The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1927, Page 9, Image 9

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Miss Eleanor McClaine :
Announces Betrothal at
Luncheon Yesterday j
,.t Silverton
At a loveiy luncheon siren yes
terday at their home in Silverton,
. Mrs. Clarence Keene announc-.-,
ed the engagement of her sister,
Miss Eleanor McClaine to Mr.
Gorge Powell of Portland.
Miss McClaine is the daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fielding
McClaine, and a sister of the late
A. F. McClaine, the well known
Spokane banker?
The bride-elect, who is a grad
uate of the University of Oreon,
is a member of the Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority.
Mr. Powell is the son of Mrs.
Sally McEachin Powell of St.
Louis, j He is in business with
the Oregon Pacific Shipping com
pany, j He is a member of the
Multnomah Athletic club and of
tne Arlington club.
No definite date has been set
for thejwedding.
Corsages of Ophelia roses and
violets centered the luncheon table
which was lighted with tall rose
tapers in crystal holders. The
rews ol the betrothal was con
cealed In the attractive place
curds. The corsages of roses and
violets I were presented to the
guests ds favors.
Roses and carnations were love
ly about tn rooms.
Out Of town guests for the an
nouncement were Mrs. Harry Haw
kins of Salem Mrs. Robert Mc
Murray! Mrs. Merwin Rankin, Mrs.
Blaine llaskins, Mrs. Mac, Snow
and Miss Margaret Hawkins, all of
Portland, and Miss Elsie Bain of
Covers were placed for the fol
lowing' Silverton guests: Miss
Eleanor McClaine, bride-elect, Mrs.
C. A. Reynolds, Mrs. C. E. Ross,
Mrs. G W. Steelhammer and the
hostess, Mrs. Clarence W. Keene.
- '
Baptist Woman's Society
Will Celebrate "Golden
Anniversary" on Friday
There is to be an unusually in
teresting program in the i First
Baptist church parlors on Friday
afternoon at 2:15 when the Wom
en's society will celebrate their
golden anniversary. The parlors
will be especially arranged, Mrs.
Ernest "W. Peterson in charge of
the decorations. All the women
of the churchandL , congregation
and fir lends are' cordially invited.
JThe program will open with; a $e
J? votioaal period lasting for 15 min
yfes, with Mrs. A. J. Gile, honorary
deaconess, in charge, and a solo,
"No Shadows Yonder," by Mrs.
Theodore Roth.
There will be four three-minute
talks,! as follows: "The Golden
Past," Mrs. H. S. Gile; "The Gold
en Leaves," Miss Mina Gile; "The
Golden Symbols," Mrs. S. R. Vail;
"The Golden Projects," Mrs. F. E.
Eriion. -
Sold Only At
The Original Yellow Front
N. 135 Commercial St.
Phone 197
PensTar Etore
Stop That
1 ' '
Our Own Poultry Feeds
We are now manufacturing a complete line of 1
Poultry Feeds, including. Chick Scratch,
Growing Scratch, Hen Scratch, Delevop
ing Mash and Laying Mash.
In manufacturing our feeds, wc are using the very
best grades of feeds and concentrates and the feeds
are meeting with, the favor of all those who have
' bought and tried them.
Our prices are; much less. than others are
asking for other feeds, as we desire to uv
Iroduce them and are making the prices j '
low. ! . .f' : i
Also, , a complete stock of , ppultry . feeds
-and poultry supplies of every kind.
D. A. White & Sons
Z. . -'fUVir fist?
The Golden Projects will be
dramatized under the leadership
of Mrs. Erixon, and given in cos
tume, interspersed with appropri
ate musical numbers. The parts
include the Indians, the Alaskans,
the Negroes, the European immi
grants, the Orientals, the Mexi
cans, the trained workers for each
group. Working capital and equip
ment for each will be represented.
The musical numbers will 'in
clude the Indian, Mrs. Harry H.
Harms; Spanish melody, Mrs.
Charles Davis; Negro spirituals,
Miss Viola Lottis and Miss Elaine
Foster. Mrs. Ernest H. Shanks
will lead in a responsive reading
of'The Psalm of the Wayfarer,"
Henry Van Dyke.
Following the program there
will be refreshmens and a social
time which will be very enjoyable
and feature the golden anniversary
of the Women's Home Missionary
society of" the Northern Baptist
Visitors From Washington
Mrs. E. Paul Todd and her
daughters. Ruth Pauline and Carol
of Eatonville, Wash., are spending
the week in Salem as the guests
of Mrs. Todd's Barents. Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Hodge and her sister,
Mrs. Merle Rosecrans.
Mr. Todd is attending the edu
cational conference in Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. Lumen
Are Hants at a Card and
Dancinr Party
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lumen en
tertained with a party for a group
of their friends on Saturday eve
ning. Cards and dancing were the
diversions of the evening, with
high score at cards going to Mrs.
Harold Burk andthe consolation
prize to Dan Maxfield.
Myrtle Burk and Bernice Rick-
man assisted Mrs. Lumen in serv
ing luncheon. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burk, Mrs.
Myrtle Walker, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Busick. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Rick-
man, Mr. -and Mrs. Elmer Peltier,
Mr. and- Mrs. E. Aufranc, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Hickman, Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Maxfield, Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Aufranc, Mr. and Mrs. Loveland,
Myrtle Burk. Bernice Rickman and
the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs.
Jake Lumen.
Auburn Woman's Club
Entertains Young People
W4th Delightful Party
The Auburn Woman's club en
tertained with -ft party for the
young people on Friday evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Elfstrom.
April fool games were enjoyed
during the evening.
Those present were Anthali Elf
strom, Fred Smith, Mary Stanton,
Robert Elfstrom, Lucile Trindle,
Ruth Baumgartner, Walter John
ston, Lelia Armstrong, George
Jackson, Jean Baumgartner, Don
ald Sodeman, Ruth Lee; Robert
Morgan, Marie Elfstrom, Oleta
Smith, James Johnston and Marcia
Refreshments consisting of
cake, punch and ice cream were
served by Mrs. Elfstrom, Mrs. A."
Fttestman. Mrs. E. P. Peltier, Mrs.
H. Armstrong. Mrs. T. C. Morgan,
Mrs. L. Feskins, Mrs. Murray
Johnston and Mrs. Baumgartner.
Willamette University Couple
Announces Engagement
A complete surprise in Willam
ette university circles was the an
nouncement of the engagement of
Miss Elvira Young. '30. to Victor
Rhodes, ''29, on Monday evening.
At the Beta Chi house where a
cafeteria supper was being served,
a telegram signed by Br'er Rabbit
bearing the news was received.
Favors of clever Japanese umbrel
las were given out. ;
Simultaneously at the Sigma
Tau house Victor Rhodes Berved
nMulded ice cream topped with a
chocolate rabbit which divulged
the secret.
Miss Young is from Walla Walla
while Mr. Rhodes' home is in Ray
mond, Wash.
Piety Hill Club Will
Meet at Karnes Home
Mrs. E. T. Barnes will open her
home this afternoon for an in
teresting meeting of the Piety jlill
club. i
Topics on County Government
The Maorus -Study club met at
the home of Mrs. Eleanor Fox on
Friday afternoon. Questions on
county government are studied.
These questions I are compiled by
the Natienal !League of 'Wvnen
Voters at Washington, D. C.-i Top
ics snefh as health and sanitation;
recreation; charities and correc
tions were studied at this meetinr.
jlrs. Wenderoth read a splendid
paper on the county poor relief
After a profitable business hour.
Mrs. Fox served dainty refresh
ments from small tables.' centered
with bowls of gay daffodils. Other
attractive bouquets of daffodils
were used about the living room!
and dining room.
Club members present were Mrs.
Josephine Butts,, Mrs. Mayme
Cooper, Mrs. Elizabeth Barham,
Mrs. Eleanor Fox, Mrs; Anna Hen
dricks, Mrs. Dolores McCarthy.
Mrs. Florence Pueh. Mrs. Mar
garet Smith "Mrs. Vida Stapleton
and Mr3J Cecil Wenderoth.
The : next meeting will be held
at "The Spa on Friday, April 15.
A 1 o'clock luncheon will' take the
place of the regular Friday after
noon business session.
South Section of
Woman's Union Will Meet
Mrs. Mark McCallister will en
tertain members of the couth sec
tion of the Woman's union of the
First Congregational church on
Friday afternoon at her home "at
1433 South Liberty street. A full
attendance is urged.
W. R. C. Plans Benefit
Card Party
The Woman's Relief corps will
sponsor tk benefit five-hundred
party on Friday afternoon from
2 to 4 o'clock in the Veterans'
room at the armory. The public
is cordially invited.
Carnation Club Will Meet
Mrs. G. E. Zell will entertain
members of the Carnation club
this afternoon at her home, 1395
North 14th street.
Vested Choir of First
Methodist Church Will
Give Annual Easter Concert
The annual Easter concert by
the large vested choir of the First
Methodist church will be given on
next Sunday evening. A varied
program of Easter music, includ
ing two numbers from the Mes
siah and an instrumental number
by the harp, violin and organ will
be presented. ,
The large chorus of 60 voices,
supported by leading soloists un
der the direction of Prof. E. W.
Hobson, has been training for this
concert for several weeks, and this
will be one of the best programs
they will give during the year.
Frof. T. S. Roberts will preside at
the organ and Miss Louise Findley
will accompany onrthe piano. The
following program will be given:
Festival Piece, organ Stebbins
As It Began to Dawn Speaks
Mi$s Fa ye Sparks.
Christ Triumphant Yon
Tarantelle, piano solo Mendelssohn
Master Emery S. Hobson.
Christ Is Ri'sen '. Scott
f ' ! Ronald Craven.
Wjth Joy the Impatient Hus
bandman" ;....:... Haydn
(From oratorio "The Seasons")
Lloyd Thompson.
Tc Deum, (festival)......- Salter
Choir and incidental solos by
Miss Aldeane Smith, Walter
Kaufman, Lloyd Thompson
and Ronald Craven.
I Know That My Redeemer Liv-
eth ...J - ....Handel
: Miss Aldeane Smith.
The tjeavens Are Telling.. ..Haydn
i Choir.
Instrumental solo, Meditation
; Mietzke
Violin, harp and organ
Miss Love, Miss Palmer and
Prof. T. S. Roberts.'
Hallelujah Chorus, (from the
Messiah) , Handel
Salem Woman's Club Will
Nominate Officers at
Regular Meeting Saturday
An extremely important meet
ing of the Salem Woman's club
will be held on Saturday at the
club house. At this time new of
ficers for the season 1927-8 will
be nominated.
Special musical numbers on Sat-
, of Household Articles.
Appeals to the Particular Housekeeper
: Our '
Priscilla Aluminum Ware
Is High Grade Merchandise at can afford to pay
See Our Line of
We offer you an all Cast, Full Enameled 6 hole range for
; 236 N. Commercial St. .! "
Social Calendar
Today , ,
Piety Hill club. Mrs.' E- T.
Barnes, 325 North Capitol street.
hostess. ; " ' - -
; Cooking school. Grand theater.
J:30 to 4:30 o'clock.
: Ladies of the GAR, armory at
2 o'clock.
Rapheterian club. Mrs. Lee Un
ruh. 885 D. Street.
Institutions department of Sa
lem Woman's club. Open meet
ing. Club house.
Chapter G of the PEO Sister
hood. Mrs. P. J. Kuntz, hostess.
Carnation club. Mrs. G. E. Zell,
1395 North 14th street, hostess.
Play, "An Old Fashioned Moth
er." Hollywood theater, 7 and. 9
Salem MacDowell club chorus.
Lecture on art. Prof. Leo Fair
banks. YMCA lobby. Auspices
of Salem Arts league.
North section of the Woman's
union of the First Congregational
church. Mrs. W. I. Staley, 271 N.
Summer street, hostess.
South section of the Woman's
union of the First Congregational
church. Mrs. Mark McCallister,
1433 S. Liberty street, hostess.
Woman's Relief corps benefit
five-hundred party. Armory, ;2 to
4 o'clock.
Auburn Community club. School
house, 7:30 o'clock.
Baptist Women's society. Gold
en anniversary, cnurcn parlors,
2:15 o'clock.
Easter concert. First Methodist
church, 7:30 o'clock. Vested
Salem Woman's club. Club
house, 2:30 o'clock. Nomination
of officers.
urday will bo given by Miss Eliza
beth Lewis, talented piano student
of Mrs. Walter A. Denton. Miss
Lewis will play "Fantasia in 1)
Minor," by Mozart, and the "Wed
ding March" from Midsummer's
Night Dream.
Place-Cards for Business .
Women's Banquet
Are Attractive .
Members of the Salem Business
and Professional Women's club,
who entertained with a state din
ner last Saturday night, formu
lated a vote of thanks addressed
to Miss Phoebe McAdams in ap
preciation of the attractive place-
cards she provided for the dinner.
The cards, each different, and each
bearing the guest's name, were de
signed by pupils of the McKinley
junior high school under Miss Mc
Adams' direction.
Mrs. Thayer Returns
From California
Mrs. Claudius Thayer has re
turned to her home, .WUlanjgtte
Lodge, after spending tne winter
in California.
Misi Gilbert Visits
From Med ford
Miss Mary Gilbert, daughter of
L. M. Gilbert, spent the week-end
in Salem. Miss Gilbert is a high
school instructor in Medford.
10:00-11:00 KFWV (212). Home Beau-
tiliij hour.
10:00-10:30 KXU (389).
beauty talk.
10:00-11:30 WOW 491).
ilubic and
helps and music.
10:0-12:00 KEX (447). Pat tic Cook:
morning entertainment, time signals.
11:00-12:00 KHS 31). Housewife'
hour and mukic
12:00 KFKC (22). Weather report.
12:00-12:20 KEX. Popnlar orchestra
12::0-l.-r,0 KG V. Noon concert.
1:30-2:30 KTIJR (2t3). Studio pro
gram. 2:0-3:00 KXL. Music.
S:30-Knd KTBit. Play by play base
ball returns.
t 1 i
Two room plastered house
and woodshed
On a lot 60x120
You pay for the lot only at
$7O0 if yoa act at once'
123 North Commercial
Quick, Reliable Service
1015 Center Street
Phones 352 and 1310-W
Fine Fixtures
Standard Equipment -
S-O0-4:00 KOIV. News, music.
3:00-3:15 KEX. Markets and newt.
4 :OO-5;00 KFKC. Mtisie.
4:30-6:00 KFWV. Twiiite hoar. ' ,
6K0-7:00 K)1N-(319). Orean rciUL
6:00-7:00 KTBR 263). Mnsie.
6:00-7:00 KGW (491). Dinner concert.
6:00-8:00 KFWV (212). Amubsraent
6:00-6:13 KEX (447). Sewa. and time
signals. i a
6:30-7:30 KXL (3891. Music.
7:00-7:15 KGW. Talk.
7 :00-7 :30 KTBR. Health talk.
7:00-8:00 KEX. Dinner music.
7:00-7:2.01 KOT V A n,..nut ,,).
7:30-8:00 KXL. Ptndio program.
7:30-8:13 KFJR 263). Erening storv.
7:30-7:45 KGW. CtUitT service.
7:45-8:00 KGW. Catholic Trut'a o-
eietT talk. .
H-tO-i0:v KFWV. Studio pro era m.
8:00-9:00 KXL. Studio program.
8:00-10:00 KOIX. Studio program
8:00-8:30 KEX. Portland male nuatet
8:15-8:30 KFJR. Radio code -!. mh.
ducted hv Afthltvr nivnn
9:00-10:00 KGW.' VanudevUle.
10:00-11:00 KOI.V. Apostolic Faith or
10:30-hi .00 KEX. Kremer's. orchestra
x.anj0iirenx, saxopnone.
12:00-2:00 KXL 1389). Ihe Somnam-
KPO San Francisco (4-J8). 5:30, chil-
uren s nour; o:lo. orchestra: 7, con
cert orchestra: 8. ensemble and soloists;
9. "Pan" a contata; 10, dance orches
tra. CXRV Vancouver (291). 10, dance or-
, cnestra.
KkVI San Francisco, (250). 6. Ha
waiian progra-m; 7, 8. 8:20, 8:0 9
orchestra: 10. orrhpittra
KFSU Lo Anffplnt (f7 fi-lrt A
t- - . . - V , LL TJ
All SJzee Films, Kodaks, DeTel
oping Our Specialty
Prompt Service
157 South Commercial
"The Home of Drug Stor
Tour Gar Deeerrea
America's-Finest Tire
190 8. Commercial Tel. 471
to San
every Tuesday
and Friday
Speedy 25-hour coach
traifl spedlariservice'
and special reduced fare.
Leaves 10:12 a. ar
riving San Francisco
11:30 a. m. next day.
Ride in a roomy, all
stec 1 coach over smooth,
rock-ballasted roadbed.
Relax and rest. Free ob
servation car lounge and
open platform.
Special dining and
lunch-car menus at low
Tickets at this lowfare
good only on these spe
cial coach trains. Free
baggage allowance of
100 pounds.
Similar fare and serv
ice retiArning from San
Francisco every Wed
nesday and Saturday
at 8?40 a. ax.
City 'Ticket
Offlrrv IKt
N: Illerty
Ins nour; '7:30, baptismal sen-ice ; 9:15
10, organ recital,
KFWO Aralon ' CE11). 6:30,, orchestra
. and rebread casts; C.
KFOA Seattle (451. 6:30, orchestra;
TiSO. trim; i 8, 'cro-eyed" family-;
w8i5fl..aeinJilei .10 :0k dance orcUev
guimmuiiiiiiiilin m.m !ii'uiiiwii!FwwsmM'ni'iiiiiijiiniiiiuiiiiMiihiiiitii,iiii jTlfc J "i t'i' ' """ wmiwwiiiiii inmwii "iwwiii!i-iiniiim
17 Ti ' ifa - - - fc
I Rayoim Bed, 3pds f
-Here's the best bargain offered in bargain square this t
year! It is a Rayon Spread that sparkles with all the
scintillating effects of pure silk and the patterns are all
new cnecks and stripes m pretty combinations. - l nese
come in blue, rose, gold and lavender.
enough for bolster.
This special selling represents a special purchase- You
Misses' Patent and Tan
Strap Sandals
Welt Soles, Rubber Heels Ideal for
all weather wear Week end Special
KFWM Oakland (326). 8. contralto and
piano solo. t
XOWW Walla Walla (285). 7, 8. 9, 10,
doitce orchestra r 11. organ recital..
JCFQZ Hotlyirood t(226). 6, 7, 7:30.
trio; 8, orchestra ; 9, orchestra, and
benefit by saving the! difference!
Salem's Ieadlng Department Store
Special Events
Economy Department 2nd
Brown Shoe Store
Several styles Children and Misses
Lace Shoes r
in Tan arid Patent welt soles for
Service, Buster Brown make while
these last a
Children and 'Misses :
Several styles to choose from some
styles formerly sold up to .$4.85.
End Sale Price
- Visit our
Economy De&drthieht -
. for I St'-.'-K t
. KJK Seattle (384). 0. 6:isj oreLestraJ
7:45. 9. coacert orchestra; ,10, time ig-
CFCT Victoria i2. 6:30, :30, T;J5,
- civic talk.' - "-
KJIXaelljrfrooa (37v 6, I orehestre J
! 60. vorcetr T, nrgaB. recital ; 8
j ; t, 10, orchestra; 11, tiance orchertx,
Size 80x1 05 long
Floor f
I ! I
,j: ,,!,;,,; L.1 ' ' ' J i
'Wiiiki8iiiifa:MiiiiiswiiiiiWniiiaiiii 'i nmMmimMMiiifc4
i - i - r - I
- i , -
Phone 160
.26 1. State St,
4- y n
.v ... t . , 1 , ' . ' 1