The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 28, 1927, Page 7, Image 7

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lhhle f on Wednesday
$st"ill Benefit .
,. ; ,;!p:cr Hospital
Sail cm Woman's club will
r cjae of the most import
ant negt bridge teas oi me en
L'f -arljon Wednesday, May 4.
'f cpls of the afternoon will
to.6ri the Doernbecker hos
pital fundi.
.Mis. Charles K. Spaulding, who
i; a M-'inikr of the state opmmit
.,.. will art as general chairman
..- afflaF. She will be assist
,, hv tinr pnblie welfare depart-
j;.f n? ' Jocai ciui. .
T!;f interest
r -.-rvalioifs a
in:i(f. wi!f tak
T!:e intf.resting affair, for. which
are already being
e place atthe Worn-
i-ln's Ii!i llf,se.
T.'se ta federation of 'women's
f !-; Ibicdceu -520,000 as its
t . ... ... - ... .
..,;i.! 1, in 1.1 mil nncrniitcKcr
ipital. 000 of tnj amount
.t-ins already paid.
rmn'jt:ttievis Arc Qcing .
Cnmpkted for Champoeg
Cdihnd'in on Mai IVi
Arranet'Hji'iwj- n:
I !. -t-d f r iaking about 1
sous from Portland to Ch
l;v steamer1 for the 2 4th
Arrangements- have been epm-
aking about 175, per-?
& amp peg'
, iU ijrjtion 'Mit Founders' day. to
l:-ld at Champoeg park, Satur
day. .Uay 1
The rivet steamer Beaver baa
Ik n ih:irt(ied for the trip and
v.ili lca-f nUunicipal terminal No
J. ut the foot of East Washington
:ir"t. at Tjja. ni. A stop will be
!i at Oregon City at 8:15 a. m.
; ix! also at Wilsohville to take on
,;. .pui.i.i.lium 11 r
vl Double Malted
1 . f
You LflceiPolaics
More Fun Than a Cross Yford Puzzle
Hw many ia iles? How many hours? How far does the
automobile travel in how many hourt? Add the figures to
Kl a h.o, miles -and count the-circles: to get tho hours. No
Ifj&L nT c'ianc6 involved. - Oniy patience and accuracy re
JgA in the solution of this problemi .It yon can. do simple
dition, you can figure out the amount of miles traveled
y this automobile, and how many hours correctly. Circle
spots consist of a period with a circle around it. Combined
thy are counted as; ono each;-:that Js, count each period
-with its encompassing circle as one hour." Simply add them
There are no marksr linea or enaraciers in the automobile
except figures Jand.. circle -.sporsr. Tbofigures range from
- to 9 each staadinK aloni . There ara ao groups of figures
ich as "23" or. "42." -K Th heads of the-- 'a are distinctly
curved while tbe.taila.xif.the. J's jaro etraisht or, practically
"o- No trick or chance involved. -
those who wish to make thie trip
that far on the southbound Ore
gon Electric train- leaving Portland
at 8:05 or the northbound train
leaving Salem at 10:10.
The celebration will be under
the auspices of the Oregon Pioneer
association, the Oregon Historical
society -and the Sons' and Daugh
ters of Oregon Pioneers and an
elaborate program has been pre
pared. Judge P. H. D'Arcy of Salem,
past president of the Pioneer as
sociation and a pioneer of 1855,
will be president or the day'. The
PQogram will include a basket din
ner at noon to be followed by a
series of addresses and memorial
exercises. " ;
The complete program follows:
Basket dinner and exchange of
greetings at 12, the call to order
at 1:30, singing of "America," led
by Howard I. Shoff. accompanied
by Mrs. Edward A. Albrectat; in
vocation by the Rev. J. M. Canse,
president of Kimball School of
Theology at Salem": introductory
remarks by president of the day;
greetings by Albert Tozier, super
intendent of the park; memorial
services for John W. Minto and
William D. F'enton, by Charles B.
Moores; song, "Nearer My God to
Thee," led by' Mr. Shoff; remin
iscences by members in audience;
duet by Vaugban brothers; ad
dress. "Dr. Itobrt Newell," by T.
C. Elliott of Walla Walla; recep
tion of descendants of pioneers of
May 2, 1843, and presentation of
badges; song by Mr. Shoff; re-
Mnarks from persons in audience;
"Auld Lang Syne." Oregonian.
Lincoln School Will Sponsor
Benefit Program on
Friday Night
Every friend of the Lincoln
school is invited to attend the in
teresting benefit program which
will be sponsored at 8 o'clock Fri
day night at the Leslie Methodist
church. The program will con
sist of music, readings and a play.
The proceeds of the evening
will be used in buying equipment
for the serving of hot lunches at
the school.
Visitors 'Return to
Home in Idaho
Mrs? G. E. Morris and her two
children, Jean and Luree, of Aro
finDo, Idaho, have returned to their
home after an extended visit in
Salem at the W. P. Miller home.
W. R. C. Will Entertain
Patriotic Organizations
on Saturday -
The Woman's Relief corps will
entertain all members of the GAR,
Sons of Union Veterans, and the
auxiliary of the Sons, the Daugh
ters of Veterans, the Ladies of
the GAR, and the Spanish War
Veterans and their auxiliary on
Saturday evening, April 30, at 8
o'clock at the YMCA building.
The purpose of the meeting is
acquaintanceship before the state
encampment which will take place
here in June. A program has been
planned for the evening.
Concert in Monmouth
Thursday, May 5, Promises
to Attract Salem Folk.
Margaret Matzenauer, leading
contralto of the Metropolitan
Opera company, has been secured
for a noteworthy engagement in
Monmouth on Thursday, May 5,
in celebration of national music
No doubt many Salem people
will motor to the nearby normal
Here's a Good One
I""1 I i I ' .
$ 3 t
Jessamine Chapman Williams,
food authority, at Woman's club
house, 461 N. Cottage street. Pub
lic Invited, 2:30 o'clock.
. District convention of Woman's
Home Missionary society of Meth
odist Episcopal church. Leslie M.
E. church, 10 a. m.
United Artisans. Observance of
National Fraternal day. McCor
nack hall.
Rummage sale. Auspices of
.Rummage, sale. Woman's al
liance jsI Unitarian church, at 24.6
N. High street;
County federation meeting of
Woman's clubs. Woodburn.
"Tom Thumb and His Bride,"
revived musical feature of 15 years
ago. Capitol theater.
Past Matrons' association. Mrs.
Godfrey's. "Hard times" party.
Rummage sale. Auspices of
Rummage sale. Woman's alli
ance, at 246 N. High street.
Film at First Congregational
church. "Sir Lumberjack." 7:3,0
Benefit bridge tea. Woman's
club house, auspices Salem Wom
an's club. Benefit Doernbecker
school auditorium for the event.
Tickets are on sale at Will's mu
sic store.
Hugh Bell of Monmouth is man
aging Mme. Matzenauer's appear
ance,. The press has designated Mme.
Matzenauer as- the "greatest of all
House Guest at Phelps Home
An interesting house guest at
the Guy Fitch Phelps home the
first of the week was Virgil G.
Hendschaw of Pasadena, Cal.,
chairman of the national prohibi
tion committee.
Alicia, McElroy Quartet
Honors Salem People
With Concert on Tuesday
The Alicia McElroy quartet of
Portland which has delighted so
many unseen audiences over radio
station KGW, gave a farewell con
cert on Tuesday night honoring
Miss McElroy's aunt, Miss Maggie
J. McFadden and Mrs. J. P. Friz
zell. The concert was much en
joyed by the honored ones and by
all of' their friends who listened
State W. B. A. Convention
Will Be Held May 3rd
Tjhe state convention of the
Woman's Benefit association will
be held May 3 in Pendleton. Jen
nie Miller, commander, has been
chosen as - delegate, and Rosella
Crossan collector, as alternates.-
United Artisans to Observe
National Fraternal Day .
The local organization of United
Artisans will observe national fra
ternal day at an open meeting this
evening in McCornack hall. All
patriotic orders in the city have
been invited to participate in the
program, with each order request
ed to furnish one number.
A short business meeting has
been called for 7:45 "o'clock. A
feature of the evening will be
the flower fund march, the pro
ceeds from which will go toward
the relief of the Mississippi flood
sufferers. The program will start
promptly at 9 o'clock.
Judge O. P. Coshow will be the
tpeaker of the evening. The pub
lic is invited.
A week from today the United
Artisans will observe Mothers
25 Splendid-Prizes
Write" Today'for Details .
In case oil tie those tied for any
prize. will be presented with a sec
ond puzzle which will consist of
drawing a line across the face of a
chart, of figures so that the figures
thus connected .when added to
gether will total "the greatest sum.
sir $1,502.50 may be won In;
nus uniqutr tompeiuion aou prizes
wi'i bo awarded -promptly after May
4 th.- You . can..wlii as.mach as . a
Pontiac Sedan, value $1,075.00. ;
Free . charts mailed on request.
your.answerQna sheet of papor"
with, your, namo and addpsstand we
will at once mail you a splendid il-.
lustrated prize list - describing the j
prizes ; and giving yon full Informal
Hon and rules. Don't send": any
money, j You can bo a prize'wihaer A
without,' spending oue -cent oP-your
own uoucy. , . .-
Send ,youran&weror requestt-fo'
charts act quickly. Address, 1 - ' 4.
HalcmrOrrgmrv Be p. Or8.----
Many Visitors Inspect
Demonstration Houses
Opened for Better
Homes Week
" The Salem Woman's club, ot
which Mrs. C. S. Hamilton is pres
ident, has undertaken a number
of successful projects in- the ob
servance of Better Homes' week
in Salem this year.
Many visitors have already
called at each of the two demon
stration houses, both of which
will be open again this afternoon
and evening.
At the house at 1339 Center
street, the hostesses will be Mrs.
Frank Jaskoski and Mrs. Tbeo
At the house at 1820 Fairmount
avenue the hostesses will be Mrs.
Roy Mills, Mrs. Sam Butler, Miss
Zoe Stockton, Mrs. . Paul V. John
son, Mrs. E. M. HofTnell and Mrs.
Florence Cradlebaugh.
Past Matrons Club
Plans "Hard Times" Party
Members of the 'Past Matrons
club are asked to dress for a "hard
times" party on Friday when the
group meets at Mrs. Godfrey's,
with Mrs. Ida Niles, Mrs. Estella
Smith and Mrs. Marian Derby as
the hostesses.
Mrs. Reba Smith
Entertains Westivay Club
The Westway club of the Wom
an's Benefit association held an
interesting meeting on ' Tuesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Reba Smith, 1060 N" 21st street.
Mrs. Roy Smith and Mrs. Thomp
son were guests of the afternoon.
Pauline Menlce delighted with
her reading, "Washing Dishes,"
and with her part in the duet
which she sang- with Inez Smith.
Ecclesiu Luncheon Club
Will Entertain Special
Guests Today at The Spa
A group of guests, who also at
tended the meeting of the Eccle
&ia Luncheon club on Monday
evening at the home of Miss Mel
ba Robinson, will be honored
again today when the club meets
for luncheon at the Green Gate
room at The Spa. The speaker at
noon today will be Prof. James T.
Matthews of Willantette univers
ity. At the meeting Monday night
the silver trophy for the best club
song was awarded to Velma Rom
inger. The rooms of Miss Robinson's
home were beautifully decorated
with baskets of Scotch broom.
Music and games made the eve
ning a pleasant one.
! Those who were honored Mon
day, and will be special guests
again today are Hattie Brown,
Gwendolene Jennings, Myla Cham
bers, Doris Bowden, Bertha" Or-
ford, Emmeline Ludi, Mabel Al-
rick, Aileen Raffety, Violet Peters,
Leolyn Barnett, Verda Olmsted,
Louise Hiller and Elva Ault.
In the club group present were
the following: Esther Erickson.
Gladys McKey. Zelma Busch, Rita
Claggett, Edna Worden, Golda
Wheeler, Hazel McMorris, Bernice
Strand, Marcefla Caspell, Velma
Romingerj Bertha MHler. Vivian
Whistler, Inez Wood, Esther Dief-
fenbach, Ola Volkel, Marlowe-Mil
ler, Melba Robinson, Gladys Raf
fety, Nina Marshall. Flora Turn-
bull and Edna McElheney.
W. B. A. Will Hold'
Rally in Albany
Members of the Woman's Bene
fit association are planning a dis
trict rally which will occur in Al
bany on May 7. The guest of
honor will be Mrs. Minnie Ayde
Thursday, Friday
- and Saturday
.We. Seek to ,
Serve Tnat'You
Ibtte, supreme lieutenant com
mander. "A large delegatloa is eX
pected to attend.
Film in Keemna With -
National Forest Week
Will be Shown Here
S The film which will be shown
at the First Congregational church
at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening
will be in keeping with National
Forest week. This film is en
titled "Sir Lumberjack."
10:00-11 -.00 KXL (389). MorniSg
music. r
10:00-11:00 KFWV (12). Home Beau
tiful bour. j
10:00.11 :S0 KGW (491). Household
hlps aud Biui.ii-. j
10:30-12:00 KKX (447). Pttie Coo;
morninj entertainment. I
11:00-12 :00-KOlN (319). Houst wife's
liour. ;
12:0O KKEC 252). Weather reports.!
12:00-12:20 KKX. Popular " orcbekte-a
12:20-1:30 KGW. Noon eoncert
2:O0-l:O0 KXL. Mnsie.
2:30-Knd KTBK (263;. Play by pljay
3:00-4:00 KOIX (3J9). News, musicj
4:Oo-5:00 KKKC. Music. j
4:20-6:00 KFWV. Twilit Uoar. j
6:00-7:00 MUX (319). Organ conrnrt.
6:00 7:00 KTBR (263). Music. I
6:00-7:00 KTBR (2B3). Mumc.
6:00-8:00 KFWV (212). Amuberuent
ffuide. J
6:00-7:00 KGW (491). Iiniit-r concurt.
6:00-8:00 KXI. (380). ilusi. i
0:00-6:15 KEX (447). News, markets
and time bienals.
6:30-7:30 KKX. Tlfe KEX: trio
7:00-7:30 K(JW. Convert trio.
1 -oil. 7 k'THH Health til Ik-
7:00-7:20 KOIX. Amusement kuiOih
7:30-7:45 KGW.
I tihty service.
7 -ilO-X tlO k'KVi
Webfoot crier.
7:30-8:15 KF.11 (263). Erenins xtory.
iuebt lull
7:45 8:00 KGW".
ty lecture.
8:oo-s:30 KFWV
Catholic Truth totic
KulU Ajucw, til-
cille Cummins.
8:00-9:00 KEX. Music.
8:00-10:00 KOIX. Studio program.:
8:O0-9:tK) KUW. Vaudeville.
8:15-8:30 KFJR. Radio cod class con
ducted lv Ashley Dixon.
8:30-9:00 KFWV. Ked o-liran.
8:30-9:00 KFJ1I. Famous Artists
9:OO-10"rO0 KGW. X. B. C. program.
900-10:30 KFWV. Studio projjra-ni.
10:00-12:00 KGW. McElroy's dance
10:30-12:00 KEX. Kreiuers orchestra.
11-00-1 -0O a. m. KXL. Insomnia club.
KGO Oakland (361). C. Little Sym
phony orchestra: H, drama hour; 9, N.
B. C." program: 10, dance program.
KJI.I Los Anseles (405). iS,, concert
trio: 0:3o, childrens program: 7 :i30,
7:40, 8. quartet and soloists; 10.
dance program.
CXU'V Vancouver C.!!). Dance music.
liFI Los Angeles ( Jii7). 5:30, orches
tra; 0:15. 0:30. popular songs nd
piano solos; 7. -semi-clansical program;
,8. drama hour; 9, X. B. C. program;
10. modern classical music.
KFXB Hollywood (352). ti, organ re
cital; 7, 7:30, orchestra; 8:15, 9, 10,
dance program.
KPO San -Francisco (42). 5:30, cjul
dren's hour: 6:15, 6;:K), orchestra; 7,
concert orchestra; 8. baud concert; 9,
X. B. C. program; 10, dance orchestra.
KOWW Walla .Walla (285)r 7, 8, 10,
dance niunic; 11. organ recital.
KKOA Seattle (454). 6. ball scores;
'6:30. orchestra: 7:30, trio: 8. "Ooss
eyed" family: 9, X. 15. C. program;
10:30, dance orchestra.
KFWB Hollywood (.252). 6. concert; 7,
7:30, orchestra and soloists; 8, 8:15,
two piano numbers; 9, string trio ;, 10,
rainbow hour; 11. dance orchestra.
iaa nroeram: 7. 7:15. 8. trio and so-
KiVI San Francisco (250). 6. Hawai-
loists; 9, oiy-hestra and soloists; ,10,
dance program.
KFOX iJmg Bea,ch (232). 6, 6:15, con
cert orchestra :j 7, 8, band concert; ,
"Vwfcestra ; 10, organ rental; 11. dance
KYA Sbh Francisco (400). 6:30 Con
cert trio, 7. 7:15. concert trio; , 9,
lo, da nee orchestra.
KJK Seattle .(384). . ('. :20. t:30. ton
ert ; 7, rchet ra ; 8, 9. orchestra; 10,
time signals.
CHARLOTTE, N. C. Certain
individuals not yet converted to
prohibition havc developed a cost
ly habit here. "Drunks" who
have visited the jail "just to see
the boys" and pay their respecti
have been compelled to pay $5
each for the privilege and some
have been entertained overnight."
WUson-s Fashion Shop Every
No .,
. ' State Street.
Below High
. The. following is the off icial
publication of the record of
claims' before the Marion
county commissioners ? court
for the Apr. term,-1927; with
the amount allowed, bills con
tinued, etc., according to the
records in the office of the
county clerk.
April Term, 1927
Market Road No. 34
Way, w. E. & Mary E..
right of way across their
property $900.00
RoaiT District Xo. 1
Rigdon Bros., hauling gra
vel . 411.75
Snyder, A. C. patrolman 27.00
Road DLstrkt No. 2
Rigdon Bros., hauling gra
vel S53.00
Scholl. H. F., sharpen grad
er blade . . . ., . 4.00
Keane. Simon, spreading
gravel, etc 30.00
Bevens, Ray, do 21.00
Jones. Clyde, do 14.40
Newton, C. J.. do 3.20
Jones. Grant', patrolman. . 34.00
Road District No. :i
Bridenstine,. D. N., repair
ing bridge, etc 13T75
Carver & Groff, nails, etc. ft. 23
Cole. N. E., lumber .... 68!57
Feller, A. E., hauling grav-
vel, etc. 12.00
Miller, Vernon, do 15.20
Shields. John, shoveling
gravel 3.20
Smith. J. H., repairing
bridge 11.25
Whitney. A. C. do 14.00
Woodworth, C- W., haul
ing gravel 6.00
Woodworth. L. A., shovel
ing gravel . 3.20
Miller J. H., patrolman. . 58.00
Road District- No. 4
Smijh, Will, hauling pravel 12.00
Itoarl District No. 5
Davidson, R. S.. dragging . .
road 437.0(
Livesay, J. H., lumber . . . 2.".6r
Smith, Kenneth, grading 18.00
Road District No.
Mewhirter. Wm., grading
Fahey, J. M.. patrolman. . 12.00
Roatl District No. H
AJleman, A. D., hauling
gravel 30.00
Butterfield, H. F.. caps &
fuse 4.00
Zak, Edd, powder ..... . 10.00
Susee. J. J., grading .... 9.00
Erickson, L. M., clearing
off 12. SO
Erickson, Carl, hauling
stumps If). 00
Erickson, John, do .... 17.60
Coy, Milton, pulling stumps
etc 18.80
Dart, J. W., patrolman . . 40.20
Road District No.
Foreier, Louie-, dragging
road .T.00
Nathman's, shovels 3.00
Manning, John, dragging
road 6.00
Manning, Raymond, do . . 3.00
Rigdon Bros., hauling gra
vel 63.00
Miller. Jake, dragging
road, etc 92.00
Krebs, Wm., shoveling gra
vel 14.40-
Wengenrotbf Albert, spread
ing gravel . i. 12.80
Neahl, Theo. hauling gra
vel , . fi.OO.
Eckhart.- Frank, do .... 6.00
Miller, Henry, do 4.50
Wolfe, Wm., do C.00
Otterstrom, Albert, shovel
ing gravel 3.2 0
Banker,, Sidnejv do .... 3.20
Hovenden, Edwin, drag
ging 12.00
Johnson, Elmer, cutting
brush 800
Kretcher, John E.. do .. 35.20
Butterfield. Ed., dragging
Butterfield, Paul,- repairing
culvert 1.60
Vanderbeck, Joe, dragging 9.00
McCormick, James, patrol-
man ....!...... 80.00
Owing to our low operating cost, and by only hav
ing one price to every, customer, and not holding
sales enables us tp save you money on quality ap
parel plus the latest styles.
Remarkable purchase made by our Jauyer. , Beauti
ful Dresses made in the very; latest styles, splendid
new spring colors. There are dresses for gradua
tion, street, and afternoon wear. Ordinarily they
would bring'a much, higher price. Our. price
We advise your early selection as. they wili sell fast
at this' low price
4 ' : '
Wikbfr VEasIiion Shop
' Style and Quality YVithout Extravagance.;
Itoarl District So.'"T - '
Ltndberg. E. fUin saw 1.00
Lncht. Fred,' repairing i " '
bridge ....... ... I 1-60
Ross, Earl, grubbing ... . . 1 19.20
Ross, J. T.. do .35.20
Ross", Rex, do ....57.60
Willig. C. I., operating ; -
grader . ..... : . . '15.00
Van Cleave, Joseph A., pa
trolman . . ... ...... ..' i 20.40
Road District No. lo'
Hessing, F. -W.. repairing- i -
bridge ............. .1 5.00
Koesler, Ed., cutting brush f48. 00
Obersinger, Jos., plowing, i -
etc. . ! 9.00
Pinsker, F R.. grubbing. . ; 37.50
Schmaltz, N. & Son, lUm-
ber 4.89
Schmitt. Jos., repairing I '
bridge I 3.60
Weis, Jos., use of tractor : 51.00
Zach, Emit, repairing -
bridge ... .;.,..' j 3.60
Annen. Wm. B., patrolman 40.50
Road District No. 11 .
Klein Bros., dragging road 3.80
Road District No. 12
llroughter, A. L., fuse & ',
caps . . . i. 4.50
Johnson. Chas., making
tool, etc a. 2.00
Myers, G. VV., gasoline.. 2.33
Saueressig. AV A., shovels- 3.50
Shepherd. Glenn, wood s . 6.0ft
Waibel. Matt.., do 30.00
Shepherd, Floyd, driving
team ...... 44. SO
Shepherd. Carl, grubbing,
etc. ." ; 40.60
Shepherd, T.oi)is, do .... 30.40
Shepherd, Otis, trading. . 9.00
Riersack. Jake, dp ...... 4.80
Hogg, W. T.. '-patrolman 10f.40
Roml District No. 13
Holmen, James, laying tile,
etc .3.20
Plett. Loui. wood : 3.00
Shepherd. Floyd, operating
roller rO.OO
Silver Falls .Timber Co..
lumber, ec. 4.23
City of Silyerton. Ore., s -r
use of road roller, i . . 168
Womack, Fred, patrolman 28L00
lioad IMstrict Xo. 15 J T
Kuenzi. H. M.', patrolman 27j,00
Road IMstrict No. lO . '
Stevens, Ted, dragging
roads, etc. ' 38.00
Seism. Ray. repairing
bridge, etc. .......... ; 4.80
Seism, Elite, do 4.80
Vinton. G. W., patrolman .26.00
Road District No. 17 '
Benson, Martin, grading,
etc IB-80
Hoover. C. A., patrolman.. 28.00
Road District No. 18
Cole, Robert, patrolman.. 34.00
Road District No. 19
Feenaughty Machinery Co.,
. .. pine culvert 92.88
Doner, Frank, holding slip,
etc. 22.40
Doner, Jake, shoveling
gravel , 6.40
Noren, Oscar, do 3.20
Oldenburg, Louis, hauling
gravel .... .......... 12.00
Savage, Gilbert, repairing
washout, etc. ........ 66.00
Savage, Willard, grubbing 6.40
(Cpntipued on psffr-10.)
Notice i3 hereby1 given that the
undersigned has filed in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Marion his duly
verified final account as adminis
trator of the estate of Fred A.
Mariels, deceased, and that saia
court - has fixed Monday, the 9th
day of May, 1927, at the hour of
ten o'clock a. m. of said day, as
the time, and the county court
room in the county court house la
Salem, in Marion County, Oregon,
as the place of hearing said final
account and all objections thereto.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
7th day of April 1927;
Administrator of the Estate
of Fred A. Mariels,-Deceased.
Attorney; for Administrator
Salem, Oregon a7-14-21-28-m5
Day In trie Year
. No .-.
14 to 42
Next Dtwr East.
Oregon Theatre
Corning to'Salcrn
.....,..,...... . ....
Dn lQlIenthin
in Internal Medicin for the
past fifteen years
- . "i
i .j.
Will be at '
Office Hours 10 aatolp. M,
- One Day Only ' -
'. i r:v''W ' "
No Charge for Consultation
,. -.J.-', ...... : . ' . t-
Dr.' Meilenthin Is regularf
graduate in medicine and surgery
and is licensed by the state of
Oregon. ' He '-does not operate foi;
chronic appendicitis, gall stones
ulcers of stomach, tonsils or ade
noids. -r r
He has to his credit wonderful
results in diseases of the stomach, 1
liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves,
heart, kidney, bladder, bed wet
ting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheu
matism, sciatica, leg ulcers and
rectal, ailments.
Below are the names, of a Tcvf
of his many satisfied ' patients in
Oregon who have been treated for;
one of the above named causes '4
Mrs. H. H. Blake, Marshfield.
Mrs. I. V. McAdoo, Sclo.
W. L. Kirby, Bend.
M. E. Asstadt, Astoria.
Mrs. Fred Krusow, Grass Valley,.
Mrs. C. II, Horning, Hauser, '
Mrs. Lewerenz, Portland. r
Mrs. J. Henderson, North
Powder; ;
Mrs. Andrew Anderson,
, Westport. .
Remember above date, that con-,
sultation on this trip. will be frca
and that his treatment is different.
Married women musLbo account
panied by their husbands.
- Adidr'ess: 211 Bradbury Bldg.f
Los Angeles, caiuornia.
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