The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 14, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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r 5
ydt Friends Here
' Mrr and Mrs. W. D. Lord of
Portland stopped in Salem yestert
day for a brief visit with friends.
Thy were en route home from
.(o-'iaa and were accompanied by
;IJuh Marie Bennet of Labiah.,
Genuine Tuftles Sealy
Mattresses now 139.50. Gfese-
rowers Furniture Co. al
Many Members Added
Stimulated by the prospects of
th GAR and allied organisations'
-,..f km In Jnn thp
life and many new members are
biiiR added. Dr. Pound and
Charles Fessenden of the Sons or-
rf;.r..- . t f
gaaiM- j r . ..
interest ni ibh group uu ue
A TfMct a
aoaiuon to tne
A membership before the June en
tinorr'fl Music Hon
Open evenings during sale. al5
Jailed for Drinking
v W. Kelly. 1950 South Cot-
tare street, was booked at the po-
lice station last nig nt on a cnarge
- i
ot drunsennesaw muj w PiCeu
up by unicer uwu. I
Easter Candy
Salem's finest assortment.
The I
al v I
Consider Separation
A committee from the senior I
law school class composed of Glen
Stonemau. v mwui ti uu i
Rodney Alden wrll meet with a lib-l
cral arts committee, rrancis fcius, I
Joel Berreman and Claire Geddes,
to determine if some plan can be
evolved to give a. certain amount
of funds to the senior law class
for social events, wean jr. m
Erlckson wilt also be at the meet
T. K. Ford and Bert T. Ford
V Wish to announce- the removal
of their offices from the Bush
It bank building. alBI
fiiwx-Lil Rervicm Planned
The saturaav nixnt program ai i
. . ... . I
the Salvation Army will include!
i,riai inrine bv Llovd Thomo-
nn Willamette graduate andland to stall on the Oregon Elec-
.inr nf the First M. E. church.
who will render "The Palms" and
one other selection. Dr. E. S. 1
Tiammond is to be the sneaker of
the evening. Everybody invited.
Eaater Gifts and Novelties
Fly-ln-Bottl toilet water. Spe
cialty Shop, 43 Court street. al4
SDrains Ankle
Dr. P. E. Lee Steiner recently
sprained his ankle and is forced 1
r4S4 a pair -or-erntcnes. nr.
is superintendent ot the
state hospital andk:lairman of the
"On to Taccna" Rotary commit'
The New Twista Lena 20
G. W.- Johnsen & Co, 469 State.
. al4
Pamphlets Being Blalled
A large numter of pamphlets
dealing with Ongon forest week
are being sent oit from the office
' of C. A. Howard, state superinten-
j.a m a At I
dent of public instsuctlon. to pub-
IK Tk. 85 u
jL pamp,nlt ca lUggeev
Pprogram for fores week, which
Ti Will occur Anril 24 tn 20.
Truly fine small car Little I
Marmon 8. MacDonld Auto Co.
w . - . I
""O "nB-1 , 1 I
AAiuar mnner. serrva s;t to a
.very veaug. , - nzou
Miss CecUia- Mielkt of SalemnAw
has accepted, a positionUo teach in
a school near Coqnllle lor the fall
term. Miss Mielke gradiated from
lauumuuia oormu KQOII1 last IU1
and will' complete' her work this I
Bargains! Big Savings At
Sale this month. "Moore's
Music House." al5
Boy Arrive
A fine 9 pound boy arrlred
to gladden the home of Mr. and
Mrs. It. M. Thompson. 430 South
23rd street, Tuesday, April 12.
i '"trane concernea aoing niceiy.
I r, .
Vt4 . Foraitare CphoUtery
v And repairing.
;! . tttt
I 77 orniturs Co.
Engel Loses Court Trial -
Adam Engel. local contractor I
lost to E. Williams In a circuit!
-eourt trial yesterday. William bef
"js grauiea a juagmeni oi
9v anorney zees.
Genuine Tuft less Searr
Mattresses now $39. S0 Giese-
fowers Furniture Co, - . , al
Kusel Released by Sheriff
Vernon Kasel was released from
the county yesterday after his
parents had made good the checks
passed by their son. at local stores.
Buy Vour Suit Now
20. G. w. Johnson
Alfrwl Take. Leed ! I
Frank Alfred, has been chosen
as lead in the Junior play to be I
riven during the Willamette uni
versity May festival, t May 7 and
manes Bodina was originally
Time to have that Spring Suit,
Coat or Dresa Cleaned fLOO
V SnIU lreesed COc
Over Bustcks , -Telephone 1981
selected for the - place but was
forced to cire it oyer on account
of a heavy scholastic schedule. The
play, which Is coached by Marjorie
Walker of the Ellison-White con
servatory in Portland, will be giv
en at the Capitol theater.
"Radio Bargains During This
Months Sale. Moore's Music
House. al5
Darwin TnlJpa, Red and Pink
Salem? Dnlb Co.. Wallace road.
phone 116F4. a!5
Ward "Pyle, transient from Oak
Title, wash., was sentenced in
justice court to 30 days In the
county Jail for driving his car
(with imorooer Hcenne nlatfxi
. ' '
Caster Candy-
Superior quality. The Spa.
Portland Driver Fined
Dale Wylie of Portland was
fined 110 in justice court yester
day following his arrest by state
traffic officers on a charge of
""A, "
- 1
Pram $1C0 4o f 1J0 B
Buying your Piano at Moore's
NOW. al5
nr C V. WWtoVo. n am hsi-
rtf tViA liiT an't Mitn nf tVia IMm
Christian church, .will speak: at
the Lions club luncheon Friday
noon. 'IHsiiJonhin Kmc win
be tnft' soloist. 4 Dr. W. B. Mott
wlu preside.: J - i i
Darwin Tulip, Red and Pink
Salem Bulb Co.. Wallace road.
phone 116F4. al5
Collect Parking Fines
Bernard Morse paid SI and Dr.
H. B. 8cofteld $2 in recorder's
court yesterday for overtime park
ing. ! Recorder Poulsen reports
that collections for the month of
March are coming very slowly.
Flake's Petland, 237 State. al6
rfv 11 i vt,
A. oroaen axie caused an fcierte
Transfer truck and trailer of Port-
Uric crossing at Center street in
Ill a M a .nA a
ime io De nu Dy me xmu souin
oouna passenger train yesieraay
morning, r ortunateiy tne main
crucK was not nic, oniy me trailer
loaded with groceries being de
molished. C. L. Page, the driver,
was not injured.
Concrete Water Troughs t
Few left, discount while they
last. See Oregon Gravel company.
1405 N. Front street.
Darwin Tulips, Red and Pink
Salem Bulb Co., Wallace road,
phone 116F4. al5
Blarriage license-
James A. Adrian Jr., and Linnie
J. Butcher of Eugene were issued
a marriage license by the county
clerk yesterday.
Foster to Address
Arthur Foster, of the land set
tlement department of the Oregon
.mimwv va VVIUtUCIVk Will
tne Bpeaker at the Salem realty
board's luncheon Thursday noon.
Foster has spent five months re-
cent, amon the farmer8 ot the
T. .
Mississippi Taney, ana win oe pre-
TT,f cto0- .hint wn
iamette vaney.
mvsip m j 1 1 1 i j unuim
RwfilMri hl month UiMn'i
Mnaie Hoom " i s
I Tknn't U'At rni
dresses in all the new shades re
daced. The Ann Louise, opposite
pvpco. al4
. t
The Marlon County Jersey Cat
tle club will meet Saturday after
noon at 1:30 o'clock at the cham
ber of commerce rooms in Salem.
Sidney Miller of Woodburn is pres
ident . ot . this ; organization.
Easter Lilies ,
Adams, Florist.
If Von Are Looking For Dry-
Wood we have it. Telephone
930. D. A. Larmer Transfer. a!5
Revelers Sleep at Jail-
John Ryan of nibbing, Minn.,
and John Barry -of Stayton spent
Tuesday night in the city jail fol
lowing their arrest' for drunken
L. windows
l Save 20. G. W,
Johnson &
Tan Kappa Alpha. Klecta
Willamette chapter of Tan Kap
pa Alpha, national honorary public
speaking fraternity, last night
formally Initiated Robert Witty.
J haupt.
Elaine Chapin and Irene Breit
These ; students partici
pated in debate and, oratory dur-
I tag the past year. Prof. L. M,
on Fairmont Ilill
AT S200O -S30O
dovm balance 25.00 per
! snoatli
, 121 North Commerrfal -
Ross, coach' of oratory at Oregon
Agricultural college, was present.
Officers elected for the - coming
year were : Robert Witty, : presi
dent; Irene, Brelthaupt, vice pres
ident, and Dean F. H. Erlckson
faculty advisor and executive secretary.
Darwin Tulips, Red and Pink
Salem Bnlh Co., Wallace road,
phone 116F4. al5
Speaks on Christianity
Prof. Florlan Von Eachen, head
of the science department, last
night discussed the topic "The
Christian in His Search for Truth"
at a joint meeting of the Willam
ette university YM and YW.
Save 20 on Your
Easter suit, C. W. Johnson &
Co. al4
Dad Watson With Real old-Time
8-piece orchestra. Crystal Gard
ens, Tuesday, April 19. New feat
ures; real old-time music, dances.
steps. Kindly notify friends who
have attended previous parties.
Wallulah Coming Out
The 1927 Willamette university
Wallulah, annual publication, will
be out May 7, according to Hugh
McGilvra, editor. The special
color inserts will feature the his
tory of Willamette university. The
covers will have aa their design
an embossed reproduction ot Wal
ler Hall. Kenneth Litchfield Is
manager of the production. He
reports over $1100 In advertising
signed, up.
7 -Room Modern House
For rent. Giese-Powers
a!4 iture Co.
Graduates Visit
James Caughlin, Dwight Find-
ley and Verne Bain. ?oroer prom
inent Willamette university stud
ents, visited op the campus this
Darwin Tulips, Red and Pink
Salem Bulb Co., Wallace road.
phone 116F4. a!5
Mortons Coming
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Norton,
directors ot the Belgian Gospel
Mission, are to be in Salem next
Monday, April 18. The Christian
and Missionary Alliance taber
nacle has been procured for the
evening and ail should go and hear
them. They have an intensely in
teresting and gripping message.
Missionary Alliance tabernacle on
Ferry street, back of the First
Methodist church, Monday night,
April 18, at 7:30 o'clock.
All Spring Suits Less 20
G. W. Johnson & Co., 469 State.
. ; .- a!4
Yamhill Attorney Here-
Earl Nott, district attorney for
Yamhill county, was a business
visitor in Salem yesterday after
noon. Elks Dance
Saturday nite.
Members in-
Salem Looks Good
R. F. Lupien, exchange teller
of the First National bank of
Everett, Wash., accompanied by
Mrs. Lupien and their two child
ren, are Salem visitors, guests at
the home of Mrs. M. C. Halvorsen,
1434 Ferry street The visitors
are much pleased with Salem and
vicinity. Mrs. Lupien is a niece
of Mrs. Halvorsen.
Special Services Planned
St. I Paul's church will observe
the day on which the Holy Com
munion was instituted (Maunday
Thursday) j with a celebration of
that event; at 9:30 a. m. (Good
Friday, the day of the Crucifixion.
will be observed by the three hour
meditation from 12 to 3 p. m
There will be addresses ' on the
Seven Words from the Cross,, with
prayers and hymns, and it is hoped
that all people- who desire. to ob
serve this day will feel' free to
come at any time during the three
hours and retire during the! sing
ing of any hymn. In the evening
at 8 o'clock the vested choir, as-
Bay Quality When You
Buy Paint
The greatest assurance of qual
ity is purchased from an Insti
tution that knows paint. We
have been spreading paint for
35 years.
254 Chemeketa. Tel. 921 - 679J
Yick So Herb Co.
Est'd 19 Years in Salem
! r J. II. LEONG, Mgr.
If other
have tailed try our
Chinese remedies for,
asthma,, bronchitis,
croup and cough. Ner
er neglect a cold. We
also treat all disord
ers of men, women and
children. '
Consultation Free
Call or write 420-426 State St,
Salem.- Oregon, Phone 283 .
-that's it
Hershberfjer Motor Co.
. ; 231 North
hv o L U
We have a 1024 type Oak'
land sedan with bumpers,
spot light, Automatic swipe,
beater, '1927 license, new
paint and a car that has had
wonderful caro and is honest
value for f 605.00.
The Ho:
That SerTloa Built
sisted by Portland talent,' will give
the Oratorio on tjie Seven Words,
by Dubois, which is open to the
Angel de La Cruz and Tommy
O'Brien have been rematched for
the main event of the April 27
card, according to Harry Plant,
Salem matchmaker, who wishes to
give full satisfaction to local fans.
Undoubtedly O'Brien had the
better of the fight last night which
ended so unfortunately but the
Filipino showed good stuff and the
five rounds were IS full minutes
of concentrated action.
This new arrangement wf" hold
off the Bayes-winner fight until
the next fight after the rematch.
Harry Hansen, manager of Ad
Mackie, issued a challenge last
night to Phil Bayes or whoever
wins the ultimate fights. Ad
Mackie has a strong claim on the
Pacific featherweight title. and it
this match is contracted the bout
will be staged at Oxford Park in
an open air arena.
Idaho Sterilization Law
To Be Put in Operation
BOISE. Idaho, April 13. (By
AP.) Plans for making operative
Idaho's sterilization law will be
made here April 25, Dr. R. M.
Foueh. state medical adviser and
secretary of the board of eugenics,
announced today upon notification
from W. D. Vincent, superintend
ent of the Idaho industrial train
ing school, St. Anthony, board
president, that the board would
be organized on that date.
The 1927 legislature appropri
ated $4500 for the board of eu
genics to place the sterilization
law, passed in. 1925, in operation.
The law applies to feeble minded,
insane, epileptics, habitual crim
inals, moral degenerates, who are
regarded as a menace to society.
Buildings Damaged, Fires Started ;
No Deaths Reported
SANTIAGO, Chile, April 14.
(AP.) An earthquake shock oc
curred here at 1:40 o'clock this
(Thursday) morning. Buildings
were damaged, telephone lines
were put out of commission and
fires started.
Many buildings in the central
port of the city were affected by
the shock, although it was report
ed few ot them had been wrecked.
II was uncertan whether any lives
had been lost.- '
Bend Fremont national forest
will have 30-mile fence to separate
sheep and cattle.
Rewound and Repaired
New or Used Motors
for Sale
Things Electrical
191 South High St.
L. G. Prescott
Moved To
No. 291 North Commercial
Street, Salem j ;
First Class Repairing '
a Specialty I '
See it at the
High Street .
,7 j
Governor I. L. Patterson to
Dedicate New Flag; GAR
Honored. Guests
Subject to a few minor changes,
the program for the Old Glory
program at the armory Friday
night is complete. It presents an
imposing array of local talent;
some of it high grade professional
some not yet come to professional
status, but all interesting and fine.
The numbers are as follows :
Part One
Chorus. "Our Salutation,"
"Away to the Fields," Salem
Boys' Chorus.
Vocal solo, Shipmate o Mine"
Victor Wolf.
"America" Audience.
Flag dedication, Governor I. L.
Chorus, selected, Salem high
school Girls Glee club.
Duet, selected. Potter Brothers.
Chorus, "My Own Native Isle,"
Salem Boys Chorus.
Part Two
Musical stunts, by Brown
Brothers, Woodry Brothers, Stout
Henderson Duo, Chemawa Indian
school and ethers. '
Selected, Willamette University
Male Quartet.
Reading, "The Melting Pot,"
Miss McKee.
"Lovely Night," "Thank God
for a Garden," Schubert Octette.
Chorus "Merrily Goes Our
Bark" By Special Request) Salem
Boys' Chorus.
The program is long, and will
fopen promptly on time. It is di
vided into two sections, with a
brief intermission, so that any who
might attend other shows or pro
grams earlier in the evening may
take in the last half of this also
All members of the Grand Army
of the Republic will be honored
guests of the evening.
Man Who Stole to Live Will Leave
San Quentin Today
RAN QUENTIN, Cal., April 13.
(AP The man who stole to
live has been released to die.
. A. R. Morford, highly respected
as a bank cashier in St. Joseph,
Mich., is to be released from San
Quentin prison tomorrow so that
he may return to die of the illneBS
for which he stole to be freed.
v Morford came to California
hoping to find a cure for Aubercu
lesis. He lived in San Diego for
a? time. ' Financial difficulties
arose and his health grew steadily
C mrr
The Most
By selecting your new and smart
footwear at ROTTLS!
New style, new lasts, new leath
ers and new shades, fitted to
your feet by expert shoe f iters.
Footwear for Men, for Women,
for Boys and for Girls
u -
John J. Rottle
. - '.'''
415 STATE STREET . " '
worse. In desperation he testified
he staged a daylight bank robbery,
single ' handed and was ' caught.
This was In 1S24.
In that same year a court sen
tenced the man to serve from one
year to life in prison.
O .. T, j ; O
WILMINGTON. CaL. April 13.
(AP.) Santiago Zorilla, Pana
ma sensation, added to his color
ful record here tonight 'in a de
cisive victory over Danny Kramer,
Philadelphia featherweight. A
little more than two years ago
Kramer was recognized as Califor
nia's outstanding featherweight
battler. He took only one of the
ten rounds.
PORTLAND, April 13. Ted
Thye, Portland wrestler, defeated
John Kilonis, Boston, in two out
of three falls here tonight. Both
are light heavyweights.
OAKLAND. Cal., April 13.
Young Corbett of Fresno won on
a foul over Young Harry Wills,
negro welterweight of San Diego,
in the last round of their ' sched
uled 10-round bout here tonight.
BELLINGHAM. Wash., April
13. Dode Bercot, Everett wel
terweight, won the decision from
Frankie Lewis of Klamath Falls,
after six rounds of fast fighting
in the main event of a boxing card
here tonight.
German Government Has
Systematized Day Now
BERLIN (AP) Every minute
of the working day of the German
chief executive is accounted for
by the secretaries of President von
Hindenburg at his "white house."
Edgar Wallace, who turns out
mystery stories by the yard, came
to the German capital for inspira
tion but he says the absolute pre
cision there was altogether too
much for him.
As an example, he cited his ap
pointment with President von Hin
hour and the next caller was
denburg at seven minutes past the
scheduled to see the field marshal
four minutes and a half later.
Other articles filed in the state
corporation department yesterday
Union Pacific will spend 3750,
000 this year for heavier steel on
Oregon lines.
Casey Guaranteed
Money refunded if it does not
cure your case
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7
Lane County Gets Draft for One
Minion From U. S. Treasury
EUGENE, April 13.-(AP.) A
United State treasury draft for
$1,069,840.60,- which represents
the amount of Xane county's share
of the Oregon - & California land
grant tax refund, was received
here, today by Mrs. Grace Schiska,
county treasurer.
This is said to be the largest
check ever cashed in Eugene. It
was deposited in the First Nation
al bank and the treasurer tomor
row will draw on it for different
amounts to deposit in other banks
of the county.
(Continued rrom p.ijrp'l.)
able to be present on account of
other business.
Whether the municipal judge
should be appointed by the coun
cil, or elected directly by the peo
ple was considered carefully but
no definite conclusion drawn. Al
derman Dancy who was at the
meeting stated his opinion that the
people would not approve of, any
plan not clearly separating the ju
dicial and administrative depart
ments. Another meeting will be held
next Wednesday when the tenta
tive cliarter drawn up by the. spe
cial committee will be fe&d and
William Abner McNight died at
a local hospital April 11, at tne
age of 4 2 years. He leaves his
To Accommodate the Crowds the
Mattie Crawford Revival Meetings
Will be held in the Grand Theatre instead
of as formerly announced
r - ' ' '
From April 14th to the 17th at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m.
Also at 10:30 Sunday Morning
5 Roomed Cottage and Furniture ,
TODAY, 1:30 P. M.
421 South 18th Street L
The house has living room, dining room, kitchen with breakfast,
nook. 2 bed rooms, bath and toilet, electric lights, new double
garage, lot 50x100 feet, facing east, abstract and title to date.'
Termsmall payment and $20 per month at 6 per cent.
Furniture, Range, Heater, etc.:
1 good range, 3 beds, springs and mattresses, Windsor rocker -and
chair, 1 heater, oak dresser, oak chif f oneer, chest drawers,
1 leather lounge, 2 linoleum rugs, oil stove, 5 pair silk draperies,
oak extension table and 6 leather seated diners, t oak rocker,
cloth basket, sanitary couch and pad, 1 reed rocker, water power
washing machine, electric plate, wash tubs, 2 Axminster rngs,
9x12, and other articles.- Terms cash.
A. J. CONGER, Owner
11 Years Salem's Leading Auctioneer, Phone Sll -----
5 Roomed Bungalow With Extra Lot and High Grade
Furniture, Range, Etc i
FRIDAY, APRIL 15th 1 :30 P. M.
2943 Portland Road
' 1 U Ttloeks 'orth. of TJtsrhland Avenue
5 roomed bungalow with bath and toilet, electric lights, sewer
age and city water. Fine place. Front and back porches, wood
shed, garage and barn, shrubbery, etc Lot 72x175, extra lot
45x140 feet. Terms $400 cash, balance arranged, clear abstract
and title, terms on lot 175 cash, balance $10 per. month.
1 round oak extension table and 6 leather seated diners, oak
library tables. 3 oak rockers, oak buffet. Ivory breakfast table,
linoleum 9x12, 4 large jjalntings, mahogany writing desk, 4
good rugs, ? Simmons beds, coil springs and mattresses, 2 ivory
dressers. 2 Ivory chif foneers, 1 silk floss mattress, sanitary
couch. .1 Duof old davenport, leather, 1 reed chair, 1 4 section
book case, refrigerator, medicine cabinet, kitchen chairs, por
tiers, garden hose., garden tools, clock, heater. Teal good range,
hall rack, and lots of other .miscellaneous articles. "
AUBREY "WHITE, 2943 Portland. Road, Owner
: " F. N. WOODRY '
' Auctioneer Pliono 511 '
NOTE--AH the furniture in this sale Is like new;;
If you want to sell your furniture see P. N. Woodry, 1010 NorOi
Summer Street. .. ..
widow, Mrs. Lulu McKnight- - A
son, -Charies, 10, mother. Mrs. F.
E. Dodge of Portland, 2 sisters.
Mrs. Pearl Scholta of Oakland, -Cal
Mrs. Jennie Sercy , of Texas,
two brothers, Thomas 6f Brooks
and Harvey of Beaver. Rev. Gil- .
lespie will be In charge of the serv-
ices to be held at Webb's funeral , . ,
parlors Thursday at 2 p. m., In.- ;
terment City View cemetery. ?
.' i v.'i-'v Jackson ' -
Harriet Hattie May Jackson - -died
at her residence 406 N, High
street, April 12. at the age of 78
years. . She is survived by one .
daughter, Mrs. Carroll A. Pague, ;
of Portland. The remains are at
the residence." The funeral will be , .
held fromthe Webb chapel on
Friday at 2:30 p. m.. Rev. Tully
officiating. Interment , in - IOQE .
cemetery.": ' ..
and complete in every
worthy respect; where
the utmost gentleness,
reverence and consid
eration prevail.
Tel. 120 ,
Perfect Funeral Service
. For Lejw- -
Licensed Lady-Mortician
7TO Chemeketa Street -?
r Telephone 72
I am now thoroughly established
in my new location
Dr. L". R. Burdette
401 First National Bank Building
, Phone 023
1 -