THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, 1027 ft 4 Mr 5 D n)K- ti;T Itoom 25 POULTRY AXD EGGS 48 j MONEY TO LOAN 57 RRAL ESTATE 63 J REAL ESTATE AS I REAL ESTATE US WATER i 74 USED CARS FOR BALE 70 r7t KKP!! ROOM. DAY. r r n ' rr '.'i ,:i.rlr si. 25apr24 II: , th. "? ... WITH bOARI AT THE ALEX Tel 539; 1030 Chemeketa. 1 25apr21tf KOE REST e room an.J close m sleep Vlelviii .Johnson. TeL 637. I oil RENT Rooms risTH CARDS. SIZE t4 BY 7 IN. tHi. lint "Rooms W Rent." price 10 ht. "f-b. Stateamsn Business Offieo, Ir.Jt.nrt floor, f . MK KST IN MODERN HOME (;ipito Building.' Gentleman -VTMHon 1894 J or7rll 1465 K g?i.aprl7ff POR RENT Ilonsea S7 " 7 ItrM)M BI'VOAI.OW AND Slen Realty no., , " 27apr2irf S'OK REST , i-.irr,i-li.l r. bungalow, close in. , i 4 r rottage. Fruit. . Modern i .' room bungalow. . Modem 5 room bungalow on Fair- ,,, ,i t Hill, (irJnd view. 1 ,,,e room apt. new and clean. oUliS BECHTEL. Realtor. . i .t St, Rooms 1 and 2. 41 J 37spr22tf . , v , , 71S I'ALMKR COUKT. ' :, h v Robert. T"l. 1354. 27aprC3tf , i T 5' ROOM BUNGALOW 2943 1 Koad, beautiful place, only 27apr20tf HOUSE 10 ebr:ika Ave. PKR MONTH 2Tapr2G ,1 VURXISHED HOUSE IN .-IN 1 1-.V Marion. Tel. 1911. 27apr26 Tm-VKS FOR RENT !me located at 96 S. Com r J'-1' per month, i inS'li,,w with electric lights, ;ili:j. Im-sted on ban line and i; $ I per month, subject to ,,,m house located 2190 Cbemeke- per month, .'..n hfuse located 1860 S. Church month. j II. OR ABENHRST. A CO., Realtors. ;. Liberty St. 27apr24 FOR RENT Farms 29 inlt KENT: 10 ACRE. SUBURBAN I ,.e. Well improved. Csah rent only. (i.,'v 1 miles out. See owner 2173 M.fe St. 29spr20tf LAUNDRIES 32 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY The Laundry of Pure Materials." Telephone 15. 1264 Broadway. THY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN drv. Tel. 171. U30 o street. jxin THF NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THF. WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25 H TTirh TAILORS 84 I). H. MOSKER TAILOR FOR MEN ami women. 474 Court St. WANTEl Misceuneon 85 H KNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP iuents. Giet-Power FnrnitnTo Co. S5a20tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loans. We have several apphca tioni on i nan d. Hawkins Roberts, inc. 205 Orerofi Bldr 5dl4tl MATTRESSES 36 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co., 1190 North Csp.tol. Called for and delivered. Al! work guaranteed. Tel. 19. - , f!9tl FOR SALE 87 JKKSKY COW. FRESH, HEAVY-MILK-. r. Tel. 1619. 37apr27 y POTATOES, lifoadway. Call o Vloek. r ALL KINDS, 1005 between 3 and 8 37apr29 " J'niYS ANTHEM t"M J",e tloz. perennials 5c. Mrs. Hall, end 37apr26 of So. l'Jih St. Box 26. Wl HAVE ' FINE KIMBALL PIANO" in$alem. Will sell cheap. Lynn A Bates. :ljn., Corvallis, P. O. Box 448. T.l .".lVi.r 37aprl9 hi. U K 1I.KT FOR SALE IN EITHER North or South Salem. Reasonable. Tel 72K2. 87dl2tf FOR- HONEY at 8F5. J OR BEES CALL MEAD 37may5 AI.FAI.FAj GRAIN. HAY. TIMOTHY, larley ar.d wheat; guaranteed quality. Prompt shipment. Price upon appli cation, i Richard Nymsn, Walla Walla. Washington. 87mayl HALF THF. PRICE ON CNFIN- u.-d .irt furniture end tables, mag ine i.-kets. hook shelves, fireplace i .-en- lrwl .iod novelties. DO YOUR w DUcoRATINfi. Anyone'can do irk with our ey, complete in r: lion., furnished free. Write for Mimtlinn.and prices to day. SPRUCE t YT INDUSTRIES. Box 467. To !.. One. 37apr24 1 SALE GOOD RUSTIC BARN I rhpip if wrecked immediately. - tiofir joists: 2x10 ceiling joiats; tliterme up stairs. Real bargain -omefme needing barn 24x36. BOND with JOS. BARBER i.rav Bldg. 125 N. Liberty. 37apr24 FOR SALE Live Stock 39 Jl A i 1 ! 'J('K S JERSEYS AT AUCTION Ti-i!iiH April. 26. Twenty bead, en- i " lerd heavy producing cows, young" k t.ntli sexes and two outstanding ; i,u:.s. Desirable individnals and T":"i ar breeding. Sale to be held on 'rm aliout six miles Northwest from "- ile.m. Turn west from Kixer school :-. I fallow signs. Sale starts imme- i .i'e'y sfter a free lunch at noon. Thos. '' Mi.ln. it owner, Rt. 8. 39apr24 VETERINARIAN SO mri W. I.A.NGF, VETERINARIAN a"if;ce tl'u s. CommsreiaL TeL 1198 Ke Tel m23tf WOOD FOR SALE 43 inch vki. $6.00 lelier,I. 1'hone .1736. PER CORD. 43-M-20 1 I XI II 4H..D Is-", M.j FIR WOODi. TEL. 43May20 i'-. INCH OLD FIR. CHAS. CHRISTEN en. Tel. 1736. 43aayl5 ."'T) DRY WOOD FOR Y.OU D. A. J. inner.! Tel. 930. 43aprl6tf 1ME BEST WOOD IN THE CITY FOR the money at Tracy'a wood yard. Tel. . J :13 43j4tf 3-: INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH ; ak and ash. TeL 72F?. M. D. May field. 43fl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES. HM.LMAN FUEL CO. 1 TELEPHONE 1855 TelephoM 529. . 43a90tt 1 i ' BEST GRADE Of WOOD !ry wood, 4 ft. and 16 inch. Large isds are cheaper to buy. Mill wood is ii r specialty. Prompt delivery and r.-asonahle price. FRED E. WELLS -80 8. Church. Tel. 1542. iiv i 48d9tf BIEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY --Tel. 517-W. - ; " POULTRY" AND EGGS 45 WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS FROM - .-lected ! hens mated with record assies, , vfe arrival guaranteed. May, Jane, 4-11 per! 100. expreasago prepaid. Ora lis in Hatchery, Hayward, Calif, I 45api24. HARKED ROOK CHICKS 15c EACH, April 2.1 t 3i only. Our regular high iuality. Tel, 3VF21, Lee' a Hatchery. 45apr28 BABY CHICKS EVERY TUESDAY AND Wednesday. "You raiae our chieka, they'll raiae your profits. ' Seven varieties'. Prices reasonable. SaJem Cbickeriea, 264 N. Cottage St. 45tay9 CHICK. CinCK. CHICK I OCR CHICKS live to make your living. Big a a tea every Monday. 5 breeds. PETLAND, SALEM. OREG49T. 45fltr BRED TO LAY ASCOXA PULLETS, 3 months old. J. Fry, Rt. 3, Box 253, Salem. 45apr27 FOR SALE RHODE ISLAND RKD baby chix with broody hens from our trapnested stock, 2U0 24. eeg. Also batching eggs. Rt. 8, Box HI. II. K. Haldeman. 45apr24 ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE Only one left, A . new brooder of 250 eliix capacity, well known make, never uncrated will be sold at a discount. Can be seen at the Statesman office. Ask for Mr. 8tiffler. 45ral3tf BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH ing. Expert help, most modern, equip ment. Chicks for sale, all breeds, every Monday. Settings lour days each week. Tel. 82F21. Lee's Hatch ery. 45fl0tf PRODUCE WE PAY CASH TOR P0UL try, eggs, pork, veal and bides. We carry . feed and poultry supplies, here and at Silverton. Withers Neal Pro duce Co.. 260 Ferry. TeL 125. 45f8tf MUSIC STORES 46 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHOSO- grapha, sewing machinea, sheet masic and piano studies. , Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines, 432 State street, Salem. HAVE SMALL GRAND AND USED Baldwin Player-Piano. Will make prii e and term to make them sell this week. Will take yonr piano as part payment. Also have lots of used pianos, to sell for $50, $75, $100, $125 and $150. Tallman Piano Store, 395 S. 12th St. 46apr27 NEWSPAPERS 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency. The Ace. TeL 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early ach morning. Tel. 23 or 583. NURSERY STOCK 40 PANSY PLANTS, STEELE'S GRAND Mattodon. Flakea Petland, 273 State. 49aprl2 PAPERHANGING SO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhsnging, tinting, etc Reliable workman. PAINTING 50A CHAS. BENNETT, PAINTING CON tractor, interior decoratinc. 541 Mill 1771-M. n27-tf MISCELLANEOUS 51 PIANO FOR SALE IN SALEM VICIN ity. pay $10 month. Beautiful stand ard make; bargain for quick sale. For particulars address C. F. Hendrick, fac tory piano adjuster, 413 North Boren Ave.. Seattle. Slmayio ALL TYPES CERTAINEED SHINGLES laid over old wood shingles or on new work. Highest quality made; prices range from $7.50 to $9. Cobbs-Mttchell Co., Lumber, 349 So. 12th St. Tel. 813. 51apr20tf OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST boosters because when we do your welding, 'tis done, not yon. Electrie and acetylene welding, largo and small. C. D. Oppen. 695 Mill St. Tel. 372 and 2086-J. SlmOtf BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL- ry. Guns, Tools. Bicycles, etc. star Exchange, 324 N. Com.'L TeL 856. FOR SALEM SCAVENGER CALL 167. 51fl0-'28 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND BE pairing. Giese-Powers Furniture Store. 5120tf PACKING AND SHTPPNG 53 FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff's Furniture Store. T.el. 941. LOST AND FOUND 53 FO I ' N D BOSTON Tel. 161ft. BULL DOG. M .U.K. 53apr24 PL4.NO TUNERS 54 THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER, NOW at the Portland Mnaie Co., 855 N. High. Have your piano tuned by one who has had years of experience in the work. 8a3tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. PERSONAL 55 CHARMING LADY WORTH $150,000.00 Will msrry. Miss Smith, 505 S. To peka. Wichita. Kansas. 55apr24 BU SINE SSL ADY, WORTH $165,000.00. Beautiful home. Car. (Will marry). Box 100. Detroit, Michigan. 55apr24 OIL DEALER. WORTH $200,000.00. Sincere. (Marriage). Box 33. North western Siation. Detroit, Michigan. 55apr24 IF YOU ARE LONELY. WRITE TO the Portland Correspondence, 1098 Sandy Blvd., Porvland. Oregon. Strictly confidential. It cents for informa tion. 55apr24 PRINTING 56 FOB STATIONERY. CARDS, PAMPH lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman Print ing Department. 215 S. Commercial Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN FEDERAL FARM LOAN Wood. 341 State St. 6H. F. L 57m7tf :MK) TO LOAN. PRIVATE MONEY. Seven per cent, 3 years. :)92-m. 57apr27 P. H. BELL. 219 U. S. BANK BLDG. Residence and business loans. Tel. 607 or 2141-W. 67apr7tf PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL estate. Soeolofsky Son, First Nat l Bank Bldg. 57raay8 MINUTE MOVIES )f STEBK SERIAL THE LAV. EPISODE H5. - REAUZIN& THATV HE CANNOT LEAVE THE lNTJREr 3lF?L TO THE FUR or 5riRM, - sce :fc tEuT NELL X -pZgfft CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWST rate. Beet terms obtainable. Oar insurance department offers yon ox pert advise and scrviea in all lines. HAWKINS 4b ROBERTS (In. Tel. 1427. 205 Oregon Bldg. 57fl0tf MONEY TO LOAN TOR BUTLDIN3 AND on oity property. B. 6. Martin 4b L. K. Martin, attorneys, 4 IS Oregon Building. Tel 2084 S7ml0tf WANTED LOANS 50 WANTED money to loan Private ESTATE. on REAL W. H. ORABENHORST CO. 134 8. Liberty St. 59026tf PLUMBING 60 FOR GOOD SERVICE, TELEPHONE 2599. Debs the Plumber. Repair work. Shop 1815 N. 5th St. PLUMBING AND REPAIRING REA aonable Estimate. A. L. Godfrey, 127 Union St. Tel. 495-W. 60fl6tf PLUMB1XO AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros.. 154 S. Liberty. Tel. 550. 19tf BUS. OPPORTUNITIES 1 FtMl SALE LADIES READY TO WEAR store, good business in town with good payroll. Would be wonderful branch. Leaving account of health. Box 928 care Statesman. 61apr24 WANTED EXPERIENCED, LIVE Business Man with money, to buy half interest in well established Salem busi ness. For appointment, write Box 7, Statesman. Salem, Ore. 61apr26 RADIO 62 Radiolas For every purpose, for every purse All standard sizes of Radio Tnbes. HALIK A EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 335 Court St. Tel. 488 6Saprl7tf REAL ESTATE 63 FOR SALE STORE BUILDING AND residence, corner lot, 4 blocks out. $12,000. F. L. Wood. 341 State St. 63apr.22tf 18 ACRES GOOD SEMI-MODERN house, barn, chicken bouse. 1 miles Monmouth Normal sebool, west aide pavement. Fine site for road market. $7000 might consider house in Salem GUY DEMING Willamette Valley Land Monmouth, Ore. 63mayl6 FOR SALE NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGA- low. strictlv modern, oak floors, fine location, $4550. Five-room modern bungalow, garage paved street. 8 blocks out. $4900. - Five-room bungalow, garage, paved street. lO blocks out, $4000. Bungalow Court. We have a choice site for one. North Salem, not too far out. lot 115x132. 28O0. F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED 341 State St. 63apr22tf LAND FREE IF PLANTED TO BANA nus. Bananas bear a full erop the sec ond year. S..00 monthly will plan five acres, which should- pay $1,500 profit annually. Reliable Companies will cultivate and market your bananas for 1-3-. Bananas ripen every day and you get vour check every 90 days. For particulars address Jantha Plantation Co.. Empire Building. Bkck o. 67b Pittsburgh. Pa. 63apr24 LAFLAR FOR Insurance Loans Investments 65 acres, all in cultivation, fai bldgs., main road, 10 blks. R. R. sta tion and store A bargain this week 4 seres and house to trade for Sa lem home. Apt. house to sell or trsde. Lots of money to loan. LAFLAR 406-7 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 548 63apr20tf MUST BE SOLD At a sacrifice price. Owner leaving the city. Beautiful 3 room bungalow strictly modern, located best residen tisl section of south Salem. Street paved, wonderful view, price $4650. Will sell furniture, which is of the verv best that money can buy. If you are seeking a real home, don't miss this opportunity of seeing this onnga low snsp. 'for sale only by Louii Bechtel, Realtor, 341 State St. Rooms 1 snd 2. Tel. 303 for an appointment. 63apr23tf SPECIAL PRICE OX LOTS FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY 17.".i Beautiful loth and State St. 30 Fine lot N. Liberty St. $ 6o0 Near State, pavtng paid. $ K) Two lots, paving paid. $ -."50 Good lot. Marion St. BEST LOT BARGAINS See LOUIS BECHTEL, Realtor. 341 State St. Rooms 1 and 2. 63apr23tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 3O00 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property every price, every location. Ws) can match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would like, to trade your property TUUAX, come in TODAY. See 6ASKILL k EARLE, Realtors. 166 S. Liberty. Tel. -2242 63aprl5tf DON'T BUY RENT RECEIPTS! BUY A HOME. WANTED One or two lots ss first payment on 7 r. house; large lot, beau tiful location. Must be west of Capi tol St.. and between State and High land Sts. See PAYNE with BOHRNSTEDT. 147 N. Coin'LSt. 63apr23tf TO EXCHANGE FOR SMALL FARM INVESTIGATE THIS QUICK GOOD THREE APARTMENT. 14 ROOM. MODERN HOUSE. EAST FRONT. CHOICE LOCATION. FUL BASEMENT AND FURNACE. PAVED STREET. ONLY 7 BLOCKS NORTH OF STATE HOUSE. First and secon floors have private bath and toilet, there is also a two-room famished cot tage on rear of lot, rents for $15, also double garage. THE RENTAL V ALL IS ABOUT 10O PER MONTH. Owner wants to exchange for small farm or chicken ranch. Dreferred. near Salem Price ilo.wro. mortgage $35O0. If yon are looking for a good easy income proposition, see us at once, as th property is sure to change hands soon We also have an extensive list of other good city and larra properties lor sal and exchange. . WELLS TALLMAN ft SON 216 Masonic Temple. Tel. 618. 63apr2 5A,-THE HORSE HE f V4E HAS TAKEN FROM - one of "the posse, Tom risk nou) RACERS' AFTER- WE EEL" .THE ESCAPED CONVICT WHJT0L& , HIS HORSE PATCHES f . ' VLL HAVE TO ac .1, J ON ACCOUNT OF ILL HEALTH AND old age owner will sell 10-acre mod ern suburban home on pavement with froit and berries at $8OO0.0O. Will consider small residence in part pay ment. ' - - V A. C. BOHRNSTEDT ... Realtor Loans Insurance 147 No. Cow' 1 St., Salem, Oregon. -v 63apr24tf 50 DOWN. BALANCE $CO PER MONTH buys a 6 room house located on the corner of 20th snd Waller streets. Price $1600. NOW VACANT, LOOK IT OVER. W. IL ORABENHORST A CO., Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 515. , 63spr27 SPECIAL Eighty acres, 40 cultivated, good farm buildings, best of land, creek water all the year, $7500. Will take Salem property up to $2HX). Eighteen acres on paved highway, 20 minutes drive to Salem. $1800, $Ki down. Five acres, two miles from Salem on paved road, $1,100, $100 down. Twenty and 6B-100 acre. 2 miles north of Salem. 8 acres prunes, one acre peaches, i acre rhubarb, 2 acres clover, one acre gooseberries. 4-room bouse, outbuildings, BEST OF LAND, $7500. MELVIN JOHNSON U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 637. 63spr24tf GOOD BUYS IN HOMES, FAIRMOUNT Hill. Lot 100 by 100; 5 room house and garage. Fruit trees and boeries; $1600. Very reasonable terms. On paved street, 4-room house and garage. North Salem, nearly new, $.2500, $34 down. $30 a month. 3-room bouse, good lot. nearly new, price $600, for quick sale. Inspection invited. Salem Land Co., 141 New Bligh Bldg. Tel. 1127. 63apr24 90 ACRES, 24 IX BEARIXG FRUIT, mostly Roysl Anne eherries, " good 6 room house, hot snd cold water, 5 miles from Salem. Will take some city propertv. Balance terms. Salem Realty Co.. 462 State. 63apr24tf LIST YOUR PROPERTY That yon have for sale ., Rent or Trade With LOUIS BECHTEL, Realtor 34 1 State St. Rooms 1 and 2. HE WILL SELL IT. 63apr22tf SPECIAL $3700 New 5-room bungalow, basement, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, recess tub, nook, garage, east front, lot 50x135, $700 down. $.1,100 Ten-room home, suitable for an apartment house. Urge east front lot, lota of fruit. Terms. $10,500 Fonrteen-room spartment honse fine location. Will consider small tract. $1,100 Three-room bungalow, bath, ga rage, paving paid. Easy terms. Money to loan on city property. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 637. 63apr24tf SUBURBAN HOMES FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 11. close in. bldgs., fruit $3300 5 a. hldgs, fruit $2000 17 a. psved road, bldgs., fruit ....$2250 10 a. bldgs. and fruit ...a $2000 5 a. bldgs snd fruit $2500 5-a. new bungalow $3000 HOME BARGAINS 4- room cottage, garage $1750 5- room honse, garage $1500 7-room home, 2 lots $3000 4-room home, 2 lots, fruit .$1600 5 room home, garage $2750 PERRINE 4 MARSTERS 212 Commercial Club Bldg. 63apr24tf TRADES TRADES TRADES GOOD BUILDINO LOT and Bonus Loan for close in modern small home. CONFECTIONERY Fixtures, stack, lease, fine location $4000. Accept city residence or acreage. REPAIR GARAGE Building, stock, fixtures, tools and 5-room home in good town for Salem residence or ac reage to $8500. GROCERY AND LIGHT HARD WARE Building; stock; and fix tures; 6 -room house in good small town. $4800. Accept Salem home. NEW SERVICE STATION Fine corner; two pumps; grease rack; com plete equipment, $5000. Accept Salem home. ' FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE Nearly new, fine location; paved street. Want acreage 10 go 20 acres. TEN ACRES ON HIGHWAY New 4-room house with furnace; electricity, frnit; shade; creek. $6000. Accept acre or two close in as part. TRIANGtE REALTY COMPANY "HEADQUARTERS FOR TRADES" 421 Court Street. Ground Floor. 63apr23tf $100 DOWN. BALANCE $25 PER month buys a 3 room bungalow, with electric lights, no plumbing, located on large lot with hearing cherry trees, on bus line and paved road Price $2100. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABF.NHORST & CO., Realtors. ' 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515. 63spr27 LARGE APT. HOUSE, FURNISHED, OX large lot, bringing income on invest ment and is business location, $20,000. See me about trade. Larjre corner 100x100 feet. Large house easily made into 4 modern apts. $6850. Apt. house paying $55. Can be bought for $3300. Business house well located $6850. Attractive corner lots $2500, $2100. 1 acre and modern borne $6500. 5-room bungalow, everything modern, street paved $3600. Attractive English style home close in $6000. We write insurance. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 493 -N. Cottage Street. 63apr23tf SPECIAL BUY 4-room borne with large lot located outside of city limits, has electric lights, but no plumbing, garage, sev eral bearing cherry trees. $100 down balance $25 per month. Price $1850. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., 134 S. Liberty St. 63apr26 TRADE SALEM SUBURBAN PROPER ty, small 5-room house with one block of ground for Southern Oregon, acre age or city property, priced at about $2000. Store building renting for $35 per montn will trade for good building lot. This .store ia in good location with 8 living rooms. LANE MORLEY AXD CO. 413 First Xat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 757. 63apr23tf ACRE TRAT8 located near McKinley school with Rearing fruit. frice $50 to n7:0: $.10 down, balance $10 per month. V. H. GKAHE.MIOKST ft CO., 134 S. Liberty St. 63apr'2C (MOW F I CAN 3USTCVS2TAKE V HIM, OLytr-- ;SgRU S ALEM aw r i . a .i TVNG THC BOBSE: TO A TREE i He . PLACE SMELL &P2t? WPSr A HAT FOR, EXCHANGE 12-acre fruit ranch,' located at Lib erty. 4 miles sooth. Price $10.5O1. Will exchange for city property. Has seven-room home with out-buildings. W. H-GRABENHORST A CO., . X34 S. Liberty St. . . , 63apr26 EXCHANGES New 5 room modern honse in N. Sa lem. Paved street, gsrege. Lot 50x 130t. House wired for electric rsnge. Take as first payment a good lot or small acreage. Price $3750, balance terms. 5 room modern bouse in N. Salem. Price $250o. Paved street and near Ira line. Trade for property in Med ford. Oregon. SEE LEO X. OHII.DS CO., Realtors. 320 Stat Street. Tel. 177. 63apt-2 4tf WEEK END SPECIALS Best buy in Salem in 4 room honse, new, hardwood floor, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays, garage, paved street with paving paid. Few large cherry trees, rented for $30. Wont mention the price, because it is crumbling. 5 roqra, fair condition, little repair will make good home. You wouldn't believe me if I told you the price. Come and get it and be surprised. 6-room lissemi nt, furnace, laundry trays, built-ins. east front, paved street. Several large fruit trees. No we are ot going to ask you $3000. Yours for $2700. 4 other 6 rooms. 2 for $4,100; one for $4800; and one for $.1,100. Dis count 5 per cent if sold this week. Others having them listed may do the same. ror one week you may save the commission on these 4 while we grin and bear it. -Comfortable 7 room bouse which we have held for $2200. we will offer for $2Ift9 th week and take as low as $o down and run our chances on get ting any more. We have better 7-room houses and do not rare to hold tbem ss keepsakes. BOND with JOS. BARBER 00 Gray Bldg. 125 X. Libertv. 63apr24tf FOR EXCHANGE 97 acres located near Gervais. $7300. to exchange for home in Salem. W. H. GRABF.NHORST A CO., 134 S. Libertv St. 03apr26 BY OWNER. ONE OF THE PRETTIEST 6-rooi;i homes on Court St. Priced to sell. .Si 5 Court St. Telephone 1451-J. 63spr24 FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE SITE Close in lot, 74ixl63 ft. On, R. R. trackage and paved street. On a good corner with business honses now on all other three corners. This is a bar gain to some one seeking an indus trial site. Price today $10,500. SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO.. Realtors. 320 State Street. Tel. 1727. 63apr24tf SNAP 'Five acres' of good land with some timber located 3 i miles south. Price $1275: $100 down, balance $10 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO., 134 S. Liberty St. 63apr26 NEW HOMES FOR SALE , $3000 Buys a new modern 4-room home with breakfast nook, full cement basement, furnace, fire place, garage with cement drive way, located on paved street, north front. $500 down, bal ance easy terms. $4,100 Buys a new modern 4-room home with extra larsre living room, with oak floors, has small dimng room, built in kitchen, one large bed room, extra good plumbing fixtures. stairway leading to large attic, garage, corner lot, paved street. $500 down, balance' easy terms. $15,000 Buys a modern 3 -room home ' complete in every way, mason- ary constructed, large double garage, hot water system, ma hogany wood work, large living room, fireplace, located on large lot with beautiful shsde trees, near creek, $5000 down, balance easy terms. $7200 Buys a modern 5-room home well located on Fairmount Hill, beautiful view, all large rooms snd modern throughout, $1000 down, balance easy terms. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD HOME. SEE US. WE HAVE A LARGE LIST TO SELECT FROM. W. H . GRABENHORST ft CO., Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 513. 63apr27 HOUSES HOUSES HOUSES $ 710 $100 down, 4 rooms, garage. $1000 $150 cash, 2 room garage house, close in. $1650 $300 down. 4 rooms and batb. garage. NEW., $18.10 $230 cash. 4 rooms, 60x139 Jot. $2250 40O down, 4 rooms and bath, lot 52x132, pavement, on bus. $2400 $300 cash. .1 rooms snd hath, garage, paved. $2600 $JOi down. 4 rooms, nook and hath, huilt ins. fireplace, east front, garage, paved, NEW. $3000 7 rooms and bHth, garage, good condition, pared. $3200 5 rooms, nook and bath, east front, garage, paved. .$3500 800 cash. 5 rooms, bath, lot 73x 150, ' nice fruit, berries and garden, space for 3 cars. $8800 22O0 cash, 6 rooms and bath, large lot, fine fruit, paved, barn. $4200 $1000 down. .1 rooms, nook and bath, east front, largo lot with shade, double garlge, strictly modern, NEW. $4600 $16t0 cash. 6 rooms and bath. New,' striatly modern, garage. $4800 $2200 cash, 4 rooms, nook and bath, (2 rooms unfinished). Lot .10x150. east front. 'paved, ga rage, strictly modern, NEW. Fairmount Hill. $5800 100O down, 6 rooms nook and bath, large lot. fruit, strictly modern, NEW, garage. $6500 $150) cash, 8 rooms and bath, strictly modern, lot 100x100, east front, beautiful location on creek, garage, paved. $7500 $1500 down, 6 rooms nook and bath, .sleeping porch, lot 50x16.1, strictly modern. NEW. shrub bery and trees, garage, Fair mount Hill. $8300 $2000 cash. 8 rooms and 2 "bathst east front, good view, strictly modern, firs, fruit and nuts, garage, paved. $12,000 8 rooms, 2 bath, strictly modern, NEW, beautiful location, fine trees, paved, east front, close ' in, garsge. $1.1.300 Terma to be arranged. 9 rodma, 2 baths, strictly modern. NEW, fine oak trees, hardwood ! floors throughout, east front, corner lot -75x7, double ga rage, close in.! $20,000 8 rooms, 2 baths, nrtok. sleep ing . porch, lot 65x165, double garajre, wonderful view, . beauti ful home. SOCOIOFSKY & SON First NafUBank Bldg. 63apr24tf J ' Risk -sudoem-lv sees nell SHIELDS t WING UN CONSCIOUS . AT THE BASE or DyyMAWiTE POOR BACK AN r ONDS later, RSK RE ' TURNS .OH .. GET HER RE - . FOE-THE THE HAT MODERN HOME ON BEAUTIFUL . FAIRMOUNT HILL 5 well-arranged rooms, hardwood floors, Luilt ins, fireplace, furnace, best f plumbing, paved street and garage. Lot 50x150 with beautiful view of Polk Co. bills and the city. Price $6000 with $10o0 cash and balance like rent. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtor. 320 State Street. - Tel. 1727. 63apr24tf GOOD OPPORTUNITY IX REAL ESTATE WANTED Home or small business in Albany. Sjleni. Dallas or OorvalHs for 2:i acres near Canby. i'7-a. near Yamhill, 2-r. cottage, good spring with tiOoo gal. reservoir. Will a-cept .car as part payment or Salem property. , lu a. on paving, close in, $200 ; $::n down. Good E. front lot, paving paid. $700. I-ot liitx.2H0 N. East front, $0oo. Good business location, old houiu-, lots vf fruit. East front, lot 66x284, $iooo. Good business corner, clo. in, $12,000. 4- r. home, good lot, small payment down. Make an offer. 5- r. home, garage, E. front, $i:!0ft cash. jr. home, basement, garage, north, lots of fruit, pnvjng paid,- $2750. rt-r. strictly modern English home, being completed in Oak Grove, paving paid, $0O0. BERTHA ZUE1ILKE.. 671 X. C'apjtol. 63apr2.1 SPECIAL 5-room plastered house, good loca tion, will trade for pasture land. 5 room house and 1 lot. will trade for 1 acre or 3 or 4 lots. 5, lots, a snsp for $125 each. See THOMASO.V. 320 State St. With Leo N. Childs Co. 63spr24tf FOR SALE Modern house, 102.1 X. Summer St.? or will trade for suburban home. Tel. 2436-W. Owner. 63apr27 We have a good 100 acre farm with improvements, nmning water, wood tor own use, at $12d per acre. Let us show you this place. your city home or farm through Sell our .office. Others are doing it, why not you ? Trade your house in town for 20 acres improved north of Salem, price $4ouo. Lease a coiy bungalow in the Palmer Courts. property in Salem is a good in City vestment. A new, fully modern 4 rooms and nook, wired for elec trie range, electric water heater installed. Workmanship is A-l Located on Jetierson road near Capitol St. Price $3600, $500 aown, balance like rent. Or you may like a good 21 acre tract with fine large house, joins city limits oi atayton. A genuine bar gain at $.1500. Easy terma. Country property in the valley is moving. 22 acres of bottom land on good road, good barn, in good location. at $1600. Easy payments and terms. ULR1CH ft ROBERTS, Realtors. 129 No. Com l St. Tel. 1354. 63apr28 OWING TO SICKNESS, I MUST SELL a ou-acre iarm all in cultivation, most ly all fenced with woven wire, prac tically new house; good, large barn, all stock and equipment goes with this place. Would consider taking small house as part payment. For particu lars see my agent, G. T. Wodsworth, Gervais, .Ore. 63M20 FOR SALE NEW 5 ROOM BUNGA low $2600, $50 down, balance like rent. Tel. 520. 63aprl5tf TAXIDERMIST 68 TAXIDERMIST SHOP E. E. WIG gins. Prop., 1145 Norwsy. Near Woodry's Auction Market. TeL 2261-W REAL ESTATE: Suburban 60 NEW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOR sale on terms like rent, aoubie con struction, fully plumbed, electric fix tures, etc.. 4 rooms and breakfast nook, garage, etc. One half acre of finest garden land.- Pnce $3100, Carle Abrams. 1465 Uhameketa St. Tel 1894-J. 6fl2tf TRANSFER & HAULING 70 WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also msketeoun try trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Call on ns for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service, farmer Transfer CO. lei. 930 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Tel. 72F2. SALEM TRANSFER ft FUEL CO. Local snd Long Distance Hauling, Storage and FuoL 399 8. High. Tel. 529. . TOaSOtf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Tel. 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WANTED Real Estate 71 LISTINGS WANTED We have several calls for small pay ment down, homes modern and semi modern. If you are in need of money see us at once, 'perhaps we can help you along. Lee W. Bell. 503 Bk. of Comm. Tel. 484. Firo Insurance. 71m9tf WELL DRILLING 72 R. A. WEST. RT. . BOX 10S-A. TEL. 110F5. 3 miles east en Garden Road. TRAVEL T6 TBAVKL Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably In buses of the Parker Stage Line. STAGES LEAVE FOR Silverton 7 a. m- 11 a. so., 5 p. am. Mt. Angel 11 a. m., 5 p. m. Dallas 7 a. m.. 9 a. m., 1 :25 a. m. Falla City 7 a. m.. 2:J0 p. m 5:15 p. m. " Independence 7 a. m., 9 a.-m.. 1115 a. m.. 8:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m., Sun day only 8:30 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m., 11:15 a. m., 3:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Sunday onl 7:10 p. m.. 8:30 p. m. MrMinnville 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Newbera 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. 5:15 p. m. Tillamook 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m. Call 222 or 696 for information. AUTOS WANTED 77 msMI PAID FOR FORDS E1KER ACT 77m 12t! uC GPiLV. I ANP NOUJ UP VAONucfC HOUI sSHC TF4E SOUTH Up iDT SLEEPS ONE OF THOSE. rcyxw SUDDEN AND TEMPESTUOUS fcAUS STORMS SO COMMON To TrH3 fctsTtelCT- SOPHAT SALEM WATER, LIORT ft POWER CO. Office $04 Sooth Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid is advance. No deduction for ab sence or any Cause unless water is shut off yonr premises. USED CARS FOR SALE 70 SEE OUR Select Stock OF Better Automobile Vafues ' Ford Coupe late model,, fine finish, excellent condition Oldsmobile Sedan fine condition, good tires and appearance Hiupmobile Sedan excellent finish, good' condition and attractive price Buick Touring Chevrolet Touring 8 Fords Hudson Sedan Jordan 8 Enclosure Nash Touring Oldsmobile Touring Overland Touring Pettyjohn Valuation 'Policy Sneorpor-, ates business principles which result In advantage to- buyers of exchanged auto mobiles and creates better values in the merchandise. F. W. Pettyjohn Co.; 365 North Commercial Street Phone 1260 . . 'After-We Sell We Serve" 79A21tf Economy Just as much fun in an economical car: travel iust as far in an economi cal money i in the bank driving an economical ear. Here They Are Fo r d sFo r d sFo r d s 1926 Coupe. $100 worth of extras..$465 1924 Roadster., These are rare "at fhe price $175 1925 Coupe, guaranteed car $310 iaj4 louring, i-yroxynn iuiiu, guaranteed . $215 1923 Tourior. Nitrolite finish, like new ;....$ 165 1920 Roadster, pick up, body, new paint $100 1920 Tudor Sedan $ 90 1921 to 1925 Deliveries, $125 to $250 Other Cars Than Fords Chevrolet Touring : $ 75 Chevrolet Delivery : $ 90 Dodge Panel Delivery, make us a price. - Cleveland Six Touring . . $125 Valley Motor Co.; Salem, Oregon. . 79apr20tt lity Used Cars BOUGHT ROM A 8TUDEBAKER DEALER ARE THE BEST BUYS. thev are backed bv the Famous Stiide'baker used ear pledge and the Willard Battery 90-day insur ance and repair warranty. 1Q24 Willva-Knieht Sedan. 1925 Rollins touring, 4-wbeel brakes, balloon tires. 1923 Maxwell Sedan, new paint. 1925 Star Touring, balloop tiros.,, 1920' Stndebaker light six touring. 1923 Study, big six coupe-sedan. 1925 Dodge coupe. 1920 Frsnklia touring. 1924 Studebaker light six touring. 1922 Studebaker club roadster. 1923 Hup four, coupe. 1925 Chandler sedan. TERMS OR TRADE Marion Auto Co. 235 So. CdmmerclaL Tel. 862. LOT NEXT TO FIRE H ALL 440 Chemeketa. Tel. 2117. Ask for Gibbins Used Car Dept. 79apr24 MARION- CHANDLER MacDonald Auto Co. Priced to Sell DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS. EVERY CAR 18 A REAL BARGAIN AND MUST BE SOLD. THIS IS A CLEAN UP SALE. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. - - " ' 1920 Oakland .Sedan almost new. Marmon 5-pass Sedan. Mirnoa Coupe. Chrysler 70 Roadster. Hudson Brougham. ' Hudson 7-pass. Sedan. Willys-Knight 8edaa. Willys-Knight Touring. Willys-Knight Sport Touring. Overland Do L"X Sedan., , . Overland Sedan. Franklin Touring. ; Overland Tourings. Ford Tourings. Doda-e Roadster. All ears are in rood mechanical condi tion, many have ' new. paint and good rubber. - -' Liberal Terms. Trade Accepted. MacDonald Auto Co. Open Sundays and evenings until 8 p.i Cottage and Ferry. Tel. 409. MARMON - CHANDLER. 79apr9t Dependable Cars 1923 Dodge Touring $350 1924 Chevrolet, rebuilt . $275 1925 Ford Coupe,, high back $300 1926 Chevrolet Touring $475 1925 Chevrolet Touring .$375 See these ears they are different. ,. Newton ChevroletuCo. . , ' 79apr20tf By Ed Wheelan FRONJ NX-EST , bO NOT t s 4. -:-;v:' ) X 0LD8M0BIL1 1 Two -.-. -of - t.: The Best Packard T-pawteager sedan, doco paint, AM shape .. $1450 Oakland sedan, late model .$1.10 J ewett touring, late model .-$375 Ford coupe, lata model , $350 Earl aedan, new paint, good condi- tion s 3r0 Ford sedan, a bargain $12a Dodge touring, a bargain $125 3-4 ton Republic truck 'pneumatic tire and starter 20O We have only listed a few of our nsed cars above if you are interested in a good used ear romo in and luok oar . stock over before you buy. Capitol Motors Inc. TeL 2125 Biddy Bishop. AL '"4 - Two . Of 1 The Best. PACKARD OLD8MOBILR , 79apr22tf DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1926 Dodge Sedan, fully equipped, guaranteed ...$8,5 1925 Dodge Special Coupe, fully guaranteed ....... .$725 1924 Dodge Touring, glass . en- . closure $62j 1925 Overland 4 Coach $500 1924 Jewett De Luxe Touring . $575 1925 Ford Roadster, fully equipp ed ...$250 1924 Chevrolet Touring .-..$250 1923 Ford Touring .'. $150 1922 Ford Sedaa - .;....$125 Under te big tent. Center and Com mercial Sts. OPEN SUNDAY ' . BOXESTEELE MOTOR CO. . 79spr24 REO TOURING, 1924, ust lib aew. Worth $800. Sacrifice, for $650. Tel. 1241-M. 79aprl4UT 1924 OVERLAND TOURING ORIOIN- al condition, run nearly 13,000 miles, sacrifice price and your own terma down. Owner 235 Richmond Ave. - 79apr24 r Salem Market FEED No. 1,' wheat, white Red, wheat, sacked" Oats, per bit. milling $ 1.22 1.19 .53 PORK, MUTTON AND JEEP Topa boga IS1 .09 Vi .07 Sows Top- ateora Cows Bulls 05 192T limhi nnder 8 lha. .17 Top live veal 07.09 Dressed veal .17 Dressed pig , . , , - .15 POULTRY Light hens Heavy hens Broilers - Roosters . 180.-0 J 21 to .2 3 26.30 .08 EGGS, BUTTER, BTJTTERTAI ritanaaroa , .is Pound- -.10 Butterfat s ; i. - .43 Cream butter ..44 . 45 VEGETABLES Vegetables, beets, sscked .. Onions, dot. bunches Xew .Cabbage . .05 .90 . .05 . ' 9.25 . 8.50 pelery California lettuce, crato Local onions .4V.05 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL :! - -estate - -: Notice is hereby; given that th undersigned will receite sealed bids up to 2 o clock p. m. Thurs day, June. 2, 1927, at his office in ' the Capitol building for the sale of a tract of land adjoining Cente street -on the south and bounded by 21st and 24th streets. Salem, Oregon, containing approximately 13.72 acres, more or. less.. Said r property now owned by the State r of Oregon. . . ... '. The terms of .the sale are cash upon completion of - the transfer, and all bids must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to Carle Abrams, 'secretary Oregon State Board of Control, In the amount of $1,000.00 as evidence of good faith and guarantee of performance by.! the bidder. ' The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. . s The legal description of this property may be secured ted the plat of same inspected at the oflice of the undersigned. CARLE ABRAMS, Secretary, Oregon State Board of Control, a 24; m 1-8-15-22-29 NEW INCORPORATIONS I o . 1 r ' The Rubb Country club, wlrti capital stock of $15,000 and head quarters in Portland, has been in corporated by B. G. Skulason, K. Clarke and M. H. Clark. Otherw articles filed In the state corporation department yes terday follow: ' " - William F. Johnson,-Inc., Port land, $25,000; William P. John son, Laura Huey Johnson and E. G. Welgant. - - - BiWs Partner Francis T. Hunter, above, of lew Rbchelle,'. Y., will aaiL vrith Hlz BUI Tilden April 21 for a sorUs cf tennis inachea la'Ercra; crf" Ing in Germany, Ilunter defeat? 1 Jacqnes Brngnon, French star, in the winter indoor mtcho. . PACKARD