The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 03, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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gfLins cWky propped 7 me an?1 t pp- -11 j TOrZK GOODS
jaAMiE, Of v HBR. ' SO ) I ( J5jb r-
foot JLsgssg So "
rr O MAKE mother and baby happier, to make father
and all of the family's friends better pleased with life,
we cater to their wants with, a multitude of everyday
necessities that used to be luxuries.
? Corner State and Liberty Streets
Agents for THE OWL DRUG CO. Products
. " . - . ' ' . J. II. ' WILLETT :
Redmond Answers Wife
Dr. Herbert D. Redmond filed
answer to his wife's motion for
$175 to be1 furnished her by.the
plaintiff that -she might carry on
her case. Redmond claims that
his income does not permit such
Dance, Derby Hall-
Monday April 4th. Public in-
vitPd .f r ' a3
LSee Pabco Shingle Advertisement
In colored supplement of Sun
day Orezonian. Anrit 3. Spaul
dine Logging Co., dealer in Pabccl
products. a3
Bruckman Wins Judgment-?-
P. A.' Bruckman won judgment
of $42,725 plus $938 attorney fees
from1 Joseph M. Healy and the
Breitenbush Hot Springs company.
Inc., in their case in circuit court
which closed last week. Th pay-
ment will be raised by forced sale
of 4 SO acres of land to the highest
bidder; of which the defendants
have a share. ; . '
. ' i -
Bako Auto Finish Las U A
Reasonable -prices, Hall's, 267
S. CommerrjjU '-"V- 5
Day Parking '
At the Grease Spot," monthly
ates, 167. So. Liberty street, half
"icck. south of new hank bldg. a3
$500 Down
Balance EXACTLY like rent.
New modern- 5-room home, ready
to occupy, j Furnace, . fireplace,
hardwood, garage etc. Total price
ready to, occupy, $4200., Other
new homes, 4 td 7 rooms. Becke
& Hendricks, 189 N. High St. a3
Wlllig Pays Fine
A F. W. Willig of Monitor, who
VAwas arrested March 30 for oper
Viting his car with an improper
incuse, was nnea tiu in justice
court yesterday.
Dr. Groffrier, Chiropractor
Naturopath, 61S 1st N. Bk bldg.
Tel. 551. j a3
Hotel Marlon-r-
Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8
every evening. n26tf
Accountant Desires Connection
With lirm taking charge oH
books; several years' experience.
"Would invest some money. Phone
427M. , a3
Car Accident- Occurs .
- Faulty car brakes caused what
might have been a serious accident
on the Pacific highway near the
parking plant yesterday. ' The
driver of a car licensed 10-467,
unable to come to a prompt stop,
ran into Sydney Smith, Church
street, and almost made him stop
on the railroad tracks In the path
ol an approaching freight train.
,Iolern Lots CJieaper '
"-c i lie remainine ioib ai uriK
to $700. Laurel
homes. Close to all
Becke & Hen-
High street. - a 6
Kexall 1 Cent Sale , - -
Thursday.1 Friday and Saturday.
berry's drug store. -a6
Cash Talks Here-
Small modern home and 2 lots
at 1550 S. Cottage. Partly f urn
ished. Furnace, fireplace, hard
wood, electric range. Vacant to-
aay, 53900 cash takes everything.
Becke & Hendricks, 189 N.H!gh
eireet. . as
Basketball Game Mondav :
A basketball game between the
Kola Comrade club of Eucene and
the Whitman Comrade Huh of Ka-
J m will be played at the YMCA
jwonaay nieht A a nrtellniinarv.
the Court Street Christian team
Men's and Ladies Suits Cleaned
ami Pressed Sl.OO
Ladies'! Silk Drrtwe j
ladics Wool Dresses fl.OO.
Men's ami Ladies Coats
loaned and Pressed f l.OO
soks Pressed Men's and Ladles'
J 50c w
We guarantee our worlc give
i ua a trial ;
f 103 X. Com'l St. ,
Over Busicks . Telephone 1981
,uai prices of $500
I Park; all fine
! bus lines, schools.
rj dricks, 189 K.
will vie- with, one from the Jason
Lee club. The Eugene-Salem
game, will be for the Willamette
Valley Comrade title. Salem re
cently defeated Portland.
Hull's for Tops, Fender and
Body work, auto glass and paint
ing. 267 S. Commercial.' a5
Five Acres of Dandy Land
Located at Swegle school on
Garden Road, $1500; 825 down,
balance $10 per month. W. H.
Grabenhorst & Co., 135 S. Liberty.
Pontiac Seda
- Nearly new, for -sale or trade for
good rot. Dr. Fred Ellis. a3
Lobby Program Enjoyed
W. S. Raker, state organizer of
the Oregon Audubon society, gave
an interesting lecture on "Seeing
Oregon First" at the YMCA last
night in the regulffi weekly lobby
program. Mr. Raker's talk was
sponsored by the Salem Noture
Study club. A short business
meeting of the club preceded the
Call 98F3, The Les Walt Gardens
For cut daffodils, 5 doz, $1. a3
Dine at the State Cafeteria-
Today. Just Installed a new
automatic orthophonic Victrola
latest wonder in music, now on
demonstration. State Cafeteria. a5
Large Apartment Witli Garage
$35, new and modern. Lease to
adults. : Becke & Hendricks, 189
N. High street. ' I a6
Stages Line Party
Dolly Trotman was hostess at
a - line , party at tne ; Hollywood
theater-last night. About 12 girls
were entertained. After the per
formance adjournment! was made
to Miss Trotman'a home at 2020
Myrtle street where refreshments
were served.
Dancing Every Friday-
Domes hall, McCoyj
Furniture Upholstery
And a repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture Co. f3tf
Some Bond Buyer
With $71,500, here's large bus
iness property, covered with good
brick buildings. All well leased
to net 6. Do it now.. Becke &
Hendricks, 189 N. High st; a3
Store Being Remodeled
The men's furnishings store of
O. J. She! & Co. is being remodeled-
When the work is completed
it will add greatly to the attract
iveness of this store. .
Km Pabrn Shinrie Ad vcrtiseroent
'-In colored supplement of Sun-
dav Oreconian. Anrll 3. SDauI-
ding Loggings Co., dealer in Pabco
products. . as
For- Women and .Children-
Nothing equals osteopathy. Dr.
Marshall. Oregon Bldg. a5
Indians Take- License
William B. Grant, Okemah, Ok
lahoma realtor, and Eleanor Pa-
trecia Hauk, instructort Che-
mawa, were Issued a marriage
license Saturday afternoon' by the
county clerk.
Casey Guaranteed
Money refunded it it does not
.cure your case
Cor. Court and Liberty : Tel. 7
These questions will be answered by J. G. Hall
' v Derby' Hall, Sunday, April 3rd, 8 P. M. ; ;
Seats Free
McMinuTille Editor Her-
Sheldon F.,Sackett, editor of the
McMinnville Telephone Register,
was in Salem Saturday attending
to some business affairs.
Models Wanted!
For fashion displays. All ap
plicants accepted will be trained
personally by Mme. Buffe-Morri-son.
Apply Monday between 10
and 12 o'clock. The French Shop,
115 N. High street. a3
Flowers' for Al
Occasions. Adams, Florist. a3
WCTU to Meet -
The WCTU Will meet for their
regular business session in their
rooms on Commercial street Tues
day, April 5, at 2:30 p. m. A pro
gra mot readings, music and dis
cussion ,ia being arranged under
the direction of Mrs. Refta Pem-
A Better Place' to Eat
We use government inspected
No. 1. meats; all fresh vegetables
in our salads. State Cafeteria, altf
Water Tight Concrete
Ask the Oregon Gravel company
how to make it and what materials
to use. " a3
If You Rent Modern Homes
. We can sell you a modern home.
better than the place you occupy.
See our 4 to 6 room homes being
built in Laurel Park. The pro
tected district of ALL modern
homes. Finished with shades,
light fixtures, furnace and cells.
electric water heater and wired
for range; hardwood floors, fire
place, garage, walk system, lawn
in, cement drive, etc. Prices.
$3500 to $6250. Laurel Park is
18 blocks- north of state house.
Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High
street. a 6
Draws Fine
Richard H. Layton. route 5,
box 253, drew a fine of $5 in po
lice, court yesterday for driving
his car without lights at night.
Layton was arrested last Thursday
Xotice, Open all Day Sunday-
Some good buys in tires. Salem
Auto Wrecking, 402 So. Church
street. " . a3
Car and Truck Collide
An automobile and a truck were
badly' damaged yesterday when
Giles Rockhlll, Dayton, Or., and
H. A. McDowell, 1515 Bellevne
street, collided at the corner of
Center, and Commercial streets.
Rockhiil lost control of his truck
Tvt Sato
Tor Knt :
Mpidal raatat
satoa to StodaaU
, 147 X. Ocm'l St.
Victor Adding HsebJas grriM 1
Treated by Osteopathy, Dietet
ics, Radiant Therapy aad Elec
trical Therapy including Dr.
Abrams Electronic System. .
No Charge for 1
Consultation '
Physician and Surgeon
608 U. 8. Nat l. Bank Bids.
Baleza,' Oregon -
No Collection
-4 i
w n d o j
SATS: '. '
We have a 1926 Ford TUmuI
, ster, good rubber, finish like
; new, with speedometer, auto,
matlc swipe, motometer, rear
view mirror, spot light and a
car you can't tell from new
for 8350.
The House That Service Built
and it careened up on the side
walk. No one was hurt.
See Pabco Shingle Advertisement
In colored supplement of Sun
day Oregonian, -April 3. Spaul
ding Logging Co., dealer in Pabco
products. a3
Speeds and Pay
Joe Davies, Milwaukie, Or., was
caught yesterday driving his car
at a speed of 3 8 , miles an hour on
South Commercial between South
and Market streets. He paid a
fine of $7.50 in police court.
Flat BuUdings for Sale
$8,000 and $15,000. Excellent
return on investment. Becke &
Hendricks, 189 N. High street. a6
Overparking Draws Fine
P. W. Geiser, 775 Mill, and F.
E. Brown, 159 5 State, drew lines
of $1 each for overtime parking in
police court yesterday.
Dividends and Happiness--
Go together. See P. E. P. Co.
Friendly ad, page 5, section 4.' a3
Sleep in Jail
Robert Hanson and Howard
Foughty drew bunks at the city
jail Friday night. I
Registers at Kimball
E. L. Fisher, who has ben pas
tor of the church at Greensville,
Cal., for three years, has regis
tered for a course at Kimball
School of Theology.
Try Salem Maid Ice Cream-
It is delicious. Sanitary Con
fectionery, 1857 State; Palm Con
fectionery, 4 67 N. Church: The
Nook Barbecue Confectionery. a3
Hear Kpeoialists-
ur. Lr"b. Cle
ment. Dr. M. C.
Findley and Dr. W. W. Baum of
this city spent Friday in Portland
attending the eye, ear, nose and
throat society meeting, at which
some of the most noted specialists
in the United States read papers.
They report a very instructive
Findley Makes Trip--
Dr. M. C. Findley is spending the
week-end in Grants Pass.
A Bako Paint Job-
On your car is guaranteed not
to chip, crack or peel nor lose its
lustre for a period of one year
prices no higher than a cheap fin
ish job. Hull's, 267 S. Com'l. a5
Canse to Tacoma
Dr. John Martin Canse, presi
dent of Kimball School of Theol
ogy, left last night for Tacoma
where he will preach thisi morn
ing at the St. Paul Methodist
church. While in Tacoma Dr.
Canse will also attend meetings
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
From 7:30 to 10:30 P. M.
Ladies Admitted Free
Gentlemen 10c
All Sizes Films, Kodaks, Devel
oping Our Specialty
Prompt Service
157 South Commercial
, "The Home of Drug Store
Tour Car Deserves
America's Finest Tire
ZOSEL'S T.'o"p
lfM) 8. Commercial TeL 471
In their New Building
359 North High St.,
Have Three' Nice
Offices for Rent -j.
High street is "The
I Coming Street." ; Why ;
not be one of Its boost- -,
ers. , Rent very reas- .
onable A
i it i
of the Washington
tistorical bo
ciety. " ' .
Desertion Charged td Suit-
Grace V. Taylor charges that her
husband, Frank P., deserted her
in 1920 after five years of mar
ried life. Now, seven years later,
she wants a divorce, having wait
ed for his return long enough.'
The plaintiff asks that all costs be
carried by the defendant, and that
suitable alimony be awarded by
the court.
Holy Week Observed
Holy week will be observed In
Salem under auspices of the Sa
lem Ministerial association. A
sunrise prayer meeting in which
all evangelical churches in Salem
will poin, will be held Easter Sun
day morning at 6 o'clock. An ad
dress will be given before the
chamber of commerce, April 11, by
one of the local pastors.
Blossom Day Not Set
Blossom day will probably not
be held for two weeks, unless the
weather shows an improvement,
according to King BIng Dr. O. A.
Resigns Position
H. P. Nelson, butterm&ker. at
the Capital City Cooperative
creamery, has resigned his position
to take charge- of the creamery at
Carlton. Nelson came to Salem
from Salt Lake City.
Newspaper Man Still 111
Stephen A. Stone, Salem news
paperman, was operated on for
the second time at a local hosnital
early yesterday afternoon. He has
been laid up for six weeks with
bronchial pneumonia and pleurisy.
Banquet at Gray Belle
The annual banquet f the Ore
gon division of the National Fed
eration of Business and Profes
sional Women was held last night
at the Gray Belle.
To Speak at Luncheon-
William J. Elmendorf, engineer
of Seattle, will speak on the future
of the mining industry in the San
tlam country at Monday's cham
ber, of commerce luncheon. Mr.
Elmendorf Is adviser of the North
west Copper company.
PORTLAND, April 2. (AP)
Miss Virginia Sibley, 17, daughte
of Rev., and Mrs. F. R. Sibley,
Tigard, died at her home today
of injuries received yesterday
when she was struck by an auto
mobile driven by Harry Daniel.
Portland attorney. The accident
occurred as she alighted from a
bus near her home and was un
avoidable, police sard.
Classified Ads Bring Results
9 A. M. Sharp
Located 7 miles west of Salem and 4 mile south of Salem and Dallas Highway on
Greenwood Road near Greenwood school, or 414 miles north of Independence. Follow
the arrows. ! 5
Farm Consisting of !
125 acres highly improved farm located in the heart of the' Willamette valley in Polk
county, being a very choice farm home, all under cultivation of which 65f acres is
seeded to oats, wheat and clover, the soil being a dark clay loam with natural drain
age makes it suitable for any kind of farming. A fin new $7500, 2 roomed school;
also 'station corners the farm. It has a fine 8 room up to date house with electric
lights, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, also a 4 room house. New barn and silo, new
hog house, new chicken house, new tank ho Use. and other out buildings. All wire
fenced and cross-fenced, pressure water system, electric lights and power, gravel
driveway on good gravel road. This is a chance for some one to get an ideal up to
the' minute country home. Willell on terms of 20 per cent cash, balance arranged,
or will consider Salem property. See the owner prior to sale if you have anything
to exchange. Farm will be offered at Auction 1 P. M. Sharp, Tuesday, April 5th.
Personal Property 9 A. M. Sharp
Black Percheron Mare. 9 years old, weight
1580 lbs., sound and true.
Bay Mare, 12 yrs. old, weight 1400 lbs. I
Grey Team, 5 and 6 yrs. old, weight 2800
lbs, full sisters, sound, and true, a real
team. s ' ;
Grey Mare, voting age, sound and true.
Bay Mare, 8 yrs. old. weight 1400 lbs.
Bay Mare, 14 yrs. old, weight 1500.
Black Gelding, 9 yrs. old,, weight 1500 lbs.
high grade Guernsey cows, each 3 yrs. old,
milking 3 gallons per day.
Guernsey Heifer, 6 months old.
pure bred Guernsey Bull, 6 months old.
Guernsey Heifers, 4 months old.
pure bred Shropshire Ewes, with Jambs,
high grade Hampshire Ewes, to lamb later,
nure bred Belted Sow. to farrow soon.
10 high grade Poland Crina
to 175 Jbs. each.
8 Chester White shoats, from 80 to 120 lbs.
250 pure bred Hanson strain: White Leghorn
Hens. 1 yr. old; a fine bunch. 1
1 Fordson Tractor, .especially equipped. Al;
like new. f ' ' .
7-foot'Deer!ng Binder, Al.
7-foot McCormick Binder.
6-foot Doer in g Mower. Al. ,
10-foot-Dcering Hay Rakes.
Terms Cash uriless otherwise arranged with owner. Big Free Lunch at Noon ;
Everything offered in this sale is Al and like new. Be on time Tuesday, April 5th
FJN. WOODRY, Auctioneer
Res. ahd Store 1610 NrSUMMER Street; Salem, Ore. Phone 511
1. See me personally about your farm or city talcs-
Where To Dine
Eat Tour Sunday Dinner
At the Gray Belle.
Chlckra Dinner
Served all day at The Spa.
For Dinner This Evening
Dollar dinner at the Marion
hotel today.
Chicken Dinner at the Lunch Box
181 S. Liberty St. Tablet for
ladies. Open all day.
Eat Tour Sunday Dinner
At the Valley Grill. 156 8.
Com'l. Under new management.
m m m .
Eat at Mlnto's
Chicken dinner, 69c
Chicken Dinner
Served all day at the Royal
Eat Your Sunday Dinner
At the Argo Cafe.
Officers and Drill
Team to Make Trip
Dance Sponsored by United Arti
sans Arranged for Monday
Another of the series of dances
which have been given in the
Derby hall this season sponsored
by Capital Assembly United Ar
tisans will be given Monday, April
4 th. Good peppy music has been
obtained for thp evening. The pub
lic is invited to attend these
dances. A reception committee
has been appointed to have charge
at the door entrance and also the
floor manager will see that all
have a good time. Mrs. Norma
Terwllliger and Irene St. Helens
are in charge of the tarious com
mittees. On Wednesday evening, April
6th, the officers of Capital Assem
bly will hold their regular month
ly meeting at the home of ' Mrs.
Hannah Martin, 392 South High
St. All officers are asked to be
This coming Thursday evening
the officers and drill team and
Have given home owners great
er Durability, Longer Wear
Richer Luster.
Ask for J & D Descriptive
- Color Cards
2.T4 Chemeketa St. Tel. 021
125 Acre Farm and Equipment at
Iiisliiy Apr!
1 2-horse John Deere; Corn Cultivator.
1 7-ftj Tandem Disc. for horses or tractor. .
1 Litchfield Manure Spreader, 85 bushcapac-
lty; like new.
1 14-Di'sc New Peoria Drill, like hew.
1 3-sec. Spring Tooth Harrow, like new.
1 3-sec. Lever Harrow.
1 8-ft. Corrugated Roller.
1 Sub-Surface Packer.
1 Iron Age Potato Planter.
2 1 -horse Cultivators,
l' 12 -Gang Plow; like new. ;
1 14 Gang Walking Plow.
1 2 or 3 -bottom1 Tractor Plow. -
1 Ford Roadster, witbJ delivery box, Al.
1 Stover Grain Grinder and 50 ft. belt. - '
2 Primose Cream Separators. Al.
1 Mitchell & Lewis Windmill.
1 2-unit De Laval Milking Machine.
1 Fanning Mill with bagger attachment. .
2 3 M Wagons, Al. 1 . .
f 1 Road Grader. . : : '
1 Warehouse Truck; -f
Pump Jack, Dehorning Clipper, Clodmasher
Hayrack, Go-Devil. Stone Boat, 2 Scalding
Vats, 30 tons Ensilage in Silo, 20 sacks Bur
i bank Seed Potatoes good size, Al ; 3 sets dou-!-
bio - harness; 6 cream cans, & and 10 gal ;
! wheelbarrow, log chains; ncckyokes; hitches,
! augers, cow blankets, sickle grinders, sprayer,
oil heater, saws, pails, fence stretcher, 3 U
horse eveners, oil drums, forks, shovels, rope, planter, shot gun, cross cut saw,
cabled tester syrf nge, and many other mtscel-,
lanoous articles including: furniture, etc.
shoats, from 125
? 9 A.M. SHARP
members that care to are asked to
go to Corvallis to help' with; the
Initatlon and degree work. All
those who wish to go will meet
at the hall at 6:30 o'clock.
1 Shilling
Mrs. Gladys Shilling died at a
local ' hospital March 31, at the
age of 36 years. She leaves her
husbanc. Charles Shilling and the
following children: Bertha, Mil
dred, Margaret, Leonard and Rob
ert, all of Turner, Or.; her father,
John Gennerv of Iowa: mother.
mother, Mrs. N. C. Treat of Se-J
ante.1 luuem bciiiws m
held Monday morning at 10:30
o'clock at the Turner - Methodist
church, with interment in Twin
Oaks cemetery. Webb's funeral
1 Samuel A. Robertson, 29, of
150 N. 21st streef, passed away
on April 2, 1927. He is survived
by his widow, Marie R. Robertson,
a, son, Henry Gordon, and hia
father, P. J. Robertson of Penn
sylvania. Funeral services will be
held on Tuesday, April 5, atcS 'p.
m. from the Rlgdon mortuary. In
terment will be In the City View
Mrs. Margaret Gross, 19, died
in Edmonton. Canada. The body
but service in its truest
and finest sense per
formed with understand
ing and reverence.
Tel. 120
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724
for 6 and 8 cents per yard
Buttons and pleating done, see
our display of colored linen
toweling that we are closing out
at cost.
193 North Comercial St ,
Over Busicks Telephone 1981
will arrive In Salem today and
graveside services Monday at 1 : 3 0
in the -City View cemetery' wilt be
in charge of Rev, B. P, Culver.
She is snrrived by her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. IV McCaulley of
Salem. Webb's 'funeral parlors In
charge. V - - - :' ' ' T
- r -
.. : Kuhn :. - U
1 Noaht C f Kuhn, 1796s Mission
street, died at a local hospital Sat-
nrday morning. Funeral an
noancements later from Webb's
funeral parlors. K- , . a .n
VtHETHEH your fa- .Cg
IJ " vorite game is golf, ra
fTI other, B & L Punktal o
B Leases In your glasses CL.
BB will help you improve D
Si your score. They per- T
DL. mit you to use the en- D
Tl re as precisely correct- fl
B ed at the margin as at
a , the center. ! .'
301-2-3 First Natlpmal
. Bank Building ' ) V
Oregon fj
Beautiful light colored Blip-
pers to please ladies of dis
criminating tasted Just un
packed. : Here are a few
styles pictured to give you
first peep at what the lata 4
creations are in My Lady's
fine slippers, to blend -in
harmony- with the new
spring and summer apparel
Priced at
the pair ' 1
Colors are the new water
lily, rose . blush, pastel-jwr-chment,
and shell gray. All
of fine grade kid leathers.
Jo.Iin J. DjI":
415 Stalo Ctrc:t
. I'-.-Jl
'. - -r
1 v
i 1 .