The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 14, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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"Traffic Officer. Dismissed
From Service of State for
'if Second Time
Reports received here from
Portland yesterday Indicated that
Joe Dunne, head of the Oregon
state motor association; E. E.
Brodie. editor of the Oregon City
Enterprise, and a number of
other persons would demand a
hearing for Harry L. Griffith, who
rocently was released from the
state traffic force.
Neither Sam A. Koter, secretary
of state, nor T. A. Raffety, chief
inspector for the state motor ve
hicle department, would comment
on Oriffth's dismissal.
The records in the traffic de
partment show that Griffith was
twice discharged as a traffic op
erative. Following h'is first dis
missal he engaged In other lines
of work tot a year when he was
reinstated in the traffic depart
ment, j
Officials indicated that in event
a hearing is held evidence would
be produced to show that the !.!
missal of the traffic officer was
warranted, ij and was not the re
sult of any! imaginary or fancied
grievance on the part of his su
periors, j , ,
Griffith has-, been stationed In
Clackamas county for the past few
Covered And the coroner's jury
found he had taken his own life.
Mason had been in trouble sev
eral times as the result of family
disturbances. He is survived by
the widow, three daughters and
three sons.'
Acclimated ornamental nursery
txk, evergreens, rose bushes,
fruit an shade trees at Pearcy
Bros, in season. We have our own
nurseries.. IT S. Com'l. " ()
Bonesteele Motor Co. 454 S.
Com'l.. has the Dodge automobile
for vou.- All steel body. Lasts a
lifetime. Ask Dodge owners. They
will tell you. ()
Senator McNary on Way
to Spend Summer Here
senator CJ L. McNary has tele
graphed that be left Washington
l;t night for Oregon where he
will pans most of the summer. He
'will arrive in Portland early Mon
day, and will reach Salem later In
th- day.
During his stay In Oregon Sen
ator McNary will have offices in
S;ilrm. It was said that he would
inspot a numbwr of harbors and
attend a number of meetings to
1). held by government commit
apartments and store where you
can Ret high quality furniture and
furnishings for every room in
your house. ()
Henry O. illllor, 194 S. Com'l
sr.. whore mst people prefer to
K t their autdpartH for all makes
of rare. Trale 'here and make
a vings on aljauto parts- .... ( 9 )
Rancher Shtots at Three
Visitors; Then Kills Self
T l" ALT IN, Ongon. April 13.
M'-Harry Misdn. 60, killed
himself here totay following a
shooting duel wit neighbors who
had been called to his home to
protect the family.- Several shots
had been exchange! before Mason
turned his rifle nfcn himself.
Following intimation that "Ma
Hn would attack his wife and
three daughters. George Martin,
school teacher, and Floyd and Ar
thur Day were called to spend the
nifthi at the. Mason home.
When they stepped outside the
huse this morning Mason fired
: the ni from behind a shed. The
nu n t re, armed and returned the
fire. Later' Mason's body was dis-
' ii
Quick, Reliable. Service
IfliS Center Street
Phone SS3 and 1310-W
Fine Fixtures
Standard Equipment
The Winchester Store
rhonr ?a 12V If. Com'L St.
MwlSpeate for Itself
ESPONDENG to the ncetl of
. the many C&!!fomfen whn
COfBC bm41 r -
treatmeets, mmd to cowttleas tn-
27-racavea from nut section, offices
vf.? h San Francisco, 702
En v?!.8 My maHrM CtnrntH ml
MetMcrM. TMttnmMiwtMit
ITT md mi 11 1 11 2.r? 1 r-k
ti. L. Stiff Furniture Co.. lead
ers In complete home furnishings,
priced to make you the owner;
the store that studies your every
need and is ready to meet it, ab
solutely. ()
Mr. Used Car Buyer: Have you
seen the real buys at the Capitol
Motors Incorporated? See Biddy
Bishop. S50 N. High St. Tele,
phones 2125 and 2126. ()
Armour and Associates
Confer Over Suspension
CHICAGO, April 13. (AP)
J. Ogden Armour, retired presi
dent of the Armonr Grain com,
pany, went Into conference today
with his associates over the affairs
of thecmopany, which has been
suspended from privileges on the
board of trade, 'effective Saturday.
At the close of the conference it
was announced no statement
would be Issued at this time.
Suspension orders were issued
last night by directors of the
board; acting on a preliminary re
port from a special committee.
The report declares that testi
mony before it "clearly showed
wrongful a'cti" by persons not
members of the board. The report
also forecasts, trial by the board
of officers; of Ihe "company' who
may be accountable to the board.
General Markets
l'OftTLAXD, April 13. (AT) Bids
tu farmrra: .Milk, batterft down 2c;
niilk, bMst rhnrning rrram 40e in valley;
delivered Portland 43c per pound. Raw
milk (4 per cent) $S33 cwt. t. o. b. Port
land. Poultry atrady: heavy hem.- 232e;
lieht 202!r; tprinrs nominal; broilers
30f3le. Pekia white dnrka 20e; col
ored nominal; turkeys live nominal;
d rested 3Te.
Onion steady: loeal $"fi .'.."0.
Potatoes steady; $1.50( 1.85 aack.
--- uvestocb:
POItTLASI. April 13. ( AP) Cattle
and ralves ateady on all flumps: opening
active; total ears two; receipts, cattle
Ifo?& hlow; barely ateady; receipts 100;
Sheep and lambs steady; no receipts.
. PORTLAND, April 13. (AP) Dairy
Kxrhanc, priees: Bntter extras. 414e;
atandarda 30c; prime firsts, tints Ji'ic.
Eirfs, extrt 2Jt: firsts 22c; pullets,
current receipts 19e.
POUTIAND, April 13. (AP) Wheat,
bids: BBB fiard white April, May
$1.3?Ve: hard wlrfte, blue stem, Baart
April, May ; federation. oft
white, western white April. May- ;
hard winter April. May $1.23 ; north
era spring April. M- $1.30 14; western
red April, Hay Sl.28.
Oats, No. 2, 36 pounu white feed April,
May $34.50; ditto gray, April, Kay
Barley, JCo, 2. 45 gtud BW April,
Mar 31.
Corn, Xo. a' EY shipment April, May
$35.25. - ; . ' . -
MiUrun, standard April, . ilay $28.50.
POBTAXD, April 13. (AP) Hay.
buying: price: Eastern Oregon timothy
$2 1 W 2.2; ditto valley $1717.50; cheat
$14. SO; alfalfa ' $18?ir.30; oat hay
J14..V: oat and vctt-h $16.50f417; straw
$r.."0 por ton. Selling prices $2 a too
CHICAGO. April 13. AP) Big ex
port buying of wheat rallied all grain
today after wheat "and corn had both fal
len to a new low price record for the
aeaaon. Difficulties of the Armonr Grain
company had good deal to do with the
temporary weakness of values. Wheat
closed irreirular, H net lower to an equal
advance, corn ancasnsred to hc down and
oats unchanged to 3-8gl-2c up.
Rf -X-'Vy" V' I I'll n"i it ian j m
m . . 1
Exchange a lovely suburban
home, strictly modern, for city
property or stock ranch.
, 841 State Street
Bedding and Window Box
Are bow ready, .also fine line
of shrubs and perennials.
Telephone 88O 512 State St.
A Dpzen of Them Weigh as
Much as Two Dozen of the
AVerage Sizes
Harold D. McMillan, who con
ducts a poultry farm out on Route
5, Salem district, which is
stocked with fine standard bred
Rhode Island Reds, presented' The
Statesman's advertising manager,
Ralph KletzingJ with a dozen of
egjgs April 12th that tipped the
beam of the scales at a trifle un
der 44 ounces, being exactly twice
the size of standard (eggs which
weigh 22 ounces to the doztn. One
of these unusual large eggs meas
ured 7 by H Inches In circum
ference, and they are found , in
considerable numbers by Mr. Mc
Millen in his daily rounds of his
plant in gathering the eggs for
market. They are probably
double yolked.
Capital Karpain House, Capital
Tire Mfg. Co.. Mike's Auto Wreck
ing. Three in one. Bargain center
of Salem. Thousands of bargains,
ft. Steinbock. 215 Center. ()
Eiker Auto Co., Perry at lib
erty St, Autos stcred and bought
and sold. Cars washed day and
night. Low prices and service
will make long friends. ()
Foundation Laying Occupies Day
in McGee Murder Trial
IHLLSBORO, April 13. (AP)
A long, series of technical questions
and answers dealing with the ef
fects of poison upon the human
system consumed the greater part
of the day, at the trial here of Mrs.
Eva N. McGee, charged with the
murder by poison of her husband,
Dr. TV. G. McGee, late Nehalem
Dr. 'R. T. Boals, physician to
McGee, was on the, stand as a
state witness throughout the af
ternoon session, and will be called
again tomorrow. His testimony
was mostly a repetition of that
given at Mrs. McGee's first trial,
at which the jury disagreed.
Pay Blc aa You Art Paid
a .1
that fit
, Convenient Terms.
: 457 State' Street
With Burnett Bros
Call On Us
. . . .' ...... t
a For Any; !
Auto Parte
Corner Fearjr and JUberty Telephone 68
Low Prices
. ru;x r.j i ,$.' i t
ft , .,. Jj ri. T 4i t,.,
1 - . I. "
I r C: T55 - '
r . -'
.- A-.--: .
ircljtielb OaveEipofts...,
5. x.. i"
is Enter a
Newest Living Room Designs at Special Prices -.-..;
Great Value Evetit
-.fc. J
MaWMaWaMHMBWaMMWMMaWaMaMBMaWaMWWW -!' -. . i-.. - - -j.esat.i-; -. :-, -s;-lMnpijrJuwWmWaJ
are patterned after classic models. The
construction frame work spring work filling-arc honestly represented for just what they arc-good and reliable in
every dctatl. 1 hey prove their quality by long wear. . - , ... -
$135 Mohair Davenports
Shown in top left-hand corner. Upholstered
in plain mohair with loose cushion, spring-filled
seats reversed in contrasting brocades. The
$79.50 arm chair to match, 64.30.
$160 Mohair Daveripptts
As illustrated lower center. A very pleasing
design, with shaped back and arm panels. Up
holstered in plain mohair with brocade cushion
reverses. Finished with decorative base mold
ing. $89.50 arm chair to match, $74.50.
$110 Jacquard Davenports
A New "Birch field" Model
The model as shown at upper left, upholetered
in choice of attractive jacquards. Has spring
backs and Spring-filled loose cushion seats.
The $65.00 arm chair to match, $49.50.
The latest additions to the long line of "Birch
field" davenports (shown, upper right). Ex
tremely luxurious pieces, upholstered in plain
mohair with rope welts and brocade cushion
reverses. The arm chair to match, $UO.OO.
- i - .
The "Crest-O-Rese' Spring
A new bed apring made to specification submitted by
the Commercial Associates (a nation-wide baying organ
ization) the result of years of scientific research.
It is a deep, double-deck spring unuxe any otner on
the market. The coils are specially designed and tempered.
The division construction between decks leaves the upper
coils soft and responsive to touch, while the lower coils
resist the heavier weight gently. The base of the spring
is of very heavy angle steel running clear around without
riveted oorners. A sturdy, comfortable and durable spring,
The Peak of Bed POQ TA
V Spring Value D&0UJJ
- Sold in Oregon Only by powers 5 Stores)''
Trice or
One in Your
' . . . .
-Down" Mattress
- Constructed of the finest materials obtainable, . and,
through patented construction, insuring the maximum of
- eoafort and long life. -
, , r A three-section mattress, with two outside layers of
finest Kapok (silk floss), ana a center section of don g fiber
staple cotton, with never-stretch ticking used as dividing
walls,, running the full length and width of the mattress
and sewed into side and end" walls. Covered in fine sateen
ticking, with wide pillow tufting, plain French edges and
walls of self -materials tq. match.
The Moet Comfortable
V Mattress Ever
?,-fSJ!: $44.50) .
Sold Exclusively by Powers 5 Oregon Stores
s M m mv m mAT issr M
Mliy Now Regular Price $55
' '- 'Ui , ?J- 4 - . OX? -Jta. - I h r
' ii J SJJ VA - QSJJJ i :
' "flf ' ! ; B lfIffTlf:
Blertdigd Ivory Qroiip
, r New This 3-Piece Grou b in
mended ivory, Hand Decorated
$5 Cash $5 Month
A very special price on a group for the bedroom. A complete suite, consisting bf a
Simmons" 2-inch continuous post steel bed, with steel cane panel inserts' in head and
loot ends? a hand-decorated dresser and chest of drawers. All pieces in warm, blended
fte Bed 1150
. The Dresser 29.50
The Chest 24.50
Your Old Furniture
Taken as Part Payment
. on;Nevv-.- . J ":
' , - " lembCfarhcciil 'As5pbate?.-lnc4 fi'fXffH"nff Qrganization in the I
Use '
. We
No Interest
United States
'--A a HO 0 WkHI4v
unrt m? rTm rnrrt?
Bonesteele Motor Co." ;
474 5. Commercial
Telephone 423