V - - - WEDNESDAY-MOBJKfeMABCH 30; 1927 EiiglMtdersM Emmt Wai Quintet from icago THE OREGOK.STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON. . : . - - .... . , WnTaDAYjMOBNINMABCH 30; 192T-: J - - ...... 1 . . . .. . . 7f iT i - iISSSe Westerners Show Up Strong at National Meet;, Eugene Plays Today CHICAGO. March 29. (P) Eugene, Ore., high school, will meet the Duval high team of Jacksonville, Fla., tomorrow, at 3 p. m. ip the first round byes of the national interscholastic bas ketball championship tournament. First round. games in the tourn ament today eliminated thirteen of the 43 teams, including two of the four New England representa tives, three of the southern teams and some of the favorites of the middle west. Far-west squads came through, safely with but one exception, Mlnersville, Utah, which wag overwhelmed by the, lone southern victpry today, Vienna, Ga., 53-28. CHICAGO. Mar. 29.-(AP) Minersville, Utah, fighting an up hill: battle lost U Vienna, Georgia, team. 53 to 28, today in the na tional interscholastic basketball tournament here. The Georgians, due to the successful shots of Campbell and Witcher, took an early lead- and. maintained it until the second periodv when the Min ersville boys tied the score, only to. have Witcher break the count in his favor. Hollingshead, Utah guard, went out in' the first- period en person nel fouls. Vienna took a 34 to 20 lead at- the-end of the third- period and thereafter drew steadily away from the western team which played a harder, and rougher game, suffering many penalties. Bothell, Wash... defeated Bur lington, Vt., 20 to 15, victors overcoming-the New Englanders' lead in the first half. Botheil got away to a bad start, losing the first period 5 tr 3, but closed the gap to lead at the half 18 to 9 on the-excellent Bhooting o Morrison, Bailey and Rodgers. Warner of Burlington, starting at forward was shifted to center and immediately sank a pair of goals. Eugene, Oregon, plays Jackson ville, Fla., this afternoon at 2 o'clock. . Pocatello, Idaho's riproaring basketball buccaroos who rode in to town in chaps, sombreros and highly colored silk shirts, grabbed tii victory from the Durham, N. C, Bulls 26. to 24,. after they shot La ta a 20 to 17 lead in the third quarter of the final evening game. The Durham Balls gave the westerners a. tough ride and thrill cd the fans. The heroic squad representing the hamlet of AJpine, Tenn., went down to defeat, 71-9, before one of the most finished fives of the tournament squads, Lincoln, Neb Because of the increased num ber of teams this year, the teams playing their first matches tomor row are regarded as in the second round brackets. Fourteen hours play is on Wednesday's program. O. W. Day,, ttes, tttbea and ac cessories; has the Goodyear tires, the standard, ol the world- Mr. Day can give you more mileage. Corner Com'l and Chemeketa. (i Vrv'm Dmr Store. S.80 N. Com'l. the pioneer store. Everything for everybody; la- the drag supply jh, with standard goods and quality service always. ' () Glenna Coltett to Meet Western Girl in Finals PINEHURST. N..l March 29. AP.) A young golf player from the; mldd'eweet ana a vete. an from the east, will meet on Pinehurst Country club golf cours tomorrow to determine the 1927 championship of. the United States and South Woman's golf tourna ment. They will be Miss Virginia Van Wie of Chicago, a successful but comparatively unknown player and Miss Glenna Collett, Providence, n: I., three tmes North and South c:hampiett'ahd former holder of the national womanjs title.. Playing a fine' brand of golf, Miss Collett defeated Miss Edith Quier of Keadlag, Pa., 3 and 2 in today's seml-flnals,. while Miss barker Jr., of -Belmont, Mass, 5 attd 3.. First "National Bank, the 'bank or friendship and helpfulness In time of need. Interest' paid on time deposits. Open an account a mn mlADT 0OV. ...... .I. - ; i Drive 'round on Good ' TJres; "More pleasure-and less trouble.' The iamons: vib : i Tabes have no superior. Malcolm s Tire Shop, 205 N. ComX H HTKKKT CARS TO GO .' EUGENE, March 29.- CAP.) Annliration wai made today ?by A ti a v Srra tliprn Parri fl k-P HI DiUiy I operate buses on the city street ' here 'Instead or street care, rne company placed buses nj Its' Eugene-Springfield; line, last sttsuaer I BOB" IS A FAITHFUL FRIEND ,s t ? ' ; " .if r "i "Boh," a mongrel ia cross between a collie and an airdale) stood guard all night in the rain over his friend, a white poodle, which had been injured by an auto in New York's busy streets and then shot- to death by a policeman. "Bob" even dragged the dead dog to shelter. The veterinarian pictured here finally coaxed "Bob" away and now has adopted him, giving him the freedom of his dog sanitarium with all its comforts. DRIVES HOif 203 MILES AN HOUR Major Segrave, Englishman, Takes Home Undisputed Speed Title DAYTONA BEACH, Fla., Mar. 29. (AP) England, shorn of its golfing and other titles by invad ing Americans, tonight laid claim to one title about which there could be no doubt the world's automobile speed record. Invading American shores. Ma jor H. O. D. Segrave, intrepid British racing driver, today sent his flaming red "mystery Sun beam" automobile over the sands of the beach at an average of 203.7928 miles an hour in two one-mile speed trials. Malcolm Campbell's 173.22 miles an hour record established in England, and Tommy Milton's American marff of 156.04 were dwarfed by the giant twin twelve cylinder motor car. His fate blistered by wind and bis wrists sore from holding the huge machine on ttie beach, the Englishman's thoughts turned to home. Surrendering his mount to a companion, Major Segrave talked with friends at the Daily News in London by radiophone. He told them of his achievement and an nounced that he would be home soon. He understood his wife and his brother had listened in on the conversation. Satisfied, "now we will pack up and go home," he told compan ions. A hot mid-morning sun beat down on the white sand as Major Segrave joekeyed his machine into position down a lane lined on each side by thousands of person?. In the face of a quartering wind he began the northward trip. For four miles he battled the wind as his mount gathered speed, for the drive over the mile .mesaured course. In 17.94 seconds he had tra versed the mile, an average of 200.688 miles an hour. With the wind to his back, he turned about for the final trial. The timing devices reset, he plunged forward on his roaring re turn. His white, strained face could be seen as, the machine car eened past the Judges stand, caught in the wind and swerved. sweeping down course flags and righted Itself to go on to the fin ish. The whirling wheels had left only a faint trace in the hard nacked sands, but on the records of the American Automobile asso ciation they placed an Indelible mark. The southbound mile was made In 17.39 seconds, an aver age of 207.0155 miles an hour. Malor Segrave came to America to reclaim for England some of the elorv loBf in the realm of' sports and ' made good by carrying out this threat to travel 200 miles or more an hour. LONDON, I March 29. ( AP. ) : 'Such a relief," joyfully exclaimed Mrs. H. O." D. Segrave when she received news of her husband's record-breaking speed test at Day-i tena Beach todayj But she was not reiolciog so much over his breaking the automobile record as Two room" plastered house and woodshed - its: W .v lot 60x110 f TT Uljf tor .the lot onlr at S i, 970O U you act at once ,.,; rjUUCH & ROBERTS, Realtors 4; 122 North? Commercial - - Tt. over the announcement that there would be no more speed trials for the present. "I have been terribly worried," Mrs. Segrave informt-d the Associ ated Press. "I- never have been so frightened as I have been over this thing. I have been in a ter rible state for the past three M'eeks." When- informed that her hus-, band planned to come immediately she cried: "That's good; that's good: I'm so glad." Mrs. Segrave said she had beer unnerved by the death of J. G. Parry-Thomas, English racing driver, who was killed at Pendine, Wales, March 3, while trying to break the etitomoblle speed record. At that time Segrave was en route to the United States for the speed trials just completed. 1 I LATE SPORTS O i ' ' o ATLANTA, Ga., March 29. (AP.) Tiger Flowers, former middleweight champion, tonight knocked out "Soldier" George Jones, New York negro after one minute of fighting in the first round of what was to have been a 15-round bout. Flowers, an At lanta negro, weighed 168 and Jones 180 pounds. LOS ANGELES. March 29. George Godfrey, giant Philadelphia negro, crashing a powerful left to the chin of Tony Fuente, wn from the. Los Angeles Mexican heavy weight by a technical knockout in the second round of their sched uled ten-round semi-final encoun ter here tonight. LOS ANGELES, March 29 Leo Lomski, Aberdeen, Wash., middle weight, received the verdict of Referee Ernie Clark, a decision that met with an unpopular re ception, in hi's ten-round bout here tonight with Joe Anderson of Cov ington, Ky., that featured a double main event boxing card. NKW YORK. March 29. Ruby Goldstein, New York lightweight, knocked out Pete Petrolle of Far go, N. D.. in tne Orst of a nix :xmnd match. The light lasted 4R seconds. The first punch floored Petrolle for nine and two more rights finished him. Each weighed 137 1-4. . PORTLAND, March 29. (AP) Wildcat Carter, Seattle negro featherweight, won a ten round decision over Benny Pelz, Portland in the final bout of the double main event at the armory here to night. Joe, Marcus, Portland light weight, boxed a 'ten round draw with Frankie Britt,. Tacoma, ' in the first bout of the double event. Slate 'surface roofing applied over your old shingles. We have" over 200 jobs in Salem. Nelson Bros., plumbers, sheet metal work, 355 Chemeketa. () All Sizes Films, Kodaks, Bevel ophag Oar-Specialty Prompt Service J. F. TYLER'S DRUG STORK 157 South. Commercial "The Home of Drug Store . - . , . ervice' ; .... . . ; ,tor CarDeeerrea - ' ( ' S E I B E R L I N G S ' ,e America .Fines Ttre. , r ZOSEL'S 100 8. Commercial 471 Fvchknge-4l. lovely . i feu rhan Jjujuitt, strictly uodyruj tor tyty property stock ranch, r HI I OPU Kunz Tames Beavers; Sac ramento and Oakland Win; Rain at Los Angeles SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 29. (AP) Approximately 12,000 per sons saw the San Francisco Seals drub Portland, 5-2, in the opening game of the coast league season here today. The Beavers went into the lead with one tally in the first inning but the Seals piled up two in the next frame and were never headed after that Earl Kunz twirled great ball for the winners, and except for two oc casions, had the Portland outfit tamed; The usual opening day ceremon ies preceded the game with Mayor James Rodph, Jr., pitching the first ball to Chief of Police Dan O'Brien. Score R. H. E. Portland 2 9 2 San Francisco 5 9 0 Kinney and Yelle; Kunz and Agnew. SACRAMENTO, Mar. 29. (AP) Sacramento's Senators opened the coast league baseball season here today before a capa city crowd of 12,000 persons by decisively trouncing the Hollywood Stars. 10 to 1. "Lefty" Vinci, youthful portsid er of the Senators, was just wild enough to be mighty effective. While he walked six men he whif fed three more and kept his eight blows unusually well scattered. Sbellenbach, pinch hitting for McCabe in the ninth with two men out and the call three and two on him, pasted one over the left field wall for a homer and Hollywood's only tally. Score R. H. E. Hollywood l g i Sacramento in 14 1 McCabe and Murphy; Vinci and Severeid. OAKLAND, Mar. 29. (AP) Oakland opened the season in an impressive manner today by de feating the hard hitting Missions. 3-2. Bob Hasty started on the mound for the Oaks and blanked the San Francisco club for seven innings, only to be driven to the showers in the next frame when the visitors scored two runs and three hits. Jimmy Reese, second baseman for the Oaks, turned in a good day at the bat with three out of three. Dick Wade, Missions right fielder, had three hits in four trips to the plate. Two were doubles. Score r. h. E. Missions 2 11 0 Oakland . . .- , 3 g 0 Pillette and Walters, Whitney; Hasty, Delaney, Krause and Baker. LOS ANGELES, Mar. 29. (AP) Rain forced the postponement of the scheduled opening game of the coast league season, bewteen Los Angeles and Seattle here today. The Dixie BaKery leads on high class breads, pies, cookies and fancy baked supplies of every kind. Best by test. Ask old cus tomers. 439 Court St. () M FACES CAMAS PILOT AND PITCHER WELL KNOWN HERE Some faces familiar to Salem Tans will be seen in the Camas batting order at next Sunday's opening game of the Portland city Oil Let your own car tell you about our service by better performance. ' .. Monroe S. Cheek: Complete Automotive Lubrication Court at Capitol rhone 2205 - 4 1 JUiTA '. Insurance of AM Kinds. Heilig; Theater , LbyT-1 1 North, High, j . -, , league here, according to word received from Camas. Jim Burton, who played with the. Senators last year, is manager, of the Camas club, and will work behind the plate, and the starting pitcher will probably be Tom Gressett, who was on the mound for the Cycols in several of the tight games played between that team and the Senators last season.. After several mediocre seasons, Camas has determined to put a fast team in the, field again as it has in the past, and the array of talent lined up was impressive enough to convince the city league officials that Camas would be a contender and drawing card in the league. Pomeroy & Keene. Jewelers, never fail to give yon 100 on the dollar. Watches, clocks, pins, charms. Standard ' high grade stock in all departments. () IS Tentative Tournaments Are Scheduled With Five Col leges This Season Four varsity tennis letternien, including northwest conference singles and double champion Ivan White, and doubles champion Jack Mlnto, are turning out regularly for net practice, and indications point to a successful season on the court. , Bill Walsh, .last year's captain, who was kept out of the northwest conference meet because of an in jured leg. will probably be an im portant factor in this year's play. Kenneth Litchfield, basketball lettermari, is slated for No. 4 player this year unless he boosts his place still higher. Others reporting regularly for. practice are Church, MacGregor, Hageman, Blatchford, Potwin, and Cnrrin. Tentative meets have been sched uled with Linfield college, Oregon Agricultural college. Pacific uni versity. Ueed college, and College of Puget Sound. The Northwest conference meet will be held at Linfield college on the week-end of May 20. Henry O. Miner, 194 S. Com'l. St:, where most people prefer to get their auto parts for all makes of cars. Trade here and make Havings on all auto parts. () Caey' Guaranteed RHEiniATISM REMEDY Money refunded if it does not cure your case NELSON HUNT DRUGGISTS Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7 MASSAGE at your home Telephone 2214 S. H. Logan CQAJING FRIDAY! TO THE OREGON! :.. f j'. 0 m MB REPORT FDBTtNH f(YoOR5AftT$ So Telephone 101 Fugazy, Wins Point to Get Latzo-Dundee Title Fight NEJv YORK. March 29. (AP) -Humbert J. Fugazy today won his first skirmish with Tex Rickard in the renewed competi tion, of the rival promoters for. major outdoor pugilictic attrac tions when the state athletic com mission approved a world's wel terweight title fight between Pete Latzo, champion and Joe Dundee of Baltimore. 'Unexpected withdrawal of op position to the match by Rickard Synopsis of th Animal Sutpment of the HARDWARE MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY f Steven P.int In the St.t. of" W ikov in. oo the 31t dy of December 19iS, made to the Insurance Commmsioner ol the State of OreRon, ptitauant to law: CpUl Amount of capital stock paid up IOM Income Net premiums received ..-108717 diiring the rear 4 1,7. 1,087.17 Interest, dividend and rents received during the jcar '"''' Total income ' 1,773,549.83 JHabarseaienU Net loss paid during tha year including adiust- . ment expend -.-- 031.. 40.44 Commission and aalariea paid during he year. 1oj,bb.o Taxes, license and fee pid during the year 1j,67. Amount of all other ex- p penditures 5.0,901.37 Total expenditures 1,373,610.38 Ax seta Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value). ... Loans on mortgages and collateral, otc Cash in banks and on; hand Prem'.nms la courte of w lectiot. written since September 30, 192J Interest and rents due and accrued 1,181,093.00 60.000.00 65,792.41 111,460.68 lrf.980.54 Total admitted assets . $ U7i0,3'J.63 LlabUlUes Cross claims for losses unpaid Amount of unearned pre iv.iurojs op all outaUnd iug risks - lnie for commission and brokerage All other liabilities 596,080.30 739,079.75 B.458.57 22,008.36 Total liabilities, exclu sive of capital stock of $- $ l,3ta.67.18 Business In Oragpn for the Tear Net premiums received during the jear $ C83.05 IjNses paid during the jear 87.02 Losses incurred during the vear 797.93 HAKDWAKK Mini.Al. ( AfctALTY COM PA NY O. P. Schlofer, President, r". .1. -lacohs. .ef"lirv Statutory resident attorney for servica: Jrisuran.-e C'ommis.sioner. iaieui, oieuit. Kvnopsis of the Annual Statement of THE PREFERRED ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY of New York, in the Stat cf New York, on the 31st day of December. 192G, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital Amount of capital stock paid up $ 3,300,000.00 Income Net premiums received during the year $ Interest, dividends and rents received during the year .- - Income from other sources received during the year 5,120,797.50 466,955.68 8,401.25 Total income Disbursements Net losses paid dnrinfc'the year including adjust ment expenses Dividends paid on capital stock during ti.e year.. . ( ommissionn and salaries paid during the year... Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year . Amount of all other ex penditures 5,596,154.43 2,554.489.86 2,352,000.00 1,799,500.15 213,786.06 88.78J.37 Total expenditures .. 7,008,564.64 Assets Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value).. Loans and mortgages and collatera'. etc. .... Cash in banks and on hand Premiums in course of col lection wtten since September 30, 1926 Interest and rents due and accrued ; Re-insurance recoverable ou paij 1oss.ua 8,002,048.11 2,050,000.00 -"06,269.30 809,891.49 117.213.78 2,720.52 Total admitted .! $ 11 249 343 20 IJrox claims lor loet " unpaid . $ 2.415,463.39 Amount' of -unearned pre miums on all outstand- , -"k 2,548,710.53 Due for roniuiission and brokerage 226.390.48 All other liabilities 470,374.81 Total liabilities, exclu sive of capital stock of S8,.V)0.00O.Ofr , . .9 5 690 945 24 Business In Oregon tit the Year" .ct premiums received . during the yeaV $ 18 272 57 Losses paid during the' T y' 4,795.36 bosses incurred during the year 5 50(1 RO TH:.REPEKRE, ACCIDEKT INSUR ANCE COMPANY ov new York Kimball C. Atwood, President. Wilfrid C. Potter. Secretary, statutory resident attorney for service: witham, Portland. Oregon. Blanks W carry in Block over 115 legal blanks suited to most any business transactions. We mar bave josf the form, you are looking for at a bis saying as compared to made to order forms, 3pme of the forms : Contract of aje, Road Notice, Will forms, Assign ment of Mortgage, Mortgage forms, .Quit Claim, Deeds, Abstract forms, Bill of Sale Building Contract.. Promissory Notes.- Installment Notes, General Leascv Power of Attorney, Prune Bpoks and Pads, Scale Re ceipts, Etc These forms are carefully prepared for the courts and private use,. Price on, fornix ranges from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, and on notd books from 25 to 50 cents. Ilt'li H was followed by a postponement of the contest from May 24 to June 3. It will be held at the Polo ground by Fujgazy fifteen days aft er Rickard's hearyweight eliralna. Uon fight between Jack "Sharkey and Jim Maloney, which also was approved today. A top price of 22 was fixed by the commission for the latter match. Rickard yielded a prior claim on the services of Dundee, who had signed a blanket contract to box three times under the Madison Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the LONDON ANI PROVINCIAL MARIN'E AMI GEXKRAL. INSURANCE CO., LTD.' of London. Knfland. in the State of Or,. elo on the 31t day ot December. 19. . made to the Insurance Commissioner of Capital Amount of capital stock 2QQfi00M paid up ... Jncorae Xet loes paid dur.ng the during the year... v Interest, dividends arid rents received during ne 37 206 08 year " '" Income from other source 24 441 60 received during the year J4-1P" .680.810.33 328,0192.22 J00,399a38 Total income Disbursements Net loss paid duing the year including adjust ment expenses - I Commissions and salaries paid during the year..-. Taxes, license's and fee paid during the year.-.- Ajnoun; of all other ex- 1 penditures Remittance to Home , Office 24,979.40 28,923. 75.000.( ! Total expenditures ... 657,994.40 Assets Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) 9 Cash in banks and on hand - Premiums in course of col lection written since September 30, 1926 Interest and rents due and accrued - Sundry Iteins. Companies Kosk Itecoverable on Paid Loss , 790 111 140 C 69.00 ,101.25 ,134.47 936.56 1,219.02 Total admitted assets.... 1,049,680.30 Liabilities Gross claims' tor lossec unpaid . 84,955.00 Amount of unearned pre miums on all outstand ing risks 4tJ2.634.7fl AH other liabilities 13,500.00 Total liabilities, exclu sive of capital stock of $200,000.00 $ 581,079.78 Business In Oregon for the Tear Net premiums received during the year $ 5,860.16 Losses paid during the year - - 4,906.65 Losses 'in urred during the vear 4,788.65 LONDON & PROVINCIAL MARINK & GENERAL 1NSIRANCE COMPANY. LTD. Frank & DuBoi. 1". 8. Managers. Statutory resident attorney for service: Svnopsis "of tl Annual Statement of the NKW JERSEY FIDELITY AND PLATE GLASS IA'SURAJiCE COMPANY of Newark, in ttie State or New Jersey., on the lt day of December, 1926, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital Amount of capital stock paid up . $ 800,000.00 Income Net premiums received during the year $ 2,620,215.83 Interest, dividends and . rents ceveived during the year 2S1.653.03 Income from other sources received during the year 2,628.63 Total income ,2,850,497.51 Disbursements Net losses paid, during the year including adjust ment expenses $ 1,109.033.27 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year , - 52,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during he year 86G.712.94 Taes. licenses and fees paid during the year. 96,348.27 Amount of all other ex penditures - 76,691.02 Total expenditures $ 2,200,785.50 Assets Value of stocks and bond owned (market value) J 3,148,482.41 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc - l,442.35q.00 Cash in banks and on hand 440.775.42 Premiums in course of col lection wriUcn since September 30, 1926 503,g30.42 Interest and rents duo and accrued 69.132.04 Other assets - 1.000.00 Total admitted assets ...1$ 5.605.576.29 Liabilities Gross- claims for losses unpaid 3 1,390.134.10 Amount of unearned pre miums on all outstand- iag risks ..X. 1,351. 340.D6 Due for commission and brokerage1 142.32S-.03 All other liabilities 40.005.37 Total liabilities, exclu sive of capital stock of $800.00.00; 4 3,423.802.46 Business In Oregon for. the Tear Net premiums received during the year... ....$ 54,584.37 Losses paid during the year ..: 21,571.10 Losses incurred during the year 21,571.10 NEW JERSKY FIDELITY i PLATE GLASS LNSL'RANCB COMPANY Samuel C. Hoagland, President. Warren . !.. Ward, Secretary. . Statutory resident attorney lor service. : that : are PRINTED AND FOR SALE BY ' ' ' "n Statesman Publishiitg Co. LEGAL BLANK HEADQUARTERS 1 V ! At Harness Oifice, Ground Floor , 7?- -t. Square Garden promoter's dirco tion. C. 1. Breithaupt, florist and decorator, 512 State. Phono 38o Flowers, i bulbs, floral desfgns for all occasrtons. Pioneer and leader in- Saiem. Our Ads Business Getter Synopsis of the', Annual Statement of t'.m MILL OWXHRS MUTUAL FIHrJ INSURANCiK COMPANY OF tlOM'A of Des Moines, 5rr the statu of Iowa, on the 31at day of Dexeailjer, 1920. maiin i0 the Insurance ConiaiiKsion.-r of tlic !-t.it of Oregon, pursuant! to law : Ctfltal Amituut of capital stork paid up - N .,!, . - Inciome Net premiums releivcd during the year. ;. . 1 I J j;j Interest, dividends '. unit rents received during the year 1 17.." -c; J Income from other sources received during ulie year . -.i9n.0i; Total income v- 2,031,937.84 Disbarsemtnt.s Net losses paid during t fce year including adjust ment expenses 1$ Pll.ljno Commissions and salaried paid during the year.. . 3 rt h . l r, l 4S Taxes, licenses and fres paid during the year . 41,699.4.1 Amount ot all other ex penditures 54, 202. ( t Total expenditures 1,92.1,221.5 Assets Value of real estate owned (market value) 191,697.90 Value of stocks and. bonds owned (market Value 756,510. Loan on mortgages and collateral, etc i0H,7ti5.67 Cash i bank and ou hand?-- 129,64 1.26 Premiums in course of col lection written since September 30 1926 208.iM5.73 Interest an rents due. and accrued, - - k1,-1h 42 Other assets ... H,9.i.l99 Total admitted assets.... 2,2,7:j8.n Liabilities Gross' claims for losses unpaid 119,436X9 Amount ot unearned pre miums on ell outstand ing riska ' 1,091,814.49 Due for- commisaioa and brokerage 14,.1JU90 All other liabilities.. V 38,oi.o5 Tot ital liabilities, exclv sive of capital stock, of : 1.293,881.53 Business In Oregon for the Year j ie premiums itcbubu during the year,....,.. 14,601.04 Losses paid during the year 2.823.CS Losses incurred during the year - 4,( 49. l MILL OWNERS MUTUAL FIKK IN SURANCE COMPANY OF IOWA IL J. Benson, President. J. T. Sharp. Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for service. . II. II. Martin, Portland, Oregon. Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the HARDWARE DEALERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Stevens Taint, in the State of Wis consin, on the 31st day of December, 1926, made to the Insurance Commission er ot the State of Oregon, pursuant to law : Capital Amount of capital stock paid vp ., None Income kx Xet premiums received V. during the year $ 2,634,718.24 Interest, dividends and f if rente ceveivea unring . the year 92,362.31 Income from other source received during the year 712.54 Total income 2,727,793.0 Disbursements Net losses paid during the year including adjust ment expenses 9 819.820S2 Dividends to policy hold ers 1,059,641.81 Commissions and - salaries paid, during the year,- 269,461.39 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year.... 38,936.17 Amount of all other ex penditures - 139,214.74 Total expenditures S 2,327,074.43 Asset Value, of real estate owned (market value). . 278,829.90 Value of- stocks and bonds owned (market value)., 1,795,325.00 Due from Reinsuring Com panies on paid losses ... 7,903.33 Cash in banks and on hand 197,666.26 Premiums in course of col lection written since September 30, 1926 293.800.10 Interest end rents duo and accrued 22.9.14 OS Total admitted assets 2,596,458.65 Liabilities Gross claims for losses unpaid S 185,052.01 Amount of unearned, pre miums on all outstand ing risks 1,632,480 02 Due for commission and brokerage 9.700.00 All other liabilities 52,342.29 Total liabilities, exclu aive of capital stock of, $ - , $ 1,879.574 S3 Business In Oregon for the Year Net premiums received' during the year $ 28,2 11. ol Losses paid during the year ... 4,343.98 Losses incurred! daring the year 4,360.92 HAROWARK DEALERS MUTUAL I IKE LXSCRANCE COMPANY O. P. Schlsfer, President. . Pi .J. Jacobs, Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for service. . Commissioner of Insurance. : Legal