The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 30, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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3 i
Mis Jane Hillpot Becomes
Rridc on Monday at
Ambassador Apartments
iiuAn exceedingly attractive bride
. the early spring season was Miss
v Jane Hillpot, whose marriage to
Mr. Charles C. Breckenridge of
Boise. Idaho, was solemnized at 6
o'clock Monday evening, March
28. The wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Ray Lucas
I Genevieve Campbell) at The Am
bassador. Itev. Martin Fereshetian
mas the officiating clergyman.
Tho bride was attended, by Mrs.
Mero (Irene Larsen) as brides-
airlj Uri I. lira a wa.a Invelr In
j fu '- - - - - v w . - J ...
a trocK oi asnes ui roses geor
gette, elaborately embroidered.
Mrs. Mero was charming in rose
tan georgette. Both attendants
wore corsages of violets, fressias
and roses. Mr. Harold Mero at
tended the groom as best man.
The bride, who is a beautiful
blonde, chose midnight blue Can
ton crepe for her wedding gown.
Gorgeous embroidery motifs and
rich shirring added to the beauty
ai the costume, which was worn
with a small cerese hat. The bride
carried an elaborate shower bou
quet of bride's roaes,' f reesias, vio
lets and cream sweet peas.
The ceremony took place against
a background of butterfly roses,
daffodils and carnations. ,
At 7 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Lucas
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Brecken
ridge at dinner. Covers were
placed for Mr. and Mrs. Charles
C. Breckenridge (Jane Hilpot),
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mero (Irene
Larsen) and Mr. and' Mrs. Ray
Lucas (Genevieve Campbell). A
lovely bowl of, tulips, roses, and
free.sias centered the table on
which tall yellow tapers glowed.
1 Following the; dinner an Jnfor-
" rial rononttnn ! U'tt h1rf, fS tho
young couple and a group of 30
of their friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Breckenridge are
spending several days in Salem as
the house guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Lucas. Early in April they will
cd to Portland to make their home,
where Mr. Breckenridge is associ
ated Tith the Northwest Electric
Mrs. Breckenridge is the young
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
V. L. Hillpot. Mr. Breckenridge is
the son' of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Breckenridge of Boise.
Mrs. Breckenridge, who has
Vosn an Inttmilto frifTlH Of her
. v au -
VJfrstess through all her girlhood,
t- a graduate oi tne aiem mgu
school with the class of '23.
Mr. Breckenridge, a University
cf Idaho man, is a member of the
Alpha Tan Omega fraternity.
Vetetans of Foreign Wars
L Get-Together at Armory
Singing, music and" a . minstrel
' show will be the main features of
the spring-time social which will
7 be st?g?d by the Veterans ot For
eign Wars tonight, March 30, at
the armory. This affair is staged
primarily as a get-together of Mar
ion post and its auxiliary.
Miss Dorothy Brant will sins,
while as to the music and min
strel, the committee in charge re
fuses to divulge any nams. There
be some of the same "noted
edibles that the post has had here
tofore, and the ladies are bringing
la'Kets that will be auctioned in
the old popular way.
The meeting will be held at the
armory in the veterans room and
v.ill be opened with a brief ad
dress of welcome by one of the
best speakers on the Pacific coast,
h: fact those In charge of the affair
has spared no expense nor effort
in arranging for an enjoyable
In addition to the fun assured
and the lunches to be served it Is
understood that non-members at
tending will not be asked to be
come members at this occasion
It. fact it is expected that that will
American Legion Auxiliary
Sponsors Another
Successful Benefit Affair
Another enjoyable card party in
the series which the American
Legion auxiliary is sponsoring with
such consistent success was an
event of Monday night in McCor
nack hall.
Cyneraria and hydrangeas in
shades of orchid, decorated the
The bridge prize of the evening
went to Mrs. G. W. Shoemaker.
Mrs. Frances Randall won the
prise at five-hundred.
Special entertainment was given
by two boys, Kenneth Allen and
Eddie Burjiside.
The committee for the evening
included Mrs. Kink Bartlett, Mrs.
Norval Jones, Mrs. Guy Young,
Mrs. Frank Jirak and Mrs. Chal-
mer George.
Those playing at the tables were
Mrs. Norval Jones, Mrs. Guy
Yung, Mrs. Frank Jirak, Mrs.
Cbalmer George, Mrs. G. B. Shoe
maker, Mrs. R. C. Stevenin, Mrs.
Lloyd Demarest, Mrs. J. R George,
committee; Mrs. King Bartlett,
Mrs, James Jennings, Mrs. F. M.
Moore, Mrs. Karl Hinges, Mrs. Ed
win Vlesko, Mrs. Richard Meyer,
Mrs. Paul Burris, Mrs. C. L. New
man, Miss Elsie Victor, Mrs. L. A.
Blaisdell, Mrs. Marian Shepard,
Mrs. A, S. Johnson, Mrs. Reed
Rowland, Mrs. S. H. Hinkle, Mrs.
Elmer Orcutt, Mrs. Dorsey Reeves,
Mrs. A. H.' Wilson, Mrs. Duane
Gibson, Mrs. Walter Posel, Mrs.
Earl Burch, Mrs. Phillip Holmes,
Mrs. Earle Dane, Mrs. Carl Arm
strong, Mrs. George Nelson, Mrs.
Earl Paulsen, Jtfra. H. M. Harpole,
Mrs. George Kayser, Mrs. Dona
Poulin. Mrs. Prances Randall, Mrs.
Nona Yoder, Mrs. Lora Christoph
icr, Miss Maybelle Propp, -Mrs.
William Watklns, Mrs. William
Newmyer, Mrs. Clifford Parker
and Mrs. A. J. Cleveland.
"Snow-White and the
Dwarfs" Is Given
Enthusiastic Reception
The Parrish Puppet Players,
youthful amateurs, who are in re
ality members of the 8-A class at
Parrish Junior high school, opened
a three-day engagement yester
day 'afternoon, at 4 o'clock in room
2?,. The performance was greatly
enjoyed by a capacity audience.
Fifty were turned away and inr
vited to return for the same pro--;
j, ram at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Miss Vivian Hargrove, art in
structor at "PaiCrish junior high
school, directed the marvelously
clever project. The boys of 'the
c.'ass fashioned the stage sets, and
the girls, the puppets and their
appropriate costumes.
Each of the five acts was a tiny
gem of histrionic merit.
The stage properties, notably
the cherry-red spool bed, and the
little "finis" dog, were delightful.
Perhaps the most notable role of
all was that?of a piquant and ver
satile "Snow-White," taken by
Elaine McCarroll, who sang softly
and executed her strings with fine
gradations of feeling.
Assisting the leading young dra
matist were Orville Hale, as Red
beard; ?ansy Slavens as Queen;
Mildred Tulley as the mirror;
Wava Wilson as the prince; Sivt
ter Horn as the first dwarf; John
Barker as the second dwarf, and
George Williams as the third dwarf
and Mary Jane Lau as the dog.
MyrtleBark . was in charge of
the advertising; Claude Cross of
the stage feet;, Alberta Causey had
the responsible role of wardrobe
mistress r,'
Others In the cast contributing
to the success of the performance
Small Hats
In Colors for Every Mood and
I Sizes for Every Head
' Hats.' that are .especially striking- in their trig
tailored simplicity J or daringly youthful in the
smart, turn of a brim are interestingly priced in
thfs preEaster selling. Felts, straw and felt com
binations and the popular soft and crushable visca
in all smart new spring shades.
Cocial Calendar
Puppet show, "The i Queen' and
the Dwarfs." Parrish junior high
school, room 23, 4 o'clock. Ad
mission, 5 cents
Musicale. arranged by Beatrice
Shelton. YMCA lobby, 8 o'clock
Royal Neighbors. St. Paul's
parish house, 8 o'clock. Drill work
for officers.
Barbara Frietchie Sewing club.
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, 196 West
Washington, street, 1 o'clock.
East Central circle of First
Methodist church ladies' aid. Mrs.
F. B. Sputhwick, 1079 Marlon
street, hostess.' Box social.
Sweet Briar club. Mrs. James
Imlah, hostess.
Woman's Relief corps silver tea.
Veterans' room at armory, 2 to 4
Veterans of Foreign Wars' pro
gram. Armory.
, Thursday j
Puppet show, "The Queen and
the Dwarfs." Parrish junior highi
school, room 23, 4 o'clock. Ad
mission, 5 cents.
Westway club. Mrs. F. E. Shaf
fer hostess.
United Artisans. McCornack
Kensington club. Mrs. Henry E.
Morris, hostess.
Spanish War Veterans' program,
West Side circle of Jason Lee
Aid society. Mrs. E. F. Collins,
1790 N. Commercial street, hos
tess. Delta Alpha class of First Meth
odist church. Church basement.
Third annual banquet. Program
Chemeketa chapter. Daughters
of the American Revolution.
Woman's Relief corps. McCor
nack hall, 2 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ohmart's
golden wedding celebration, 1 to
'4 o'clock.
Artisans' dance. Derby hall.
Cooking school. Grand theater,
2:30 tto 4:30 o'clock.
were Jean Eastridge, Elizabeth
Lewis, Roberta Mills, Ernest Park.
Norma Wagner and Wilda Fleener.
Mr., and Mrs. G. E. Waters
Are in Santa Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Waters
of Salem, who are spending several
weeks in California, are vacation
ing at the Casa del Rey in Santa
W. R. C. Will Sponsor
Benefit Card Party
The Woman Relief corps will
sponsor a benefit five-hundred
party in the veterans' room in the
armory this afternoon from 2 to
4 o'clock. The public is invited.
Mrs. Shafer Will
Entertain Westway Club
Members of the Westway club
of the Woman's Benefit association
will meet on Thursday afternoon
for a social time at the home of
Mrs. F. E. Shafer, 1366 State
street. All members are asked to
Mr. and Mrs. Hagedorn '
Entertain Carnation Club
Mr. an4 Mrs. W. J. Hagedorn
entertained members of the Car
nation club with an enjoyable eve
ning of five-hundred Saturday eve
ning at their home.
The rooms were lovely with daf
fodils and hyacinths. The same
spring flowers centered the long
dining table at which the guests
were served.' Mrs. Hagedorn was
assisted by her mother, Mrs. C. E.
Miss, Greta Dailey and G. E. Zell
won the prizes of the eyening.
In the group were Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
M. Finney, Mr. and Mrs. G. E.
Zell, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Viesko,
Mr. and Mrs. Lester! Mosher, Mrs.
Earl ChappeL Mrs. Lemuel Hob
son, Mrs.; Ruby PouJade, Miss
Greta "Bailey, Miss Bessie Wood
and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Heritage Banquet Honors
Standard Bearer Girls
of Jason Lee Chwch
The Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society of the Jason. Lee Me
morial Methodist church enter
Uined the Standard Bearer girls
last Friday evening with a ban
quet at 6:30 o'clock. There were
about 2D girls present to partake
ol. the "goodies" the ladies had
prepared for their honor. Mrs.
De Yoe, district president, was
present and gave the address of
the evening. Other numbers on
the program were a piano solo by
Miss Benner; vocal solo, Jewel
Gardner, and two vocal numbers
were given by Mrs. Fortner.
W. R. C. Plans Silver Tea
The Woman's Relief corns will
sponsor a silver tea on Saturday
in McCornack ball in conjunction'
with the regular meeting. Th-3
committee in charge includes Mrs.
Salmon, Mrs. J. N. Robertson. Mrs.
Jennie F. B. Jones and Mrs. Mary
'Mrs. Hoff Spends Spring
vacation in Portland
and Corvallis
Mrs. O. P. Hoff. head resident
at the Alpha Phi Alpha sorority, returned to Salem after spend
ing the Willamette university
spring vacation in Portland and
Corvallis. In Corvallis Mrs. Hoff
attended the state convention of
the Daughters of the American Re
volution as a delegate fron Mult
nomah chapter.
Mrs. Morris Will
Entertain Kensington Club
The Kensington club will meet
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Henry E. Morris, 1059
Center street.
Margaret Jane
Emmons Arrives
Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Emmons
are receiving many congratulations
upon the arrival of a daughter on
March 18 In Portland. The little
girl is the first grandchild of Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Emmons. She
has been given the name of Mar
garet Jane.
Mrs. Bishop Visits
in Portland
Mrs. C. P. Bishop spent the
v-eek-end in Portland at the Roy
and Clarence Bishop homes.
United Artisans Will Meet
A regular meeting of the United
Artisans will. take place tonight in
McCornack hall.
Frocks that will startle on Easter Day
with their chic. All newest fashion
features, including concealed fan
pleatings in the skirt that surprising
ly swing, out as ; you walk in the
Easter fashiorpromenade.
9.75, lOSSi 16, 19 J5, 29J5
Are tailored with slim jackets, broad shoulders, mannish lapels and smooth
hips; clever belts, pleated skirts and, plain in gray, tali or greenish tweeds
arid, smart navy twill. Sizes 14 to 3C.
Cooking School Instructor
Plans Valuable Course
for Salem Women
Mrs. Beth Bailey McCIean f
Hood River plans an exceptionally'
instructive cooking school term in
Salem next week, beginning on
Tuesday and lasting through Fri
day. The sessions will be held at
the Grand theater, from 2:30 to
4:30 o'clock.
Last summer Mrs. Median con
ducted a cooking school of a sim
ilar nature in La Grande. The
project, which was most success
ful, included not only the prepara
tion of the food, but also the set
ting of the table and the scerving
of the various dishes.
Pittsburgh Pirates Chief Has
Simple but Strict Train
ing Rules
Donie Bush, manager of the Pitts
burgh Pirates, has been actively
identified with baseball activity
for 22 years, but he has no ready
made recipe for -turning out pen
nant winners. His sytem is "to
win one game at a time, forget
yesterday, and not worry about to
morrow." He has very definite rules, how
ever, in the handling of a baseball
club. Here is a brief sketch of
his regulations:
No golf on . baseball playing
No liquor drinking.
No later bed time than lip. m.
Bush says his objection to golf
"is not on account of its supposed
interference with batting form."
"I don't know so much about
that, but I do know that a man
cannot be at his best in a ball
same if he has tired himself out
beforehand doing something else"
the manager asserts.
"My training rules are few and
Auto Accessory Bhop
Clean Stock Good Location
See KRUEGER, Realtor
147 N. Com'I. St, Phone 217
Qaick, Reliable Service
1615 Center Street
Phones 333 and 1310-W
Fine Fixtures
Standard Equipment
Spring Fashion's for
H filNS
In the parade of fashion on Easter
Morn Coats from this store will play
a prominent role. -Materials that are
smart are kasha,, flannel, tweed, mix
tures and novelty plaids as well as
eilkJ An exceptional offering - that
is in time for Easter."' -
12.48, 16, 19;75, 24.75.
29.75 '
simple, but will be- strictly en
forced. There will be no liquor
drunk on this team from the be
ginning of training camp to the
end of the season. Each player
will be in bed unless by special
permission when circumstances
"I don't believe in riding play
ers. If a man is built right, he
will give you the; best that is in
him, once you show him what you
want, and give him a little en
couragement. If he is built !
wrong the quicker you get rid of
him the better for you and your
Penny-in-Slot Radio
Introduced in London
LONDON. (AP) Penny in
the slot radio apparatus is to be
introduced here.
There, will be booths In which
individuals yill sit with ear
phones while listening to the wire
less program until they get their
penny's woth. The postmaster
general has sancutloned a private
company undertaking the scheme.
BRISTOL. Eng. An "Auto
mat" petrol pump at a cross roads
near here produces gasoline for
motorists who drop a shilling in
a slot and turn a handle.
Walk-Over style is like
the very air we breathe,
pleasing, refreshing, joy
in its possession.
Our designers are sta
tioned inpractically
every part of the world
and each one sends in
ideas and designs to our
expert style man.
The best thoughts are
carefully selected, work
ed into a shoe that fits,
and a new style is born.
Ever changing in looks
and beauty, never in
quality or comfort.
LOS ANGELES, March 29.
Schuyler D. Orrell 25, cashier of
the local branch of the brokerage
firm of E, F. Hutton &i Co., was
The Heart of Your Bank Account Is Your
Charge Account at Kafoury Bros.
36 inch Brocade Rayon Drapery, soft cheerful rich -colorings
skillf ully interwoven bringing out a highly,
lustrious sheen. d! Q, J:f; Q
Priced a yard. V A TiJ and V?U
Ruffled Curtains of white Marquisette with djainty
blue embroidered dots. Tie back style. dVv ,0'Ct
2 14 yards long4 Special a pair.. O
New Single Window Panels of Silk Marquette," fin
ished with fringe ; 2 yards 5 inches long. yfQ -
Special each ...PX. '
Kisch.flat curtain rods, extended dirV
from 28 to 48 inches, each tC
"Can and Do'
Salem Store Portland Silk Shop-
466 State St. 362 Alder St.
j. c , .w-Ti,. i, . ; , 1
" " ' I .... . 1 '
A piano steeped' in' tradition
yet modern as youth itself
George Steck! A piano known
and used by Liszt and owned by
Wagner. A piano of very old line- -age,
yet so much a part of our present1 .
age that the 'Duo-zArt reproducing
instrumentality itself may be found v
within its case. " - W '
The George Steele is one of the world's three out- . "
standing international pianos, the other two being, .- .
4 Weber and Steinway. With or without the' Duo- -'V :,
Art reproducing equipment, it is a piano of most i
interesting and unusual merit. At $885, without ;
the "Duo-Art, it is the lowest-pricecl. high-grade '
grand' piano on the; market. lx is" also the smallest.' ' '
The $885 model is but 4 feet 6 inches. long. . 1, .
With the Duo-Art, it becomes one of. that su- ' .. '
preme group of pianos with the power to re-create 7 (" - j
the exact playing of foremost ; masters, whether ' ' '
popular or classic,' and to ttuke i Aeariiusic instaiitl "
available. in your home.;, .zP'j '.''-d '' "''ii K
Investigate the' George Steck; with particular '
reference to its suitability to the small living-room;
Buying for many stores-In Oregon. Washing
ton aud California makes our prices lower. ' ''
" Everything in Muic" ' ,
Snerman,!1ay&f Co.
130 South lit rjli ' Street '
ai rested ' here today charged with
embezzling 1244,000. of the com-,
pany's funds over a- period of IS
- ' rt ' "
Try a Classified Want Ad.
Put your home in
keeping witK th'e
Spring like any other
season is exactly what,
you make of it. A'
dreary time, despite
its fair weather, if
you lag along with the
same old clothes and
live with, the same old
A glorious season if
you keep step with' it!
Put your home in
keeping with the cur
rent season. You. can.
" make it breathe spring'
without putting strain
on the household pock
etbook. and Curtain