The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 27, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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We have had a large sales force em
ployed for the past week preparing
for this great sale. You will find
every garment greatly reduced and
marked in plain' figures on- sales tag.
The original tags remaining on gar
ments to show you the phenominal
savings you are making.
.Women Take Notice
To those who are, acquainted with the
methods of the Smart Shop and the high
class merchandise carried it is unnecessary
for us to urge you to attend this sale. . But
to those who are new in the community,
we wish to inform you that nowhere on the
Pacific coast is there a finer assortment of
quality apparel shown:
v n i :
rl ft
n, .:
A backward season finds us overstocked to suck. an extent that we are forced to use this drastic method in order to
convert this" enormous stock of Ladies' High Grade Coats, Suits Dresses and Millinery into cash within 10 days.
it-. .
hursday April 2$th, 9 A.
And will continue for the next ten days
To Hold a sale of this magnitude is out of the ordinary considering the high class of merchandise offered. Doubly so
coming as it does at this time of the year. Since its inception, the Smart Shop has made a wonderful success and
each season has seen a healthy increase, necessitating larger stocks each season, and in anticipation of our usual in
crease we bought to such an extent that we are simply overloaded with merchandise, due mainly to the backward
season. And owinsr to the fact that we continually have larue shipments enroute it i now becomes compulsory to take
a loss on our present, stock in order to convert same into cash within the next ten days and at the same time make ,
room for incoming stocks. We candidly state that beyond a doubt this will be the! greatest apparel event witnessed
in Salem. ,
Hats Values to $7.00
Now $3.85
We have grouped together
in one lot a number of chic
hats including celebrated
Catalina Felts, formerly
pricedto$7.00. While they
last you' get your choice at
a 1
Hats Values to $12
Now $6.85
In this group you wilt find
an assortment of the sea
son's most clever hats, of
silk, straws and combina
tions," in all the desired
shapes and colors. Former
ly priced to $12.00 to go on
sale while $hey last, at
1 '
HaU Values to $15
Now $9.85
For, this great sale we have
assembled the smartest in
millinery embodying the
most exclusive modes of
the season. Beautiful hats
of silk, straw, and fancy
combination, exceptional
values at $15.00. While
they last they will be sold
for, ,
To the first fifty customers
entering our store Thurs
day, we offer the choice of
our celebrated $1.85 Van
Raalte chiffon hose at
Per Pair
-Th6 Greatest Suit Offering of the Year-
OUlU IVeClUCed In this croup yon will find an array of chic modish suits that surpass anything ever
jjj- offered at this Absurd price. Clever poriet .twills, faultlessly fashioned and handsomely
V.Ou taUored. Beautiful sport suits in alluring weaves. Priced for immediate disposal at i
Dresses Reduced to 1 0.85
A ridiculous price beyond all comprehen
sion. , Assembled in this group you will
find st wonderful array of the season's
smartest dressed which we will place on
sale while' they last at
Coats Reduced to $16.85
We have assembled in this group an as
sortment of beautiful Spring coats in all
the wanted shades tand materials. Em
bracing chic sport models so essential with
the summer frocks. While they last you
get your choice at k
If ever a bargain was offered this one sur-
tiflftjipa fln and all that" vbu have ever nar-
ticipated Tin. Clever sport, afternoon, i and
evening frocks of beautiful fabrics and al
luring shades in. all. the new modes to go
on sale while they last at f!
Mi'- "
Furs at Half Price and
j I-. :LesstM -r
One lot f of furl chokers to; be
placed on sale while they last at
;$5JQQ - "
Dresics Reduced to $24.85
Portraying the latest style themes5 in
frocks in canton, - flat crepe, georgette,
prints, and all the wanted fabrics embody
ing the smartest modes. Priced for im
mediate disposal at w t ,j
S575.00 Squirrel Coat
Now $295.00
As an added Teature Of this great
. sale we offer the moif Thenom6nat
value you have ever seen. A beau
tiful full ' length gray Siberian
,. squirrel coat that ts truly a remark
. , able value , at IS7S.00. Unto the
' lucky woman we offer the beautiful
coat at
' $2815
. t , Smartness Is Never Sacrificed,,.,
tin frock roat. suit, dress or hat ln this store naV acri
flced one ieta of smartness for low price. , A fact that is t
amazing when you consider the modern prices fhatvpre
vail at this store, ' We scour the apparel markets and -briog
to you the newest of the, new.. This is the ag of
'spcialUtlon aad w are products of the agfe. end we
'.are eperUliats Jo ihat fascinating and observing Bludy
cf women's apparel styles. .What Is" smirt 'arid new we :
i chow. U You may put yourself in the hands of, out ex
perienced style advisers knowing' that; the mo?t will be
la ads of your figure, your type, and your budget.
MnA4 mm
v5S, k " .,:'..,;;-MEWUNI31SEOF MERIT!: . 1
" Coats; Reduced to $24.85
Never j in our mercharidising experience
havisach exceptional values in coats been
offered at this price. Beautiful Spring
coats in snort and dressr model with f hnt
4 chic touch of exclusiveness only een"in
better garments. These wonderful coats
we will place on sale while they, last at
.',1 !
Coats Reduced to $34.85
We have assembled irf one lot an exquisite
array of beautiful street;' sport and dress
coats. 1 Featuring the smartest ideas in
coats of satin, kasha and charmeen .in all
tKe desired modes. And we wiH offer same
on sale while' they last at? v
$295.00 Full Length
Muskrat Coat $169.50
Wc have 1 Just pne beautiful full
length muskrat coat ,whichs we con
sider an exceptional value at 5295.00
and wet are going to give some lc)ty
woman i the opportunity to purchaq
this exquisite coat at the extraordi
nary low price of
I r r -
'v V
; ' ' : t
Fox Scarfs Just Received
hi.-:f- '
Just received a shipment of
beautiful Fox Scarfs m red,
white and black, which' we also
include in this great sale at tre
mendous reductions.
1 15 North Liberty Street j : Satcm Oregoz'
Owm? to1 the magnitude of this stock it is utterly ,
impossible for us' to enumerate all the values to be
found at this sale.' Let it sufnee'that the entire
stock is to be placed on sale the next ten days at
ama2ing reductions. All the windows in. the es
tablishment wilt- display samples" of thesevaf-:
merits'. A wonderful sight, don't miss it. ra'n
garments to be sold at half price and less. "Daring, ,
this sale there will be no refunds or exchanges. -
) sip.
i-m 3 m n it
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