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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1927)
TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 19. 1927 ; THE OHEGOTT STATESMAN, SAT.EM. OREGON The Oregon Statesman fcii.aed vrt teaee!" Li t slem, th eapTtal of Off. nVFRTISIXQ , V hoVEST ADVERTISING Theol i . must bm kept It Iem anything If. aaeatieBable aatara. Mlsrprsev i ?fc.iio w.U Ml a wiri. snisnr. lfitioB .biog aey ntlbl lav I T". on th P CI aaverw reported te tat MfW lem Ad. club - ' - Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily ar Bandar 2 cent per werd 7V . ..... 6 cents per word Iki times cent par wera i no. daily aed eeataper ward ,,t. advertising maat 1 ia eoosecative UBM. v ukti tar lec than C5. - Ad. roa Sunday OXLV cbargad at ! rata.-- - a- V:"- '- . Adrertiftementa eteept Paraoaala .od Situation Waated. will be Ukea o?er tne ieirDiiw mm , .ulMicriber'to pbooet The. Staleawaa w - eerra-:vadTr--. the day or timnt at any tr ...h To laaure? iP j o!ifiea- .ji Ads hnM in ;i,.t,i 7 p. 1 AUCTIONEERS F. N. Wdbtlry Tb Woodry' -erarybod -knew. 'jx. Cali paid ' fer naed 1 furnitaro.'' , Bea. and tefa 1616, K. . Summer It. Telepboaa 011. - H. F. Wqodry 4Ti Son -Right dow. ewW Caah paid for sted faraitare. JBtor 571 K. Coai'L Tel. 75. Affntt ff Leaf Raare. ACTO TOPS . I KFat PS FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK 0. J. Hall Aato Tea and Paiat Show. 287 8. Commercial.-- - 6al0tf I B.4TTERT c ELECTRICIAN 6 B. D. BARTON EXIDS BATTERIES , Starter aad ,,oarar work; 202 Booth Hith. v Tel. 198 COURT ST. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUHr wiring: by hoar or contract. Eatiaaato farniahed. Tel. 980 471 Coart . BICYCLES REPARNO 8 LLOYD E. RAM SDEN COLUMBIA. Bl erelea and Tepairing.' W7 Ooart. HELP WANTED MaUe 11 iVTMl A LIVK KEWSPAPER SUB rintiea eaaraeT.- Uau iareaiaf aaacer. Statermaa 4ffle." llmllU x CHIROPRACTORS - 15 R. H. B. 8C0F1ELD, P. B. C, 80f firit National Bank Bid. DR. O. L. 8COTT, PBC CHIROPRACTOR , J5 N. Hi. Tel. 82-B or 87. FLORISTS 18 CUT FLOWERS, WETiDING BOUQUETS raaeral wreatns. aeeorauoaa. -v. r . florisC 118 8tate Rt aaaLiIaaviaMaBawaaBaaBaaBaKaB BIAGAZIMEH Farm rapers 17 IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BES1 farm paper send fiva P-ceat atampa te tne Pacific uoateatoad. eaiem. tregow for a three pth.t'triaJ.aJaexipkJAa Mention tnia ae,-... j. . . ? - t 1 - - I PffV.TRYMKN i SEND EIGHT TWO rfnt stamps for special three asoatha' trial for tha beat aad oldest - Joaraa' in tha west. The articles-and adrer tisemeata are hf special interest to th poo I try breeders or to nonawoee Northwest Poultry joaraal, 211 8, Com mereial ft.. Halem. Ore. INSURANCE 18 FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gagas. Trust Deeds, Coa tract a bouses Will aet d to 30. BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig BUg, 189 N. High St. Jl-t ASM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loaa oa rood farm security. CITY LOANS We nr laaainr Pra AentiaJ Insaraaeo Com pa a r auoaey oa 4ty residence aad kusiaea prepert) it 5Vs. plaa a commissi a. Hawkins Roberta. lac 205 Oreroa Building Insure Your borne or ear aow. Phone 161 i BECKE HENDRICKS HeiUr Bldr- 189 N. Hirh Be. - WANTED Employment 19 ANTKD A POSITIOK , AS HOUSE seeper for bartelor, ' 'widower, or motherless home. 1896 If J Fourth. ! ; .i V. .19prl9 FOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT ! digging aad team. wrfcTe. 72F2. , -i 19m14t FOR RENT Arrtment 23 SMALL FCRNISHJCp APT. bath. 599 Uaioa. . , i. v - PRIVATE 23apr23 FCRSISHED 8-ROOM APT. - CLEAN and eosy. lights, water laeloded. out side entrance $23.50 per mouth. 1815 Jefferson St. I bUwlt East of North 1 RN" ISflKIr APARTMENT. PRIVATE bath. 515 Court. Tel. -105 7. 23apr24 DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT, 2 ROOM8, li'.oO. Private entrance, t Clou in. ' llartoa. ? j . , - 23anr21 APTS.. 550jN. SCMMER 4 U V a . ' - f w aar formatted or aafuniiMhed. livinr taffla. electric refrirator. 'dio service. Tel. 1972. 23anr21 PLEASANT. FURNISHED TWO-ROOM . apartment. Four blocks from Ladd Bush Bank. Telr,"1766-A. 23aprl9 HV njRNISHED FOUR-ROOM Pt. w.lh hath. $30: close ia. 252 N, ' wtace. Tel. 1709-W. 23sprtl "I'RN'lSHED Slats. APARTMENTS. 1835 . FOR RENT . ( lose ia individual bungalow. ' Court I -I'ariment. Modem : eset baaemeat. r ZURICH ft ROBERTS Realtora i- .. Commercial. ' Tel. 1354. - 23aprl4tf FOR RENT Rooms) 5 U00M K)R RENT IN MODERN 'HOME I Capitol - . BitiUlnr. Gentleman only. Telephone 1394-J r call 1465 -themekeia. . v -: 25aprl7tf MODERN FURNiSHEl ROOM, LIGHT pnvllera aad Xaraze . 4e- re, J!aa in.- Tal. S274-W. 25aarlB Xtl WrTH . BOARD NEWLY ?"!""Ped at tba'Alexaadria.' TaL Mra. A- Beaaett, ,1539, 1030 Chemeketa, FOR RENT House 27 ; ia 'v nc.ji-j.mmm muukm bumia w. eirept likement. r irei . dou U rarar. twantirnt nl,ra r)nl' :lfl Portlsadr Head. - 27apr 19 SfBURBAK HOME 1983 CENTER." - 27apr20 " RENT SUBURBAN HOME. 10 T.'ys well Improved, clone la. cash rent, w ill rent part of ground with alt bldg. V $13 ttiouUi. See owner. 217" Btits. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY' Th Laondry t Pnra Material." Telepaon 165. 1244 Broadway. TRY THE HOME WITT .WA8H LATJX- dry. TeL 171. 156 B street. J17tf THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . THE WE1DER LAUNDRY L TAILORS 84 O. H. MOSHES TAILOR FOR MEN aad women. 474 Court tn. i WANTED MlacellAXkeotu S3 . TURKEY EGGS WASTED. PHOHE 49F23 iSaleml or addreaa. Mrs. ;FraBk Jonea. Jefteraoa. Rt. 1. S5apr21 FCJISTTURE PACKING i POR SHIP- aaeata. Gieaa-Powera ruraiture Co. t : ; . 5a2otf WASTED TR1VAT MONEY FOR farai loan. We have aeeerai appliea- ttaaa oa - haad. - Hawkiaa : Roberta. MATTRESSES 80 MATTRESSES " RENOVATED BY THE Capital CitT Beddiag Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for aad deli rerod. All 1 worn rnarantred. Tel. l. tiwtt POR SALE WE HAVE "KIXE KIMBALL PIANO' Htored ia Salem. Will tell cheap. Lynn As Bates. Inc.. Corrallis. I. O. Box 448. Tel. 106. :.. " 37aprl9 BOSTON BULL FOR SALE CHEAP 37apr20 2155 Myrtle, Are. BLACK DIRT FOR SALE IN EITHER North or Soath Salaas, Reaaonahlo. Tel. 72F2. t , i S7dl2U FOR HONEY OR BEES CALL MEAD at 8F5. 7may5' ILFALFA, GRAIN. - HAY. TIMOTHY. barley aae; wheat; raaranteed quality. from pi abipmest. iTieea upon a pp il ea tioa. Richard Nyman. Walla Walli Wathincton,. 87mayl FOR SAI E Live Stock 99 PAIR OF BROWN MARES. PRICE 850. some rood- orchard, koraea and males. 1810 Mission. ; S9apr21 MADDOCK'S JERSEYS AT AUCTION. Tnesday. ApriL as.. Twenty. aoad. en tire herd heavy producing eowe, yonag I stock toth sex ea aad two ontstaadinc I rout bolls. Deairablo -tadiridnals and I r popular breed'Bg. Sale to be held oa farm about six mil as ftortnwett srom Shlem. Turn west front. Kiser school and follow auraa. Sal starts imme diately after free lunch at aooa. Thoa. Middoct, awner. Kt. B. 88apra4 VTKRXNARIAN 89 FRED W. LANG E. VETERINARIAN Office 529 S. Commercial. Tel. 1198. Rea. Tel. 1066. - m28tf WOOD FOR SALE 43 16-INCH OLD FIR. TEL. 142. 43apr22 1 6-INCH OLD FIR. CHAS. CHRISTEN- aen. Tel. 1786. 43mayl5' GOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOU D. A. Larmer. , Tel. 930. 43sprl6tf THE BEST WOOD IN THE CITT FOR the money at Tracy a wood yard. Tel. 2313 4Sj4tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak aad ash. TeL 7 IF?. M. D. May field. 43fl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD. PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 Telephone 529. 43a30tf Z BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16-inch. .Large loads are cheaper to buy. Mill wood la oar specially. Prompt delivery aad reasonable price. -rr - . FRED E. WELLS 280 8. Church. - TeL 1542. MEDICAL - 44 MOUNTAIN -BALM COUGH - REMEDY Tel. 517-W. POULTRY AND EGOS 45 BABY CHICKS EVERT TUESDAY AND Wednesday. You raise cur ebiieka, they'll raise yoar ' profits." Seven varieties. Prices -reoseaable.' Salem Chickeries. 264 N. Cottage St. 45may9 ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE Only en left. A aew brooder of 250 ehia capacity, well known make, aever aaerated will bo aold at a - discount. Caa be seen at the Statesman office. Ask for Mr. Stiffler. 45ml3tf CHICK. CHICK, CHICK I OUR CHICKS eve so mas your livings mr aasea every Monday, 5 breeds. PETLAND. SALEM. OREGON. - -. . 45f ltf RABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH lag. Expert help, most modern equip ment. Chicks for sale, all breeds. every Monday. Settings four days j eaeb week. tL 12121. Lee a Hatch -rr. AAftfltf PRODUCE WE PAT CASH FOR POUI try, eggs, pork, veal aad hidea. We carry feed aad poultry, supplies, hare ana at Biivertoa. wit Hers n eel fro -hir Cow 20 Fairy. Tel. 125. 45f8tf MUSIC STORES 46 GEO. C WILL PIANOS. PHONO- graph, sawing machines, sheet maaie aad piano atadie. Repairing phoao grapha and sewing machines, 432 Stat trees, eaiem. NEWSPAPERS' 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency. The Ace. TeL 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN 50 CENTS per month ' delivered to , yoar no early ech mrninr. Tel. 2it we f- NURSERY STOCK 49 EVKR3EARIXG RASPBERRY PLANTS for sale. 25c per dos. 430 S. 23rd Si. -, 49aprl9 PAN8Y PLANTS, STEELE'S GRAND Mattodoa. Flakee Petlaud. 273 State. ... , '-.'-:..-'? 49aprl2 PAPERlIANGIXa BO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE docorsting, psperhaaging, tinting, te. iteiiaoie wommaa- . . ' - , ' MINUTE MOVIES WESTERN jSERIAL TWE. ALARN7 MEAN UiMlLE. HUE ; -TF?AIN AftWVE AT" WILDCAT i Nt NELL- rt!Ett- RUSHES j TV. r-arserr -UrC' " ICJ vors-uu-t i-tv. j - v-v): w .w .t. fva. Tl i ,. -i- '. Tell MiM Or - THE E SCAPEtr : EPISODE A. -- CONVICT CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING CON- traetor. Interior deeoratlag. 641 Mill. 1771-14. - B37-tX MISCE1XANEOUS . 81: MAGNETIC HEALTH BELTS. $15 AT 2 18 JJ. Liberty. Koom 6. 5lapr23a OCR CCSTOMER3 ARE : OUR BEST aooatera boeaaao : waea wo d yoar waldinc tia -doaa. sot yoo. Electrie aad- aeetriea weldmr. iarro aad aauOL ' C. D. Oppoa. 693 Mill St. Tel. 972 aad 2086-J. .. I Slaadtf BUT USED MEN'S CLOTHING, iEWTXr ry. uaaa. Tool. Bieyclea, ate. Star Esehaare, 824 N. Com'L Tel. 85. FOR SALEM SCAVENGER CALL 107. Sia0-'28 FURNITURE CPHOL8TF.RING AND RE- pairiac. tiieae-Pewera Kara it are fc'tore. ' StkSiMf PACKING AXD Stfll'I'NQ Git FOR 'EXPERT FURNITURE PACKHTG aad abippiaf. call Stiff a Faraitare Store. Tel. 4l. - LOST AND FOUND 63 ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. LEATHER traveling : ha. - Owner call A., .M Dalrymple, Bligh HoUt. - 53aprl9" rr LOST SATURDAY LADIES BROWN nnder-arni purse. InUiala -L. B. en Flap. Reasonable' reward. Tel. 42F24. 53aprl LOST BOSTON FEMALE BRINDLE and white. Telephone 2349-M or 6j6. F'akeii Pettand. S3apr20 PIANO TUNERS THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER, NOW at tho Portland Maaie Co.. 358 N. Hiffh. Hot year piano toned by one who haa had rears of ejrpeneneo- in tne wore 8a3tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Plaao toner. Leave order Will's Maaie Store PRINTING 58 FVH 8TATIONERT. CARDS. PAMPB lets, programs, books or any kia or Driatinjc. call at tho Stateamaa Priat lor Dopartmoa. 2 IS 8. Conuaereia Tel. 688. - HONEY TO LOAN P. H. BELL. 219 U.fS. BANK BLDG Residence aad bosinesa loans.' TeL 007 or 2141-W. , . 7ap7tf PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL estate. Socolofaky Soa, First Mat I nana Oiag. . omayo CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Beat tenaa ebUinabla. Oar insurance department off era you i pert advise and service la all lines. HAWKINS ROBERTS (lae.) TeL 1427. : 205 Oreron Bide. . i 57fl0tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDINfl AND oa oaty property. B. S. Martin Jr L R. Martin, attorneys, 413 Oregon Building. Tel 2084 57ml0tf FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5H. F. L. 57m7tf Wood. 4i stato St. WANTED LOANS 59 WANTED auoaey to loan Private E8TATE. oa REAL W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 a Liberty St. . 69026tf PLUMBING 60 FOR GOOD SERVICE, TELEPHONE 2599. Deb the Plumber. Repair work Shop 1815 N. 6th SW. PLUMBING AND REPAIRING REA sonable Estimate. - A. L. Godfrey 127 Union St. TeL 495-W. 60fl6tf PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros- 154! S. Liberty TeL 550. ioa UUS. OPPOirnJNITTES 1 AN UNCSCAL OPPORTTXITY to become profitably intrrexted in one of Detroit' large industries. 'Write William Denning, 2305 Park Ave., -De troit, Mten. O.sprlU PRODUCE BUSINESS FOR SALE cheap stock turned, 8 times last month. . i Restaurant with a well established trade. Will sell or trade. Come and see and hear reasons for disposing of this proposition.. Lot with garage house near Linen Mill. 8650. Down payment $50. BaL 810 per month. 1 LANE MORLEY AND CO. 413 First Nat'l Bank Bidg. TeL 757. 61aprl6tf BUS. OPPORTUNITIES 01 A REAL OPPORTUNITY. FURNISHING aad lease pn board aad rooming house, located in Central business district do ing a daady rood payiag bueiaeaa. Mast eell. ill health. Owner, Box 748, ear Statesman. " $lapr21 RADIO 62 Radiolas For every purpose, for every puree All standard sixes of Radio Tubes. HALIK E0FF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 385 Court St. Tel. 468.; 6Japrl7tf REAL ESTATE 63 FOR SALE SPLENDID CORNER IN North Salem. Restricted district. Pavement and sidewalks in. Owner, TeL 1175-R. , 63epr2J ' - . SUNSHINE , 130-a. Irrigated Shasta county. Cali fornia land to trade for acreage a ear Salem, or vacant lota. -Make offer. 850O caah bandies 5-roora house. Let 140x200, abundance fruit. Walanta more -than paid taxes last year. Term. Payne with Bohrsstedt, 147 K. Com mercial St. Tel. 677. - 63aprl5tf PROPERTY AT 840 .N. S0TH STREET ia exchaage for property Bear Spo kane. Wash. Mail offer to C. B. Mad sen, Ratndrum, Idaho. . 63apr23 $650 GARAGE HOI SE ' , . IxM-atct ia Nortli ttaletn. Kasypay ments. Why pay rent! ' $30O CASH $23 MONTH ' Boy a real neat and clean! bungalow ; 5 rooms, plastered, bath, lights, built- ina. . Paved street.- Price rut to $2500 for a few days. Ali tone choice ae raze trarta at reiluced prices.- If it's , a hou'e. aee Lonia Bechtel. Realtor, 341 Sta'e 'struct. TaL 303 for an anuoint- inent. ' ' SCaprlOtf CAPED OHViCT HAVJNGr Forced t&m ris. an OlHEPtJ. FUGITIVE : FROM -5USTtCe,TD ; : CWAHSE CLOWE.? VAJITH HIM .MOM) SENDS - . . . . . aNaa, a. - a aV - . f : T HIM ON wis. way-- . tpXtYl)' T" jl. s r - r i C v. FOR SALE 5-KOOM MODERN HOUSE except basement: h acr ground, double far Only 1200 down, rest term. Owner, 2173 State. - - 63aprl9 FOR SALS 8TKICTLT MODERN room Doaao, hot water aeot, tloea CO atato-aoaao. 10,000. etrteUy asodera eea-ooaB toaaja low. new. cioae ia $750O.. r Apartmeat aoaa. bao ia, eoraer lot. S20.00O.. t t - , . S0O-aere atock .raaea, aiodara bnQd iara. $35,000. . Threo-reota hoaao to trade for ear. Waat a sood hoaao for $2000. i Oareco for reo. F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED. 241 Stat St. i , eaaprTtf 18 ACRES GOOD SEMI-MODERN house, tarn, chicken fioese. 1 V4 miles Monmouth Normal school, west aide pavement. . Fiae aito -for road market. $7000 might consider! bouse ia Salem. .-. " GUY DEM I NO Willamette Valley Land Monmouth. Ore. 63mayl6 . TO EXCHANGE acre with 6-rnom house for Wood burn aroaertv. Good H0O0 income property in Portland for Salem prop erty Or. arrear. 8Mu00 income Port land property for farm xtear Salem. i nave i acres, a miiea, out ir isju. Good j room plastered house. 0 down. Hee THllMASOS. 320 State St. 'With Leo Child Co. . - 63aprl8tf GOOD BUY IN HOMES Beautiful up to date 8-room borne oa North Capitol St.. corner lot $9000. Terms. Fine home on Belmont, 6 large rooms all oa oae floor, large lot, modern ia averv way. 87500. Modern bungalow oh N". 8ummer 6 rooms on oa floor, east front, large lot, $6350. Modern 5 -room bungalow In S. Pa leas: -stairv-ay in aad attie for 7 more rooms, fine eoraer lot. 85000. Terms. New modern English type 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, garage, fire place, etc 4o00-. 850O dowa. Neat 4-room stucco bungalow, fur nace, flreplaea, garage, ete. 83650, Terms. New 4-room English type bungalow. baa em eat. furnace, fireplace, ' garage, corner t, paved St., paving paid 83250: 8250 down. New 3 -room bungalow, large livlog room, bed room, kltcaen. book, natr and garage, $2100; 8200 down. New 4-room tnodera bungalo 13160; 8150 down." balance easy. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U.'S. Bank Bldr. TeL 687. 63apr9tf GREATE8T TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST " ' We shave over 3OO0 properties listed lor exchange, r-very kind of property, every price, every location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property iwai, come in touaj . see GASKILL ft, EARLE. Realtors. 166 S. Liberty.! Tel. 2242. 63aprl5tf FOR SALE BEACH COTTAGE AT PA ' cific City, furnished, three rooms, base ment, wood lift aad running water, ad dress. Jos. H. Lebmann, 251 Alder, street. Portland. Oregon. S3aprl9 FOR SAlJE Two 3-comered business tracts, 137 ft. and 162 ft. frontage on Fairgrounds road, large enough for home and bui nek. Would take one or two good beach lots aK down payment pn 4-room mod ern borne, balance like rent, $3150. Just ready to move in, a splendid 6 roora modern, well built home, down payment to suit. Libera! discount for H cash and assume. $4800. Take Clear property on 7-room mod ern home, rebuilt and looks like new. ' $i.0O. Would exchange $3000 equity in 10 acres for stock of goods or home and assume. An. ideal chicken ranch. Good hoinex to rent. Several good buys in homes. , BOND with JOS. BARBER. 200 Gray Bidg. 125 X. Liberty. aprl9tf FOR EXCHANGE .8 ROOM. HOME . with basement and furnace, located clnfte in on North Cottage street. Price , $5500. Owner will exchange for unim proved land close to Salem. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors. , 134 .8. Liberty St. Tel. 515. 63aprl9 $7500 A REAL HOME " Grand new English tyte, 8 rooms 1 Has 4 large bed rooms, large living I rooms with beautiful fireplace A real kitchen, with all the built ina. Nook, t dry basement, furnace, stationary wath . trays, garage, large lot, east front, not ' far oat; walking distance to stato honse or business district; only 6 blk north of Court street, in Osks , addition; most beautiful residence sec- tion of the city. For' sale only by LOUIS BECHTEL, Realtor. 341 State, Rooms 1 and 2. Bayne Bldg. 63aprl9tf GARAGE HOUSE TWO LOTS Close ia loeatioa on paved street- near bus and school. Cement walks. lerge ahade tree. Fine location for bungalow court or two homes. See TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY i "Headquarters for Homes'." 421 Court St. .Ground Floor. 63aprl6tf GOOD 85-ACRE FARM JU8T OFF - highway now in crop $8500. take resi- L deuce for part. , r . , 10-a. Pol county; bldgs., fruit, good oil, $2000, take residence. 4- room houae 3 lots, N. -Salem. Snap $1400i $100 down. I . . Following lor residence 10 a. close ia, fine improvement. 5- a., bldgs, fruit, $2000. " 85-as bldgs., fruit, timber $5500. 20 a. good bldgs., fruit, $6000. Loan and. Fir Iasarane. PERJUNE MARSTERS 212 Commercial Club Bldg. 63aprl5tf FARMS FARMS FARMS VERY GOOD BUYS - 14 ACRES, aU cleared, berriea, 8 room aback house, barn, coop, aew garage. Oa pavement. PRICE $2500, $500 down. 14 H ACRES,- 6-room, coiled houae. good barn, coops, and machine ahed. Stocked and equipped, 5 milea from Sa lem just off paved highway. PRICE $4500. $1000 down. 10 ACRES, alt cleared, 3 acres la gans. 5 acrea cherries, Vh acre prune. Family orchard. 4-room bouse, good condition, good sulbml4ina-a, electrie tight. Oos to Salem. . PRICE $5500, $2500 cash. - r -t t 1 83 ACRES, 70 acres in top, 18 acrea timber,- family fruit, goolM dark well drained soil, 6-room modern house, running water, good water system, com pletely stocked and equipped. PRICE $12,000, $600 . ttOCOLOFSKY ft SON First National Bank Bldg. 63aprl7lf (GO. ON - BEAT iT , BUDDy , - m JiM ALONG WITH fSTlNV . SHIELDS', SHERIFF CT 13JLPCAT,- AV kNDLY FATHER. ; BUT A' eTEr. feNFORCEr Of IM) l.r"Op.D2R AHDRSVi) HAND I . 1 AS AN EASTKR PRESENT TO YOUR wife purchase this new strictly mod em South- Salem ?-room home. "'Excel lent view. Reasonable cask payment and balance like rent. 0475O. . Watch our Sundays Ada ia tha Real tor 'a section. ' ; A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans - Insurant 147 No. Com'l Su, Salem, Or. 63aprl7tf FOR SALE WITH SMALL PAYMENT dowa Five-room furnished house with. bath, toilet,-located close bo car lino.' Rent for 825 per month. Total pne 62100. See SALEM REALTY CO. 462 Stat St. 63aprl2tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 10-ACRE improved suburban home. Close ia. 8400 down, rest terms, price 84950. Free and clear, -will roanider good house ia Salem. See ovum 21 3 Stat St. 63aprl9 HltiUT OX HIGHWAY 19 ACRES gradual elope to the river. Ktockod and equipped, well improved: 1 mile from a faat growing town, will accept &a lem residence for part. -'.Dandy three-room , p'atre! house not far out 8950; tirmt. Inspevtiun invited. 8-room houe in . WoodUurn for 855'M). Termi, accept Salem rrmdence in trade. 8.U.EM LAND CO. . 441-142 'New Btigh Bldg. Tel, '11C7. r 63apr21 Ea&ter make you think of a new hat. Why not think of a aew heme! A very f ne. fully modern aew bungalow, near North Capitol St. at a bar gain, 83475. Easy terms. . Is a 15-acre tract just east of Sa lem the home you wantt Good . buildings. 2 acres strawberries. A choice place for $6000. Easy terms. The 84-acre pface, all stocked aad equipped for 89600 ia a bargain. ' Bottom land. Will trade for city property. Best buy tou can find in a 4-room bouse with nook. Just finished. On Fairmount HilL 82150; $300 down, balance like rent. ' Time waits for no man. . If yon want a really good 10 acres near Sa lem, buy thla one now. Haa an . inco.j now. Fair building. $5000. Easy terms. To find out just what you can trade your place for, tell as about it, and ne will, be glad to tell, you what r have Buy that -n'-acre farm. All good land. Ruuuing water, year around. Good road. Fenced, and has buildings. 84500 or will ' trade for small tract or lota in small town. A .00 sere gram farm. 175 acres under plow. Buildings, water. - wood; ll mile from Salem. Home ia where man dwells. A new ful ly modern 4-room bungalow, with nook on- Jefferson St. CLRICH AND ROBERTS, Realtor 129 N. Com 1 St. Tel. 1354 Old First National Bank Building. 63apr21 SNAP One room home furnished with good lot 60x100 feet on pavement and ce ment walks in. A REAL SNAP, 814U0; $.-'00 down, balance $2D per , month. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. - Tel. 515. 63aprl9 SUBURBAN HOME Fine acre with, six -room bungalow basement, fireplace, oak floors, priv ate water systenf with - plumbing. Price for quiek sale $3250; $500 down, balance easy terms. IF YOU WANT A SUBURBAN HOME IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR WHILE TO INVESTIGATE . THIS. Located close to hn line. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 63aprIO LOTS FOR SALE $1400 buys a fine lot located on N. Winter St. near Union St. with three garage. $:Sla Corner lot at 17th and State j 8t. 50x100, A FINE PLACE i TO. BUILD A HOME. $ ot0 Lot 50x1 0O. located on Fair j mount Hill one block from ,, paved street. $20 down, balance j -$10 per month. $ 20 Good lot 50x137 feet located in j Kays second addition, $10 down, ' $10 per month. $ 90O Buys two fine lots located on Market and 14th Sts.. paved street fa front "of both. $20 down balance $20 per month. FOR BUILDING LOTS, SEE US. WE HAVE A LARGE LIST TO SELECT FROM. W. H. GRABENHORST 4 CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 515. 63aprl9 SPtECIAL BARGAINS IN SALEM HOMES S-rooa house, breakfast nook, base ment. u.ilet and bath, lawn, ahade treer, bouse in good repair, one prac tical. y new range, linoleums and win dow drapery, all go with house for only $2650, all clear, $500 cash, bal ance $30 per month, including interest. 2 new houses, each having 5 rooms, breakfast nook, fireplace, good location, on joining lots, paved street, price Of each $3500, $500 cash, balance like rent, or owner will exchange for ac reage. Well located, new modern honse, 5 rooms, garage. North Salem, good 'loca tion. $3150, $500 cash, balance month ly like rent. . New, modern, 5 rooms and -breakfast room, east front, garage, paved street. Price only $3750, which includea pav ing cost, moo cash, balance monthly like rent. ' . , These nice Salem homes are all PRICED RIGHT FOR QUICK 8ALE. WHEN YOU ARE WANTING TO BUY OR EXCHANGE for Ha lem homes, va cant building lots, small auburbaa ac reage aome or farm, wa make a spe cialty of exchange on' farms and city propertiea, . See' WELLS TALLMAX ft 8ONV" 216 Masonic Tempi. Tel. 618. - 63aprl7tf - r BEST BUYS IN HOMES Strictly modern stucco bungalow. A few blocks from state houae. 6 large rooms. Hunt ins. - best of plumbing. Fireplace, fall basement, furnac. ga rage, lawn, shrubbery and flowers. Pric $7500, terms. Rouble house on main atreet and close ia. 3 rooms and sleeping porch on each side, Bnilt Lnv good plumb ing. . Fall basement, furnace. Now renting for $63 per mo. A good in vestment. - Pric $7O00. terms.- Modern bungalow of 5 rooms la east Salem. Built ins and nook. Fireplace, basement, furnace, garage. Large lot. St. paved. Price "only $4500. Owner will eonsider paying soma . difference on another modern bungalow with 1 or 2 mor rooms. If you have) anch, look tun nlK 'I - ' -To bay, cell or exchange yoar prop erty.' SEE r 1 x - LEO N. OHILDS CO., Realtors. 320 Stattreet. ' TeL 1727. ARE 1 r3UT, SOME;DAy,IF I LWE. I'LL MAKE DEALV FDR. jsb ' last 1 111 l AJND MOU) -SHERIFF HOMES AT BARGAIN PRICES $4500 buys a good 5 -room ' modern horn, located at 1165 N. 5th street, mortgag $1800. bal : aae in "cash. $8000 buya a aaodera 7-room home well located oa Fairaaouat Hrll, eom , plete in every way, full cemeat basement, furnace, garaga, a real placo fr the money, H casta, ,,- balance terms. $2500 Buya a 4-room bom located oa ? Lincoln St. near S. Commercial St., $400 down, balance tenaa. $4200 buya. a aew modern six-room heir located on paved street - with basement, - furnace, f ira : place aad garaga, complete ia every way. $50U dowa, balance : monthly. $33.00 4 room boiae . with breakfaat nook, NEW AND READY TO OCCUPY, paved street, base- meat, : furnac, fireplace, oak floors. $".00 down. balance moathly. $3350 6-room hous loealed at 1697 X. Capitol street with corner lot " C!6xllO feet. 4 eah. bal- ' tatt terms. A REAL LOCA TION iWlTH A LARGE LOT, YOU CAN BUILD ON THK REAR OF 1X)T. FOR REAL ESTATE AXD FTRE IN SURANCE. SEE .US. NOTICE THE SALEM REALTY BOARD FULL PAGE AD IN THE SUNDAY STATESMAN EACH WEEK. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO- . Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 512. 63apr20 ; FOR SALE 51 arrea, 25 acrea in prunes, 9-room bouse; large, well built barn; 8 tunnel dryer, outbuildings, running water; 2 wells, windmill, building alone could not be built for less than $10,000. This place 'has paid 10 per cent or better every year for the laat eleven that the present owner has had possession, and one year 2.H per rent on. the purchase price. $17,W0 will take it; $5000 or houee in Satain to that amount a down payment. Owner has about $2000 worth of personal property which he would let go to purchaser at H priee. lor fur'her particulars see BOND, with Jos. Barber. 200 Gray Bldg., 123 N. Liberty. i 63aprl9tf NEWLY DECORATED 5 ROOMS. 147 N. 18th St. Price $1850. Standley Foley. Tel. 347. 63aprl9 FOR. SALE NEW 5 ROOM BUNOA- low $2600. $50 dowa, balance like rent. Tel. 520, . , 63aprl5ff INCOME PROPERTY. CLOSE IN ' ON Center street. $6500. New Bungalow, east front, large lot, fruit, $5500. ' Apartment house, $3500; apartment nouae. 5abOV. Trade -small income farm . for larger farm, 492 North Cottage. 63apr6tf REAL BUNGALOW SNAP Located on Fairmount Hill. Host beautiful view in the city. Has five large rooms with floored attie, Kving and dining room. Kitchen with all the built-ina; wired for an electric ranre. gas, two bed rooms, basement, furnace fireplace: wood lift: stationary wash trays. Fruit room, large lot. rarage, Fruit. Lawn. Shrubbery. Paving paid. Thisproperty is well worth $6OO0, but owner says sell, need the money. Price for a quiek deal $5000, only $IOOO cash, will handle deal; va cant, immediate possession. For sale only by Louis Bechtel, 841 State St.. Bayne Bidg. Tel. 303 for an appoint ment. 63aprl6tf LOUIS BECHTEL. REALTOR. 18 NOW located at 341 tate St. Kooms 1 and 2. houses and lor on easy payments. $600 and up. With -small payment down. Balance like rent, also farms and acreage tracts. It its a home, aee BECHTEL. , 63aprl6tf FOR SALE AT INVOICE VERY PROF- itahle grocery store well located in good college town with on thousand Stu dents, owner says he turned his stock com let sixteen times during 1926. Can you beat it t Invoice about $2500. See SALEM REALTY CO. 462 Stat St.. Salem. 63aprl2tf GOOD' BUT "IN LOTS $ 400 for a lot 60x214. Terms. $ 500 lot on N, 4th paving paid. Term. $ 550 lot oa N. Cottage, subject to paving. $ 500 lot on N. 13th in 4. blocks of . Parrtsh school. $ 700 east front lot, 52xl28 on N. 14th, clos to Parriah school. Term. t 950 Eaat front, corner lot on N. Sum mer, paving paid. Terms. $1050 Corner lot oa S. Church. Terms. $1150 Ixit 50x150 on 8. High. Terms. $1200 Lot 48x163 on S. Commercial in 1400 block. $1750 lot 50x165 close in Mission St. $2000 to loan on city property. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Tel. 637. 1 LAFLAR FOR TNVESTMENT8 MONEY TO LOAN 65 acres on Main Highway, buildings fair Snap for cash. i 4 acrea 2 miles out. bldgs. fair Snap this week, might trade for Salem. Good house, trade for Sedan, . Good country store with living rooms, to trade for home. L AFLAR 406-7 Oregon Bldg. Phone 546. ' 1 63sprl4tf SPECIAL FIXE Vm ACRE TRACT LO cated near Englewoed achool, on North . 21s( street. Price for quiek aale $800. - $500 .down, balance . mortgage to be ,. assumed. W. 1L. GRABENHOBST-ft CO. i i -t -' - ' Realtora. ' ' . ' f 134 8: Liberty St. Tel. 515. . . , .f-i' 63aprl9 REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 ' PORTLAND FOR SALEM .' FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW. Good location- East aide. On bua lie near achool. Paved street. Strictly modern splendid condition. Price $4000. Will exchaage : for 4 or 5-room Salem home or small acreare. See TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY ' "Headquarters for Trades" 421 Court St. Ground Floor. 65aprl6tf KKKKKKKKXKKK.KKKKKKKKKC TO EXCHANGE Modern bouse in Portland for Salem horn or email close ia acreage. 4-room house on N. Church St. Will tak lot as first pay ment. .. 1 See HOMYER With KRCEGEK, Realtor. 117 N. Com'l St. , Tel. .217. 65aprl7 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO EV HEAVEN . FAITHFUL HOBSE. VOU PAy PATCHES does nor mm .Take kin-)- XV To Hi ?r NEU3 WASTER. a, 1 Come on, eoys - HOSSe? - My llTrE QALTELLS TrC ME THESES' AN HfT.--lfsl TLIr.F UaT t t$ V anawaas a a ' a -haw 'MASTERS To FOKM GOOD HOME FOR SMALL MODERN 65apr20 Portland. V Tel. 892-M. TAXIDERMIST 68 TAXIDERMIST 8HOP E- E. WIG gina. Profit 1145 Norway. Near Woodry' Auction Market. Tel. 2261-W. REAL ESTATE Suburban 69 NEW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOR sale' on . terms like rent, doable roa atraction. fully plumbed, electrie fix tures, etc.. 4 . room aad breakfaat . aook. garage, ete. On half acr of fioeat garde a land. Priee $3100. Carle Abrama, 1465 Chemeketa St. Tel. 1894-J. fl2tf TRANSFER HAULING 70 WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE bold goods. Our apecialty ia piano and furniture moving.. W also make eoua m tnm We handle the beat eoat and wood. Call on for prices. W give a-nod meaanre. rood quality aad good aervico. Larmer Tranafer Co. Tel. 930. TRANSFEM AND HAUUN0 -4 OF ALL k ada. Tel. 72F2. HA I.EM TRANSFER A FUEL CO. l-ocal and l.og Distance Hauling. Slnr. mrA Pual. . 399 8. High, TaL 529. . , -- 7Oa30tf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St.' TeL 9331 Distributing, for warding. aad atorage our apecialty. Get oT rate. WANTEDReal Estate 71 LISTINGS WANTED W have several call for small pay ment down, homea modern and semi nuuiern- If Tflu ard in need of -money see us at once, perhaps we can help you along. Lee W. Bell. 503 Bk, of I r-Amm Tel aA4. Fire Insurance. 71m9tf WELL DRIIXING R. A. WEST. RT. 6. BOX 103 A. TEL. 110F5. 8 miles' east on Garden Road. WATER 71 HAf.FM WATER. LI OUT ft POWER CO. Office 304 aouth .Commercial St. Ten per cent discount ondoinati flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cause unless water, la ahnt off your premise. TRAVEL T6 TRAVEL Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably In buses of the Parker - Stage Lines. STAGES LEAVE FOR- . Silverton 7 a. m 41 a. m.. 5 p. in. Ml. Angel 11 a. to.. 5 p. m. Dallas 7 a. m 9 a. m.. 1:25 a. m. Falla City 7 a. m., 2:10 p. m, 5:15 p. nt. Independence 7 a. m., 9 a. m.Jl :13 a. in., 8:10 p. in.. 5:15 p. ax., Sun day only 8:30 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m 11:15 a. tn.. 3:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. 8unday only 7:10 p. tn 8:30 p. m. ' ' McMinnville 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m 5:15 p. is. - Newberg 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m,. 5:15 p. m. Tillamook 8:30 a. tn., 2:10 p.l tn. Call 22- or 696 for information. d23tf AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTt. 77ml2t USED CARS FOR SALE 7 Dependable Cars 1924 Ford Coup, hirh back, bal loon tire ; ' $275 1920 Ford, Touring ..$ 65 1924 Chevrolet touring , $20O 19-2S nhevrolet Tourinr ... $400 1924 Chevrolet Roadster .-$275 1923 Dodge Touring ... ....,$35 Newtonhevroiet Co. nnnosita tha Citv Hall. Tel. 1000. 79aprl2tl j Quality Used Cars ; BOUGHT FROM A STt'DEBAKER DEALER ARE THE BEST BUYS.. Why. Raridsn they are backed by the J Famous Studebaker used car pledge and the Willarf Battery 90-dsy insur ance and repair warranty. Hiys-n-nigni ceuan. 1925 Rollins touring, 4 wheel brakes. balloon tire. 1923 Maxwell Sedan, new paint. 1925 Star Touring balloon tire. 1920 Studebaker light six touring. 1923 Study, big six coupe-sedan. 1925 Dodge coupe. . A 1920 Franklin touring. 1924 Studebaker light aix touring. 1922 Studebaker club roadster. 1923 Hup four, coupe. - 1925. Chandler sedan.. TERMS' OR TRADE! . Marion Auto Co. ' 35 80. CoiiimercisL Tel. 862. LOT NEXT TO FIRE HALL. 440 Chemeketa.' , Tel. 2117. Ask for 'Gibbrns Used Car Dept. a , - ' . ' - 7flapr24 I ; i ..' '; -1 a-i . REO .TOURING. 1924.; lutt lik new Worth $800. Sacrifice, for $650. Tel 1241-M. - ' 79eprl4tl YES OUR LOT . IS OPEN NEXT Tt the Fire Hall, on Chemeketa St. wit! r birh grade pledge used ears. IV nap wsriBg. .$.lt 1925 Star touring .$39.' 1920 Study Special tonriar . ..$26f 1935 Chandler Chammy sedaa. l!'l-2:t Ford tourinr. -$95( $181 1923 Stodv Biz Six. 7-Pasa. tour ing .. ,. $4 1923 Maxwell sedan $58i 1924 Study light air touring $64. 192 Seudy 8pecial Six . club roadster . .... .,-,.$371 1921 Franklia s.daa .w-w. .. $6o - Terms at Lowest Rate. -MARION AUTO COMPAKT Study aad Erskine Dealera. Ask for R. L, Gibbiaa Used Car Deal . JLot at 440 Chemeketa fct. ... - Next to Fire Hall .' 235 So. Com'L Tel. $62 . : , , ... .. -. .,- 79aprl0f By Ed Whlan ; :c grab youR.. ESCAPED CON J f-r' i-v C a, r 1 .. - HI r km is m a . a at ansa, ft T O al $ ran. -J it 4- ; -va6re . 'Better Values Late Model Hupmobile Sedan Thoroughly rroaditioned. eellea tinish. a real opportoatty lor aom on t obtain a fin axebaaged -aatoavebiU at reasonable price.' - ' '' !' V'- 1927 ';' Nash Special Six Rumble Seat Roadster : ' !last like - aw, excellent rondit ioa. - beautiful finish, spare tire Bad spot light. ; Especially attract! Ueriag. Other Better Values 5 Ford tearing automobile. ' 3 Ford couaes. . - . Other Excellent ValiXsa Hudson aedan j - : 1 .. t- : Maxwell toarlng. - Nash touting. . ' ' . Pettyjohn Tnorooghfieaa. courtesy tej ". customers and financial stability assurtf values which will pie tn latereaiea public,'. . , . F. W, Pettyjohn Co. S55 North Commarclal Street. - Telephon J26 , 'AFTER- WB- ELU WE BERYE-; i MARION CHAJt DLE JR itacbonaid rAiito Co. Priced to Sell DON'T t)YERIX)OK' THESE? BARGAINS. -EVERY CAR If -A REAL BARGAIN- AND MUST BK SOLD. THIS ISVA CI. BAN DP SALE! - SEE LS -BEFORE TOU BUY.- - '; : ' 192$ Oakland Bedaa . alaiaal, aew.- - - ... , Mermoa S-pass- Sedaa. . Marmnn Coupe. ,t Chrysler JO Roadster. lludsoa Broagham. ' -liudaon 7 -pass. Sedaa. Willys-Knight Sedan. ' , Willys-Knight Toarlng. ' . Willys-Knight Sport Touring., Overland U Lux Sedaa. Overland Sedaa.- ' ', - Fraaklta -Touring. Overland Touring. Ford Tourmga. lliuln Rnariktar. All cara ar. in good mechanical condi tion, mar y bar new paint aad v good rubber. - .. Liberal Terms. '..-Trade Accepted. 1 MacDonald Auto Co. Open Sundays and avaniAga uatil 8 p.m. Coilag. and Ferry, Tel. euy.- MAKMON CHANDLER. 79apr9t PACEARO-r 0LDSM0B!LS - . 1 . . -Two Of The Best Oakland Sedaa v tut modal 4-,-' wheel brake, lots of extra .7lO Ford Coupe (1925 model, a bar-, rain ti. . $ H 5 0 Jewett Touring- u..-$0 :, fearl bedaa ta tot ar transportatioa lor oar priea of) ...... $SOO Laxingveo Touring (Try aad boat hie lor r ,....--- ; r -$20O W, hv a complete . line of food' ased ears aad our stuck chaage daill if ye ar interested ia a good ased ear it wHI pay 700 to call aad -loot our stock evar. W have god runarug autosuobilea as low as $5o, Capitol Motors Inc. $ N. High Ht. TaL 312 . ;. ' '.' Biddy Bishop.. . AL Rousieao, V Two The Best "PACKARD OLDSMOBtLK . luaurl Oiir Low Prices 1 . eie I . v- t I tftni(e I flieSe ' OarlTainS - 21926 ' Roadsters. On of them with' original tire; which are still very good. This esr runs and looks like BW. :.-".''' " i 1924 Coup which ha aever tea rough aeTTtca. Touring with starter. -' w ar ra daclng pric on .this $1 a day till aold. Watch thla one. Price is way down already, $14 less than where it started. Ford deliveries treat $125 to $185. Dodge panel delivery. Make us an offer. ' ' Hudson Coach -So this for a bar gain i a big esr. - , . . . r Valley: Motor Co. Salem. Ore. V 79apr9tf Salem Zlarketi -1 FEE ';' : - No. .. wheat, whit $ Red. wheat, lacked .a . 1.18 ' Oat, per ba. milling ... . . .53 'OIK, MUTTON ASD BZTT- Tops hogs ...... ......... , .I ' .09 V J1 Sows Top steer .vw .03 Bnlla . 1 ,.je,v 1927 lsmiw, under 80 lb. .. . .1 Top tie,vel . ' ,"7 Dresve4 veal 1 .-U..-. ;.17 UieaaOd pig . ' .1$ Light heoa ,-, , ; - , ', 'bct -b Heavy bene -. .2 I ri.23 Broilers .. 25 & .80 Roosters - .. . M COGS," BUTTER, BUTTERF AT ' v nusastas,., . , .1 Pound ..... .10 Botterfat l. .. .42 Cream tulier '.'. 44 0.45 EOETABLES ."- vegetable, beets. Saxked Onion, dos. buach m New Csheage ,-r....,. Celery L i California lettuc. -t-rst .05 .05 2.35 - 3.50 Local onion Vi 6 .t(5 ffJEV IWCORPORATIOnsT " ' aj " 1 , Dpan . Wit trr , i Company of I Oregon, ca VitAl stock of J2f0,OUO anT headqoarlers ja Portland, ha been Incorporated . by . Eric Pratt. Raymond E. Vestrr, Frederick II. - Kelley ed Percy H. Wilson. Other articles filed la the state corporation department yesterday follow-; Stewart ?.IflcphPrRn Lur.i bcr cnrDuan!. f-Itilford.' Sl5.f)"u' W. tj. Stewart,;!!, liarphi-rfeoii ami : lroI-E2jf Trui-k -Jtauwfacfturi-rk , company rortutnei, $50; Ml;. ... ! Sheldon. Fred-J.Mas'er an I Ar- ; Ilanc Departiiicat tt-rc, ford, JoLa c. : : -n, John . r. Moffat oeJ CIiaTl;..i J. Campbell. . . - 37ar(l1 I I t A A 1. i . J. A a a n if II ' ' , '