THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON : TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 26, 1927 9 X Th Oregon Statesman 1 Published every ? M"' jjy) at Balont, the sapital of Ottiw. lmntRTiania . a queationavie UtioM will not be tolewted. Inier station -Bowing any questionahle in Sm th part ef tks srfvertiser should be reported to this HqP or the Pslem Ad. club. Local Rates Foii Classified Advertising Daily or Sunday One time , 3 cents par word . 5 cent per word 8 eents per word rhree times Six times 1 mo. daily alnd gun 20 cents par word In order ia earn ina muvi w tins rate, (advertising (advertising mast ran ti conecutive issues. iai v. an takes far less than C5e. Ads. ran Sundsy ONLY charged at one-time rata. Advertisements (except Psrsonale slid Situations Wanted) will bo taken or ihe telephone if the adrertiaer is a iuhacribeil to phone. Tbe Stateamaa will receive adver tisements at aay time, of tka day or night. To I iaaaro proper elassifiea tioo Adi should bo in before 7 pw am. TELEPHONE 23 or 58k AUCTIONEERS 2 F.N. Wood ry 11 vrs. Salem's leading auctioneer and furniture dealer. Res. and Store t10 N. Hummer. Tel. 511 NO KICK ON MY SERVICE" 2apr22tf F.N. Woodry The Woodry every body knows. Cash paid for used furniture, tools, ete.-- Res. sod Phone 511 2apr2tf H. F. Woodry & Son Right down town. Cask paid for uted furniture. Store 371 N. Cors'L Tel. 75. jAgents for Lang Ranges. 0; AUTO TOPS 5 SEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK O. J. Hdll Auto Top aad Paint Shop. 27 S. Commercial. , 5al6tf BATTEjjtr & EXECTRICIAy 0 B. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES Starter land generator work;. 302 South Hick. TeL 19 COURT ET. f) Joe wiLLUms FLEFXER ELECTRIC CO. " HOC8I wiring by i hour or contract, Estimato f faraished. Tel. 880 7l wtnet BICYCIJa & REPARXO 8 LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI crcle. indiwilinnr. 887 Court. HELP WANTED M 11 WANTED At LIVE NEWSPAPER SUB acriDtion ranTaster. Call Cirmlatiot Msnsrer. Statesmac offies. llmlltl HELP WAVrET-FemJe 18 1WK YOUNG LADIES NEAT, 18 TO 2 4. to i:it msnsirer on specisl rirca- lutinn rsmpsigo. Mmt be free to trar- el with 01 ana jtrr aad wife; good pay ani plcasahti work: no experience re quired or liouiic-to bouKe canvaas ; $'0 per week and transportation gusraa- teed. Apply in person today. dir. West. Hotel! Areo. Dont phone. xa-apro- CHIROPRACTORS 15 DR. H. B. BCOFIELD. P. 8, O. 80 First Nauoxial Bank Bldg. 1 PR. O. L. SCPTT. PSO CHIROPBACTOB 256 It. High. Tel. gZB-n. OT B7. FLORISTS 18 CUT rUWERs. WEDDING BOUQUET runerai wreaina. smuueaa, u. r Br.ithanpt.! florist. 513 State St Tel. S0. ! - SMAGAZ IF YOU WA farm paper the Pscifiel , ' for a threat MAGAZINES Farm fapern 17 WANT TO GET THE BEST send fire Went stamps to I Homestead, Salem, Oregon aieotion tats ad. FOULTRTMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamp for special . throe nsentha' trial for the beat and widest Joamal in the west. The articles and adrer tiiementt are ef special Interest to tk poultry breeders of the ' Northwest North weat Posltry Jearaal. 211 8. Com inercisi t..r Halem. tire. IXSURANCB 18 FOR 8ALE flRST AND SECOND Mart a a sea. 1 rust uooos, uontraota houses Will net 6 to 80. BECKS HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 183 N. High St. Jl-tt FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan en good farm, security. CITY LOANS Wa ara loaniaa- Fn dentist Insttranea Comoanr money on city re i deuce and business propert) t 5 H , plus a Commission. Hawkins Roberta, Iae 305 Oregon Building 414tl Unsure Your 3eme or ear -Pbeae 161 A BECKE HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 189 X. High St. 11 1 WAXTFD Fmployment t9 CONTRACTOR We speciaaiie in repair, garages and out buildings. Grsres, TeL 765. i - ISmaySS LANDSCAPE GARDENING AND CON Mrnction work contracts. TeL 1008-W. Hubbsrd k Cook.- , 18Msy20 FOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT digging and! team work. TeL 78F2. Iml4tf FOR RKXT Apartment 23 iHKKK ROOM FURNISHED APT- rtownslii-x. I Pore hen, lawns. 825; up- Maira TeU 630. . ; 13spr26' II RMSHKD FLAT. TWO BEDROOMS. arge. Call 2324-M. ' , 23s27 I RHM MODERN APT, NEW. NEAR otste House. 1064 Oak St, 23apr36 Modern, wrll furnished b room Apt. Large: and light. 1133 Court St. J'.kvV-' 23-apr26tf '-. 3 OrS 4 ROOM APARTMENT. ALSO tleepmg rooms, 267 S, Chnrck. 33apr26 Eoft RENT LARGE NEW APTS, WITH garages 8354 Adults. Ho water heat. Hardwood floors througboet, ..These ' " 8075 rsirrronnds.. Bck - itenaricki. 189 N. High streeL , .' - ' -fT'--23anr3T FOR RENT Rooms S run RENT PLEASANT SLEEP runs inr gentleman. ' Cioae -m. islepboae 747W. . , sits SOOMS WITH BOARD AT THE ALEX I ander. T.I imo. ia3a rh.b.. TL 1539; 1030 Chemeketa. -. : . .. X5apr21tf . Nc office room aad close in sleep ing room. Meivia Johnson. TeL 637. ;- " -- 'i - 25aprZ4t! CARDS. 8IZ.X 4 BT 74 IN. ""'. "Boeess to Beat." prieo 10 etstesms. Business Of fiee. FOB RENT Room 25 tOOM.fOR RENT IX MOLERU BOMS sr . Capitol Building. Gentleman only. Telephone . 139 W or call 1465 i'heete. tSeoTlTtf FOB RENI-Honm : 27 NICE 5-BOOM RESIDENCE ON BEAU- tifnl lot for $2500, on easy terra. Get home before Salem property advances in price. 1 can make tarns to knit. John II. Scott, 905 Oregon Bids. .-. ""7-sprtfl MODERN 1 ROOM BUNGALOW AND garage. : Sen Salent Realtv Co 4S2 State. ;::('.; 27apr21tf FOR RENT . $40 Furnished S r. bungalow, cloto in. $15 Coxy 4-r. cottage. Fruit. 35 Modern 5-reoa bungalow.' 1U Modern 5-room bungalow on Fair mount Hill.; Grand view.. $25 Finn 8-roora apt. now and clean. Sen LOUIS BECHTEL, Realtor. 841 State St. ; Rooms I aad I. : siaprzzfr BUNGALOW IN . - PALMER COURT. Ulrieh A Roberta, TeL 1354. 27aprS3tf SMALL HOUSE 810 PER MONTH 27apr26 2205 Nebraska Ave. SIX-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE IX- qniro 1185 Marion. TeL. 1811. 27ar26 LAUNDRIES 83 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT 'The Laundrv of Pure Materials." Telephone 165. , 1264 Broadway. f RY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. Tel. 171. 1856 B Street. 117tf THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone eaja ft Hlrh TAILORS 84 0. H. MOSHEB TAILOR FOB MEN aad women. 474 Court St. WANTO Miscetutneoua 85 POTATOES WANTED ANY QUAN tity up to 150O bnshel. Oregon State Board of Control. Capitol Bldg. Salem, 35-apr28 FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP ments. Oiese Powers Furniture Co. 85a20tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loans. Wo haro aeveral applies tiona on hand. Hawkias A Roberts, fne. 805 Oreron Bide Sdl4tf JIATTRESSES 86 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BT THE Capital City Bedding Co., 1180 North Capitol. Called for and deliTarod. All work gnaranteed. TeL 19. fltl FOR SALE 87 NEW BUNGALOW. CHEAP. 2385 State St. i 37-apr28 JERSEY COW. FRESH. HEAVY MILK er. Tel. iota. siaprzT w SEED POTATOES, ALL KINDS, 1005 Brosdwsy. Call o'clock. between 8 and 87spr29 FOR SALE REED BABY BUGGY IN good condition. 815. 445 N. 24th. 37-apr26 CHRYSANTHEMUM PLANT 8. MIXED 25e dos. perennials 5c. - Mrs. HalL end of 8o. 12th St. Box 26. 87spr26 FOR SALE SECOND HAND ELEC trie motor, induction, 60 Cycle, 5 horso power. General fclectrie Co. rred A. Krixon, 216 Masonic Temple, phone 618. 37-tpr28 BLACK DIRT FOR 8 ALE IN EITHER North er South Salens. Reasonable. TeL T2F3. 87dl2tl FOR HONEY OR BEES - CALL MEAD at 8F5. ...87may5' ALFALFA, GRAIN. HAY., TIMOTHY. bartey ana wheat; guaranteed quality. Prom ot shipment. Prices upon appli cation.: Richard Nyman, Walla -Walla, wannMigtort. 8 7 may 1 VETERJNARIAjN 89 CRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN uniee 62 a. UommerciaL. Tel. Res. Tel. 1666. e23tf WOOD FOB SALE 43 16-INCH WOOD. 86.00 . PER CORD Delivered. Phone 1736. 43-M-20 16-INCH OLD J FIR WOOD. TEL. 1851 M. 43May20 I6-4NCH OLD FIR. CHAS. CHRISTEN ion. TeL 1736. 43msyl5 GOOD DRY WOOD FOB YOU D. A. Larmer. TeL 680. 43aprl6tf THE BEST WOOD IN THE CITY FOR the domt at Tracy a wood yard. Tel. 3318 43J4U 16-INCH OLD PIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ask. TeL 72F2. M. 9. Msy field. . 43fl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD. . , PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 Telephone 539. . 43a80tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood. 4 ft. aad 16-inek. Large loads are cheaper to boy. Mill wood la our specialty. . Prompt delirery and reasonable price. FRED S. WELL? 380 8. Chnrck. . TeL 1542. - 43dtf MEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Tel. 517-W. - POULTRY AND EGGS 48 BARRED ROCK CHICKS 15c EACH April 25 to 80 only. Our regular high ouality. - TeL 3F2L Loo's Hatchery. , 45apr28 BABY CHICKS EVERY TUESDAY AND Wednesday. - Yen raise - oar chicks, they'll raise your profits." Seven varieties. Prices reasonable. Salem Chiekeries, 364 N. Cottage St. 45may9 CHICK. CHICK, CHICK I OUR CHICKS tire to ssste your uring. oig nsicn every Monday. 5 broods. , FETLAN0, SALEM. OREGON. . . 45fltf CLECTRIO BROODER FOR SALE Only one left, i A aotr brooder of 350 hix capacity. , well known make, aever Derated will be sold at discoua Can ba aeea at the Statesman office Ask for Mr. Suffler. - , . 45mlStf MINUTE MOVIES HANDS cEiAV EPSCft3E. TEH " . f. TME SON - 0FA ArAK .1 A TREE FlHDS SUERiFF 3USTAS THE SIOKN &REAVJS. ' POULTRY AND EGGS 4S BRED TO LAY AN CON A PULLETS. S months old. J. JFry. Kt, , Box. 353, Salem. 45apr27 BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH- tas. Expert kelp, most modern equip ment. - Chicks lor sale, all breeds. I every ? Monday. Settings' fear - days I each wees. . -ret. luni. lMa iletch- ry. - w ' --- - , - 46flotf PRODUCE WE PAT CASH FOB POUL- try. eggs,' pork. Teal aad bidea. Wo carry feed aad poultry supplies, here and at SUverton. Withers k Neal Pro ds eo Co 360 Parry. Tal 115.. 45f8tf MUSIC STORES ' : 48 GEO. a WILL , PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing 1 machines, sheet music and piano stadias. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines, 482 State street, aiemj-r., ....,... . HAVE 8MALL -GRAND- AND 1 USED Baldwin Player-Pia ao. Will make prw-e and terms to make them sell this week. Will, take your piano 'as part payment. Alo bare lots ef - nsed pianos to sell for $50, $75, f 100, 8125 and $150. Talhnan Piano Store, 895 S. 12th St. 4bapr27 f NEWSPAPERS 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency. Tna Ace. Tel. 989. THE OREGON STATESMAN 50 CENTS per month delivered to year kome early each morning. Tel. 23 or 588. NURSERY STOCK 49 PANSY PLANTS. STEELE'S GRAND Mastodon. Flakes Petland, 373 State. oasprir PAPERHANGIXQ SO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOB HOUSE aeeerating, paperbangnag, tinuag. etc. rteiiable workman. PAINTING BOA CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING CON- tractor, painting. paper hanging! i.ZS3-j. .187 west Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 51 PIANO FOR SALE IN SALEM VIOIN- ity, pay $10 month. . Beautiful stand ard make; bargain for quick sale. For particulars address C. F. Hendrick. fac tory piano adjuster; 413 North Boren Ave.. Seattle, f ! SlmaylO ALL TYPES CERTAINEED SHINGLES laid over old wood shingles or on new work. Highest quality made; priees rsnge from $7.60 to $9. Cobbe-Mitchell Co., Lumber, 848 So. 12th St. TeL 813. . , ,51apr20tf OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST boosters because when we do your I warning, 'tis done, not you. lectne and acetylene welding, largo and small. C. D. Oppen. 695 Mill St. TeL 372 and 2086-J. 51m6tfl BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL- ry, uuns. Tools. Bicycles, etc. star Exchange, 824 ;N. Com'L TeL 356. FOR SALEM SCAVENGER CALL 167. 51fl0-'28 FURNITURE CPHOL8TERINO AND RE- pairing. Giese-Powers Furniture Store. 51s30tf PACKING AND SHTFPNG 52 FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING aad shipping, call Stiff 'a Furniture Store. TeL 941. , LOST AND FOUND 53 LOST FEMALE TOY FOX TKRRIOR. Reward. Return to -254 North Church St. , 5.1 aprB PIANO TUNERS 54 THOMAS FAY,' PIANO TUNER, NOW at the Portland Music Co.. 855 N. Hick. Have your piano tuned by one wko has had years of experience la, the work. 8a3tf EDWARD WELf EXPERIENCED Piano tnnr. Leave orders Will's Mnsie 8tore. i PRINTING 58 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPH- leta, programs, books or any kind ef printing, call ht the Statesman Print ing Department, 21s &. Commercial I Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5 . - F. L.I Wood. 841 State St. 57m7tf 830OO TO LOAN, PRIVATE MONEY. Seven per cent. 3 years. 392-m. 57spr27 P. H. BELL. 319 U. S. BANK BLDG. Residence and business loans. TeL 607 or 2141-W. 57spr7tf PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL estate. Socolofsky at Son, First Nat I Bank Bldg. 6mayS CITT AND FARM LOiNS AT LOWEST rates. Best terms obtainable. Oar insurance department offers you ex pert adviso and service in all liaea. HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) ' TeL 1437. 205 .Oregon Bldg. 7fl0tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on etty property. B. 8. afartin L. . R. Martin, attorney. 419 Oregon Building. . Tel 2084 67miutf WANTED LOANS 59 1. WANTED - Private money to lean on REAL 1 I- ESTATE. ' - ) ' W. L GRABENHORST CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 59026tf PLUMBING I eo FOR GOOD SERVICE, TELEPHONE ' 3699. Debs the Plumber. Repair work. Shop 1815 N. 5th St. , PLUMBING AND REPAIRING RE A- . V 1 - b-1 a A t , n.JJ... eWHVI"T--iIUlllMl, . A. AJ UVUIIVTi 137 Onion St. TeL 495-W. . 0T16tf PLUMBING AND GENERAL - REPAIR work. G ruber Bros.' 154 B. Liberty. TeL 550. 19tf k V- BUS. OPPOBTUNITIES 81 WANTED EXPERIENCED, LIVE Business Msn with money, to bay half . interest in well established Salem buii- ness. - For appointment, writs Box 72,1 ; Statesman,- Salem. Ore. - ' 61apr26 1 Mack8borg Portland Electric Power company will bring electric j service here, , from Barlow. - To iwe rocks ; AND FINDS TWAT NEIL MAS FALLEN mo TViE MOUTH , , np A SMALL ILN- . VMri NEL ,N THE' MOUNTAIN SIDE - GUN - DROPPED ON ME FROM X LDAiT DO NOTHIN' VITH MY HOSE TOO! fsys-fArJ'. s M 82 Radio las For err purpose, lor everr pn All sUndsrd sites of Radio Tubes. HALIK A EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 335 Court St. TeL 488. 6gnprl7tf - REAL ESTATE '63 FOR 8ALE STORE BUILDING AND residence. ' corner lot, .4 blocks out. 912.0O0. r. L. Wood, 341 State St. 63apK32tf FOR QUICK SALE 71 ACRES OF TIM- ber land near Waiport tor wuu. io out range. Might take -some trade. John H. Scott, 305 Oregon bldg. 63a28 18 ACRES GOOD SEMI-MODERN honae. Lam. chicken house. 1 : miles Monmouth Normal school, west side pavement. Fine site for road market. $7000 might consider bouse in Salem. - GUY DEMING Willamette Valley Land Monmouth, Ore. 68mayl6 FOR SALE NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGA. low, ' strictly modern, oak floors, fine location, $4550. Five-room modern bungalow, garage, t.vm! atroot a hlAcka nut 3900. Five-room bungalow, garage, paved street. 10 blocks out. 84000. - Bungalow Court. We have a choice site fori one. North Salem, not too far out. I4t 115x132. 82800. v 1 j u-nnn nvn r prrn 341 SUte St. 63apr22tl THREE HOUSES FOR SALE ON NORTH 5th. TeL 1567-M 1662 N. 5th. 63-mayl LAFLAR FOR Insurance Loans Investments 65 acres, all in cultivation,, fair bides., main road. 10 blks. R. R. sta tion and store A bargain this week. 4 acres and house to trade for Sa lem home. Apt. house to sell or trsds. Lots of money to loan. LAFLAR 406-7 Oregon Bide. Tel. 546. 63apr20tf MUST BE 8OLD At a sacrifice price. Owner leaving- the city. Beautiful 5-room bungalow strictly modern, located best residen tial . section of south Salem. Street psved. wonderful view, price $4650, Will sell furniture, which is of the very best that money can buy. If you ore seeking a real home, don't miss mis opportunity or aeeitur this onnra low snap, for sale only by Louis Beehtel, Realtor, 341 State St. Rooms X and 2. TeL 303 for an appointment. . 63apr23tf SPECIAL PRICE ON LOTS FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY $1750 Beautiful 16th and State St. $ 30O Fine lot N. Liberty St. $ 600 Near State, paving paid. $ 600 Two lots, paving paid. $ 50 Good lot, Marion St. BEST LOT BARGAINS See LOUIS BECHTEL, Realtor. 341 State St. Rooms 1 and 2. 63apr23tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over-3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every Joes tion. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property TODAY, come m TODAY. See GASK1LL A EARLE, Realtors. 166 8. Liberty. TeL 2242. 63sprl5tf DON'T BUY RENT RECEIPTS 1 BUY A HOME. WANTED One or two lots ss first payment on 7-r. house; large lot. beau tiful location. Mutt be west of Cspi to! St., and between state and High land bts. See PAYNE with BOHRNSTEDT. 147 N. Com'l St. 63spr33tf BUILD BESIDE THE BABBLING BROOK A no.NDhKn. L HOME SITrl ciose in en oue of Sale-ins best residential streets. 125x157 along the creek. High ground. Bearing fruit; walnuts) , flow ers, shrubbery sod shsde trees. One of the best sites in tbe city for a fine home with exceptional opportuniy for landscaping. SEE US ABOUT THIS IT WON'T LAST AT THE PRICE ASKED TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY. 421 Court St. Ground Floor 6d-apr26 ON ACCOUNT OF ILL HEALTH AND old age owner will aell 10-acre mod ern suburban home on pavement with fruit and berries st $8000.00. Will consider .small residence in part pay ment. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans lnsnrsnce 147 No. Com'l St.. Salem, Oregon 63apr24tf $50 DOWN, BALANCE $20 PER MONTH buys a (5-room house located on the corner of 20Hb and Waller streets. Price $1600. NOW VACANT, LOOK IT OVEB. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., Real tore. 134 6. Liberty St. Tel. 15. 63apr27 SPECIAL Eighty , acres.. 40 - cultivated, good farm buildings, best of lsnd, creek water all the year, $75O0. Will take Salem property up to $2000. Eighteen acres on paved highway, 20 minutes drive to Salem, $1800, $100 down. , Five acres, two miles from Salem on paved road. $1500, $100 down. Twenty and 66-100 acres. 2 miles north of 8a lem, 8 acres prunes, one acre peaches, Vt acre rhubarb.. 2 acres clover, one' acre gooseberries,' 4-room house, outbuildings, BEST 'OF LAND. f 7500. : : - MELVTN - JOHNSON TJ. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 637 t ' ,63apr24tf 0 ACRES. 2 IN BEARING FRUIT. mostly Royal Anne cherries, good room bouse, -hot and cold -water. 5 V4 miles from Salem. Will take some city property. Balance terms. Salem Realty Co. 462 State. : 63apr24tf Lot on Sonth 18th, $300; easy terms. xxn on ortn lth.7 f 5uo;. easy terms. - Mouses .ta neat v Old but .good .,- for ssle. New. nooses- jusa-lWUy'tto move into real home Weil luilt.- , W have a faTn'.Largain that will eonvanee any 0uo inyetigating. A good n auburbaBtMcC . -''-. d runaLeutta. rubber juat cc Bond withV Tt?lARBER irsy Bldg.t 7.'j N. Lilerty oay in auoarbaa. trc . rerd runabout Tp. rubber Just cost ;$4. .- Bond 200 Gray 64-apr26tf PLACED . HER ON MUST WAVE EeEN PUT HERE To 0ONCEAL1H- -vCFENirICr - x$ WAL.VE CANF DO SEArCmM' IN TrttS 1 STofeM ;V4 ANK - WE Ml&HT AS MJELL TURN RADIO 83 - LIST YOUR PROPERTY . ' ; That you kavo for sale Rent or Trade Witk LOUIS BECHTEL, Realtor 341 State St.- Rooms 1 and 3. . HE VILL SELL IT. 1 ; 63apr22tf SPECLIL $3t00 New 5-room bsagalow, basement, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, recess tub, nook. garage, -east - v front, lot 50x135, $700 down. $5500 Ten-room kome, suitable for an apartment house, large east front lot. lots of 'fruit. Terms. $10,500 Fourteen-rooBi apartment house fine location,, will consider small . tract, r j $'500 Three-room bungalow bath, ga ' rage, paving paid.. Easy terms'. Money ti loan n.r?ty f roperty. MRI,VINj JOIIXSUN " 3 JO U. S. Bank Blua Tel. 637. T . 63yr2lf tit'BURBAN HOMES FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1 12 a. etose in. hldgs.. frui lit J I.BS30O A-av-,bttls, fruit r. L$20O0 17-a. pared road, bldgs.. fruit 2250 10 a. bldgs. sad frnit .$2000 3-s.-b!dra and fruit I 1.82500 5-a.ipeW" bunealow . $3000 d-room cottage.- garage .....$1750 6-room bouse, garsge ..$1500 t-room home. 2 lots .i $3000 4'nra borne, 2 lots, fruit $1600 5- room home, garage iloO PERR1NE A MARSTERS . 212' Commercial Club Bide. 63apr2tf $100 DOWN. BALANCE $25 PER month buys a 3-room bungalow, with electric' lights, no plumbing, located on large lot with bearing enerry trees, on pus line and paved roao frice Immediate possession, w. h. grabenhorst co., Rea Itors. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515. 63apr2T LARGE APT. HOUSE, FURNISHED, ON large lot. bringing income on invest ment and is. business location, $20,000. See me about trade. Large corner 100x1 00 feet. Large house easily made into 4 modern apts. Apt. house paying ' $55. Can be bought for $3500. Business house well located $6850. Attractive corner lots 32500, $2100. 1 acre and modern home Soaou. 5-room lumpalow. everything modern. street pavit jfseuo. Attract. I o English style home close in ?tsuuu. ; ! We write insursnce. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage Street. 63apr28tf SPECIAL BUY 4 -room home with large lot located outside of city limits, has electric lights, but no plumbing, garage, sev ersl bearing cherry trees. $100 down balance $25 per month. Price $1850. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., 134 8. Liberty St. , 63apr' TRADE SALEM SUBURBAN PROPER- ty, small 5-room house with one block of ground for Southern Oregon, acre age or city property, priced at about $2000. Stare building renting for $35 per montn win traae lor good Duiiamg lot. This store is in good location with 3 living rooms. LANE MORLEY AND CO. 413 First Nst'l Bank Bids. Tel. 757. 63apr23tf ACRE TRACTS Located near MeKinley school with bearing fruit. Trice $650 to $750 $50 down, balance $10 per month. W. II. UKABEMiOKST & CO.. 134 S. Liberty St. 63apr28 JCKt COMTLETED 2 modern bungalows of 5 rooms each. Built ins, firepia-ce. basement. You can 'have immediate poKKesKiou wiMi small down payment and balance like rent. ..One priced at $M500 and other at '$4000. If you are' looking for a new (home see these at once. ftee LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State St. Phone 1727 if 63-apr26tf Snap " i Five acres of good land with some timber located 3 miles : south. Price" $1275: $100 down, balance f b per month. -W. II. fIRABENHORST A CO., ' 134 S. t Liberty St. 63spr26 , NEW HOMES FOR 8ALE $3600 Buys a new modern 4-room ' home with breskfsst nook, full 'f-'. cement basement, furnace, fire place, garage with cement drive way, located on paved street, north front. $600 down, bal ance easy terms. $4500 Buys a new -modern 4-room home with extra large living room, with oak floors, has small dining room, built in kitchen, . . ' one large bed room, extra good plumbing fixtures. stairway leading to large attic, garage, I corner lot, paved street. $500 down, balance easy terms. $15,000 Buys a modern 8-roomi home complete ta every way, Imaaon ary constructed, tsrge 1 double gsrage, hot water system, ma hogany wood work, large living ,-roora, fireplace, located on large lot with beantiful ihade trees, near creek, $5000 down, balance easy terms. . . j '$7200 Buys a modern 5-roomi home well located on Fsirmount Hill, , beautiful view, all large; rooms ' and modern throughout,; $1000 down, balance easy terms. IF YOU ARE, LOOKING FOR Ai GOOD HOME. SEE US. WE HAVE A LARGE LIST TO SELECT FROM. i W. H GRABENHORST A CO., Realtors. ; L 134 8. Liberty St. - " Tel.515. 63apr27 ! SPECIAL " .1 acre with 5 room house, price, $14 . Will trade for house in Salem and 'pay nuierenee. hk acre with 4 room, house.! Will rmae tor larger house and assume some. See THOMASON. 320 State St. With Leo N. Childs Co. ; 63iapr28tf $2650, 4 rms., new, north, well built in. $3600, 4 rms. hdw. floors, furnace, iirepiace, garage. . - t f 4000, 6 ras. same description edivu. roours, , new , stucco, very aiirsciive. t. . .- $6200, 8 rms. N. Cap'rtol, modern large lot, will .take smaller bouse. ?4750. 4 -unfinished and 2 npstairs wruiaisneo - new. 1 100 r a.- furnace . and fireplace. , Will take ear and small -uuwn payment " ( i 8 7500, 9 rms.- strirtry -modern, piste .glass' windows, lot 63 by 250 te creek. wamnis ana vsnefv Truit. t S WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor .175 S. High St, -I . t : 63 apr26tf AND NOUJ VSSTO - ' M NO REAL ESTATE TUP LITTLE TOUiM 's$Ti T V W , .CM AMCE. Tb f OF WILDCAT. ! DASHES THE ; 3 REAL CON- . 2 - 41 r- o. 1 m v. saw. . n .. -mt fK 83 CLOSE IS BUY ON NORTH HIGH will make money while yon wait, $4750. Close in on ; Center street apartment house $8500. Wilt be busi ness location soon ! GERTRUDE M. PAGE, 492 N. Cottage. " , 63-apretf FOR EXCHANGE : : 12-acre fruit ranch, located at Lib erty. 4 miles south. Price $10,500. i Will exchange for city property. Has ; seven-room home with ont-buildiags. W. II. GRABENHORST CO., 134 S. Liberty St. 63spr26 NEW COTTAGE, 4 ROOMS AN BATH; cen-ent lonndatlon. carave. Comer lot 51x125. Price $1650; $300 rash bal ance like rent. Take so trH. - ANOTHER 4 ROOMS; NEW, CEILED. aiied garage. Price 97.75; $15u caati. Tke cheap let or lisbt car for part. TRIANGLE REALTY .COMPANY, ' "Head.quarters fori Homes'" 421 Court 8..; v Grounil-F'oor 63-snr26 FOR EXCHANGE 97 acres located near Gervais. $7500, to exchange for home in Salem. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., 134 S. Liberty St. 1 63apr26 SPECIAL BUY IN 5 ACRE TRACT 2 mi. out, on good Tod. eli-ctricIight line, c'oae to school, good house and barn, some fruit, part in crop. Imme diate pokseuion as . Lldgs. are vacsnt. Price only 8290O. See LKO N. CI11LDS CO.. Realtors '320 State St. , Phone 177 ; 63-apraetf FOR SALE Modern house, 10U5' N. Summer St., or will trade for suburban home. Tel. 2436-W. Owner. 63apr27 We hare a good 100 acre farm with improvements, running wster, wood for-own use," at $125 per acre. Let us show you this place, your city home er farm through Sell our office. Others are doing it, why not you til Trade your house in town for 20 acres improved north of salem, price 9000. . Lease a cozy bungalow in the Palmer Courta. City property In Salem is a ' good in ve-vtment. A new, fully modern 4 rooms and nook, wired for elee trie range, electric water heater installed. Workmanship - is A-l. Located on Jefferson road near Capitol St. Price $3600, $500 down, balance like rent. Or yon may like a good 21-acre tract w;th fine large house, joins city limits of Stayton. A genuine bsr- gam at ssoou. tasy terms. Country property in the valley , is moving. 22 acres of bottom land en good road, good barn, in good location. at $1600. Easy payments and terms. ULRICH A ROBERTS. Realtors. 129 No. Com'l St. Tel. 1354. 63apr28 OWING TO SICKNESS. I MUST SELL. a so-aere (arm all in cultivation, most ly all fenced with woven wire, prae tidily new house; good, large barn. all stock and equipment goes with this place. Would consider - taking small house as part payment. For narticu- lars see my agent, G. T. Wodsworth, uervais, ure. 3atxft FOR 8 ALE NEW 5-ROOM BUNG A tow $2600, $50 down, balance like rent. TeL 520. 68aprl5tf REAL ESTATE TRADES C5 KKKKKKKK K K K K K K KKKKKKKK K K K TO EXCHANGE K K Small house and lot in Portland K valued at $ . 50O. Wiil take lot in Salem as first payment. 8 acre tract 13 miles from Port land, "." miles off of Newberg Highway, for firs payment on home in SaUstn. Close in 6 room house on N. Sum mer street valued at $fS500 for a house valued at about $2000. W. G. KRUECER Realtor -147 N. Com'l. St. Phone 217 6.-apr26 KKKKKKKK K K K K K K KKKKKKKK TAXIDERMIST 68 TAXIDERMIST SHOP E. E. WIG- gins. Prop., 1145 Norwsy.' Near Woodry 's Auction Market, Tek 3261-W. REAIESTATE Suburban CO NEW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOR sale on terms like rent, double con struction, fully plumbed, electric fix tures, . etc.. 4 rooms and breakfast nook, garage, etc. One half- acre . of finest gsrden land. Price $3100, Carle Abrnma, 1 1465 Cbemeketa ,81,- TeL 1894-J. ' gflitf TRANSFER & HAULING TO : WE MOVE, 4 TORE AND SHIP TTQUSZ- bold goods. Our specialty Is piano send furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the best, coal sad wood. Call on us for prices.- -We give good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer. Co. Tel. 9301 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. TeL 72F3. ' SALEM TRANSFER FUEL CO. Local aad Long Distance Hauling. Storage and FuoL 899 8. High. Tel. 529. - . .. 70a3Otf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. TeL 933. Distributing, for warding and. storage our specialty. Get our rates. ' WANTED Real Estate 71 . LISTINGS WANTED We have several calls for smsll pay ment down, homes modern and semi modern. If yon are in need of money see us at once, perhaps we can help yon along. Lee W. Bell. 508 Bk. of Comm. TeL 484. Fire Insurance. 71m9tf WELL DRILLING 72 R. A. WEST. RT. 6. BOX 103-A. TEL. 110F5. 8 miles east en Garden Road, WATER 74. SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. . Office 804 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rate - paid in advance. No deduction for ab , secce or any cans unless wster is shut off your .premises. . , A UTOS WANTED - 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTl. 7 (B1IU Mem WHILE ' FGSSE..MAN A3ES To FFtEE . MIMSELE AND WlTVt TVAE SHERIFF AUAy - REAL ESTATE W: A HOU)'0?!! ;3T'. 40Hj 78 . TRAVEL Safely, Swiftly aad Comfortably In bases ef the Parker Stage Lines. STAGES LEAVE FOR Silverton 7 a. m 11 a. m 5 p. tn. Mt. Angel ll a. m, S p. m. Hallas T-p. b,sb. 1:25 . . . iFalla City 7 a. bl 3:10 p. as, 5:15 j p. ns. I:..-'--' . ; Indeciendenee 7 a, a. m, 11 :15 a. bl, 3:10 p. 5:15 p. m Sub '' day only 8:80 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m.. 11:15 a. nu. ' B:10 p, nv, 5;15 p. m. i 8undsy only 7:10 p. m., 8:30 p. as. . MrMinnville 8:30 a. m.. 3:10 p. m, 5:15 p. m. Kewberg 8 :S0 a. in., 3:10 p. nv, 5:15 p. JB. : Tillamook 8:80' a. 01.. M0 p. m. Call 23? or 6 J6 for .Information. d23tf IJSEI1 i:. RS Milt HA LK 7 I - SEE OUR Select Stock !'-- of : '-: k--h---;-Better Automobile , Values " Ford Coupe Hate model, fine finish, excellent . condition . . Oldsmobiie Sedan .fine condition, good tires and . . appearance liuptTipbile Sedan excellent finish, good condition and attractive price - . Buick Touring Chevrolet Touring : 8 Fords ' Hudson Sedan ;: - a Jordsn 8 Enclosure Nash Touring , Oldsmobiie Touring Overland Touring Pettyjohn Valuation Poliey Incorpor ates business principles which in advantage to buyers, of exchanged auto mobiles and creates better values in the I merchandise. - F. WV Pettyjohn Co.. - 365 'North Commercial 'Street -! Phone 1.260 ; 'After We Sell We Serve". 79A21tf Dependable Cars . 1923 Dodge Touring....,.!:-..-.-..-.. ...$350 1924 Chevrolet touring, rebuilt $275 1925 Ford coupe, high back $300 1925 Ford touring, Ruckslel axle-S'250 1 9 15 Chevrolet touring ..$375 See these cars before-you. buy Newton Chevrolet Co. Opposite City Hall 79-apr26tf I . " here's a real buy Franklin Demi-sertsft r-a touring in 1 summer and a sedan in winter lesther upholstery, (like new), for only $850. This car is unusually in the most ex cellent 'condition and will warrant Mond value for your money. Canh trade . or terms Phone 1972. Virgil M. Stoliker. 79apr27 Economy; . Just as much fun in an economical ear; travel just ss fsr in an -economical; money in the bank . driving an ' economical ear. - Here They -Are Fords-FordsFords 1026 Oouoe. 3100 worth of extras.$465 "1924 iCa,adster. These are rare at - ,'five price $175 1925 Coupe, guaranteed car $310 1924 Touring, - Pyroxylin finish, ..guaranteed ..... :-i... ..-.$215 1923 Touring, Nitrolite finish, like new' : .. . . ....$165 1920 Roadster, pick up body, new paint . $100 ,1920 Tudor Sedan ... $ 90 1921 to 1925 Deliveries. $125 to $250 LP tinier VarS l Sian IrOrOSl Chevrolet Touring Chevrolet Delivery 90 Dodge Panel Delivery, make us a price. , . ; ' Cleveland Six Touring .. $125 Valley Motor Co. 5 Sslem, Oregon. ' . 79apr20tf KEO TOURING, 1924, Just like new. Worth 3800. Baeriilee, for eso. Tel. 1241-M. . 9aprl4t MARION CHANDLER MacDonaid Auto Co. , Priced" to Sell DON'T 1 OVERLOOK - THESE BARGAINS. - EVERY CAR IS . A REAL BARGAIN AND MUST . BE SOLD. THIS IS A CLEAN UP SALE. SEE 118 BEFORE , ' YOU BUY. 1926 Oakland Sedan almoat - new. 1' :;. . . Marmon 5-psss Sedan. Marmon Coupe. Chrysler 70 Roadster. 1 Hudson Brougham. . - Hudson 7-pass.' Sedan. Willys-Knight Sedan. . Willys-Knight Touring. Willys-Knight Sport Touring. . A Overland Do Lnx Sedan. , Overland Sedan. ' Franklin Touring. ' OverUnd Tourings. . Ford Tourings. Dodge" Roadster. All oars are in good mechanical condi tion, mar have new paint and good rubber. - . .. . Liberal Terms.- Trades Accepted. . . - . - " " -' -? . ' ". ? - MacDonald Auto Co. ipea Bunasys ana evenings until B p.m. Cottage and Ferry. Tel. 409. MARMON CHANDLER. 79aprt Astoria Smith's Point high way to be widened and resurfaced with asphalt. . Cornelius Oregon ! Telephone company will spend $20,000 on new service here. - By Ed Wheelan unl O - UP I E THE. -1 HOW'S T rv1 1 r?3 STASE ti MISS THE b& THRILLS -HEFtE TRAVEL ' USED CARS FOB SALE 79 PACKARD , . i-OLDSMOBILX ' - Two - 'Of Packard 7-paasenger sedan. paint. A-l ahape ., Oakland sedan, late model Jewett touring, late model Ford coupe, late moaet g VI w - . . 1.- 1 m. w mint rood eonai- --1 - - .4n tion . r Ford sedan. bargain , Dodge touring, bargain hli track nneumatic tires and starter --20O We have only listed a few of our used cars above if you are interested iu-a good uned rar come in and low our stock over before you buy. . Capitol Motors Inc. 85U No. High tit. TeL 8125 Biddy Bishop. AL fionssean. " : - Two ' - - . X)i -. - r . The Best PACKARD oLDSMABll.F 79spr22tr Salexo XXaxketa I feed- No. i. wbest.- white $ l l Red. wheat, sacked.. 1.2f Oats, per bu. mi ilia g 5 PORK, MXTTTON AND BEEF Tops hogs - Sows Top teers . . . .lows .I,, Rnll. 1927 lambs, under 86 lbs. Top live veal- - Dressed ' veal - Dressed pigs POTJXTBT , 1. 1 glit bens . . Heavy hens Broilers . Koofcters .... .18 ' ,...21?r.2J 25 (.1 .2 )6fer .OS BOGS, BUTTER, BUTTERFAT Standards .... . -Pound i...... . r Butterfat ? . Cream butter -. . 440.45 VEGETABLES - Vegetables, beets, sacked Onions, dos. bunches New Cabbage .05 .90 .054 3.25 8.50 California lettuce, crate fjfieat nninns 44 t.05 General Markets f -o LIVESTOCK -PORTLAND, April . (AP) Cattle and calves: slow, weak to. 15c lower; re ceipts, .,785 cattle, 370 calvev l-teer. good $9.73( 10.85; medium $9 9.73; common $7.o0(a9; cauners and cutters, steers $6.75 fj, 7.50; heifers, good $8 9.25;. common and medium 6.25o.K; cows good 7.50ft8; common and medi um $5.507.50; low cutters and eutters $3 rti 5.50; bulls, good, yearlings exclud-' ed "$'iJ25&t 6.50; cut'ers end medium, tanners-and boiognas $.ifi6.2j; calves, medium to choire. mi:k fed excluded $1(t' 11. 0O ; cutis and common $5..jOi8; val rr, medium and choice $11.5oj, 13.0; culls and ton-uion $6.50(t 1 1.50. . Hogs, fairly active at . lodi 25e, lo'iTl receipts t,76.. including. 19" on eontrart or through; hea vywefglit. 3Si-0 nnwi-' medium, good . and choice $9.o0 10,85; medium weight iun-ih'- iiouu " ... me ii urn, good and choice $10(11.23; lifcht lights 1H0-16U po inu, euinuxii, u -(limn, good and choice $1 1 M 1 .25; park ing bogs, rough and smooth" $7.59.25 ;' slaughter pigs 9J-130 pounds,! medium, good and choice $llgjll.25; feeder and stovker pigs 7-l:i0 pounds, medium, good and choice $1 1.50 (rtj 12.25. . (Soft and oily hogs end roasting pigs ext-bided in above quotations.) ' Sheep and lambs few early sale, looks steady; receipts 6nU, inciudingi b'.O on. contract, or through. Lambs, uiediuui to cho re $1 1.50 (tt 12.50 ; culls and commits $9(jj 11.50; springs, medium to choice, 8 medium to choice $9ll; ewes,1 eommoi I to choice 5&; culls faja. on short basis. PROVISIONS PORTLAND. April .25 API Vt tcacly; raw milk (4) $2.30 cwt. fob 1 or t land. Butterfat .c lo fortiaiio. . Poultry steady: heavy bens 2.2ic: fight iiOgr .2 le ;. springs nominal; broilers 3i 3lt; t'ekin white ducks 20c; colored nominal; turkeys"- lire nominal; dressed 37c. :.- . . - . Onions steady: local $36x5.50. Potstoes stead;' $1.50 1.85 sack. . PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. April 25. AP) Whest bid: BBB, hard white, AnL, J-h. $1.11; hard white, blue stem, B tart ApL, Msy, June $18; teaersuon, ( vu.m, western white. hard winter Apl., May, June-1.36; northern spring Apl, Msy, June $1.37; western red Apt., May, June f 1.82... .. ,- Oats, No. 2. 36 pound white feed Apr., May, June 35; ditto grey Apt.. .Msy. Jane 86e.- . Barley, No. 2, 43 pound BW Apr., Msy, 33. - . Corn, No. IT EY shipment Apl. $37.30, Mar, June $37.25. Slillrun,' standard Apl May, 31; June so. , ' , HAY '" . PORTLAND, s- April : 35- AP j Hsy buying prices: " Esstern Oregon timothy $21(V22;- ditto vsltev $17( i?.50; chest $14.50; alfalfa $18K18.50: oat bay $14.50;' oat vetch SlO.&Ofi; 17: straw- $8.30 per ton. Selling prices $2 a ton more. DAISY PORTLAND. April 25. ( AP) Dairy Exchange, net prices: Butter, 'extras -41 e; 'standards 0e; prime firsts 39 : firsts 89s. r.ggH, extras 23c; firsts 21e;. pullets 19c; current receipts VJr. VEGETABLES - PORTLAND. April -.25. (AP)-Loc-sl spinach is of excellent quality now and is selling for 3 1.73-1.85 per 20 lb. box. -Warmer weather will increase the sup-' ply of aaparagus and prices are weaken ing slightly. Columbia basin stock is bringing $2.00-2.25 per dosen Lutu-hes and California !4(il6e per pound. The broccoli market is weak on account i ef limited .demand in the larger markets. laonage suppliea are nearly exbaate! and the mall amount on hand is being held far $fi(ft.50 per rwt.. Repacked tomatoes are moving at $t per box. California strawberries are arriving in i uniform condition this year and are mov ing well at $.'S.25a3.50 per crate. CHICAGO GRAIN . CHICAGO. April 25. tAHl Like the king of France's army, wheat price marrhed right up the hill today sil inarched right down again. Better weath er and lack of unstained Irtiying proved to lw an offset for a big shrink ag bft h in the amount of wheat on ocean palace and in the I'nited Klatei v.ilile snru't Wheal eloe-il Irregular,- 4ic ft lefr t 14 e edvam-e, corn i to 'Ac off. atui oats ecMt to 4e down. v Matheson "Estate Invoice Totals flearly SI 10,CG . t . i -i . The estate of Itat-hel Jenn- ' Mathesoo , has been ppriit?-f;, D. W. L'yre. George II. Hlcfcrs p Karl II AVeugt-r th inven! HUbmittcd lo tha tf-Hniy court Frank W. Clark.'cvecytor. Tbe csUte. totaled $1; l-.T' only JSjSOO or whJcfi wa In t property. Th? 1 ilk inriu h ,? ; 000 iavcitc! , i Lil .tly mora, th -: ;;,oco la. I it. i posits sr. I . r-.s!.-. .'-r f- -.: log r'J""" 1 : 11 du co Sl50 $750- $375 $350 .1? .OOVfc ; .07 . - .05 . O80.OS .IT 07. 09 .17 .15 (LZ ... . J.. MZZL. ."PATCHES ap- 7aBv; aVAV"! 1