-A' TITE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON V THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 23, 1927 Tt 4 BODIES TO CONFER t Meeting; Planned for ,sv',!Ut interstate Mo tor Carriers T. A. Livesley Is actively partial pafing in urging that the weelc be universally observed in Salem. Contrfbuted. ' Patton IJrog. have on display (lie latest in Kaster Cards. Make your choice from a beautiful and varied selection -one of the best displays of greeting cards eve .shown in Salem. ."540 State St. ( ) ,, i.nblii- utilities' ciimirfls v f Oregon and Halm will . joint conference in Port-Vv,,- 5 for the purpose of dis- ;i proposed railroiid IX ,t Horn l.ewiston. Idaho, to ,. .!. Or'. The proposed ,1 uti!d establish direct , , , T! r t iin hfUwn the -, . n i-ouniirv and lwistoii , r.iil facilities be- .. - r. til. iti and atuilwru .iid tl::it the prosT .j , . , pel il H.li. 1 ih d Willi i fit- ,.. i c ii mi--i commission ;h;i pie I nion Pacific , . -! wldeh the Oregon i K;.jiiroad Naviica . r . n iJ a branch, be re- , I , huild :i line along the ,s, : . r -frm! Homestead. Ore.. ? i Lev--i. -(ion. It was saia ;'c ;ilr.- ii v is a branch line ll!itiiirn;:oi. on the main lice Orei.o!iJVashington Rail a: N.-ivitvaiioh company to m -se.id. .MUts in the office of p'.ihlic h4rvie cqnmission ini!i ,.?e t'hat at the- present ( i iioii oi Kiaito around luis no railwav outlet The Cherry City Baking Co.'b bread, pies and cakes are of high est quality. One of Oregon' most sanitary bakeries: visit it. Worth while. A Salem show place. ( i i tiMie lie I. . iion is An ; h"f joiif session of the tO iiinMs wlill le "held in I'ort- l.-m.i bier in May ftr the purpos ni ii--u"-irig i ri !' nper.it ion !jik. An effl n-.ii !i soint ' ' : ' 1 ' i ' li.. I 'lie II e'.il! Jd rstate motor car- between the two fUrt will be made at reciprocal agreement lii.ilid motor carriers will iiinpelled to purchas'e an I lulls etise when Iheir opera nd, into t h is state. Definite Purposes of Music Week Given i .iiteiMiii and I.ivtwley I rge All to iMiiicipale There is a very definite purpose in National Miisic Week. It is not merely to enjtertain people, but t.i have thcrri Iknow and feel. 1 n ring the week, provisions i .uld he made so that every man, woman ana eflnia may ue aDie 10 !ar the message of music and to eulize at least that some form of. m sic has an appeal. !ool musid is now generally Mure available than ever before ;:d tlie observance of Music week ;m rxoellept way to induce -.ry one to tjnake use q it.. TWreal purpose of Music week wJV enter the attention of the Ur on music through coordi nation of musical activities. The a'tention directed towards music Muring tnr wees stimulates ine ly of music and thereby in-e- the public to support better N.i'ional .Mijsie -eek In Salem '.il he observed more extensively m ever .Not oniv ia mere a i! program of music present -in S. h ,,, every evening, but all rounding communities are pre- iiK. special programs. Hi.-,, rtior I. 1, Patterson has, is- "' -d i jnoelainiation call4fig at i Music week and Mayor Dates for Hearing Set in Marion Circuit Court Dales, for hearing motions in department f the Marion comi ly cjreuit urt have been set ahead to May 13 and 14 from the week previous by Judge Kelly. The session at Albany will over Uip a viwli longer than usual due to the trial ui Mrs. Anna Kullen oh a charge of killing her husband March 12. Fallen was brought to Salem where lie died the next day following an emergency operation. They l?d been separated for sev eral months, Mann 12 being the day of birthday celebration for their small sod. - The grand jury will hear cases commencing May 5, a week before Judge Kelly's arrival. Efker Auto r?o. , Ferry at lib erty St. Autos fgtcred and fought and sold. Cars washed day ana night. IjOW prices and service will make long friends., () SlAte surface roofing applied over yonr oM shingles. We have over 26e j6hM in fcalem. Nelson I5ros.J:t'.frlml)ersk sheet metal work, 3 $5 phemeketa. (; StalGsrnan Ads Bring Results Pay !e as You Are Paid" , ;-: v : t lf J BATES THE EYE MAN" MAKES Glasses that fit Convenient Terms 457 State Street Witt Burnett Bros. Closing Out Sale of WALL TENTS AUTO TENTS Well made of 10 ounce canv&s Priced Low for Quick Disposal i arel going, to need a tent this summer See me !' buying. I can save you money. There are good :ty tents-ind junk. . ' At Special . Prices 1 ate These ;. Refrigerators l rongly constructed, well uvsulatert, easily cleaned. (ictJ5ar -Wirps' .".', .' ' j .- - - Good Prices on; Paints E HARDWA RE-:COi BpWCIilB ELECTS REDDIi PRESIDENT Devefoiinent of. Uniform Plan for Debate Judging , Suggested rin Talk Charles "Redding, junior in law, was elected president of the Rar W club, Willamette university de hate and oratory letternien or ganization, at the annual banquet at the Spa last night. Oflier of ficers chosen wpre, I'rehe Rrei tfiaupt. vice president, and Mar garet Pro. secretary-treasurer. All tnree students live in Salem. Talks given during tile evening by Victor Carlson, Charles Red ding, , Margaret Pro. and Rubert Witty urged cont inuance pf inr terest in forensics next year. A successful season has jus been crmclnded. it was pointed OHt.tbt extension of the public speaking department in matter of instruc tor personnel, arid financial sup port, is necessary before Willam ette can properly carryits great forensic schedule, it was said. Redding urged the development of a plan for uniform judging of debates. On the;' trip, he said, it was evident that judges did not have similar conceptions of what constituted effective debating. re suiting in many casesln unfair de cisions both for and against the local institution. A number of alumni members of 4 the club, including Harold Edkin;' Oeorge Rhofen, Ha' Corn stocky and Rawson Chapln Were present. Faculty ' members at tending were Dean, F. M, Brlckson $nd Coach John O. Hall. Joel Reireioan, retiring president, was toast master. A. H. Moore. 233 N. High. St,, apartments and store where you can get high quality furniture and furnishings for every room in your hovfse. () rkmKko. C rVtMMAwwk I service -fo the school and Fbitied Hi ScftboU l4esl- Aj'illhAR fUrsetiiMi ChotMn ' tit-tit ; to1 Vfrt-k.' fJT I'oiuntnnity i Tfre Salem high school com merce department - met Tuesday evening at tJie local school build ing, and completed the organiza tion of a junior chamber of com merce. The purpose ot the Junior cham ber of commerce is practically th same as fi the purpose of differ ent chambers of commerce liandon Iunrty Cheese com-throughout the country. Anothr pany will build new choose fac-jFiSnrpose s to enable the comnier tory, 16,000 pounds of milk a dayrclal department id render more USED TIRE SALE AH Tires Have Befen Inspected and Put in First Class Condition PRICE? IT'S LOW ENOUGH If you are ih the market for low priced tires see these S & W USED TIRE & VULCANIZING DEPARTMENT 225 N. High Street Phone 44 .trees REWIRE ITS EASY QUICK, and INEXPENSIVE with a Vimmg System for lifetime service - LOOK over yoyr home with a view to its electrical convepience. Think how handy it would be to have outlets for floor and reading lamps where you need therri to have provisions made for all your eke trical appliances convenient switches everywhere! Why not bring your home up-tO'date? Now wiring improvements can even be purchased on easy time payments. Simply call in a "CHECK" SEAL CONTRACTOR and ask him to install a OE WIRING SYSTEM. You'll be surprised to see how quickfjr and easily h does the work no fuss or muss-rand,, best ; of all, you're certain of lifetime quality.. Remember; before a retailer or contractor:, can diV play the "CHECKW SEAI4 He miisf pirove to us by his standards of workmanship and bf the quality, of the materials he uses that ha deserves your confidence. Look for the "Check" Seal emblem arid be sure! PACIFIC STATES ELECTRIC COMPANY, ' V'V ZMehhandise Distributor GENERAL ELECTRIC , emembcr also that 'CIieck" Seal Electrical Retailers eU Quality ; Electrical . Mcrcban&'xe We Ar ; Dealcrd for Salem Appliances Ranges .Fixtures j Washing Machines - Contracting ' Repair Work HALIIC & EOFF ELECTRIC thcV)mmnnif y in Veneral, " Some r'nie m the near future the. imiior chamber of .commercte will give a program in the Salem -high school, diirlng which time the- accomplishments of -"the com mercial department will be ex hfhfted. There will also be a speaker, some musical numbers, and var.ious sorts ot erifertam ment, Officeis of the junior chamber of commerce are: William Head man, president; John . yerdieck, vice president:" Margaret Moore, secretary; Raymond- Hoffman, treasurer;". Wayne " Kantola; atlver l is! n g managed, "and M iss' CrabariV faculty advisor. : . rw . Williams' Battery Store to Open in New Locatioa Joe Williams, for many years engaged in battery service work at 5:ti Court street, will open hW new location at, the nn;thY,ls,t corner of' tenter and ltfglt treeU oo May iV -J- - ' ": ' r williais' motto ha been. "Dona Ijy : uByho know battery and electrical work," and be '.Will aim In keep nr this repntatlon in tha new home. ! ' piie to the plans for remodeling Ihc De'rby bdliding, alL tenants now located there aro being forced to move, Williams being th first' to take a new location. Light Lleamm g Can Be Thorough! Just light cleaning today and tomorrow heavy cleari-jpg- That's the way wprnen used to arrange the work. But now work can be easy every day! i " Thq PrernTer Duplex is light, quick, thorough. It glides easily two actions going all the time. Top litter, it gets with a motor-driven brush. And deep grit, it gets witlj both brush a,nd strong suction. With dpMble action it cleans clean! 1 . And the Premier Duplex never has a sluggish moment for need of oil.. It never needs oil. Ball beat ings in both brush and motor keep it lubricat ed for years For a life time it can do heavy cleaning do it lightly! Portland Electric Po wer Go 237 N. Liberty St. V Salem, Oregon r E JmR .00 pOWN Delivers ariy Balance Small Weekly or Monthly Payments ' NO INTEREST Everything a Cleaner Needs to Be COMPLETELY EFFICIENT this, CLEAWER 11 p has event' quality point a cleaned needs for complete, efficiency Only APROVAL The Premier Duplex been tested and approved by the leading home nomic laboratories. A mo n g these are the Good House keeping Institute New York Tribune Institute, Today's Housewife, Priscil- la Proving Plant of the Modern FVisclT Ia; Magazine, arid endorsed by thou sands of houser wi v es throughout the country. Needs No Oiling - F. has Ik -7 1 eco- WW if. ; 0 And this include six :. practical :swivel-jointed 'attachments THE PREMIER DUPLEX f The cleaner . with - more, suction than any other motor driven brush cIeanerort the market " .. . Look for the CKeclccred Bas Use Your Credit furniture Company No Interest Members Commercial Associates, Inc., the Largest Furniture ; Buying vOrijanization iri the United States" " 230 N. Commercial Street 337 Court Street Phone ;4S.