THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 30, 1927 I m$ mm . .. - a. i ? New first National Bank Building BASEMENT Lture Burning Parlor Experts for Lad) and Gentlemed. - Tsd'a Oru 8tand Ted Irwin. Proprietor SECOSD FLOOR Coffer's photo itrrtM Tat. 708, Ortr ths Spa THIRD rLOOE kf orris Optical Cs -- 301-802-308 Dr. Henry K, Morris, Optometrist ' Teiepnono gay c. r. omtu 8ults 31 Lawyer Tslsphsss 1056 HTLLMA TOE I. COMPAST Retail Offles . -, ,.,, 811-312 Stoker Display - gll-312 Oomnltinf Engineer 310 Executive Rooms -, 309-313 Telephone 87 Tsrd 1855 mnk B. XeUofg, Fuslla Aecoantaat Systems Aanttlng' Income Tax Telephone 1840 . , , Boos 308 Kir.s Wtckoff -308-307 Distributors (or Wllsnirs's "X-on-a-o' Soeolofsky 8a. Tel. 970 804-301 Real Batata, Lonaa, Insurance fourth zxoob Dra. O' Weill 8s Burdetta. dptoeaetrfcrte Fbona 825 : 401-403-403-404-408 Guardian Building tt Loan Association O. Bayford Ely 413 Telephone 757 WUlard H. Witts and Paul T. -Barris Attorney. 410-411-412. Tel. 185 Lane Morley, 413. Tel. 757; Baa. 1915-W Seal Batata Ijoana Insnranca FIFTH FLOOR Dra. Lewis, SekjnldJ Cavanagke02-503 Dratacte SIXTH FLOOR Geo. B Tears, at. D, Physician ft Surgeon Salt 803. TeL 2378-237$; Baa. 775 Sobla D. Cay and Do ma Id W. Miles Attorneys at Law , Tslsphons 183. 610-811-818 B. T. Smith, New Tortt Life wb 613. Telephone 193 Z1QHTH TXOOB Sr. O. Ward Davis, Oensrsi Dentistry ValepboM 816. Boon 801 L N. Sanders. M. D., Physician. 8t Surgeos Bait 610.-. Telephone 666; Boa. 234f Dr. H. B. Soofleld .SOf Chiropractor, VsurocaloiaateT Servlca NISTH FLOOR . K. Brews. "Xts. Ear. Koas ft Throat Specialist. . . .. Salt 901 TEJTTH -TLOOB Df. it 7o&ue6 Ze&Ut Tslsphons 188 J001 Chalmsr Los Oaorra, D. D. S. General Dentistry B. 1C. Griffin. D. D. S., Orthodontia Tstoosone 18L, ? , Salts 1002-1001 UNION ROSTER I ROD CARRIERS "AND BUILDIHO VA borera Local Ko. 441. B&eeta WeL, I p. m. Call 1T9 (or lAPITOIi TTPOORAPHICAL TJHIO No. 210 Preaideat, O. T. Eramt aoe retary, M. D. Pilkeoton. Maeta ee end Satarday, 8:00 p. aa. CARPENTERS CKIOH Jo! 1065 ilet Thar. eTeniaK- Herbert Halo, prenident; Wn, Pettlt, aaeretory Skilled mechanica fnraiihed. Pkoae 179. EAI.EM UXIO.f LABEL LEAOT7X kpn at Labor Hall a call of preai deDt. r. W. 8eere, aec retary Boa 43, Salem. Ore. LODGE ROSTER T KSI0HT8 OF PYTHIAS MEETS AT yeCornaek Hall, oer Miller" a Store, every Saturday evening. , . J. Tooso. C Q. ; H. B. Bnrk, K. mi B. B. TeL 1319-W. O 1 REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BECKS ft HENDRICKS 188 M. High. Tel. 169. LKK W. BELL S03 Beak mt Ooaaaaereo Btdg. TeL 46 BOHRN8TEDT ft PATKB 147 S. CommerriaL TaUpbona 577. P. W. GEI8EB Jil Court. :' Telephone 3611. W. Q. KROEOEB J47 K. Coa )Rm.I. TaL 817. johx w. oaa- Xw Bligk Bldg.;!? l-TaL 1485. GKRTKUOE i. M. PAGE 492 W. Cottare. . ' TaL 1186. TRIAKOLB BXALTT CO 421 Coort St. TaL 651. CLRICH ft ROBERTS J-'J S. Comiaerciel. Tel. 1354 VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. 147 N. Cbi'L TaL 677. SqTJARB DEAL REALTY S. Nat't Bank Bldgv . TaL 670. The Oregon Statesman PaMiehed orery aaoraiag (except Me v at Salem, the capital pi Ormfm. ADVERT 1SINO '-' - E?T ADTERTISntO Theae eol- meat, be kept (roe from earthing -' a quenionable natore. Mierepren tation, will net- bf tolerated. IaJof . nation abwHig any qitioneble .. the pert ( Iha jadtertiaor abonld Ve,rnertd - thiaeWpeper; "r the SaU. Ad, UA. ' ON JiEAt-ESTATl'r fOa Ladd ft Bo.h Bal ' - flUt '.will Barf aca Xt-mlla M6 Woo tf the RooteTelt - hljhw7 mm rreeR to chesto rjr?r, . . Director? AUCTIOXEERS F. N. Wood ry 'The Woodry everybody known. Cneh paid tor need furniture. Boa. and etore 1610 N. Summer St. Telephone 511. 11. F. Woodry & Son Right down town. Cash paid for need furniture. Store 271 N. Ooaa'L TeL 75. Agenta for Lang Rangea. AUTO TOPS BEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK O. .T. Han Auto Top and Paint Shop. . 267 8 Commercial. 51 6tf BATTERY & KLKCTRIC1AN O R. D. BARTON EX1DE BATTERIES " Starter and generator work; 202 South High, TeL 198 COURT ST. f LEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by konr or contract. Eatimetoe foroithed. Tel. 980 471 Court St. BICYCLES A RKPARNO H LLOYD E. RAM8DEN COLUMBIA BI eye lee and repairing. 387 Coort. HELP WANTED 9 HKI.P WANTED LARGEST CHAIN store organisation in the west wants men and women; experience not nec essary. Se Mr. Smith. Thursday eve niDS. March 31, after 6 o'clock, 174 aooth-Lihrty atreet. f gm3 1 HELP WANTED Male 11 WANTED A LIVE NEWSPAPER BL'B acription canvasser. Call Circulation .Manager, Statesman office. llmlltf HELP WANTED Female 13 LEARX BEAUTY CULTURE AT HOME. Complete system, fully guaranteed, $1. particulars free. Bellevue Products Co.. DepU A63, St. Louis, Mo. 13m30 CHIROPRACTORS 15 OR. H. B. SCOn ELD, P. 8. 0.. 806 First National Bank Bldg. OR. O. L. 8COTT. P80 CHIROPRACTOl 258 N. High. Tet 828-R. or 87. FLORISTS 10 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreathe, decorations. C. V Breithnnpt, florist. 518 State Br. MAGAZINES Farm Papers 17 fF YOU WANT TO OET THE BE8T farm paper aeod lira 2 -cent atampa to the Pacific Hosaeetead, Salem, Oregon for a three month' trial subscription Mention this ad POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three men t a a' trial for the beet and oldest Journal in the waat. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 8. Com mereial St., Salem. Ore. INSURANCE 18 POR SALE FIRST AND 8ECOND Mart gagea. Trust Deeds, Con tracts on housee Will net 6 to 80. BECKE ft HENDRICKS Hailig Bidg.. 189 N. High St. Jl-ti FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good faraa security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pr dential Insurance Company money of city residence and bnainosn properrj at 6lfc, Pins a commission. Hnwkint ft Roberta. Inc., 205 Oregon Bnilding d!4d Insure Your home or ear now. Phone 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilig BMg.. 189 N. High St. jl-tf WANTED Employment 10 LAWN MOWING, SPADING, HOEING or ditching. Tel. 189.5. 19aprl GARDEN PLOWING AX1 DISCING IN the city; F. N. Hutchings. 2156 N. Liberty. Phone 94..J 19a3 LANDSCAPE WORK CONTRACTED BY U. J. Hubbard. Tel. 1008-W. 19spr2 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT digging and team work. TaL 72 F3, 19ml4tf FOR RENT Apartment 23 FURNISHED APT. PRIVATE BATH. 545 Coort. Tel. 1057. 23apr5 Ambassador Apartments 550 N. Summer St. . Salem's New, Latest, Largest and .Only Up-to-date Apartments Electric ranges, radio reception, electric refrigeration, electric washing machine. Ue of telephone, overstuffed furniture. Everything for your comfort. 1 room Pullman with Pullman kitchen, dining room, lied room facing the street, $35. 23mch31 FURNISHED 2 -ROOM APT. FOR RENT. 2361 Haiel Ave. Tel. 1939-W. 23mch27tf FOR RENT NICE . UNFURNISHED three-room apartment, private bath, " ground floor, very clo.e in. F. L. Wood. 341 State St. 3meh30 FUR RENT Rooms 25 FURNISHED ROOM . FOR GENTLE man, atrietly modern home. Private bath, near ttata house.-1485 Cherneko U 8L TaL 1894-J 35fl2tf lOOMS WITH BOAAD NEWLY equipped at the Alexandria. Tat Mrs. K. A. Bennett. 1589. 1030 Ckemekftn. 5mlPtf FOR RENT Houses 27 VKINIM HOI'SE. GARAGE AN'D GAR den, 320. Standley ft Foley. Tel. 347. 27aprl MINUTE MOVIES ED WEElAM'S "THRILLER .Flrtfi-ERS of FEAR-. I EPISODE IS iD2EL'S CJOOD LUCK" ......lililb Ml LltO ; . : . ,;,r?(4POOND DEN. - HOMELESS' AND ' " - H "pErvpniEss ,wai; . DECIDES T& US& .'r fSf in Ftftce v)' FOR RENT Houses 27 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, PRACTICALLY furnished; lovely lawn, garden plot. TeL 2415J. ; 27a3 MODERN FOUR - ROOM COTTAGE close. 325 month. 2324 M. 27mch30 HALF OF DUPLEX. 951 N.- WINTER. 27m29tf LAUNDRIES 82 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Lnandry of Pure Materia la." Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway. THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 268 8. High. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUS dry. Tel. 171. 1856 H Street )!7tt TAILORS 84 D. H. MG8HER TllLOR FOR MEN and women. 4i4 Court St WANTED Minoellaneoas 8S FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP menu. Giese-Powera Furniture Oo. ja20ti WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm luana. Wa have aevaral appliea tiona on hand. Hawkins ft Roberta, Inc. 205 Oregon BMg. tjdlatf MATTRESSES 86 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE CapiUl City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. AU work rnarsnteed. Tel. 19. fltf FOR SALE 87 JEWEL RANGE WITH WATER COIL $.20.. 1875 N. Liberty. 37meh31 L CORNER LOT AT WINTER AND E. pavement and aide walks both fctreet. One of the het locations in the city. Tel. 1175-H. 37sprl FURNITURE FOR SALE CHEAP. 567 N. Front. , 37m31 rOR SALE SOME FURNITURE, GOOD as new. Tel. 794. Monday. S7m30 COMPLETE ACETYLENE WELDING outfit for sale or trade. Can he seen at Moore's Music House. ' 37aprl BLACK DIRT FOR SALE IK CITHER North or South Salem. Reasonable. Tel. 72F2. 87fl2tf CERTIFIED BLRBANK SEED POTA toes a per C. Selected seconds per C. Discount on ton tots. M. L. McClofkey, Monroe. Ore. 37aprl ALFALFA. GRAIN HAT. TIMOTHY, barley and wheat ; guaranteed quality. Prompt shipment. Prices upon appli cation. Riehard Nyman, Walla Walla, Washington. 7mev I FOR SALE Live Stock SO 7 YOUNG PIGS. ERNEST SCOTT, JEF ferson. Ore. Rt. 1. 39mch30 VETERINARIAN 8M FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 629 8. Commercial. Tel. 1198. Res. Tel. 1866. m23tf WOOD SAWING 42 LET HAMS SAW YOUR WOOD. TEL. 2508 J. 4208-'27 WOOD FOR SALE 43 GOOD DRY WOOD FOR SALE.- N. 1- B. Transfer. TeL 03. 43m31 16-INCH OLD FIR. TEL. 142. 43ml5tf THE BEST WOOD IN THE CTTY FOR the money at Tracy's wood yard. TeH. 2313. 43j4tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. TeL 72F2. M. D. May field. 43fl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD. PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. Telephone 529. 43a30tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16 inch. Large loads are cheaper to buy. Mill wood ia our apeeialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. FRED E. WELLS 280 8. Church. TeL 1542. . 43d9tf MEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Tel. 617-W. POULTRY AND EGGS 45 HATCHING EGGS WHITE MINORCA 31.50 per 15. $8.50 per 100. Mrs. R. A. West, Garden Road, Rt. 6, Box 103, Salem. - 45mch30 PULLETS AND COCKERELS FOR SALE Rocks and Reds, eight weeks old. By the dozen or hundred. Flake's Petland, Salem. 45aprt ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE Only one left. A new brooder of 250 chiz capacity, well known make, never uncrated will bo aokl at a discount. Can be seen at the Statesman office. Ask for Mr. Stiffler. 4SmlStf FOR SALE HATCHING EGOS. PRIZE winning strain Brown Leghorns. Han sen White Leghorns; 2-yeax-eld bene. Fred F. Peters. Tel. 1349. 45al2 BABY CHICKS EVERY MONDAY AND Tuesday 7 leading varietiea Prices reasonable. Salem Chickeriea, 264 N. Cottage. 45a CUSTOM HATCHING. WE CAN PLEASE you. Baby ehicka Avery Monday and Tuesday. The Oregon Capital Hatch cry. 2144 North 5th St., Salem. TeL 2620. 45nprl7 CHICK, CHICK, CHICK I OUR CHICKS live to make your living. Big hatch everv Monday, 5 breeds. PETLAND, SALEM, OREGON. 45fltf BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH ing. Expert kelp, most modern equip ment. Chicks for aale, ail breeda, avary Monday. Settings four days each weak. TaL 82F2L Lee a Hatch ery; 45fl0tf PRODUCE WE PAY CASH FOR POUL try, eggs, pork, veal and hidea. We carry feed and poultry supplies, kera and at 8Uverton. Withers ft Neal Pro duce Co. 260 Ferry. TeL 125. 45f8tf MUSIC STORES 48 GEO. - C. WILL PIANOS, PHOKO grapha, aewiag machines, sheet music and piano studies. . Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines, 432 State street, Salem. a N "THE CWlNATbUlM ALLEyuAy, INSPECTOR STfcA.GMT SUDDENLY COViZS UFDfsl THE. bod of shifty; ' and notices wa - zel CROSS - MARK. C0 ! HUE MAN'5 DARKS "CD AT - : AN ALL X 3oTTA DO S GoTa LOS AN . nLL; A. Wi it- jj i ij o x., OP0 S OJ THE TRAIN , AM ? UAOV ( a; 4THERE TILL I HEAS jr - - 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency. The Ace. TeL 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN 50 CENTS ' per month delivered to your home early each morning. TaL 23 or 588. NURSERY STOCK 40 ROYAL ANN CnERRY AND NUT trees. Rt. 7. Box 2-2. Garden Road, Walker's Narseries. 49al2 PA PER HANGING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOU8E decorating, paperhanging. tinting, ate, Roliabte workman. - PAINTING 54A CHAB. BENNETT. PAINTING CON traetor. interior decorating. 541 Mill. 1771-M. n27-tf MISCELLANEOUS 51 OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST boosters because when we do your welding, 'tis done, not yon. Electric and acetylene welding, large and small. C. D. Oppen, 695 Mill St. Tel. H72 and 2086-J Slmfltf BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING, JEWEL ry. Guns, Tools. Bicycles, etc Star Exchange, 824 N. Com'l. Tel. 366 POR SALEM SUA VANG ER CALL 167. 61110 '28 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND TtE pairing. Gieae-Powers Furniture Store. 51s20tf PACKING AND SHTPPNG 52 FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff 'a Furniture Store. TeL 941. LOST AND FOUND 53 RED SILK UMBRELLA THURSDAY ON bus. Leather handle. Tel. 646. 53mcli.T0 PIANO TUNERS 54 THOMAS FAY. PTANO TUNER NOW at the Portland Music Co., 355 N. High. Have your piano tuned by one who baa had years of experience ia the work. 8s3tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. PRINTING 50 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPH leta, programs, books or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman Print ing Dewtment, 215 8. Commercial TeL 583. MONEY TO LOAN i 57 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Best terras obtainable. Oiir insurance department offers you ax pert advise and service in all lines. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS (Inc Phone 1427. 205 Oregon Bids;. 67fl0tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDINO AND on city property. B. 8. Msrtin ft L. R. Martin, attorneys, 413 Oregon Building. TeL 2084. 67ml0tf FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5H. F. L. Wrod. 341 Bute St. 57m7tf WANTED LOANS 50 wanted Private money to loan on REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. S9026tf PLUMBING FOR GOOD SERVICE. TELEPHONE 2599. Deba the Plumber. Repair work. Shop 1815 N. 5th St. HIGH GRADE PLUMBING. REPAIR iag reasonable. Cheap or inferior Jobs not solicited. J. E. Van Lydegrsn. TaL 2296-J. 60a J 2 PLUMBING AND REPAIRING REA sotiable Estimates. A. L. Godfrey. 127 Union St. TeL 495 W. 60fl6tf PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grabar Bros., 154 8. Liberty. TeL 550. 19tf RADIO 62 RADIOL A 8 For every purpose, for every parse "All standard sisea ef Radio Tubes. HALTK ft EOFF ELECTRICAL 8HOP. 335 Court St. Tel. 488. REAL ESTATE 88 FOR SALE FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, a strictly modem 8 -room home close in, swell district. $6500. A good 8 -room home farther out, good location $3500. A 50-acre farm, all under plow, fair buildings, $5000 or will rent. A new three-room bungalow, elosa in $1550. We trade too. F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED 341 State St. 63meh23tf LA FLA R BARGAINS Fine 7-room home in Mt, Angel. A jfive-a-away for quick sale. Strictly modern.. , California Homes to trade for Salem houses or farms, 2 acres cloe in. small town. houe modern. A real bargain if sold by April nun. -'- Priv.-ite money to loan. Xo-psympnt loans $10 per month per luuu, -- Bonds Insurance. LAFLAR 406-7 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 516. 63mrh30tf 27 A. IN YAMHILL COUNTY NEAR paving on good road, strong spring and reservoir holding. 6,000 gallons. Some timber. Will take good car as part payment or what have you! Terms. Good 7-r. borne In McMinnville, Jots of fruit. C lot. Will sell or exchange . for small SaTem home. 4-r. home en good lot. What will you offer? . , Good lot 100x280 N Special, $900. BERTHA ZL'EHLKE, 71 X. Capitol. 63mch27tf SNAP 4-room home with lot 100x136 with learing cherry trees loom ted near paved road and bus line. Price 1150; $100 down, balance $20 per month. W. II. GKAHEXHORST ft CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty, St. 63m31 NEWSPAPERS GREfcT SCOTT- UJWAT IS "THE MEANING- OP THIS 7 THE rELLOVU IS STILL UiVC- TU0 ' UN CON SCIOU S - 1 7fr -TKSS7-" VES, X VJiLL -GWfc VOU THE F2lNS To AJ jc . t a 61 C?iVJE HI W, WHEN X SAYTHEVimD, 'siK i iM t Milt 1 ' hAt t . frxu TfW wau urvinvjf j ' ,v... -r aiiu-Tft?S UlrU L)r intl f I rif A ! HALF MOB. ..Jt . S. at . a. aafV . - fd nrvi HIS V fcSTATe.J MO 63 ' FOR SALE. BUILDING LOTS $150 buys a. good lot 5Oxl0O feet lo ta tod in the Kay's Second Addi tion, $10 down and $10 per month. $300 buys a good lot 50x100 feet locat ed near the new linen mill, $10 down aud $10 per month. $500 buys a good lot located on Fair mount Hill, size 50x100 feet, within one block of paved street, f5 down, $10 per month. $500 1)H J s '2 fine building lots, one facing paved street with pave ment paid, located on S. 12th street, near city limits, east front, $10 down, $10 per- month. FOR .BUILDING LOTS. SEE I S, KK AVE A LARGE LIST TO PICK FROM. , V. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 55. 6Jmh:!l SPECIAL 5 nice lots in north Sali-m: a barfs in $1250. 3 lots rlose in south S.!em. $1650. 2 houses in Corvsllis lo exchange for a small tract near .Suit-in. Apartment house close in for small improved acres re. GEO. THOMASON', "-0 Slate St. with LEO N. CIIILDS 63m29tf ACREAGE SNAP 9 acres on paved higbway one mile from Salem Price reduced from f 1500 to $2700. Must le so'd in a week. SOCOLOr'KKY ft SON First Nat l Bank Bldg. 63mch27tf APT. HOUSE FURNISHED $3(iOO; $700 duw n. Apt. house $3250. Apt. house $560O. Ant. house trade for modern house and lot. 5 acres close in $3000. 3 acres, laree beautiful home, $6500. 15 aeres trade for house and lot. 3 acres all in fruit trade for small ranch. 11 acres on highway, A-l location. Corner lot. $2100. Business corner. $5500. Modern beautiful new home E. front $5500. Close in house and lot $3950. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Co'tage Street. 63mch30tf SREVTfT TRADLVG ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If yon would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. See GASKILL ft EARLE, Realtors. 166 S. Liberty. Tel, 2242. 63j21tf $3600 BUYS A new 4 room home with breakfast nook located on paved street, has basement, furnace, fireplace and ga rage, located within one hlo'-k of school, $250 down, balance monthly. I M M EDI ATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. f..'!m:5 1 $100 down! balance monthly, 3-room bungalow. Price $1550. $100 down, balance monthly, new' 4 room bungalow, furnace, fire place, lanndrv trays, hardwood floor, garage, fine lot. Price $3150. :?250 down, balance monthly, new 4 loom English type bungalow. basement. furnace. laundry travs. fireplace, garage, pavin paid. Price $3250. $100 down, balance monthly. 6 room new bungalow, modern hard wixid floor, garage, etc.. $4500.. .300 down, new 5 -room modern bun galow.' good location. I'rico $I0K). $750 down, balance monthly, new ( room bungalow, large living; hardwood floor, fireplace.- base ment, pipe furnace. laundrv tras. nook, rere-ss 1ath tub. shower: gurage and 'concrete drive. $4050. $IS00 to loan. MELVIN .TOHXSOX 320 U. K. Bank Bldg. Tel. H7 U3m29tf LOOK $ti00 lot in choice location; $500. A 5-rnom house in south Salem, on paved street, modern, $3500. Another one for $4500. Terms on either or both. Numerous other bargains, including lots, tracts and ranches. PAYNE with BOHRNSTEDT 17 N. Commercial St., Tel 577 or 20O3J 63m20tf 3-A. GOOD VIEW, CREEK, CLOSE IN. south, $1300. 92-100 acre, close in on paved road, 5 room s, new and modern, electric lights, furnace, fireplace, fruit and bearing nuts, a garage, a model home for $5000. 60-a. all in cultivation, spring, well located. $6000, $500 cash and very easy terms on remainder at 6. 69.11-a.. paved road, 7 room modern house, electricity, 40-a. in cultivation, V mile to school and church, fully equipped for dairy, all stock goes at $17.0OO. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. 175 S. High St. . 63mch26tf REST BUYS IN HOMES $ 850 Two room plastered house and good lot for $850. $1100 Will buy a 4-room house, plas tered and plumbed : good lot. $160t) 5 room house, two lots, close . to car and school. $1750 4-roortl plastered cottage, north Church street; good plumbing, large lot. $2300 5-room plastered house, owner leaving and offers to sacrifice. $2-100 for a 4-room bungalow, modern exp,jt basement, paved street and paid. All are offered with good term. If interested, see LEO N. CHILDS. Realtor 320 State St. 63-m 29 tf "WHY LIVE IN TOWN" TWELVE MINUTES DRIVE from the business center the finest country home around Salem: 5-room bungalow, MODERN IN EVERY DETAIL hard wood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen wired for range, full Uasemeut. furnace, bath, electricity, pressure water. Also barn, modern poultry house, garage: 3 acres fine soil, all planted to cher ries, peaches, apples, pears, prunes, walnuts, strawberries and logans. Fine Jersey cow. 7C white Leghorn hens, all farm tools beside COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHINGS. If vou de sire a VREAL HOME" with plenty of room for ehydreU and where you can get ahead. BE SURE TO SEE THIS. Only $750. COMPLETE. Easy term to right party.. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY "Headquarters for Farms" 421 Court Street , Ground Floor x 63m29tf - WHO 13 NET? I .11 I JS.-T I Ur VUMMI I S3 ' '-VVDHERE'S WAEL : DOVjWTHS. ROAD . aSaW I Is a . " 7A.-. REAL ESTATE i . BBBSSBi 6S FOR SALE GROCERY STORE, CON fectiiinery, restaurant, filling -station. All 'doing good bosineos. See SALEM . REALTY CO. 462 State. We will help yon to buy, sell or exchange. 63mch30tf $ 650 Fine acre tract located southeast j oi ine .icfinie.T mhuwi w-.i-ing apples and rbvrries. $50 flown, balance $1(1 per month. $ 6O0 Block of land 200 feet square located on Hansen Ave., south, $50 down $10 per month. A FINE PLACE TO BUILD A HOME $25ilO Beautiful 'laying five acres lo cated four ini'es out all in bear ing fruit, a wonderful place to build. $25.0 down, balance iontbly at 6 interest. ' $:iOOO 12-ere tract located near main highway. 3 Vi miles south. 5 eres in besrii'g prune orchard, balance plow liind. This prop erty is weil located and priced x'low value. $250 down, balance 20 per month. $1575' Fine five-acre tract on paved road at Swegle school, $25 down balance $10 per month. $1250 Ten-acre of red hill land located onth. $ O0 down, balance $10 per month. All under plow and excellent for fruit or lints. lr' YOU ARE INTERESTED IX REAL ESTATE. SEE US: WE HAVE ALL KINDS FOR SALE. V. H. GRABENHORST & CO. Realtors. 131 S. Liberty St. fi3in.ll REAL BUYS IN REAL HOMESI New 7-room house in North Salem. 5 rooms finished and 2 rooms upstairs unfinished. This very close in and a real buy at $5000. Terms. New 4-room house on Fairmount Hill. Only 8 blocks from the corner of State and Commercial. A real home for only $3750. Terms. THIS IS A REAL MONEY-MAKER! Good 5-room. house in growing part of ivy and close to school and earline for only $1700. $300 down and bal ance very easy payments. The rent this place will bring will more than pay for the place. Good 5 room bouse" in North Salem on a paved street. Large corner lot fronts east, close to school. A real bnv at $2500. Easy terms. LOOKIS0 FOR A BUSINESS THAT IS SHOWING A GOOD PROFIT t Store in North Salem doing a nice business. This has a good lease and $237? rash includes a clean stock and 4 for living quarters. f'.or and equipment in North Salem doing a very good busirress and in a very good location. Building includes 4 nice rooms for living quarters. This can be had for $6500. Terms. See SCHNEIDER 228 Oregon Bldg. TeL 673. 63m2tf GOOD BUYS OR INVESTMENTS 5-A. suburban, new blags. $3500; $500 down, or take residence. . 20-A. suburban, good bldg., fruit, berries, near school, $6000, terms. 7-room home, 2 "fine lots, $3000; $200 down, balance $20, int. monthly. 12 -room Apt. $5500. easy terms. 4 good farms for city property. Large modern bungalow Apt. house, $10,000, take acreage for part. Money to loan. Firs Insurance. PERRINE ft MARSTERS 212 Commercial Club Bldg. 63mch24tf HOMES FOR SALE AT RIGHT PRICES $.:i00 buys a new 4 room bungalow lo cated on paved street, east front near Richmond school, basement, furnaee, fireplace, nook, garage with conerete floor. $250 down balance $40 per month. $1300 buys a 2 room house located at 345 Bush street. $300 down bal ance $20 per month. $1400 buys an attractive large one room house with truit room, wood shed and garage, lot 50x 10O feet with paved street and cement walks. The home is partly furnished; $200 down, balance $20 per month. $2."Hrd 4-room home located on north 17th St. with basement, $500 down, balance terms. $7500 modern 5-rom home well locat ed on t. High street, $250(i down, balance terms. $1500 buys a neat 4 rooan modern home on corner lot located un S. High street. $7500 buys a mortem 5 room home lo cated close in on X. Summer St. terms. ; $5050 buys a modern 5-room home lo cated at 959 N. Winter St. Im mediate possession. $1250 cash. $50 per mouth. $8000 buys a modern home' well locat ed on N. Summer St.. terms. $4O00 buys a modem 7-room home wvll located on Fairmount Hill, complete in every way, reason able terms. $9250 buys a modern 7-room home well located on north Capitol St., a home well worth the money, trms. $050Q buys an attractive 6-room home with corner lot. well located on south Liberty St. This home m'uht be seen to be appreciated. $4000 down will handle. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME. LET US SHOW YOU OUR BARGAINS. W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 515. 6.'lmch30 OX ACCOUNT OF ILL HEALTH OWN er of five-acre improved Hollywood travt has reduced price to $3500. This is a good buy. See or phone A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 No. Commercial St., Salem. Ore. 63mch27tf HAVE DESK ROOM OR PRIVATE OF fice to rent to one who will share stenographer expense. Address 58 care Statesman. 63f27tf SPECIAL Eighty-two acres north, 76 cultivated. 4- room stucco home and other out buildings. mile to railroad station. Ail fenced. Well. Price $8000; $500 down. Five acres east of Salem on Garden Road, fine land $1500; $50 down. Eighteen on highway, 6 miles from Salem, $ 800; $100 down,.ba!ance easy payments. Seventeen acres, 16 cultivated, well. 5- room honso, barn. 2 chicken houses. 4 miles from Ladd & Bush bank. Will trade for citv. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 637. . 63mcb27tf UK A I, ESTATE TRADES 5 16 ACRES IMPROVED South, water, timber, some frnit, buildings in good condition. Want Sa lem property. Owner, 891 N. Winter. Call 50,2-J. 65mch30 V GEORGE , HE MUST BE THE. WSTlC RING fROM SES. HAND OP REAL ESTATE 1 71 . o - . TTT - . 1 T ' P w VS rvlVJ. At that oMsr, . ( throukm THE Fe I'Ur. GCIH' OHJ- P4lHG LEAF5MED. . .VJr ; f : of THE- :Kl . : -V hS' 1 s VVSTEfctiOViS: SHOOTlNJ arrive - '- If IN THE s g rZ REAL ESTATE TRADES 03 O K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K KKKKKKKKXKKKKKKfc-KKKK EXCHANGES! 1 acre and 6-room house close in. East of alera. Want house in Salem. Price $3200. Want rheap lot as first pay ment on good St. lot, near Winter. Price $Itioo. 13Vs-acru tract. 1 miles f run ""Salem. All in fruit. Good buildings. Will take Salem property as part payment. Price $hOO0. Want chimed car for good lot in North Salem. Price $750. Good lot as firs' payment on stucco house located at 1065 X. I2th St. Near i'arri-li Jun ior high r-ool. Price $300. KRUEGEK. Realtor. 147 X. CoJi'l St. lei 217. 65a prl K Sf K K K K V K K K K K K V KK'KKKK KO K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K T A A 1 DERM INT 88 TAXIDERMIST 'SHOP E. E WIG gins. Prop., 1145 Norway. Kea Woodry 'a Auction Market. TeL 2261 W. KKAI, KSTATK Suburban MODERN UP-TO-DATE SUBURBAN home nearing completion. 5 rooms downs and 2 upstairs. '4 acre of ground. Sirall payment down and 4(i per month, this includes interest. This building is being erected by owner with good materia! and good workman ship, at a less price than some of the cheap houses. Special 3. years', fire insurance for the price of 2 years. LANE MORLEY & CO. 413 First Xat'l Bank. Tel. "57. 69mch30tf NEW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOR sale on terms like rent, double con struction, fully plumbed, electric fix tures, etc, 4 rooms and breakfast nook, garage, etc. One half acre of finest garden land. Price 92850. Carle Ab rams, 1465 Chemeketa St. Tel. 1894-J. 6fl2tf 'TRANSFER At HAULING 70 WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specislty is pisno and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. TeL 930. TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. TeL 72F2. SALEM TRANSFER ft FUEL CO. Local and Long Distance Haaling. Storage and FueL 899 S. High. Tel. 529. 70a30tf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. TeL 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WANTED Ral Estate 71 WANTED RANCH SHARE LEASE : poultry, dairy or general stocked and equipped. Experienced, refs exchang ed. Best offers to 821 E. Common wealth are., Fullerton. Calif. 71m31 WANTED PARTICULARS FROM OWN er with small farm for sale. H. L. Field, 935 Kittilas St., Wenstchce, Wn. 71a3 LISTINGS WANTED j Ws have several Calls for small pay ment down, homes modern and semi I modern. If you are in need of money s see us at onre, perhaps we ran help Y, you along. Lee W. Bell. 503 Bk. of Comm. Tel. 484. . Fire Insurance. 71m9tf WELL DRILLING 7'i R. A. WE8T. RT. 6, BOX 103 A. TEL. 1 10F5, 8 miles east on Garden Road. WATER 74 SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO Office 804 South; Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid' In advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cause unless water is ahut off your premises. TRAVEL 78 TRAVEL Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably in buses of the Parker Stage Lines. STAGES LEAVE FOR: Silverton 7 a. m., 11a. m., 5 p. m. Mt. Angel. 11 a. m., 5 p. m. Dallas 7 s. m., 9 a. m., 1:25 a. m. Falls City 7 m, m., 2:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Independence 7 a. m.. 9 a. m., 11:15 a. m.. 3:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m., 8un: day only 8:30 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m., 11:15 a. m., 8:10. p. m., 5:15 p. m. Sunday only 7:10 p. m., 8:30 p. m. McMinnville 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Newberg 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Tillamook 8:30 a. m., !t:10 p. m. Call 222 or 696 for information. d2Uf AUTO4 WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO T7m12ff USED CARS FOR SALE 7 Your Spring Car At Winter Prices Sold Under Studebaker Pledge 19-5 Rollins "4 " Touring. 4-whee) brakes, balloon tires, Dnco paint. 1922 Studcbaker Special Six ClQh Roadster. A-l shape. Windshield wings, many other extras. 1925 Hup 4" Touring, balloon tires, Dnco paint. 1925 Star "4" Touring, 4 wheel brakes. 1923 Maxwell, 2-pass. Coupe, lots ol extras. ltt'-'l Studcbaker Light Six Touring. , New paint, balloon tires, tuotof overhauled. . 1923 Studcbaker Big Six Coupe Sedan, Duco paint, motor rebuilt, 1921 Franklin Sedan. Duro, valves ground, good tires. 1!22 Chalmers 7-pass. Touring. 192-J Studcbaker Big Six. 7-pass. Marion Auto Company Studcbaker and Erskine Six Dealers for Salem and Marion County. Ask for Gibbon. I'wsd Car Depot. 235 So-. Com'l. Telephone 362, 79tnrb2r By Ed Wheelan "THE OME a)H0 STqLB AJAJOLEON PDUErf? "THE MS IDE tfrTHE RIGHT STILL SHOWS SIGNS BEIM3 BOOMED e' THE RAPiD SLIDE . in4 pvri.t ci -en up, Voui -OHMrCSCSW, ;. roLK9 -: .-boNfC'MtSS 'DISCOVERED "HERE"- 3Z A USED CAItS POR SAI 79 AUTOMOBII-ffOR SALE OOOO RUN- -, uing condition, good rnihlier. good lt terv and atarter; prico , 850. 2770 , Brooks ave.- 7l. .112QB. , 7m3l MAUMON M"n ANDLER MAC-UQXALD AUTO CO. Clean Up Sale Cheap CarsGreatest Bargains Ever Offered Must Make Room . FOB NEW STOCK: FEW LISTED, MANY TO CHOOSE FROM Willys Knight Touring. Gray Tonringv - Dort Touring. ' Overland Tourings. Overland Sedan. De Lux Overland Kedan. Franklin Touring. Le m:r to see these bargains befora you buv. All cars in good condition, good robber, insnv hare new v"L Liberal terms if desired. . Trader ac cepted. MacDonald Auto Co. Corner Cottage and Ferry Streets. Telephone 4'ft. MAKVON CHANnLEU - 79mch30tf . Always. Priced Right No Special Sales We Sell Them For Less 1924 Coupe, good tires 8250 1925 Coupe with a powitive guar antee - 8350 1924 Light delivery, reconditioned 8183 1923 Touring, exceptionally well preserved 8185 1928 Roadster, grey Pyrosylin ....$335 1920 sod 4 921 Tourinrs $75 to 8100 Truck with good pneunatic tires, cab and stake body for 8125 Dodge psnel defcvery. Dodge Touring. Buick Touring. 4 wheel brakes. Hudson Coach. Chevrolet Delivery. Valley Motor Co.- SaJein. Oregon. 70iiicb25tt See These First 1925 Chevrolet Touring $400 1925 Chevrolet Touring, lata mod el, lots f extras $450 1923 Dodge Touring $815 1923 Ford Touring, new top. apare tire, spot light . $150 Newton Chevrolet Co. Opp City Hall. 79mch24tf . Better Automobiles Excellent Values Maxwell Touring, beau tiful gfar Duco finish, Buick 0 Touring, splen did condition. Hudson Speedster, looks like nii good tires. Cbevr let Touring, good -mechanically and tires. Jordsn Touring, fine fln- ish, new tires. Overland Sedan, Ista model. '" ' Hudson Sedan, good shape, extra tirea. equipment.- NS'sh louring, apleadid value. I'sise Sedsn. fine me- ebstiiral shape. Willys Knight, roadster. two ton finish . Republic Truck, excellent sbspe. Other Excellent Values Ford Touring Cars with 1087 llcenss, $100 and op. . Ford Conpft, $150. Ford Coupe, $200. Careful buyers will appreciate th neat, clean, orderly display of exchanged automobiles offered by tha F. W. Petty john Co.. under the business policy which has made a host of customers' pleased with their purchass.' F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Cosamerrial Street Telephone 1260 "After Ws Sell Ws Servs" PACKARD OLDS MOBILE Two Of The Best Pscksrd sedsn $1650 Ol'dsmobila coups 550 Oldsmobile touring S50 Oldsmohile sedsn , 400 Chevrolet tourings 8150 to 375 Ford coupes, sedans, tourings, roadsters .... $35 to Other makes, tourings, - rosd sters $50 to Dodge touring - - , , , . 800 800 185 Our stock ehsnges daily and wo have always a good lira of good used cara priced for quick, sals. -If you are looking for good trans portation at low cost it will pay you so look our Stork aver. Wa are open even in and Huudays. Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy Bishop. A! Ronsseaa. 350 K. High Street. Two Of The Best PACKARD OLDSMOBILE - TSmMi' FENCER GETS DAMAGES Ie Mervtvias Aviavrthtl tL'VMl; lu Miiif' ConiplHint Awaits LOS ANGELES. Mar. 29. (AP) A verdict awarding damages of -J600 to Lieutenant Gerard De Merveaux waa, returned by a Jury In superior court here late tonight' In the $25,000 ulte brought by tbe fencing InMtructor against J. Stuart Dlackton, Him director. Tor an alleged horsewhipping received two years ago In Blackton'a home. While thw Jury deliberated on the e,'dei)uty BhorlfLs waited in lu the courtroom for the fencing instructor' for whom a romHaint charging fnhanity wa obtained to. day by'. AV A-'Kidder; counsel for Dlackton : I)e Merveaux feft the" court rorru shortly after iHAuatice of a warrant for his Rfrfi-t 0nU JH not returu : to hear the final ntgumeuts. Judgo Walter Gaiaa Instructed ta slier- Iff's office not to placs tin unSer arrest until a: verdict had be-? reached In the deniage suit.