The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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Oregon Theater
"Ben Hur," the famous Metro
Gold wyn-Mayer cinema, will be
presented I at the Oregon theater
May 1 and 2. The special musical
score, arranged by David Mendoza
and William Ait, will - be -played
at all showings of the picture by
a large touring orchestra under
the direction of Clarence West.
Fred Kiblo. who directed the
making,' oif the superb cinema. In
Italy and,' California, achieved his
greatest Jtriumph, -pictocially, in
the feceivet of the hariof Tace-and
the marine battles, yet his sound
er I artistry f is j evidenced - by the,
manner ijn which he , had . preserv
ed, in th cinema version, the-iuil
dramaite! values and the beauti
ful spiritnality that characterized
General Lew Wallace's splendid
novel "anT play, Whatever 'else it
may be, the picturized "Ben Hur"
is a perfect translation . lnk the
new artistic medium of the noblest
u . . , , - a
..-'.iu;-- 'n.'-
rl '-ZiShon mm subjects ..ill complete
and the J stage version was .acted
with hmnensu suecess for SJryears.
The plcthTeseem3 desUned to fol
low the sameJLriumphant road and
to win te same high place Ja. the
a anal g if- Xmerican Art. J ' : '
I thej making of "Ben Hur" the
chief roles vrere played by .Ramon
Novarro Francis - X. , Bushman,
May! McAvoy, Claire McDowell,
Kathleen Key, Carmel Myers, Nig
de Brulier, Mitchell Lewis, Leo
White, j Frank Currier, Charles
Belcher, i" Betty Bronson, Dale
Fuller and Winter Hall. ,
'( , ' -
El Cainino Real (the Royal
Road), the magnificent 'highway
that threads California for & thou
8a ad miles has been traversed by
a king's; train at last.
Centuries after the plodding
padres ? broke the trail they in
tended jfor royal usage Its pur
pose' has been fulfilled, in a man
ner, ; and as strange a procession
as ever this ancient thoroughfare
has witaessed-r-ra king's train with
the gilded1 coaches, the caparisoned
escort off mounted attendants, has
moved over the historical road.
But, J the Incongruity of : it was
thatHhis royal train didn't move
over" the highway on its own
wheels, nor did the horses travel
on their; own feet- '
The jentire king's train, an au
thentic reproduction of the train
of King Louis XIII, was taken by
motor transportation from the
Metrp-Goldwyn-Mayer studios to a
distant! mountain location to film
scenes If or "Bardelya the. Magnifi
cent, jthe King Vldor production
starring John Gilbert, whictt shows
at the Oregon April 25-25.. .
, I jKlstiiore Tiieater i"
Realistic, thrilling andabsorh-1
Jng is Vera Ueyti61ds new sjtar pic
tnre 'Cprporal Kate," .which bd
a highly successful premiere at
the Elsindre -theater yesterday. In
this photoplay, the splendid work
done by' women at the front in
France! is: vlyldly and convincingly
Bhrown in a series of dramatic, pa
thetic land -humorous , scenes that
will hold, youc interest t the final
leae-puu. fine pioi nas vita
the advent urea of three girl "bud
dies' on the front; and as the story
unfolds, th.eJnteTest of spectators
never lags- for' an - instant. " It has
been Said -that this Is- 'the: laugh
Ed cy picture of the " World war"
end it lives upfulTy o" that claim-
Jullat Faye' and Kenn&n Thomson,
ho - areXealnredf inr.MIss Ray
Holds'! suppoTjt, - finely, supplement
me aamiraoie wortc or vera Key
xioIdsi the star.. 'The supporting
east. excellent, while the direc
tion by Paul'Sidane is admirable
; In 1 addition to " the picture the
Fanchon and Marco vaudeville bill
will be staged at the Elsinore
theater on - Sunday and Monday
pn this bill will be Amonda Chirot,
sensatfona 1 ' prima donna of the
Wexican Grand Opera company and
her assistants; Jose Mercado. .Geo.
Green, Will Co wan, Doreen Wilde,
Beautiful stage getting of festival
ciossoms wui ' aaa to the enter
tainment. .-----
f Capitol. Theater
Biigh's Capitol will offer five
selected acts . of Sun's Eastern
vaudeville today.
Monday the Capitol will feature
another Pantages road show head
: 1 TI2A Y,
'i l -jyf'i
An J
Mat - y
live, . i
'- &oc -23c
ed by the O'Brien Sextet. The
boys sing some tingling quartet
numbers as an orchestra, with a
wide variety of instruments and
finish with a smashing comedy
number. They wear trim uniforms
and have a great flash act.
Babcock and, Dolly have some
amusing patter about a Broadway
citizen and a little French girl
p.nd the fellow in the act has some;
startling trick, falls. Alexander
and ; Kent present some thrilling
feats on the horizontal r bars
Howard Langford and Mildred
Myra offer a clever? skit called
"Speak Easy.! Langford is a
good looking chap of the Donald
Brian type from the ranks-of mu
sical comedy stars. Miss Myra is
a spring toaie for the eyes.
Princess White Cloud will of
fer several songs. She possesses
a remarkable voice. t
Viola Vercler Holman will offer
a violin solo intermezzo, from T.
AlascaKni, assisiea oy omuei
Phelps Totten at the WurliUer.
iMa vron&eTtul show for tomor-
Hungry? I Don't wait; order
some Better Yet Bread from your
grocer. It is fresh, wholesome
and clean. Made by the Better
Yet Baking Co. ()
Program At Sunday
School Meet Pleases
Double Birthday Social Enjoyed
at Beesley Home
PRATUM, April 23. (Special)
-The program at the Sunday
School business meeting on Friday
evening at the Methodist hcurch
was enjoyed very much. It con
sisted of four piano solos, two se
lections by the Waldo Hills or
chestra, two interesting readings
by Miss Miriam Beesley and J. H.
Thomnson and a song . hy Ralph
Kleen with Mrs. Adam Hersch of- j
ficiatlng at the piano. ' Fred
Hersch is president and Theodore
Witham acted as secretary In the
absence of W. E. Branch. The
attendance yrta not as large as
usual owing to the fact that a
play was given at the high school
at the same hour.
A double birthday surprise so
cial was given in honor of Chaun-
cey Beesley and Arthur de Vries
at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Beesley Saturday " evening. . A,
large number were present and a
very enjoyable evening was spent.
S. J. Yates has moved his gasor l
line pump out from the porch and
now cars may drive on either side
of It.
Fred Hersch, road supervisor, is
planning to have the bump in the
road south of town, removed and
some gravel 'put in the place of
the rock.
At Shipley's the ladles of Salem
have satisfied themselves that they
can get the- finest spring frpcks,
coats and dresses ever shown in
this city. ' ()
Visitors Entertained
U at Many Rickey Homes
RICKEY, April 23. (Special.)
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Caplinger vis
ited in Portland last week, attend
ing the opening ball game..
Dorothy and Patricia Fitzpat-
rick enteretained with an Easter
party Sunday afternoon.; .
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Magee and
daughters spent Easter ' at Scotta
Mills. . "
Mrs. T. Wallace is having a
modern chicken house built.
Mrs. J. Savage and daughter
were recent guests"; of ' Mr. : and
Mrs. D. A. Harris.
Mrs. Arthur, Beniger was a
Portland , visitor last week. , t
Walter Corbet of the Corbet
Meat Market was a visitor at his
farm Monday. , -
Army anc Outing Store. Biggest
bargains in clothing shoes, under
wear, hosiery, gloves;: valises and
suit cases. The working: , man's
store, .189 N. Commercial. ()
Monday N
3 Shows
S 7 9
let's Go!
Salem's Greatest
Headliner -r
Male Harmony Singers and Musicians
Langford & Myca Babcock and Dolly
Comedy Skit "Speak Easy" Comedy Songs and . Talking
Alexander Kent Princess White Cloud
On the Bars,. . . ,'; - Songs '
, . Viola Vercler Holmari, Playing . , . , -:-v
- -".Short Film ?. - Matinee - - - 35c - 10c
; Subjects Evening - --50c'-23e
'HERE TUESDAY , . , ',')
JlezLaald Ix'nny li "The llicerful Fraud.
V 11 - '". '- T . '
nnrniHi nnrw
DrLblHL rilULlllHli
Haze! Green Baseball Team
Won Game From Marion
Nine on Friday
HAZEL GREEN; April 23.
(Special) Thet Comnrunity club
will give a program' oa April 29 J
There will be a play, "Aunt Susan
Jones, a yiolin seleKtlon by, Mrs.
Louisa Johnson and Mrs. Slattum,
also several solos and duets of
old time, songs. There will be a
"jitney" supper and candy booth.
The proceeds will toe used in the
school. : V
Mrs. Sarah Morgan . is at the
Deaconess hospital. She was taken
ill suddenly last week. Mrs. Mor
gan has been visiting her sister-in-law,
Mrs. John Van Cleave, for
several weeks. ; 1 '
Mrs. Deish and son of Portland
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Schneider on. Sunday.:
Quentin and ' Helen : Zelinski
celebrated their birthdays on
Wednesday afternoon with a
partjr. Mrs. J. C. Schneider and
son, James, Mrs. Leuben and
children Marvin and Bernice were
guests " at the home of Mr. , and
Mrs. B. C. Zelinski.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Looney
of Taeoma. Wash., visited at the
G. G. Looney and C. A. Van
Cleave homes this week.
Hazel Green played the Marion
baseball team on Friday after
noon and the score favored the
former. Mrs. Hashlebacher, Mrs.
Ralph Van Cleave. Mrs. Louis
Wampler Mr. and Mrs. Feist and
several others went to Marion to
cheer for the team.
Elsie Woods, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Max Woods, has been
suffering with a sprafned ankle.
The children trying for "the
honor roll in the County Health
Demonstration competition were
examined at Salem on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Davis has
as Easter guests. Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Davis of Monitor, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Slater of Salem.
Mrs. Rasmusoa. and son, Anton,
spent Easter with Henry Rasmus
son of Silverton.
, Mrs. Colbalt visited school on
Mr. and Mrs. Crower of Mos
cow, Idaho, are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. A. T. Van Cleave.
Two Changes Made
In Business Houses
Xew Store to Open ; Baltfry Sold
to Fclin of Salem
SILVERTON, Ore., April 23.
(Special) Two changes have
(been made this week in Silverton
business. circles. The one is the
addition to the Skagg Safeway
store which will open Satarday for
business in the, Masonic Temple.
H. J.1 Eidemiller .of ;Portlang,: has
arrived here to manage the store.
The other change is the sale of
the Silverton Cakery. Loui Bock
who has owned and operated it
for the past few years has sold it
to Joe Felin who' has been mana
ger of the Peerless Bakery in Sa
lem. . - .- A if-
Faculty of Silverton -Schools
Plan Program
SILVERTON Ore:," April 23.
(Special) Among the programs
and entertainments planned for
May will be that given by the fac
ulty of the Silverton schools on
May 5th. The program will con
sist of musical numbers, light op
eras, and a one-act play. Miss
Violet Crofoot is chairman of the
entertainment committee. The
proceeds netted will be.; used on
a new piano for the high school
The Man's Shop saves you a ten
dollar bill on every quality suit.
Shirts, hats, ties, collars. High
grade clothing, perfect fitting and
long wearing. 416 State. ()
'.' S Shows
Come Along!
i in.-:- . , i
Acording to Mrs. CaJvin ooi
idge, Miss Jane Kendall, Washing
ton and Bethesda, ' Md., society
girl, is "the prettiest girl to enter
the White House." Here she is
Several Attend Grange
Meeting Held in Salem
CLOVERDALE, April 23 (
(Special) Mr. and Mrs. Town
sen were visitors at the . Salem
Grange Saturday.
G. Huffman of Liberty was vis
iting in this neighborhobd Sun
day. Mrs. Caroline Drager visited
with her son, Ed Drager,, and fam
ily In the Illihee district Tuesday
Albert Hennies spent a few days
in Portland recently disposing of
his property there.
Grant Warren, nurseryman liv
ing north of Salem, spent the ev
ening here recently with his fath
er who is till on the sick list.
Miss Rosa Drager of Portland
spent Easter here with her moth
er. Mrs. C. Drager.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Townsend at
tended the Pomona Grange in
SEtavton Wednesdav.
Mrs. Terl Whltphoarf n nl
ren spent Easter in Portland with
relatives. -
Halik & Eoff Electric Shop. 337
Court St. Everything electric.
from motors and fixtures and sup
plies to wiring. Get prices and
look at complete stocky , ()
Samuel Phelps Totten
to Leave fcr Seattle
Viola Vercler Holman will play
special a solo number at the Capi
tol theater Sunday and Monday,
accompanied at the Wurlitzer hy
Samuel Phelps TottenJ Mr. Jot-
ten will close his engagement at
the Capitol theater Monday, and
he will take a short vacation be
fore opening his engagement at
Seattle. -
Mr. Toten has made a host of
friends during his stay in Salem.
Cecil Deacon has been engaged
to play the ascending Wurlitzer
starting -Tuesday. Cecil Deacon'
is a local boy and has studied
with Miss Shelton on the piano.
Mr. Deacon came to Salem re
cently from the Colliseum theater
at Tillamook.'..,
Take no chances with old meats
or stale food of any kind, teuy your
meats here and have the best and
freshest -obtainable and at a mini
mum cost. Hunt & Shaller, ,263
N. ComL ' vi ... , ()
' The Winchester Star
Phone 172 120 N. OomL fit
be rf:: H'ml
arriving at New York with her
two pet whippets, "Don" and
"Peter," after passing three
months in : England and France
gathering her wedding trousseau-
Educators Attend
Monmouth Meeting
Superintendents Meet Many Pros
pective School Teaclhers
MONMOUTH, April 23. (Spe
cial.) Approximately 500 educa
tora attended the educational con
ference held at the Oregon Normal
school in Monmouth today, hear
ing speakers from all of the prin
cipal Colleges of the Pacific coast.
Dr. Arnold B. Hall, president of
the University of Oregon, was un
able to attend, his place being tak
en by Dr. George Rebec, dean of
the university graduate school.
Dr. Rebec addressed the assembly
on the subject, "Idealism."
Dr. Giles M. Ruch of the school
of education, University of Cali
fornia, spoke on the scientific
phases of educational instruction.
Dr. Hyhian Meltzer of OAC dis
cussed intelligence- tests.
Many school superintendents
took advantage of the conference
to meet prospective instructors for
the- coming year.
The meet closed with fraternity
banquets followed by the piano
concert given in the school audi
torium by David Campbell of Port
land, celebrated artist.
StatesmamAds Bring Results
a - b t w w . m .
FsgmwAL man
i I Featuring "
Sensational Prima tonna of the Mexican Grand
Opera company' v
And . , -
Jose Mercado, George Green, Will Cowan
Doreen Wilde
Beautiful Stage Setting of Festival Elossorris
Hard Time Dance Attracts
Large Crowd arid Proves.
Very Successful .
(Special.) Mr,, and Mrs. S. M.
Bennett and son Jimmie of Mll
waukie7"Orew spent Easter Sunday
vsith Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Saueres
sig. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lawrence
and son Virgil of Albany visited
relatives here on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. T. Maplethbrpe
and Miss'Loraine Hogg of Salem
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Magee were
in' Portland Wednesday on busi
ness. '
Matt and Herbert Waibel spent
Sunday visiting friends at Canby
Mr. and Mrs. Mell Haynes of
Portland visited, Mr. and Mrs.
Mell Haynes of. Portland visited
Mr. and Mrs. George Haynes the
first of the week.
Miss Lila Brougher and Mrs.
Harvey Brougher of Portland vis
ited at the A. L. Brougher home
over the week-end. j
Mr. and Mrs. H. Donaldson and
family and Joe Shedick of Salem
visited Mr. and Mrs. Reuben De
Jorden Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Marts aiid
family of Salem visited Mr. and
Mrs. George Myers Monday. j
John Gersch who is working in
2003 X. Capitol. Phone 520
Sunday and Monday
Continuous show Sunday j
2 to 11 p. m. !
A real mystery comedy drama.
Always 25c, Children lOc
Tuesday and Wednesday Nito
7 and O p. m.
"The Cave Man" j
Come if you really want to i
Laugh Comedies
Always 25c, Children 10c ,
Thursday, Friday Xito
7 and O p. in. ;
"Rocking Moon"
A big picture taken in Alaska.
Don't miss this one Comedies
Always 25c, Children 10c j
, j Matinee 2:30
"A Regular Scout" "
. Any Seat
Evenings 7 and 9 P. M.
I wxan
APRIL 24, 1927
Portland visited his parents . here
on Sunday. . J ':
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hogg were
In Salem Friday on business.
The hard time dance given by
the R- N. A. club Monday evening
was attended v by a large' crowd.
i J
. ' ".';.
I ' i
I r i
Sunday and Monday, May 1 and 2
Evenings at 8:30 Matinee Monday at 2:30
. (Editorial from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer)
"The great book and play,
BEN HUR. that have immortal
ized the name of Gen. Lew Wal
lace, may how; be seen upon the
screen, produced with a pow
er and magnificence . fully
worthy of the task.
"All those ' engaged in this
stupendous production are to be
congratulated upon the render
ing of a real public service, a
contribution of the highest
merit in the realm of art, and
an education and inspiration
destined to be a benefit t6
tens of millions of Americans,
now and for many years to
Nearly everybody knows the
story. The Romans have con
quered Jerusalem and are in
power there. The young Jew
ish prince, Ben Hur, of the an
cient house of Hur, antedating
by centuries the proudest of
the Romans, -is the center of
Lew Wallace's grea book. '
Ben Hur will be presented at the
Exactly as in New York and Los Angeles, with
and complete Auricular Effects
Direct From the Auditorium, Portland :
75, 1.10 and 1.65 50, 75 and 1.10
A Great Star iri His
Greatest Triumph 1
production starring
JOHN . "
10c - 33c
10c - 35c -50c
everyone reported having a fine
GIlt and DuPont explosives
(fuse --blasting caps). Lumber "
and all building materials. Gab
riel Powder & Supply Co.. 610 v
Capitol. Tel. 2248. ( ,j
When Glasses Are
New Location
Dr. C. B. O'Neill
Fourth Floor
First National Bank Building
Phone 625
to the.
"With good Judgment.- good
taste, and with powerful ef
fect, the divine figure of 'Christ
is not shown on the screen.
Only a white hand, now work
ing with the carpenter's tools,
now outstretched in miraculous
healing, reveals the glorious
presence. .
"Far ahead of other stage
and film productions, Ben
Hur is more than a moving pic
ture, more than a play.
"It is a. magnificent presen
tation bf world history, show
ing the military power of the
Romans, the spiritual power
and undying courage of the
Jewish race, and the ever new
story of the life of Christ, His,
work, the trial, and the cruci
fixion. "Not to see this picture of
Ben Hur. is a misfortune. Not
to have your children 'see it is
an injustice to those children."
TSTEVER has JoKn Gilbert,
, great star of "The Big
Parade and La Boheme, ap
peared to better advantage on
the screen than in this swash
buckling story of flaming hearts
and flashing swords!
AH lovers of real romance will thrfl
to the stirring adventure, the ligbfr
hearted way in which Gilbert a
Bard el ys flirts with danger and Unfc
at death to win a lovely lady's favor.
A magnificent production, directed
the genius of King Vidort
mi" .,
y in-