knight Sport Touring. Overland I. Lnx Sedan. Overland Sedan. - - Franklin Touring. 1 Overlsnch Touriags. . Ford Tourings. Dodge Roadster. . - ' .Jkll eejrs-are in' good mechanical condi tion, many have hew paint aad good rubber. : .. - Liberal Terms. - Trade Accepted. MacDonald Auto Co. Open Sunday and evening natil 8 n.in. CotUge and Ferry. Tel. 409. si a itsua CHANDLER. " - 79anr9 By Ed Wlieelan HE BUKOfF SAVIN'S SWErfT:1 .... does ait Tom rtit DARE TO MEET THS. 'WEWFF? SEE, I Tb-MORRomS EPI-, , SODE ill L ; ' - A- -20 USED CAIIS FOU SAU2 ?3 . SEE OUR Select Stock Better Automobile ' Values , Nash SPECIAL SIX, SEDAN Late model, finish Just like new, good tires, excellent mechanical condi tion. Kxreptional offering. Buick MASTER SIX ROADSTER 'With glass enclosure. F.xeellent ori portonity, late model Buick Koad&ter, especially attractive Disposition. Oldsmobile Sedan fin condition, good tire aad appearance Hupmoblle Sedan excellent ' finish, rood condition and -. attractive prie - Buick Tnrinr Chevrolet Touring ; '. 8 Ford ' r ! .' :-. , Hndaon Sedan ' . ' Jordan 8 Enckaar Nssh Touring Oldsmobile Touring Overland Touring Pettyjohn Valuation Policy Incorpor ates business principle which roeait in ndvantag to buyers of xchaagd auto mobiles and create better value in. the merchandise. . R W. Pettyjohn Co. 865 North Commereinl Street Phono L20O ? "After W Sell W 8ere? 79apr28tf FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR GOOD lot. 1921 touring car, run less than 20. 000 miles. Carlo Abrams, 1465 Chemeketa St. Phone 1894-J. ?9m7 PACKARD OLDBafOBILX ' Two . Of ' The Best ' fv ' Packard 7 -passenger sedan, due " paint, A-l shape , . 81488 Oakland aedan, late modal $lb ' Jewett touring, late model ....... Ford coupe, late model $350 Earl sedan, new psint food eendi- - tion . - -, , Ford sedan, a ''fi"- f io ' Dodge touring, a bargaHs 8123 : - 3-4 ton Kcpublio truck pneumatie tire -and starter .. ... ....$200 We. bav only listed a few of oar used cars above if you ar interested -in a good used ear come in and look our stock over before you buy. Capitol Motors Inc. 850 No. High 8L Tat, 2183 XL Benaaeaa. Biddy Bishop Two Of Th Best PACKARD OLD8MOBILB 7apr38tf t 3 Sales ZXarketa FEED No. 1. wheat, white. . 4 l.?4 Red, wheat, sacked.., 1.20 , Oats, per bu.-millmg- ' ; , , FORK. muTTOV AJTD BZEF Top bogs ....-. Sowa . r . i . , - i ... . .10 .09 VA .08. i op sicers Cows ..i.:-.; " jai Bulls . -., , -0lw.Oi 1927 lambs, under (10 lb.....- .12H Top lie veal ......OTQ.O ; Dressed teal .., f .17 Dressed pig J5 ' -esasanosBHwanmsa t P0ULTBT , . Light hene Henry' tm- , , " .', , , Broiler- - . , Roosters - .18 2 i.8a ..35.28 .06.08 EOOS, SffTTM, BTJTTXaTAT . Standard .If, ; Pound .. .18 Rutterfat , , , .41 . Cream butter' 1 .43 0 .44 TOirttiiT.rii . . .". . Vegetables, beet, sacked Onions, do, buncha New rht,T ' ' .es; - M9 .05 8.60 .44 0.0. celery , , ,, , California lettuce, erat Local anions . Contest tor "Czar" Title , Being Waged in Franbe ' PARIS. -( APJ The con teat . for the fmaglnery throne of Clear of All theRusslas seems in a fair wa7 to . be fought out. In France. All contenders, as well as the Soviets who hare put "the throne In storage, are represented here. Grand .Duke Nicholas, uncle .Jot the czar land commander-in-chief of the Russian forces during the , major part of tn war. has regular headquarters at Cholgnr. ' bis country chateau, with a sort of general staff ready to operate. Grand Duke Cyril, the man about town of 'the Russian royat famfly,. has a group of supporters In France and Is considering; brlnglng nls headquarters here from Berlin J's; v - : The Cossaeks, always Independ ent, but always to 1 te reckoned with, are headed by General Ton Grabbe, a Baltic baron and the last Tttaman appointed - by the slain ezar. ' ,. -'.." i There are constant , eonnicts? among the factions, with occasion-! al duels to settle points of pre-1 cedence and theoretical rights. KAVEN ATTACKS POX KENDAL. Eng. While the TJls water hounds were hunting Jn the Kendal district a fox, hard, press ed by the hounds,, was attacked by a rayen. Followers of the hant saw the bird descend time after time and furiously peck at the eyes of .the running- fox. ''As the hounds. closed in the rayen took night. MAKES PERSIAN COIXS LENINGRAD, U. S. S. R. -Tta Soviet mint Is now making cola for the Persian roTernment- rir- ders haTe been placed for 3.CCD, 000 -silver tomans, worth about 3.000,000. , LakeTlew- Bis prospect here. woolen- rr."l : a aU I