The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 16, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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Jg. ' : ' ' H
iSoty Sixteen Club Meets
at Home of Dr. and Mrs.
O. L. Scott
Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Scott and
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Townsend
were hosts on Wednesday evening
for members of the Jolly Sixteen
dub. The group met at Dr.
Scott's home where flrerhundred
w as in play.
The rooms were decorated with
s ven different kinds of fern, daf
fodils and tulips.
The next meetfng of the club
v ill take place at the Louise
l ... ' . .
ml lifcfliei oome un rerry aircei.
m Th- next meeting of the club
I will take place at the Louis Bech-
til home on Ferry street
The guests included Air. and
Mrs. Claude Townsend, Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Townsend, Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Casement and Mr. and
Mrs. S. C. Klghtllnges. The mem
lcrs in the group were Mr. and
Mrs. T. W. Davies, Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Busey, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Kechtel, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Den
nis and the hosts. Dr. and Mrs.
O L. Scott.
Miss Elma Weller Entertains
Music Teachers on
Tuesday Evening
The Saleny Music Teachers' as
sociation metajihe studlojof Misa
Elma WelleTrjTtiesdaf ; eVening;
After the regular business session'
the members were ' delightfully
t ntcrtalnwd by lis FrancesVir
pinie Melton; whof gare two beau
tiful selections on the piano, "Ly
ric rof-m." by Greig. and "The
Kagle." by MacDoweli. Miss Wel
ler further added to the enter
tainment by playing wo me new
Russian selections on the Sonora.
Site had secured these records
while on her trip to New York
lust summer. Dainty refresh
ments were served at the close
i. the meeting. Those who attend
ed were Miss Elizabeth Levy, Mrs.
l.ela Lee. Mrs. .Walter Denton,
);rs. Mollie Hill Styles, Mrs. Ber
tha Junk Darby. Miss Frances Vir
fdnie Melton. Mr. and.. Mrs. Frank
Churchill. Mr. and Mrs.'T. S. Rob
ci is and the hostess, Miss Elma
Visitors From
Cottage Grove -
Mrs. Sarah Cochran of Cottage
(;rove is a guest at the home of
her daughter. Mrs. Archie Rice,
I Salem, . who is convalescing
fVrVin an illness. Charles Cochran,
t brother ott Mrs.-Rice, from Cot
!.:;e C, rove, spent yesterday at the
l;i e home Visiting with his sis
I r.
Leslie League Will
Ktttertain Today With
Easter Egg Hunt
The Francis Asbury Epworth
(.e.iRtie of Leslie M. E. church
nil! entertain the junior Epworth
l.e;itte Saturday afternoon from.
until 1:30 o'clock East
ii vex hunt and, party, ' The Jun
ior league of Leslie church was
.i-ani.eI three weeks ago with
07 charter members.
The Epworth Leaguers are hold
tr.A tlieir Easter sunrise prayer
meeiini; at 6:30 o'clock at Leslie
haih while the Juniors have chosen
!: ! for their prayer meeting
1.' nr. '
lint)) and Mrs. Ericteon Are
ii-sts in McMinnvUle
- iie.-in ana Mrs. Frank M. Erlck
"ii motored to McMInnville re-
nt l to attend a reunion of Wil
lamette university" alumni at "the
l "ine of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon F.
S o km i Sadie Pratt). Among
Mn. Clarence -Gillette (Lbrlet
Hi" e in the group were Mr. and
I'l.niiiord) of Portland, and Mr.
Mil' Mrs. Kamon Dimick ot. Ray
iioml. Wash.
- V
Mix. Parsons Announces
To'tic. for University Women's
Lintrhvnn at Gray Belle
Mr Mabel Holmes Parsons,
i win ie the speaker at the
April in -eting of the American As-
i uition of University Women to-
Better; Abearance
More Attention
We Write
Advertising Copy. That Will
Show You IJ.c ttcr Profit
325 Oregon Bldg.
Phone 795
Director of
Profitable Publicity
Tin K lrei ir
day at the Gray Belle, has chosen
her topic, "The Basic Pleasure of
The program will be given at
12:30 o'clock at the Cray Belle.
Those who wish to make last
minute reservations will no doubt
be able to find a place.
Miss Thelrna La Duke Is
Awarded First Place in
State Contest
First place was Awarded to the
Intermediate Society of the First
Christian Church at the Oratorical
contest held at Silverton Monday
evening. , Thelma LaDuke repre
sented this society with an ora
tion on "The Value of Christian
Endeavor." She will be sent to
the State Oratorical contest held
at Oregon City during the state
convention next week-end. The
winner there will be sent to the
national convention at Cincinnati,
Miss Bretherton Will Spend
Week-End in Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Brown
will have as their house guest
over the week-end Mrs. Brown's
sister. Miss Vivien Bretherton of
Portland. Miss Bretherton will
be a special guest a.t the luncheon
of tb.9j Aisfercan Association of
University Women at wnich Mrs.
Mabel Holmes Parsons will be the
speaker. Mrs. Parsons and Miss
Bretherton-will come, down from
Portland together. Both are in
terested in creative literary work.
Guest From Vancouver Is
Honored With P re-Easter
Party on Thursday
Mrs. Paul Morse (Muriel
Steeves) of Vancouver, Wash.,
was the inspiration for a delight
ful afternoon on Thursday when
Mrs. J. T. Hunt and her daughter,
Mrs. Henry J. Tate (Helen Hunt)
of Stayton were joint hostesses at
Mrs. Hunt's home at 1137 Court
Lovely Easter effects wiere ob
tained with yellow and white
spring blossoms and yellow and
white lighted tapers. Easter lil
ies and bowls of. daffodils were
used throughout the rooms.
The afternoon was spent in
needlework and conversation.
At the tea hour the hostesses
were assisted by Mrs. Hunt's
granddaughter, Georgia Hunt.
Guests "of the afternoon includ
ed Mrs. Paul Morse of Vancouver,
Wash., the honor guest, Mrs. Wal
lace Griffith, Mrs. Laban Steeves.
Mrs. Lloyd Lee, Mrs. Foster Odom,
Mrs. Lester Barr, Mrs. Walter L.
Spaulding,' Mrs, Harry Scott, Mrs.
Clarence Hunt of Stayton and
Mrs. Norris Hunt and Mrs. Marion
Hunt, also' of Stayton, Mrs. Nona
White, MJss Grace, Hunt, Miss
Elsie Lippold, Miss Winnifred
Eyre and the hostesses, Mrs. II.
J. Tate and Mrs. J. T. Hunt.
Elks' Club Will Sponsor
Easter Eve Dance Tonight
Paramount on the social calen
dar; for tonight is the Easter Eve
dance which the Elks club will
sponsor tonight in the club tem
ple. Members of the order and
their ladies will be the guests.
This is the first dance which
has been arranged under, the aus
pices of the ' sew committee.
Mrs. M. P Dennis Celebrates
Birthday Anniversary With
"500" 'Party
The home of Mr. and Mrs. M.
P -Dennis. 1540 State street, was
the scene of an enjoyable "COO"
party recently, planned to cele
brate the birthday anniversary or
AITS. M. 1. UCUUIS. UH lllUOjr
luncheon was served late in the
In the group were Mr. and Mrs.
Cobwebby Sheen
In AH the New
t . :
TT7 . m r "
That Blend Beautifully with
New Costtimes and Footwear
Pastel Parchment Rose Blush Shell Gray and
Stroller Tan new hosiery shades for spring that
smart women will wear Easter Sunday. A com
plete range. Yes, indeed, they are fine for Easter
Louis Bechtel, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Fandrich, Mr. and Mrs. Sbuelks,
Dr. and Mrs. Gueffroy, Mr. and
Mrs. II. Harren, Mr. and Mrs.
Tbrelheld, Mr. and Sirs. J. Har
ren, Mr. King, Mrs. H. Harren,
Era Estes, Mrs. Jane Williams;
Miss Paul Harren, Miss Francis
Williams. Daryl Harren Jr., and
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Dennis.
Special Executive
Meeting Is Called
Mrs. Jesse George has called
an important special meeting of
the executive committee of the
American Legion auxiliary for 3
o'clock Monday afternoon, April
18, at the YWCA.
Mrs. Joseph Is Hostess
for Columbine Club L
Mrs. Franz Joseph entertained!
members of the Columbine club:
with a 1:30 o'clock luncheon on
Thursday in her beautiful new
home. The rooms were lovely
with Japanese quince.
Covers were , placed for Mrs. A. ;
L. Tumbleson, Mrs. Joe Beck, Mrs. !
J. McAlpine, Mrs. Ralph Howard,
Mrs. Homer Best, irs. Charley
Davis, Miss Annabelle Lawrence,
Mrs. Tucker of Lebanon, Mrs.
Daniels and the hostess, Mrs.
Mrs. Tucker and Mrs. Daniels
were special guests of the lub.
Mrs. Joe Beck won first place
in the guessing contest which Mrs.
Joseph arranged. Miss Lawrenco
won the second prize.
Mrs. Davis won first prize for
the best drawing made while
blindfolded. The second award
went to Mrs. Tumbleson.
At the next meeting of the club
Mrs. J. McAlpine will be the hos
Leslie Methodist Church Will
Give Sacred Concert on
Sunday Evening L
The music at Leslie Methodist
church next Sunday will appeal
to all louvers of music. At the sun
rose service Rev. and Mrs. De Yoe
will sing "On the Cross," by Jor-
den. In the morning service the
chorus will sing "Victorious
Morn," by Wilson, and Mrs. Mason
BJshop will sing "Hosannah," by
Grainer. The following program
will be given at 7:30 o'clock by
the chorus of Leslie church, as
sisted by the South Salem Friends
chorus, under the direction of Mrs.
Mason Bishop:
Voluntary Selected
Mrs. Ivan Corner.
Processional, "Christ the Lord
Is Risen Today" Wesley
Anthem,"! Heard a Great Voice"
Frayer, Rev. De Yoe.
Responsive reading, page 81, by
Salter. - -
Anthem, "Behold the Risen
King" - Dressier
Solo, "Calvary" Rodney
Mrs. Earl Pearcy.
Announcements and offering.
Sermon, "The Irresistible Christ,"
Rev. C. C. Haworth.
Solo, "The Wonderful Story"
Anthem, "Crown Him With
Many Crowns" Brochett
Closing hymn, "Look Ye Saints"
N. 169, Hymnal.
Buster Brown Shoe Store. High
class, stylish looking.., comfort
giving, long wearing shoes for the
least money. Come and be con
vinced. 125 N. Com'l. ()
The Midget Meat Market never
fails to give you the finest meats
and fish. There is but one place
in Salem to get the finest fish. The
Midget Market hag it fw you. ()
At bdtirn rub lh throat and
thest troufirhrrwltb--.
' xast
U VS Lr4 -2
NA po Rub
Ot IT MilUam Jm UJ Ymmrt
i C j
!J: ill) r
Social Calemdjur . )
, Today
American Association - of Uni
versity Women. Gray Belle. 1:30
o'clock, Mabel Holmes ; Parson,
Elks dance. Elks temple.
Joan Xewcomb's Easter party,
10:30 to 12 o'clock.
Sacred concert. Knight Memo
rial church. Easter cantata, 7:30
Sacred concert and film at First
Congregational church. ' "The Lord
of Life and Love," riant ata by
double quartet, and fifan, "The
Passion of Christ," 7: 30 '.o'clock.
Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn's costume
recital. Waller Hall (on Willam
ette University campus).' 8:15
Special meeting of Better Homes
committee of Saiem Woman's club
Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, 290 North
Front street, 2:30 o'clock.
Address by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
C. Norton, directors of the Bel
gian Gospel Mission, at the Mis
sionary Alliance tabernacle on
Ferry street, Monday evening at
7:30 o'clock.
Benefit bridge tea. American
Legion auxiliary. Woman's club
house, 461 North Cottage street.
Daughters of the Nile. Masonic
Temple. All-day meeting.
Willamette university men's glee
club. Capitol theater, 8:15 o'clock.
Fishing Vessel Sinks,
Crew Members .Escape
JUNEAU, Alaska, April 15.
(AP Eight men narrowly es
caped death near here today when
the halibut vessel Majestic struck
a rock in a blinding snowstorm
and sank.
Captain C. J. Peterson, better
known as Peter Kaloogan, was
master of the boat, which also car
ried Karl Abrahamson, its owner
and six fishermen- Gus Olsen,
John Johnson, Neis Stanwick,
Lawrence Knutson, Fred Hanson
and John Bogen. The men swam
several hundred yards through
the choppy sea to the north shore
of Douglas island.
Continued storms have hamp
ered halibut fishing along the
Alaskan coast since the opening
of the season two months ago and
wrecks have been the most num
erous in years.
Have your prescriptions filled
at the first drug, store west of the
New Bank building. Reliable and
trustworthy, nothing but the pur
est drugs. Crown Drug, 332 State.
For the wrecked and damaged
automobile, Hull's, 267 S. Com'l
St. Tel. 578. Tops, glass, radiator,
bodv and fender work. No over
charges here. Expert work. ()
State Street
Below High
I F roe Ik s
fii VJilsoii
Thomas A. McBride Reviews
Briefly Founding of Judi
cial Systems
Members of the state supreme
court yesterday held appropriate
ceremonies in commemoration of
the selection of Dr. 1. L. Babcock
as the first supreme judge in Ore
gon. The selection was made at
a meeting of settlers at Champoeg
February 18, 1841.
The first order written by
Judge Babcock was under date of
Auril 15, 1841, when he appoint
ed David Leslie administrator of
the estate, of Ewing Young. Mr.
Young had lived six miles west of
Newfeerg for a number of years
and had en massed a comfortable
fortune. There was no law at the
time of his death under which an
estate could be administered.
Thomas A. McBrdde, senior
member of the 'state supreme court
and a native of Oregon, reviewed
briefly the founding of Oregon's
judicial system. He referred to
Justice Babcock and a number of
other early day members of the
supreme court. Amotag these was
an uncle of George 1 H. Burnett,
who is now serving-as chief jus
tice of the Oregon supreme court.
Following the ceremonies held
in the supreme court chamber the
members of the court feft by auto
mobile for Champocjg where they
passed the afternoont Brief cere
monies were held at Champoeg
tinder the direction of AJbert To
zier, one of Oregon's forenost his
torians. )
Switzerland Apologiztes
for Slaying of .Russian
MOSCOW. Russia, April 15.
(AP.) The soviet foreign office
tonight announced the; signing of
an agreement today at Berlin ad
justing the, long-standing contro
versy between soviet Russia and
Switzerland over the assassina
tion of Vaslav Vorovsky, soviet
representative at the Lausanne
conference in 1923.
The announcement said that
Switzerland had expressed regret
for the assassination of Vorovsky
by Maurice Conradi, a Swiss en
gineer who later was acquitted,
and for the wounding of Harmann
Ahrens, Russian' press representa
tive and companion of Vorovsky
ac the time of the assassination.
The agreement, the foreign of
fice announcement added, provid
ed for monetary compensation of
the family of the slain soviet rep
resentative. With
Paris Inspired
Made of same material as the frock
so much in vogue in Paris, now being
shown at Wilson's Fashion Shop.
Irene La Zelle
Distinctly Different
Paris and New York Styles
Dorothy Knapp
Youthful Dresses
Women Desiring the Latest
Styles First
1 ' V ft . j
's Fashion Shop
Stvle and Quality Without Extravagance
Next Door East
Oregon Theatre
10:00 11:00 KtM (401 . HoubeboM
help and music.
10:00-11:00 KFWV (212). Home
Beautiful hour.
11:00-12:00 KEX (147). Morning en
tertainment. 11:00-12:00 KOIX (319). ilooaawife's
12:O0 KFKC (2"2). Weather reports.
12 :(t-12 :20 KEX. Popular orchestra
12:0-1:30 KGW. Soon concert.
l:JO-3:O0 KFJR (263). 'Jtusic for the
Friend at Home.'.'
2:00-3:00 KXL (399). Music.
3:00-4:00 KOIN. News, music.
4:00-.:00 KFKC. Muic .
4:30-6:00 KFWV. Jwilite hour.
6:00-7:00 KTBK (263). Music.
6:lH-7:0O KOIK (319). Organ concert.
6:00-7:00 KGW (41). lliuner1 concert.
6:00-8:00 KFWV (21C). 'Amusement
:00-6:l.- KFX (147). Time kiffnals.
. inarVetg, news.
6:15-7:50 KXh (389. Dinner coacert.
7:00-8:00 KKX. Pool's trio.
7:00-7:2.1 K'UIN".
police bulletins.
7:00-7:30 KTBR.
7:30-7:43 KUW.
8:UO -9:00 KC.W.
Amusemer. j guide and
A. A. A. road re
Weather and au-
"Saturday Jiglit Kv
10:O0-l :00 KOIN
Saturday niglit
f roli
10:00-1 J :00 KGW
and soloists.
10:30-12:00 KKX
Kcuin'b orchestra
Kremor's orchestra
and Larry Orth. sonsster
K(l( Oakland 361. 8, "Saturday
Niffht KeTiew' N. 15. prosram; 9,
Land concert, banjo trio; 10, dance
KFI Los Angeles (467). 5:30. orches
tra; (i:15-t:UO, dance orchestra ; 7:311,
Spanish program : 8, "Saturday Nicht
Review" X. H. C program; ftt scmi
daskical program; lo, radio club;' 11,
midnicht frolic.
Kliq Spokane (394). 6:30, orchestra;
7, children' program; 8. "Saturday
Nisht Review" X. B. C. program; 10.
dance orchestra.
Kl'O-San Francisco ( 428). .-.:30, fi,
:30, 8. "Saturday Night Kovicn " V
B. C. program: , glee clnb and solos;
10. dance hiumc
KFSI San Diego (24.",'). ;, 7. 8. Franco
American hour; 9, daucc program; 10.
KFXB Hollywood (3"2). 6, organ reci
tal: 7. 7:30, 8, 9, 10. dance program.
KMTR Hollywood (370). 5:30, male
quaTtet; 6, 6:15. orchestra; 7, 7:30.
dance program.
KFWI .Sah. Francisco (20). C. orches
tra: 7. 7:1". 8, 6:20, 8:Hl. . orches-
tra: 10. dance program; l"'-'2:30, hours
of mirth.
KNX Hollywood (337). C, 6:30.-orchestra:
7, 7:15. 7:30, 10. orchestra; 11,
dance orchestra: 12. frolic.
KFWB Hollywood (25-J). 6. concert; 7,
8. string orchestra and soloist; 9. dance
orchestra: 10, rainbow hour; II, dance
KOA Denver f322). 9:13, dauco pro
gram. .
KTAB Oakland C.03). 0:45, 8
and soloists; 9. song recital.
KFW'M Oakland (326). 8.
KOWW Walla Walla CJ85). 7.
dance program.
ivj-wa heattle (454). 8
' T y T-.t T T 1 V. T T
to San.
every Tuesday
and Friday
Special fare good on special all
coach trains.
Leave here 10:12 a. m.
Arrive 8aa Francisco - 11:30 a. m.
(next day)
Special low-cost menus; 100 lbs.
tz 'baggage allowance. -
Couthern Pacific
liiberty.. Tel. 80
nifffct review." N. li. C. program.
KFOX Lone Beach t-3-J. 6. ti:13. eon
cert orchestra; 7, iniaMrels: - A, hand
coacert; 9. lO, dance orchestra.
A Saturday Feature
4 Second Floor Gift ShopA
Very Specially Priced-
: " . ; ;, . ; ; vJ' ; i ,'
Flower Bowl; Sets
These Flower Bowls and frogs' are made of
good heavy Japanese ware with antique fin-
ish in a range of five colors Here's a useful
home novelty that should interest everyone,
today priced at 0?
per set . .. amivC
, (Also five inch vases in colors at same price)
Flower Vases ,
Here's a Japanese flower vase that should '
easily command a price of $2.00 of more. A
full size 10-inch vase in beautiful designs,
Japanese art work all are new 01
Today special at V
Take Elevator
Salem's Lt-ading
Musical Photographs by the 'Light-Fayn
Electrical Process
Blue Skies
On the great Kimball Organ at the Million Dollar:
Roxy Theatre, New York
ancl"lIouolalti Moon." Lew
Wrhite 488 -73c
"Coronatlo Nights" fox trot
with vocal duet. "Just a
Stone's Throw from Para
dise" fox trot ' with Tocal
chorus. Park Lane Orches
tra. 3 t."5J 7oc
"Soniicbotly Klste" and "Look
at tlio World and Nmiio"
from "Yours Truly." Fox
trots with vocal chorus. The
Clevelanders. 345 7oc
"It All Depends on Yon" arid
"Underneath the Weeping
Willow" fox trots with vo
cal duet. lien IJernie and
His Hotel Itooscvclt Orches
tra. : 316o 75c
"Only One Xijcht" . . . "Fras
quita" Gypsy Orchestra.
The A. & P. Gypsies, direc
tion II. Horlick. 3384 73c
"Tales from - the. , Vienna
Woods' . . "Artist's "L,Ifew r
Strauss. Waltzes. New York
Philharmonic Orchestra, di
rection WJllem Mengclberg.'"
"Tliert's ICvcrythlnjc Nice
About You" .-. ".Minc'S-fox
trots with vocal chorus.
Piano duet with orchestra1.
Phil Ohman and Victor Ar
den with their orchestra.""
3437 73c
'Panls Anelicus"-- ( O Lord
Most Holy) Cesar ; Frank."
"IJet SUrncn-e' (Lord, Hare
Mercy) attributed to Strad
clla: Gniseppo Daniso, bari
tone Metropolitan Opera Co.
30116 $1.50
Always Something New on
Brunswick Records -
tht Sgn cf3!uslcal Tre$tigir A
v'jfou bo"rVAii s
KJ R Seattle 6. 6:20. 6:30. ftr-
cbestra; 8. old-time prosran:' :30
dance, program; 10. time aignaJa ada
eontiaue dance pregram.
Dcpartiucnt Sloro
"Clarinet Marmalade" one x
Btep. "Hot Mustard fox
trot. Fletcher Hendersoa
and His Orchestra. ' i '
3 4 OO 73c
KisaJIcr for Mo
. . . "Wiio iw Yon Loto'':-'
fox trots with vocal chorus.
Kfnie Golden and Ilia Hotel
McAlpin Orchestra.
. tiT 3138 r73o
"Aairit TIiat ToiJ BhdS'.
"Will Yon Tli In V nt TifT4
vocal -inst rum en taU Tho
Yacht Club Boys. 3403 75c
A)leIuJa, (from Motet "Ex
ultate") Motart . . Wten
eentier ( Lullaby f ' Mozart. S
Sigrid Ooegio, contralto Mct
ropolita'a Opera Co. ' 4
'. 1023 fl
1 rrtsugt r K
Ar D' RECon, os