The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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    Til E . 0 ft EC ON STATESM A N. S A 1M3M. OUEHON
" " SUNDAY MORNINV,, APU1L 21, 1 1927
Fourteen of thc;Prospective
f Jurors From Salolri;-Others
' ' Scattered
Thirty-one. talewnen were, drawn
! Sheriff O. D. flower and County
Clerk IJ. fi. rtoyer for Jury service
in the May term of circuit court,
'department No. 1.,
" fourteen of the prospective
Jurymen are residents of Salem,
three of Silrerton, three of YVood-
burn, and tho balance, scattered
rtver the" founty.4' Ilniiaetfirea ami
farmers lead all otlw r oe'tinntlor.s
. Tho complete lint of talesmen
follows: ; '
Ida M. Richardson, Kat Silver
ton, housewife-;- David Koib. Sa
lem K. J, contractor; H. II. Van
rtevort; Salem : No. 1 0, Ktoekmaii ;
Mearfie TnrAnt. Kast Woodhnrti,
housewife; Harry V. l'atton. Mill
City, farmer; Tom Kirk, St. Paul,
farmer; Louis-Simon. St. Paul, re
4lred; Jay B. CumrainRs. f roUan.
farmer; John A. Clittt. Seollarrt.
farmer; Rose M. Magee, Srotts
Mills. housewife; Paul IF. Aitori.
Salem No.' 9, insurance: Arfdic
Dunsford, Salem, No. 18. house
wife; Ilosa Cole, Waconda, house
wife; Hazel C. Pickens, Salem No.
1, clerk; Wm. A. Gunther, East
nervals; farmer;, fieo. N. Wills, S.i
lent" N.i; "IS. retired'; Clande Steui:-loff.-
Salem No. 2, stockman; J. K.
ririch, Salem No. 1. realtor; Mary
fleer,- Vest AVoodbttrn. housewife:
Knitfht C. P.varey. Salem No. 13.
fruit j?rowef; I.nella 1. FU-her. Sa
lem No. 9. housewife; John O.
Merchen. 'Salem No. S, - retired;
Oscar' II. Loe, North Stiverioii.
farmer i Martha J; Paynei Salem
No. 9, hou.newife; W. K.' Hartnian.
Salem No. IS. eoiiiraetor: John
W. Ebner, East Mt. Angel, mer
chant; Charles A. Harwood, East
Silrerton. laborer; George V. As
kin Aurora, carpenter;. Curti-II.
Cross," Salem No. 1ST, merchant;
IJpona A. ' Miller. Donald. house
wire: Glmn Ooulet, Kast 1 Wood
burn, clerk.
Try a Classified Want Ad
4 $r
Here is the modern
day stove! It tti r n s ,
cooking drudgery into
pleasure,-, banishes
dirt, saves tim
makes? it; easier to do
better cooking. -
- K - '"'- k
The, Coleman Air.-0-Gas
makes its own gas
from- motor gasoline.
Cooks with quick-action
pressure heat.
Lights with .matches
generates quickly. It
is cle' action no
dripping oil, no wicks
to ' char, ' " no dusty
ashes. " And it is clean
in results-no black
ened " pots and pans ;
no scum on walls and
curtains. ': if-
Come in and let us
show you how to have
a clean kitchen all the
time, with the Air-O-
Gas Stove. '
e tfTT ft w 1 i imjumuiiunuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiumiimiia i
nfs if? 'rmiT6
JXo Matter W-
.;. ! Delivers any
Balance Small Weekly or Monthly Payments
)V Everything a Cleaner Needs to Be
-- , i..
; ',. I , - r. '
aiuuitu point a cltantrm l
needs for c&niplett efficiency g
, Only ',
The Premier Duplex has
been tested and approved
by the leading home eco
nomic laboratories.
Among these are
the ,G b o d House
keeping Institute,
New York Tribune
Instituted Today's
Housewife, Priscil
la proving I?lant of
the Ivlcxlrn Pttscil
la 1 Magazine, and
endorsed' by thoQ
satids t ! 'of " hbuse
wiyes throughout
the country .
.751 j?s?d?
And this'includes six practical
Vswivel-jInted attachments .
I .The cleaner with more suction than any, other
motors driven brush cleaner on tne marKet
Y j - Look for the. Checkered Bag;
v Your. '
-? Credit;
No Interest
Vli l?! KrilitUre Buine Onranization
Mttdifk Daveiaports " -.
" -1 ' .1
3 Style
s Enter a Great altie E
-Newest Living Room Designs at Special Prices
Beauty and dignity distinguish " Birch field" Living Room Pieces. Their lines are patterned after classic models. The
construction frupie. work spring work filling are honestly represented for fust what, they are good and reliable in
every detail. They prove their quality by long wear. " ' ' -;. . ' ..,
$135 Mohair Davenports
Shown in top left-hand corner. Upholstered
in plain mohair with loose cushion, spring-filled
seats reversed in contrasting brocades. The
$711.50 arm chair to raat h, $-.."(. fc
- f ' . ' i .. . - . ...
$160 Mohair Davenports
As illustrated lower center. A very pleasing
design, with shaped back and arm panels,. Up
holstered in plain mohair with brocade cushion
reverses. Finished with decorative base mold
ing. $89.50 arm chair to match', $74 .SO.
$110 Jacquard Davenports
A New "Birchfield" Model
The model as shown at upper left, upholetered
in choice of attractive jacquards. Has spring
backs and spring-filled loose cushion seats.
The $65;00 arm .chair to match, $49..10.
The latest additions to the long;line-of "Birch
field" davenfK)rL (shown, upper, right)-.. .Ex
tremely luxurious pieces, upholstered in plain
mohair with rope welts and brocade cushion
reverses. The arm chair to match, $110.00.
Tic "Cre$0-Ke5r,, Spring
A new bexTipring made to apecification sulmittea by
the' Commercial Associates (a nation-wide, buying organ
isation) the result of year of scientific research.--K '
,' adeep, double-deck apring , unlil any other on
the market. The coils are specially designed and tempered. '
The division" construction between decks leaves the upper
coils soft and responsive to touch, while the lower coils
resist the heavier weight gently. The base, of-the spring
Is of very heavy angle steel runniiig dear around, without
riveted corners. A sturdy, comfortable and durable -spring;
The Peak of Bed"
V Spring-Value
S0I4 in OrcgonOnly Powers 5 Stores'
(Buy NpW Regular Price d
m ow
H 1,1 . C-
One in Your
Constructed of the finest materials obtainable, and.
through patented construction, insuring the maximum of
comfort and -long life.,; f , -
A three-section mattress, with -two outside layers of
finest Kapok (silk floss), and a center section of long fiber
staple cotton, with never-stretch ticking used as dividing
.walls, running the full length and" width of the mattress
and sewed into side' and end walls. 'Covered in fine sateen
'Ucking with wide pillow tufting, plain French edges and
walls -of self -materials to match.'' ,t;
' This Most Comfortable M tr
VMattress Ever BuUt;. M4OUJ
Sold Exclusively by Powers 5 Oregon Stores
J3SB 111 'WU
' aLsawMMaWaWHMaVaMBMnailH
, r. New This 3-Piece Group irr - ';
Blended Ivory , Hand Decorated
A very spcdal price on a group Jor thebe"droom.
A eoninTete suite, consisting of a
- Mr ,,- a : l. Al . . . i l i .... i, ... x . i i i
ouoinoiis i-mtu tuiiuuuuua tveei oeuj wim iieei cane- panet inserts )
foot ends; hand-decorated dresser and chest of drawers, r All pieces in warm blended
.tvory;enajmelf. .... v ,u;, j , v
The Bed 11.50. The Dresser $29;50 The Chest f 24.46'
Your Old Furniture
Taken as Part Payment
., t-
Xurnitum Corppcoiy
' ;? " r. :' Members Commercial Associates, lritlie largest Furniture Buying Organization in the United States v ;
Use . .. We .
Your; Charge
.Credit v. No Interest