" TIIE STATESMAN. SALEM, OHECON FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 15, X027 New Fbrst National Bank Building Directory BASEMENT n. Las Batatas Parlor r-rnerti for Lad tea and Gentlemen. ENTRANCE Ttd'i Clear Stand Inrln, proprietor. SECOND FLOOR Coffey' Fhoto Service Tel. 70 a. uver we spa THIRD FLOOR ootieal Co.. 301-302-303 Dr. neoxy v-, Telephone 239 C. T. GUietta . . Suit S16 -Telephone 1056 HILLMAK FTJEL COMPANY ..n Office . 311-31 atvknr mspiay .311-312 ron.uJtinK Engineer 310 tExecntive nooma .300-313 Telephone 7 Yard 1165 yrsnk B. Kellogg. Publ Accountant s.tiM Anditfm Income Tax e.i.hnn. 1146 Room 800 . a Wvekoff 30S-307 DUtriDuiori lor " -- ,i0fsk Son. Tat 970 304-305 Real Estate. Loaas. laauxaaca FOURTH IXOOX ib. n'W.t'l at Bardette. Optometrtats Phone 625 401-402-403-404-408 nn.rrfin itntldlnc ft Loan Association O. Bayford Ely 413 Telephone 767 wni.ni w Wlrti and Paul F. Burria 410-4 ll- la Ti. ISO Morlev. 41S.TeL 787: Bea. 1918-W Seal Estate ioana luuwt riFTH FLOOR Drs. Levis, Schmidt ft Cavaaagu..5 02-601 Dentins SIXTH FLOOR Oe. K. veari, M. ., raysaciaa a ewi Butts 603. Tel. 237B-237P; Kea. 1 Bobta D. Day and Donald W. Miles . Attorneys at Law Telephone 19S. 610-611-612 E. F. Smith. New York Life Boom 613. Telephone 193 EIGHTH FLOOR Dr. C. Ward Davis, Oeaeral Dentistry Telephone 816. Room 803 Dr. H. B. Scofield : Chiropractor, Nsurocalometer Borneo t m Binders. M D.. Physician ft Burgeon lotm 810. Telephone asa; nea. xda NINTH FLOOR Dr. H. at. Brown. Eye, Eat. Kaaa ft Taroat Specialist. Bntto vqi TENTH 'FLOOR Dr. W. A. Jahnaoa. DenUst Telephone 1286 . .. .1001 Chalmer Lao George, D. D. 8. General Deatiatrr E. 1C Oriffla. D. D. 8.. Orthodontt Tslepbone 181. 8ofao 1002-1003 I UNION ROSTER T 'V x- HOD CARRIERS AND " BUILDINO LA- burers Locsl No. 441. meets Wed., 8 p. m Call 179 for men. CAPITOL. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION Xo. J 10 President. O. F. Evaaa; aee retsrr, M. D. PUkentoa, -- Jleeta sec ond Msturdsy. 3 p. m. CARPENTERS' UNION NO. 1065 Meets Tburs. evening. Herbert Hale, president; Win. Pattit, secretary. Skilled mechanics furnished. TeL 179. SALEM UNION LABEL LEAGUE Mevts at Labor Hall on call of preei aVnt. F. W. Seara. secretary Boa 443, Salem. Ore. LODGE ROSTER ? KSJHTS OF PYTHIAS MEETS. AT -1ornsrk Hall, over Miller's Store, rjr Saturday evening. F. J. Toose, C. (: u. K. Burke, K. oi R. S. Tel. 1319W o I REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BF.CKE ft HENDRICKS I9 N Hiifh. Tel. 169. I.F.R W. BELL S3 Bank of Commerce Bldg. TeL 494 BOHRNSTEDT ft PAY" 17 N. Commercial. Telephone 5 7T. P.. W. GE1SER . ' 1 Court. Telephone . tSlf. W. O. KRUX8ER -147 N. Coml. Rm. . -v TL MTV JOHN W. OKA I NVw Bligh Bldg. TeL $485. GERTRUDE J. M, PAGE 93 N. Cottage, - Tot. 1196. TRIANGLB REALTY CO. -'l Caart Su TeL 651, ULRICH ft ROBERTS ' 129 N. OamaaereiaL - TeL 1354. . VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor. I? N. Com'l. TeL 677. SQUARE DEAL REALTY C. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. TeL 470 (The Oregon Statesman FnblUhed every morning (except Mow ) at Sslem, the eapltai of Qregoa, ADVERTISING HONEST ADVERTISING Theaa col- v.m mnst be kept fro from eaytatag questionable aaturo. Misrepreeesv tstiona will aet bo toloratod. Iafof tioa showing nay qneatioeabU la tent on Ue part at the advertiser axeald ha reported to this aewspapesT J, the p.lem As elub. T. . i ruriiana i nnn nnn naw III Ted rtorneys- wwater and 1550.000 new hoUl to V Local Rates For Classified Advertising: I Daily or Sunday One time - 2 cents per word Three times 5 cents per ward ix times i 8 cents par word 1 bm. daily and Sua 20 cents par word In order to earn the mora than one tttna rate, advertising must rei i consecutive issues. No Ad taken for leas than C5e. Ads. ran Sunday ONLY charged at one time rate. Advertisements (except Personals, and Situations Wanted) will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser is a subscriber to phone. The Statesman will receive adver tisements at any time of the day or night. To insure proper classifica tion Ads should he in before 7 p. TELEPHONE 23 or 583 "J AUCTIOXEERS F. N. Woodry The Woodry everybody knows. Cash paid for used furniture. Res. and store 1610 N. 8 am mar St. Telephone 511. H. F. Woodry & Son Right down town. Cash paid for used furaituie. Store 271 N. Com'l. Tel. 75. Agents for Lang Ranges. AUTO TOPS SEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK ti. J. Hull Auto Top and Paint Shop. 267 8. Commercial. 5al6tf BATTERY & ELECTRICIAN 6 K. V. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES Starter and generator work: 202 8outh High. c wmm J Tel. 198 COURT eT. JOE WILLIAMS FLEESER ELECTRIC CO. HOCSI wirinc by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Tel. 980 471 Court SH BICYCLES REPARNQ 8 LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI rv-lc soil repslripit. S87 C-ourt HELP WANTED Male 11 ELbERLY MAN FOR LIGHT WORK Atxolv ia,? person.' , Mrs. Burke, Am Lassador Apts. ' llpr!6 WANTED A LIVE NEWSPAPER 8CB scription canvasser. Call Circulation Manas-er. Statesman office.; llmlltf HELP WANTED -Female 13 EXPERIENCED GIKL OR WOMAN' FOR house work. Ntil an Buren St., tor vatlis. Ore. Mrs. E. C. Joseph. 13nprl7 CHIROPRACTORS IS DR. H. B. SCOFIELD. P. First National Bank Bldg. S. C, 806 DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC CHTROPRArTOH 256 N. High. Tel. 828-R or 87. FLORISTS 10 CUT FLOWER8. WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, decorations. U. Breithsupt. florist, 512 State St Tel. ago. MAGAZLXKS Farm fapcrs 17 IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BES1 farm paper send five V-eent stamps to the Paeifie Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three months' trial subscription Mention this sd. -r POULTRYMEN 8 END EIGHT TWO sent stamoa-Yor special three months trial for "the best and oldest Journal in the west. Tha articles and adver tisementa are of special interest to the Soul try breeders of the northwest orthwest Poultry Journal, 811 8. Com mereial St.. Hslem. ore INSURANCE 18 rOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mart cages. Trast Deeds, Coatracta on homes Witl net 6 to 30. BECKE ft HENDRICKS Herlig Bidg 189 N. High St. Jl FARM LOANS -- PLENTY OF MONET to loan oa good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pro dential Insurance Company money on eitv residence and business property at 5, pins a commission. Hawkins ft Roberta, inc.. 20 Oregon Building dl4tl Insure Your heme or ear now. Phone 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 189 H. High Si. WANTED Employment 19 WANTED A POSITION AS HOUSE keeper for bachelor, 'widower, or motherless home. 1296 N. 4th St. 19sprl5 FOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT digging and team work. TeL 72F2. 19ml4tf FOR RENT 21 GARAGE 24 BY 40. 2123 Broadway. 21sprl5 FOR RENT Apartments 23 FURNISHED State. APARTMENTS. 1335 23apr20 FURNISHED 3-ROOM APT. CLEAN and coxy, lights, water included,, out aide entrance $23.50 per month. 11315 Jeffer&on St. 1 block East of North Capitol. 23aprl7 FOR REXT Close in individual bnnrslow. Court apartment. Modern except basement. See ULRICH ft ROBERTS, Realtors l-9 X. Commercial. Tel. 1354. 23sprl4tf FOR RENT Rooms 25 ROOMS WITH BOARD NEWLY equipped at tha Alexandria. Tel. Mrs. E. A. Bennett. 1539. 1030 Chemeketa. 35ml9tl MINUTE MOVIES ED aJHEEIATS fcresertP A CtfClOH IC SERIAL Of rcve west .HAHtr OF THE LAW.. FOR REXT Uouf 2? FOR KENT 5-ROOM HOUSE. CARAOK. 2 blocks to bus. Fruit and garde a ground. 915. Call TOO N. High St. 27aprl5 L'HI.'KBAN HOME 1983 CENTER. 27spr20 LAUNDRIES 83 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY "Tha Laundry of Pnre Materials." Telephoae 165. 1264 Broadway. TRY THE HOME 'WET WASH LACN dry. Tel. 171. 1358 Bf Street. jl7tf THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDRR LAUNDRY Telenhnne ?. ft ft Hirb TAIIeORS 34 II . M08I1EK TAILOK FJlt MEN and women. 474 Court ft. WANTED Miscellaneous 83 TI'KK KY EC.G.e W ANTED. PHONE 4F23 (Salem) or address. Mr. Frank .lone. Jeffer-oii, lit. 1. :i'iair21 FURNITURE PACKfNO FOR 8HIP- ments. Qiese-Powera Furniture Co. v85a20tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loans. W'a hava several appliea tiuns on hand. Hawkins ft Roberts, tie. 2fl rirernn Rlda MATTRESSES Stt MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co.. 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work enaranteed. Tel. 19. flPtf FOR SALE 87 BOSTON' Bl'LL FOR SALFj CHEAP 37apr20 2155 Myrtle Ave. BICYCLE FOR SALE. E. B. FLAKE, 37aptl5 273 State. SEED POTATOES. BCRBANK8. AMERI- can Wonder. Call after 3 o clock, 1005 N. Broadway. 87aprl7 BLACK DIRT FOR 8ALE IN EITHER North or South Salem. Reasonable. Tel. 72F2. S7dl2tt FOR HONEY OR BEES CALL MEAD 87may5 at 8F5. ALFALFA. GRAIN, HAY. TIMOTHY. barley and wheat; guaranteed quality. Prompt shipment. Prices upon appli cation. Richard Nyman, Walla Walla. Washinrton. 87may1 FOR SALE -Live stock 89 FOR SALE 2 MULES. PRICE 8100 2 good work horaes. a year old black hore. 1810 Mission. a-16 VETERINARIAN 89m FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Offiee 529 8. Commercial. TeL 1198. Res. Tel. 16rt. m23tf WOOD FOR SALE 43 I CINCH OLD FIR. CHAS. CHRI8TEN se.n. Tel. 1736. 43mayl& THE BEST WOOD IN THE CITY FOR the money at Trscy's wood yard. Tel. 2313 43j4tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Tel. 72F. M. D. May field. - 43fl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD. PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 Telephone 529. 43a30tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16-incb. Large loads are cheaper to buy. Mill wood is our specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price, FRED E. WELLS TeL 1542. 48d9tf 280 S. Church. MEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Tel. 517-W. POULTRY AND EGGS 45 BABY CHICKS EVERY TUESDAY AND Wednesday. "You raise our chicks. j they'll raise your profits." Seven varieties. Prices reasonable. Salem Chiekeries, 204 N. Cottage St. 45may9 ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE Only one left. A new brooder of 250 ehix capacity, well knows make, never use rated will be sold at a discoant. Can be seen at the Stateaman offiee. Ask for Mr. Stiffler. 43ml3tf CUSTOM HATCHING. WE CAN PLEASE you. Baby chick every Monday and Tuesday. The Oregon Capital Hawk ery. 2144 North 5th St., Salem. TeL 2620. 45prl7 CHICK. CHICK. CHICK I OUR CHIOK8 live to make your living. tstg naten every Monday, 5 'breeds. PETLAND. SALEM. OREGON. 45fltf BABY CHICKS AND CU8TOM HATCH ing. Expert help, most modern equip ment. Chicks for sale, all breeds. every Moudav. Settings four days eacn weca. leu 32m l. Lee's Hatch rv anfiAtf PRODUCE WE PAY CASH FOR POTTL- try, eggs, pork, veal and hidee. We carry feed and poultry supplies, here ana at Bitverton. Withers a Keel Pro duce Co.. 260 Ferry. TeL 135. 45f8tf MUSIC STORES .48 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- grapha, tewing machines, sheet mnsie and piano studies. Repairing pbono grapha and sewing machines, 438 State street, Baiem. NEWSPAPERS 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency. The Ace. TeL 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morning. TeL 23 or 583. NURSERY STOCK 49 FINE EARLY BLUE IRIS ROOTS FOR kale cheap. 1971 Market St. 49aprl5 PANSY PLANT8. STEELE'S GRAND Mattodon. Flakes Petlaad, 278 State. 49aprl2 PAPERHANGING SO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR H0C8E deeorating. paperhaagiag. tiating. ate. iteiiaoie workman. IhSR. TALE OPENS IN THE MOUNT AINS or CoLO R ADO , FIVE MILES FROM THE LITTLE. . MINING TOU)N OF WILDCAT - UJM ATS "THE "TROUBLE "WVUE:' 'f30T AH "HOT f RDEfTER ? y tZvI10X" ON DIS CROSS "THE TRESTLE,, THE TRVMN COME? TO A f 3TAHD- 'STitt'-'-W;:' SUA CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTIXO CON traetor, interior decorating. 541 Mill. 1771-M. a27-tf 91ISCELLANEOUS 51 BE ADVISED THAT I WILL OTfBl responKible for any bitls contracted by Mrs. Redmond. H. D. Redmond. 51al6 BEES TO RENT FOR ORCtlARDS AND for sala. Tel. 21C3-M. 51aprl7 OCR CUSTOMERS ARE OCR BEST boosters because when we do yenr welding, 'tis dona, not yon. Etwtr'c and acetylene welding, large anil small. C. D. Oppen. C5 Mill St. Tel. 372 and 2086-J. 51m6tf BUT USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL rv. Guns, Tools. Bicvcles. etc. Star Exchange. 334 N. Com' I. Tel. 356. FOR SALEM SCAVENGER CALL 167. 51fl0-'28 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE pairing. Giese-Pewers Furniture Store. PACKING AND SH1PPNG 82 FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING .and shipping, call Stiff's Furniture Store. Tel. 941. lOST AND FOUND 58 LOST WEDNESDAY 17TII AND M AH Vet. blurk iup 4 month' old. Notify Statesman. Reasonable reward. 53aprl7 PLANO TUNERS 54 THOMAS FAY, PIANO TUNER. NOW at the Portland Music Co., 355 N. High. Have your piano tuned by one who has had yeara of experience in tha work. 8a3tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave order Will's Music Store PRINTING 56 FOR STATIONERY, CARDS. PAMPH lets, programs, books or any kind of nrintine. call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 8. Commercial Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN 57 P. H. BELL, 219 U. 8. BANK BLDG. Residence and business losns. Tel. 607 or 2141-W. 57apr7tf PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN ON REAL estate. Sorolofsky A Son, First Nat I Bank Bldg. 5TmayS HAVE PARTY WANTING $,1,500 at 77. on 67 ncres worth, $12,000. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 14 Com'l St. Salem, Oregon. crry and farm loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offera yon ex pert advise and service in all lines. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 1427. 205 Oregon Bldg. 57fl0tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on -ty oropertv. B. s. Martin s 1 K. Martin. attorneys. 413 Oregon Buildine. Tel 2084 57ml0tf FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5V4. F. L Wood. 341 State St. 57m7tf WANTED LOANS 69 WANTED Private money to loan on REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHOR8T ft 134 S. Libert St. CO. 59026tf BUS. OPPORTUNITIES 61 A REAL OPPORTUNITY. FURNISHIMi and lease on hoard and roomine bouse located in Central business dii-trirt do ins a dandy pood paying business. Mum aell. ill health. Owner, rlox 749, csre Statesman. 6-apr'Jl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FURNACE WORKS. SELLING EN tire businehis owner retiring. $15.0I0. GKX'L MUSK. STORK, good location .:i.o, $2"0 ckh. Have others for sa'e. GARAGE St SERVICE STATION, doing good business, and well located, $:i7.-.o. CITY WATER WORKS in good val: ley town. (iuoil income. Would take trade up to $Orto. Owner retiring, $l.",ion. SOC4I.OFSKY SOX First Nat l Bank Bid. 61aprl5tt PLUMBING 60 FOR GOOD SERVICE, TELEPHONE 2599. Debs the Plumber. Repair work. Shop 1815 N. 5th St. PLUMBING AKI REPAIRING REA sonable Estimates. A. L. Godfrey, 127 Union St. Tel. 495-W. 60(lCtf PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros., 154 S. Liberty. Tel. 550. lBtf RADIO 62 RADTOI.AS For every purpose, for every purse -All standard sizes of Radio Tubes. HAL1K ft EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 335 Court St. Tel. 488. REAL ESTATE 63 SUNSHINE 120 a. irrigated Shasta county, Cali fornia land to trade for acreage near Salem, or vacant lots. Make offer. $.0) rash handles 5 - room- ho''". I M 140x100, abundance fruit. Walnuts more than paid taxes lam year. ierut. Payne with Bohrnstedt, 147 X. Com mercial St. Tel. 577. 63aprl5tf FOB SALE WITH SMALL PAYMENT down Five-room furnished house with bath, toilet, located close to car line. Rents for $25 per month. Total price $2100. See SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. 63aprl2tf 24 TOX Jl-MBO TRUCK TO Ex change for equity in house or city lots. Have 140 acres clear to exchange for income property and assume up to $10,OK). , Clear to exchange for modern home equities. Houses to rent at very low price. 7 -room house for sale at $45O0. Let me show you what a buy it is. BOXD with JOS. BARBER 200 Gray Jtldg., 125 X. Liberty. 63aprl5tf INCOME PROPERTY. CLOSE IN ON Center Street, $8500. New Bungalow, east front, larre tot. fruit. $5500. . Apartment house, $3500; apartment house, $5600. Trade amall income farm for larger . farm. 492 North Cottar. 63apr5tf PAINTING 0.1 FOR SALE 8TRTCTLT MODERN 8- room, house, hot water heat, elose to state bouse, 1 0.000. t-'trietly modern seven-room bunga low, new, close in 87500. Apartment bouse, close in. corner lot. 820.0OO. ?30ti-arre stock ranch, modera bdild lng. $35,000. Three-room house to trade for ear. Want a good bouse for 83000. Garage for rent. F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED. 341 State St. 63apr7tf SPECIAL BUY Modern six-room home complete in every detail with hardwood floors ik1 laVste rooms, beautiful fireplace with larse living rotun. tst. t. THE MOKT ATTK At.'TI VE VIEWS OVERI.OOKlNfi THE CITY. Price $T'0); terms; NOW VACANT; MOVE RIGHT JN W. II. GR.WENlMli--T at CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 31... fillaprl " GOOD BUY IN HOMES Beautiful up to date 8 room home on North 'Capitol St., corner lot $otiO. Terms. Fine home on Belmont, 6 large rooms all on one floor, large lot, modern in every way, $7500. Modern bungalow on N. Summer 6 rooms on one floor, east front, large lot, fBSO. Modern 5 room bungalow in S. S em; stairway in and attif' for more rooms, fine -orner lot, $5O00. Terms. New modern English type 6 -room bungalow, hardwood floors, garage, fire place, etc. $4500; $500 down. Neat 4 room stucco bungalow, fur' nice. fireplace, garafe, etc. $3650. Terms. New 4 room Enrjinh type bungalow baxement. lureace. fireplace, garage corner .1. paved St., paving paid. ;j-.u; 2 .0 down. New :i room bungalow, large living room, r,ej room, kitchen, nook, batr ana garage. $2100; $200 down. New 4 -room modern bangalo $3150; $150 down, balance easy. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 637. 63apr9tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We hr.ve over 30O0 properties listed for exchange. E,very kind of property, every price, every location. We can match your exohange- EXACTLY. If you would iike to trade your property 1 vua 1 . come in TUliAt. See GASK11.1. & EA RLE. Realtors. 100 S. Libertv. Tel 2242 (i3aprl.'tf HAVE WELL IMPROVED SUBURBAN home, 14 mile o. Salem on -paved road tree anl clear to exchange for city property, see owner 2173 State. 63aprl5 FOR RENT 10-ACRE SUBURBAN home close in. Will rent part, $15 per montn. uood house and other build ings. See owner 2173 State St. 63al5 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO K FOR KALE K K K K K K K K Modern 7-r.oom house on North Summer street. Owner leaving Salem and must sell.' Price $6500. Oood terms. W. G. KRUEGER, 147 N. Com'l St. Resltnr. Tel. 217. fi3aprl.3 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO SPECIAL 40 acres, some in cultivation, some l'mbt-r, small creek and spring has 5 rooiu bouse only 10 miles out, on a pnvt-d highway, a bargain for $2000. 10 acres with good improvements near Salem will trade for larger farm. 2 nice lots in S. Salem for $1100. GEO. THOMASON. 3:0 State St. With Leo N. Childs. 63aprl3t. SNAP Good three-room bungalow located on peved highway anil. bus line near city limits. Now vacant, n-ove riitht in. Price 21'i0. $1(10 down, balance $25 per month. Several fjne bearing cherry trees, la rice lot. 1 W. H. URABENHORST & CO. J Realtors. 1.11 S". Liberty St. Tel. 515. 1 63aprl7 6 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW IN good district. Call owner, 237. 63aprl7 NEW. MODERN 7 ROOM BUNGALOW, full cement basement, hardwood, f!oor" hreukfsst nook, fireplace. Dutch kitchen aad many other built ins. N. Salem, on pared street. House is completely fur nished and all new. Cost over $3500 to furnish. Owner leaving- town and will take 87000 as it stands. See GASKILI. ft EARLE. Realtors. 166 S. Liberty St. Tel. 2242. 63aprltf GOOD 85-ACRE FARM JUST OFF highway now in crop $8500, take resi dence for part. 10-a. Polk county: hldgs., fruit, good soil. $20H), take residence. 4 room house 3 lots X. Salem. Snap 140O. 100 down. Fnllowing for residences 10-a. close in. fine improvements. 5-a., bldgrs, fruit, $2000. :'.-' a. hldifs.. fruit. timber $".00. -flu. good bldg.. fruit. $C00O. Loans and Fire Insurance. . PERRIXE & MARSTERS 2 12. Commercial Club Bldg. 63aprl5tf FOR SALE -low $2600. rent. Tel. . XEW 5-ROOM BUNGA $oO down, balance like 20. 63aprl5tf BEST BUYS IX HOMES 5- room plastered bungalow. Built ins, bath and toilet, city water, elec tric lights, paved streets- and garage. Price $2475, $500 cash, balance month ly. 6- roora plastered cottage. Built ins, good plumbing, basement, garage. Close to school and car line. Now vacant. Price $2650. $500 cash. balance monthly. 4 - room brand new. plastered bunga low. Bath and toilet, electric lights, fireplace. Price $2500. $200 cash, bal ance monthly. 5 room modern bungalow. Built Ins, best of plumbing, fireplace, basement, furnace, garage, psved street. East Salem. Price $4500 with terms, or will psy some difference for another bungalow with 1 or 2 more rooms. 5- room cottage. Modern except base ment, large corner lot 51x160. .Be4h streets psved. Shade trees. Garage. Small store bldg. Good location for some one to start a business. Trice $45O0 with part terms. To buy your home SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors. 320 State Street. Tel. 1727. 63aprl4tf VOR RENT 5 - ROOM MODERN HOME unfurnished. 2943 Portland Road; fine condition, double garage, possession , Monday. See owner, 2i73 State St. 63aprl5 VtfWERE'5 aswaa . . a aa. The FIRE WAN AND ENGINEER GO -SACK To See, ABOUT The trouble ?ZV Some,- REAL ESTATE 7 7 - 1 5" 83 ONLY $3500 $500 CASH NEW 5-ROOM HOME Hardwood In living room ; fireplace; Dutch kitchen; breakfast nook; fall basement; fnrnace; trays: carage. Well located in grow ing district; near school and bus. Ac cept lipbt car. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY , " HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMES' 421 Court Street. Ground Floor. G3aprl4tf CORNER LOT Weit kiiMKsl corner of Sta'e Sts. Price $18.10 1 m. 17th and Look it over. VV. II. GKABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 63aprl Ei HANGE FOR DAIRY FARM 11 acre tra-t in edpe of good town, liiack ioil; all level and in cultiva tion. Good 4-rnom house; barn; chick en house; family orchard: creek. Pre fer Stocked dairy up to $11.0OO, and assume- SEE TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY "HEADQUARTERS FOR FARMS' 421 Court Street. Ground Floor. 6Uaprl4tr -ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. LARGE corner lot. CCxl.ri". and garage. N. Sa lem. Only $-.'450 $200 down. Hal. $2 per sponth. including interest. (iiKul plastered ".room houe on paved streei in N. Salem, $rtOm, easy terms. J New H-roAm modern house on pavel street. Pr e $:1HOO. F'.asy terms. New 5-rom modern house, price $.130. $riii) down and balance like rent. J Xew C room modern bungalow. $4200. Easy terms. Income; property. Renting for $200 per month to trade for modern Salem residence. 5 acre at city limits. All in culti vation, lots of fruit and berries, tiuod buildings, only $.1000. Easy terms. 5 acres all in cultivation, good orch ard and lots of berries. Strictly mod era 7 room house and fine out build ings. $4500. Easy terms. 40-acre ranch fully stocked and equipped. $5500. Easy terms. lO1 acres. 1 mile from Salem, fine bid us. $5oOO, terms. 5 seres all in cultivation, new plas tered house, near Keiser school. Price $3500. Will trade for house in X. Sa lem. See. OASK1LL ft EARLE, Realtors. 166 S. Liberty St. Tel. 2242. 63aprl4tf COZY. NEARLY NEW FIVE-ROOM South Salem home with fireplace and all other modern conveniences. $500 and balance like rent. $4,450. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 Xo. Com'l St. Saletn, Oregon. 63aprl4tf FOR SALE 4-ROOM HOUSE AND TWO lots. eat front, paved street, flowers shrubs, fruit, terraced with stone. Price $r;000, 1950 Fairmount Ave.. 63aprl2tf FOR SALE $ 25 down and balance $10 per month buys 5 seres on paved road near the Swegle school, dark prairie soil, price $1500, int. 6. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month buys 5 acres, all in bearing fruit, price $800, int. 6. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month buvs a fine view acre south, price $1000, int. 6. $.00 down and balance terms buys close in "1 acre trsct. running water, bouse and barn, rice $4000. $100 down and balance $10 per month buys 5 seres south, close in, 1 i acres timber, price $250 per acre. $ 10 down and $10 per month buys 5 acres of first class walnut and Filbert coil, price $1250, int. 6. $100 down and balance terms buys 3 room house, well, some cherries, large lot, such on highway, price $2100, int. 6. $ 25 down and balance $7.50 per month buys a block of land, '.'00 by 200 feet, price $600, int. 6. If you are looking for a small acreage, see W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty Street. 63aprl6 FOR SALE AT INVOICE VERY PROF itable grocery store well located in good college town with on thousand stu dents, owner says he turned his stock rouilete sixteen times during 1026. Can you best itt Invoice about $2500. See SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St.. Salem. ti:taprl2if GOOD BUY IN LOTS $ 400 for a lot 60x214. Terms. $ 500 lot on N. 4th paving paid. Terras. $ 55.0 lot on X. Cottage, subject to paving. $ 500 lot on N. 13th in 4 blocks of Parrish school. $ 700 east front lot, 52Hxl28 on N. 14th. close to Parrish school. Terms. $ 950 East front, corner lot on N. Sum mer, paving paid. Terms. $1050 Corner lot on S. Church. Terms. $1150 I At 50x150 on 8. High. Terms, f 1200 Lot 48x162 on S. Commercial in 1400 block. $1750 lot 50x165 close in Mission St. $2000 to loan on citT property. MELT IX .TOHXSON 320 V. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 637. LOCATION FOR SMALL APARTMENT house with stores on around floor and leased for 5 or 10 years. 5 lota, good location. $1100. Terms. Fire insurance en city and country homes. 3 years for the price of two, in one ot the biggest old line com panies in the United States. LANE MORLEY AND CO. 413 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 757. 63aprt5 FIVE-ACRE TRACTS. BEST OF SOIL IXCATED ON PAVED ROAD NEAR SCHOOL, NOT FAR OUT. PRICE $1500: $25 down, balance $10 per month. COME NOW AND SELECT YOURS. W. II. GRABENHORST & CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. r,3apr17. LA FLAK FOR INVESTMENTS MONEY TO MAX 65 acres on Main Highway, buildings fair Snap for rash. 4 acres 2 miles out. hldg. fair Snap this week, might trade for Salem. Good house, trade for Sedan. Good' country store with living rooms, to trade for home. -LA FLA R 40G-7 Oregon Bldg. Phone 346. 63aprl4tf NEARLV HOME NQvJ "''My. BUT T VUILL BE GOOD TOSEE. REAL ESTATE DADDX AGAIN - BLESS HIS" HEART 1 THE BRAVEMAN ?)j MJlrLL.CCME leaass. .r aaP'.t-ss l Jk ,. . J . rrr ( trrOrs ucdc I - TV V V otr-tuse- I llrbe 0 YtttrKr-r&5PA X I. 71 -v?K!5?is vr!ri lav i i i tub cunrif i i V y .JL : I ,-,inw nw.ii; i Js -' -' X? " --; "'HEBE-"' 63 WF. HAVF. JUST LISTED A NICK KEW fatly modern bungalow in fine locstiou la north Salem, Let as show yon the property. Price $360. Rcasooable terms. ULRICH ft ROBERTS, Kealtora. 129 N. Com'l. 3aprl0tf 3 EST BUYS IN HOMES , Small -payment down, balance like rent. Cory . rooms, $:t00 down. Price $2500. TRADE Coiy 5 room bungalow, basement, garage and fruit and nut trees. Not far out. Price $;i'Jufl, trade for large house. That has 3 or 4 apts. Assume difference. What have. FOR CHOICE LOTS FOR ACREAGE OK FARMS' FOR HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS To Biiv. Sell, Rent or TTde 'Vrvperty SEE LOUIS BECHTEL 24 1 State streit. . Iiayaie UMg. Rooms 1 and 2. Property looked aTier for non residents. (i.1aprl4tf I HAVE MOVED my office to new location, to suit 404-405 Masonic Temple. TeL 1321. ' W. a. LI8TON Real Estate ft Insurance 63moh31tt REAL ESTATE TRADES 05 GOOD HOME FOR SMALL MODERN Portland. Tel. 892-M. 65apr20" TAXIDERMIST 6S TAXIDERMIST SHOP E. E. WIG- ems. Prop., 115 Norway. Near Woodry 'a Auction Market. Tel. 2261-W REAL ESTATE Suburban Ctt XEW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOR sale on terms like rent, ooupte con struction. fully plumbed, electric fix tures, e'c., 4 rooms and breakfast nook, gsrage, etc. One half acre of finest garden laud. Price $3100, Carle Ahrania. 1465 Chemeketa St. lei 1894-J. 6fl2tf TRANSFER & HAULING TO WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE boid goodl. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Call on is for prices. We'. give good measure, good - quality and good service. Lartner Transfer Co. Tel. 930. TRANSFER AND HAULING OF kinds. Tel. 72F2. ALL SALEM TRANSFER k FUEL CO. Local and Long Distance Hauling. Storage and Fuel. 309 &. High. Tel. 529. 70a30tf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State Si. Tel. 933. Distributing, for warding and Storage our specialty. Get our rates. WANTED Real Estate 71 LISTINGS' WANTED We have several calls for small pay ment down, homes modern and semi modern. If you are in need of money see us at once, perhaps we can help you along. Lee W. Bell. 503 Bk. of Comm. Tel. 4d4. Fire Insurance. - 7lni9tf WELL DRIIJiING If. A. WEST. RT. C. BOX 103-A, TEL. 110K5. 3 miles east on Garden Road. WATER 71 t SAI.EM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office 304 South Commercial St. Ten per eeut discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cause unless water is shut off your premises. TRAVEL TRAVEL Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably In buses ot the Parker Stsee Lines. STAGES LEAVE FOR Silverton 1 a. in.. 11a. oi., 5 p. m. MK Angel 11 a. 01.. 5 p. m. Dallas 7 a. m., 9 a. m., 1:25 a. an. Falls City 7 a. m.. 2:10 p. m.. 5:15 p. in. Independence 7 a. m., 9 a. m.. 11:15 a. m.. 3:10 p. t 5:15. p. m.. Sun day only 8:30 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m., 11:15 a. m., 3:10 p. in.. 5:15 p. m. Sunday .only 7:10 p. m.. 8:30 p. m. IfcMinnville 8i30 a. m., 2:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Xewbere 8:30 a. ' m., 2:10 p. m.. 5 : 15 p. m. Tillamook 8:30 a; ., 2:10 p. m.i Call 22.' or 696 for information. , - d23tf AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTti 77ml2f USED CARS FOR SALE 79 Our Low Prices Make These Bargains 2 1926 Roadsters. One of them with on (final tires which are still very good. This car runs and looks like new. t924 Coupe which hat never seen rough service. i ourinr with starter. We are re ducing price on this $1 a day till sold. Watch this one. Price is way down already. $14 less than where it started Ford deliveries from $125 to $185. Dodge panel delivery. - Make us an offer. Hudson Coach See thia for a bar gain in big car. ' Valley Motor Co. " Salem, Ore. 79apr9tf By Ed Wheelan fNlELL SHIELDS, J Daughteft: of the pn SHERIFF1 OF tUlib CAT.ViJHOrAfeSKtH visfliHG an aunt IN ST. LOUIS HAZEL DEARIE CM. - . saw VI ai I e-u--e REAL ESTATE . 1 i ... :. "i 1 1 AAT7"Li rnra ' I i USED CARS FOR SALE Tfl MARION' ; --CHANDLER -. - -..-' I - . - : y " MacDonald Auto Co, Priced to Sell DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS. EVERY CAR IS A REAL BARGAIN AXD MUST BR SOLD. THIS IS A CLEAN UP SALE. SEE L'8 BEFoRK YOU BUY. 1926 Oakland Sedan almost new. : ' Marmon 5 pass Sedan. M armoa Coupe). " Chrysler 7 .Roadster. - Hudson Brougham. Hodaea 7-pass. Sedan. , - Witlye-Knight Sedan. Willys Knight Touring. Willys-Knight Sport 'louring. . Overland D Lux Sedan. Overland Sedan.- v Franklin Touring. , Overland Tourings. Ford Tourings. , 4 . I todge Roadster. All earn are ia good mechanical condi tion, many have new paint and good rubber, Liberal 'Terma. Trades Accepted. MacDonaSd Auto Co. . Open Stiadays and evenings until 8 p.m. Cottage and Ferry. -Tel. 409. MARMON CHANDLER. 79apr9t Dependable Cars 1924 Ford Coupe, high back, bal loon tires - . u...$275 1920 Ford Touring ..' . $ 6.V 1924 Chevrolet louring I .. $2uU 125 Chevrolet Tonritig -..$40O . 1924 Chevrolet Roadster ..-.-..-. - 7. 1923 Dodge Touring $3ii0 Newton-Chevrolet Co. Opposite the City HalL Tel. 1000. 79aprl2lf REO TOURING. 1924. Just like new. Worth $800. Sacrifice, Tor $050. Tel. 1241 M. 79sprl4t ' More ' Better Values Xate Model flupinobile Sedari - ' Thoroughly reconditioned, atrellent 1 finish, a real opportunity for tome one to obtain a fine exchanged automobile at reasonable price. Chevrolet Coupe Good tires, nice finish. npheUter in fine shape, mechanical condition unus ually good. Be sura and see this ex Other Better Values 5 Ford touring automobiles. 2 Ford coupes. ' 1 Ford sedan. . Other Excellent-Valuers Star touring. Earle touring. , Hudson sedan Maxwell touring. Nash touring. Pettyjohn Thorough nesa, courtesy "Is customers and financial stability! assuff values which will please the interest public. I F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 Xorth Commereisl Street. Telephone 1360 r "AFTER WE SELL. WE SERVE" - i 79aprl2tf YES OUR LOT IS OPEN NEXT TO the Fire Hall, on Chemeketa 8U with bur high grade pledge used cars. 1925 Hup touHug i$810 1925 Star tonring - $39. 1920 Study Fpertar toorlng ..:.:.f65 1925 Chandler Chummy sedan. ...jl5' 12 -' Z3 Kurd touring .. ........$183 1923 Study Big Six, 7-pas. tour-J Ing j..-. :......;...;...:.;.$4 1923, Maxwell sedan ..$6. 1924 Ktudy light atx touring . $4i 19. 2" Study Special Six club roa.Ut.r $37S 1921 Frank Un sedan ....,....., $08a - Terms at Lowest Kates. MARION AUTO COMPANY , Study and Erskine Dealers. Ask for B. L, Oibbina Used Car iDepf. Lot at 440 ChemekeU St. . Next to .Fir Hall .... 233 So. Com l. Tel. 862 : ' '. 79aprl0tr PACKAB") 0LDSM0BIL -; Two Of The Best OaklanJ Sedan - (late aaodel wheel brakes, lots of eslraa ..$750 Ford Coupe (1925 model, a bar gain at) . $350 Jewett Touring - - ... , , $iiO Earl Sedan (a lot of transportation ' for oar price of) $yoo Lexington Touring (Try and boat thia lor) : ...$200 Wo hava a complete Una of food) used eara and our stock chaagea dailji if yon are interested ia a good asedl ear it will pay you to call aad loo at ur stock oyer. W have good nsaaVD-v automobiles at low aa $50. , Capitol Motors Inc. 950 No. High 8U TeL 3125 Biddy Biahop. AL Rosas ea a. Two 1 Of r The Best PACKARD oLDtMOOTLK Salem IMaxketa i FEED ; 1 No. 1. wheat, white 1.20 Red, wheat, sacked 1.16 OaU, per bra. milling u wS2 0RK, MTTT0S AND BEEF ' : Topa hoga - ..,:. - ' ,17 ; ' Sows 1. 1 , , - .0O4A Tow a tear . ...,,. . .Ot ."-owt ,. ,,, : V .05 Ball 010.05 1927 Iambs, ooder 8ft lb. .14, Top live veal Dressed veal Dressed pigs .IS POTXLTBT , l.iltbt hen' Heavy hens .1$ ta.ro .21 mi .23 Broiler w. koostefa ...25 JO gOOS, BTJTTSV BUTTERFAT Staadarda . . .18 44 Butterfat Cream batter .45 Q. 4$ VEOBTABLES Vegetsblee, beets, sacked .05 fnv..n dna. busMrhea . -VO New Cabbage ..05i . Celery ',.,,.,.. , ,.- 1.2 - California lettuce, crate ?. - Local onions . .4HO.0S r Roseberg Port Oxford ceirto b loosed from Camas Vtlter. traet, lor export to Japan. A Gold H1U Test rnn of or frorn old Roten property shows f 100 ton.- -i .-"-:.-. ' '' . ' Klamath Falls Pellcarr T.ay Lumber Company opens xaUl wlti "arcr.e. Bra,