' "r . . 1 7 i Did You Know thaGtiariCTr to-'Become- a- Great Grapej (bwirig smcr IaniifcteringfOenccr? The Thousand- DqUqc! flflorlc Been Passed! in the Red: Gross Drive? fdH Flood Reliefr Finish It -'(Quickly 1 WEATHER FORECAST: Fair and inild; tl to moderate northwest winds: norm- The psychology class at the 'University. tof Chicago haSj succeeded in teaching, a bunch.of felloe to Turn to Jthe.rightvln.tlpie. it i hoped, the lesson .can , bo; taught . even : to ; sidewalk shoppers',- Cleveland Plata Dealer. !Jl humidity: Sfaxlmum temperature yester !iav 7"; minimum, 51; river, 5-8; rainfall.' .04 inches; aimospnere, ciear, wiuu, uonu- Wt'St. "! , - JENTY-SEVENTH YEAR - SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 28, 1527 FRICE FIVE CENTS if.y& Sip (fite;0il r sr . P0EE FLOODS 4fc Hundreds Move Out of Dis trict to Be Inundated to Save New Orleans DOUBT PLANS SUCCESS Half Dozen More Towns Flooded in -Vrtson Valley; Facility? lor Iteftuceea lurking; i Looting Noted MKMl'IUS. Tenn., April 27. , Al From the lowlands of southpaHtcrn Louisiana to the highlands of central Arkansas and Tennessee new caravans today joined tine armies of refugees on the march in the face of floods or threats of floods. Hundreds moved out of St. Ber nard and Piaquemine parishes, carrying household and other pos sessions and abandoned homes and farms to be deliberately flooded 'j an effort to save new urieana roni thie wall of water bearing 1 IJQjvn upon it ironi me upper aua- v - mx 1 issippi valley, j . ' a' li V. Few Possessions Saved Grim I forces of nature were compelling elements in the move liients of those in northern Louisi ana, the Mississippi delta and MotrtheastertiArkansas. Many had time to save some possessions; others trudged along empty hand ed, thankful to escape with their lives. Army engineers still -Were doubt ful whether the sacrifices to be made by the people of southeast' ern Louisiana, with the breaking of the levee at Poydras at nooiri r riaay, ana me loosening oi vast volumes! of flood ' waters would save crescent fcity. ?f qij waters frpm the Arkan '' W' r e more ;town and' vli lafflf ; Jay, and increased the fl Tpths at Arkansas City and othef places where large numbers of retugeel- were gathered. Hun dreds who had sought safety in MeGehee abandoned that how in uhdated town and marched to .yontirello where more than' 5,000 homeleHs already were being cared for. Although the problem of pro viding food and shelter, for the ' wugees is a tremendous one, the Ti3lel Cross, national . guard and I other relief agencies reported no e was going hungry or suffering m want of clothing or shelter. Across the Mississinni in the dalta section the flood waters pour ing mrpugn tne stop's , Landing break above Greenville, were grad ually pjishing out the huge lake in the l(jwer Yazoo valley flooding "mi a dozen nwrp tnwna flrnri in iftal jof more than a score now partily iunder water. The irefugee situation in. this section ipresented a most pressing 5.i WOMEJN "HQfiOES,? ARRESTED HERE TIIKKK ,KFT HfSBAXDS AXD tHlHS BEHIND RElORT Hiiluil hue on Way to Klamath I' M Hn 'Jaini Lark of ; Support' j H.ivii,K heard that "bumming" i J?reat life, and filledwith 1 'I'-sirf for jiew thrills, three -'Hs from Vancouver, Wash., all Tii'il wir, ni'L-or? nn fiaof (ha UrllfVue hfitol last . nlrht anrt Ih. q 0f whom are mothers. J thpr were . on - the wav to lam,jth Falls where they expect- t tind work in the saw. mills. P"-' girls arrested gave their Mrs. Dorothy ' Brown, If'd lr los West 8th streetj Mrs. T-raii iteymond, axed 20. 806 est Kith street. and Mrs. . Marie 602 East 18th 19, treet. All three "women stated that '" lutd left their husbands for ,vnt of nroiKi' Kimnort Olr& l5ru has a two months old baby 'iiri.fhe left in the careot a leighlMijr in Vancouver. Mrsi Rey- nd. Raid her husband was. in Clixrrl hniiuii at. Vncnnpr h,""ced with desertion from" the Hny. ! ' ... - --v. ;, v s,. Mr. tNtftjie Davis. ' whose ,hus- nd 5dr employe of the S. P. nt : j : u .Pi i-"T f'x months rn Iff ti in lfTi,'''" matron that- she.. had :r hs old f baby which had the ca rn nf her mother. trs. KfUth ChiUester, 602 East Mth street. A long distance telephone, call r. Chlttester bv Mrs. Shanks. j" plke matron, last nixht. HitPd lhe statement: that Mrs. avts had uracticallr dcucrttsd her labv. 4 - - . . t When (arrested, the women were 'flntlly clad In overalls and shirts. n ot them had lost a sweater on highway and, fas.JBhiveriag EIRSTTHOUSAND dOLL ARS IfAlSECi IJSTf OR V1CT1M9 MOOiTIXG RAPIDLY, SAYS tREPOUT Kvcr' Kffort U lie Made to lU-arli f2tOOO QuoUt for Dintritt Boon rOver 100,600 homeless along the Mississippi river and the trib utaries with- every indication of many more losing all before the flood waters recede is the report coming from the flood areas in the appeal made (or. help. "No time in this country's his tory has such a gigantic and de vastating flood overtaken its peo ple and sadder" to relate the devas tation has not reached Its heights Now 150,090 axe -homeless and 'this " number' may be added to. These people must be cared for." Thus reads a telegram ? received here yesterday. by Dr. Henry Mor ris from William Carl Hunt; In charge of the Western Division of the Red Cross. Mr. Hunt - called attention to the fact that most of these people have lost everything, homes, cloth ing, personal property and even the crops for this year. The re habilitation will naturally be slow and the fullest cooperation of every community is urged in the telegram. A total of $1,000.0 6 was report ed as raised last night on the 2, 000 quota for the Willamette dis trict, which 'Is corriposed of Polk and Marion countios. One out standing contribution was 'a gift of 115 pennies from an elderly lady, who uad carefully saved them. Rev. E. H. Shanks, reported an other $5 as coming from the Bap tist church. The, second $500 will be wired to the division headquarters ioday by Dr. Morris. Many places in this district have not been heard from 'and it is the wish of those in charge- of the drive that reports Jbe made soon now. Every effort is being made to- secure the quota. The money is needed badly and needed now by the flood victims. The citizens of the nation are coming ta tne ald of tne flooded areas Willamette district has its quota and all should work to raise the $2,000. Send in cash or checks to Dx..Llttry E Morris, First Nation al Bank building, Salem, Oregon. LINEN OUTLOOK TALKED Suedling and.Paulus Sieakers at Portland Chamber Meet - PORTLAND, Or., April 27. (AP) Talks on the linen and prune industries of Oregon were made by R. O. Snelling of the Ore gon Mills, Inc., and Robert Paulus of Paulus & Co., both of Salem, at. an advertising club luncheon here today. President E. A. Browa of the 3alem Advertising club and 20 other members of the organiza tion attended. The Oregon Linen Mills will turn out a finished product, Snell ing said. All the cost of produc tion will be paid out in the state. Twine and thread was already be ing turned out.' The Oregon linen mills will turn out about 1&.000 yards of cloth by May 15, he said. Paulus gave figures showing the magnitude of the prune industry and outlined the. cooperative mar keting plan under which the Port land chamber of commerce is try ing to organize growers and pack ers. PRISONERS WAGE FIGHT One lit Hospital aul Two Rate Bull Pen as Aftrmath Facts concerning, the settlement of personal differences between four convicts at the state peniten tlary Saturday were disclosed yes terday after a lapse of three days, John Monaco and Frank.Fallon, victors in the affair, are enjoying the. pleasures of the bull pen. "Old Man." Mcintosh, an old. timer a the prison, is back on his regular duties with - a slashed., throat re ceived from Monaco and a prison er named HIghtower is in the hos pital with a broken jaw and a gashed leg. inflicted by Fallon. The latter used good footwork on his opponent, not only- fracturing the Jaw. bone but also skinning him from kae to ankle. . Prison officials admitted the re ports but i 1 told : ? reporters that scrapes were common occurrences hardly looked on la the light of news to outsiders. J rWlNGl REVOLUTIONIZED ...? -t'-ji i " New Type1 Bmbing Plan Sucre. , fully Dewonist rated r CLEVELAND, April 27.--(AP) The successful trial flight here to day of a new type naval -plane, the largest single-handed, air cooled bomber in the. world, has render ed virtually! obsolete all bombing planes equipped with water-cooled motors, in the opinion of - Glena Lv Martin, Cleveland, airplane man ufacturer, abwhose-plant the new naval ship was constructed- .. ' Propelled by a Prutt & Whitney 525 horse-power-radial motor, the giant bomber made a perfect take off and Boarcd -about for 20 min ute, landing gracefully. For the first time In the history of government aviation the ship carried a load greater than its own weight; taking aloft 3704 pounds. The plane. weighs 3460 pounds. 4 ft 0 Armies Moving on Nanking, , Whether Friendly or At tackers, Unknown CHIANG ISSUES APPEAL Foreign Cemetery at Kiukiang Desecrated by, Cantonese Soldiers; . TciLsiou , at m Hankow Acute SHANGHAI. April 27. (AP) Several armies of varying size are moving today in different sections of China. What were supposed to be northern troops to the num ber of 80,000 in the neighborhood of Wuhu, up the Yangtse river from Nanking are not northerners but contingents of the, second fourth, seventh, eighth, 37th and 40th divisions of the nationalists (Cantonese) heretofore regarded as neutral or uncertain as between the Hankow and Nanking govern ments. Most of these, troops are pro ceeding down the river to Nanking but it has not been determined whether they are on their way to join or attack Chiang Kai-Shek, commander of the moderate sec tion of the Cantonese. Issues Final Appeal Chiang has issued a last call on Hankow, urging those in favor of the Nanking government to join him without - delay, and develop ments are being watched closely by both aides. Nothing has been heard for two days of General Chiang's western army wnich was reported to be advancing in Suchowfu from Linh walkwan, Anhwel province. Con siderable - forces are also on the move1 in Hottan. "" " The North China Daily News publishes a dispatch from Kiu kiang that the foreign cemetery there has been desecrated by na tionalist troops. Tombstones were pushed over and broken and much marble was stolen. From Han kow comes word of continued ten- (Continued on Pa are 4.) WATER PERMIT FILED Molalla Want 15 Feet Additional Water for City Use The town of Molalla has filed application with the state engin eer for an appropriation of 15 secnod feet of water from the north fork of the Molalla river as an additional water supply for municipal purposes. Mayor W. T. Echerd and other Molalla officials conferred with the state engineer today regarding the application. DE AUTRE110NT TELlIs HISTORY WORKED FOR FARMER IN AR KANSAS, SAYS PRISONER Principal .Job Ke.ping uilholc in Working Order. Later Joined Army MEDFORD, April 27. (AP) While state anc Gefense attorneys are busily preparing for the open ing of the trial of Hugh DeAutre raont next Monday, the defendant, one of three brothers charged with murder: in connection with a mail train holdup in which four men were killed, .spends his time quiet ly in the Jackson county jail at Jacksonville, near here. DeAutremont, who was 19 years of age when the holdup occurred three and a half years ago. has told some of his experiences while state, government and railroad de tectives were 'searching for him and' his brothers, Roy ami Ray, after the. holdup. In Arkansas he obtained work on. a farm, owned by. a man named Adams. There was a largo mud hole in front of the farm, said DeAutremont, and part of his daily work was to fill this mud hole each morning with water from a hose. It was then his job to take a team and haul out any motor tour ist who got stuck in the mire. He said he was kept quite busy at this, charging each tourist $3 for the services of himself and team. "I got sort of tired doing this, and one day I was standing there with the. team when I saw a flivver coming down the road towards the mud hole," said DeAutremont. "I waved to the driver to stop. He was an army officer in uniform. I warned him of the hole, and vol unteered to take the wheel and drive, him safely through the mud hole. He answered saying "Sure, jump in I just paid three bucks to get hauled out of another hole like this a short ways down the fOontinaad om pag 4.) DOBBS TESTIMONY ENDS Murder Case Will Reach Jury Early Today; Arguments Left SEATTLE, April 27. (AP.) With but the arguments of three attorneys yet to be made, the case of Dr. C. C. Dobbs, Kirkland dent ist, charged with the murder of IeUtia Whitehall, school girl pa tient, i3 expected to go to the jury some time tomorrow. Taking of testimony closed early this afternoon and Superior Judge Charles P. Moriarity read his in structions to the jury, and Deputy Prosecutor Ethan Allen Priaer made his closing argument before court adjourned this evening. Lucas -' Kells, assistant defense counsel, will make the first ad dress tomorrow morning, being followed by George H. Crandell, chief defense ciunsel. Then Pros ecutor Ewing D. Colvin .will de liver the final argument. YIELD NOT TO TEMPTATION NOTABCE CAREER ENDED BY DEATH ALBERT J., IlEVERIDGE, NA t TION AL FIGURE. DIES Biographer, Former Senator, was t "Beginning New Life of Lincoln" LVDIANAPOLIS. Ind., April 27. (AP.) Heedless of a career that ws nearing its climax, death to day claimed Albert Jeremiah Bev eridge, statesman, biographer and orator. The heart ailment, symptoms of which two weeks ago cautioned against further ovef-exertion in: preparation of what he hoped would be his masterpiece "The; Life of Abraham Lincoln" at ! 6:10 o'clock this morning took its toll after a period of hopeful re-! cuperation. Intimate friends had; not known his illness was serious Burial will be in Crown Hill, cemetery in Indianapolis at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. Beveridge, whose time since re tirement from the United .States: senate in 1911 after 12 years ot service had been divided between politics and literary endeavor, had not been in rugged health for some time. It was not until April 13, upon returning from a visit tot Chicago that he called Dr. Williams Thayer of Johns Hopkins univers-j ity, and Dr. Charles P. Emersonj Indianapolis. They prescribed complete quiet and relaxation for heart symptoms which they re garded as alarming but not criti cal. Obeying orders despite a restless, energetic nature that chafed at inactivity, Beveridgej convalesced rapidly and today's; relapse came as a surprise. He was 64 years old. Beveridge's talents inclined ia three directions. In writing statesmanship and oratory,- ho gained rank alongside - the great men of each field. Major political success came when he was com paratively young and in. the sen ate, he displayed a grasp of do mestic and international problems that, for two decades gave him the status of a sage1 in the field if political economy. He was writing the "Life of Lin-t coin," with the hope that it would be comparable with or even supe- friorno his "Lite of John Marsh4 all," which in 1916 had brought him pre-eminence as a biographer. Excellence in oratory was the first talent in his complex makeup to assert itself in the swift ascent from a humble station to national distinction. PRUNE CROP NOT HEAVY Buds In Vancouver. Wash., Dis trict Damaged by Frost VANCOUVER, Wash.. April 27j. (AP.) While no reliable estimate of the. Clarke county prune crop can, be made at this time, it is safe to predict that it will not be a bumper crop. W. H. Wood, man ager of the Washington Growers Packing corporation, believes. In the Ridgefield, Felidid and Sara districts the' fruit buds were killed by the cold weather. In the Fruit valley district around Washougal conditions are more favorable. G SHAPE: First . Four. Chapters , Tenta? tively Approved by. Re vision Committee COUNCIL PROVIDED FOR Parts of Proposed Charter Drafted First Deal Wth Duties of Couiicilnien, Mayor and Business Head Members of the city government revision committee got down to "brass tacks" last night when four chapters of the proposed charter for Salem were read and tenta tively approved With a few minor suggested revisions. A sub-committee consisting of Watson Townsend as chairman, with U. S. Page and C. E. Albin, worked out the first section of the charter which was read last night. This committee will continue in the special, work until the con templated charter is completed. Another meeting of these three men will be held early next week. The first chapter of the draft states formally the name, boun daries and powers of the city, and general provisions under the new plan. Chapter two outlines the form of government. It is to be known as the "Council-Manager Plan,", with all discretionary powers of the city, both legislative and. ex ecutive', vested in and exercised by the city council, subject to the initiative, referendum and recall powers of the people.. The powers are to be exercised through the city manager. The council will consist of five (Continued oo Page . . . DEMAND SHIP'S RELEASE Panama Government Sends Note After Legal Opinion Given , WASHINGTON, April 27. (By AP.) The Panaman government today, in a note presented by Min ister Alfaro to .the state depart ment here, demands the immediate release of the Federalship, seized off the Pacific coast by the coast guard. The seizure of the ship was contrary to existing treaties and .was outside the jurisdiction of the United States, the note der clared. Minister Alfaro received instructions to present the note following the , transmission Satur day to Panama of a state depart ment report of the circumstances of the seizure. This report, according to lega tion officials, admitted that the seizure had been made beyond the jurisdiction of" the United States. The report also indicated,' it was stated, that the. state department believed, that in view of the San Francisco court decision holding the seizure illegal, the ship and its cargo of liquor would have to be released. HOSS TO GftEET BUTLER Several State Officials Plan .. to Attend Luncheon 1 - Hal Hoss, private secretary to Governor Patterson, left for Port land last night where today he will welcome ,W.M. Butler, chair man of the republican national committee, on behalf of the Ore gon executive. Governor Patter son will be unable to go to Port land because of another appoint ment. Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state, and a number of other state of ficials will attend the luncheon to be' held in honor of .Mr, 'Butler. INJURED LEG AMPUTATED Youth Who, Fell From Cliff Re covering; After Operation. NORTH BEND, Or., April 27. (AP.) Fred Huntington of Ma pleton, a, student of Eugene high school, who' fell from the bluffs of , Hecatav Head, north of Flor-. ence during the Easter holidays, underwent, an amputation of his r(ght leg between the knee and ankle at a hospital herev His con dition is said to be favorable.. , BASEBALL MAGNATE DIES Borehert Drops Dead at Banquet Preceding Season Opening - .. MILWaIiKEE; Wis.,; April 27. ( AP.)--OttoBorchert. owner of tho Milwaukee American Associa tion baseball dub, fell - dead to night while he, was delivering 1 a speech at ,a .booster meeting at the Elks1 club. He was surrounded by members of the Milwaukee and officials of the . Toledo clubs, which were to open the local base? ball, . season I hertr -tomor ro w . The game wapstponfdt , . W. U; JOURNALISTS SELECT WORKERS PREPARATIONS MADE TO PUB LISH SATURDAY STATESMAN First Time Willamette. University Class Attempts Work. of. This Nature Personnel, of tho , Willamette university student staff which will have charge of publishing .'i ho. Statesman next- Saturday was an nounced yesterday by Professor E. C. Richards, instructor of the class in journalism.. Complete or ganization of the" students' to care for every detail in preparation of news for the issue was made at a meeting yesterday afternoon. Adelia Gates, The Dalles,, will serve as city editor. Herr assist ants will be Hazel Newhouse and Margaret Pro. Hugh . McQilvTa, Portland, will take charpe of the telegraph news, with Mary Mar tin, Yakima, as assistau'. tele graph editor. Other appointments were: So ciety editor, Ella Tfeifcfer. Walla Walla, with Mary ClarifMd, Mary Lou Aiken, .and iJp-arpia Fairbanks as assistants; Feature editor, Thomas Maynard, Vancouver, B. C.-with Rose Wethovt?',! as assist ant; and Sports editor, GeorSte Poor, Hillsboro, Oregon, with Frank. Van Dyke and Jol-.n-Rus sell, assistants. V. . H. ('Ri'.son will be e.i'tor in chief, with Ralph Cur tis, managing editor. Reporters who will be assigned different beats in the city are: Elizabeth Atkinson. Charles Kauf man, Irene Breithaupt, Alviaa Breithaupt, Emily Frazer Brown, Lydia Chllds. Ann Leunartz, Orma Mclntyre, Robert Witty, Marie Messersmith. Beatrice Lockhart, Gaynelle Beckett, Virginia Merle Crites. Kenneth MeOrmick. Beat rice llartung and A'ice IjMi. This marks the first time. VVil lametle university journalism students have attempted the pub lication, of . an issue of a .regular daily newspaper. It is a common practice at many inEtitutions, as it gives opportunity for actual ex perience in meeting problems of newspaper editing, s "FREE PRESS" WINS OUT Emerald! Makes Point? Soeolofsky Named Student Officer EUGENE, April 27. (AP.) Donald Beelar, Warrenton, was elected president of the University of Oregon student body and Harold Manguai, Portland, editor of . the Emerald, student daily newspaper, in. an election today which was featured by close race's and upsets ii. predicted results. Proposed amendment to. the constitution which was calculated to curtail the powers of the editor of the Emerald was snowed , un der; by an overwhelming vote of nearly . 4 to .1. . Other elections are; Vice pres ident, Herbert Socolofsky, Salem; secretary, Vena Gaskill, Beaver ton; senior men on the student council. Roland Davis, Portland; Homer-Dixon Portland, and Ron ald Robnett. Albany. Senior women on the student council. Frances Cherry, Wallowa and Con stance Roth ot Portland;- execu tive council, Marian Barnes. Taco- ma, senior- woman, and "Ronald McCrelght, Portland, junior man Mary Benton, San Pedro, Cal., was elected editor of the Oregana, student year-book, and Bob War er. Portland, was re-elected yell king. FULLEN; TRIAL TO OPEN Albany.. Woman Charged With First Degree 3Iurder ALBANY, Or., April 27. ;(AP) Mrs Anna Fullen, Lyons, Or., will go on trial in circuit court here next week- on a charge of first degree murder for slaying her husband, E. H. Fullen, as the re suit, of, an indictment . returned here by. the Linn county grand jury. . . . . - ...-.' ; Mrs. Fullen is- accused of shoot ing her( husband, in a , family quarrel at the. Crolsan ranch near Gates March 12, Fallen died in a Salem hospital the following day. Mrs. Fullen is held in jail here without bond awaiting trlaL MODERN. DEPQT; WANTED ClUaens of Hillsboro Petition Senrlco Coinmission : X - 1 The public service commission in letters received from citizens of Hillsboro . yesterday., was , re quested to issue an order compelI- ing the Southern Pacific company and the Portland.. Astoria, &. pa cific company to construct a mod ern depot at the intersection' of Main and. Range' streets. ' ; i The letters indicated . that the Pfesent facilKies'aTe Inadequate wjth the result that patrops of the line hav'oi no shelter duting. the rainy season. .- 1 '-. ; COUPON .- SPECIAL STATESMAN MATINHE Th 13 coupon and five-cents .will admit any girl or boy - . . , under 16 years', of ago to the ' - x OREGON Til EATER On BatulflaTTApriL 30, at 10:30 a. m for a special '" "" showing' of the thrilling picture . "niD OVERLANI STAGE fffife Officials Fear Indignant St Bernard Residents May Attempt Damage TROOPS GUARD BANK OF RIVER Civilian Dictatorship Plan of Herbert Hoover NAME GOVERNOR Relief for, City. Believed As sured by Plan to Make Arti ficial Break ; Flood Danger - , Continues to Grow 1 NEW ORLEANS, La., April 27. (AP) Repeated rumors, of, plans to dynamite the levees at various points , along the line Imj- ' low New Orleans and near the St. ; Bernard side of the city caused deputies and . national guardsmen, to be hastily assembled at-Aralt and in the neighborhood of tho American Sugar Refinery tonlghr.- A detachment of national guardsmen first was sent : to tho vicinity of the Bugar refinery after reports had been received , that irate i trappers from St. , Bernard planned to dynamite the levee at that point. . ' 7. Another report sent Sheriff Mereaux with a group of deputies to Arabia several :mlle8 below tht town of SL-Bernard and -some dis.' tance down the river from the pro posed break.. Dictatorship Planned Louisiana and Newprleahs will be ruled by a civilian dictator un' til the Mississippi flood subsides. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover decided today; after con ferring the entire day with th states' and cities' representative.1 on tho solution of the. river's worst overflow, in history. Building h.ia organization along the Jines he adopted while fighting famine. and suffering. in Belgium during the world war and later In food-injpoverisbed Germany and Russia. . The commerce secretary appointed-former Governor. John M.- Parker as director of the flood situation In the state. . r Flyrht Vivid Picture Hoping that relief to the city from the tremendous pressure of the water, yet . to come down tho Mississippi river was assured. New (Continued on Pace 5.) . OVERLAND STAGE A ; AT BIG MATINEE THEATER AND - STATESMAN PIX ENTERTAIN.MENT Special Showing of Thrilling Plc , turo Arranged for Saturday Morning J ; "The Overland Stage" will b at. the, Oregon theater on Saturday. All girls and boys under 15 years of age,- who desire a real treat, should make an effort to attend the special matinee Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock. . All that is. necessary for every youngster, to do in order to se this picture is to clip the matinee coupon from the Statesman and present it with five cents at the. box office of the Oregon .theater. The hour is 10:30 a. m. and tho day is : Saturday. . - That means it will be necessary to get in - line early. . Tberei will be many. young sters who desire to see this picture so, of course, the first in line will be served first. , j It deals with an Important epoch in American frontier, history; lh jqining, of .the stags coach 1 in en from east and west .which wat tho first "important step toward tho agricultural and commercial con quest of the great northwest. The stirring battles with the In dians,: the dangers and. dl trie alt ion encountered, by the .whites, are graphically shown, with a' pretty and sincere lovejstory to extend its appeal to thoso who insist unon romance of the "personal" kind. - : - - .- . i