The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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The Oregon
. . Ia Daily M.aAay 17
815 Boat a ComTCil gt, BaUat . OTatoa
B. J. BaaJricka -
. frl 8. MeSaerrr " '
atalpfc O. Cartia .
aV4r4 Baaea .
lUutrlai Kditer
I City UiMr
TIecrapb K4itV ,
Society Editor
TV. Aaaaclat.4 Pru 4a auhllnl mrl,UrA L tt. ... fn- i.MlMMi a .n
tirpatea. cradttMl to it er otkarwuo
B. BH. Hty B'dr, Port land, Ora. .
TVmaa Clark Co., Kw York, J2S-13S W. $1 St.; CM raft). Vkrqnalt BMf
Ihmj fiyiMn. Sharon, Bid., fc'aa. KranciM-o, California. T
' Nrwa Dept. - 23 or 100
' BaataaM Offtea
Society Editor
S ar 58S
Eatorad at tfca Poat Of He in Batata,
April 2B, 1027
And he that reapeth receiveth wages and gathereth fruit unto life
eternal: that both be that soweth and he that reapeth may reloice
together. And herein is that Baying true. One soweth and another i
reapeth. St. John 4:36-37. I
That is a very welcome summary, printed in The States
man of this morning- ,
The summary of a meeting of the directors of the North
Pacific Cooperative Prune exchange, at which it was found
that all its 13,000,000 pounds of dried prunes of its grower
members, for the 1926 crop year, are sold, and the last of
then will be packed before the end of the month. - J
4Moses P. Adams, Salem district director of the exchange,
says the managers of that prune cooperative have-been mind
ing their own business and sawing wood in other wordsV
packing and selling prunes fj f
And they have been doing this at a very low cost; less
f than three-quarters of a cent a pound tothe grower members
for packing, and not to exceed half a cent a pound for off ice
overhead. f VV'v-"r " '
The managers of the big cooperative are planning a new
membership campaign. They hope to handle ,26,000,0pQ
pounds of the dried prunes produced this year.
They have made a good impression with the 1926 product
on the "consumer,1 in this country, in England and
. Scotland and Canada and elsewhere.
. I his Is all very good, constructive work. It shows theW
way out for the Oregon prune industry, with a' superior prod
uct, intelligently packed and properly marketed, with a chance
at repeat orders this year; and
Extend such methods over the
100 per cent loyal membership of the growers, and the Oregon
prime industry will be stabilized, and stay that way.
I The Salem Y. W. C, A. owns two acres of land two miles
above Mehama, near Taylor's grove. This land Was deeded
to the Y W by Jos. H. Albert
,; And the Salem Y W has on hand $308.35, the balance of a
fund donated by the Salem Lions club, after some surveying
and other expenses in ! connection with the two acres were
paid . ..i . , :j: ' .
And now the directors of the Y W are planning to add to
this $308.35 fund. ' They hope to make it $1000 within the
next few days, in order that a building may be erected
And they plan for a camp "house 40 by 50 feet, with a good
roof and a good floor, the balance for the present to be open,
with provisions for plosing with canvas or other material
during stormy weather. j .
T They hope to add sleeping cabin3 later. Then the building
planned now can be finished for an assembly hall
And some day they hope to have a big log house and other
buildings that will go with" a large community camp
But the thing now is to get the first building up, ready for
the summer season that is coming on.
The ladies are planning a rummage sale and candy and
cooked food sale, for the last three days'of this week, as noted
inthe news columns
And the whole city ought to help" them in this, in furnish
ing materials and buying them j " i
. And it would not be-amiss for some good people to add
cashgifts H : . ; v - t.-rj:
i Because the matter is urgent. , Summerjs almost here.
This is to be a community camp house, where ail women,
whether Y. W. C A. members or not, will be made welcome.
' See that the good women of the Y W get the total of
$1000 needed, quickly . !
I And this will be a good start. Sleeping cabins may be
added later, and some day a huge log house, and all the other
things going to mike up a great summer camp for this organ
ization i fLv ' J , j
.:" And then, some fine day, a magnificent building all its
,owri for the Salem Y. W. C. A. : r
- 4
s.. m
The Utah-Idaho Sugar company, for which a campaign
was carried on in the Saleni district last fall, with a view to
'getting sugar beets grown here in considerable acreage, look
ing to a factory next year, is now being invited over into
British Columbia, where a factory is proposed. ;
' This company already has a factory in the Alberta dis
: trict, Canada and, as most readers know, a large and growing
factory at Bellingham; Wash. '; ' I . . "
V Welmtist Jiave, beet sugar factories in the Willamette
valley ;jmany of them. . i -, , J.;'-f," S
: : There is no other one thing
crar dairying and swine breeding and the live stock industry
generally here- ' ' srU.
. 2 Co bther one thing that will add so much to our agricul
tural ealth, ancl, by tfie same sign, the solid growth and
pxcrperity of cur citie3 and towns. . "i:-;ZrKlk'a,
. Thg man who imagines the movement will 'not persist f or
.EV-zr factories here in the; Saleni district i3 short sighted.
It is unthinkable that thi3 epportunity f or community devel-
rhouU b2 abandoned
I Trill be. -. :;" :
W. H. HciitiMi - Ctreatatkia Viupr
. Kia ii. KitrtsiBg - AdTartiaiag Manager
Frank Jaak.aki - - Ifaaacar J Dept.
E. A. Kaotaa . Livaatoek Editor
W. C. Conjiep . . . . Paaltry S4itor
era4it4 taia pa par aa4 aiao tko local
' Job Dopartaieat
Circulation Offiea
Orefoa. a Mraadiui nattar,
during the years of the future. I
whole industry, with a,near J
that will do as much in devel-
or neglected. It must be pur-
i r :h :. y; r ;
Mail service is put back on the Southern Pacific train
leaving Salem for Portland at 1:05. This will give distribu
tion the same day in Portland and. towns further north, and
it will give quick connections for eastern points. That is a
very welcome announcement. Get your letters to the post
office by 12 noon. ; See news item. . '
The skimmed milk that California dairies and creameries
were glad to dispose of a few years ago at almost any price
now serves as a foundation for a gigantic industry ; the
powdered milk industry- There are now eleven plants sal
vaging this product and transforming it into a manufactured
article that goes all over the world. One concern produces
twelve to, fifteen million pounds annually of this and other
milk by-products. Washington . has two such plants, and
Oregon one. The Willamette, valley ought to have scores of
such plants. ' Will have, as soon ak the beet sugar industry
is developed, as it must be. , ;
Bits For Breakfast
- i
Red Cross fund Jagging
f Ought to be speeded up
finished today.
V "W . -The
Y.' M. C- A. managers are
at work completing the $1000
fund for the community house
near Mehama. This Is urgent.
Everyone must help. i
The blossom day crowds were
bigger than eyer. The state in
stitutions I were fairly
with visitors. .
. Were the fool killer to exer
cise his official duties it would be
a; guess as to whether he would
commence on the promoters of
the fool dancing and other similar
marathons or the poor, dupes who
enter such conests.
"W "la
Don't let the dollar go--o far
that it is liable to never find Its
way back home.- ,
V ,
Not long now til circus days.
1a S
. Fruit-stand apples: Two cents
worth of apple and eight cents
worth of polish.
; V , '
Aphorism of industry: The less
you need a boss, the less you hate
Cars are much like men. The
the far" the lm,dftP the
I Humans don t really need intui-
tioh except when meeting a one
eyed car at night.
New sweaters. A targe shipment
lust in. New patterns, new shades
ia the popular pull-nyer and coat
styles.. Emmons. Tailor-Furnisher.
42C State St, ()
Golden Gate Ferrv Boat ,
Rammed by Steamer, Sinks
CAP) The ferry boat Golden
City was cutting' herv way full
speed ahead across San Francisco
bay on Sunday, night; 40 seconds
before she was rammed' by the
steamer Newport, moving into the
harbor under a slow bell, the en
gine room crew of the ferry testi
fied before a federal inquiry here
While the investigation was go
ing on parts of the wrecked ferry
boat drifted about the bay and
beyond the bar. . The hull itself
plunged to the bottom early to
day while a - tug was attempting
to $ow it ashore. The 4ow line
was- severed with an axe to pre
vent the wreck from dragging the
tug down with It.
The loss, estimated at $250,000
is covered by. Insurance.
Eiker Auto Co;. Ferry at Lib
erty St. Autos stcred and bought
and sold. . Cars washed day and
night. Low prices and service
will make long friends. ()
Temporary Orders Issued;
Law Violates U. S. Consti
tution, Alleged ; . .- .
PORTLAND. April 25t(AP)
A temporary restraining order en
joining the fish commission of the
: state of Oregon from enforcing the
law passed b the people last No
vember I governing commercial
fishing on the Columbia ricer, and
known as the 'anti-fish wheel
bill," was signed 'today by Federal
Judge John McNary; 'v f
The action of the federal court
followed the filing of , suit by
P. H. McGowan of Pacific county
Wash,, against I. II. .Van Winkle,
attorney general of Oregon t John
C. Veatch, Fred P. Kendall and
C. A. " Leinenweber, members of
the state fish commission, and M.
T. Hoy, master fish warden for
Oregon. . : : ' ' r-'V:'
. It was alleged Jn the complaint
that the law as passed by the peo
ple in November is In conflict with
several sections ' and amendments
of the constitution of i the United
States and that ; it Is in specif ic
conflict with a compact between
Oregon and Washington, Approved
ther guards stationed within,
by congress, relative to the regu
lation of fishing on the boundary
between the two states, the 1 Col
umbia river. .; ; -The
-measure placed on' the bal
lot last November by initiative ac
t!n cf t? Plpct0rfj snd carried
4y a large majority, it is alleged.
Is In direct conflict with the bro-
visions oi me action of congress
aODrovine th nnint n,nl9tSnn nt
j commercial fishing on the TJoluni
and.bia river. , V
I The law as passed last Novem
J ber prohibited fish wheels on the
Columbia and also prohibits trap.
and seines to be operated aboyo
Cascade Locks. The plaintiffs al
lege that the operation of this law
during the fishing- season of 1927
would damage them in the sum of
1 Knows From Experience
, Willie , had accompanied his
father to the tailor's. When his
father Tiad selected the material
for his suit, Willie asked the tail
or if he might examine the sam
ple. The lad appraised the goods
very carefully, being interrupted
by the tailor, who told him he
was looking at the "wrong side."
"I know it," said Willie, "but that
is the side that'll be turned out
when mother makes it over for
- Practical
It took a great deal of courage.
She was his ideal.- Soft, fluffy,
beautiful. Just the kind of a big
hearted doll he wanted. But he
finally made up his mind to pro
pose. qs4Bt
"What; would youc do," jb.e
asked, "if I asked you to be my
wife? What would be the out
come?" '
"It depends," was the reply
"very much, on the Income." r .
i - - j. timr
4 TT-. , . j.v ' ,Jhf
.f:1 AaIf -UadJ - -"Whjri,"
eo- depfessed. Brown?''
"The horrible cost f o ljving, old
chap; constant bills for materials,
paints and shingling." ,
"What, house?"
"No. daughters."
At Shipley's the ladies of Salem
have satisfied themselves that they
can get the finest spring, frocks,
coats and dresses ever shown in
this city. " ()
Army ant Outing Store. Biggest
bargains in clothing, shoes, under
wear, hosiery, gloves, valises and
suit cases.' The working man's
store; 189 N. Commercial.- ()
Wife of Fatuous Evangelist Do
ing Well After Operation
ROCHESTER, Minn., April 25.
(AP) -Mrs. William A. (Ma)
Sunday, wife of the famous evan
gelist, was resting comfortably
tonight at a hospital here' follow
ing an operation for gastric ulcers
performed by Dr. C. H.,Mayo., "
Her husband was with her dar
ing the operation, coming here
from Aurora. I IL, where he has
been conducting . revival services.
He lef tonight . for Aurora after
atiwulua' h: "iiciana had " assured
him that Mrs. Sunday's condition
was excellent; ' . '
Stop, look, and listen to our ap
peal. If you are not absolutely
satisfied with your laundry prob
lem, call 165. Hand work our
specialty. .. ()
Schaeff er's
i '4 Relieves 1
An Irritated Throat
Stops 1 ' '
Spasmodic Coughing
. " -
: : 135 N. Commerciarst: v J
The Only Original Yellow
Phone 197.
. Pecslar Agency .
Jrhe Man's Shop saves you a ten
dollar bill on every quality suit.
Shirts, . hats, ties, collars. , Hlgb
grade clothing, perfect fitting and
long wearing. ? 4 1 State. . C)
f -
Ilalik & Eofr ElectrJc Shop, 337
Court St. .. Everything electric,
from motors and fixtures and sup
plies to wiring. Get prices, and
look at complete stock. Is)
Tries Recently lurrhwl Car and
: i Finds U Goes Well !
Virgil ' Stpilker. a Portland
motor car salesman, was fined $5
in police J court yesterday when
convicted of . speeding on S t a t e
street last Sunday. t " .. T-'
I Stoliker, It Is said, has openly
boasted that - a certain make of
ar could never go faster than 3
miles per hour. Last Sunday h
sold i a Cadillac to a local man.
taking in -exchange one of these
cars. He was driving it Sunday
when .caught exceeding the speed
, D.1 II. Mosher, Merchant Tailor,
turning out the nobbiest and
best fitting tailor made suits to
measure; 100 business and pro-
essional men buy of Mosher. ()
Everything in the book store
line, books, stationery, supplies
for the home, . office or school
room, at the Commercial Book
Store. 163 N. Com'I. - ()
No. 18642
In the Circuit Court of the State
- of Oregon, for Marion County.
Department No. 2.
Myrtle Irene Morris, by her )
. Guardian ad litem, Clara )
P. Patterson, . Plaintiff. ;)
vs. )
Harry Morris, Defendant. )
To Harry Morris, the above named
defendant?1 .
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the amended
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled court-and suit on
or before the last day of the' time
prescribed In the order for publi
cation of this summons, to-wit
On or before te expiration of six
weeks next, ft vm and after the
date of first publication of this
summons, the first publication
thereof being on April 12th, 1927,
and if you fail to appear and
answer, for want therof the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded In her said am
ended complaint, to-wit: that
plaintiff's marriage to defendant
be annulled, and that sbe be for
aver released and discharged from
any and all obligations and duties
arising from said marriage: that
plaintiff may resume her former
name, viz: Myrtle Irene Wunder,
and that she have such other and
further relief as to the court may
sqetnt -lust and equitable.
iThis summons is . served upon
yo. ' by -publication by order of
Hpn. It. H. McMahan, judge of the
above entitled court, which order
was made and dated at Salem.
Oregon, April 9th. 1927.
Pate of first publication April
12th. 1927. '
JDate of last publication May
24, 1927. (Signed) i
M. B. BUMP & D. D. BUMP.
'i Attorneys for Plaintiff.
M. n. Bump, residence and ad
dress, Hillsboro, Oregon.
D. D. Bump, residence and! ad-
, dress. Forest Grove, Oregon. 1
a 12-19-26; m 3-10-17-24:
Notice is hereby given, that the
final account Of Clara M. . Steus
loff, John W. Lucker. Jr., and III-
met M. McKee, as executors of the
estate of Frederick W. Steusloff,
deceased, has been filed in the
county court of ; Marion county.
State of Oregon, and that the 25th
day of May, n7r at the hour of
ten. o'clock a..m. has been duly
appointed by such court for the
hearing of objections to such! final
account and the settlement there
of, at which time any person in
terested -in such estate may ap
pear and file objections thereto in
writing and contest the same,
f Dated this 26th day of April,
1927. :i. ,i -----
: ELMER M. M'KEE, - t
Executors o( the Sstate of Freder-
Ick W. Steusloff. Deceased,
Jas. G. Heltzel, :. j -
I Attorney for Estate, !
; j Salem. Oregon. i
Date c first publication: April
26,. 1927.1.: T - -
Date of last publication; May 24,
1927. a 28; m 3-rt-17-24
' . You can hook - the big;
J ones' if you use the right
V kind of bait. ! . ,
if .vb':; . . rtti-, -r-i : a; v i
'j Advertising must be
, : properly written to get
.-; results. ' ' - !
::' - r ' !
Let Us Show You Jlaw '
Directors of- '
. 323 Oregon Bid,
; , - x Phcn.3 7C5 ,
i ah i ii lMaMaiBBaaiaaMaaaaa
Chinese Mots Missti
i. V
A Chinese sniper fired several shots at the Misses Berney Cole aiyl
Rena Shade, revue dancers, when they, went for,a walk on Nanking
road. Shanghai, so they canceled their engagement and here we -see
them arriving in San Francisco, happy to return home. f
Tnew incorporations
. The Oregon Terminal company
with capital stock of 2,5jOO,000
and headquarters in. Portland, has
been incorporated by J. O; Elrod,
Ralph D. Moore and Jay Bower-
1 r
The Northwestern Theatrical
Enterprises, a DeiewSre rcorpora
has been granted permission to
operate in the state of Oregon.
The company has 100 shares -of
stock without- nominal: - or par
value. , ' : ;t :
The1 Rowena Mining, company,
with capital stock of 1200,000 and
headquarters at Springfield, has
been incorporated by George A.
Cox, L. L. May and J. Wilson, Sr.
Ardent Bryan Supporter
Permits Whiskers to Grow
monument to t he late William
Jennings Bryan and his unsuccess
ful aspirations for the presidency
hangs here as the whiskers of a
supporter; who vowed never to
shave until the Great Commoner
became president. .
William Hilkert is the Bryanite
You Must Salve with the
You can't help I You won't let a calendar fall behind.
.' You'll keep it up-to-date and to'do that you must de
posit a dime a day to change the date and a quarter to
cnange me monm. ..
Thus the least you can save in a .thirty-one da month
is three dollars and a half, computed this way:
31. days,; .;...:....;,.::.ea 10c S3.10
10th, 20th and 30th, arid (to change
; the "tens?)- ...... .1: .....ea 5c . .20
, To change the month...:.;!..,......;. .25 ;
- And as much more as you care to save
- Conscience Fund slot. V '
y'-ty--rv;-'- -r-'-'A .
This Calendar Bank is an exclusive
Commerce Service. ".i.
State at Liberty-
" '1
' r
whose beard grows on and on. He
made the compact with William
Dempsey, another ardent support
er of Bryan, when the Commoner
first ' ran for president some. 30
years " ago, and arranged with
Dempsey to - trim, his : hair and
shave him'-publicly in honor of the
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly ap
pointed by the County Court of the
State, of Oregon for the County of
Marion, as Executor of the last
wiJI and - testament and estate
of B. B Cronk, d e c e a s e d.
and - that It has - been - duly
lualif led as, such executor: all per
sons having claims against the
estate of said decedent are hereby
notified to present the same, duly
verified, to.. It,' at the office of
Ronald C. Glover, Its attorney, 203
Oregon Building, Salem, Marios
County, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
29th day of March. 1927;
corporation, of Salem. Oregon.
' Executor of the last will and
testament and estate of B. B.
Cronk, deceased. , i ;
Attorney .tor Executor, -
Salem, Oregon. ' '
: j m29-a5-12-19-26.
" Ut 'Tk-'
;rf' -
S$W v--... ..
, 0
1 "
Salam Bank cf CoSzsrce
predicted victory. The victory
didn't materiallz, but tfe Uard
Upon Bryan's last 4tu mj.
kert decided he was tferoatS e-a
with voting, and hasn't rat a vote
for any candidate for any office,
national, state or local. !are.
' Notice of Final Settlcnmt
Notice is hereDy given that the
undersigned has filed in th Coun
ty Court of the State nf n,-
tnr tha . f'nuntv nt r..t- . . . j
- ! tuu, ner
duly verified final account as ex-'
ecuinx oi me last win and testa
ment and estate of James vr ra,
nine, deceased, and that said court
has fixed Thursday, the l&th day
of May, 1927, at the hour of in
o'clock a. m. of said day, as the
time, and the county court room
in the county court house in the
City of Salem. Marion county,
Oregon, as the place for hearing
said final .account, and alLjobjc
tions thereto. -. i .
Dated at " Salem, Oregon, this
19th day of April. 1927.
Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament and Estate of James
M. Carnine, Deceased.
Ronald P. Glover,
Attorney for Executrix,
Salem, Oregon. '
19-26; m 3-10-17
1 Notice of Final Settlement
Notice' Is hereby girep that'the
undersigned JUas filed in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Marion, his duly
verified final account as adminis-.
trator of the estate of Alice Bow
en, deceased, and that said court
has fixed Thursday, the 19th day
of May, 1927, at the hour of ten
o'clock a. m." of said day, as the
time, and the county. court room
in the county court house in the
City of Salem, Marion county,
Orejn, as the place for hearing
said . final account and all objec
tions thereto. - . .
"Dated at Salem, Oregon, .this
19th day of April, 1927.
. A. L. BOWEN,
Administrator of the estate sf
Alice Bowen, Deceased.
Ronald C. .Glover,
Attorney for Administrator,
Salem, Oregon,
a 19-26; m 3-1 0-1 7
, hie.
' . k. The Winchester Etor
rhone 173 , 120 N. Ooml. BU
Tow Car
America's Finest Tire
lOO B. Commercial Tel. 471
: n :
Total $3.55
can be put in the
' '' " v"- ".''."- 1
Salem Bank of
Phone 435