iV 1 t i VTIIE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OIlEGON SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 2, 1027 r- 7 j i feretw If Hi PMiW 1 Eirxlj-, -1 lew First National Bank Building Directory BASSMEHT rj Luxs Shining Farter tor Ladia and Oentlamen. r ml tt-m ENTRANCE Tad' Cigar Stand yropnexor SECOND FLOOR Cofey Fhat rrle Tw. 708, QTr ns op. THIBD FLOOR pi. " 2 . ' t i Teiepnon r : t allien ;.ww ljw --r- - Hixutui ruxx coKPAjnr .r DinltT . OoMUttlng Engine snMlS frank B. KaBotf, Pnbll Accountant MtMl ,nOKIU fdepaOM 1846 soa Xing A Wyckoff . S0-S07 jnatriDaior in " . - gocsiofsky A Son. Tel. wi9 aus-ovs Beai csta., aiwu-, v fourth floor I rv-V.IT1 B Knrdatta. Optometrists rioc. 625 40102-0S-48-d08 ..r.n Untldln A Loan Association G Harford Ely 13 Telph 767 vrin.ni H. Wlrtz and Psnl F. Burrts r - . sfarlav. 41S. TeL 757: Re. 1918-W laal Bstst ijoans wtmct FIFTH FLOOR ftra7ila. Schmidt A CavB08-80a Lwaum SIXTH FLOOR w B- vahra. if. D Physician ft 8urgou intt 80S. TaL 9376-2379; Be. 77S Kobln D. Day and Donald W. 1C1S Atornvs at Iaw Talanhone 193. 610-6U-8H B. r. Smith), Bew Tor Life Boom SIS. TcJepken 183 EIGHTH FLOOR Dr. 0. Ward Dart, General telephon 816. I v. Eandan, M. D-, Phystelsa A tuf aos atta ilO. Ta&aphOM 66; In. SS4f fir. H. B. SeoHald :8Qf CMropractor, Wcnrocalomctar Barrica - ratTH FTjOOB nJ ti'U Xnwm S-va. Eaz. STaaa A Tkreal Mallat. Svtta SO) r TEXTS TXOOB Dr. W. A. Johnaan. Danttas Tttephaua 1216 , .1001 Caalaar Xaa Oaarga, S. D. Oanaral Dantiatrr X. If. Gtlffln. D. D. S- Ortaodontla ttUphooa 111. Soita 1004-1001 T UNION ROSTER I Hi , o D CARRIERS AND BCILDI50 LA aoroa Local Na. 441. at acta Wad-, p. b. CaU 179 toe mam. MPTT0I. TTPOOBAFHICAli UKIO No. 210 Preaident, G. F. Kraut; aae rctarr, U. D. Pitkanton. HaaU aaa nd Saturday, S:0O p. m. , CARPENTERS' UNION NO. 1065 Merti Tkare. evening. Herbert Halo. President; Wm Pattit, secretary Skilled mechanise furniahed. Phone 179 Salem union label league afeett at Labor Hall on call of pres. dmi. r. W. Seers, secretary Boi 443. Pnlem. Ore. LODGE ROSTER ? o KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEETS AT m MK'oraeck Hall, over Millar's Store l ever; Saturday evening. F, J. Toose C. C: H. R. Burn. K. of &. 6. Tel x iai-w. i I REAL ESTATE I DIRECTORY I BECKE a HENDRICKS 8 N. High. jiTat 169. ' LEE W. BELLI? ' 5f3 Qsok of Commerce Bldg. TeL 484 i ft l aoirRVHTrnT a PAYNE TslepaaDa S77. 147 N. Comntereial. .'.ii p- w- GEI8EK i 44 Court. Telephone 8818. y W. a KRUEGEB - . l47fN. Com'l. Ban. 1. i TeL til. I' . JOHN W. OBBj few oiigs Bldg, TeL 2485. IfltRTBrOIllWOI 492 J. Cotter. m TeL 1186. . TRIANQLB REALTY CO 411 Court 8L - r j TeL 65 L J CLRICH ROBERTS 129 Xt Commercial. , iTeL 1354. ,lSTO& SCHNEIDER,; Realtor. 147 N. Com'L - 4 ! TaL 67T. SQUARE DEAL REALTY n- 8 Nafl Beak Bldg. j TaL 678. The Oregon Statesman PnbJished every morning (axcept Mo. d7 at Baless. tha eamtal mt OranwJ v. ADVERTISING TiiWeT' ADVERTISnrO Theae ee- rnos muss be kept free from anything f ' ooostienable nature. Miareprasaa- jtatioBs.will not bo tolerated. Infer- ,-"ob sBawwg any auestiessble In n, o part ef tha advartiaar Tfw ".Portd to tblt oewapanor ba Salem Ad. club. . Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE T, K. FORD i (Over Lsdd 4 Boah Bank) "r'gon stckck ranees nromtRa !lent spring; feed, and stock in ' I Te Irwin, .7 Local Rates . For Classified ! Advertising Dally ar Baaday Ona tiaa .. S east par ward Taa-aa timaa n ,." S eaata par ward Six timaa , . . S eaata par ward t bm. daily and Saaw.20 eaata par ward la order ta aara taa aaara taaa aaa tin rata, arfvartiaanant sin ran In eenteeut.Ta iaaaaa. Ka Ad Ukaa tor laaa taa a 25a. Ada. raa Sunday ONLY ena.-(ad at eaa-tima rata AdTartlaamaata (axeapt Paraonala and Sitaatioaa Waatad) will ba takan rr Ika talapkeaa if taa advartiaar la aubacribar ta pkoaa. Tha Statcaaaaa will raralTa adar tiumaBU at any tlma of tka day ar aicat. Ta tnanra propar aUaaifina Men Ada. aaaald ba In bafara 7 p. m. TEUCPHONB SS Okt SSS AUCTIOXEKRSf F. N. Woodry Tha Woodry aTarybody, known. Cask paid tar aaad furaitwra. Baa. and atora 1610 N. flunamar St. Talepbona Sll. H F. Woodry & Son RTfbt down town. Caak paid for ltd furaitura. Stora 371 N. Oora'L TaL 76. Aaau far Lang Baacaa. AUTO TOPS aEE US FOB TOP AND PAINT WORK O. Ball An to Top and ram hood. 267 8 Commarcial. 6al6tf BATTERY & ELECTRICIAN 6 . D. BABOON - - EXIDS BATTERIES ganerator work; 202 -etarter and Boatb Higb. TaL" 198 COtTBT BT. FLKENER, ELECTRIC OO. HOUSE wiring by nonr or contract. Ettunataa fnrniibad. TaL 980 471 Court St. BICYCLES A REPARNQ 8 LLOTD E. BAM SD EN COLOMBIA BI eyelaa and rapairrng. 887 Conn. HELP WANTED Mle It WANTED A LIVE NEWSPAPER SUB aeription eaavaaaer. Call Circulation . Manager, Stateaman aifieo. llmlltf CHIROPRACTORS 15 DR. H. B. SCOFIELD. P. & Firat National Bank Bldg. a. ! 806 DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSO CHIROPRACT08 256 N. High. Tel. 82 8-R. or 87 FLORISTS 10 CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Faneral wreath a, daeorationa. 0. F Breitbanpt. floriat. 612 State Tl o. MAGAZINES Farm Papers 17 IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send fire 8 -cent stampa to the Pacific Homeatead, Salem. Oregon for a three moo tha' trial aobaerlption. Mention thia ad POULT R Y M EN SEND EIGHT TWO cent atampa for special three months trial for the best and oldaat Journal in the weat. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to th poultry breeders of tha Northwest NortbwaKt Poultry Journal, 211 B. Com mercial St. Salem. Ore. INSURANCE 18 FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gagee. Treat Deeds, Centraeta an houaoe Win net 6V to 80. BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. Higb St. Jl-tf 'ARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITT LOANS We are loaning Pro dentin! Insurance Company money ea city residence and buainaan propertl at Sk, plus a eommiaaion. Haw kin A Roberta, Ine.. 205 Oregon Building dldtl Insure Tour homo or ear now. Phono' 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg. 189 N. High 81 Jl-tf. WANTED Employment 19 LADY WISHES POSITION IN WIDOW era or motherless home. S279 N Church. 19apr7 GARDEN PLOWING AND DISCING IN the citr: F. N. Hatchings. 2156 N. Liberty. Phone 945 J 19a3 LANDSCAPE WORK CONTRACTED BY U. J. Hubbard. TaL 1008-W. Xapr2- 0R - GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT digging and team work. TaL 7212. 19ml 4tf WASTED POSITION AS COST OR bookkeeper, 2 years university train ing, 2 yaara experiences, reiereneea, age 81, married, in Salem preferred. Box 633, KeMinnville, Oregon. 19a4 awBvawwwwBawwvwaesaaEnawavjaeav FOR RENT Apartment 28 APARTMENTS 1335 STATE ST. 23apr8 FULLY MODERN 3 ROOM FURNT8HED or unfurnished apartment, 245 S. Cot tage. TeL 1009. 23apr3 FURNISHED APT. PRIVATE BATH. 545 Court. TeL 1057. 23apro- FURNISHED 2 ROOM APT. FOR RENT, 23ol Hatel Ave. TeL 1939-W. 23mch27tf FOR RENT Rooma 25 SLEKPIXO PORCH AND DRESSING room with - board. Home privilege. lady preferred. 832 N. Chureli. 25apr3 PLKARANT FRONT ROOM SUITABLE for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Tel. 747-W. S5spr3 FURNISHED ROOM FOB GENTLE man. strictly modem ho ma. Private bath, near aUta house. 1465 Cbemeh ta St, TaL 1894-J. 85fl2tf MINUTE MOVIES .FINCrEM of FEAR.. ' VJWEELAri tr.oDr J? I 'fiS TUE HICK OF TiME " ' kcTiousLy imc irircc& CR-Kp FOR- ,. AUARD THRU THE MysTER 0)S UNDER C5ROVJMD ' PASSAGE 1 ; FOI RENT -Hobmn 25 ROOM FOR RENT 2 BLOCKS NOBTH f peat oflica, Barna nrifilagaa. 384 N. Church. 25apr3 ROOMS WITH ! BOAaU NIWLT nqnippad at taa Alaxaadrta. TaL Mr. K. A. Baanatt. 169, 1020 Obaanakate. - " - , 2mltf FOR. RENT H 27 FOR KENT SUBURBAN HOME; CASH rent; 10-aere wall unprovad, on paved road, eloaa ta Salem. Beaatiful plaed. Baa owaar. 2173 SUta St. 27apr5 FOR RENT 5 -BOOM .BUNGALOW, 2943 Portland Road; daubla garage, 'only 830. 2173 State St. S7apr5 SKVIN-ROOM HOITSK. PRACTICALLY fnrniabed ; lovely lawn, garden plot. Tel. Vr4t!tf. 27a3 LAUNDRIES S3 CAPITAL CITT LADNDRT ; 'Tka Lauadry of Pare Matariala." Talepbona 165. 1264 Bmadway. THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Talepbona 25. 268 S. Hlgb. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Tel. 171. 1356 B 0 treat. 17tf TA1LOKH 4 D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN and woman. 474 Court St. WANTED MlBcetljuieon 85 LEAVING FOR KLAMATH FALLS Tuesday morning. Want party to tha re expentet. S43 Center St. 35apr2 FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP menu. Gieee-Powera Furniture Co. M20tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY ' FOR farm toana. We bare aeraral appliea tiona on band. Hawkins Roberta, Ine. 205 Oregon BMg. SJdldtf MATTRESSES 80 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BT THE Capital City Bedding Co 1190 North , CapitoL Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Tel. 19. fl9tf FOR SALE 87 BOY'S BICYCLE FOR Flake, 273 State. SALE. E. B. 37apr$ BLACK DIRT FOR SALE IN EITHER North or 8onth 8aJem. Reasonable. TaL 72F2. . 87dl2tf ALFALFA. GRAIN HAY, TIMOTHY, barley and wheat; guaranteed .quality. Prompt shipment. Prices upon appli cation. Richard Nyman, Wall Walla, Weahiurto ITntvl VETERINARIAN 89a FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN Jir.ce 92V s. Commercial. TaL 1198. Rea. Tel. 1SA6. m28tf WOOll SAWING 4a LET HAMS SAW YOUR WOOD TRU 2506-J. 4208-'27 WOOD FOR SALE 43 16-INCH OLD FIR. CALL 142. 43apr8 16 INCH OLD FIR. en. Tel. 1736. CHAS. CHRISTEN 43mayl5 THE BEST WOOD IN THE CITY FOR tba money at Tracy a wood yard. Tel. 2318. 4Sj4tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. TaL 78r8. M. D. May field. 43fl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. Talepbona 529. 4SaS0tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wod, 4 dt. and 16-ineb. Large loads are cheaper to buy, . Mill wood Is our specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. FRED E. WELLS . 280 8. Church. Tel. 1542. 43dtf MEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM Tel. 517-W. COUGH REMEDY POULTRY AND EGGS 45 PI-RE FANCRED STRAIN WHITE Let-horn chicks from a selected flock 816 per 100. No chicks f-old from pullet erg& or te& than 24 ounces per doz. Customers report up to 90 ot ejtfcs. in Nov. (iehring Breeding Farm Silverton, Oregon. ), 45apr2 PULLETS AND COCKERELS FOR SALE Rock I and Reds, eight weeks old. By toe dosen or hundred, f lake s Fetiand, Salem. 45apr6 ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE Only one left. A new brooder of 250 chix capacity, well known make, never umiMa viu do eora at aiacouna. Can ba eeen at the Stateaman office. Aak for Mr. Stiffler. 45mlStf FOR SALE HATCHING EGGS. PRIZE winning strain Brown Leghoroa. Han sen White Leghorns; 2-y ear-old bans. Fred F. Peters. Tel. 1849. 4512 BABY CHICKS EVERY MONDAY AND Tuesday 7 leading variation Price reasonable. Salem Click aria. 264 N Cottar. 458 CUSTOM HATCHING, WE CAN PLEASE you. Baby ehieka every Monday and Tuaadav. Tna ureron tjanitai naten ary. 2144 North 6U St., Salem. TeL Z0ZO. apri7 CHICK. CHICK. CHICK I OUR CHICKS live to make your living. Big hatch every Monday. 5 breeds. PETLAND, SALEM. OREGON. . 45fltf BABY CHICKS AND CU8TOM HATCH ing. Expert help, most modern equip ment. Chick for aal. all breed a, every Monday. Settings four days each week. Tel. S2P21. Lee's Hatch ary. 45fl0tf PRODUCE: WE PAT CASH FOR POUL try, eggs, perk, veal and hide. We carry feed and poultry supplies, her nd t 8ilvertou. Wither A Neal Pro due Co. 260 Ferry. TeL 12S. 45f8tf MUSIC STORES 40 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO grapha, sewing machine. sht mie nd piano studies. Repairing pbono grapha end sewing maehia. 439 State street, Salem. , . VNHEN TME, rSS PUN G To HftNl CVd "THE . 1$$? cowe org ,Boys; I THINKV ' 1 -HEAfe' SOUNDS OF A , , STCUGGttE-V e.;Tm T jn "T""..'.T ;-'':l 41 7 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM '.. AgaMyV-f Tba Aee. TaL. 939. . v V4 . THE OREGON STATESMAN 56 CENTS par- naonth ' dailvarad ta -yonr i early aaeb morning. Tel. 23 ar 688. NtTRSERY STOCK 49 ROYAL ANN CHERRY AND traaa. Bt. 7 Box 222. Garden KUT Rwad, Walker'a Nonaria. 49a 12 PAPERHANG1NO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOU8E ' decorating, paparbanging. tinting, ate. : Reliable workman. PAINTING fMiA CIIAS. BENNETT, ; PAINTING OOl. tractor, interior decorating. S41 Miil. 1771 M. n27-U MISCELLANEOUS 81 OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST boosters because when we do yoar welding, 'tie done, not you. Kleetri and acetylene welding, large and small. 0. D. Oppen, 695 Mill St. Tel. 872 and 20ff-J. Slmfftf TOP GRAFTING .... Top grafting of nil kinds by expert grafter. Tel. 1UF21 or Inquire Fruit land Nursery. 5iapr2 BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL- Z. Unas, Toole, Bicycle, etc Star changa, 824 N. Com'L TaL 866. rOR SALEM SCAVANGER CALL 167. 61fl0'28 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE pairing. Giaeo-Power Furniture Store. 51s20tf PACKING AND 8IUPPNG 53 FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and ablpping. call Stiff's Furniture Store. 'Tel. 941. PIANO TUNERS 54 THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER, NOW at tha Portland Musie Co., 865 N. High. Have your piano tuned by one who baa bad yaara of experience in the work. 8a3tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Plan tuner. Leave orders Will's Musie Store. PRINTING 50 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPH- leta, pro grama, books or any kind of firinting. call at tba Statesman Print ng Department. 216 8. Oommereial ing E 3Pel. 588. MONEY TO LOAN 57 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers yon ex pert adviaa and service in all lines. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Ine.) Phone 1427. 205 Oregon Bldg. 67fl0tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on city property. B. S. Msrtin A L. R. Martin, attorneya. 413 Oregon Building. TeL 2084. 57ml0tf FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5. Wod, 341 State 8t. F. L. 57m7tf WANTED LOANS 59 WANTED money to loan Private ESTATE. on REAL W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 184 8. Liberty St. 59026tf PLUMBING Ml FOR GOOD', 8ERVICE. TELEPHONE 2599. . Debe the Plumber. Repair werk. ' Shop 1815 N. 5th St. HIGH GRADE PLUMBING. REPAIR ing reasonable. Cheap or Inferior Jobs not solicited. J. E. Van Lydegran. Tel. 2296-J. 6012 PLUMBING AND REPAIRING REA sonsble Estimates. A. L. Godfrey, 127 Union St. Tel. 495-W. 60fl6tf PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bme., 154 -B. Liberty Tel. 550. 19tf BUS. OPPORTUNITIES fll DRY COOOS AND GROCERIES, In voice 9500. Box 547 ctfre Statesman. Ewy terms. 6lspr8 RADIO G2 RADIOLAS For every nnrpoee, for every purs All stnara sises or rxaaio luoes, HALIK A EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 835 Court St. Tel. 488. REAL ESTATE 63 WAREHOUSE AND WHOLESALE properties Two exceptions! buys in lo cations suitable for : mncn retailing. Present income. Becke A Hendrick. 189 N. High Street. 63apr3 FAIRMOCNT HILL LOTS 8800 ON up. AH sises etc. 50; to choose from Becke A Hendricks, 189 N. Higb street. 63spr3 MODERN SMALL HOME LEASE TO adults $30 month. Vacant today at 1550 South Winter. Electric range, etc. Becke A Hendricks. 189 N. High street. 63spr3 FOR SALE FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. a strictly modern 8-roont home close tn. swell district. 86500. - . A' good 8-room bom farther out, good location $3500. A 50-aere farm, all under plow, fair BuiMinga, faooo or will rent. A new three-room bungalow, close in B1550. We trade too. F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED 841 Stat St. 68mcb23tf WILL EXCHANGE A SPLENDID MOD em home with good income, well lo rated in Salem, for a small well equipped chicken ranch.- Salem Realty Co, 462 State St. 63sprltf SUBURBAN HOME IO-A. DARK LOAM n paved road 2 miles center of town. Near school. 2-a. cherries pears, prunes. 1-a. logans snd rasp berries. Walnuts. 5 -room modern plastered house; full basement, fur nace, bath, water system. Barn, chick "an honxe; garage: horse; wagon; har esn; all equipment. $8500; $4(lO0 - will handle. . Accept Salem borne for - part. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY "HEADQUARTERS FOR FARMS' 421 Court Street. Ground Floor. ..--.-. i 63spr2tf I CQUnT THREE ,U wllLI SHE TONNE L. OTHER HALLUAy. ; HERE 1HE WSFECT ?OFt AND HUS1 MEM SE& AH OPEN T3O0?2 AMD RUSH NEWSPAPERS v--,'s i i tz. i MG THRU' tr.FCSD THEM IN - - ' OS J- .MODERN - 7 RSOOM HOME. LARGE LOT. t 'fruit, good location. Sea owner 1140 . Ji. 15th St.". , 63aprf For 62150. we will sell yu new 4 ; room hungstow; $30O down;- bal ance $20 per month. ' Real bargain in an '84-aer farm all - stocked and equipped at $9tiOO, or v will trade for house in Salem. Sil verton, WoodVurn. or - Portland. Estate farm of 800 xu-res near Portland. Can be bought at a bargain, liood garden land. Call in and aee our new office. We will how you the house you are looking for. 1 -half serf with ,raall house. South Salera. for $1350. 3 -acre u.liirhan home with ii-room hutiK and ssraef for t'-500. See it. 5 -noorii plnllrli house, nnaenu-nt, - ort paved St.! f' S-2-00. .I0 down 4 acres on (;nin ito.td. with fruit trees and herrio. A fine tract at $.tKlO. Term. III.RICH AND ROUKRTS, Realtors. 129 X. Com'l St. Tel. i:"i4. ? 6:iaprfi ACRKAOR SNAP . n acres on paved hignwsy one mile from Salem. Price reduced from $4500 to 82ZOO. Must be sold in s week. SOC01OI'SKY A 8QN First Nat I Bank Bldg.. 63mch27tf APT. HOUSE FURNISHED $3000; $700 down. Apt. house $3230. Apt. house $5600. Apt. house trade for modern bonse and lot. 5 acres close in $3000. 3 acres, large beautiful home, , $6,100. 15 acres trade for house and lot. . 3 ' acres all in fruit trade for small ranch. 11 acres on highway, A-l location, $5000. Corner lot. $3 '00. Business corner, $5500.'- Modern beaatiful new home E. front $5500. Close in hotne snd tot 3950. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE . 492 N. Cottage Street. ; 63mch30tf GRE1TYST TRADfWG ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC CAST We, have over 8000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every, price, every location. We eaa match jour exchange EXACTLY. If yon would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. See GASKILL A EARLE. Realtors. 166 S. Liberty. Tel. 22 t . t 63j31tf $100 dowp, balance monthly. 3-rooin bungalow. Price $1550. $100 down, balance monthly, new 4 room bungalow, furnace, fire place, lanndry trays, hardwood floor, garsge, fsne lot. Price 13150. ' ' $25' cown, bslsnce monthly, new 4 om English type bungalow, basement, furnace,' laundry trays, fireplace, garage, paving paid. Price $3250. $400 down) balance monthly. 6-room new bungalow, modern hard wood floor, garage, etc., $4500.. $300 down, new 5-room modern ban- ' galow, good location. Price $4000. $750 down, balance monthly, new 6 room bungalow, large living; si hardwood Door, fireplace, base ment, pipe furnace. laundry trays, nook, recess bsth tub, shower; garage snd concrete drive, $4650. $1500 to loan. , MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. TeL 637 63m29tf LOOK $600 lot in choice locstion tSOO. A 5-room house in south Salens, on paved street, -modern, $3500. Another one for $450U. Terms on either or both. Numerous other bsrgsins. Including lots, trscta snd ranches. PAYNE with BOHRNSTEDT T47 N. Commercisl St.. Tel 577 or 2063J 63m29tf 8,A GOOD VIEW, CREEK. CLOSE IN, South. 1800. 92-100 sere, close in on psved rosd. 5 -rooms, new snd modern, - electric lights, furnace, fireplace, fruit and ' bearing nuts, a garage, a model home for $5000. GO-a. all in cultivation, spring, well located, $i000. $500 cash and very easy terms on remainder at 6. 69. 11 -a, paved road, 7 room modern . house, elwtrieity, 40 a. in cultivation. mile tn school and' ehurch. fully equipped for dairy.' all stock goes at $17,000. ! WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 175 8. High St. 63mcb26tf BEST BUYS IN HOMES Good 4-room, plastered bouse for $1100; pert caah. ' 4 -room, plastered bungalow, paved street.' Knee fltfoo. Paving extra . $130; $250 cash, balance $20 month 5-room cottage. Bsth and toilet, Wood shed, garage, lots of fruit' and shade trees. Large lot 75x120 ft Paved street and all paid for. $2100; jau casn and aaiance terms. 4-room cottage. Closets and tbath Good plumbing, large front porch, Screened-in back porch. Arte. Paved street. All for $2300; $500 cash, bal ance easy. Best buy in Salem; 8-roonj, plastered house; built ina. good plumntng. large fine lot 75x150 ft. Shade and fruit trees. Owner ont of state and will sacrifice price only $2500. Cash $1000, balance easy. ! Good buy In North Salem. 5-room cottage. Large barn. ' 10 fina Iota all waiting for new houses. Pice for all $5500. 8ee LEO N. CHILDS. Realtor. - 320 State Street. 63mch31tf FOR SALE 2178 STATE ST. 5-room modern bouse except basement: V acre ground; 2 garages. Price only, $2950; $200 down, rest; monthly pay ments, a real nome-iiKe Place. Bar gain; must sell; leaving, for California. See owner. 2173 State tt. 63apr5 FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOME ON paved road, cloie in. 10 acre well im proved. Price $4950 only $400 down. free snd clear. . This is something gooa; must sell, lesving city. See own er. 2173 State St. 63apr. GOOD BUYS AND EXCHANGE? Good warehouse site oa It. K. $1600. Cosy 5 room hou&e and garage, H. maiem, czxuu, sauo down, take ac reage. x me 320-a. farm in Red River valley. xumn., ior vaney isrm. Broom bouse, garsge, fruit. $2750, m.tv aewn. 12-a. on highway, bldgs. fruit! ber ries, stock, tools., crop. $7500.' Ex change. Several good lota, nica location. Money to loan. Fire insurance. -PERRINE A MARSTERS 812 Commercial Club Bldg! 63apr'tf NOT r?EALlZlN(? TMAT MAZEL UNDERSTANDS r?OSE N0UJ GIVES A COWHAND CHiNCffEe do not burr her with 1ht I knife !! " . REAL ESTATE 121 L I H w' ,,;. wjr,, 1 1 utrw t i rrt : i 1 j v&?. r :r . vwk r. -. k i "- ,? : m. ! REAL ESTATE . i oa SEVERAL "-CITY RESIDENCES TO EX cbng for good el in acreage. For resulta SEK US FIRST. TRIANGLE REALTY. 421 Court. 63ucb3ltf WE HAVE MANY BUYERS FOR GOOD small acreage. FOR RESULTS 8KE il'8 FIRST. TRIANGLE REALTY. 421 Court. I 3apr2tf HAVK CUSTOMER FOR A BODY OP timber which will cut about S00O cords of wood. Must b within 12 miios of I Sslem snd priced right. Whst have - 5,U . A. C. BOH RNSTEDT i Realtor Loana Insurance 147 No. ComM St.. Salem. Ore. 1 63mcb3i,tf IJOTS NORTH 8350 to 8"0O THE ; beat and -for' less. Restriction, etc., snd i modern home district clone to all 1 busses snd schools. Term. Becke A Hendricks, 19 N. High street. .:!aprJ REAL BC7S IN REAL HOMES! New T-rwom house in North Salem. 5 rooms fiuisbed and 2 rooms npstaira unfinished. This very close in and a real buy at $5000. Terma. New 4 room house on Fairmount Hill. Only HI blocks from the corner of State abd Commercial. A real home for only $;7.10. Terms. THIS IS A REAL MONEY MAKER! Good 5. room house in growing part of city and eioae te schaol and carline for only $1700. $300 down and bat a nee very easy payments. The rent this place will bring' will mere than pay for the place. Good 5-room house in North Salem on a paved , street. Large corner lot - f ronta east, close , to school. A real buy at $2500. Easy terms. LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS THAT IS SHOWING A GOOD PROFIT f Store in North Salem doing a alee business. This haa a good lease and $237-c. cash includes a clean stock and 4 rrvms for living quarters, i ' f '.or snd equipment in North Salem doing a very good -business and in a vary good location. Building includes 4-nice rooms for living quarter. Thia can be bad for $6500. Terms. See SCHNEIDER 228 Oregon BTdg. TeL 678. 63mI2tf I HAVE MOVED my office te new location, to suit 404-405 Masonic Temple. Tel. 1321. W. A. LI STUN Resl Estste A insurance. 63mch31tf HAVE DESK ROOM OR PRIVATE OF- f ic to rent to on who will share stenographer expens. Address 58 cere Btatsmn. , 68f27tf SPECIAL Eighty-two acres north. 76 cultivated. 4 room stucco home and other out buildings. mile to railroad station. All fenced. Well. Price $8000; $5O0 down. Five acres esst of Sslem on Garden Road, fine, land $lo00: laO down. Eighteen on highway. 6 miles from Salem, $1800; $100 down, balance easy payments. ; Seventeen seres. 16 eultivsted. well, 5-room house, bsrn. 2 ehicken houses. 4 miles- from Ladd A Bush bank. Will trade for city." MELVIN JOHNSON -320 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Tel. 637. 63meh21tf SPECIAL 2 new 5-room modern houses, rood location on paved street. Price $750O will exchange for small, acreage. 16 acres with 4 -room house and sleeping porch..; barn, and garage, fruit and berrie. has small creek on place will trade for 1 or 2 acres efose i Bnick sedan, good as new, will trade for 5-room modern house and pay cash difference. GEO. THOMASON. 320 State St. With Leo N. Childs. 03aprCtf LAFLAR . TRADES Two-story house close in on 'Liberty St. Can easily be msde in 4 Apts. ; nig lot. 13 acres, good bldgs., close to Salem on paved road, for what? 28 acres close to Liberty, all fruit, logans, prunes, walnuts, bldgs good sua modern want large farm. 50 acres near Gervais, new bldgs. -take trade. Good store and stock general tner chsndise; doing good business; trade lor nouse or acreage. 1 ft Good 8-room bouse in small town on bighwsy, renting $17 a month Take good sedan for $1200 equity. Fire insursnce in Old pan-es Plenty of money Nstionsl Surety Co. Bonds. Line Com to losn. LAFLAR Oregon Bldg. TeL 406 546. 63aprltf REAL ESTATE Farms 17 FOR SALE OR TRADE SMALL FARM. goou land, water, timber, pasture, some cherries and strawberries. Owner. 891 .V winter. . 67apr. SMALL FARM 5 ACRES 1 MILE from city limits, . good 5-room house. modern, power water system, plastered cuieiten Mouse. this nome is sur rounded by a beautiful grove. Terms can be arranged. - LANE MORLEY 413 First Nat. Bank Bldg. TeL 757. 67aprltf GIVE ME THAT fclNCr. TRA15HT Discover ONE -TWO OMlr OF HAZEL'S THE. ENTRANCE T5 A NAfefcOU TUMNEL REAL ESTATE TRADES OS "KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO 5 K EXCHANGES 1 6-room house in Salem for small acreage, . Price $2500. 7-roora house in -K. Halem. valued at 45K), for acreage. -room honKe valued at $4000. Wants small property about $3U0 in value. 5-room house and garage in Salem. Want Kinall clear acre age as part payment. "acres clone in. On mail route, city water, electric lights. 1 mile from Salem. o building. Price $:t.ro(. Want Sa'.em prop erty. 20-acre prune ranch cloe in. f-)fr n.J ir.a-.v. .Will tuke Sa lem properly as part pwyinent. K K K K K- K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K f KRITEGFR X. Com'l St. Realtor. Tel. 217. I4m, fi.lspra K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO TAA1DKRMIMT Otr TAXIDERMIST, SHOP K. E. WIO gins. Prop.. 1 145 Norwsy. Near Woodry's Auction Market. Tel. 2261 W. KEAL E8TATE Hubnrtuui 09 XBW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOB . sal an terma lik rent, doubl con struction: fully plumbed,' electric fix tures, Setc. 4 rooms and breakfast nook, gsrsga. etc.. One hslf acre ef - finest gardes land. Price $3100. Carle A brains, 1465 ChaMneketa St. Tel. t94 4 1fl2tf TRANSFER dr HAULING 70 urs unvi othuv lun cmo niirra hold gooiia. Our specialty is pian and furniture moving. Wa also make eonn try trips. We handle the best eol sad wood. Call oa us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service, uirmer Transfer . Co. TaL 930 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinda. Tel. 72 F2. 8ALEM TRANSFER A FUEL CO. Local and Lmg Distance Healing, Storage and FueL 899 8. High. Tel. 529. 70n3,0tf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Tel. 933. Distributing, tor warding and storage our specialty. Get onr rarea WANTED Real Estate 71 WANTED PARTICULARS FROM OWN er with small farm for sale. II. L. Field. 935-Kittilas St.. Wenatchee, Wn 71s3 LISTINGS WANTED We have several calls for small pay ment aown. omes modern and semi modern. . If you sre in need of money see us st once, perhaps we - can help you along. . Uee W. Bell. 503 Bk. of Comm. Tel. 4x4. Fire Insurance. 7lmtf WE ELL D KILLING Ti R. A. WEST. RT. 6. BOX 103-A. TEL. i tors, a miles east on Oarden Road. WATER 74 SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO. Office 804 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cause unless water is abut off TnnF irewtie TRAVEL 70 TRAVEL Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably in bus of the! Parker Stage Lines. ' STAGES LEAVE FOR: Silver ton 7 s. ra., 11a. m., 5 p. m. Mt. Angel -11, a. 5 p. m. Dallas 7 a. m 9 a. m.. 1:25 a. m. , ..Falls City 7 . m., 2:10 p. m, 5:15 p. m. Independence T a. m.. 9 a. m., litis a. m 8:10 p. m 5:15 p. m.. Sunday-only 8:30, p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m.. 11:15 a. m., 3:10, p. m.. 6:15 p. m. Suaday only 7:10 p. m.. 8:30 p. m. McMinnville 8:30 a. ta.. 2:10 p. m 5:15 p. m. New berg 8:30 a. m 2 :10 p. m 5:15 p. m. Tillamook 8:80 a. ra.. 2:10 p. m. Call 222 or 696 for information. d23tf AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKF1 """ r J 77ml2tf USED CARS FOR SALE 79 1 Better VaSues" Ford Coupe Wire wheela. fine finish, almost new, e it quirk. 1926 Buick Six Sedan Excdlent condition, looks like new, fine finish, good tires. Chevrolet Coupe Late model, in excellent condition, good, tires snd finish. . Other Excellent Values SFord Touring cars. 2 Ford Coupes. 2 Ford Sedans. ' Other Excellent Values Hudson Sedan. ' -. Bnick Touring. -. Maxwell Touring. Sound, worthwhile values, each and ' every one an excellent value. - -F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 3IJ5 Nqrth Commercial Street Telephone 12n01 "After we sell, we ,4erve." . - 7!)apr2 Medford - Owen-Oreuon mv mills being doubled' In capacity and will pay a million a year in wages. .: By Ed Wheelan I1L GO FIRST, km- DokT FAIL To . !t I SEE THE L AST 7 : ' EPISODES HERE .SOU HOI J THE LIGHT SO I ) I f"AM ?s.r Ml USED CARS FOR SALE 7! ' PACKARD OLDSMOB1LE Two Of The Best Oak lan.: Sedsn (late model 4 Wheel brakes, bus of extra $7j0 Ford Conp 4 1926 model fully equipped, a bargain at) ...$475 Earl Sedan a lot of transportation for our priee of) $300 Lexington Touring ,Try and beat this for) , .-..U $200" We hva a complete line of good Used ears and r niwk cloture daily if you are interested in a good used car it will pay you to call and look o'ir te-k over. We have good rtmninf SHtoMiobites as low .as $50.. -' - ' - i ' - - Capitol Motors Inc. ' -3.10 No. High St. Tel. 212. ' Biddy Bishop. Al. Roussesu. Two v of yv': ' The BestV PACKARD : OLDSMOniI.E 79sp'r5 Your Spring Car At Winter) Prices Sold Under Studebaker Pledge 19C5 Rollins "', Touring. 4-wheel brakes, balloon tire. Dueo paint 1922 Studebaker i Special Six Cluk Roadster. A-l shape. Windshield wings, many: ether extras. 1925 Hup "4" Touring, balloon tires, ' Dueo psint. 1925 Stsr ,4" Touring. , 4-wheel brakes. i 1923 Maxwell, 2 -pass. Coupe, lots of. . extrss, i i 1924 SludVlisVer I Light Six Touring - New paint, balloon tires, motot overhauled. ! . ' ' 1 1923 Studebaker Big Sis Coupe Sedan ; Dueo paint, motor rebuilt. 1921 Franklin Sedan. Dueo,- valval ground, good . tires. I9-J2 Chalmers 7 pas. Touring. f: 1923 Studebaker Hig,8ix. 7-pssa. . J Marion Auto Company L Studebaker snd Erskin Six Dealers for Salem and Marion County. Ask' for Gibbons. Used Car Depot. L 235 So. Com'L Telephone 862. - ! 79mch2S u Dependable Cars : ? 19 Chevrolet coach .. $575, 19-5 Chevrolet Touring j 8400 1924 Chevrolet RoadMer , $275 1924 Chevrolet rTour ing . ' ,. ... $-'50 1923 Ford Touring $li0 1918 Chevrolet Touring, has every thing on H and has bad the best of care. A wonderful f value. See it only $75' NewtonChevroIet Co. 79mrb31tf MARMON ; CHANDLER MAC-DONALD AUTOJDO. ) Clean Up Sale . Cheap CarsQreatest Bargains Ever Off ere4 . MustMake Room FOR NEW STOCK: FEW LISTED, . MANY TO CHOOSE FROM Willys-Knight Touring. I Gt7 Touring. . ' ' ' Dort Touring. Overland Tourings Overland Sedsn. r De i.ax Overland Sedan. :r ' Franklin Touring.. Be sure, to see these bargains before yoH bu. - All cars in good condition, good rubber, many have new paint. Liberal terms if desired. Trsdes ac cepted, j - - ' Macdonald.Auto Co. Corner Cot tags and Ferry Streets. Telephone 409. MARMON ? . CHANDLER 79mch30tf Always Priced Right No Special Sales We Sell Them For Less 1924 Cupe, good tires $250 - 1925 Coupe with a' positive guar antee . r. $350 1924 Light delivery, reconditioned $185 1928 Touring, exceptionally well . preserved . .. ,,, . $161 1926 Roadster, grey Pyroxylin -.$331 1920 and 1921 Tourings $75 to 10l Truck with good pneumatic tires,' " cab and stake body for $12$ Dodge panel delivery. ' Dodge Turing. Buick Touring, 4 wheel brakea. Hudson Coach. Chevrolet Delivery. ; p ; Vklley Motor Co. Salem, -Oregon. 79meb25 One Fatality Reported to Commission in Week There was one fatality due to Indu.!rfrial acoidents in Oregon dur ing the week ending March 31. ac cording to, a report prepared by the state; industrial accident com mission here yesterday. The Tic Urn was Bert C, Hickman of Port land.,; . Y; ' . j- . - -There were a. total of 08 acci dents reported to the commission. St. Helens Cooperatire Cream ery will spend $3,000 for machine and plant additions. r - , S I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE 'Notice. is hereby siren that the undersigned :was dnly appointed execntor of the last will and estate ot Rachel Jenetta' Matheson. de ceased, by-order of the Connty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Mariorl, on the 24th day of March, 1927, and that all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby requested to present,, their respective claims, with proper vouchers, duly veri fied, to the undersigned executor at the office of John Bayne, 3 41 State street, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice.-;- - : - - Dated this 26th day of March, 1927. FRANK W. CLARK. Executor of the last, will and estate of Rachel Jennetta Mathe soo, deceased. - . JOHN BAYNE. - 4 " Attorney for executor. i n2 8-a2-9-16-23 a a condlti9n.