The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 15, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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    r 5 "
Easter Candy Special
Today and
s - - - - -
With any purchase amounting to $1.00
We Give You
These candies are fresh and made of pure butter, eggs, sugar, cream and
chocolate. They consist of chocolates, Walnut Fudge, Cocoanut Dips,
Peanut Clusters, Marshmallow Easter Eggs, Easter Butter Creams, Sugar
Coated Bon Bons and Easter Eggs.
Look Up Your Drug Store Wants and Get Your Candy FREE
Salem's Owl Drug Store
-V .
,..,....,. r tit i i. ...... ,
Speaks to Student
Frank Neer, school board direc
tor, spoke to senior high school
students yesterday on the coming
of Roald Amundsen, noted explor
er, nextTuesdsy. Schools will be
closed at 3 o'clock- that day so
students can attend the special
matinee. Amundsen's appearance
here is sponsored by the Lions'
Genuine Toftless Seary
Mattresses now $39.50. Glese
Powers Furniture Co. all
Moore's Music Hons
Open evenings during sale. al5
-v ;
Ifcase for Bale Cheap .
Move it away. Bids will be re
ceived lor house 443, 445. 447
Center street. 3 apartments, with
or without furniture; also triple
garage. I. Greenbaum, 246 North
Commercial street. al5
lar have been good friends for
over 4 0 years. Mr. and Mrs. Em
mons expect to remain here until
their son returns from Iowa where
he is at present attending to busi
ness matters. -
Darwin Tulips, Red and Pink
Salem Bulb Co., Wallace road,
phone 116F4. al5
Bay Tour Suit Now, Iiess 20
G. W. Johnson & Co. al5
Most Everything Greatly
Reduced this month. "Moore's
Music House." al5
Jost a Real Good Time
Hazel Green, Sat. night. al6
Appoint Administratrix
Ellxa Draper was appointed yes
terday administratrix of her sis
ter. Ellen C. DraDer's estate, val
ued at 12100.
.Save 20 on Your Easter Suit
G. W. Johnson Co. alS
See Pages 68 and 91
This weelCs Sat. Eve. Post
Packard and Oldsmobile automo
biles sold in Salem by Capital Mo
tors, 350 N. High. al5
Have Yon Seei
Pages 54 and 55 of this Satur
day's Evening Post? . Newton
Chevrolet Company. . ) al5
Darw in Tulips'; Red and Pink
Salem Bulb Co., Wallace road,
phone 116F4. ' alS
" i i .' ? "
Inventory Filed; With Court
The inventory of; the estate of
George H. Hampton, an insane
(ersou, was filed with the county
court yesterdays A. A- Miller,
W. L. Jones and E. E'Howell ap
praised the estate at f 121 5. SO, all
in personal property.
taster Lilies
Adams, Florist.
Dad Watson With Real old-Time
kns, Tuesday, April 19. New feat
"nrts; real old-time music, dances,
eteps. Kindly notify friends who
have attended previous parties.
' i a!7
Complete Line Hooeder Cabinets
And accessories. See page 159,
this week's Sat Eve. Post Glese
Powers. j; ,.' al5
Permit Issued - J ,.
A permit toT construct a dwel
ling at 562 North Fourteenth
street was Issued .yesterday to
Homer McDonough. The estimat
ed cost U 31800. . ; i
Save Front 100 to 150 By
Buying your Piano at Moore's
OW. al5
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Giete-Powers
Furniture-Co. fit
wish to announce the removal
l their offices from the Bush
Jank building to the First NaW.
tan building. !; aH
'r. and Mrs. Rbbum "Here i
Mr; and Mrs. c. A. Emmons of
ort Dodge. Iowa, are visiting t
the home of their son; O. W, Em
nonv 180 Court street. Mr. and
Mrs. Emmons are on their way
home after kmhiiHhv vi,t., i
ng Beach, CaU They were er-
pleased to renew their ac
QsaintaneA with at .. hi n
Vf. Laflar, 1190 South Liberty
To Bnild Concrete Structure
Ira Jorgenson, automobile sup
ply dealer at 190 South High, will
construct a two-etory concrete
building at 531-541 Ferry street.
according to a permit issued yes
terday. The estimated cost is
Pays for Speeding
Lewis G. Mitchell speeded his
car beyond the established limit
yesterday. The penalty was a fine
of 35 In police court.
Bay a Home and FurnJt
At auction today. See ads page
5. al5
Shirts, Values to S3, Spec. $1.95
G. W. Johnson & Co. al5
Darwin Tulips, Red and Pink
Salem Bulb Co., Wallace road,
phone 116F4. al5
"Radio Bargains" During This
Months Sale. - Moore's Music
House. al5
Ask Your Grocer
For Lily.. Brand Hams and ba
con, mild cure. Put up by Ennis
D. Wait, 431 N. Front.
See Pontine Six
On page 45, this week's Sat.
Eve. Post. Vick Bros. al5
Guardian Files Account-
Mrs. Lucy M. Kahutt filed the
final account of guardianship of
Gertrude- E. . Kahutt, a minor, in
county court yesterday.
Elks Dance
Saturday nlte.
Members in-al5
Fined for Speeding
Carl Stettler was fined 310 in
justioe court yesterday for speed
ing a truck on the Liberty road.
Darwin Tulips, Red and Pink
Salem Bulb Co., Wallace road,
phone 116F4. al5
Salem Grange to Meet
The Salem grange will hold its
regular meeting Saturday morn
ing at the labor hall. The third
and fourth degrees will be con
ferred upon Mr. and Mrs. James
I. Stewart of Salem. A talk will
be given by the Hon. F. J. Tooze
on modern farm improvements.
The Pomona grange will meet at
Stay ton April 20.
Auction Today, 2943 Portland
Road; good 5 room bungalow,
extra, lot. range heater, rugs, lin
oleum and extra good furniture,
tools, etc. : F. N. Woodry, auction
eer. al5
Operates Illegally
Arrested for operating a motor
vehicle without having a chauf
feur's license, T. W. SeUwood was
fined 3 10 ru justice court yester
day. ;. ; ti '
RronchlUr-tFoley Gives Sure
Relief. Foley's Honey and. Tar
Compound relieves at onc dis
tressing, alarming bronchial sym
ptoms.. . It loosens r the harsh
cough. raises - phlegm easily.
smooths '' .the , . Irritated . mucous
membrane,, eases the -disagreeable
tightness -that grows -worse to
ward nlghllalL From Mrs. L. M.,
Charleston, W. Va.: ?"J am glad
to say that Foley's Honey and Tar
helped me over a bad attack of
bronchitis It Is a reliable medi
cine, - safe and effective f or colds
and coughs in children, and grown
persons. .Your druggist sells and
recommends it A k or .phone for
It. Sold at the- Capital drug store.
" - al5
Genuine Tuftless Sealy
Mattresses now 339.50i Ciese
Overtime Parkers Numerous
Rex Sanford, J. E. Farris, Wm.
Kroeplin, D. D. Socolofsky, D. S.
Parr, Hobart Kiggins and George
Jackson were fined 31 each in
police court yesterday for over
time parking.
Dance Every Friday
Dome's hall, McCoy.
Salem Maid Ice Cream, Sherbet
Butter. Sanitary Confectionery,
1857, State: i Palm Confectionery,
467 N. Church; The Hook, 379 N.
High. al5
Now Is Your Opportunity
To purchase an up to date dress
at one-half the regular price. Come
early. Specials on millinery. The
Ann Louise, opposite PEP Co. al5
Washington School Opened
Preliminary to a visit by the
school board of directors, the east
and west door of the old Wash
ington school were opened yester
day td, permit inspection by resi
dents in that district of the building.
Easter Lilies
40c a- blossom. Flake's Pet
land, 273 State. al6
See Our Windows
Save 20. G. W. Johnson &
Co. al5
If You Are Looking For Dry
Wood we have it Telephone
930. D. A. Larmer Transfer. alS
Cooked Food Sale
Will be held by ladies of St.
Vincent de Paul Altar society Sat
urday, April if, at Giese-Powers
furniture store. al5
Car Bumped
J. B. Hyland, 850 North Church
street, in backing out from the
curb yesterday struck a car be
longing to F. D. Thielsen. The
accident occurred at State between
Commercial and Front
C. W. Aplin Announces That
4 During his illness he has sev
eral employes who will estimate
and contract work. ' al5
Turn to, Page 112
This week's Post MacDonald
Auto Co. handles the Chandler in
Salem. : alS
Darwin Tulips, Red and Pink
Salem Bulb Co., Wallace road,
phone 116F4. . alS
Young People to Attend
- First Methodist, Jason Lee and
Leslie Methodist churches will
send delegates to the annual young
people's district convention which
will be held in Albany April 22
Buy, Quality When iTou
.'. Buy Paint :5-L
Th greatest assurance of qual
ity is purchased from an Insti
tution that knows paint We
have been spreading paint for
35 years.
254 Chemeketa. Tel. 921 v679J
too u J
We have a 1924 type Oak
land sedan with bumpers,
spot light, automatic swipe,
heater, 1927 license, new
paint and a car that has had
wonderful care and Is honest
value for $693.00.
The novae) That Service BnUt
to 24. President Carl Gregg
Doney of Willamette university
will be one of the principal speak
ers. It is expected that 150 to 200
young people from Salem, Tilla
mook, McMinnville, Dallas, Forest
Grove and Albany are expected
to attend the meetings.
The New Twists Less 20
G. W. Johnson & Co. 4 69 State.
Tiny" in Town
"Tiny" Molstro, a Willamette
football player two years age, is
visiting on the campus this week.
Bargains! Big Savings At
. Sale this month. "Moore's
Music House. " al5
No Meeting Tomorrow
The regular meeting of the Sa
lem Nature club will not be held
tomorrow evening on account of
Good Friday. At the meeting,
April 22, Professor Florian Von
Eschen of Willamette university
will give a talk on theology.
Have You Seen
Pages 54 and 55 of this Satur
day's Evening Post. Newton Che
vrolet Company. ais
Accident Reported
Mavnard Weathers reported an
accident with J. E. Stone, 1085
North 21st street, yesterday.
See Page 49
This week's Sat. Evfe. Post
Marmon car sold in Salem by Mac-
Donald Auto Co. al5
Stroke Suffered
Eugene Horning, route 7. suf
fered a stroke of paralysis yester
day. He was reported still un
conscious Thursday night.
Don't Forget We Are Now
Serving breakfast. The Nook.
on North High. al5
Aplin - Recovering - f
C. W. Aplin, secretary oi tne
local painters' union, who was
taken suddenly ill occasioned by
ulcers of the stomach, is informed
by his physician that he must
keep to his bed until May 1. Al
though the members of the fra
ternal orders to which he belongs
call frequently to cheer him up.
and for which he is very appreci
ative, he declares he would rather
be at work.
Two Visit Commissioners
George Etzel of Stayton and
Peter Ferris of Mehama were cal
lers at the county commissioner's
office Thursday. ,
Hudson Super-Six .
See double page ad, pages 62-
63, this' week's Post Kirkwood
Motor Co. alS
Intersection Crash
Leo Strong, driver for- Parker
Stages, reports that his stage hit
the automobile driven by E. F.
Lqganbill. route 5 Salem, at an in
tersection on Garden road. Mrs
Stuart, 590 Union street, was
slightly shaken up and bruised.
pressed the 'opinion that the ac
tion would be decided on a demur
rer to the state's complaint.
Attorney General VanWlnkle
said that while he had npt de
termined definitely the nature of
the action he would file the pa
pers were being prepared and
probably would be completed next
week. It was indicated that he
would file either a mandamus pro-
SeeClirysler Ads, Pages 39-75
This week's Sat Eve. Post. al5
Beck Is Fined
Earl G. Beck was arrested at
Leslie and Commercial streets last
night by Officer Q. W. Edwards,
when he was caught speeding and
breaking glass on the streets. He
was fined 325 by Judge Mark
Poulsen. Beck, who lives in
Portland, was a fireman in Salem
about ten years ago.
Easter Lilies
40c a blossom,
land, 273 State.
Flake's Petals
. Jacob Scharff died at his resi
dence, 2237 Nebraska St., April
14th. at the age of 75 years. He
leaves his widow, Lena M. Scharff
of Salem; one daughter, Mrs. A.
L. Beckendorf of the Philippine
Islands. Body at Webb's Funeral
Parlor. Funeral announcements
Mrs. Hattie Jackson died
at her residence, 406 North High
street, April 12. at the age of 78
years. She is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. Carroll A. Pague
of Portland. The remains are at
the residence. The funeral will be
held from the Webb chapel on
Friday at 2:30 p. m.. Rev. Tully
officiating. Interment in IOOF
Erickson to Speak
Fred Erixon will speak to the
Young mens division of the YMCA
at the regular weekly meeting
next Tuesday on his trip around
the world. He will disuss build
ing materials used In the coun
tries he visited. The meeting
will start at 7:15 and all young
men interested are Invited.
For Women and Children
Nothing equals osteopathy. Dr.
Marshall, Oregon Bldg. al5
Hold Special Practic
The Salem Boy's chorus held a
special practice last night in prep
aration for the program at the
armory tonight under auspices of
the Spanish-American war veterans.
Died at his home in Howell
Prairie April 14. Charles S. Mor
gan, father of Clarence L. Mor
gan, Mrs. Sylvia Baughman, Mrs.
Elsie Dunn, all of Gervis. Funeral
services will be held Saturday
April 16 from the Rigdon Mortu
ary with concluding services in
McCleay cemetery.
Easter Lilies
4 0c a blossom,
land, 273 State
Flake's Petals
To Banquet Mondavi
Public speaking classes which
have been meeting for some time
at the YMCA will hold their an
nual banquet next Monday even
ing at the Y building. The ban
quet will start at 6: SO. Members
of the classes and their wives will
be present.
IjOo TuBois' Harbor Shop
Masonic Bldg. downstairs for
your Easter haircuts. Three ex
pert barbers at your service. al5
(Continued from pe 1.)
; i '
suit of the action against Marion
pcounty would apply to all other
counties that benefitted from the
k District Attorney Cordon ex-
Died in this city April 12, Aron
W. Kurtz, at the age of 70 years,
brother of Jacob B. Kurtz of Rose
burg, Ore. Mrs. Mary Gerlg of
Pratum. Funeral services will be
held Friday, April 15 at 1:30 p.
m. from the Rigdon Mortuary
with concluding services in City
View cemetery.
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724
TihUmVaUty Htm
Have Your
Cleaned today for $1.23
We guarantee satisfaction and
Prompt Service
Over Busick's, Telephone 1981
Easter Lilies
40c a blossom,
land, 273 State.
Flake's Petals
Wife Awarded Divorce
Mrs. Florence J. Klinefelter was
granted a divorce from Elmer
Klinefelter in circuit court yes
terday. She will receive 330 per
month for the support of her three
minor sons. The plaintiff
charged cruel treatment.
Shirts, Values to S3, Spec. SI. 95
G. W. Johnson .;. aio
Herbert Cohen Guilty
. Herbert Cohen was found guil
ty of forgery in circuit court yes
terday by jury trial. He will re
ceive sentence Monday, April 18.
Hotel Marion
jr Dollar dinner, servtl 5:45 to 8
rvery evening. n26tf
Spends Day in Portland
Dr. John Martin Canse. presi
dent of Kimball School of Theol
ogy, spent yesterday in Portland
seeing after matters in connection
with this year's commencement
program. The speaker at the
event has not yet been chosen.
Easter Gifts and Novelties
Flower-in-Bottle toilet water.
Specialty Shop, 463 Court St al5
Couple Married By Judge
. James A. Adrian Jr.. and Lin
nle! J. Butcher of Eugene were
married Wednesday by County
Judge J. T. Hunt
1-n &
When Glasses Are
New Location
Dr. C. B. O'Neill
Fourth Floor
First National Bank Building
Phone 625
Remnant Day Today
Miller's basement Choice of
remnants on bargain square for
only 25c. 15
ou Fairmont Hill
AT S2600
S300 down, balance 923.00, per
! ntontli -
-129 North Commercial
High Street Market
Opposite Court House
Wilting Means Decay
Jeanette Patnam Cramer in the Oregonian market
page Wednesday tells housewives to select only crisp
vegetables as when wilted they have begun to decay
too long kept or too long in transit vegetables become
soft and inferior, she says. Reliable dealers remove all
wilted stock and keep constantly under water and do not
try to conceal inferior stock.
All green vegetables should be kept crisp and clean,
solid and heavy- Salem has a fruit and vegetable market
equal to any on the coast, wholesale or retail.
k a v sa w . S
iiSi a iw i ears in ijaiera
J. IL'LEON G, Mgr.
If . other . treatments
have ; faUed try our
Chinese remedies for
croup and cough." Ner- ?,
er neglect a cold. We
also treat , all disord- ,
ers of men, women and J$$ .
children. . , ,
rvwiimltation T'ree
Call or write 430-423 State St,
Salem, Oregon, Phone 283
Old Glory Night
Hal Hibbard Camp No. 5 .
United Spanish War Veterans
Armory, Friday, April 15, 1927
at 8 O'Clock P. M. r ,
Governor Patterson
Commander-in-Chief of the Oregon Military, Forces
1 .1 ' " . will present, the colors
Salem Boys' Chorus ; Schubert Octette
Woodry Brothers . -S. H.-S. Girls Glee Club
: ' , '- . - . - ' - v
; Proceeds go" to-pay for Camp Colors and Soldier '
Relief. Adults 50c -Students 25c T : ' V
ceeding or an action at law. Fil
ing of the suit will follow the re
cent demantl Uy the secretary., of
state that Marion county pay. over
to the state approximately $24,000
of $111,000 which was the coun
ty's share of the tax refund.'.
District-Attorney Cordon said
he would arrire in Salem within
the next few days to confer with
his associate counsel with relation
to the proposed salt.
The Oregon and California land
grant tax refund was authorized
under an act of congress signed
by tho president in April. 1926.
The refund was based on the
amount of money the 18 counties
would have received in taxes on
the lands had they not hare re
verted to the federal government.
The refund aggregated approxi
mately $4,00a,000. u
. . r.
Gold Beach New sanitarium
costing $20,000 will be opened
here. I .
ravel t0
All Sizes Films, Kodaks. Devel
oping Our Specialty
Prompt Service
157 South Commercial
"The Home of Drug Store
6, and lO cents per yard. Also
buttons, stamping and pleating.
Over MUler's Telephone 117
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
From 7:30 to 10:30 P. M.
Ladies Admitted Free
Gentlemen 10c
Daily Departures
Only motor t: stage service to
San Francisco, California, and
southwest cities with 3 dally
schedules. Serves all Inter
mediate points stop-overs if
desired. Great responsible sys
tem protects you cares for
haggage. Finest glass-enclosed
cars, reclining chairs, heaters.
Leave for -
Albany, Corvallis, Roseburg,
Medford. San Francisco, . Los
Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix,
El Paso
10:20 A. M., 1:40, 7:30 P. 5f.
Portland, Seattle, Vancouver -.
3:50 A. M., 1:30, 7:45 P. M.
Terminal Hotel
. Telephone 690
5 Roomed Bungalow With Extra Lot and High Grade
Furniture, Range, Etc
TODAY, APRIL 15th 1 :30 P. M.
2943 Portland Road
1 Blocks North of Highland Avenue
5 roomed bungalow with bath and toilet, electric lights, sewer
age and city water. Fine, place. Front and back porches, wobd
shed, garage and barn, shrubbery, etc. Lot 72x175, extra lot,
45x140 feet. Terms $400 cash, balance arranged, clear abstract
and title, terms on lot $75 cash, balance $10 per month.
1 round oak extension table and 6 leather seated diners, oak
library tables, 3 oak rockers, oak buffet, ivory breakfast table,
linoleum 9x12, 4 large paintings, mahogany writing desk, 4
good rugs, 2 Simmons beds, coll springs and mattresses. Ivory
dressers, 2 ivory chiffoneers, 1 silk floss mattress: sanitary
couch, 1 Duofold davenport, leather 1 reed chair, 1 4 section
book case, refrigerator, medicine cabinet, kitchen chairs, por
tiers, garden hose, garden tools, clock, heater, real good range,
hall rack, and lots of other miscellaneous articles.
NOTE All the furniture in this sale Is like new. .
AUBREY WHITE, 2943 Portland Road, Owner
Auctioneer Phone fill
If you want to sell your furniture see V. N . Woodry, 1610 North.
Summer Street.
Mrs. O. B. MAes' Dairy Herd
AT- , '
. 20 head cattle registered and grades. Entire herd
abortion and tuberculosis tested.5 Tabulated" pedi
grees of pure breds at the sale. . v :
Dairy utensils, separator, rnilking.machine, horses,
hogs, and other articles. r -
Sale starts at 1 p. m., Free Lunch at noon
Sale to be held on farm, five miles south of Salem
Rosedale Road
MRS. O. B. MILES, Owner, Salem, Oregon
Sale Manager - Auctioneer
Salem, Oregon, Albany, Oregon
Loner and Short Distance Haullsj
Public and Private Stcraso
Fireproof Buildlnj r
Ires Deliver to tny part cf tha dij
Farmers W arehouca
Day TtIr;!:cJ 13
3 l. im . ,
puyw r. Emmons and Mr. Lf
Powers Furniture Co, , all
1 '