The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    He Gives
This Will Be the Mmpmte and Festal AnniverSdri
WEATHER FORECAST: rarr in souin
-J First Section-Pages 1 to 8
i -,i ttnettiel in norm pun. ", -r. -i
,r!v winds. Maximum temperature yestpr-
I "v TT: minimum. 48; rfver. 2.6: atmoa- j
j pV'ro. Hear; wind, northwest. ; .
Four Sections 26 Pages
r- '
-4 A,
at M M I
pemains of two Others jSttll
Not Located; Grappling
Hooks. U&d "
Organized Search RtaHirf' at Be
best of Company;
- I.uil Hop Ilrttf of Pia'iMK
Remaining Pair
LONC.VIEwj April 23. (AP
The iHKly- of Francis Randolph,
i,oi of te tlfe men swept to
death yesterday in the Columbia
riv.-r near Oak Point when they
wri engulfed) by a mighty wave
following a blast of 30.000 pounds
of powder, wai recovered late to
day. !
"Phil MrDonough. representative
of the state fisheries department,
anil tate representatives- -from
.... l l : n . AAimiv naaixtfl hv
L. Edward Cobnell, made the re
covery by thj use of grappling
hook. The body was found near
voana nf ih traredv.
- - - -
Reward Authorized
Rewards were offered today for
the recovery j of the bodies ; of
throe news reel cameramen.
rnder authorlxatlon of the In
ternational Newsreel, Mrs. T. G.
Randolph, widow of one of the
cameramen, employed A. E. Hays,
a, local rivermany . who' went to
Stella, Wash..: with drag nets and
grappling hooks to conduct an or
panized search.
No trace had been found late
today of the bodies of T. G. Ran
dolph of Seattle and ATthur-Baa-tfpU.
Longvlewlrtfie other '-irp men
'') lost their lives whil8'defyins
danger in making pictures of the
explosion. ' '
orru iais A routing
Mayor A. Li Clbbs of Longvlew
offered a reward of -$50 for the
recovery of each body. George
Jackson, manager of the1 Uniyer
Bal Exchange,; Portland, offered a
reward of $100 or the. recovery
of the body of either of the Rah-
V dolDbs. Jackson sent a boat and
two divers from Portland to assist
in the twarrh. ;
Towlitr county and city of Long
view officials,! the Liongview Red
f'ross. American Legion nad other
ngencitw aKslsed In the orAanlxa
tion search. . j ( - . '- v
KxTerll-nccd; fiver man, how
ever, held llttlh hope that the bod
ies would . bo; recovered.
riUTn.inr.Y! fatally hurt
:aHy Report w Indicate .TO to lOO
Killed; Rnlm fM-fy ftearrli
I I'sriy - V;- 'i
HETUOIT. lApril (AP)
With two knows dead and the
daaih of ho rn 28" others In tVo
liMiial expected, the black and
Hiioide ring ?ruins of, a new five
nory building f the Briggs Mann-
acturiug company tonight held the
solution of rwhetber' others" met
l'-ath in a fireg kindled by a series
i -xpiosioas,' Which deatroyeo. tne
structure jrft toda,yJ-i f c A -James
Olllan. who died ahortiy
after his admittance to receiving
hospital, and Harry Mason who
died this ; afternoonVv were,t. the
known lead. -Both were negroes.
Ksti mates of the number of dead
ran as high as 100. although J. "W
farter, head or the sertice' depart
ment, anuounced-'late today that a
fteck of the employment records
accounted far all the 200 men em
Plflyed in thei . burned ; buUdlngs.
More than J500 are employed In
all departments of sthe plaat, : an
atoinobHe body. firm, pceupying
veral baildiags: r
Parlv wv & . m 1 m
'deputy coroner., who, visited the
ene of the tratredv. were that
from to ,100 men were, killed.
firemen placed the number at 20
not Thoraaa JL 0Grady jHepnty
periBteadent of police, refused
to et a figure. lie. said it nrob-
My would be- several days bef pre
arch could j be made , for ;any
dies that remain In the ruins. -
The r total- number ? Jhclnded
ores : not serIously injured who
deceived: first aid treatment at the
lo hospitals: and the company's
PI ftce and returned to their homea.
$24,039.41' O.V CLAIMS
Outcome of This Salt May Affect
All of 18 Count le in
Tax Refund
. :
A suit was filed in the circuit
court here yesterday by I. II. Van
Winkle,' attorney general, which
would force Marion county to pay
to the Rtate of Oregon $24,0.19.41.
Thlsi Is the share the state claims
of the total amount of J11 1,000
received by Marion county from
the Oregon & . California Jand
grant tar refund. This suit is be
ing watched with considerable in
terest as its outcome may affect
18 counties in the state, which
participated in this refund.
A tabulation prepared by the
attorney general and other state
officials shows that the aggregate
tax refund under the congression
al act is 6.000,000. Of this amount
the state eontcndK it is entitled 1o
receive $1,349,391. The same
tabulation shows that in event
the state prevails in the suit 25
of the 36 counties in Oregon
would benerit by the decree. Those
25 connties are thore in eastern
Oregon which has none of the
railroad grant, lands and seven
western Oregon counties which
contain part of the grant lands
and share in the government re
fund. Failure of the state to pre
.vail In the proceedings would
prove beneficial to 11 of the grant
land counties.
"Since the refund or advance
ment to the 18 counties in which
the revested iands lie was direct
ed to be made by congress." read
a statement prepared by the at
torney general, "as discussion has
arisen as to- the proper construc
tion of the law. Officials of the
several counties in which such
grants are situated have taken
the position that the state is not
entitled to any part of the refund.
"On the other hand, it is direct
ly provided .in the congressional
enactment that the state is en
titled -t receive : such portion of
the"" refund representing the
amount of state taxes which would
have been levied upon the lands
granted ta the Oregon & Califor
nia railroad i company and revest
ed in the government for failure
to comply with the terms of the
grant, bad such lands remained
in private ownership during the
years 1916 to 1926, inclusive.
"It therefore becomes the duty
of the attorney general to pre
sent the matter to the courts for
adjudication and enforcement of
(Continued n pasre 3.)
Anny Officers .Will' V1.hH l;tsop
Location Torlay
PORTLAND, April 23. (AP)
A preliminary jtudy of Camp
Clatsop near Astoria, where the
summer encampment of the Ore
gon national guard Is to be held
June 15 to 29, will be mad3 to
morrow by a party of 15 guard
The party will leave here at 8
o'clock Sunday morning under the
leadership of Lieutenant Colonel
Harry OviBrumbaugb,acting chief
of staff of the 14th division. High
ranking officers of the 41st and
of the 32nd Infantry brigade and
commanders of the 162nd and
186th . Infantry and theiri staffs
will make the trip. -
The members of the party will
be met at the camp by Brigadier
General i George A. White, com
mander of the guard of the state.
It Isa proposed to cover the entire
camp site during the visit so that
the officers will he in a position
to make up their training sched
ules and plan other activities for
the encampment.-
. -- - -i--'. ' . : . '. .
Little Indian Buns Distance In
? Ijptm Ttian Seven-Houra : ;
. MEMORIAL .. STADIUM , La w-reaceiiKans.;-;
April 23. (AP) -Jose
Torres, a little brown Tara
humara Indian J from the1 1 Chihua
hua i. aierraa of northern Mexico
broke a' world '8 record which has
stood since 1882 when he ran the
61 miles from Kansas City to
Lawrence today in six hours, 4
minutes and 4 1 jseconds- lie- beat
the time of 7 hours S'.ralfaUtcsl
and 51 seconds for the eatne dis
tance, by W, C. Davles in New
York City. . , u
;: Torres,' Manuel " Salido and
Thomas' Zaflro,' all . Tarahumaras,
and -Purcall Kane, Apache and
Burt .Betab, Navajo, both from
Haskell Indian institute, started
from Kansas City t to . Lawrence
while Loltta and' JuAnlta'Caza rare,
Tarahumara girls, iWgan ?a 29
ralleai from Topeka to. Lawrence,
s a special attraction at the- fifth
annual Kansas .relays. .- " '
TBI fl
Warnings Issued to .Resi
dents of Lower Valley Now
Facing Danger
Aid Given Thirst at Greenville,
Mlfcs., Town Hardest Hit;
Hundreds Isolated on'
ICvees in Hanger
fBy Associated Press.)
More than 60 persons are known
to have perished in the moBt exten
sive MississinDl valley flood of
record and there are unconfirmed
reportsthat upwards of on) hun
dred and fifty others haVa been
Th number made homeless oyer
the thousands of square mijs now
under water in Mississippi, Ark
ansas and six other states is esti
mated at 100,000-. .. .
As the floods swept over addi
tional Mississippi towns, including
Lei and, Cleveland, Shaw and Be
nolt, as well as Intervening plan-
Cations, the millions in property
damage was steadily mount'ng.
New Warnings Issued
Warnings of flood dangers in
Louisiana from the Red ' and
Ouachita rivers, as well as at
Natchez, Baton Rouge and New
Orleans issued by the weather
Red Cross and federal agencies
moved swiftly to organize relief
work and to evacuate refugees
from inundated towns and those
in the path of the raging water.
Immediate concentration was on
Greenville, Mii-Thrtie6t hit of
alL of hte towns where buffering
(Contiaoed on pige S.)
Pears Xot Uadly ' Damaged i
Rogne River Vicinity, Report
MEDFORDr April 3. (AP)
United States Frost' Expert Ployd
Young, stationed in the Rogne"
river valley, after a survey of the
orchards hereabouts following' two
severe frosts the first of the week
estimated that there will . be . a
god crpp of;. pears with the ex
ception of Bo8cs' which are be
low normal- in blossoming. The
frost expert further warned that
the worst of the frost danger ist
yet to come and that it will last
a month longer! . J
;' .1 $--,,tC'..-f i . -RtXIXG
Have Sot Plotted Xor Aidml Revo
i littion, ; Archbishop Tells ,
-Minister ,;
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, April 23.
,(AP) Six Mexican prelates,
expelled from the country at Lare
do today, declared on their arrival
here tonight that their expulsion
had come only after they had in
formed the Mexican secretary of
interior that Catholics of Mexico
had the right to stand up for
their rights, peacefully if possible,
but with arms if necessary.
The party, headed by the vener
able Archbishop Mora Del Rio, 89
years old, and Archbishop Leo
poldo Ruiz y Flores reached San
Antonio by automobile late to
night and were immediately taken
to the home of Archbishop Arth
ur J. Drossaerts of San Antonio.
Archbishop Mora was very tired
after the long journey from Mexi
co City. Archbishop Ruiz said the
six had been arrested for rebellion
and arraigned before Minister of
the Interior Tejedo. who question
ed them as to the charge.
"We have aided no revolution,"
Archbishop Ruiz quoted Mora Del
Rio as saying. "We have plotted
no revolution but we do claim that
the Catholics of Mexico have the
right to fight for their rights by
peaceful means first and with
arms in an extremity."
"That statement constitutes re
bellion against the government
and you will be deported from the
country," Archbishop Ruiz de
clared the minister replied.
Salem Girl Head of Missionary
Departmen for State
OREGON CITY. April. 23.
CAP) Donald O. Nelson of Port
land was today elected president
of the Oregon state Christian En
deavor here today to - succeed
former Judge .Jacob Kanzler of
Other officers are: James Hen
derson, Portland, first vice presi
dent; James Moberg, Eugene, sec
ond vice president; Mrs. I. C.
Bowser. La Grande, third vice
president; Elaine Cooper, Port
land, world union vice president;
Hazel Neil, Portland, treasurer;
Jacob Kanzler, Portland, execu
tive adviser; Viola Ogdon, Port
land, secretary; Dallas C. Rice,
field secretary; pastor councel
lors; Rev. Walter L. Myers, Eu
gene, and Rev. Charles Gaffney,
Ashland; James M. Leitch, Dallas,
citizenship superintendent; Elcy
Walker, Grants Pass, educational
superintendent; Ella Smith, Sa-
iem- missionary
conventlon closes tomor-
Highest office in the land
' . tkliGious
Quota of District piaced at $20O0;.
Appeals Jlade by Red
, ' Cross Officials
Red Cross workers in the Wil
lamette . district , reported last
night that already"275 had been
raised to be used for the relief
of the, flood victims; Even as the
relief work gets under .way dis
'patches continue to arrive telling
of the deplorable conditions which
are existing in the Mississippi
valley now
"As the ,flopd waters pouring
through qrevesses at Spots Land
ing, above fireaville. Miss., push
ed across the delta, new towns
were inundated. Still appalling
conditions wt?re described as de
plorable due to the failure of the
water and sewerage systems and
the presence of nearly 10.000 re
fugees. There was a shortage of
bread and no dry; clothing was to
be had "by the water soaked citi
zens." Such in. brief was an Associat
ed Press dispatch from the flood
ed area last night. The list of
homeless bad increased to 100,
000 and there was every indica
tion that it would be consider
ably larger in a very short time.
.- Many of the people have not
f Continued on par 5.)
itepresentatives of Six Organiza
tions 'Confer in Plans
The general committee to make
arrangements for the GAR and
allied organizations' convention,
which is to be held in Salem In
June, met .yesterday and listened
to very favorable reports concern
ing the progress of the plans for
this encampment.
Six organizations were repre
sented at this meeting, which was
presided over by Charles Fessen
den. The Methodist church has
been secured for the registration
quarters and the armory will he
used for general headquarters
during the meeting. Plans are
being formed to have on evening
devoted to a big campfire gather
ing and another evening for a
general installation program. Ad
jutant George A. White offered
the full cooperation of his depart
ment in the work which remains
to toe done.
Among the out of town people
to attend this meeting were: Wil
liam Clemmens of Newberg, de
partment commander of the GAR;
C. S. Taaker of Portland, depart
ment adjutant of the GAR; H. S.
Lillagar of Portland, a member
ofi the council of administration
of the GAR; C. B.Zeek of Bn
don, department commander of
the Sons of Veterans and a" num
ber of prominent Relief Corps
But "Failure" Is Verdict of
Clarence Darrow in De
bate at New York
Anti-Saloon League Speaker Find
Poverty Reduced; Billions That
Went for "D. T.V Now
Buy Autos
NEW YORK. April 23. (AP)
: Clarence Darrow, noted Chicago
criminal lawyer, and AVayne B.
Wheeler, general counsel of the
Anti-Saloon league, debated pro
hibition tonight, before a large
audience in Carnegie hall.
Wheeler, foe of alcohol, took
the negative, and Darrow, protag
onist of the "right to drink and
suffer or be happy," took the af
firmative. The subject was: "Re
solved, that prohibition of bever
age liquor traffic is detrimental to
the public welfare." There was no
official decision. The debate was
sponsored by the f American For
um, a non-partisan group.
Darrow, declaring it a minority
measure, and legal tyranny, said
prohibition was a failure; that it
would not and had not been en
forced. He said repeal was im
possible and ventured that "per-
( Continued on para 5.)
Device Tells Whether Defendant
Has Been Drinking, Claim
CHICAGO, April 23 -AP.)
When a deferidAnt of the future
faces the judge and hears the usu
al question, "Had you been drink
ing?" he will not need to reply, if
an instrument perfected by Wm. D.
McNally, coroner's chemist, comes
into general use.
A tube of the defendant's breath
taken when he was arrested will
tell the tale. If the court is hot
j certain, he can examine a second
tube of the defendant's breath
which has been subjected to chem
ical analysis.
If the second tube shows a rich
green, the defendant's potations
were considerable: if it is a light
green, he didn't have so much, and
ii colorless, the judge, according to
Dr. McNally's findings, should
promptly say "Not guilty."
Steamer Hugs 'Bank Seeking;' to
Prevent Widening of Breach,
NEW ORLEANS, April 23.
(AP) -The levee holding the wa
ters of the Mississippi on the west
bank of the river at the Junius
plantation, 40 miles below here,
broke late today. The oil tanker
Inspector was believed to have
rammed the levee, causing the
break, but some residents of the
section said that the Inspector,
passing the point at the moment
the crevasse occurred, sounded
the alarm and then drew Into the
bank to hold back as much of the
water as possible.
The Inspector was outbound for
Cuba .
About 69 families live on the
Junius plantation which was rap
idly ' "being . inundated. About
2500 people will be driven from
their homes unless the" break is
stopped, it was", expected.
Elopes With Telephone Clerk, She
- ' " . Informs I'arenta
. WILMINGTON Del., April ,23.
(AP) -Miss' Frances Du Pont;
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Philip
FY Du ;Pont of FaVrviHe7 Pa., 'ahd
Richard Morgan, a' telephone clerk
employed in Philadelphia', eloped
to Belair Md-Vlate'Toflay" arid" were
married. .-'.The bridetwho'; Is an
heiress, telegraphed the news 1 of
her marriage "to" h'er parents 'soon
alter the ceremony. "
: i i . -
50 Gallons" of Liquor Foond" In
- ' t Woods Near St. Paal .-t
" The' dirooTery of :a' 50 rallon
still and fix 50 gallon barrels full
of: mash,; In , thewoods .batween
West Woodburn and JBt.' Panl, was
reported by Deputy Sheriffs W. T.
Barber and B. IL; Smith on their
return , to Salem Saturday after
nooDL - - - - --".
Purchased Photograph Gallery In
lOtoo and Was Very
Successful ,
Thomas Jefferson Cronise, 73,
well kown Salem photographer-,
died suddenly at 12:15 o'clock on
Saturday, April 23. 1927. at his
apartments in the Bush-Brey
4 , , -v I
Thomas Jefferson; Crohlse f
block. He suffered . a cerebral
hemorrhage last December ' and
has been ill since that time.
He was the son of Henry G. W.
and Louise Hosmer cronise, be
ing born at Peru, Illinois, on Oc
tober 11, 1833. When' he l -was a
small hoy his father came west to
California and his mother moved
the children to -Seville; Ohio. His
mother was a newspaper woman
with considerable experience, and
when he was 14'years of age'she
bound him out as an apprentice
to an old time printer and news
paper man. at Wadsworth, Ohio:
Later he returned to Seville arid
did' the mechanical work on-the
Seville Times, a newspaper edited
by his mother. He spent some
time in York, Ohio, at the prlut-
( Continued
page .)
Mayor Issues Proclamation CaR
In' on' People to Unite
The dates for the National Mu
sic week have been set for May
1 to 7. During this week various
organization will bring before the
people the value of good music.
Cooperating with this move
ment Mayor T. A. Livesley1 of
Salem issued the following pro
clamation: The week of May first through
May seventh has been set apart
as National Good Music Week and
dedicated as a festival of mnslc
celebrations.' ' .'''
I, therefore, suggest that our
citizens cooperate in making the
week an educational and artistic
success. - :i. . -',-.
Good Music Week Is designed
to be the festival of the people,
every race and creed is interested,
and . the harmonious and -united
efforts-' .of : all will make Good Mn
slc Week a notable-and memor
able one in the history of Salem;
On this occasion the -people are
asked to direct their attention-to
the' subject and to foster the 'cul
ture of music wherever and how
ever possible.
T, therefore, proclaim May first
through May seventh i National
Music Week" of America, for the
City of Salem. '
T. A. LIVESLEY.7 Mayor
U. OF 6. ENR0LL'3tei
Registrar Iteports- Iovrease. of SO
Over Same; Date . Year Ago
EUGENE, 'April- 23.- (AP)
Students on the University of Ore
gon campus number 3054, accord
ing to. registration figures for the
spring term, , says Carlton E.
Spencer, registrar, f This Is an In
crease ? of. 6 students over regis
tration figures for the same, per
iod last year, iTjhere are 280 more
men than . women this year, the
total male' eglstra'tlon being, 167,
the' women numbering 13871 . .
i; The figures do not include th
233 rued lea J students in Portland
or the nearly' 6000 who are doing
extension wort
0 " - . - .-
Will Meet.. Ensene Debaters . for
, AVestern Oregon Championship
iTILliaMOiDKr Ori; Aprlf .22.
(AP.) Warrenton high school de
feating team, composed of Helen
Smith and Dulclo LyttelL defeated
the-Tillamook team here tonight.
The victors will meet Eu?ene high
school to decide the western Ore
gon championship.-
- Jim "
EtllERS i
Knight ; Memorial Church
With Membership of 297
Led With Total of 62
Over' 35 Active Organization In
Salem; Statistics CompilM
. . ltcprescntative of
'-, d " Increases
On Easter Sunday, 175 .mem
bers joined ten Salem churches,
which shows anew that the belief
in immortality is at the root of
Christianity. New Impetus in the
growth of practically every church
In- Salem is shown at this time of
the year.
The Knight Memorial . church,
which took in 62 new members
on Easter Sunday, holds the re
cord. . This 1st a phenomenal per
centage of the 297 that comprise
the entire membership to date.
There is less' surprise in" the
fact' that the .First Methodist
church rates second, with twenty
five new members in one Sunday.
This ' church, which has 1225
members on the roll, has a mem
bership vastly larger than have
most of the other chnreh-
Thfee churches have Identical
records. These are the First Con
gregational, the First Presbyter
ian, ana tne Jason Lee Methodist.
Each of these took in fifteen new
members' en Easter morning. '" "
The First Baptist church fol
lows with twelve new members:
the First Evangelical, with eight:
the" First Christian with seven;
and .tho Court Street ; Christian,
with four. ;
In the churches where babies
are ecognIed, a total of nlnteen
were baptised on this day of
greatest tnnfwin
In' this respect the First Pres
byterian church, where eight In
fants were baptised at one service
holds the record. - Five babies
were baptised at the Jason Le
Methodist ' church; two at tht
iUEiuUiMI cuurcn; anl
y - (Continoed on i.)
So Hope) for ; Reconciliation; Is
Statement; Disloyalty
' ' Charco Denied
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. April 23.
-(AP.)--A schism in the relig
ious ranks of Aimea Semnl vtr.
Pherson occurred tonight when
seVeral hundred former members
of Ahgelus' Temple gathered under
the leadership of Gladwin N. Nich
ols, resigned musical, director 'of
the temple and announced the
opening of a new . church which
will hold". Its first services in a
hall at Glendale, a suburb, tomorrow.'-"
Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, mother of
Mrs. . McPherson. who earlier to
day (declared she was actlnr as
the ambassador of her evangelist,
in seeking to bring peace: in the
temple 'rebellion tonight said ahe
was anxiously attempting a recon
ciliation. :
There ls nd hope for a, recon
ciliation with Angelus Temple and
Mrs. - McPherson In a" religious
way' a spokesman: for Nichols de
clared. . " ;
Peace conferences were held to
day in an effort to bring'to an en.l
thfe rebellion of Aimee SempIe'Mc
Phetson's Angelus Temple chorus
of SO voices and band of 40 pieces.
Mrs.4 Minnie ; Kennedy, mother of
Mrs McPherson, who said she was
acting' as ambassador of her evtm
gelist daughter Jn the conferences,
predicted an amicable settlement.
Band and chorus went on a strike
last : night .following; the re.sijrna
tJon of Gladwyd Nichols, temple
musical director.
Mrs. McPherson-was quoted as
faying that the resignation was at
i;cr request and the result cl "g
cretl ambitions" of a small r;r c-ai
which ?hadHtarted - to1 a
movement; of disloyalty ta tb
Four-Square Gospel", and tersi?.'"
Several members; of tta tr
also wer'e requested to' - itl
shft iaid..- .
Later Mra, ;McPtrscn C
that 'she' Lad' accfi--
dlFloyalty" and dedr? ' t: j 1
cams as the result fC c;;-rc:
- J ' :