llieClaoojnur bit i - 1111 , m l , CfeHCHgali- B6jadc. OyOOOl Will. Take" Place -;in;!em Tbmor VETnEirVFORECAST:. Generally .air, i Jj-piii clbndy And omewVat rinsettlod' In"' with west p'ortlont normal temperatnre and" lucidity; 'gentle variable wlnds'Max!. ; iiiftm temperature yesterday, 61; minimum, 4j river, 6 -. atmosphere; clear; wind, NW. 9 The" Latin-American pre residents never i rd term problem I of machine gun J t worried much I iTe to worry about the third long as they keep -plenty nana. ? .- - ne country ' which Isn't worried mncl i about 'the naval disarmament conference is Switzerland.'. - - I SIyVENTY-SEVENTirYEAI1 SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 29, 1927 raiCB FIVE CENTS PERIL mm DOE TO FLOODS f i - - ----- Healfh Authorites of Seven Stales Planning. uooramr . I ated Effort ' -. 42,0p0 NURSES READY r.reai4 WiU rm Whpl iter . Itecedesi Leaving Jtagnamf Fools; Whirr Supply 'Menace' , MKMPHIS.'Tenn.,- April 28. (A P. --IIealth' authorities of the (tevt-n Itates swept by the Missis sippi vllley floods?- coordinated -In ihlr t iarta by the American lied Cross. I loday planned vigorous irasHiss to protect the healtlf'of ir.nre I an 200,000 homeless per- tfiiiiH. Into conference! here by it. wr iam R. Redden, 'national officer of the Tied Cross, ttie health authorities were told that tbfyJaced solvinff the great- i;m pea time health problem ever tii eonfilont America." Ve After Water Coon ; Discale, stalking in the wake ! the flood disaster is jeopardix- fns Hfe land health in Ken tacky, Ar kanaf. Illinois, MIssoqtI. 'Ten- resnee, Inislana and Mfsfeisstppf, rlaredDr:' Redden. !' - He averted that ' prompt and ptfident Imeasures were essential tn preveht the flood from staking sn-ater toll through disease which will he likely to become general 8iles.s sanitation and " other" con ditions ate remedied. - rV'."- Kt-ilf Fund Growing in his plea Dr. Redden was Joined by Henry M. ' Baker, na tional director of. relief fqrthe Red CfoSs, who related" That ' a I BiMf.-nf 42 ooo nurses and a relief Liffith4 has passed. $2,675,000 LZri- available. . f j ' Reports of smallpox, , measles, mumps, typhoid fever ma:larla fe vr, tubfrculoais, influenta- and ethr diseases due io germs and exposure h the flooded areas were heard by j the conference.: "It was miphasizd. howetert that conr diiions haid not reached an alarm- f ins stager ' "," s - ir was Jicld that the most dan- Lf-rniiK hrtrinrl waii ( rnme when h- flood waters recede leaving M;iRnant lakes and pools, muddy i fonlimifrt on Paz 2.) i - ' " v-.. . 1.. .... ! in i ' ; ' EXECUTE TWENTY "REDS" AT PEKINC "AtilTJ rOXDKMXKI AV TKIt kkcrkt jj-iiityr. IbH iiiiu'nt Seized lit Iliill of t . i - Soviet KmlMWKy Shown rn-pondent f . . .' li:KIX(5. April 2.(AP) TUm raid by northern" soldiers and Jliee on buildings attached to tit Soviet embassy. ere "early this in. .nth, today had aa aftermath ''Llh'' execution by strangling of, twenty Chinese, including a wom iinT.a rested In the building as 'omnuiiiist agitators. f l-i Ta-('hao, a wldelyi ' known IvommuniMt; was one Ti'.e semi-official at f the execution sal l ison?rn were tried v MiiuiuiiiMi, was one 01 unose ex announcement id that 'the secretly, 'for ree days before a special conrfl Tliis (ourt ordered tli-ainry e-ution f twenty of the more ffc;n fifty orininally arrested, and their orders were 'carried out at iw'itre headquarters. C . "reign "correspondents today '-re permitted td; Inspect trans lations and Photographs oT docti nints mated to have been selxed the raid of April which ha 'Suited in a protest from the Soviet government and the with Irawaj from Peking' bf tbe Soviet d'affaires and the entire "mhas.sy personnel. The documents contained the !a,!"?. 1nollagationr ' dinner r-.ut Peking., alleged -verba- 1 9 yyk" " muuer , mute con-. 'f''"". ltsr'.or alt callers at "? various legations, reports of i ir conversations and minute In structions forhlring "spies- at the IJritish, American and Japan- , lw voiaia sucn in- "matlon.- Theae spies were not wea to know that 'they were k lor the Soviets, accord ? -, dcnients., hut were mat they wr work- 1- k'.Mtl! INDIANS ALLEGE : pf gpRijyjlN ATJpN n:i.iLo TRini: skxds coiuiit- THE TO SKK CJOVKIXVOU ' GrndiiAll5; IVprivcd of Innrix, Says triiiof; IU-rrreI to Fisli ? CoinmLsKion A committee of Celilo Indians appeared in the executive depart ment here Thursday and 'com plained to Governor . latterson that they wene ' being discrimin ated against in' connection -with the issuance of fishing licenses and fishing ground leases on the upper Columbia river. The In jiians live near Celilo, and until a few years ago were in posses sion of valuable fishing grounds. - The Indians' charged that they gradually were robbed of their fishing 1 rights until their opera tions are now confined to ar few acres of land; extending into the Columbia. : river below Celilo - It was conientledlJtKatjan attempt ly dw being made by some of the. large, f tehing . Interests operating on that part of the river to de prive themt of this Jand. Illegal fishing on the part of some of the upper" Columbia operators also was alleged by the Indians. T The charge also was made that in granting fishing licenses the state has discriminated against the Indians. The governor was asked to investigate the complaints and use his influence to correct the alleged unsatisfactory conditions. After hearing the complaint Governor Patterson referred the Indians to John Veatch of sport land, member of the state fish commission.- The Indians left the executive department carrying a letter of introduction to Mr. Veatch. ; -, "The committee was headed by Tommy Thompson, chief of the CelUo tribe. He -conversed with the governor through an inter prefer. ' . ARMY TO AID VICTIMS Wirl CfitfpToreHve; first To Of Or Assistance - Tbe. familiar ;'tlnkle" of the Salvation Army's chrfistmas ket tle bells will be heard on the streets of. Salem today ' .This time, however, tho call u-ni be In behalf of the Mississippi flood sufferers. The local corns will have its kettles on two promft- nfent corners all day. according to a " statement isstfed by Dr;- B. P. Pound, chairman of the army's city and county advisory board. The' drive; for funds to relieve the; homeless is made as a result of an appeal ;by national Com mander Booth. The Salvation army workers ' were among the first on the scene of disaster in the inundated areas where 200,000 have been rendered destitute. The money collected locally by the Army will be sent immediately to the r places ; where It Is most needed", Dr. Pound stated. ADVERTISING NEEDED C P. Rlshop Spi'aks At Safeni Realty Boiml Mooting That the Oregon of 1927 needs better advertising and selling ideas more than it needs explana tions of the problems of production was ' the nucleus of Clarence P. Bishop's address to members of the Salem Realty board Thursday. s "Lack of straight, clean-cut and constructive advertising and sales manship costs the state many mil lions of dollars.'' said the speaker, who Is .one of tbe leading merch ants and manufacturers in the northwest. . . Mr. Bishop reports that business conditions east; of the Mississippi are above normal in both manu facturerlng and ' retail , lines. He has just returned from . a month spent in St; Louis.TChicago Roch ester, and' New -York City study ing - business conditions for the benefit of his interests here. For Old Salemites -And New Ones, Too; Pageant and Pictures There will be pat' on the t ,arreen at the Capitol theater . . this evening photos of The Tom - Thumb Wedding, given by Sa lem children; now grown up, IS .years ago l And children of the present Iday will" reproduce the same . play on the stage.. This will be interesting to more than two generations of Salemites. This is a prologue to National Music Week. and. there will be ,75 children via ballet dancing. This entertainment will be - given by pupils of Mrs. Ralph White and Miss Beatrice. Shel-rr-ton, and about. 100 children in . all will -take ipart.- . i. . k mmm PBOGRESS SEEO MEM in 1 TimefavpralDle but Difficul ties Mount High," Law V Society Informed HJUMANE SPIRIT NEEDED Trcn4i .nl Resolutions Cannot 'Avail Without Rensonable-' vness; To' IVevcnt Wars" ' - 1.''." . . ; ., . 1 .- i Ilavoc, Clnlmofl WASHINGTON, April 28 'It would be idle to expect a more favorable time for the limitation of armaments than'now, and yet "paradoxically, the dif ficulties mount so high as to ap pear to be well-night inseperable," said Charles E. Hughes, president of the American SOcietr o t Inter national law at the gocletyar an nual meeting tonight. i f In an address dealing with !'pos sible gains;" the former secretary of state ' outlined v the progress made by Jurists." scientists, states men, militarists, compiissions, idealists, conferences, and inter national law, since "tile close of te great war found, old rulei in need of reconsideration, and- new conditions crying fon new rules. "Disappointment, has not been due to the lack of expert advice or of opportunityhe said, point ing out the unfavorable response to international conferences, the failure of great powers ffo outlaw poison "gases, "and to defrne the use of radio In "war and'the use of aerial warfare as suggested by international jurists; - -:. "There are several and contradictory-reasons for this apparent Continued 1 Fije 2.) ; JUDGE LINDSEY. INVITED Women of San Francisco Want Him as J oven lie: Court Head SAN FRANCISCO, April 28. -(APw) A score of prominent;6an Francisco club-women headed by Mrs- D. E. East on and Mrs. H. P. Harpold, today, revealed .plans of the group for inritlng Judge Ben Undsey of Denver to come here an4n establish.- a residence with the assurance that women of San 'Francisco will unite In making him a Judge of the juvenile-court here. Judge Lindsey is noted for his record as a. judge of tha juvenile court in Denver and "for Bis -views on marriage. Br C CHANCE TO FISH HANDED SCRIBES .NEWS WRITING fUSS FROM IVIMaMETTE TO EDIT IligSCHt and Rest looking Stair i ' . Will Oft Out Saturday ' -Statesman "Regulars" on The Statesman editorial and newswriting staffs will "go fishing" today, while em bryonic journalists from the news writing department at Willamette university take charge of publish ing tomorrow morning's paper. Student reporters will 'scour the city for news today, ahd in the evening it will be prepared by-a carefully organized staff of edi tors, under direction o Prof.- E. O, Richards.. . j .' News writing students who will solicit - news in various! parts of tbe city today will be given final instructions on assignments at a special meeting of the entire staff at Waller Hall at noon. Every "beat'Vln the city which is calcu lated to produce a Vnews bit or story will be covered, j - The news writing class at the university was organized this year and has been a big factor in pub lishing the Willamette Collegian, tludent news weekly, whicb.. has shown a great Improvement from the journalistic standpoint over previous years. WORKER ELECTROCUTED Powder Man Grasps Wires to Dis connect From Power. I-ine YAKIMA, Wash., April 28. ( AP.) Picking up the wires of a blasting battery to jerk them loose from a Pacific Power & LJght company power line over which thejrnad been blown by the force pta "blast, Charles Porter; powder lAan for, the Yakima cOunty en gineer's staff, was electrocuted near here this afternoon. . Porter, after setting off the blast, which was to loosen rock for the construction of a ditch, dis- nlT the wires to jerk them loose from the power lines. ANJOREWS HEADS SCHOOL Will Re Denn of Training Course . at Valley, Chautauqua OREGON CITY, April 28. (AP.) Dr. C. L Andrews, con ference director of religious edu cation for the Oregon conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, has accepted the position of dean of the Standard Leadership train ing school ln connection with the Willamette valley Chautauqua, to be held at Gladstone park July 12 to 24. " ". ' "- ; .;"-' ' ; hl Dr. Andrews is connected with Kimball School of Theology at Salem. - LOVE ME, LOVE MY CAT! COURT DECLARES CLAUSE INVALID 1V GAVE ADDITIONAL POW EILS'TO rOUXTV ASSESSORS Writ (YHtincH Secretary ofMState tAccxkpt Application for Title i The state supreme cour yes- terday declared invalid the emer gency clause attached to the so- alletl property assessment law enacted at the last; legislative ses sion and issued a writ of man damus (compelling the secretary of state to accept application for ballot title for a proposed refer endum measure attacking the as sessment act. ' f. 6 The decision was handed down .by the supreme court following 'arguments of attorneys in man damus proceedings filed- ajgainst Jlhe secretary of state by t. Bi Smitb of Portland. The secretary ht state had refused to accept the epplicatiott'for ballot title on the grounds that the assessmetit law carried an emergency clause and became operative immediately upon Its approval by the legisla ture and being signed by the gov ernor. The law . was known as house bill 72, and was the subject of a number of public hearings during the legislative session. Mr. Smith charged in ,hi$ com plaint that in refusing to accept the application for ballot title the Secretary of state denied him the tight of referendum. He further alleged that the legislature ex ceeded its authority when jit at tached the emergency .clause to the law for the reason that It was a! taxation measure and subject to referendum under the constitu tion. ! ; i : Mr. Smith was represented by Attorney Jay Bowerman of j Port land while Willis Moore, assistant attorney general appeared for the state. Ijt was said that "the! court would prepare a written opinion in tne case today; j Petitions wilt pow be placed in and tba proposed re- (Continued on Page 4.) 8 YEAR OLD TRIES HlrvE i , ?'' ' " - , ? jf.- ..': Hoy From Eugene Sets Forth to SeMek Saiehi Relatives j EUGENE, April 28. (AP.) Billy Edwards, . who had been fctaying at the home of his uncle at Pleasant Hijl, started to walk to Salem today to see his mother, Mrs. Fortnott who, he said, lives on 22nd street In that city, and his stepfather works at the state insane asylum. He obtained, auto rides as far as Junction City where police had peeked him up and returned him to Eugene.- Kfforts to. locate his mother and stepfather were un successful. CITY'S SAFETY 511 ON LEVEE COT Charges of Dynamite at Poy dras to Be Set Off at Noon Today,' Plan PEW RESIDENTS REMAIN Inundation' Will b Gradual, Giv. ing These People Time to I,cave; Open Resistance Is Not Expected - NEW ORLEANS, La.. April 28. (AP.) This picturesque city of hajf a million, people turned hope fully tonight for 'salvation from the floods which already have laid waste more than 11,000 square miles of the richest 'areas in the three ' lower Mississippi valley states. , This hope was staked on the breaking of the levee at Poydras, 12 miles south, at noon toritorrow, a.4 a means of lowering the level of the raging torrent which al ready at places lashes at the very summit of the protecting dykes along the famous' Crescent Bend where the water' everywhere tops tte city itself - , Hitovrt .Shown Spot 'j Dramaticaflyr Louisiaua state officials pointed out to Secretary Hoover today the exact spot where dynamite charges are to be set off to make the firgt artificial creyasse in the hundreds of miles of levees ever found necessary in all the history of Mississippi river floods. This spot - is opposite the cele brated old Poydras -plantation," the original grant, of which" dates back (Cojitiimod u4Fage 2.). GRAY SEEN AS "JEKYLL ft Played on Floor With. Child Fol- ' lowing 'Alleged Murder NEW YORK. Anril 28. (AP) Jekyll and Hyde characteristics that permitted Henry Judd Gray to commit murder In the ' morn ihg and play on the floor with a friend's little children In the evening of the same day were de scribed today1 by a 'witness in the Snyder-Gray murder trial; Haddon Gray, (boyhood friend ot Judd Gray; testifying shortly before' the state" rested, told how "Judd" tricked htm Into helping dispose of tell-tale evidence of Gray's confessed murder Of Al bert Snyder and to establish an alibi and then paid a social visit to his Syracuse home, " romping on , the floor with the Haddon Qray children while Mrs. Haddon Gray prepared a Sunday supper. The state rested Its case short ly before the noon recess. Court adjourned again at i. nVii,.. . . m v. w a v n . Counsel for Mrs. Ruth Snyder. and Henry Judd Gray then made num erous motions for the dismissal of the indictment and the jury and direction of a verdict - of not guilty. All were quickly denied by Judge Townsend Sciidder. The Judge then directed that the ' de fense for Mrs: Snyder should be-: gin first. ' ; .'. :. DfSTftJCT FILES REPORT Property Valuod At 2,600.7ooO; Indebtedness f20S,00O,"""'; I The property of. the Central Oregon Irrigation district Is val ued at approximately $2,600,000, while the total Indebtedness Is 262,000. according to a ; report prepared by th directors of the project for .consideration of the state engineer. ' 'The dUfricf ;has under amuugi ment 4 5,6 17 Acre's of land: with an operating cost of .$1.97 per; acre. The indebtedness, per acre; as set out'in the report is $3.80. r The Central Oregon' It-Hs-ation district is located in Deschutes and Crook counties and Is one -of the most valuable projects' of Its kind in the state, " - ' RIVER VICTIMS ; BURIED IS 1 " T K Services - Held . f or Ranrinrnfi Brothers, Drowned .Week 'Ago, SEATTLE. Aptil 2t.-f APlii. T. D. Randolph, and , Homer . F. Randolph.- brothers? r who drowned a week ago in th3f Colnm. bla river while taking motion pic tures Of. rock, blasting operations. were buried here today. Seattle newspaper and 'cameramen were the pall bearers. -r---' " MUSICAL EVENTS FOR WEEK MANY CIJ3IAX WILL BK GRAM) CIVIC CONCERT AT ELSIpiORE Portland Junior Sj-nphony Or cliestra, Jxcal 1oinscs to ' Take Part National music week In Salem will be a busy period, with one or tnoVe musical attractions on each of the seven days. The; program issued Thursday, follows: ' Sunday May 1 Special music In all churches and at tnt ion cal led to Music Week In all churches Monday; Concert by the- Wll lamette girls' glee club at the First Methodist church. 8 o'clock Tuesday Grand open air con cert 8 o'clock p. m. In Wilson Avenue Park by the Cherrian band and the Salem Oratorical society. ---'!. ' Wednesday 1. concert at the Oregon state blind school, open to the public, 8 o'clock p. m. 2. Concert at the state indus trial school, sponsored by the in stitutional department of the Wo man's club; 3. Concert, at the Methodist church in .West Salem, .8 - o'clock p. m. , Thursday Sacred Heart acad emy concert at St. Joseph Hall, free to the public. 8 o'cloclc d. m. Fridayl. -Elaborate- produc tion of the operetta, "Cinderella" at the Parrish junior hieh school. 85 pupils participating Nominal Charge. 8 o'clock p. m. 2. Concert at the siate tuber culosis institution under the. aus pices of the instlutional depart ment or the Salem Woman's club, Mrs. and Mrs. Ruth the- Salem Indian school, in cnarge. 3. Open air concert 'Tiy the Sa lem high school band In front of tne Capitol theater, 7:30 o'clock "P. m. . . ; Saturday, May 7 Grand civic concert at the Elslaore theater. Taking part In this Portland. '. Junior -'fivtn-i'WiVv- 1 chestra of 100 musicians; Shu- nert octette; Salem Boys chorus, directed by Dr. H. "C. Epley ; Sa lem Men's chorus and then com munity singing.. -" - ' i As a sperml.'.' feature for the final program of the week, the Willamette university May queen, supported by her court of honor will be officially presented. $1,170 RAISED FOR AID IJut of Homeless and Need In creasing Says Report i Latest dispatches from the flooded areas state" that the army of homeless in three states has increased to 200.000 with' every indication that' this number will be considerably larger In a very short tinie." ' These- homeless people have losf not only their homes but also practically all 6f their personal property and '. belongings - They need help right now. Tbe 'Ameri can Red Cross is doing everything In its power, to supply this need- The-quota for "the Willamette d strict of the Red Cross has been Placed af $2000. Up to a late hour last night Dr. Henry E. Mor ris, local chairman of the drive, reported that $u70 had raised. i ii,. l... .. I ., " uope xnai tne f district will iSO over, the top'", la the next few days. . . D0BBS GIVEN ACQUITTAL Jury In Case. Of SeatUe Dentist . Ont l.ess Tluiu'An Hour.,.. SEATTLE.'Avash.. April 28. (AP) Ahnperior Jury here to night, after deliberating less than an hour acquitted Dr. C. C. Dobbs. KIrklanddentlst. of the charge that he murdered Letltla White han, 14 year old school girL 'The jury received the case at 5:21 and reported its verdict ' at 6:07. or 4 mlnnt,. i first ballot. ; . . - The acquittal verdict was re ceived ; calmlr bv tbA tAfan.u who .appeared 'to be the most cora- posea man in tne courtroom. j - Neither the. defendant. Jtf'a who 'collapsed Several times dur ing the closlnr nor his (Children, were in the court room wnen the . verdict was re turned. , ; " ' -. COUPON -' ' SPECIAL STATESMAN 'JIATINEH This cobpon and five ceats;whl admit any girl cr Yy - under 11 years of. age to the i ;V , "- . ':'-f; :-. onEGON TiinAxr: ; ' On Saturday; Arril 30. at 10.:?D aJ ra., tr.r a ft'' 1 ,. ; showing ot the thrilling jrict-re ? ."THE OVEHLArD CTAC'l.'' MEASURES: umkIlLLLu f OB 'JUKE 'JOTS Bond Issue of $500,000 fcr ; Sewer and Drainage Con- i 'struction Asked INCINERATOR NEED SEEN Proposals Will Be Submitted tn ' Council for . Action Placing Tliem on Ballot at Time of Special Election .Meiasures Jtecommended fur Ballot $500,000 bond issue for sewer and 'drainage construc tion. $40,000 bond issue for construction of an Incinerator. 5 mill levy tor streets and bridges. 2 mill levy for fire equip ment and maintenance. Repeal of section 15, city charter, " which prevents elec tion or appointment to city of fice of any one not having re sided in Salem three years. Amendment of charter to in corporate the word sidewalks in the clause ' dealing with street improvement. Recommendation of a $500,000 bond issue for sewer and drain age construction to be placed on the ballot at the election June 2. was . vote's last night by the city council ways an dineans commit tee.! The "recommendation will . submitted to the council for ap proval at the regular meeting next Monday night. . . Other recommendations adopted and which will be considered. ty the council Monday night provide for a $40,000 bond issue to'bnv an incinerator, a five mill levy for the building of streets and bridges, a two mill levy for fire depart ment equipment and maintenance, repeal off the charter provisions which prohibits ; employment' of city office holders who have not lived in Salem three years, and Id clulon of the word "sidewalks" in the charter clause which deals with street improvement. The bonds for sewers and drain age will be on a twenty year ser ial basis, it was decided, interest to be paid at the rate ef 4U rar cent. They will be sold in blocks as needed.' The bond issue to provide .an (Continued on Pe S.) GIRLS AND BOY5 INVITED TO SHOW VOVERIXD -STAGE" ; TO BE SHOWN AT OREGON ' Age JJmlt Set at 11; Present "Coupon and Five Cents' " V at Window s .- , xiiojific-uiciiia uave oeen mane wherebygirls and boys under the age of 11 years will be admitted to the Oregon theater Saturday morning, --Aprn: 30.- for a special Statesman matinee showing the f Overland Stage" provided the coupon in this paper- and five cents is. presented at the ticket office of the theater. i This Is a western picture, whih with action and thrills aplenty, to the girls and boys of the cUy, but also to the adults. It la filli.t with action and thrills apenlty. ' ",The " Overland Stage" telli a romance of the days when the In dians were still stirring thejji selves up to massacre with their tom-toms and'war dances, and t-e stage coaches were the only meacs of transportation. ' It Is truly n epic of the early west, and we take this occasion to advise et-Looi; teachers to aend their history stu dents to U. Its authenticity of setting was attested by the fj.t that, the company went into t heart of the Black II.:' t to i::' the picture. i SIX IC