The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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The Nbrth Padlilt
PruHe ExdHange Hbs Sold I; All ,1926 .Gftjp; Looking fop Biggcp Ycoi
! WEATHER -FORECAST: -Fair,, except,.
( northwest portion, and cloudy of foggy near .
I mast: Koroewhat cooler In interior; hu-
One reason more young: people don't tay
homA nlrhts is because they're afraid to be J
f uiidity Iw-Iow normal lt rUing in. interior;
t moderate jorthwet and wwt winds. Maxt-
rn ii m tempera nre yesterday, 80 ; -mlaUnujn.
alone la the house. -Philadelphia Inquirer.
owadays. due tV the shortness of skirt.
hard to tell a gdod looking school miRtreNS !
! 4S; river. 3.; atmospnere, e.earr wina,
northwest. 1 " , ' " r r, f , .
"1 . '- ' ' - . ! from
from -soma of her DUDIIs.
" - 1,1 . t , -. - .
North Pacific Cooperative
prune Exchange Meeting
With Success 1 '
13,000,000 POUNDS SOLD
CitgxuiMUit After Xnr Memler;
Hi. l-:pr!sejd o Jlandfw
Twenty MiUhin PoniMt
of JlttT OHI '
(The following summary of A
d-iiulMl report', of the manager of
i he North I a c if I c cooperative
prune exchange makes very in
i-estiiig reading at thia time:)
April 25. 1927.
To hold the quality of our pack
1o Iih jiresent high standard mast
be the aim to, work lo.among the
membership of the North Pacific
Cooperative Prune exchange, ac
cording to the manager who has
just returned from a nine weeks'
trade visit including every im-
nortant prune . market In this
country and Canada. ?
In a detailed report to the di
rectors of the North Pacific Co
operative Prune, exchange held in
Portland recently, the manager
stressed the need lor quality of
larger sizes rather than quantity
made-trp of small sizes and doubt
ful quality. For that reason, he
Is urging every grower member of
the prune exchange to give the
utmost care to drying and to
avoid beat variation that will lead
to scorching .and - the destruction
of flavor of the fruit. This haa
always been necessary buii with
the development of the chain
store, it now becomes absolutely
(i pwatiTe. IndiffereatJality Ja
immediate y reflected
rnrougn teiepnone tjompiaiois
the store .manager and, through
him to the buying center of the
thain system. v5 WI ' .
A Wonderful Showing
Growers are, further, urged to
allow their prunes to mature and
thereby secure as high sugar con-
tfut as possible. The 1926 crop
ripened fully and it has made
a wonderful, impression , upon the
trade. Everywhere compliments
were forthcoming upon tthe fine
flavor of the Oregon prune. There
is a genuine and real liking on
the part of the consumer for that
d-!rtab1 blend of fruit add And
siii?ar found only tn a fully m
turr-d Oregon prune, but there i
an ei)iially great dislike for an
Oregon prune that has the fruit
'Continued Ait Page 5.) 4 "
fiass ix)r VAWnncTfMtY"
Mildred Miller nt llcjen IlUn
. jinlMHi Tied for HcIioIam
tlc Honors
Uobert Alexander was named
by the Hatem high sehnol faculty
yesterday afternoon o Its choice
of graduating class representative
on. the commencement program.
Alexander is and accomnlished
atlist and art mtntt Grit s Tjiut ,ar
he! acted on hfs own initiative in
V entfrfnR the state piano playing
I cutest for , students at Forest
oroye where he placed third. He
give a piano number at the
graduating exercises. J-"'
In the elections held yesterday
mornrng by the senior class, Edith
Starrett, prominent debater and a
represenutlve of tbe state of Ore
Konat" the Philadelphia sesqul
, f;a,trnnial last year., was elected
l.gie the valedictory , address.
Otlicf candidates for,1 the plaee
, were Jack namage r and Edward
When - Miss fitarrett was - a
freshman at Roseburg high school
vtn counties in that district at
-V-ate speaking contest on the
V'Mitaiion at. Eugene. She took
4. wma lace, being bested only by
.'3orrrcCrokey.'the Salem high
jesentatlv.';: Her , election yes-'?R.tbe-flrat
time S girl
( y Hi -Booi to give the valedictory
f V V'ide Mr. Alexander and lilss
.,-'"T-tt,--there will be two other
v(.vnts.iTi- the, commencement
f,7''.' '1- -v are IMIldred MU-
r" ."Mt.-tUee- la scholarship
riw tit nccAM n A v I
Shirtsleeves Prevail on Stiwta;
Moderation Today Forrrat
. Possibly because they had to
work Instead of finding a cool,
shady place, Salem people were
convinced that Monday was the
hottest dajV of the year; but the
official government- thermometer
said "it - was ! two degrees cooler
than Sunday, when the year's
high mark was reached, 82 de
grees.. . PORTLAND, April 25. (AP)
The prediction that there would
be "no summer in ; 1927" today
was relegated to the general clas
sification of "base canards." It
waa " the second consecutive day
that the thermometer had record
ed near June temperatures.
The weather man said it was 11
degrees, and next to Sunday, the
warmest day of the year. The
weather man, however, found
those who would take issue with
him upon this point, and while
they were not upheld by the offi
clal instruments, some were found
who were willing to back their
judgment that today was "the hot
test yet."
Men's shirting was flung to the
breeze as backs were bared of
coats. Here and there a straw
hat gleamed self-consciously in
the crowds, worn by some male
less timide than his fellows.
A refreshing breeze from the
northwest blew during the day to
relieve any serious discomfort
from the; warmth. The weather
bureau predicted that; it would
continue fair tomorrow and would
probably be a trifle cooler.
EUGENE, April 25. (AP-
The maximum temperature today
was 82 degrees, one of the hottest
April day on. record at the local
weather office, but it waa seven
degrees lower than the hottest day
of April, 1926.
ASTORIA, April 25. (API-
Yesterday wa the warmest day
Astoria ha experienced - this year,
with the thermometer rising to 66
degrees at noon, but today, cooled
rby a northwest wind, It rose no
farther than 63 degrees at mid
dav. and the weather became
somewhat cooler, before evening
Xeicro Sentenced Monday Fol lour
ing 'Ruling by Sopreroe urt
LuNGviEW, wasn., April z.
(AP) -AI Williams 30, a negro.
'was today sentenced to bo hanged
on May 27 for the murder of Min
hio- Scolt, negress, in Longvlew,
December 23, 192',. Williams con
fessed the crime. Sentence was
passed by Judge Homer T. Klrby.
The .execution will take place at
Walla Walla. '
Williams has been confined in
the county jail at Kelso, awaiting
the result of his appeal from
Judgment of the superior court.
which was affirmed by the state,
supreme courtt last week. -
IWalmed Vessel Struck; Crw and
PoMtengorg Saved
HAVANA, Cuba, April 25.
CAP.) The United Fruit steamer
Heredia, on arriving at Havana
today,: reported that she sank the
British schooner iVetaLrfJuise 130
miles from Havana Sunday .night.
The crew and ; passengers of the
eta Louise were rescued.
Information given ; to the port
captain was that the schooner was
bound from Guanaja, Honduras,
for , Tampa, Florida, with, several
passengers and a cargo of bananas.
The vessel was becalmed and light
signals failed to warn the steamer.
The Veta Louise 'was struck amid
ships and sank almost Immedi
ately, the i passengers taking to
lifeboats and jthe crew plunging
Itvto the sea. . j , : , v
Aalcm Hujer 'at Eugene Prerlicfs
; 13 to SO (VntM m Pound
EUGENE. April 25. (AP.)
First intimation of what the price
of cherrlea ; would be' this year
was given today by C. H. McDon
ough,. cherry buyer from Salem,
who la in the city to esubllsh a
purchasing office'.'
When - asked i what the cherry
price is i to be, he stated, that - he
could not, tell definitely, but sug
gested, that it might be ns high as
to bo from 15 to 20 cents a pound.
U. S. and Otfier Foreign,Ves
sels Fired Upon in'YangfseV
Says Report ;
In Hankow, In-
OM ' Ameriranx,
rie?ed in Aerloii titiiig'
er; Attack ForecasC
Sff AXCitAT, April 26. (AP)
The Lrnited States auxiliary ves
sel Penguin was fired on heavily
yesterday in the . Yangtse river
with rifles, machine guns and
field pieces. Several of the
Penguin's men were injured, one
of them badry.
SHANGHAI, April 25. (AP)
Foreign warships in Chinese
waters hav been fired on again
by Chinese troops. Recent statis
tics reported that American, ves
sels, including warshios in Chi
nese waiters had been thus at
tacked on 4 5 occasions - since
August 16, 19'26.. Tbfia number
was Increased whan the United
States destroyer Peary was fired
on yesterday near Kiukiang, on
.the Yangtse, about 125 miles off
Hankow. The source of the fir
ing was not located and the war
ship did not return the fire.
Three British warships, the
Mantis, Keppel and ' Wolsey, also
were fired upon byChiftese bat-
(Continued oa Poe 2.)
uirr iBirkir- nrnnnTrh
JYfcT JNCUMt: fltrUKltU
i'fr'r r":", .
Amount Reported, for; Year 192
Totaled 31,t23,2Sa
The Southern Pacific company
had net income of $31,125,226.95
during the year 1926, according to
the annual report of the company
filed in the offices of the public
service commission yesterday.
The operating revenues were
$226. 641. 68, operating expenses
$157,350,084.75 and net revenue
$69,115,556.93. Taxes were $17,
678,890.37 and operating income
$51,436,666.56. The non-opefat-ing
income was $31,323,341.90
and gross income $82,760,098.4 6.
Deductions from the gross in
come, such as interest, fixed char
ges and other similar expense, to
taled $51,634,781.51.
- - ; " ' " " ' "" lll'I'llH ' III
' jC ? r backed Y
! yv DRIVER ,
Course Added To Curriculum -At
Willamette, This Year At-
i "v - tracts Many "
The Willamette university
journalism class under direction of
Professor E. C. Richards will edit
the Saturday morning issue pf the
Oregon Statesman this week. This
is being done to give the news-
writing students practical instruc
tion in the publication of a regular
daily newspaper.
V I). Carlson - has been chosen
to act as editor for the issue. He
will select his staff today, and ap.
portion the work among various
members of the class. Every de
tail of the news end of thfr paper
will be handled by the students.'
The journalism course was ad
ded to the university curriculum
this year primarily to improve the
quality of the Willamette Colleg
ian, weekly college publication. It
(Continued on pae 8.)
Thousands Enjoy Enchantment of
Wonderful Qrchards
Approximately 15,000 people
irora outside of Marion county
joined in the observance of Blos
som day here on Sunday. The
weather was ideal, being warm
with a beautiful clear sky.
The peach, the cherry, the prune
and the apple trees were all be
decked with snow white and pink
tinted blossoms for the grand oc
casion. Their beauty was en
hanced by the bright green of the
new leaves on the trees.
Visitors to Salem were greeted
by the uniformed Cherrians, who
directed them over the two chos
en routes, where the blossoms
were reported to be the very best.
These routes covered about 20
miles and the traffic we.s directed
'vv- -
rectiop of T. A. .Raffety,Te
cnmber of - commerce remained
by state operatives under the di
boen during the dav for the con-
Aren ience of the visitors.
Penitentiary officials reported
that approximately 1500 people
visited thar institution, while all
of the other state institutions were
visited by large numbers of peo
ple. The state capitol building re
mained open during the day and it
is reported that over 500 went to
the dome and obtained a fine
birdseye view of the surrounding
The best day of the year so far
was probably enjoyed on. Sunday
by thousands of -Oregonians.
! Spring came Into Its own and
everything combined to make
Blossom day one that could not be
It u ill mage Sale Scheduled for This
Week; Camp to Be -Near 4
r' ' ' lil4iajn 'j
rne saiem Y. w. c. iA. owns
two acres of land two miles above
Mehama, near Taylors grove. This
land 'was deeded to the Y. W. by
Jos. H. Albert.
And the Salem Y- W. has
$308.35, the balance of a fund
donated by the Salem Lions club.
after some surveyingfand other ex
penses in connection with the two
acres were paid. ,
And typw the directors of the
YW are planning to add to this
$308.35 fund. They nope to make
it $1000 within the next few
weeks, in order that' a building
may be, erected.
And they plan for a camp house
40 by 50 feet, with a good roof
and a good floor, the balance for
the present to be open, with pro
visions for closing with canvas or
other material during stormy
weather. "
They . hope to add sleeping
cabins later. Then the building
planned now can be finished for
an assembly hall.
And some day they hope to
have a - big log house and other
buildings that will go with a large
community camp.
But the thing now Is to get the
first building up, ready for the
summer season that is coming on.
As soon as this is ready, the
Giese-Powers concern will pre
pare a well and .furnish it with a
pump. This to be a gift.
The women workers of the YW
are now preparing to get together
(Continued on pace .)
Application of Company to Stop
River Operations Heard
The puonc, service commission
e8teriay . iutM'dV-ia'-order-crmBfr.
ing Morrow county permission to
construct grade crossings over the
tracks of the Oregon-Washington
Railroad & Navigation company in
the town of Lexington and near
Judson. An application to estab
lish a similar crossing near Irri
gon was denied by the commis
sion. 1
The commission authorized tbe
Southern Pacific company to es
tablish an industry Spur track In
Hlllsboro, and dismissed an ap
plication looking to cancellation
of a permit issued, to the MOrrls
Lowther truck Jine.
Hearing of the application of
the Nehalem Driving and Boom
company for permission to dlscon-
tlnne Its operations on the Neha
lem river and its tributaries oc
cupied the attention of the com
mission most of yesterday.
President Outlines Views on
China Mexico and Nica
ragua in Talk
Senate Arbitration Plan Doubted;
Considers Cantonese? Reply
CbiVciilatory; Friendly
Attitude Promised
NEW YORK, April 25. (AP)
A foreign policy devoted to the
protection of American citizens
and the maintenance of peace was
outlined tonight by President
Coolidge as in keeping with the
new position in the world In
which he pictured the United
Speaking before the dinner of
The United Press association com
memorating the twentieth anni
versary of that organization. Mr.
Coolidge discussed at length the
problems involving this" govern
ment. In Mexico, Nicaragua and
The president saw difficulties
in carrying into effect the senate
proposal for arbitration with Mex
ico of the dispute growing out of
that nation's oil and -land laws
and forecast an amicable adjust
ment of this situation on the basis
of a recent conference he had witfi
the Mexican ambassador.
Assurance Given
He revealed that Ambassador
Tellez recently brought word from
Mexico City that American prop
erty would not be confiscated by
the Mexican government.
VI am glad to report," i Mr.
Coolidge saidj "that the Mexican
ambassador big- recently declared
to me that she does not Inteiid to
confiscate our property, that she
has shown diligence in capturing
and punishing those who have
murdered our citizens, and Jex-
pressea tne wisn, wnicn we so
thoroughly entertain, of keeping
cordial and friendly relations.
"With a strong sentiment of
(Continued oa pee 8.)
n r
E. G. Cockerane Found to Be E. G.
Hyland After Death
A case of identification that has
puzzled local officials for several
days was solved yesterday when
Mrs. E. C Hyland of this city de
clared the body of E. G. Cockerane
to be that of her husband
Hyland died -Monday afternoon
following five days of intense suf-
fering at a local hospital. Physi-
clans found his death to be due to I
acute diabetes. -
After serving only two -days of
a Jthree months' sentence, Hyland j
had been taken from the county
jail to the hospital. He had re
cently been convicted on charge of
operating a still in the Frultland
district. His sentence was in ad
dition to a fine of $250.
Officer were convinced that the
name of Cockerane was an alias
and their efforts led to the identi-
The body was viewed-by Mrs.
Hyland at the funeral parlors of exnoon ana roooea or uncut a.a
Coroner Rigdon: Th Hvlands monds which said were valued
were not divorced but had separaul1 JIOO.,000. 'r - I -
ed several years ago. -
Burial ; will ' be held this after-
nOOn, : I
Feat of Strength Causes Circuit to
Burn. Out; Lad Unhurt
' i When a small boy desirous of
revealing .his physical prowess
threw a baseball bat with a rope
tied to the end of it. high in the
air at Hoed "and Commercial
.streets Monday evening, he threw
the entire -north end into total
darkness and' himself ; barely; es
caped eletrocution. : -'r"..:: 'V
For. the bat sailed tip above the
Portlands ; Electric Power:, com
pany's -wires,' carrying 11,000
vblts, and some came down on the
other side -The roDe had enourh t
conducting efficiency to short the
entire Circuit and cause one of the
wires to burn in two. and the i-e-
salt was t that residents In the
north end were withoul lights for
over ah hoar.
Representatives of - the" power
company stated that It was sur-
prising Uhat the ? boy was not
killed. He let go of the rona
when the arc began to form. It
was reported -that his name was
Cecil Evans. ' -
Money Needed Badly Now ; Over
150,000. Reported to Be
: Homeless So Far
Only about $700 of the 12000
quota wHlch the 7 Willamette dis
trlet Is to raise for "people in the
devastated areas of the Mississippi
and Arkansas flood region had
been turned In to the Red Cross
headquarters" last night; accord
Ing to Dr. Henry Morris who is In
ch"e he driye-
me ursi cuninuuuun,
was wired yesterday afternoon by
Dr. Morris to Wm. Carl Hunt, di
rector of the drive for the Pacific
division, at San Francisco. Just
as soon as more can' be collected,
It will be sent forward promptly,
Now is tbe time the supplies are
needed, and there must be no de
lay In providing the mbney to buy
them. Dr. Morris stated.-
Something, like $200 was raised
In local, churches after an appeal
last Sunday, and Boy Scouts ac
cumulated $60 In the tag sale.
Included In tut, outside' donations
were $117.61 from Monmouth
and $4 2 from Stayton. The Bap
tist church took up a collection of
$44 exceeding the contribution
from any other church, and last
night the deacons of fthe Baptist
church voted to give $2 5V
- Drive officials believe that peo
pie in Salem will respond to the
relief Of the needy people in the
flood districts if they can only be
made to see that quick action is
reauired. The quota should be
obtained within two or three days
now. Dr. Morris believes," but it
will be necessary for people to
mail their checks to the ' Red
Cross drive offices at 303 First
National Bank buildingt as it will
be impossible ' for canvassers to
cover every part of the city.
Reports from the- flooded dig-
tilcts last night indicated that the
homeless , now- number more than
150,000, and the damage result
ing. probably exceeding a half bil
lion dollars.
New Forestry Legislation to Be
' Discussed at Conference 1
Supervising Wardens in charge
of districts patrolled under the
administration of the state fores
ter's department, will hold a con
ference in Saletn,: May 2 and 3,
according to announcement made
by F. . A. Elliott, state forester.
yesterday. ; -
Invitations have been extended
to field operatives and represents
Uvea. of timber -owners to attend
the sessions. The principal phases
of forest protection will be dis
cussed.. V : '
Governor ' Patterson will give
tbe principal address on the open-
ing day of . the conference
The afternoon of the last day
will be given over to a discussion
of new forestry legislation enact-
ed at the last legislative assembly.
Broker Held Xp; Robber. Cripples
Man Who Would Halt Him
LOS ANGELES, April 25. (By
AP.)A. JeddisVa San Francisco
diamond broker, was held. up. in
the lobby of the Loew'a State
building in the center of the Los
Angeles business district this af-
jeaaa iota tne ponce ne was
TOB"onia as ne passea inrougn
u a tuau
wm inrust a pistoi at mm and
broker carried the diamonds .
As the holdup- man fled, 'a by
i tanderToft.':yiTn ot Walnut
Park, attempted to intercept him.
Tbe bandit tripped ; Virgin, " who
fell down a stairway, breaking his
back.. ' '. ; . . ' - ' .
Governor Tells President to Be
' Careful He Isn't Caught
NEW YORK. April 25.(AP)
Al.'Smith, democratic governor
of New York, paid hi respects to-
nlgnt to President Coolidge in his
liunnore hotel suite, but whether
tte 20 minute conference included
a. discussion of the presidential
eandidacy-possibilities ot either
was apt divulged. ' .
Asked what transpired t at. the
Tislt, Governor Smith replied:;"I
called; of course, to bid him,-welcome
to the city. I told him. to do
anything he wanted to providing
fie didn't get caught at it," - ,
" When asked what the president
said, the governor answered; "He
said be would take a hance,"
OVER 100 DEffo
More Towns and Farm Lands
Inundated; Arkansas City
Evacuated, Report
Secretary Tfoover Take Charge of
Relief Work at Memphis;
Preparations for Itcscue, - '
ReliabilitAtion Made t
.MEMPHIS Tenn., 'April 25.
(AP) Twenty five persons.
whites and negroes, were drowned
at Heads, a small village, near
Leland, yesterday Vhen they. Jnm p-
ed into the flood -waters to escape
from a burning building, the Mem-.
phis Commercial Appeal said to
night in a dispatch from a staff
correspondent at Leland.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark.;. April 25.
(AP) Five more deaths by
drowning and one from pneumonia
growing out of exposure la the
Arkansas floods were reported
here today.' Twer of the fire drown-:
ed were white men, whose names
could not be ascertained.
MEMPHIS. Tenn.. April 25.
(AP) Swiftly and irresistably.
the muddy waters of the 'Mississ
ippi ..river..:- and Its - tributaries,
rolled across new ground today
in three states Arkansas. .Miss
issippi and Louisiana inundating
additional towns . and thousands
of acres of farm lands-.
Driving the homeless before it. i
the floods claimed new victims
here, and there, swallowing op a
Mississippi national gnard - tail-'
way worker" near Greenville, an
Arkansas planter near Pine Bluff
and the captain of a government
craft assisting in levee strength
ening on the .Arkansas river hear
Gould. '
Deaths Feared
With the known death list past
the one hundred mark, estimated
of the total fatalities ranged from
300 to 500. Rescue workers In
theMlssIsslppl delta feared that
many lost their lives today as the
flood -waters continue across that
In the absence of any official
estimates, varying calculations of
the damage over the 9500 square
miles of water covered land were
, (Continued on pa 8.)'
Plato of Turner Road and Hum
phreys Addition Accepted
by Commission
That ,n u m e r o n s apartment
houses and other buildings in the
city Over two stories in height are
not equipped with tire escapes n
required by state law and city or
dinance was brought to ; the at
tention of the city planning and
zoning . commission by a number
of commissioners last night at the
regular semi-monthly-meeting.
A motion was passed urging the
city council to take some action
with a view to correcting this im
proper condition, and the city en
ginner was Instructed not to grant
any more permits for the erection
of three story structures tinloss
the plans provide for adequate
fire escape facilities.
; Even some of . the , apartment
houses being constructed are ig
noring entirely the provisions for
fire escapes, it was stated, air!
many of the buildings now occu
pied by large numbers of -por.ln
are "not, equipped for reatly
In case of a blae. The fairjsTouni' .
buildings,' particularly 'the bor -
show, pavilion and the race"trat k
grandstand would be impos-i'.T.t
to empty quickly in case of ftrr.
It was brought oat. .
Hanson and Llljequlst, sash sr; 1
door manufacturers, who. sec'ir !
a permit last October, to co - tr t
a lumber warehouse on c -street
are not abidl in g I? t
terms under which the rrr '
granted, the' corarals-Icr. : ;
Accofdinir to the r?rr-:r. t
was not to cro;-3 t'.. :
the e.3ot end cf CI
whereas the cnri 1, - ?
for', driveways tt t;, o ;
places. ' . - -
Tlilj. M-ittrr - t r '