The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 15, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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The Oregon Statesman
I Im4 Xfellr Except Monday fcr
'...). . S15 a th Coimwil Bt 8Un . Otjw ;
B. i. Headrieka
firl 8. If eSaerry
Kalpk C. Curtis
aarad Baack
' ' r Manager
fMasartaK .Editor
City Editor.
" Tclecraph Editor
- Society Editor
W. H. Hendarsoa - Clmlatioa Xaaagr
Ralph H. Kletxibf Advertising Manager
Frank Jaikoski Manager Job Dept.
E. A. Rhotea ..... L,iTtoek Editor
W. C. Oonaer ..... Poultry Editor
no Aaaeeiatod Preas is eaehiaiTely entitled to the ao for pmbllcatioa of oil nova
oUopateaoa eroditod to it or mot othonriao credited a toia papor and alao tko local
awrt pa blUh.d herein,- j
t ' bustbtess orncxs:
. B. Bolt SSJ-2S3 Seevrity Bid.. Portland. Oro.
Taoaaaa F, Clark Co- Now York, 128-136 W. 31st St.; CMff, Marquette Bldf.
??,r. Moody, California represent tire, Sharon Bldf., Baa Fraaeioco, Higriaa
Bias., JLo Ancelea. ,.
Bmslaooe Of flee ..23 or 58.1
Society Editor- lOfl News Dept. - 23 or 106
Job Department
Cirealatioa Offieo 583
Eatorod at tko Poat Office ia Salem, Oregon, aa aoeoad-elaaa matter.
E April 15, 1927
And they crucified him and parted his garments, casting lots; that
it miht be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet. They parted
my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots
St. Matbew ZJ: 35. .
God and You
By the Rev, Charles Stelzle
i .
God offers; a challenge to men.
His Religion centers in the cross of Jesus.
, He frankly appeals to men to answer the call "come and suffer."
The path to which He calls may lead to Golgotha.
, He wants men who are ready to wear the crown of thorns.
The whole world Is groaning for the leadership of men who are
made of martyr stuffmen who are ready to "tread the winepress of
sorrow."-- j?:'4J .-,4 .'
1 i. because of such hat tOod goes marching on."
The much heralded prune survey carried on by experts of
the United States department of agriculture, reporting to the
Salem meeting on Tuesday, made these conclusions, jn brief :
. Improved methods of MERCHANDISING, including stan
dardization, better packing, distribution, and increased con
sumer demand, must be had
Else prices will not be better
And itf is suggested that consumers should be led to
realize that there are two kinds of prunes; the Italian tart
sweet type and the California sweet type.
State legislation is suggested for standardization
; And it is suggested that the methods of preparing Italian
prunes should be taught the consumers
y) And that is about all there is to the conclusions. Good
conclusions. Wise suggestions j
But any man in- the industry could have made the same
conclusion without a survey. j
What the prune industry needs is near 100 per dent cooper
ation, and a greater than Moses is needed to bring jthis about.
If a good business man could be put in charge of the industry,
like the California cooperatives do, a market would be found
forTall the prunes, and at living prices. What would have
become of j the California orange and lemon and grape fruit
industries j without this? They would have been ks dead as
Julius Caesar. So would the California raisin industry, and
peach and apricot industries, and those having to do vith
walnuts and beans and rice and cotton and a dozen others.
, -Every .Oregon and-Washington and Idaho prune can be
marketed jat a profit. It is, as the government: experts con-
elude, a matter of merchandising
rfAnd this includes the whole long line from the fertilizing
of the orchards to the proper cooking-of the product in the
homes and hotels of this country and other countries.
- iLet itj be known wherever there is a possible customer
what a rojral fruit the prune is, and then make it possible for
vuai, vuawiuw mj wuy uie yrouuet at a reasonaoie price, ana
there will be no over production of prunes, though the ton
nage be doubled and more ; and the industry will be stabilized.
. I .
' ; Looked like blossom day might be about a week from
Sunday, with a continuance of the, bright sunshin. But it
was raining last night, and it jnay rain, some more. So blos
som day may he put off till two weeks from Sunday, or even
longer. It depends mostly on he blossoming of the prune
trees. They make the biggest part of the great show.
A school of trades will give us the experts we need in our
industrial development. It will give us men to push ahead
the development of our great potential resources. Let's have
the school of trades, in the East school building. It will do
a great deal to advertise the progress of Salem. It will bring
us population of the kind we need..
. -r Whatever happens now, Salem will finally own her
water works. It will be only a question of how much she
will pay. j If she waits, it may cost her a couple of hundred
thousand to a million dollars more. Or still more, if she
waits still longer. That's all there is to it. It is unthinkable
that Salem will pay tribute permanently to private ownership
ot her water-system. "
i , .4
, : rThis is the age of electricity. The material progress of the
world is marked by machines-;- '' f I 5 :-V-! 1
4 The steam engine began our present industrial; era
vHigh speed steel and alloy steel mark milestones in our
progress, which have Veen instrumental in greatly reducing
costs and; hence increasing prosperity. Mass production is
another step; it vastly increased output and thii lowered
COStS- ' ;- .cv; fs: t..
And .there have been many other advances of equal or
less importance which, collectively, have changed the econom
ic status of mankind to the point where'the most lowly laborer
of f today enjoys, as a matter of course, conveniences which
the most famous and; powerful monarch of a hundred years
agd could not have ' " ' : " ; ': -
;.And now comes arc -welding; electric welding, called arc
welding on account 65 the shape of the welding light;" shaped
like an arc. V . - -':' '
v This process is more important than I most of us have
realized.. The replacement pf the riveted or bolted joint, by
welding makes possible a reduction - of. weight and ? cpsliof
machines and structures. It allows substitution of one metal
for another. Steel may replace castings, bringing many econ
omies. Recently 90 miles of steel electric welded pipe was
laid, taking 40 per cent less metal than would have, been
needed for a riveted pipe; the savins: being 50,000 tons of
steel. Now the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
have accepted custody of f 17,500 from the Lincoln Electric
company of Cleveland, Ohio, to be offered in prizes of $10,000,
$5000 and $2500 for. suggested improvements in methods of
arc (electric) welding.
The address of the Society is 29 West 39th street, New
York City.
Perhaps some one in Oregon may compete
Surely we would have competitors here if we had the East
school. building already turned into a trades school.
Who knows but we may develop a Henry Ford, or a West
inghouse? 2
The age of electricity will do more and more for Salem
and the Willamette valley, where we may harness the water
powers running to waste and fill this whole valley with the
hum of the wheeJs of industry.
We have the potential natural resources to maintain a
hundred times our present population
And, in this age of electricity, our water powers make up
one of the greatest resources we have. We need only to
develop leaders who know how to use the resources which we
Bits For Breakfast
Blossom day indefinite
Would have been a week from
Sunday with bright sunshine pre
vailing But it rained last night, and
may keepon. Blossom day de
pends much on our prune blos
soms. L "o
The cherries are in bloom, and
if the rain keeps up all the bees
in the cherry orchards will sure
ly be needed. H. M. Mead got in
a second shipment of bees from
California for our cherry orchards.
"a a
American forest week will be
April 24 to 30.
Southern. Wisconsin is the only
section even approaching the Wil
lamette valley in productivity,
Arthur Foster told the realtors
yesterday. See the news report j
The little factory of C. J. Pugh
& Co., 550 S. 21st street, is on
the way to big things. Mr. Pugh
even makes crutches. . Made 100,
and sold them all in Salem ex
cept the samples. Did you ever
think of that? Salem uses 15j0 to
300 pairs of new crutches a year.
"a S
A grin to the face is worth two
to the back.
.... :
vIf you have enough-religion to
quarrel about, you need Just a lit
tle bit more.
Your son not as perfect an you?
Ah. well: Augustus, Alexander
and Napoleon had the same bad
"a S "a
France can have a navy by
dodging her debts. Well, a lot
of American, families keep up a
front that way.
"Na, what is heredity?" "Some
thing, my son, every father be
lieves in until his son begins act
ing like a dunce."
A South American poultryman
declares he has produced a breed
of chickens that have all white
meat on their carcass. This will
not interest little Willie until this
poultryman succeeds in breeding
them without necks.
phocy orchestra ; 6 :55, 8. orcheatra and
aoioiat; 9, "Hita aad Bita." X. B. C
KFI Lo Anrele (467).- 5:30, 6:15,
6.30, T. Aeoliaa orgaa concert; 8,
'.The Last Seren Worda," a cantata by
a chorea: -Choi; 9, "Hita aad Bita,"
X. B, C. program; 10, ballad boor.
KPO Sa Franeiseo (428), 5 :30, chil
dren' program; 6, 6:30. orcheatra: T,
7:20, 8 trio and soloist; 9. "Hits
and Bits, N. B. C. program; 10, or
chestra. KMQ Sjtokane (394). 6:30, concert or
cheatra: 8. orchestra: 9, "Hita and
B'tV X- B. C. program; 10:30. Hoot
Ml Walla Wa!Ja (283). 7, 8, or
chestra ; 9.
KYA- San fYnciico (4O0). :30, con
cert trio: 8, sermon; 9, violin ensem
Me: lOj dance orchestra.
Kr'OA Seattle (454). 6:45. orrhetra;
9. Hits and Bits,-' X. B. C program;
orchestra; 10:30, Hoot U.
KKWO Avalon (ill). 6. chimes; 6:30,
orchestra, and refcroadeasts.
KKWI Kan Francisco (250). 6. trio; 7,
7:15, . chimes trio; 8:40, 9. 9:30;
lf. dance program.
KTAB Oakland (30J). 6, 6:45, 8, Good
Friday profrram.
KFSOLos Anpele (275).6:30, Ange
las hour; 7:30. Crusader rally; 10,
hand concert and xylophone solos.
KFOX Long Beach (232). 6, 6:15. or
chestra; 7, 7:30. 7:45, 8, band con
cert : 9. 10, frolic.
C"RV Vancouver, (291). 7:30 address
, orsran recital: 9. United church pro
gram; 10, dunce program.
KOMO Seattle (306). 6. concert orches
tra and soloists: 7:50. farm retrain
. concert orchestra : 11. trio and so
loists: 11:30. orchestra.
KXX Hollywood (337). 6 6 1" 7
7:30. ft. 9: 10, fight broadcast;' 11,'
dance orchestra.
KJR Seattle (384). 6. 0:20. 6:30 or
chestra: 8. poultry talk: 8:30. 9:30
10, time signals.
7:15-7:30 KOW (491). Exercise's.
9:45-11:30 KGW. Exercises; household
helps and music.
10:00-11:00 KFWV (212). Home Beau
tiful hour.
10:00-10:30 KXL (389). Music and an
nouncements. 10:30-12:00 KEX (447). Pattie Cook;
morning entertainment.
11:00 12:(i0 KOIN (319). Housewife's
12:ft0 KPEC (252). Weather reports.
12 :0M2 :-0 KEX. Popular orchestra
12:30 1:30 KGW. Xoon concert.
2:00-3:t0 KXL
2 :0-3 :0O KVV.
2:30 End KTBtt
baseball returns.
3:00-3:15 KEX.
3:00-4:00 JCOIN.
4:00-5:00 KFEC.
4:30-6:00 KFWV
5:15-6:00 KEX
5: 15 6 :00 KOIN.
6:00-7:00 KTBR (263). Music
Women's matinee.
(263). Play by play
Xews, markets.
Xews, music.
Twilite hour.
Postman Bill.
Topsy Turvy Times.
Or?an concert.
Iinner concert.
News, markets.
6:00-8:00 KFWV
6:(i-7:00 KOIN" (319)
6:00-7:00 KGW (49i).
;(K6:15 KEX (447).
time siifnaln.
6:30 8:00 KXL (389). JUusic.
7:00 7:30 KTBR. AAA road reports.
7:00 7:25 KGW. Children's program.
7:00-7:25 KOIN. Amusement guide and
police bulletins.
7:00 8:00 KEX. Pool's trio.
7:25-8:00 KGW. Fish aud hunt talk
and poultry talk.
8:00 9:00- KFWV. Studio program.
6:00-9:00 KXL. Studio program.
8:00-9:00 KTBR. Studio program.
8 :o0- :in KV. Mission IJcll orches
tra and soloists.
s;uw-a:u n.t.. iteligious service.
:oo-IO:00 Kf s .
9 -OO-IO :( KG W.
J!. '. program.
9 :00-lO:.0 KOIX.
10:00-10:30 Studio
10:30-12 :()() KGW.
2.00-1:00 KOIX. Heed's orchestra.
l.:00 1 :00 KFJK (263). Studio
KGO Oakland (461 ). 6." Little Svm-
Hungry? Don't wait, order
some Better Yet Bread from your
grocer. It is fresh, wholesome
and clean. Made by the Better
Yet Baking Co. ()
The Vanity Hat Shoppe, 387
Court, offers the new crocheted
straws, silk combinations and nov
elties, In either large or small hats
at J3.95, S4.95, 16.75. ()
Drive 'round on Good Tires.
"More pleasure and less troubl."
The famous Viking Tires and
Tubes have no superior. Malcolm's
Tire Shop, 205 N. Coml. ()
romeroy & Keene, Jewelers,
never fail to give you 100 on
the dollar. Watches, clocks, pins,
(harms. Standard high grade
s-tock in all departments. ()
Nash leads the world in motor
car values. Beautiful display of
new models at the F. W. Petty
John Company, 365 North Com
mercial St. '
rr e . tl .
Buster Brown Shoe Store. High
class, stylish looking, tqomfort
giring. long wearing shoes for the
least money. Come and be Con
vinced. 125 N. Com'l. (
Parker & Co., 444 S. Commer
cial. Don't fail to see Parker
about repairing your car. Expert
mechanics at your service. All
work guaranteed. ()
Capital City Cooperative Cream
ery, milk, cream, buttermilk. The
Buttercup butter has no equal.
Gold standard of perfection. 137
S. Com'l. Phone 299. '(
Cobbs & Mitchell Co.. lumber
and building materials for every
purpose. Get estimates, look at
quality of material, then you will
oraer. 349 s. lZtli St. ()
Fry's Drug Store. 280 N. Corn!
the pioneer store, r Everything for
everybody, in the drug supply line,
with standard goods and quality
service always. : ()
X Row To Get Relief When Bead
aura now ate oiuiicti up.
County fifty! Your cold in head or
catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passage of
your head will clear and you can
breathe freely. . No more snuffling,
hawkinr" mucous ' discharge, dryness
or headache; no struggling for breath,
at night, i . j.: r,
Get a email bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm f ran your druggist aad apply a
little of this fragrant antiseptic cream
la your nostril. It penetrstes-through
every air passage of the head, sooUnae
and healing the swollen or inflamed
sucotts membrane, giving you instant
relief. ,. Head colds and catarrh yield
like marie. Dont stay toffed-up s4
EUsenble. Helief It tore.' .
Koyal Biham,
"Hits ajid Hits,"' X.
Miha l'eli orclies-
proarram. . '.
' ' Hooi Owls."
G. W. Day, tires, tubes and ac
cessories; has the Goodyear tires,
the standard of the world. Mr.
Day can give you more mileage.
Corner Com'l and Chemeketa. (
Too Car Deserves
America's Finest Tire
190 8. Commercial Tel. 471
It's Tim to Think of
We Sell Martin Senour 100 Per
Cent Pure Paint
2K N. Commercial Tel. 639
Unequalled Values
At the old time price, yard..... 25c
48x48 Oil Cloth Table Squares, at the low price '
or eacn
54x54 Table Squares, each
36 in. light weight Brown Muslin; yard
9-4 good quality Brown Sheeting, full 81 in. yard
Brown Toweling, Crash, yard4
Brown Toweling, Crash, yard.
36 in. Hope Muslin, yard
Jap Dress Crepes, in various shades, yard.,
36Unch fast color Percales, yard .
32 inch Amoskeag Gingham, yard l.
36 Inch Manchester fast color Dress Prints, yd
A. C. A. Heavy Feather Ticking, yard.....l....:i.
. 43c
House Dresses
These new absolutely fast color' Dresses "that are cheap
at $1.69 we are placing on sale for the week end at $1.49
Sewing Thread
Clarks O. N. T J . 6 Spools 25c
50 yard Spools Sewing Silk ; 5c
Soft Shell Walnuts
True the size is small, but they ar& well filled, and run
nearly perfect with sweet walnut meats. PriC'ed
1 lb. 20c 2 lbs. 35c 5 lbs 79c
. ... 29c
, i39c
20c Preferred Stock Peas
20c Solid Pack Monopole Tomatoes
That good well streaked Bacon, lb
3 lb. Box Fresh Soda Crackers
10 lb. Pail Pure Strained Honey
Carton of 6 Boxes Matches
3 Jell Well ...;. . ". ;
1 lb. Plug Day's Work......'....:;
1 lb Horseshoe, Climax or Star -
3 packages Torchlight ;
3 packages Granger .....,....
2 cans Velvet . ..J...
2 cans Prince Albert i... ..........w .
Chesterfield or Camel Cigarettes, 2 for .
k Broom Value
An excellent, grade for. the price. , 4 seam fine straw
"House Broom, only . ; 4?c
, " For Real Values 1
Phone 560 ' - - 254 North Commercial
Many From Salem Contrib
ute to Support of School
The Salem high school band
will enter the fourth annual high
school band contest to be held at
Corvallis under auspices of the
Oregon Agricultural " College to
morrow. The state training school
band which was also invited to
enter will not do so, it was stated
yesterday. The group was dis
banded sometime ago because of
a contagion.
A number of local organiza
tions and peple have contributed
to support of the band which has
been practicing hard during the
past few weeks in preparation for
the contest- Among those who
have donated to the cause are the
student body. Mr. and Mrs. F. S.
Lamport, Dan J. Fry. Sr.. T. A.
Livesley, and the Elsinore thea
ter. The members of the band pay
dues of $2.50 and furnish their
own uniforms.
Tn the contest tomorrow each
band will be required to play
KelerBela's "Lustpiel Overture,"
Rosas "Impassioned Dreams,"
and a warming up march of its
own choice. Tba Salem group
will play "El Capitan," by Sousa.
A loving cup will be given as first
prize, and another for second
prize. Other prizes will be donat
ed by business houses of Corvallis
and Portland.
The personnel includes: Clario
nets,' Abe Vaughn, Malcolm Grab
er, Rollin Graber, Kenneth Grab
er. Everett Tasto, and Charles
Kinney; cornets, Melvin Dungan,
Tom Downs, Matthew Burgomeis
ter. and Frederick Remington;
piccolo. Otto "Mier;; saxophones,
Raymond Marsh and Glenn Rol
lins; alto horns, Clyde Straus
braugh, Virgil Dannison, and Rob
ert Wiens; tVombones, Wesley
Heise and Clinton Lovell; bari
tone. Raymond Carl: drums, Ed
ward Rafferty, Alfred Downs, and
Donald Hardcastle; bass, Law
rence 'Andrews and Morgan Gal
lagher. The snare drum used by
Don Hardcastle is loaned by Sher
man Clay company and Mr. Rice
furnishes the alto horn used by
Robert Wiens.
Leaders and student managers
of the bands represented will meet
at 10:30 in the morning of the
day of the contest to consider a
state high school band associa
tion. This was suggested to H.
L. Beard, professor of band in
struments and conductor oi "th
OAC cadet; band, by the 8tnw
manager of the Salem high school
band. - 7
The othebands enterini the
contest arejfWashirigton. Jieffer
son and Frwkliahiflr&boahr
Portland, Medford high juhool
Albany high school. The pallei
high school and possibly the) Ash
land high school. The vifeitinit
bandmen. will be entertained b
the -fraternities and clubs of tbe"
campus. : . , 1 ; . . )
Gresham Many buildinpj now
under way or soon to be s;metf
here. '. r- .
Oregon will spend about! Sis ,
GOO, 000 on roads this year. ' ' .
Children j1
Castoria is especially pre- ;
pared to relieve Infants in
arms and Children all ages of f
Constipation, Flatulency, Wind '
Colic and Diarrhea ; allaying
Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach
and Bowels, aids the assimilation, of Food ; giving natural sleep.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates." Physicians everywhere recommend it
1 I err1 you list-
en to fme
You may buy liberal, for our
prices are such that the most
economical and most exacting is
We are featuring
upon special re-i
quest a shipment
of the Choicest
Shoulder 1 7V2C Loin 25c
Rib !. 25c Leg 25c
Stew 12Y2c Chops .... 174c
Easter Hams (Carstens) 10-12 lb. average
(Sugar Cured 35c) - -Center
Cuts Ham ..-;-.;...:..,... :.J
Lean Bacon Back, skin and fat off .... .. ...
Choicest cuts of Pork Roast
Loin Pork Chops
Lean Side Pork
Fat Pork ., . .
The best cuts of Beef Pot Roast .....w
2sy2c ib.
... 35c lb.
: 1712 ib.
... 25c lb.
UVzc lb.
... 14c lb.
.. 15clb.
Boiling Beef
Fresh ground Hamburger
Fresh Sliced Liver .... ......
Sirloin Steak (fancy) ....
Snow Cap Shortening .....
Fancy Veal Stew
...... j.......
.;. i2y2c ib.
'-.::L 2 lbs. 25c
. . 2 lbs 15c
.v.. ...... ..... 15V2C lb. .
3 lbs. 35c
2 lbs. 25c
That's what we hear all the time Our buying of the. best food
stuffs obtainable tell the story Ask your neighbor about
A Satisfied Customer Is the Best Advertisement We Could Have
Del. Monte or Picket Flour
49 Ib. sack Special
Valley Flour, 49 Ib. Sack 1 .. r
Special (Saturday) . .$10D
Jell Excel!, True Fruit flavors: t?
3 pkgs. :.... ;; ;. ZDC
Soda Crackers Ofl'
3 lb. Caddies .. OVC
lent cup of coffee) Qf
Per pound ....f..:.... .:.: uDC
(3 pounds $1.00)
KelloggV Corn Flakes
.3 pkgs; .... ...
Strictly Fresh Standard Ranch
Eggs, per dozen .......
Best Creamery Butter j
- pound ...:.. ......
- ; (2 pounds 87c) ; v
Full Cream Cheese "
2 pounds ;.r
. MaxweU House Coffee , ' . ,
Per pound j......
. .Navy Beans " : ' '
13 pounds ,
55 c
49 c
C. O-D. Orders Given Prompt Attention
Orders Oyer 5.00 Delivered Free ,
CALL 1333
f &