The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1927, Page 18, Image 18

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I- !
sunday MORyiNq-Apnic2iriD2r
- 111 " 1 " " T : 7 ' : i r -
sego mwa
dee f
More ' Reservationos Made
' onU. S, Liners Than on
. . r Any Other Lines I
Vtae American ' people are keen
ly ; interested in ' their Ajmerican
Merchant marine, reservations for
the American Legion's 9th Annu
al Convention is Paris, Franee;
September 19 to 23, Inclusive, in
dicate. - ' '
This - statement, was contained,
In a' report made to' Howard P.
Savage,' National Commander by
John J. ' Wlckeri Jr., National Tra
vel Director, that more reserva
' tlons had been made on U. S.
Liners" than on any of the ships
contributed by the six other , par
ticipating steamship, companies.
( .'The American Merchant Ma
rine leads In the number of reser
vations made," 'National Comman
der Sa race jiald-V -
- "Furthermore, the reservations
Include Legionnaires and other
eligible from ; every state in. the
Union.' indicating positively that
Legionnaires not only are willing
to travel on dry ships, but tbat
:they wish to support American
owned lines and help ' maintain
the American flag on the high
seas." Of the seven " participating j
' steamship ; lines only the U. S.
Line has the privilege of accept
ing reservations from any state;
the other ..companies accepting
allotment of territory. .
"There now seems little doubt
but that the U.,S. Line ships, both
In' the advance and main sailing
will be filled to capacity within a
short time.' The American Le
gion is proud of the support giv
en to the U. S. Lines in this special
pilgrimage." -j
.- At the. present rate of reserva
tion inflow, Cqmmanderj- Savage
said, the movement will have its
capacity of 30,000 by the time
- the first' alr a ace sailing it made
August 10. x . .
.It was pointed out that the res
ervation , period will not close in
March. 1 Reservations; may be
made for several months to come
under the present schedule, al
though, Commander Savage said,
late applicants will not have the
amount, of choice to select from
that is now available.
Big Step as Trust
BERLIN -if; (AP)
Minister Gnstav Stresemann took
his first big step toward I national!
prominence when only . it years
old,; by acting as a "trust buster."
This is revealed by Baron Rochus
'vo Rbeinbaben in a foreword and
character sketch written for a new
two-volume collection of j speeches
and' writings of Stresemann.
v According to Rbeinbaben. , Stre
semann, Just tout of college, be
- came assistant to- the executive di
. rector of the j League of German
Chocolate Manufacturers He dis
covered that the sugar trust, held
. complete sway over the Industries
using sugar chiefly by dictating
sugar prices. "- :
Stresemann found a simple solu
tion; he persuaded the chocolate
. manufacturers and other large;
users of sugar to build a factory of
their own. It worked) ' like a
charm; before even the framework
. of the building , was -erected, the
power of the sugar trust was
broken. : :. f: r .. ';' r.
. In-hls political career Strese
mann has often used the device of
defeating me oluer lellaw at his
own game. . .
Scientist Says Sun's
Spots Make Good .Wine
PARIS -AP) Sun" spots and
atmospheric ? disturbances .appar
ently con'trlbute to the making of
fine vintage wines. y
Circumstantial evidence to this
effect has been offered to the
Academy of ; Sciences by ; Dr. Ar
sene d'Arsonvar, an eminent scien
tist.' in behalf of Dr. Lakhovsky,
a specialist' in biology. '"
Every fine Vintage year,' from
IS 11 called the "Comet Year"
down to the present,' was found to
coincide" with 'intense, activity of
three phenomena, sun spots, the
aurora' borealis and magnetic per
turbations. !
Wine ia full of living organisms,
in its early stages, and it Js sug
gested that they "vibrate" or per
form in some manner in sympathy
with the atmospheric activity. -
Thk three scorer scientists of the
academy, the supreme body of its
kind In France, were the more im
pressed by the discovery of why
wine, is good, because Lakhovsky
utilized official records.
Boarding Houses Maintained
by Rangers in Rocky
Mountains in Winter
cial) The superintendent of Gla
cier park reports tbat bis 1926-
27 winter "open air" boarding
places, for deer were well attend
end In the valleys' of the Rocky
mountains during,: the rigorous
months. Several -hundred storm
driven animals were succored.
He rejports: "We feed our deer
and elk only when weather condi
tions work an obvious handicap
op the animals and then the feed
ing is done ; in certain localities
where the game normally yards
and where the park service has
previously stored many tons of
hay. One hundred deer are usu
ally fed two bales of hay at a
meal. Elk generally require more
but are, sparingly fed because of
their well-known tendency to be
come cow-like in their dependence
on artificial feeding. In a very
short time elk will allow them
selves to depend entirely on arti
ficial feeding and will not hustle
for their natural feed. They are
naturally lazy and we feed them
with caution in order to prevent
having to feed them entirely. N
"Our principal feeding grounds
are at Polebridge Danjrer .station
on thVwest side of the Continen
tal Divide, Logging Ranger sta
tion. 'Park headquarters, and the
North Park Ranger station near
the junction of the North Fork
and the Middle Fork of the Flat
head, these being all deer yards.
Along the south side of the park
we feed near the mouth of Little
St. Mary creek, at Red Eagle
Ranger station and Pinnacle sta
tion, the Red Eagle station being
an elk yard. On the east side we
feed only elk and sheep, main
taining a large open stack of wild
hay in Red Eagle Valley for the
elk. and supplying bailed hay to
the Bighorn sheep in Many Gla
ciers, as it is needed. At each of
these places qne of our perman
ent rangers takes care of the feed
ing and reports, conditions regu
larly to headquarters through the
chief ranger.'
Uwork guaranteed.
O. W: Day, tires, tubes and ac
cessorie. nasi the Goodyear tires.
the standard of the world. Mr.
Day can give you .morej mileage.
Corner Com'l and Chemeketal ()
.-jj- , l -jsk..-
v ' Parker ft Co.. 444 31 jcommer-
ctajL Don't iair- to - see Parker
abodt repairing your cat.. Expert
mechanics at your service. Ail
So Far No Attempts Made to
Stop Women From Knit-5
. ting in Courts v
, LONDON.: (AP) May women
knit while serving as' jurors ' in
court? . , ; . '
One woman has , already . done
it In- Justice Avory'a- court, to the
consternation of ; anti-feminists,
and , there does not seem to ' be
arty way to stojr the practice. The
middle-aged woman who ; estab
lished the precedent-took off her
hat -in a business-like manner
when she entered: the jury box.
produced her knitting and went
to work. - ':; - ;
She listened, attentively to the
proceedings, looking up from time
to' time, when something interest
ed "her especially., ' It was clear
that she was following Uhe - pro
ceedings carefully, so' there ' was
no opening to charge ner with
inattention. f
On another occasion a woman
juror : passed chocolates to other
women who were serving on the
jury. This was done "discreetly
and nd official action was taken
of the act.
Women witnesses who were
waiting to testify haye frequently
Knitted m British coflrts, espec
ially In war times, and no attempt
has ever been made to stop ,this
John Bull Quits button .i .
t , for Chickea and Pork
French'1 Village Awaits
- : Return of US Soldiers
LONDON- (APJ John Bull Is
abandoning boiled mutton with
onion sauce. In faVor of boiled
chicken and boiled pork. J
The old. fellow Btill insists on 4
having . bis meat, boiled, also hia
vegetables. But mutton is going
out of fashion,. There were 2 -
000,000 sheep in England . andj
Wales in 1908,' but there are now
less than 14.000,000. Poultry
farms are springing UP every
where. ' Pig farms are also increas
ing and much; more pork is being
eaten; The acreage of cultivated
land is steadily decreasing, but of
ficial reports show the land occu
pied by dairy farmers is steadily,
ou the Increase and milk produc
tion is growing. The number of
persons engaged in agriculture
and horticulture in England and
"Wales is 1,100,000 and has been
practically the same for many
years in spite - of ' the prevalent
opinion that it is. declining.
-In this dreaming village along
the A lane 'where Americans turn.
ed ' back the Germans In ' July,
1918, a "gaunt old man" awaits
with eager ewe the "second com
ing" of the Americans. ' Albert
Bethlacourt. ' Chateau Thierry's
mayor, "iopes the; American Le
gion convention at Paris will. at
tract ; many: of. the doughboys
whom he knew in war days.
"Les Americans bon comrades !
ah! Tres bon. Cest ca?" ana m.
Bethincourt: laughsmerrily. He
recalls, the banquet tendered him
by infantrymen of j the twenty
sixth division when he was served
bully beef and-beans from a field
kitchen and white bread from a
gunny sack.
Mv Bethincourt is chairman of
Chateau Thierry's committee of
welcome to the Legionnaires. .
Classified Ads Bring Results
For the . wrecked and damaged
automobile, Hull's, 267 S. Com'l.
St. Tel. 578. Tops, glass, radiator,
body and -fender work. No over
charges here. Expert work. ( )
(Continued from Page 1.)'
(Continued from- Page.l.)
British Army to Wear
Rubber Heeled Shoes
LONDON -(AP) The British
army soon will lie marching -on
rubber heels. ' ' ,
The familiar tramp of soldiers
marching at dawn along the
Thames embankment, to 'or from
their job guarding the Bank of
England, has ceased.
No sound Is heard because the
guards are wearing rubber heels
as an experiment, which is said to
have been so successful that the
army authorities are sanctioning
rubber heels for all army ranks.
It has been established that
rubber heels lessen fatigue and
Increase efficiency
old-time cattleman saw not only
much to attract his Interest,, but
apparent prospects of good profit.
Mr. Pierce was a breeder and
feeder of beef cattle for over 30
years. During that time he. bred
up and developed one of the best
herds of range cattle in the north
west, all "white faces." The cows
are extremely large, many of the
breeding herd weighing 1400
pounds. He always used purebred
sires, selected for size and quality.
It is from this herd that a large
proportion of the cattle, used in
feeding experiments at the east
ern - Oregon experiment station
were secured during the last 10
years. Mr. Pierce had built up a
reputation also for scientific man
agement of his range, of which he
owns close to 9000 acres. He sees
in the slightly increased price for
beef, with a possible greater in
crease,, hope for a little better
times for i beef cattle raisers, but
he has decided to sell his entire
herd, with the posible exception of
about 100 promising yearling
heifers, they may gd, too.
His cattle band is only half as
large as when he. became gover
nor, iour years ago last January
and, like practically all other beef
cattleman, he has been losing mon
ey consistently. He is one of the
governors who came out office
poorer than he went in, partly due
to the long illness and death of
Mrs. Pierce during his term of of
fice. He has a band of 600 cows
and calves and .admits the sale is
to help pay off obligations. He
still loves the catte, but has pans
to fill up the range with sheep.
With the lambs coming so nicely
be has dreams of real profit from
the ranch and range once again.
L. B. Pierce, son of the ex-governor,
ia the sheep' man of the firm.
dens, across the river on the Wal
lace road, are arranged in har
mony style with many clever com
binations. f.Their plantings are
splendid models for others inter
ested in suchflowers.
The plantings of W. C. Frank
lin may be reached by turning to
the right on Browning avenue off
Liberty road, one half mile beyond
the end of the old street car line,
These, too, show exceptional
' The L. J. Chapin gardens, eight
miles north of the city on the
river road, are available for those
caring for a longer trip.
Mr. Pierce has in almost 1000
acres of wheat and it was certain
ly looking fine when visited.
Qertainty Orange Blossom
Orange Blossom because its significance .has been
identified with the marriage ceremony through the
ages. Orangej Blossom because this exclusive
Traub design speaks the last word in wedding ring
fashion Orange Blossom because thcTraub trade
mark, found only in; Genuine Orange Blossom
rings, definitely establishes supremcquality. Let us
show you the three perfectly matched leaders pfc--'
tured below engagement solitaire.bfide's ring and
. bridegroom's ring.- Remember, Traub rings, -all
of the highest, quality, arc priced as lev as $12.
Corner State and' Liberty . . .
Hundreds of Supreme Court
Judges concur in highest praise
of the work as their Authority.
The Presidents of all leading Uni
versities, Colleges, and Normal
Schools give their hearty tndont
menx. t ,
All States that have adopted a
large dictionary as itandard have
selected Webster's New Interna
tional. The Schoolbooks of the Country
adhere to the Merriam-WeDster
system of diacritical marks.
The Government Printing Office
at Washington uses it as authority.
WRITE for sample page of the Na
Voriii,. fpecitnen cf fUgulat and India.
Plpeo. FREE.
II I : ' L U
Hand-made Clotier
and there Is onTy one suit-;
ihg in each design assuring 5
patrons of material .which is
Moreover i ts 'different' ;
in woriitrianship,t Ircfession-t
ally cut And V tailored and
riveted togetrVwillv little
stitchers which held in shape
sturdy material,
' Many hot" weather' dvifcmt ami
texturm front wnicK iv ttcivct t :
D. H.Xcsher
. Tbe Merrbaot TaUor
474 Court tit.
i f
, I la
i ..-rr.w(
1 1
'where savings are greatest"
160 North Liberty Street, Salem
in all our planning for our 25th or Silver Annisary
to again exemplify that slogi, which has been the. guiding TTS'
for 25 years, "Pack the Customer's Dollar Full of Value : and SaUsf action! AH our
customers are invited to observe with us our 25th Milestone.
25tf Anniversary 1
Getting Better
The fifth week of the cele
bration of our Silver Year con
tinues with interest unabated.
Each Department continues to
contribute to the enjoyment of
the crowds who are , finding
here presentations of the sea
son's most-needed goods in
qualities that pre-eminently
satisfy and at prices which sub
stantiate our statement that it is
here that savings arc greatest.
- More and more the public
is realizing that in our great
buying power there is a saving
power which means consider
able to every thrifty housewife
. or woman who demands the ut
most in style and quality at the
most reasonable prices obtain
able. Spring shopping has never
been attended with more satis
fying experiences.
25A Anniversary
Leather Belts
For Men
Genuine leather, heavy,
IK inches wide; two-tone
combinations of Black-Grey,
Fair-Tan, Blue-Grey t also
plain colors. Splendid qual
ities at the popular price of.
25& Anniversary
Men's Pajamas
Ua4e of
Moon, finer cooatracied;
lm; extra fna cat oa otrr
Jumbo jatkr low silk
frogs, One of featured val
ues at the moderate price of,
25 Anniversary
Spring Suits
For Men
models. Depend
able quality serg
es, worsteds and
unfinished - wort "
teds. B 1 a e , "
browns, greys
mixtures and
stripes. Tailored
and finished to . '
our hish stand-
j 25th Anniversary
Rarhoha Cloth
Linen-Finish Fabric ':
' Sold Only hj V -
, . A fine, triaterial lines-fin-1
iah and-excluive1. our
. ' 'v-'f V' wide and"
25th Anhiverzary
Fresh . Curtains and Drapes
i I i m m
ta Tfff.
Spring is the tme to" freshen, up
your home to make ready for sun
shiny days, and open doors and win
dows. Pillows and furniture cover
ings should be gay, too I
Cretonnes, new patterns - in such
variety. Yard 10c and 29c.
Ruffled Curtains make friendly
windows. Plain white pair 80c.
Filet Nets to use with or with
out drapes. Yard 19c. .
- Our Single and
Double Compact
Exclusively our product
this .dainty compact, deli
cately scented. The powder
is adhesive without : being
conspicuous. Low-priced ac
cording to our policy.
-if . ..
49c 98c
Boys' Shir ts
. " For, School
s. In charnbrajs, khakrrvrillt
and fast col-
or oercales. - A
For school V, t
play or een- fJT
crai w tc r. a, i
Wide value
1 25Hi Anniversary
Fancy- Aprons
t V Bright Colors
They are attractive "even
when company is around
because the ." ? 1
colors are gay . -1 yg ,
and they - are
trimmed with -a
. two-tone edge;
applique flower
and pocket.
r a
2S& Anniversary
"JCP" libr;
Oor vary own big!!qi3a7
a sCk crepe da chine splendid
election of good coton S3
inchai wide. Yardr -
An Excellent Value In Oxford
" That Will Satisfy Particular Men
One of the new arrivals
in Spring Oxfords for
- Men. - Of solid tan calf;
, Goodyear welt and rubber
heels. A splendid shoe for
style and -wearing quali
ties. One of our excep
tional vaiuea
v " 1 25th Anniversary u
Svagger Spring Oxford
..... - tor the Uutdoor Ciirl , -w
1 . Style begins with the toes or it never begins at all
and - there's . somcthinff. suggestive of snappy, buoyant
youth in these trim Four-Eyelet Ties with square tip
and embossed leath
er applique." Sensibly;
priced too at,
Corset-Brass ierea
The Ideal garments fo
correct, sup
port and smart
moulding . of
the figure
does . away
with a break
at the top of
the corset,
The. model
pictured is
priced at ,(.
1 25& Anniversary
Matron Hats
Many Style "
t : -Larger head
v sixes : an d
...are ..youthful
'.yet .dignified.
Straws and transparent
braids are the materials.
- , .' i
25tH Anniversary
No. 445 Hose
Full- Fash i oned ' - ,
A popular, hose -fos long
wear at a small price J Full
fashioned hose of silk with a
fibre thread for added dura
bility. So -low-priced.
25& Anniversary
All Sill: Hcce
.', , Full Fashioned! .
Hundreds of women att
over the. country are- wear
ing our No. 449 all silk,
full-fashioned hose in the,
favored-.Sprjng colors. Pair. .
. . , i jv .
25 A Anniversary
View: Lingerie
Sprinilnia Stylet
Whether your
feminine ' heart
beats faster to
tailored styles
or frilly ones
there are car-
! ments yoall like
in this assort
rrit. Pastel
shades. ;
Vest. Ge.
Chmie, Sl!p,
Stp-ins .
TRATB tnul
Omjs filossom
. ..... .. - .