HBDBOMIBI TO 1PIT0L TESTE! Scene of Play in 2 A. D. a lime Homan Empire at Highest Point "MeBsalina" will be sAagetl at the Capitol theater; on Thursday, April 14. at 4:15 p. m. under the auspices of the Xatfn club. Tlie scene is laid in the year 12 A. IX, at the time when 'the Roman em pire was at its height. t The nettings of "Messalina" are exact reproductions of many fam ous Roman buildings. The cirrus Eiaxima, which had a capacity for 500,000 Bpectators, the rostrum, the forum, the temple of Castor and Julia's basilic,, were all re produced of cement and plaster. .They were so well made that the minister of public Instruction in Italy required that all pupils view these settings in order to obtain the grandeur of the Roman em pire. . - Twelve thousand persons take part in the bi scenes. The big feature being an accurate repro duction of the ancient chariot rac ing festivals of Rome. This race nda when two chariots crash to gether, throwing the drivers un der the heels of the prancing horses. Countess de Lusuoro. wiio plays the title role has long been her alded as the most beautiful worn en of present-day nobility and an actress of equal ability. The support is made up' of well kniwn plajers. SOCIETY (doatiad from pJE .) - r --. - be. L. ;M,;GUt)ert,' superintendent of the boys; training school. Mrs, L4iura Noble will have charge of the devotional, and Mrs. George Allen of the special music. The hostesses will be Mrs. C. E. Siegmund, Mrs. It. t Davis, Mrs- Glenn Adams, Mrs. A.-A. Taylor and Miss Lillian Apple ate. Mrs. Carl Martin Entertains at Attractive Party Mrs. Carl 'Martin entertained in her nome on Friday evening a ! group of her students In the Lib erty school. The evening was spent. In playing flinch and rook, and in dancing. Spring flowers were tastefully arranged about the rooms. Guests for the evening were: -Ellen Neuens, Jean Mumford, Grace" MUmford, Stella Adams, Magdalena Schmidt, Dorothy Browning, Dorothy Judd, Dorothy Coffey, Helen Copley, Mildred Al len. Dorothy Brown and Venita Rains. . . Kensington Club . Members of the Kensington club wilt "moel tomorrow afternoon at i the' home of Mr. Herbert Hauser, B52 Nofih Winter Vireet. Kpfscojmliaiis Wilt Jlear Dn Hois Oratorio on f riday Keening Dtt iioW famous oratorio, "The Seven Iast Words," will be sting on Friday evening of thik week at St. Paul's church by the members of the vested ; choir. - - The assisting soloists wfll be J Aubrey P. Furry. baritone of Portlands Eugene K.fY. Ann, Ko rean tenor of Portland, and Miss Marjorie Walker of tortland. It is not a custom to ever charse admission to anything given in St. Paul's church. Missionary Society of Presbyterian Church Holds Meeting The' executive board and com mittees of the Missionary society of the -Presbyterian church were entertained by Mrs. E. G. Ford on Friday afternoon. A social hour followed a brief business meet ing. Mrs. Ford is president of the society. 4. The following officers and com mittee members were her guests: Mrs. Reed Chambers, first vice president; Mrs. W. A. Delzell, sec ond vice president: Mrs. A. " H. Wyatt, treasurer; Mrs. A. C. Sam ple, recording secretary. Mrs. L. M. Ramage. corresponding secre tary; Mrs. Otto Wilson, social sec retary; Mrs. C. A. Lytle, associate secretary; Mrs. E. E. Ling, liter ary secretary; Mrs. R. A. Klein, miscellaneous education secre tary; Mrs. J. J. Kubb, young peo ple's secretary; Mrs. Laura Noble, devotional head. Committee mem bers were Mrs. Norman Kendall fully, Mrs. C. E. Siegmund, Mrs. A. Park. Mrs. W. W. Emmons, Mrs. I. M. Doughton, Mrs. Charles Hudkins, Mrs. E. E. Ling, Mrs. William 'Gahlsdorf, Mrs. George Rrown, Mrs. R. o Hid well, Mrs. George Allen and Mrs. A. C. Eoff. Parharo-Frietehie Tent Will Meet MMuber& of the Barbara Frietch ie tent. Daughters of Union Vet erans, f Will meet at o'clock. to night at the Woman's club house on North Cot tase street. Monday Night Dancing Club Name Officers Herbert Stiff ia the president of the Monday, Night Dancing club, as the result of the recent election. Walter J. Kirk is secretary, and UTTiDICE HIS BROKEN if KRESS - r u Natfooal CINCINNATI, Ohio. April 12. (AP) A rcord breaking opening day crowd of 34.75S saw the Pitts burgh Pirates down the Cincinnati Reds 2 to 1 in the season's Inaug ural game here today. Three hits and a sacrifice fly, bunched in the first' inning brought in two runs for the Pi rated and gave them' all the ad vantage they needjedl Grantham and L. Waner got on base- Cuy ler sacrificed and P. Waner singled, scoring both. The Reds scored their lone tal ly in the fifth when two singles and an error brought Hargrave across the plate. Score ? Pittsburgh Cincinnati . Kremer and Smith; Lucas and Hargrave. II. II. E. 2 7 1 1 6 12 Donohue, HEMSTITCHING fl, 8 and lO cents per yard. Also .buttons, stamping and pleating. ANNA H. "KUCEGER Over Miller's Telephone 117 . ROLLER SKATING Tuesday, Friday, Saturday From 7:30 to 10:30 P. If. DREAMLAND RINK Ladies Admitted Free 1 Gentlemen lOe SKATING 5e No Fooling We Can Make Your Advertising Pay, You Dividends MARTIN ADVERTISING SERVICE 325 Oregon Bldg. Phone 795 Directors of Profitable Publicity CHICAGO. April 12. (AP) The Cubs making three home runs, walloped the world's champ ion St. Ixuis! Cardinals 10 to 1 in the opening game of the season today before 4 2,000 to 4 5.000 shivering spectators. Earl Webb, Chicago, left field er, playing his first major league game, connected with two of the homers. Grimm got the third. G rover Cleveland Alexander Leo Tage the treasurer. On Monday night the club held the closing dance of the season in Ierby hall, the last time the old ballroom will afford. a setting for these colorful affair. ; Next yenr the club will -meet in-Mrs. Ralph L. White's new tndio i. the Nel son building. ! House Guests at Alden Home Dr. arid Mrs. TKeorge II. Alden and Mra. Arietta M. Page have us their bouse "guests this, week Mrs. Frank Gilli and daughter. Frances, of Anoka, Minnesota, and the Misses Minnie and Isabella Watson of Northfield. Minn. A number of affairs are being planned for the entertainment of the Minnesota folk. Who started pjteWnsr for Mae "-.Car dinal gave way to a pinch hitter in the fifth after theCubs nicked him for five runs in the third. Score- K. h. E. St. Louis ........... .1 7 i Chicago ; . . .Vr. .10' 12 1 ' Alexander, Dyer and O'Farrell; Root and Gonzales. PHILADELPHIA. April J2. AP)- Terrific hitting, featured by home runs off the bats of Hornsby, Terry and Harper, gave the Giants a orte sided victory over the Phillies today, 15 to 7. Score R. H. E. New York ., .15 17 2 Philadelphia ......... 711 1 Barnes, Fitzsimmons and De vormer; Carlson, Decatur and Wilson. p." WASHINGTON, r April-.! 2.- (AP) Washington took the first game of the season from Roston today i to 2. President Coolidge tossed out the first ball to Cove ieskie. who worked on the mound for the Senators" Instead of the crippled Walter Johnson, who for years pitched the opening game for Washington: ' . '.:iVore ' " Boston . . ; Washington ......... , Harriss, Wingfield MaeFaytlen and Hoffman; Cove leskie, Marberry and Ruel. BOSTON, April 12. (AP) Holding the Boston Braves to 7 scattered hits, Jess Petty pitched the Brooklyn Robins to victory in their National league opener to day. 6; to 2. Score R. H. E. Brooklyn 6 9 0 Boston . . . 2 7 2 Petty and Ilenliue; R. Smith. Mogridge and Taylor. American CLEVELAND. April 12. (AP) Cleveland won the opening game of the Americau league sea son here today, defeating Chicago, 3 to 2. Pitcher George I'hie. lead ing twirler of the American league last year, won his own game In the ninth inning by a two base hit. He made three hits in the three times at bat and held the White Sox to six hits. Score R. Chicago 2 Cleveland 3 AlvThomas and Schalk and Ll'.fiewell. II. E. f, 0 11 2 Uhle 1927 FREE WALLPAPER SAMPLE BOOKS Call, phone or wrtte MAX O. BUREN 119 N. Commercial Salem -4. .. -' I -k;4H?t -rc-r'-iTTw --rt -7" I 1 ' .1 t- ; - .111 , r . .' t TRANSFER AND STORAGE Long and Short Distance Hauling Public and Private Storago Fireproof Buildins GRAIN, FEED AND SEED Fre DeHTcryitowy art of the !ty ;t QUOTATIONS ON APPUGATION Farmers Warehouse ; ; PAUL TftAGLtO, ProC ..4 Day Telephon 28 Nirht Tclephtm 1267-W mm t GREENBAUI " iBfe MILLINERY DEPARTMENT " ' InRear.Room 1927 Easter Millinery Now on Display Hundreds of Ladies' Hats Beautiful Creations- Newest Styles $250 to $5.00 None Higher Every One a Rargain Big Assortment of Children's Hats $1.00 to $2.50 Loads of Beautiful Flowers New Hat Pins While passing: through the dry goods department stop . . ) and see the beautiful rcay Suiting on at 59c a yard Also the 32 Inch Rayon Striped : -Madras Wrtihgs Very I fine material pretty patterns 50c values at - ". ; 32cayard r . ':. 240 and 24G North fCommercial Street o 7Fi T-UFTUESS Qjlf) MATTRESS Join the crowd of eager buyers who will 'take aid vantage; of this sensational sale of the world famous genuine iSealy TuiFtless Mattress at a saving of $! 5.50 : APRIL 17 io 25 INCLUSIVE Monday, April 25 is positively the last day of this sale After that the price goes back to $55 Select yourfmattress now to be delivered after April 17. We can assure prompt delivery to ordetrs taken earlyv When once you've learned 'the luxurious' comfort of the ; Sealy Tuftless, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it so long. There's a life time of sleep service in the Sealy. . i Don't Forget the Dates April 17 to 25 Inclusive fflMU 340 Court Street fflPECTEO DEATH DFiniE JACKSON R. H. K. 2 11 3 6 9 0 Welzer, NEW YORK, April 12. f(AP Playing before a throng of 5. 00O fans, the Yankees today bom barded two pitchers for an open ing S-3 victory over the Athletics in their first American league game. , Score H. II. E. Philadelphia . . :l 8 5 New York . . 8 10 1 Grore, Quinn and Cochrane Iloyt and Grabowski. . Detroit-St. game post poned, rain. REAPPOINTS REGENTS Mrs. G. T. Gerlinfrer of Dallas, C. C. Colt of Portland and Wil liam McKinhty of Baker today were reappointed by Governor Patterson as resents of the Fni versity of Oregon. They will servo for terms of 12 years. Their pres ent terms expire April 15 The End Came at 9:30 Last Night, After a Very Short vHJness Mrs. Hattte Jackson died at 9:30 last night at her late home at 406 North High street- Her fatal illness came on at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of 3'esterday, with a great pain,, in, her head, which so6nrendered her unconscious. Her age was- about 7S. She was bom Am Howell prairie, and lired all her life near this city or in Salem. She was a eonsiderable property owner; renting several houses. She served under Judge Busbey for several years as county juven ile officer and looking after the All Size Films, Kodaks, Derel . optns Our Specialty .Prompt Serrtce J. P. TJIER'S DRUG STORE 157 South Commercial TbVHome of Drug Stora SerTtce" dependents of Mairion eounty.'She. was one of the best known wom en of the. count;. She was a mem ber of the First l?resbyterlan church of this ity. She was ac tively in charge of her business and going about her duties tip to the afternoon of yesterday: Her husband, "t. Ji. Jackson, carpenter and contractor, died September 16, 1919. v Her only daughter MaudVls Mrs. C. A. Pague of Portland, her husband agent of the Acacia life insurance -society Masonic, y The funeral arrangements had not been, made , last night. Heppner votes $20,000 bonds for new auditorium and gymnasium. Marshfield Work to be resum ed on erection of nine-story hotel. mtMBAItK NAM Kit Dr, ' William M.. Peare of i.. Grande today was app.,!,,,' member of the state board or ,A aminers or optometry. n Siiiceeed Dr. Genrim h :-,.: . . " of Ii Grande. Dr. iear fornj . . ly served on the board but war 1 moved by ex-Governor Pierce h,l appointed Dr. Birnitj as hi Klu. cesaor. The action of Governor ' Patterson reveses ihm r - v,j-mv- crnor Pierce. - - . vsamm. 1 I- i LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established 1868 - i. General Banking Business Offiee Honra from 10 . m. to S p m THE REASON The weather has been against us Spring merchandise has been arriving and the shelves are getting crowded The sunshine was late in coming. MUST Very Seldom a Stock Like Mine Is Put on Sale at This Time of the Year (When You Really Want to Buy) and at Reduced Prices. , j Take Advantage of This Sale of HIGH GRADE MEN'S WEAR AND ALL NEW SPRING STOCK Not Left Overs or Bought for Sale Purposes i " v . , EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY :For 3 Days Only me On Your New Easter A mil Alterations FRE E $35.00 New Spring Suit at . .$28.85 540.00 New Spring Suit at ... 3L85 $45.00 New Spring Suit at $36.85 $50.00 New Spring Suit at $42.85 NEW TIES EASTER $2.50 New Spring $2.50 Arrow -White S1.00 Fancv en C ADTrRQ Sit! IktRT'I SILK HOSE 50c GARTERS $1.65 $1.95 75c shirts r Closing Out . Jbl.jIJ "ffiSffl 1 collar's golf hose ? 79C I .. 5C 79C 75c Fancy HOSE 2 suite $1.50 I Each Pfair ;:. . " HOC Pair BUY YOUR EASTER WANTS NOW AND SAVE NEW SPRING HATS SWEATERS $ 1 0.00 Dobbs, now $7.95 $3.85 $4.85 $8.00 Dobbs, now $6.35 All New Ones . $6.00 Hats $4.85 UNCLE SAM WORK SHIRTS $1.50 ATHLETIC FANCY 2 M Swhp rrev . Just Arrived 2 Shirts $1.50 (Blue-Gres ) QQp NEW SPRING GOLF KNICKERS - $485 5 $5.85 $6.85 v NEW SLIP ON SWEATERS ' : . i special E v ? . NEW SPRING PANTS $1,98 $4.85' $5.85 ALL MANHATTAN SHIRTS REDUCED A REAL SALE Come and Save irk MEN'S EAR The Store With the Fountain: AL. ; QUALtry ONLY 3 DAYS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY I - t dRh rfh jfc. l A 4h J0k l Mk, .A A A A i .