The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 29, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Miller
Celebrate Silver -Wedding
Anniversary on Saturday
The, silvfer wedding anniversary
of Mr. aad-Mrs;C. G. Miller of
fevAiO State street was celebrated
ner on Saturday evening fn the
banquet room at Minto's restau
rant. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were mar
Tied in Dennlson Texas, on March
27. 1902. For 13 years the Mil
lers )have made their home in Ore
gon.' The table was beautifully dec
orated with many daffodils and
jjnqoils. A lovely wedding cake
a as the piece de resistance of the
Mr. and Mrs. Miller were made
the recipients of many attractive
Out of town guests for the cele
fration were Mrs. C. A. Bartell,
sister of the honor guests, and
Martin Anderson, both of Cottage
Grove. They returned home yes
terday afternoon.
Covers at the anniversary din
ner were placed for Mr, -'and Mrs.
M. P. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Tallman, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Selee,
Dr. and Mrs. D. X. Beechler, Mr.
and Mrs. James Imlah, and L. J.
Miller of Eugene, Mr. and ( Mrs.
I. M. Doughton, Mr and Mrs.
Charles Pratt, Mr. and Mrs
Lou Grote,. ,Mr. and Mrs;
Karry Crawford, Mr. and Mrs.
Byron B., Mrs. C. A- Bar-:
tell. Martin Anderson, Miss Loreta
Miller and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs.
C. G. Miller. i-p s ,
Mrs. Arthur 'J. liahn Will
Assist on Program in
Portland on Saturday
Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn has been
invited to assist on the Interesting
program. "The Silver Ballet,"
which Alta Eastham Travis will
present at the Lincoln high school
in Portland Saturday, April 2.
Mrs. Rahn, who is a charming
and Rifted singer, will give a group
of songs. Prof. Paul Petri, head
or the OAC conservatory of music,
will be at the piano.
Puppet Show Will Be
Presented at Parrish School
A delightful event of 4 o'clock
this afternoon will be the puppet
show, "Snow White and the
Dwarfs," which the pupils of the
8-A class at .Parrish junior high
school wilt stage in the art room,
under the direction of Miss Vivian
Hargrove. The public is invited
i to attend.
! ' Both the puppets and the stage
have been fashioned by the
pupils themselves. The pupils
will also take the speaking parts
md manipulate the strings.
Missionary Society Will
Sponsor Banquet Tonight
The Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society will honor members
of the Standard Bearers with a
"Heritage Banquet" tonight at 6
o'clock in the church parlors. All
ladies of the church and members
of the auxiliary who will prepare
a lunch for two are cordially in
vited. Details in regard to the
lunch can be secured from Mrs.
Findley. A short program will
follow the banquet.
Two Interesting Musicales
Featured in Salem Sunday
Two interesting musicales took
place in Salem on March 27, and
v. hile neither were Beethoven pro
grams, both added their share of
impetus to a rapidly growing mu
sical consciousness in the north
west. It ws a coincidence that
both took place on the 100th an
niversary of the death of Ludwlg
The first was a vesper service at
3:30 o'clock at the First Presby
terian church, by the junior choir
of the First Presbyterian church
in Corvallis, with Byron Arnold
The second, program, which wad
Riven at St. Joseph's church at
"' o'clock in the -evening," was
a concert by the choir of St. Mary's
Cathedral of Portland. Professor
Vv. Goodrich conducted the num
bers, each one of which was ex
tremely beautiful and extremely
In the concert by the Corvallis
young people which, in common
itrrthe program at St. Joseph's
rhurch, was heard by a large audi, the pipe Organ work ot Ron
aM Hall, a 14-year-old pupil of
Mr. Arnold, wag especially astoh-,
ishinf?. John Roland's solo on the
French horn was ' a delight to
those who heard it, oa was the
violin duet by Lncelia Bates and
Howard Halbert; and the trio by
the two violinists and Stella Cairn
nss, pianist. Miss Cornelia
Munsinger presided capably at the
TKan. The fine chorus work of
So young voices came to superb
eiiuiax in Gounod's "Praise Ye the
tt' the Portland group thrilling
iuicb were laien . dj unnon
' Miller. Cuthbert C. Harris, Ben
!- Markee, Mrs. Lee Garriot, Sam
t" 1 Liddle, Mrs. Rose Friedel Cia
fc' lli. s. A. McCartney and Mrs.
nevieve Clancy Dundore.
V'. Sncdccor Registers
t the Roosevelt ,;: y
Mrs. Frank SnedeVor registered
' The Roosevelt hotel in New
Wk city ror the days preceding
t he sailing of her steamer for Eu
Miss Katherine Goidet
Entertains With Dancing
Party at Rodolf Studio
An exceedingly delightful af-
fair which a group of young peo
ple enjoyed Saturday night was
the informal dancing party at
which Miss Katherine Goulet,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Romeo
Gonlet, was hostess at the studio
of Miss Helen Hope Rodolf.
The studio was lovely wlh Ore
gon grape and many baskets of
daffodils and jonquils.
A feature of the evening was the
Hula dance by Clare and Jean
Hurley, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Alton B. Hurley.
In the group were Miss Helen
Hope Rodolf, Miss Velma May, the
Misses Dorothy and Margaret
Goodfellow of Longview, Wash.,
the Misses June and Jewell Fiu
patrick, Miss Margaret Wagner,
Miss Fern Harris, Miss Irene Rit
ner. Miss Grace Elizabeth Holman,
Miss Margaret Heltiel, Miss Doro
thy Moore, Miss Marine Clark,
Miss Gertrude C. Winslow, Ray
Maier, David Eyre, Tom Livesley,
Billy Dyer, Leon Perry, Edwin
Cross, Kimball Page, George Har
ris, G. Samuel Ramp, Homer Gou
let, Charles Kay Bishop, Frank
Cross and Loren Kitchen.
Eighty Members of Mrs.
Park's Class Meet for
One O'clock Luncheon
The First Presbyterian church
was the scene of an enjoyable 1
o'clock luncheon when 80 ladies
who are members, or friends, of
Mrs. C. A. Park's Berean class met
for a-social time one day last
week, - !
The church parlors were beau
tifully decorated with daffodils.
The affair was particularly plan
ned as a get- acquainted afternoon.
Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby is the
president of the class.
The committee in charge in
cluded Mrs. E. G. David, Mrs. Oli
ver, Mrs. Reeder, Mrs. MacKen
zie and Mrs. Mulkey.
Miss Thelma Young Is
Guest at The Mallory
Miss Thelma Young returned
home last night from Portland
where she spent the week-end as
the guest of her aunt. Miss Gene
Belle, at The Mallory.
Miss Levy Attends
Dance Program
Miss Rita Emrich of Portland
included Miss Elizabeth Levy of
Salem among her guests last night
for the dance recital by Rosario
Maro (Jocelyn Burke Newman).
Miss Ross Attends
"The Arabian"
Miss Luclle Ross was a guest
in Portland several days last week.
On Friday night she attended the
drama, "The Arabian," featuring
Walker Whiteside.
Guests From Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Darby of
Portland spent the week-end in
Salem as the house guests of Mrs.
Bertha Junk Darby and of Mrs.
D. P.- Junk. Mr. Darby was a
guest at the J. C. club banquet on
Saturday night.
Royal Neighbors Will Meet
The Royal 'Neighbors of Ameri?
ca will meet Wednesday evening
at 8 o'clock at St. Paul's -parish
house. All officers are asked to
be present for drill work.
Woman's Relief Corps
The regular meeting of the
Woman's Relief corps will be an
ejent of 2 o'clock Saturday af
ternoon, Apfil 2, in McCornack
East Central Circle
Plans Box Social
The East Central circle of the
First Methodist church ladies' aid
society will sponsor a box social
at the. home of the president, Mrs.
F. B. Southwick, at 1079 Marion
street, on Wednesday evening. The
men are Invited to attend the so
cial. An enjoyable program will
be given.
One of the Finest Cough
syrups made
Gives Immediate Relief
From' Coughing and
Throat Irritation
Sold Only At
Pcnslar Store
Phone ISf
135 N Commercial St
The Original Yellow Front
CdclaT Calexuljur
Program, boys' training school.
Auspices of institutions depart-"
meht of Salem Woman's clubl
A "Heritage Banquet" for the
Standard Bearer girls of First
Methodist church. Auspices of
WFMS. Church parlors, 6 o'clock
Puppet show, "The Queen -and
the DWarfs." Parrish junior high
school, room 23. 4 o'clock. Ad
mission, 6 cents.
Puppet show; "The Queen and
the Dwarfs." Parrish junior high
scnool, room 23, 4 o clock. Ad
mission, 5 cents.
Muslcale, arranged by Beatrice
SLelton. YMCA lobby, 8 o'clock.
Royal Neighbors. St. Paul's
parish house, 8 o'clock. Drill work
for officers.
'Barbara Frietchie Sewing club.
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, 196 West
Washington street, 1 o'clock.
East Central circle of First
Methodist church ladies aid. Mrs.
F. B, Southwick, 1079 Marion
street, hostess. Box social.'
Sweet Briar club. Mrs. James
Imlah, hostess.
Puppet show, "The Queen and
the Dwarfs." Parrish junior high
school, room 23, 4 o'clock. Ad
mission, 5 cents.
Spanish War Veterans' program,
West Side circle of Jason Lee
Aid society. Mrs. E. F. Collins,
1790 N. Commercial street, hos
tess. Delta Alpha class of First Meth
odist church. Church basement.
Third annual banquet. Program
Chemeketa chapter. Daughters
of the American Revolution.
Woman's "Relief corps. ' McCor
nack hall, 2 o'clock.
Cooking School Will Open
April 5-8 at Grand Theater
Salem women will be interested
in a treat which has been arranged
for them by the Oregon Statesman
in cooperation with the extension
service of Oregon Agricultural col
lege, cooking school at the
Giand theater, April 5-8.
The cooking instructor will be
Mrs. Beth Bailey McLean of Hood
River, formerly associate profes-.
sor of home economics at the Iowa
State college.
Mrs. Collins Will Enteertain
West Side Circle
Mrs. E. F. Collins will entertain
members of the West Side circle
of the Jason Lee Methodist church
on Friday at her home, 1790 North
Commercial street.
Each member is asked to come
prepared to take informal part
in the program. A business ses
sion will be held at 2 o'clock.
Barbara Frietchie -Sewing
Members of the Barbara Frietch
ie Sewing club will meet at the
home of Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, 196
West Washington street, at 1
o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
Each member is asked to bring
needle, scissors and thimble.
Aprons will be the order of the
Sweet Briar Club
Mrs. James Imlah will entertain
members of the Sweet Briar club
on Wednesday aiternoon.
Beta Alpha Class Will
Sponsor Third Annual
Banquet on Friday
The Delta Alpha class of the
First Methodist church will give
their third annual banquet in the
basement of the church on Fri
day evening, April 1. Among the
invited guests are the relatives or
friends of members of the class,
three of whom are Miss Naomi
Phelps, Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelp
and Mrs. Carrie Chase.
The class will be favored by
hearing Miss Naomi Phelps ren
der a ''solo number, accompanied
by Mrs. Ethel Phelps. Both are
Enduring Style
and Beauty
Your rings will be the only
lasting mementos of your
marriage day. They must
endure long after bridal
flowers have faded and wed
ding apparel is gone and for
gotten. I f both rings are Traub
Genuine Orange Blossom,
you will frnri their style, their
beauty, n source of lifelong
pride. Only Genuine Orange
Blossom rings bear the trttJ?
mark of Traub guarantee
ing value in whatever style
you may select.
Hartman Bros.
Bqaare Deal Jewelers'
Corner State and
Liberty i -
7 i
Onm& Slossoml K
well known. In musical circles ot
the city, as well as other cities in
the state. Mi8 Phelps has been
a student of Caruso-, and Mrs
Pheipa Is a teacher of music in
Salem. Mrs. Carrie Chase, who Is
an excellent reader, 'will give a
selected reading and will appear
with Mrs. Phelps and Naomi in a
number entitled "Honfe, Sweet
Other features on the program
are short talks by Rev. F. C. Tay
lor, pastor, Dr. D. Leach, dis
trict superintendent, HF. Shanks,
superintendent of the Sunday
school, D. H. Mosher, superinten
dent of the young people's depart
ment of the Sunday school, and a
solo by Mrs. G. E. Lewis.
Toastmistress for the evening
will be Mrs. C. C. Clark, teacher
of the class. '
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Return From California
Mr. and Mrs. Linn Smith are
home from a ten-day trip to Cali
fornia. The Smiths divided their
time between Oakland and San
Mrs. Fargo Has
Story Published
The April number of the Peo
ple's Home Journal contains a
short story, "Cougar Kittens," by
Mrs. Wm. Fordyce Fargo (Ruth
H. T. Love, the jeweler, 33C
State St. High quality jewelry,
silverware and diamonds. Ttie
gold standard of Values. Once a
buyer always a customer. ()
Los Angeles Youth Fined
$100; Allowed to Go Home
Bad company In Sale"m was too
much for John Hamilton, 19 year
old Los Angeles youth, who was
arrested Sunday by city officer
and charged with operating a mo
tor vehicle while intoxicated.
Acting In the emergency, Re
corder Mark Poulson gave the lad
a special hearing Sunday after
noon and fined him $100, allow
ing him to leave at once for his
home city.
Hamilton told the court that
Salem friends and their liquor
were too powerful. He produced
$50 cash and gave the balance in
collateral in payment of the fine.
Everything In the book store
line, books, stationery, supplies
for the home, office or school
room, at the Commercial Book
Store, 163 N. Com'l. ()
Southwest Washington
Reports Earth Shocks
ILWACO, Wash., March 28.
(AP.) Two earth shocks, the
second greater than the first, were
felt at midnight last night on the
peninsula which forms the south
western tip of the state of Wash
ington. Windows were rattled
here and houses shook violently
enough to awaken their occupants
from sound sleep. The disturb
ance lasted 10 seconds.
Reports said the1 shocks were
felt as far north as South Bend
and Raymond.
This morning the beach was
strewn with great piles of kelp,
other sea plants and debris from
the ocean. '
Cobbs & Mitchell Co., lumber
and building materials for every
purpose. Get estim&tes, look at
quality of material, then you will
order. 349 S. 12th St. ()
Just arrived a shipment of unfinished
breakfast sets. Many dainty designs.
Just the thing to put in the new home
and have enameled to4riatcK the interior
of your breakfast room'. .
5 Piece Unfinishecffelreakf ast Seti
$8.50 and up
' 340-Cb5Vf4Si;.--...j'
Superintendent Hug Serves
as President of One Edu
cational Group
Superintendent George W. Hug
of the Salem public schools will
leave early next week for Spo
kane where he will attend the an
nual meetings of the Inland Em
pire Educational association and
the Northwest Association of sec
ondary and higher schools which
will be held April 7, 8 and 9.
Superintendent Hug is president
of the latter association which has
to do with accrediting of high
schools and colleges in the north
west. Forty high schools and five
collegers in Oregon OAC. Uni
versity of Oregon, Willamette uni
versity, Reed college and Mon
mouth state normal are recog
nized by this association as up
to standard requirements.
Location and construction of
buildings, laboratory and library
facilities, methods of checking on
attendance and scholarship, effici
ency of instruction, number of in
structors employed, and academic
preparation of the instructors are
some of the things considered in
determining a school's eligibility
for recognition.
This will be Superintendent
King's 12th year of attendance
at these meetings. Others who will
attend from Salem are U. S. Dod
son, principal of the Park school;
State Superintendent Howard, and
the Misses Simpson and Thompson
of the Marion county child health
The newest creations In Spring
Hats at the Vanity Hat Shoppe.
Each hat possesses a charm all Its
own. Beautiful designs and eol-
389 Court St. ()
Slate surface roofing applied
over your old shingles. We have
over 200 jobs in Salem. Nelson
Bros., plumbers, sheet metal
work, 355 Chemeketa. ()
Blanche Tilley Granted
Divorce From Husband
Blanche L. Tilley of Salem has
been granted the decree asked in
her divorce suit against Robert W.
Tilley, serving time in McNeil's
Island federal penitentiary.
Married in Casper, Wyoming, in
1925, Tilley was later convicted of
a felony ami given an 18 months
sentence. Since that time his wife
has lived in Salem, and supported
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
From 7:30 to 10:30 P. M.
Ladies Admitted Free
Gentlemen 10c
Casey's Guaranteed
Money refunded If It does not
cure your case
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. ?
herself and baby daughter doing
office work.
No property rights were in con
sideration and the plaintiff was
awarded the legal custody of her
daughter, a matter of mere form
ality. Much interest has been
raised in the case here, as the
plaintiff is exceptionally well
thought of In the state offices.
Pomeroy & Keene, Jewelers,
never fail to give you 100 on
the dollar. Watches, clocks, pins,
charms. Standard high grade
stock In all departments. ()
Washington Representative
Favors Gradual Reduc
tion of Quotas
NEW YORK, Mar. 28. (P)
A prediction that immigration
into the United States will be abol
ished within 25 years was voiced
today " by Representative Albert
Johnson, of the state of Washing
ton, chairman of the house immi
gration committee and author of
the two per cent quota law.
"Each congress." he said, "is
tiimming down the number of im
migrants entering the United
States because of a natural demand
for more and more restriction." He
said the process is bound to go on,
despite all opposition.
"This movement is general," he
: " " r:
mm I
Good MoriiSog S
EH . ( ' . . f
I J3) - II
1 ADoii WMH Taei! j
If Tona Spemid Hit
f i.
said, "from the Atlantic to the
Pacific, from the Canadian border
to Mexico. New York and the Pa
cific coast states are not the only
sections of the country to discover
the disadvantage of getting mixed
up with problems Imported from
Europe and Asia."
The next rational steps in the
progress of restriction, he believed
would be cutting the 2 per cent
quota 10 per cent each year for
five years, until it is half the pre
sent scale; restriction of those
coming from Canada and Mexico,
and the refusal to admit heads of
families unless their wives and
children can be provided for in the
quota of the same year.
Within the next ten years the
congressman said he expected to
see New York City with a popula
tion of 8,000,000. "It already has
2,000,000 people too many for
comfortable living," he said.
LONDON, Mar. 28. (AP) A
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Honrs from p. m.
a r rJ m I
mm m mm xs. m
km I.
Salem's Leading Department Store
?".w ', . I v
Renter Dispatch from Tokyo says
that 136 miners are known to have
perished in a coal mine fire. Sixty
bodies were recovered. K The local-
ity of the mine was: not stated In
the dispatch. :' -k Xl
First National Bank, the bank
of friendship and helpfulness in
time of need. Interest, paid; on
time deposits. Open an account
and watch your money grow. (),-
Auto Accessory Shop
Clean Stock Good Location'
See KRUEGER, Realtor
147 N. Com'L St. Phone 17
Quick, Reliable Set-rice
1615 Center Street
Phones 353 and 1310-W
Fine Fixtures
Standard Equipment '
1 -
$ I
- - a
i I
- I
I j
f 1
f-l 1 i
' i i
; 5 3
I'- ':
t 3
1 J.
i J