The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 08, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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Matter Left Optional by the
Commission; Some Coun-
; ties Using System
Fettling that the ane of the now tax report blanks is
i -jnnnecHary (nptare. Marion
f-untjr Assessor Qjoar Steelhamj
et hast decided to pass it np, de-
hndUie on hia 12C system ' for
hi tec t ion of taxes this year.
Commonly known as the "blue
pnkg," tha new. reports were re
branjended. by the state tax, com-
uvtfon, aoa paused as an emerc-
hcj clause to HB.2 at the IS 21
slon of the legislature. A storm
protest has rained upon the
ate comniisalon, th' assessor).
Hi, the bpard c,ontol. 1 The
test attack "was the mandamus
roceedijw; llled by U'n. Sihithof
oriiaaa. necr$uirjr of. the. Greater
rego association, to refer the
kattf r to voters of the state at the
becial election in June, over the
f usal handed down last week by
am A Kozer, secretary of state-
Since assessors of the state-were
ranted an optional privilege on
tie use of the blank' which delves
ktd private affairs, several have
iiBOunred that they will not use a questionnaire. It i$ under-
koqdj . t, hat . t he assessor of Linn
lonaty will uso the new blanks.
I lib, certain speciflcatioita scratch-
id out In red ink, a sample copy
Ulng sent to local county officers.
Mr. Steelhammer believes that
lounty assessors are entitled to a
ertain amount of their newly
atned powers, but will not use
ho system introduced by the state
fcix commission.
At Shipley's the ladles of Salera
ave satisfied themselves that thr,
an get the finest spring frocks
oats sad dresses ever ahowp la
hli ciy.
Biker Auto Co., Ferry at Llb
rty St. Autos stored and bought
md sold. Car washed day and
light. Low;
1I make long friends
prices, and service
Valley V
narbfctiiR Found to
fit Exceptional Flare
4 With the parting of the tourist
rarel business firms along the
?olk county! highway are making
(reparations! for heavy traffic this
teason. Tney are improving ana
enlarging their oil stations and
isrbecues scj that they can serve
he traveling public In a bigger
ittd better Way than ever before.
rWm; E. Pitton. who is owner of
he Valley View Barbecue, on the
lighway, fie miles west of Sa-
6m, has made many Improvements
n ils station and Barbecue anjd
t tecertainiy exceptional to find
U place so well equipped outside
f the larger towns ajaa ciues.
!Tb.e Ceifry City BakUg CoJ
read, plea cakes are of high
ist quality.; One of Oregon's most
aniUry bakeries; TlsU it. Wortn
vhlle. A falejn fhow place, IJ)
nartmajt Ero., Jewelry Store,
batches, clock. xlngB, pinJ. dta
aonda, charms . sat, glass. aUter-
vare. Stan4ara ooas. we rj
Liberty S
McGilchrist Tells! Realty
Body o
Trip Around Wori
Members of the Salem Realty
oard weie entertained at their
-egular weekly luncheon yester
Uy by William McGilchrist Jr.,
a one of the ,raost interesting ad
lresses of the year, concerning
lis recently completed circle of
..he world! i
Proceeding through the points
rf interest In Kurope, the speaker
Irew heavy applause when he told
olfSeelne 8ovora!.lonsaf Pheasant
brand, Oregon .Tirtines whlle visit-
Ing fit joppft i . pVrAti"or J?ru,:.
salem. Beside the prunes were
piled many' boxes of Itjalip apples
which gave the world tourists a
feeling of being close to their
home state.
AlcOilchrist save a brief sketch
in travelogue fashion' of various
points touched in the tour, in
cluding sidelights on the condi
tion in China.
The newest creations In Sprint
Flats at the Vanity Hat Shoppe.
Bach hat possesses a charm all Its
own.' Beautiful designs and col
ors. 389 Court St. ()
The Hamilton Beach electric
cleaners and Monarch electric
ranges both recommended by Good
Housekeeping. Sold in Salem by
C. S. Hamilton Furniture Co. (!
Poultry and Swine
Specialist Coining
Clinic to Asit Farmers In Ite
Mooinj; Tremendon Losm
Dr. E. L. Orubb, member-of the
Research and Clinie department of
the George H. I-ee company,
Omaha, Nebraska, will hold one
of those Interesting and helpful
poultry and pig clinics at the Sa
lem Chamber of ComnT'rce rooms,
on April 1 1 at 8 p. m.
The object o the clinic is to
assist farmers and poultry raisers
in reducinK the tremepdous loss
among poultry and Pte$. Uat oc
curs' on the farm every year. The
clinics conducted- by Lee Spe
cialists have frequently been
called short course schools, teach
ing how to recognize, correctly
d$asnose, treat, 'and' prevent dis
ease and other troubles' that are
the common caiise of much loss to
poultry and swine Taisers.
Farmers who have unthrifty
chickens or piKs are invited to
bring In specimens for post-mortem
examination, and receive fre'e
instructions on the cause, treat
ment and prevention of the
trouble.. Plenty of specimens are
needed to bring out the full value
of this demonstration, but if your
hogs are sick and you believe, or
suspect, the disease is contagious
or infectious, do not bring such
animals to the clinic hut notify D.
A. White & Sons, and, if practic
able, the doctor wjll call upon you
and make an examination.
There will be no admission
charge and nothing offered for
sale at the clinic. Every farmer in
this community should take ad
vantage of this opportunity to be
come better posted on disease prevention.
Buster Brown shoe store. High
class, stylish looking, comfort
giving, long wearing shoes for the
least money. Come and be con
vinced.! 125 N. Com'l. (
Members of New Jersey
Prison Board in Salem
Dr. J. D. Spaeth, member of
the board of prison managers of
the "sjtate pt New Jersey, was in
Salem yesterday inspecting the
state penlteniiary and" plJtier in
stitutions! p.eiore "returning to
his fcqme Pr." Spaeth ' wjU yisft in
California and ' other western
H. T. liove, he jeweler. 335
State St. High xuaJily Jewelry,
silverware and .diamonds. The
gold standard of values. Once a
hoyer always a customer. ()
O. W. Day, tires, tubes and ac
cessories; has the Goodyear tires,
the standard of the world. Mr.
Day can give you more mileage.
Corner Com'l and Cbemeketa. ( '
It's Time to Think of
We Sell Martin Senour 100 Per
Cent Pure Paint
280 N. Commercial TeL 639
The New
Ham il toe
: Oeaimer
With Ball Bearings Needs
No Oil
1 f I T" r.i, --f I
Yop should have a demonstration
, of this cleaner before buying
Also agents-for .the.
riOSTON. April 7. (AP)-The
Boston Brnins and Ottawa Sena
tors battled through 86 minutes
of fast, but cautiously defensive
hockey to a scoreless tie here" to
rairht in the first of five names Tor
the Stanley cup and the profes
sional hockey title of the world.
The Senators came the closest
tr an actual score when Denneny
took, a pass from Niffhbor in the
hr?it period and beat Winkler with
a hard drive from close in. The
Ottawa center's pass was offside,
however, and the goal was ruled
Boston missed its only real scor
ing chance in the second period
when Oliver was in perfect form
for a score from a rebound, but
Connell. the Ottawa goal, turned
in a miraculous itop and saved the
Take no chances, with old meats
or state food Of any kind. Buy your
meats here and have the best and
freshest obtainable and at a mini
mum cost. Hunt & Shaller, 2C3
N. Com'l ' 1 ()
Mrs.. H. P. Stith, millinery.
Most beautiful hats in Salem; all
shapes and colors; full stock from
which to make fine selections.
Best quality. 533 State St. ()
CHICAGO. April 7. (AP.)
Aroused over defeat . by a school
bey last night. Johnny Weismuller,
world champion sprint swimmer,
bet a new national AAU record -in
the 2 20-yard free style swim to
night, beating young George Ko
jac. 17. of Dewitt Clinton high
school. New York, by 3 feet.
Weisniiiller's time was 2:10 4-5,
four full seconds better than the
former AAU mark, but slower than
the world's record of 2:08 3-5.
Kojac defeated Weismuller in
the 156-yard back stroke, setting
a Uew world's record which pre
viously was held by Weismuller.
Hungry? uont wait, order
Borne Better Yet Bread from your
grocer. It is fresh, wholesome
and clean. Made by the Better
yet Baking Cq. ()
Giant and DuPont explosives
(fuse blasting caps). Lumber
and all building materials. Gab
riel Powder & Supply Co., 610 N.
Capitol. Tel. 2248. ()
( AP) -The crippled Senators,
home from training in the south,
took a 19 to 9 beating from the
New York Giants today. The
Giants touched four Washington
Jelly Beans
Assorted and all blacks
17c lb.
fwo Pounds for 30c
We reserve the right to
limit quatities
Saturday Only
Only at
135 North Commercial
Drug Store
Penslar Store
pitchers for ?1 bits, while the
boine team made IS.
Speaker, appearing here for the
first time In a Washington "uni
form, was given in ovation when
he went to bat in the first Inning.
He singled and got another single
and a double in four times at bat
before retiring from the game.
liornsby made three singles.
Chis. K. Spauidlng Logging Co.,
lumber and building materials.
The best costs no more than" in
ferior grades. Go to the big Sa
lem factory and save money. ()
Stop, look, and listen to our ap
peat If you are not absolutely
satisfied with your laundry prob
lem, call 165. Hand work our
specialty. ()
Frisch Gets Two Homers ,
and Two Doubles in Game
NASHVILLE, Tenn.. April 7.
(AP.) In a flash of brilliant bat
ting Frankie Frisch. Cardinal sec
ond baseman hit two home runs
and two doubles in four succes
sive times at bat in the last game
of ,gthe exhibition series between
the Cardinals and the Yankees
lure today.
Babe Ruth added another homer
to his belt also. The Curdinals
tied the series by defeating th
New Yorkers 10 to 8. Tb -deciding
game was rained out. giving
the teams four each.
Cross Meat Market. Biggest
busiest and best in Salem. Choic
est steaks, bacon, hams, sausage,
lard, eggs, milk. Absolutely sani
tary. 370 State St. ()
Sale of Bonds for Salmon Itiver
Otis Hood Authorized
Mc.MIXNVILLE, April 7.- (AP)
The commission in charge "of
construction 'of- the Salmon river
Otfs shortcut road to the Roose
velt highway lias authorized the
sale of s 125,000 in 2 year bonds.
The bonds will be sold to the
highest bidder on April 20 and
construction work on the new
road will begin as soon a sthe con
tract can be legally made with O.
P. Lowe. Washougal. Wash., con
tractor, the commission said.
Lowe's bid was SS0.000 for
clearing and grading the first 6 Vi
miles of road west of New Grande
Ronde. It has already been acT
When completed the new short
cut will eliminate 2! miles of the
distance from he Willamette val
ley to Lincoln county beaches and
will provide the shortest road to
and from Portland to the Roose
velt highway.
D. II. Mosher, Merchant Tailor,
is turning out the nobbiest and
best fitting tailor made suits to
measure; 100 business and pro
fessional men buy of Mosher. ()
(( oniinnP'I trom pape 1.).
st ructions for the logical serving
of a meal. She recommends serv
ing in the family manner,- that
ix. as expediently as possible,
without aping the . elaborate and
1 ": Or -
' BAfcfNO
L dp 3SR
I i """
ill be fully explained and
demonstrated at the
Be sure to attend. It will pay you
because there are so many new ana im
portant things that will help you reduce
your baking costs and at the same time
enable you to prepare; better and more
healthful bakings than 'ever before
They will all be explained in detail by
Mrs. Beth Bailey McLean
one of the best posted and best known Domestic
Scientists in the United States who will use
TOE WORLD'S greatest
in her demonstration. Come and see just
how she makes the most delicious pies, cakes,
doughnuts, muffins and biscuits you ever tasted
and by all means learn all about Double Actjng
Baking Powder What it does how it protects
your bakings what a wonderful convenience it
is how it stops failures.
You'll never again be satisfied with ordi
nary baking powder
or ordinary baking re
sults, because you will
realize that by using
Double Acting Baking
Powder you can always
have sweet, tender, pal
atable foods. Plan rght
now to come. Bring
your friends with you.
. of J-louseholfJ Articles
Appeals to the Particular Housekeeper
Priscilla Aluminum Ware
Is High Grade Merchandise atJPrices you can afford to pay
See Our Line of ;
We offer you an all Cast Full Enameled 6 hoje range for
236 N. Commercial St.
Jet ailed service that is practical
only in homes where there is a
yesterday a bowl of red and
white blossoms centered the din
ner table. v
Mrs. McLean cleverly Intro
duces her philosophy of marriage
in her informal talks. Par in
stance, yesterday's service called
for the cooperation of the Viostess"
husband. -and to'in&ure. the xn'u
tual happiness of the two Mrs.
McLean recommended that friend
husband receive exact instructions
for serving in the kitchen before
the guests are seated at the dining
table. It is also advisable. Mrs.
McLean states, "'to spring" new"
dishes when there are no guests.
Riving the Johns of the world an
opportunity to "practice."
Mr. Oiese of the Oiese-Powers
Furniture store announced last
night that the range demonstra
tion will be continued at the stoie
on Saturday and also that extra
copies of ilrs. McLean's menus
and recipes will be printed and
distributed there. ;
Nash leads the world In motor
car values. Beautiful display of
new models at the P. WV Petty
John Company, 3 65 North Com
mercial St. ()
Ira W. Jorgensen, 190 S. High
St. Parts for all makes of cars.
Best equipped auto accessory store
In this section. Prompt and re
liable service the rule. ()
(Continued from pap( 1.)
(ion. which has been formed at lh?
base herinto a unit fully equip
ped for, ttrrfte, in the field.
When tiie Vessel departed today,
six "lie Haviliind observation
planes had been left behind. This
was necessary as when the 75 mil-
lmeter . field Kijns. .o ton trucks
and other equipment had been
loaded aboard there was no room
for the planes.
The Henderson, largest trans
port In tb - naval, service, was
loaded to capacity, with the larg
guns lashed .to the deck.
The event today was the climax
to a week of Interest created by
the arrival of the eastern marines,
their movement to the base and
finally their embarkation aboard
the vessel. Thousands visited th-
dock during the time that the ves
sel has been in port, to watch th.
loading of supplies and to obserr
the companies of marines as th
filed up the long gangplank to ih-
deck ofUhe vessel which will be
their floating home for the 22
days estimated as necessary- to
rt-ath the China trouble ou..
- lf ton Itfothct-s 11ms -
the . latest 'in Raster Carts. Make
your choice from a -beautiful and
vrirl(Hl selection ono of the bem
displays of jrrorlnfe card ever
hown in Salem. "216 State St. (i
4 k "
Multiiomnn county will spend
S 1 ,000,000 "on " Canyon road to
Washington county. .
Exchange a lovely suburban
home, strictly modern, for city
property or Btock ranch.
841 State Strret
Only milk that is
Pure has any value
ACII of ihe scieniific processes
vhich apply in boltlinp- our
milk is designed with the idea of
sanitation and cleanliness through
out in order to cive vou and vmir
family -milk that is '100 per cent pure and free
from the slightest adulteration. We invite inspec
tion of our dairy and plant anytime.
Telephone 725
Auto Accessory Shop
Clean Stock Good Location
See KRUEGER, Realtor
147 N. Com'l. St. Phone 317
ru Tt Tk.i tm" Bottled the Sanitary Way ' ,Wft:r., Ukt ..
Grocery and Rleot
PreEastep Sale of v ,
Staple Groceries
' 7' -
We feature these quality groceries on sale in connection with Direc
tor's Store-wide Pre-Easter Sale. Note the prices and figure the
savings. " V v " "' ' V' 1
Pure Cane Sugar rA
10 lbs. ouC
(Limit 10 lbs.) .
Best Creamery if
Butter, lb K)C
(2 lbs. 89c)
White Wonder Soap (an
Oregon produce) or
10 bars OOC
Onion Sets OC
4 lbs. .;;..; LOO
Buy them now at this price
Campbell's Pork & Beans
medium OC
J cans LtOC
Full Cream Cheese
2 lbs. .
peaberry Coffee makes ex-
r.i Tit ent C"P of fTee
?ZJ1:Y11 Special per lb.
Nut Margarine
3 ibs. i
t ;
Nothing but the best for
.f this price
(guaranteed hard AO
wheat) 49 1b. sack
(.3 lbs. $1.00)
kes ex-
Matches, carton of
6 boxes, special....!..
Why pay 4 9.c for can coffee Pr sack
(Saturday's Price)
Special Valley flour 49 lb.
C. O. D. Orders Given Prompt Attention j
Orders Over S5.00 Delivered Free - h'
CALL 1333
amid ujpff
Standard of Comparison
: i
Every bit of
bur ability
and energy
in us is at
your service
Superior Selected Meats Cut CrATIinntr
With Thoughtful Care rtAIUllliitl
this Saturday a PRE:EASTER SALE
Please po Come Early
..V.. .; '
' :
"... ' -j
V fsi m't --fiv7,.:.y,--Xs.-x.v':. : t. ( ' r'-t
Snow Cap Shorten-
ing, 3 lbs. . ODC
Boiling Beef and t Ol
Pot Roast, lb. . . ILyOC
Choicest cuts of Beef
Pot Roast, lb. .Ja.. IOC
Sirloin Steak -1
A Dig vaiue; id.
Carstert's lean light Q
Bacon, lb.
Salt Pptk
ih .
-. 1 Fresh Ground OC-
Sugar cured Oyll ' Hamburger, 2 lbs. fiOL
smkM Hams, lb U 2C Fresh Fat Pork
Fresh Side pprk
jean, lb. '
Kinnered Salmon. KiDDered
Herring choice Finnan
Morreirs lean light 97 ; A. law shipment of, very . Haddy, front, Scotland
Bacorr, lb. ,.:ui i. choice Salmon Ol? L Fsh Dressed OA n
i :Yi or Whole1 2 lbs.'..;..;.;;.;..:.: dOC Chickfns,'lb.
1 1 t..w
P- . A M. A A A A A A. A A A A A 4A A A AAJS
- ,a, j m. a 1
1 ? .
- a
. . -