The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1927, Page 16, Image 16

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    r r
lath and Crater Hts. Pastor, A. F.
ITilmer, rsi4eae, 684 N. Winter Strast,
phone 6SO-M.. SrYiecs 11 a. as., 8 p. as.
Surmoii topicii ;"Ai I Mr Brother'
- Kaepertf 8unday school is called at
10, Superintendent, XL H. Or la pp. Ep
worta La(ns 7:15, Bertha Cari. leadar.
At ''clock the extension department of
taa Vmasa's Fo-reiffa. alissionarvi Society
witl five a program in which Mrs. Paim-
: aoacias (in an address. Yon are
velcsna4 . Tba- avaaiag service H is Esf
lihh tie , morning sermon in Germaa.-.
.- u.r - - :.
wmi Ma iiart atreeta, tr. if. Calver,
pastor. Bandar school. 9:45. U. L. Thorn
ton, superintendent. Preaching and com
snaniosk service sill. Subject of sermon,
"Tti Lord' Onr Passorer Sacrificed for
tTa." Evangelical league of Christian
, Endsavar at :30. Daright Nash, presi
dent. Bertha afagaaa, leader. At 7:30
the pastor will speak oi-"CdiUoaa -as
ther wars in Oregon thirty-five years ago
and eenditioaa as they are today. Walt's'
wreasjf f - , Specaal ' tern Dera ace bicaJ
'Bumbera Vill ;ba rendered. , i r-
Chemeketa and Cottag streets;
rsstor. Rev. J. IU- Back; res if once, 751
Chemeketa Ht.. phono 89 Weak day aor
jeta 7:O0a. m. every, aHy. At 4he :00
mass oar Sunday, - the First Commsstaa
claaa ,will , -receive. Music ? by -Sacred
Heart Aosdeiay. At the lft.OO vo'cloek
(nasi the faster mosfe vr5H he repeated.
Evirfime, Catholic an Jioi-Catholie wei-
39th land Marian Sts.. pastor, diss. H.
HopkTns. residence, 'I960 Marion. - phone
479-W;f aitaat pastor. Mrs. Hopkins.
Services f -II sav au. 7:30 p. ra. Sermon
topic: sivlile Lots a. m. Special
siarrngm Sunday. Sunday school. 9:45
-a. m.z i superintendent. Prank Lit wilier.
Senior foaag People 'a meeting 6:30 p. m.
Mildred-Nonnemaker, president. . Junior
Christian Endeavor. 6:45 p. ra., Mrs.
ThoraasXanaerasker, leader. Week day
services - Wednesday evening at '-7:30
prayer wad praise meeting, led by the
pastor. i Sunday afternoon Mrs. Hop
kins will preach ia the Methodist Old
People's. Home at 3 o'clock. .The pastor
will preach Sunday morning. 'Sunday
evening a missionary program and open
ing of Thank Offering boxes of the Wo
aoan's j Missionary society.
Ameo-tcaa Lntheran chare h - will bold
regular aerricca at 4 p. m. in the First
Presbyterian church on North Church St.
Ser. Lather B. Deck via be in charge
and deliver the message en "Loving Je
ans, a r Test and a Challenge.", New
members are joining every week. . A- cor
dial invitation ia extended to all.
Corner of Capitol and ! Marion streets.
Suadsy school 10 a. m. and English, ser
ies 1 1 ,a. bx. M. Denny, minister.
First Church Corner of Liberty and
Chemeketa Sts., Sunday morning services
abject' jpf lesson sermon, "Probation Af-!
ter Death." Wednesday evening testi
monial faaeeting at 8 o'clock. Sunday
school i sessions convene at 9:45 and 11
a. an. itteading room 406 Masonic temple,
open daily. rou 11 to 5:30 except Sun
days and holidays...
Conrregationaftitth. and Ferry Sts.
H.' C. Stover, jmnls ter. Sunday school at
19 a. i m.; C. : C. 'Harris,' superintendent.
Mernisg service st 11. Sermon subject:
Humility." Mrs: Tsfenadge sad Mar
low. Miller will sing "The New World"
by Johnson-. Christian Endeavor at; 15 :45
p. m. f Evening service at 7 :30. ' the pas-
nariai,-,!fV"The choir will sjnf '.'The Hea
as Declare' (Balnes). Midweek . .-sere,
ivs Thursday evsning. -. t fr'ti,
Corner (if North-5th and Gaines streets.
8abbsth hVhool 1:I5 a. in,' iPreachine
service lliSO a. m.7 t ouag People's
meetiag 5:00 p. m. Prsyer metifig7 :45
Wednesday night. 8ermoul7:45 SuHdjCy
Might.: Subject. "The Present Work of
Christ in Heaven."
(V SWfteT'i-
343 1-3 Court St. Paster, C. H. John
Son, residence,-4a 1-South Cottage street.
fiervUes 2 :30 snd 8 p.' ra. Sunday school
1 :30 p. m superintendent, Sam Berkey.
Week day services: Tuesday. Thursday
nd Saturday evenings. Mission is open
tor prsyer every day. . ' i '
Corner S. Winter aad Jefferson Sts.
Thomas Aeheaon,. pastor. ' Mrs. A. M.
. ueatry ana Koaert Witty. - aelpers, m
fcherge of young people's work. The pub-
lie will be gladly welcomes at the follow
ing services on the coming Lord's Day;
church school 9:45 aw Ou, seven separate
departments care for-all sges. -11 a. m
publie worship aader auspices of the W.
T. M, S. Pastor's theme: "The New
all of Missions." Annual thank: offer-
g to be received. Junior church -aieets
Wealey Hall at thia honr. Special in
yitation to the young people. Three chap
ters oi the pworth League Intermed
iate, Senior and Adult Young People
meet at 6:30 for devotional - services.
Public worship 7:30 p. m.. Sermon theme:
'Wanted A Moral Awakening. Where!
TPhent" Special muaie at morning anil
evening services, welcome everybody.
I 1346 N. Church St. Pastor, J. J. Gil-
Bespte, 1315 N. Church Bt, phone 2081 -J
Servioes l"i a. m- 7:30 p. m. Sermon
Tonics: "Submission trt Oversee and tn
- Fsch Other," a. m.? Tie Parable of the
its lrgms, - .- Pwaoay school 10
a. ssv, superintendent, Mrs. -Walter Bsr-
xua. xoung Peoples meethtg 6:80 p, m
Prayer service st Mrs. .OUe Nelson 'i
I 1353 Hines St. . Tnesdav - cnmlni 7 -AS
: Prayer service st the chapel Wednesday
' evening i :va. ; reacaers meeting 7 ;30.
, I jCssioitary alliance gospel
Ferry and 8. Coture Sts. Dr. E. F.
Vebber, pastor. : 9:45 a, w Sunday
acaooi. jsrar-jsoiiio v tlaon, supenntend-
ent. Jtamiag worship 11 a. sermon
uhjeet, "The Christiaa'a luty. - There
. wili be an evangelistie service:, Sunday
evening. ins pastor win bring a mes
sage from the subject, "Twenty-eight Bi
ble Prophecies. Spoken Over a Period of
front five to Fifteen Hundred Years That
Were Literally Fulfilled in One Day."
He preaches oa Tuesday and Friday eve
ings. .7:30 p. m. T. P. H. meets Satur
day eveniag. Mr. Floyd Steward, presi
ens. - . . , -
kUoraer of Chemeketa and North 17th.
stor. X E. Erskine, residence, 268 N
17th St., phone ) 008-W. Services: 11 a.
9-. 7 :30 p. m. - Sermon topics: "Anoint
ed and Stirred." a. at, "Marks That TeU
etory." p. m. Sunday school:. 10 a,
tn., superintendent,! O. R. Strsosbsugh.
.vsngeiicsljeague of Christian Endeav
or at 6:30.- leader, Vester Hubbard. In
. service Friday evening at 7:30, ia charge
iermediate Endeavor at same hoar. Prayer
f Rev. G. L. Lovell. To be followed
with quarterly conference. Traimnt class
- -ill take examiaatiesv Wednesday evening
at 6: JO. Members of the church will
net to reorganiso the . Sunday school
Thursday evening at -130. Meeting of
las euiciai poara win ioiiow. .j
, . - t - - H T .
I Market -and Winter.. - Pastor, jf, T. Tay
lor. residence' 122 A. N. - Winter, phone
2296-W. SeVvlcesrll a. m.. 3:30. 7:30
- aa. " Morning 'T,jert: "Tabernacle in
the Wildemew.':'?, ' Aflemoon i aubiect:
- VWby I I-ft the JewUb Religion, aad Be
me a ChrtiUisn -" v Afternoon service
Will be aekj r ine- rugniaan r nm
Hiurrh. onsi-f - J! aePhee, soojg leader,
fpecial songs-ViIMe rendered at each of
iie aervice. mit acnom jaa a.
nnerinlendcnt - 1J:' F. S. SchutS. Rev
V. C. liekiu.- converted Jew will preach
it each of the t hired serviees.' j Forenoon
nd evening sorviee wilt be in the Free
Methodist -church, i At the afternoon ser
tice the evangelist will dress i the csrb
of a Jewinh priet Revival services con
tinued .each eveniag of the week except
ftaturdar. Larze crowds are attending
toe services. Mr. Beakia is peculiarly
' f.tted by his training for a Jewish rabbi
it speak npon, the subjects which he ia
doling with snd ha is giving laformatioa
Kuch as the peoute of Salem hav pever
heard before. 1 not fail to hear him
this Ut week ef t'.ie services, j - .
lth S"i I cry s'reets. it. nsnsen,
raster. i,vas;-..-bt: Wm. Dootk Clibbora
win apeakeSatardsy evening at 8 o'clock.
Mr. Clibbora is a grsndsoa el Was. Booth,
founder of the Salvation Army, and will
bring the message of the evening with
unusual power and vigor Praise service
suadsy morning at 10:30, at which time
we will taks communion. Services at 8
o'clock and 7:30 Sunday afternoon and
evening. ' Children's chorea Saturday af
ternoon at 2: SO under the supervision of
Mrs. Howard Olson. Bible stories and
the' singing of juvenile songs make this
howr - especially -interesting to the chil
dren. Sunday school st 1:45 Sunday af
ter soon. Meetings every evening next
week, exeept Monday evening,' at 7:45.
lard DeYoe, pastor. Sunday school at
' South Commercial and' Myers. J. Wil
9:45, E. A. Rhoten, superintendent. The
morning service at 11 o'clock. Tho pas
tor will speak oa "The Corses of Intem
perance." The chorus will sing and Rev.
end Mrs.: De Toe will sing -"On' the
Cross,", by special request for the. offer
tory. The Junior Learue will meet at
11 o'clock. Miss 'Mary Huff, jnperintend
eat. ? The- Senior, League will, -meet . at
6:0 o'clock.. The Francis Asbury League
will not bold a devotional meetiag as they
will attend tbe district convention at Al
bany, - The evening service will be heK
at 1 7 :30 o'clock. , The subject will - be
"Prohibition, Its Nullification and the
Cause of Lawlessness." The chorus will
sing and other special music will be ren
dered. The mid-week service will - be
held on Thursdsy evening st 7:45 instesd
of 7:30 as heretofore. The subject will
be "Love Stories of the Bible." (request
ed! Big Brotherhood meeting and bsn
qoet oa Mondsy evening st 6:30 ia the
basement of the church. This will b- an
important meeting, election of officers
sad other -special business.
rntsr Methodist
Corner State and Church. Pastor, F.
C. Taylor, resMtence, 636 State St phone
974. Director religious education, Mar
garet K. Sutherland, phone 872.- Services
11 s.- m., 7:30 p. n. Sermou topies:
"The Divine Dynamic," . m. "Money
Bags vs. Missions," a World Service
play girea by the Standard Bearers,!), m.
Anthem: "Christ Triumphant" by. Yon
Incidental solo by Ronald Craven. Solo,
"With Joy the Impatient Husbandman,"
from the Creation, . Loyd Thompson. San
day school: 9:45. a. m, superintendent,
Mr. H. P. Shanks. University Epworth
League. Topic: "Must We Lose To
Win!" Leader, Irene Breithanpt. First
Church Chapter in the Annex. Prayer and
Praise service Jed by .the pastor on Thurs
day night at 7:30. General Aid Society
on Wednesday sfternoon in- the church
psrlors. Junior rtaurrh at 11 a', m. in the
Annex. Junior sermon: "The Temple
Treasure chest.
Liberty and Marion. Pastor, Rev, Er
nest H. Shanks, residence. 549 X. Liberty,
phone 1920. Services: 11 s. m., 7:30 p.
m. Sermon topics: "The Heavenly
Home" a..i..-r."The Conquering King,"
p. , m. Anthems: "Now the Earth in
Resurrection;" Shelly and "Peace I
Leave With You," Roberts. Solos: "O
next in the Lord,'" Mendelssohn, Mrs.
Ethel Lan and selected. Mrs. Leon Jen-
mson. Hunday school: 9:4, superintend
ent. Ed Schnnke. B. Y. P. C. st 6:30.
Mid-week service for prayer and Bible
study on Thursdsy ecening at 7.: 30.
Center and Hieh. Pastor. K n. m!
ker. residence, 1080 N, Winter, phone
1784-W. r Assistant nastor. Vivian fi
Whietar, residence 444 N Winter, phone
481-W-, Services 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m.
Sermon topics: "Chrittisn Conduct," a.
; .VThe Gospel That Meets Humanity's
ea." P. m. " At the raornine honr the
choir will sin "If Ye Believe." inci
dental, solos by Karl Wenger and Esther
mesxenoacn. At the eveninr hour Clar
ence Church- will sing a solo. "If - God
Bo Clothed tbe Grass." Bishoff. Sunday
scnoot: : ,- superintendent. K. C whit-
a ker. Young People's meeting '6:30.
The .'topie 'llfi, I Were a Mieionsry,
Christian Endeavor led by i Vernon Wil
liams. '.Intermediate Society.. Cynthia
What Country! Would I Choosel" Senior
Pier will sing a aoU.Vnssiiday services
n eanesoay nigntMrMsr-sreek we will re
some or studies-in Revelation-. .taking'
ine atn, lutn and nth , chapters. . .
Church street at Chemeketa. Rector.
Rev. 1L. . Duncan -Chambers. Holv Eu
charist at 7:30 a. m. in the chapel Morn
ing prayer with sermon st 11 a. m. ser
mon topics: "life," a. tn. At the 11 a.
m. service the vested choir will sing as
sn anthem: "God Is Love," by Shelly.
Church school st 9:45 a. m. The 7:30
m. service is the semi-sanual corporate
commanion for the Woman a Auxiliary
when the contents ef the "Thank Off erin
boxea will be presented.
Servieea will be held at the Y. M. C.
A. building . on Court street Sunday,
April 24. ' At 11 a. m. Mr. D. 8. Turner
will spesk and at 7:30 p. m. Mr. C. 1.
Saucy Mid-week prayer meeting Thura-
day evening at 7:30 at the home of Mrs.
Emma" EngdshI, 2495 East 'Nob Hill.
On Church street between Chemeketa
and Center streets. Pastor: Norman
Kendall Tally.' D. D., residence, 8:45
Chemeketa, phone; 1810-W. Assistant
astor, Mrs. R. M. T. Hester, residence,
34 N. Winter, phone 1610 J. Services
10:45 a. m.. 7:30 P. a. Dr. C. W.
Greene of- Albany will spesk on Chris
tisn Educstion, am.; sermon ia the eve
ning by Rev. .Dsmfel J. Kerr. The choir
will sing. "Lol It Is I" at the morning
service, and the evening the Boys' Quar
tet from the Chemaws Indian school will
sing "8oftly snd Tenderly," "by Thomp
son. Joseph Kabklen will sing a nan-
tone solo, "The Blind Ploughman, " by
Clark tn the evening.'. Sunday ecnoot
9:30 a. ra., superintendent, H. E. Bar
rett. Week-day services: 2:30 p. ra. Wed-
nesday -Ladies Aid meeting at the church,
dinner and monthly meeting ' ia the Y.
M. C. A. dining kail. air. wm. .mcuii
6:30 p. ra. Wednesdsy, the Men's -Club
christ will speak of his recent world trip.
Thursdsy, 6:30 p. m-, teacher training
class,-and 7:30 p. m. prayer hoar.. :
. 420 State, street. Pastor, Ralph. D.
Bullock, residence 460 8. Cottace St..
phone 938-M. Assistant pastor. Harry
J. . Morris, residence, ' Silverton road,
phone 15F1 4. ; Services 3:30 and 7:45
p. m. . Sunday school : 2 :30 p. m.. anper
intendent, Harry J. Morriaa. Week-day
services; Bible study and evangelistie ser
vices Wednesdsy, Thursday aad Saturday
aighta at 7:45, j
X. B. S. A. '
: Meet every Sunday in Derby, building.
Court and His-h streets for Bible study.
Junior B. 8. 0. meet during first lesson
hoar. Honrs 10 to 12 a. m. aad 3 to a
a. m. and in the evening at 8 p. m. there
will be a publie lecture by Chaa. C. Best.
Topic: "The Three Worlds of the Eartn."
Maa stands on the brink of a new order.
The third world, wherein dwelleth right
eousness. World without end. Yoa are
cordially invited.
- Cottage- and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
Msrtia .Fereshetian, minister. Church
school at 10 a. at..- Graded, instruction.
Class for- adults in "How the-Bible was
Written," conducted by the minister. De
votional services at 11 a. m: Subject of
the senkoi, "Elmer Gantry." Mrs. Fer
eshetian will ainsr. "Hm That Dwelleth in
the Secret Placea of the Almighty." by
MaeDermid.. : Mrs. w. A. Denton at the
organ - v
: State and 18th St. .Pastor.. Rev. A. Ia
Heine. Coaf . , 10 a. English..' 10 :30.
Sun8av school: 9:15- a.- as., -auperlntond-rnt,
Martha Bottersnaan. Lothef Leagna
devotional meeting at 6:30 -p as.. Ems
Bat terms nn. leader. Church benefit so
cial Wednesdsy st the home of K. W.
Iiusch, 1490 N. 4th St. -
S xiiUJiisa a laijuiva;
fiighland aad North Church. Pastor,
srar-l. fciina. residence. Mapie.
Services! 11 a. m. No services in P. M.
Hnadar school superintendent, J. M. Gard
ner. Thursday evening prayer . meeting.
The converted Jw now holding aerviona
at Free Methodist ehureh will sett "How
and Whey He Became a Christian," and
will nppen in rablii costume. .., :. r-.
ITT" 'flL -
West Salent. I aotoe. F. t. Cnnell.
residence. 975 Front street, phone 1341 K.
Services 11 a. m., 7:80 p. m. - Sermon
topics "UsqaeationiBg Obedioee,, p. m.
Punrfsv school: 9:45. superintendent, D.
C b-e'bem. Epworth and Intermediste
Lesgue 6 1&0. Prsyer meeting Tbursdsy
svsning 7:30. , Junior League Saturday
at 8:30. Bee. H. C. Burleigh will have
charge f the morning service Taa pas
tor will preach in the evening. -. - . , .
-, . aBSwawasBBSaaasssv'' ' .. ;
Corner N. 17th and Nebraska. Ave.
W. N. Blodgett. pastor. Services 11 a.
7:45 p. m. Sermon topics: "A Wil
ling Service" m.; 'Does it Psy p.
m. Suadsy school 10 a. m.; superinten
dent, C P. -Wells. Yeong people's meet
ings: 6:45, -Will Dnnigan, preside at.
Week-day eervicee: , Prayer- meetiag
Thursday eveniag at '7:30; Ladies Aid
Wednesday all day; monthly business
meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30. With
the cooperation of this community we
can make this s center of Christisa activi
ty, the church - is needed ; by the com
munity and you are needed by the
church, you will receive a hearty wel
come - at all services. , -',-.:
211 'State. Sunday morning, holine
meeting, at 1 1 o'clock.- - Sunday - school.
2:30 p. m. Meeting for young people ef
all sges. 5:30 p. is. .. Sunday .night's
service will be evangelistic, the message
dealing with - tbe evils confronting our
youth arising 'out of sleohoiiam. - A cor
dial welcome w;U be yours. - There will
be a service at tUe stste penitentiary Sua
dsy afternoon. -
Center and Liberty. Charles K. Ward,
pastor. Services 11 a. m. ; 7:30 p. m.
Sermon topics: "Boose and. the Boys."
a. m. ; ."l"he Re-creation of Brian Kent,"
p. m. Sunday school 10 a. ni., superin
tendent, Mark Mct'sllister. Weekfday
study , now j includes, the Home Mission
study book "Our Templed Hills." The
Sunday evening service includes 'the film
version of Hsrold Bell Wright's . famous
story "The Re-creation of Brian Kent."
Court and N. 17th Sts. K. U Putnam,
psstor. . Mrs. K. L. Pntnsm, junior pas
tor. Services 11 t m. 7:30 p. m. Ser
mon topirt: "Responsibilities,"' a. m. ;
"Viewing the Agea .With God, p. m.
Gilbert Cay a. ainger, 'has charge of the
mnsic Special music is a feature-ef each
service. Sunday school, 8:45 a., m su
perintendent, E. W. Cooley . Young peo
ple's meetings: Christisn Endeavpr 6:30
p. m. Junior, Intermediste, Young Peo
ple snd Senior. Volunteers will visit
the shut-ins in the sfternoon. Week-day
services : . Wt are now . in the. last week
of our evsDgelistie meeting with jpornter-
csys, evangelists. sermons for- week;
Monday No service: Tuesdsv i 'Pente
cost"; Wednesday 'Tha Blood Christ
Applied": Thursday -"The Fonx Souare
Gospel"; Friday "A Message Hot Sa
lem rem. the Cross : Saturday "Poor
Housekeepers." Let ns mske this last
week the record breaker of the series. We
extend a harty wlcom to all.
15th and Mill Sts. Patrick Dahlin, as
tor., Seryicea Hi a., m., 7:30 p. m. Sun
day school: 9:45 a. m superintendent.
iMiss E. Ericson. Young people's meet
ings: 6:30 p. m. Week-dsy services:
Prayer meeting and" choir practice oa
Thursdsy st 7:30 and 8:30 p. m. respec
tively. Yoa are all cordially invited to
our services.
S. Commercial and Washington Sts.
Sunday services : 10:00 a. m. Sunday
school. ll:00ra . m. worship, sermon:
"He Went a Little Farther 7:30- p.
m. worship, sermon for the youne people.:
"Why Am I What I Ant'' Thursday.
7:3 p. m.. proyer and Bible study. Chas.
C. Ha worth, pastor. - , f"
San Xavier def Bac 'Com
pleted in 1797j Survived
Under Three Countries
uTUSON Ariz. (AP) : A
monument to the pioneering zeal
of the Jesuit order, San Xavier del
Bac. "the Father of the Missions"
established in 1692, is still used
for weekly devottonaT senriceg and
a school for the descendants of
Papagd" Indians w no we're conrert-
ed to Christianity mere than 200
years ago. .
Surrounded . by the squalid
homes , of the Papasoes, the six
foot walls, of the mission are built
almost entirely of burned adobe
brick. There is surprisingly little
wood user! in the construction.
Materials for the structure were
hauled long "distances and most of
the equipment was brought from
Spain. ' ' :
San Xavier del Bac was the
northern-most of a chain of mis
sions established by the Jesuits
and was built over a long period
of time. Although, construction
began in 1692, It now definitely
established that the building was
not completed -until 1797.
The mission has flourished and
suffered under the guidance of
two priestly orders-the Francis.
cans and the Jesuits -and under
three governments, those of Spain,
Mexico and the United States. Res
ident Jesuits conducted the mis-
sion program from its Inception
until 1751. Then for a time !: It
was conducted as a'J'Tlsta from
Tubac. an early Msettlemenl. ; 40
miles to the south. In 1767, fol
lowing' the Spanish expulsion of
the Jesuits, it was turned over to
the Franciscan order, which con
tinned construction of the church
and carried on : Its ' missionary'
work until 1827, when all rellg
lous orders were expelled from
Mexico. - ;- ' '. ' : ''- ' "
- Tor some years tbe church pro
gram was carried on Intermit
tently from Magdalena', iMex!coA
although San Xavier del Bac itselt
was abandoned. In 1854, with
the consummation of the Gads tone
purchase found itself under the
control of the United States, a
part of the Santa Fe diocese.. In
1866 work was resumed in the
edifice. -
Hear Nathan Cohen'JBeskin, the Converted Jew
. ' " ' s ; give the story of his life arid telL .
He will dress in the regalia of an orthodox Jew at prayer and exhibit interesting para-
V ' pherhalia. ,Also sing Hebrew songs, etc.
1 'I HIGHLAND FRIENDS CHURCH, 790 Highland Avenue. "-r "'' "
SUNDAY 2:30 P. M.
Sunday Horning
Rev: J. T. Taylor, Pastor. ' --"
(Contiaued from page 2.)
f A-nA Afrr I? J Utile l - v' U
aVA rsay w v av a we- m an- ww ' - -
Return From Extended Trip
Mr. and Mrs. B.' J. Miles have
returned r to Oregon after an ex
tended absence in the eastern and
southern states. They spent the
greater pfcrt of the winter In Cali
fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Miles spent
last week in Portland with their
daughter. Mrs. Will Knight. TJn
til the opening of theic home, they
will be ' with . their son, Donald
Miles In North Salem.
- - '
Hobnan Orchards WUl .
Attract Blossom Seekers
--The cherry orchards on he
Thomas Holman place on the Dal
las road, beyond Eola. though off
the designated blossom day route.
will doubtless attract many tour
tf-ts of the day. ' Few acres display
a more beautiful springtime pag
eant today than . the Holman or
chards. '' -.
MrsJKrause is Guest
in Portland
Mrs. Al Krause and son, John
nie, are spending the week-end in
Portland. They are guests at the
home of Mrs. Krause's brother-ln
law and sisters Mr. and Mrs. Ed
gar 'Wertheimer. Mrs. . Krause
will meet her two-weeks'-old
nephew, Donald Jerome, at this
Child Study Class WUl Meet
The child study class of the
American Association' of Univer
sity Women will meet - at 7:30
o'clock on Monday evening in
Room 1004 of the First National
bank building.
Mrs. Jessamine Chapman Wil
liams, nutrition expert at the Ore
gon Agricultural College, will be
the speaker.
Auxiliary Will Hold Annual
Dtvision Benefit
on Tuesday
On next Tuesday evening the
Auxiliary to the Sons of Union
Veterans of the Civil war will
hold their annual division benefit
gathering in their rooms in the
Women's club house.' In addition
to an interesting -program and re
freshments a seer will be present
who will tell the truth regardless
of how much It hurts.
Carnation Club Meets on
Thursday at A. 7.
Eoff Home
An enjoyable meeting of the
Carnation club was held on Thurs
day afternoon when" Mrs. Lase
Hill and -Sirs. A, I. Eoff fentertainv
ed at Mrs. Eoff's home.
The afternoon was', spent In
sewing and games. The prizes
for the games were won by Mrs.
It S. Van Pelt and Mrs; George
Dodge.- Mrs. Dodge was a: special
gue&t of the afternoon, i. t
At the tea hour the,' hostesses
served refreshments.
. The members present for the
meeting were: Mrs. Clara Hut
ton, Mrs. Ed Kertson, Mrs. Emtl
Auf ranee. Mrs. Walter Tbwnsend,
Mrs. Lemuel Hobson. Mrs. George
SchulU, Mrs. R. F. Van Pelt, Mrs.
Lester. Mosher, Mrs. Earl Chap-
pell, Mrs. Frank Richter, Mrs
Belle Rutherford, and the host
esses, Mrs. Laseand Mrs, Eoff.
Salem Folk Spend
Week-end at Newport
A group of Salem Jolk who
spent an Interesting week-end at
Newport over the Easter interval
were: Mrs. Josephine Taylor,
Miss Grace Taylor, .Mrs. Almira
Hale, Miss Laura Hale, Miss May
Hale, Miss Lyle Murray, Miss Ma
bel Murray,. and Mr. and. Mrs.
Chester C. Clark. 1
Mrs. Ivan Corner is Honored
With Miscellaneous Shower r ji
A delightful affair of Wednes
day afternoon was the surprise
shower at which the members of
the Leslie Can Do class honored
one of its members, Mrs. Ivan
f . -''1,
Sunday School
7:30 The Recreation of Brian Kent" ;
- . Film sfory.of Harold Bell Wright's book i '
and Evening and Every Night
Corner. The affair was held aCIRoom 1004 First' Nauonai uanx
the home of Mrs. Earl Pearcy.
Thirty members of the class were!
in attendance. ; - t
A feature of the afternoon was I
an interesting book review which
Mrs Pearcy gave. i ; . I
The honor guest received num-1
erons attractive gifts.
Qroup Motors to Girls
Industrial School
For Program
"A-, particularly pleasing, pro
gram was given on Friday even
ing at the Girls Industrial School
by the Phelps-Chase trio, the per-r
sonnel of which is Mrs Carrie M.
Chase, Miss Naomi Phelps, and
Mrs. Guy Fitch Phelps. '
Among those who motored to j
were: Mrs. H. M. Darkheimer
and her niece. Miss June' Mack,
Mrs. A. A. Underhill, Miss Hing
Tsai, Mrs, H. Stanley, and Dr. and
Mrs. Benjamin JSlatehford.
Attend Educational
Conference in Monmouth
A group of Salem teachers were
in attendance yesterday at the
educational conference held in
Monmouth. .
Those -gofng over included:
Mr. Florian Von Eschen, Miss
Cecile Graham, Miss Adella Chap-
ler, and Miss Laura Hale.
George G. Brown is Host
For Card Club at Meeting
on .Wednesday Evening
The members of the Capitol
five hundred club enjoyed an in
teresting meeting on Wednesday
evening when George G. Brown
was host at Mrs. James Godfrey's
On North Liberty street.
A color scheme of yellow and
green was used in both the flow
ers and in the lighted candles.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers
won the card prizes of the even
ing.. Covers were arranged for: '
Mrs. W. Al Jones, Miss Mabel
Creighton, Mrs. Geof ge Rose,
Frank Loveall, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W.
Durbin Sr., Joseph Baumgartner,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dancy, Dr.
and Mrs. L. F. Griffith. Mr. and
Mrs. .Frank Meredith, Mr. and
Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mr. and Mra.:
Miltoq Meyers, Dr. and Mrs. W.
Carlton Smith, Mrs. George Rod-
gers. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee Stein-
er. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Olinger
and the host, George G. Brown.
Mrs, George Arbuckle .
Entertains Club Group
Mrs. Edwin Smith was included
as a special guest at a delightful
meeting -of the bridge club of
which Mrs. George Arbuckle is
a member -on Wednesday when
Mrs. Arbuckle entertained at the
Gray Belle. The table, which was
arranged in the Chinese room;
was centered with pink tulips and
carnations. Green candles . were
used In' crystal holders, i
. Mrs. H. R. Worth won the
bridge prize of the afternoon.
Luncheon covers were arranged
for Mrs. Erwin F. Smith. Mrs. C,
B. McCullough, Mrs. Harry N.
Crain, Mrs. Ralph Cooley, Mrs.
Merle RosecTans, Mrs.: James
Nicholson, Mrs. Harry R. Worth,
and the hostess, Mrs. George R.
At the next meeting of the club
Mrs. Worth will entertain.
Soeiial Oavlemdaur .
Film at First Congregational
chrfrch, "The R&-Creatkn of Brian
Kent," 7:30 o'clock.
Play at First Methodist church.
"The Money Bag." 7:30 o'clock.
Monday j .
Chapter AB of the P.E.O, sis
terhood. Mrs. 'Louise Brickell,
Chemawa, hostess. - .
Better, Homes Week. Open
house at 1399 Center street and at
1820 Fairmount Avenue. 2 to 5
in afternoon ana 7 to 9 m eve
ning.': '" "':.";:-"
Child study class of A.! A. TJ- W.
at 7:23 P.BI. at the
N. Winter St. . ;
' Donald McPhee, Sinser.
building. 7:30 .o'clock, . ,
Tuesday . - i .
Springtime tea. Indies of the
Kaieht Memorial ehurchi
ans. - Annual : division ? benefit
Auxiliary to' the Sons" of Veter-
gathering. Woman's club house.
Thnrsday 1 :r- : .
Jessamine Chapman Williams.
food authority, at Woman's Club
house. 461 N. Cottage street. Pub-
11c Invited, 2:30 o'clock.
District convention ofWoman's
Home Missionary society of Meth
0d 1st Episcopal church. Leslie M.
E. church, 10 8, m. -
Town and Gown club. Lausanne
HalU- 2:30 o'clock.
Missed Not a Single Pay
Day in Forty-three Years
Forty-three years without missing
a single pay day was tho record of
John Kennington of Concordia,
who has just retired from the ser
vice of the Missouri Pacific rail
road here.
Kennington worked every Xmas
day In his fortynhree years of ser
vice for the railroad. He retired
with a pension of more than flOO
a month. He was an engineer in
the yards at' Concordia at the time
his service ended.
Cobbs & Mitchell Co.. lumber
and building materials for every
purpose. Get estimates,' look at
quality of material, then you will
order, 349 S. 12th St. ()
(Continued from page 1.)
ber claims, the great forests of
the west were rapidly passing out
of publie ownership and were
doomed to destruction, congress
in 1891 gave the president author
ity to set aside out the the public
domain what were then called
forest ' Teserves. Expansion and
development of these federally
owned forest lands began in 1905,
when under the more appropriate
name of national forests, the re
serves were, transferred to the
department of agriculture and
placed under the authority of the
Forest Service. " -
It was about this time that One
of the most interesting events in
the history of American forestry
took place. In 1906 a western
senator Introduced a bill forbid
ding the president without speci
fic consent of congress to maae
any further, additions to the na
tional foresti in the five western
states where there were, vast for
ests in 'the unreserved' public do
main. - . -
Pioneer and crusader in fores
try along with Gifford PInchot,
Theodore Roosevelt was president
at the time and quite naturally
did not stand by and see the great-
forests pass out of publie owner
ship. - -r- ....... -
With an enormous amount of
work, the men of the forest ser
vice, in a .brief time, mapped - mil
lions of acres of the forests in the
aiid youll hot want then
Salem, Oregon Gty, Gresham, HISsboro and Stv
iT-H E II E I S If O
public domain rand President
Roosevelt proclaimed them as na
tional forests. - Then he signed
the bill, which, through his auda
city, had become useless. f ,
Pioneer days of the Forest Ser
vice were marked by a t continual
struggle to - bring order out of
competition for grass, to curb the
timber tresspassers and ; to make
the forest users realize that con
siderate' use of the forest 'was to
theif own interests as well as that
of the public ... :
The organic act i which created
the forest, reserves, specifies that
they are for two purposes, namely
to provide the country with a per
petual timber Supply and to con
serve the waterfldw.'; Livestock
grazing, although a secondary use
of the national forests has reached
large - proportions., -Thirty per
cent of the range cattle and sheep
of the western states graze on na
tional forests; - -In more . recent
years the national forests have
been en joyed ;Vas, .great, .outdoor
playgrounds, millions ; of people
taking advantage of. their recrea
tion facilities aeh' ylar, There
are now six hundred public camp
grounds in tbe national forests
and each year ; more -ani - more.
people seek the -woodlands of the
nation - for .rest . and c recreation
Another - secondary,. butf .equally
appealing function of the national
forests, v is .that o? providing the
nation's greatest ranges for wild
life.-. - - - -:- ;
While enjoying the . national
forests -as playgrounds' -people
must not forget, ' the American
Forest Week : committee - points
out, that the growiag of timter
crops that .America- may have a
perpetual supply lumber, : is the
primary . function of the national
forests.;,,.,, I-Cu--':"t "i-
For three successive - years the
national . forests have furnished
oyer a .billion feet of lumber, the
eut increasing each - year. ;. : Only
timber that is mature, diseased or
In need of thinning is - cut; -the
younger growth is, carefully pro
tected from damage and seed trees
are left, to assure natural repro
duction. These conservative me
thods of cutting, combined with
fire protection and the planting
of .areas denuded by fire, mean
that ultimately, when the annual
cut equals. the annual growth: of
timber tie national forests : will
yield from six .to seven , billion
board feet Of lumber a year with
out Impairing, the productive vi
Public Bible
Is it the World or the Earth; that is to come to an efid in
the present time of trouble T Tb hear this lecture Us to
know -by Chas. C. Best, illustrated by chart.
Derby Bldff High and Court. Sunday. 8 P. M.
r ; , Seats Free
uttie now
There is no more terrifying thought in the
mind of the wage earner than that of possible
want and poverty at tome future time. . -
Thousands of wise bread-winners are say
ing the easy wavinvesting in
. ' , : v r . . , -f' . vt - '.. " , - -T
, - ,Ki '- 4 " ' . '',;- ' . ; ;'
" " v jf " ',. - '':. V . 1 - .''.
' Portland Electric Power Co.
: . f 6.00 First Preferred Stack
They are relieving fhemxelves of financial
worry because they become profit sharers tn a
company supplying vital necessities of mod
ern uze. . :.. - - .-. - .-.-. . .
Price $9000 kt; share
to yield 6.&
On easymonthly terms if you wuli.
: . May we explain this to you? -: - -
North Liberty Street, Salem,
Ported Electric Power Co
Division Offices ai
1 .-.
tality of the forests. This
is ; equivalent M about.: one-Hfth
luaucr needs.
The difference between nati.i
forests and national parka i.
always dear' In the mifida of thl
public the American Forest re.
committee says. People carapinr
a A-vw.-a uicavs are orten A
mayed to find Umber being cni
The national forests, the commit
cw iwisn aire primarily for
the production of forest pfoduct
without the destruction ot'the tor'
ests as a whole, while the forest,
oi. iuo usuumt pares are preserv
ed for their scenic beauty and rA
creational facilities. r
Wlth the enactment of the'
Wff.J to 19H. througH
which, the national forest ' area
was. added to fcy direct purchase
of forest lands by the federal
rovernment,came. the second big
national step in forest conserva
tion. .
Unlike the west, the east had
no public domain from which na
tional forests could be created and
It was necessary for the govern
ment to. purchase land direct for '
national forests in the eastern
states. . , ; r
A- Since . the enactment "of the
Weeks law, a chain of national
forests. has been created in the
east comprising about three mil
lion, acres, principally in the Ap
palachian , countains from New
Hampshire to Georgia. .
Purchase or land for national
forests ; is, made by the national
forest reservation commission,
which Includes t the secretaries of
war, Interior, agriculture and two
members from each house of con
gress. Recommendations for pur- l -are .made by the Forest
Service.- , m ;
The Weeks law permitted only
the purchase of forest land that
was . useful in protecting head
waters of navigable streams. The
Clarke-McXary law. In 1924 re
moved this limitation and the
Forest Service now looks forward
to extensive purchases in the Lake
States, the southern pineries and
Only the legislative jam in the
last hour of the 69th tongress
prevented the passage of the Mc-Nary-Woodruff
bill, according to
the American Forest Week com
mittee. .This would have Inaugur
ated ; the purchase over a period
of years of eight million acres at
a cost of $40,000,000 in the Lake
states and southern pineries.
No Collections 1:
Helens, Oce-on sad