THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 28, '1927 5 I DE L. I G H T S OF THE ' STA(SiggCREN t . Elslnor Theater Two children in an enchanted ' 1 garden, listening to the music of a violin weaving its magic into their heart and binding them together forever"; this is the memory that a boyj and girl cherished through ,lnng. jearsr until they found one another again. Porter? created this beautiful heme! a her last and greatest story. 'The Magic Garden,'! and tt may be seen on the screen as an V B. O. release at the Elsinore April 28 for the last time. The picture! opens when the boy and girl met in a place of enchanting loveliness and there in the glori ous garden, they pledge their love Ilofwever, fate decrees that they must part, but all through the years .that follow, their Inspiration is the remembrance of those few hours and the hope that they may be reunited again. The girl's part a played by Margaret Morris who lnrists the role with an ethereal quality, while the boy's screen self is interpreted by Raymond Keane. Oregon Theater ' Lea trice Joy may be seen in her latest star production, "For Ali mony Only,? at the Oregon April The comedy scored tremen dously and proved a genuine cinema delight for all who wit nessed the premierer. This ad mirable William de Mille produc tion deals with the evils of ali mony and revolves around two women, one the divorced wife of a man who is n arrears in his ali mony payments and his present wife who goes to work as a decor ator in order to help her husband meet his financial obligations to his former wife. Naturally, this brings about more or less embar rassing situations, all of which are filled with drama and appeal. Miss Joy Is the second wife, Lilyan Tashman, the first, and Clive Brook, the husband. All are admirable in their portrayals. Casson Ferguson, "the friend" of the ex-wife, to whom she devotes the major share of her alimony, vests his role with his customary virility. The supporting cast is excellent in every respect. On the whole,, the production -is of the finest quality and fully deserves the plaudits it evoked. Farce is only drama in humor ous terms. That Js the definition supplied by William A. Seiter,; one of the screen's leading directors of farce and light comedy,, whose latest production, "The Cheerful Fraud." starring Reginald Denny shows at the Capitol April 28. Farce comedy plotr in most cases might easily serve as drama tic stories except for their treat ment and the performance of the leading man. The only difference besides, of course, the interpolated "gags" la that the characters are robbed of their-heroism and romanticism and consequently, are made only slightly more ridiculous than they ' to Sari Francisco ; every Tuesday and Friday Speedy, 24-hour coach train special s e r vice and special reduced fare. Leaves Salem 10:12 u m. . over Cascade Line in day light, arriving Ran Fran eiscou 11:43 a. m., next ' day.; .; , ' ;"';,. Ride iti a roomy, all i teel coach over smooth, rock-ballasted roadbed. ; Relax and rest. Free ob servation car lounge and : open platform. ; Special dining and - lunch-car menus at low ' cost. ;' y y : 4': v". Tickets at this lowfare , good only on these spe cial coach trains. Free r Jbaggage ; allowance o ; 100 pounds, . Similar fare and serv ice returning from San 'Francisco every Wed- cssday and Saturday : at 3:00 p.m. ;w cH AJ U u City Ticket Office 18 X. Liberty. Telephone r HO would appear in the -same situa tions In real life. We weep at the tragedian's troubles in drama, and laugh at the same troubles when the com edian suffers them. ; An excellent example. Setter points out, is Eugene O'NeilPs bit terly tragic play, "Desire Under with a few alterations, a change of setting and an elimination of the murder in the end could serve as an outline for a typical French farce. Another instance is pointed out by Seiter in Denny's recent pic ture, "What Happened to Jones," The hero, on the eve of his wed ding is called off and the girl starts to marry the rival. Of course it all ends happily, and it was regarded as Denny's funniest picture, yet there is nothing basi cally funny in these happenings unless they are treated humorous ly. You'll enjoy driving a Pontlac. It handles so easily and performs so well it is a real pleasure to drive it or ride in it. Vick Bros.. High and Trade. () Employees Surprise Hughes With Party Bine Bird Confectionery Scenes of Happy Gathering Employees of the Blue Bird confectionery at 12:30 a. m. yes terday surprised John (Jack) Hughes, senior partner of the firm, with a banquet in the Blue Room, on the mezzanine floor of the con fectionery located in the New Bligh building on. State street. The banquet was in honor of Mr. Hughes' fifty-fourth birthday and came as a complete surprise to the jovial employer. Mr. Hughes occupied a seat at one end of the table and Mr. Oscar B. Gingrich as toast master, a per sonal friend of the firm and honor guest occupied the, opposite end while the employees, ten in num ber were seated five on each side. This was truly a family reunion, Mr. Hughes being better known by his employees as "Father." A large birthday cake with lighted candles, fifty-four in num ber, together with a beautiful boquet of flowers enriching the surroundings, were presented to Mr. Hughes with the compliments of the employees together with the wish that he may have many more happy and successful years in store for hint. m Mr. Gingrich called upon each for a short talk and all compli mented Mr. Hughes upon his gen ial personality and the pleasant surrounding given i them during the hours of their employment. Mr. Hughes responded" and thanked them for their thought fulness in honoring him upon his birthday. Those present were: Misses Dessa Barnett. Mae Hill, Goldle Stout, Anna Grimm, Gladys Olsen, Gladys PIckell, Betty Hebard, Messers Geo. Birrell. Dale wad- dill, Dan Hughes, Oscar Gingrich and John Hughes. Chas. K. Spauldipg Logging Co., lumber and building materials. The best costs no more than in ferior grades. Go to the big Sa lem factory and save money. () Officials Ask Pardon for Richard Sargent ; Efforts are underway to secure the pardon of Richard Sargent of Aumsvflle who has Just completed a 60-day jail sentence Inflicted in justice court February 25 for pos session of a still. Sargent was also fined $100 which he was un able to pay, making it necessary for him to serve 150 days longer. The prisoner is a former in mate of the state tuberculosis hos- I pital and besides being a chronic sufferer he ' is subject to violent hemorrhages which prove quite disagreeable to county officials and prisoners at the county jail. The petition to the governor was signed by County Judge J. T. Hunt, District Attorney John Car son, Sheriff O. D. Bower, Justice of the Peace Brazier Smalt, and County Physician W. H. Byrd. Governor Patterson probably will announce bis decision today. - 192 S Standard Bnick Coach, In excellent condition. Looks and runs like new car. Otto J. Wil son. The ! Bnick Man. 188 N. Com'l. Tel.' 220. ( jj-itrtijiLfj ' I . Next Friday Evening 8:15 Special For Music Week Mrs. Ralph White and Miss Shelton present their pu pils in reproduction of the ''Pageantry of Play" given in honor of Tom Thumb and his bride. . Adults 50c Children 10c e ds ; IN THIS DISTRICT Some of the Notable Ones Here, and Old Vines Bear ing Tons Each Year ' More grapes are going out every year In the Salem district. Some day, before long, we are going to be able to point with pride to a grape boom here. Every one with acreage, and nearly every one with a town lot, ought to have grapes. . J. R. ("Jim") Linn of Hotel Marion, , Is planning a country home on his farm four miles south of Salem; a dream home, surrounded by fruit and ornamen tal trees and a vineyard. It is only 15 minutes by auto from the heart of Salem, but is off the main road in a quiet vale. He is adding an acre to his vineyard this year; white grapes: Niagaras. This will make four acres. He planted his first grapes in 1915; Concords and Wordens. Uses the stumping system. Expects to produce fire tons to the acre and this will go on as long as he lives, and 1000 years more, if the vineyard is tak en care of. Mr. Linn believes this Is a good grape country; that we should have grape juice factories here. He grew grapes in California, with the best of them, when he was a young man. his people grew grapes when he was a boy. He Deneves -grapes. He grows them on his hop farms, along with cherries and asparagus and many other products that excel here with the proper cultural methods. While he is a hotel man and a nop grower and merchant, he is at home as a "dirt farmer." like Governor Patterson. He thinks the hoe is one of the best, instru ments for exercise that conduces to good health and a spirit of rest- fulness from worries in the tur moil of the city. He has added a swimming pool to his dream place four miles south, and pure bred Jerseys and other rural things. He will add the house in due time- with wide porches and cool shades and beautiful views. Our Largest Vineyard Frank Fiala, since' deceased. started growing table grapes for the northwest 'markets 28 years ago. Now his son, Arthur J. Fiala, farm is located just three miles from the Salem end of the steel bridge across the Willamette river; a mile east of the Wallace road in Polk county. Near the river; .rich bottom land. The Fiala farm produces only one variety; a sport of the Campbell's Early. It is produced no where else on earth. It was originated on that farm. These grapes go to Hhe fruit stands of the cities of the Pacific northwest. They are table grapes. They go in fancy branded lugs, bearing the name. Fiala Vineyards." They sell year after year on merit. They are a delicious table grape. The Tines are trained high; the Fiala way. Peculiar to itself. To get the sunlight. Producing a delici ous fruit. The Fiala vineyards turn off 70 tons or more a year, from 16 acres. The Fiala farm, 34 acres in all, has also 10 acres of asparagus. Fancy asparagus. Nicely brand ed; properly marketed. This is a business, run on a farm- A family affair- Makes good profits every year. Has a trade name that is valuable. This is the largest vineyard In the Sa lem district, and the most success ful as a going, growing business. Good for all time. Mr. Fiala believes his exper ience may be repeated many, times, hundreds of times, in this district; that we may have grape juice fac tories here, with Salem a blr grape center. In the mean time, he has an established and growing, mar ket for all the grapes he can pro duce. And a permanent business. Grape vines outlast the lives of C A.LUTHY Jeweler ' In New Location : OS 8TATB STKKKT Watches, Clock and Jewelery Repaired . . ' TRY US FIRST ' SALEM HARDWARE CO. . The Winchester Store - '",';.': 8AJLEM, ORBOOlf ' Phone 179 120 N. Oonal. SC. 1 Now It's a Denny M KM 'I ?Tt -n-rri V JlX - )K, A Laugh a Minute on the Minnte! Guaranteed? Aw be your- ! self! Nobody needs a laugh I showing. : COM2DY NEWS I ' 1sK X Jz . v pys t -Erne's? : m W" 9f'h mJI Francis X. Bushman, RamonNovarro and Leo White those who set them out, and the lives of a dozen or a score of or a hundred generations. Great Grape Vines There are many old grape vines in the Salem district. On the Clyde La Follette place at Wheat land, a few miles below the Fiala place, there is a grape vine as big as a man's body at the base, and bearing nearly two tons of grapes annually. Had two and a half tons one year. The La Follette grapes are of the Concord fam ily. On river bottom soil, like that of the Fiala land. On the Steve Merton place at St. Paul, about 20 miles north of alem, there is a Concord grape vine that Is over a loot inrougn at its base. It bears a ton or more of grapes each year. In the Mt- Angel district, in Marion and Clackamas counties, there are many fine vineyards, some of them producing great crops. The layering system is usied extensively in that district, giving 10 tons and more to the acre. There are also some wonderful old grape vines in that section, comparing favorably with the La Follette and Merton viftea men tioned above. t '- The Vanity Hat Shoppe, 387 Court, offers the new crocheted straws, silk combinations and nov elties in either large or small hats at 13.95, S4.95, 6.75. () Take no chances with old meats or stale food of any kind. Buy your meats here and have the best and freshest obtainable and at a mini mum cost. Hunt & Shaller; 263 N. Com'l. () Attach Aimee's Property ; . . for Fees Owed Attorney LOS ANGELES; Cal., April-; 2 7. (AP) A writ of attachment on properties owned by Aimee Sem- ple McPherson, evangelist, for 18500 in fees due Roland Woolley, attorney, was filed here today. Woolley was Mrs. McPherson's de fense counsel during heT trial last year for conspiracy in connection with her famous kidnoping case. Ira W. Jorgensen, 190 S. High St. Parts for all makes of cars Best equipped auto accessory store In this section. Prompt and re- tiable service the rule. () It's Time to Think of, PAINTING and CLEANING UP We Sell Martin Senonr 100 Per Cent Pure Paint DOUGHTON A 8HKRWTJT 280 N. Commercial Tel. 030 DRESSMAKING ' Reasonable, prices. Don't for get our hemstitching, stamping, button making and pleating. the Petite shop Over Busick's Telephone 1981 2005 N. Capitol ; Phone 520 Thursday Nlte . .7 and f p. jn. ; "ROCKING MOON" ( S A big picture taken in Alaska. Don't miss this lone Comedies , Always 25c: Children 10c Mirth-Quake guarantee when a Denny picture's . - - v ygfij Today DEACON in. Ben PIPES TO BE Ml.DE S Grape Vine News May Come to Be a Thing of Reality and Not a Joke . Paper is to be made of grape vines. This will recall to the newspaper trade the hoary joke about "grape vine news' or no news purporting to come over the wires that is in reality made up in the office where its printed. And, by the way, some of the best and most reliable news ; in every newspaper is grape vine news. It Is added by editors who know the facts. Every piece of news com ing by wire, In fact, is; more or less colored in the office Ireceiving It; by the telegraph editor who adds the heads, and often makes Interpolations out of. his knowl edge rendering the wired report more interesting or intelligible. ; But experiments are going on all the time with various veget able growths, looking t the raw materials for wood' pulpj to make paper. To make newspaper stock, and ledger stock, and all the rest of the various lines of paper used in commerce. Every vegetable that grows and will stand up, froma weed to a giant tree of the forest, has, some cellulose. That is what! all paper is made of, principally. The cel lulose is the pulp stock. ! The rest of the wood is lignin, waste. About half waste, in some woods, more in other vegetable growths. There are at least four kinds of paper, principally. Ground pulp mixed with sulphite, to make newspaper The OREGON Last Times Today MATINEES lOc 25c EVENINGS 10c 35c FROM 1 M I i . r I PROLOGUE FOR MUSIC WEEK Friday Evening, 8:15 From Mrs. pf the Dance f Assisted By , STUDENTS OF MISS BEATRICE SHELTON'S PIANO STUDIO ;v -- ""j- '.,-'-'- ,r .-'' j.?.- Reproduction of the "Pageantry" of . Play" given in honor of Tom -A . PRICES -r ..SOc I ' Chil Jrrn AdalM Hur Oregon Theater May 1-2 stock, such as the reader sees be fore his eyes in this mornings pa per. Then pure sulphite, .like that, used in the Salem paper mill. Then sulphide paper, making the coars er papers of commerce. And the kraft paper, a new thing, made cfrom all kinds of wood waste, like saw dust, etc. And more kinds coming on, from corn stocks, straw, and what not. r Grape Vines From Salem Recently, a man was here in Sa lejn looking for grape cuttings. He Interviewed Jim Linn, of Hotel Marion, about his grape cuttings, from his . vineyard four miles south. He got several tons of grape cuttings from thej Mt. Angel district, and shipped them away. Experiments are being made with such cuttings! in Oregon and in California. They are said to make a tough paper. A fine pa per; strong and pliable. , May be used in making rayon, or artificial silk so much in use now. Your wife or daughter may some day wear silk hose and dresses and hats made from grape vines. The greatest fortunes are made THE ELSINORE Today PORTERS HI folk DANGERS . .......... f White's School Thumb and his Bride '.t from by-products.. Greater things are In the future in this field. The future of Salem as a grape center may, be hastened by the making of paper from grape vines. Stranger things have happened, are happening every day. Every farm in the United States IsaTqtential chemical laboratory, and wK&i-4 wasted .will become more valuable than what has been used in ; times past. Every. -forward looking chemical engineer will iell you that. The : wheat straw that lias, commonly been burned is Worth mare tor its chemical products than the wheat that has been threshed from It. So you may have grape vine news in your newspaper in the future as a regular thing, Stop, look, and listen to on r ap peal. If you are not absolutely satisfied with your liaimdry proj lem, call 165. ' Hand work bur specialty. () Halik & Eofr Electric Shop, 337 Court 'St. Everything - electric, from motors and fixtures and sup plies, to, wiring. Get prices and look at complete stock. () THE OREGON Buy Your Tickets From A Class 9AStulent of . l ; Parrish Junior High r THE ELSINORE ZANE GREY'S yr mm u n u An entirely new-interpretation and picturization of .!:' the famous story ORFnON SUNDAY AND MONDAY VXX1-4VJAI 1 Evenings At 8:30 Matinee Mon. At 2:3 The first and only presentations in Salem --this" year of the Magnificent $4,000,000 l n i j ; w mm mm " V Presented Exactly as in New York and Los Angeles " ' A' With ' .. TOURING ORCHESTRA .And Complete Auricular Effects PRICES (including tax) Evenings 75c, $1.10 and ?i.f.7. Matinee 50c 75c and 1.10 Seats Now on Sale at Box Office ,., Community Club to See Pictures of Oregon Gams AUBURN. April 27. (Sp., ial t - n iiuuui u v umiiMin I! v VilM w ... v ....... r.riMia', I . program will be a six reel picture "Conservation of flame in ore. gon." F. C. Stellmacher f . bany is showing the film, whi.h will be free to alt. There will ,9 some music by local talent. D. H. Moslier, Merchant .Tailor,! is mi-rung oui ine noiibiest-jJd wsi ruling lauor maqie s measure; 100 business and pfa. ressionai men buy of .Mosher. () Carlton Cooueraga- plant opens with 30 employes, and will soon have 20 more. 'WATCHKK, nx)f RS AND JKWKI.HV ' Carefully Repaired and Guaranteed at TRESCOTT'S . f 20t X. Commercial St., Salem J FRIDAY SATURDAY Children 10c ' Adults FRIDAY SATCRDAY with. ' - " CINEMA SPECTACLE s rF fR l ! H ' Ni Iff VL-J-t I IS r s ) Y mm rJhe Greatest Attraction America has ever known FOUR MILLION DOLLAR PICTURE Based on Lew Wulace's Immortal Story A METO-G01DWYN-MAYEH Production irnrranQemenlwilh A.L.ERLANGER, CBDILL1N0HAM tF.HESFELD Jr iismm 'Buy,1 Ui i. iri xfSrTtt vr .1" :. t f'