The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 29, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    Induotrico-on-tlior Land Aro Salem's 3hicf Support Hence the Importance of the;TeaGhrng:Qf.:grreu!turo
The Oregon-Delegation. Is Pushing With All Possible Speed the Increase of the Tariff Duty bri Chdrricc
change in temperature; 'mnderatenorihW-
1 winds;; frost in the nmrntng sjW "the
ast portions. Maximum temperature1 yes
terday 63; minimum, 35'; river .4 3.8;. .no
rainfall; atmosphere, clear; wind, north'
Over la Spain they are. planning to, put
armor on the horsey used in bull fights.
In order to make it a square deal why not ;
put some armor on the bull, too?"
' K - y ; . j ... -.. . -
... . - . .... n ' ; - '
Many Clubs and Organiza
tions Said to HaVe Adopted
Some RusincHS Houses Claim Con
siderable of Information Xot
Xecewsary for Tax Assess
ors to Have
Many business concerns in var
ious sections of the state are urp
in the state tax commission to
further .simplify the questionnaire
which is being sent out by the
various county assessors. Th'f
system was made possible through
t lie enactment of a law at the
n-cent session of. the legislature.
It lias been indicated that the ta
commission is considering the re
quests and may take action in a
IV w days in regard to this mat
ter. Resolutions Adopted
Reports emanating from the of
fin s of the state tax commission -?r
indicated that a large number of
commercial clubs, chambers of
commerce and other organizations
have adopted resolutions con
demning the questionnaire as be
ins unfair to the taxpayers and an
attempt on the part of state and
county officials to pry into the
confidential affairs of business
concerns. CcpUs of the reso
lutions have been received by
(memters of the state tax commis
sion. The principal' objection to th
questionnaire is that it. required
business concerns to supply whai
has been designated a balance
sheet. Under this heading the
rou n ty assessor - seek to . obtain
from taxpayers. the amount of his
cash, notes payable, accounts puy
able, other liabilities, capital in
vestment, surplus and undivided
profiU and total liabilities.
Opinions Differ
It was alleged by many business
concerns affected by the ques
tionnaire that much of this infor
mation is not necessary for tax
levying purposes. The state tar.
commissioner 'hag argued, how
ever, that in event the so-called
balance sh?et"is eliminated frora
the questionnaire the intent of
the law would be nullified and it
(Continued en pre 5.).
Institution Stays Open Until
O'clock to Accommodate
PORTLAND, March 28 (AP).
Recognizing the seriousness of
a run which started today on the
Northwestern National bank, di
rectors and stockholders of that
institution reached a tentative
agreement tonight with the banks
of the Portland Clearing House
association whereby the, associa
tion would pay off the depositors
of the Northwestern and liquidate
the affairs of that institution.
It was expected that the agree
ment would be concluded during
the night and that clearing house
representatives would assume
charge of the Northwestern Na
tional bank tomorrow morning.
Under the provisions of . the
Jifcreement all depositors of the
Northwestern will be paid In full
on demand. ,'
Humors branded In financial
circles as "utterly false,," and
springing from sources that were
regarded as "inspired" and mali
cious" started the run. The cus
tomary closing hour, 3 o'clock,
found the run at Its height. The
bank, however, remained open
and continued paying off deposR-
wuntil 6 o'clock. ..
fZThe savings account depart-
er. The bank waived the stipu
lated 30 to 90 notice for the with
drawal of savings accounts and
paid off depositors as rapidly as
their accounts could be verfied.
"Women constituted the greater
portion of the crowd.
The March 23 call for stafments
from national banks showed the
resources of the Northwestern
XContiaul, oa p j
"OLD (;.LL() house"
Barrels Found Hurled in Hot
House; No Still Lauded
During Search
Working on one of the most
clover caches of liquor since the
ISth amendment ntade possession
of such liquids unlawful, county
and state prohibition , officers
seized IS gallons of alleged whis
key, dumped loo gallons of mash,
end arrested M. Weissenfels of
Silverton after a search of more
than four hours yesterday after
noon. Weissenfels is 70 years o'd and
is tenant with his wife and family
in what is known as the 'Old
Gallon House" on the Abiqtia riv
er, two miles northwest of Silver
ton. This place was used during
the days of local option when
counties could permit houses to
handle liquors in salable quanti
ties of one gallon only. During
that period the house gained con
siderable prominence as a men's
In the seizure made yesterday
the finished liquor was found hur
ried In the basement in a manner
which would have been a "dead-
beaf for persons less positive of
their grounds for searching.
Led on in hopes of finding the
still from which the alleged whis
key was run. the officers found
the mash buried in two 50-gallon
barrels in a hot house away from
the residence. The barrels were
carefully planted about six inches
below the surface, the ground be
ing tamped almost beyond suspic
ion. Despite a strenuous search,
officers were unable to find a still, j
Weissenfels is held in the coun
ty jail on S50o bond which his rel
atives are endeavoring to raise.
Charges have not yet been placed
apalnst him. but the only pos
sible one available, according to
th sheriff's offico, is that of liquor
Successor to Malone to hcj Named
Within Week by Patterson.
Letters and telegram contin
ued to arrive at the executive de
partment here yesterday indors
ing C. E. (Pop) Gates of Medford
for the office of state highway
commissioner to succeed Wade
Malone of Corvallis whose term
expires Search 31.
Other indorsements have been
received for W. H. Jewett of Eu
gene and Warren Reed of Gardi
ner. Governor Patterson has indi
cated that Southern Oregon
would be recognized in making
this appointment. Mr. Gates pre
viously served as a member of the
state fair board, and was an ar
dent supporter f Governor Pat
terson during the campaign.
Mr. Reed has the Indorsement
of a large number of prominent
residents of Douglas and Coos
It was indicated that Mr. Ma
lone's successor would be an
nounced late this week.
Referendum Petition Filed Rela
, live to Closing River.
A referendum petition was
filed in the state department here
yesterday attacking a law enacted
at the fast session of the legisla
ture closing Neatueca Bay and its
tributaries to commercial fishing.
The petition was referred to the
attorney general who will prepare
the ballot title.
The referendum petition was
filed by the Nestucca Local of the
Tillamook Count Fishermen's
union. A total of 7643 signatures
will be required to place the ref
erendum on the ballot.
The ' law was introduced by
Representatives McPhillips and
Russell, and was considered at
several hearings held by the fish
eries committees of the two hous
es. The bill was opposed by a
number of the commercial fishing
organizations fH the coast conn
Minister Contlrted on Liquor
Charge Fails to Pay Fine
; MEDFORD,- Ore.. Mar. 28.
(AP) Rev.' M. L. Petelle, former
minister of KIan.ath Falls, was re
manded to a cell in the Jackson
county court today in default of a
$400 fine for violation of the state
prohibition laws, following his con
viction in the Justice court. The
charge involved posssesion and
transportation of a quantity of
moonshine. liquor. -
Shanghai Goal of Americans
as Anti-Foreign Hatred
Yanjrtse Rier Scene of Fighting
as Boats Loaded With Refu
gees are Fired Upon Evae
ual ion Proceeds
SHAXdllAI. March 2S. (AD
Fleeing before . a rising t ide .of
j anti-foreignism, foreigners in na
tionalist China, mose of them
Americans, today -were moving
steadily on Shanghai, some of
them running a virtual gauntlet
of Cantonese fjre on the Yangtse
river and others working their
way to the coast from other direc-
tions through a hostile population.
Shanghai itself was the center
of a growing anti-foreign feeling
in the native district where leaf
lets and hand bills, were distrib
uted blaming the British for the
Nanking bombardment on Thurs
day and calling for a boycott of
British goods and a strike of em
ployes of British firms. The part
played by the United States forces
was not mentioned.
Positions Safeguarded
In the face of this again, the
barriers about the international
settlement w'ere being strengthen
ed steadily.
The Yangtse river, chief mean
of flight from the interior, has be
come the scene of a virtual state
of war between nationalist sol
diers on either bank and foreign
vessels carrying refugees. Shots
have been fired on .nearly every
ship proceeding down the river,
naval vessels themselves escorting
(Contiaaed oa pat S-)
Twenty-four Veniremen Examined
Monday iu Ilrownlee Case
EUGENE, March 2S. (AP)
Twenty-four , venire ihen were ex
amined today, in the trial of Al
bert Brownlee, charged with. mur
dering Eaton Hooker, Veneta
youth, who was a member of a
'posse looking for Brownlee after
the holdup of a pool hall in that
town, and the shooting of the pro
prietor, William Maddaugh.
It is predicted that the jury will
not be complete until some ime
late tomorrow.
L. ... I MM I .lUf-JJ" J , ' '. ' " .' . -1
Work Turned Out From Shop
Rrin;s in Xice Income; Great
' Advantage Shown
With the installation yesterday
of four new lathes in the machine
shops at the Senior high school, ii
will be possible to handle 30 boys
in each of the classes, said E. E.
Bergman, head of the" department,
yesterday. The' shops are now a;
well equipped as any in the state,
it is said. The lathes are of th
latest quick change engine type
and cost the school board fl.OflO.
From a very modest beginning
nine years ago, much equipment
has been added, and the growth
of the department has befn al
most phenomenal. A $2t00t ap
propriation by the school board
paid for the shops and Jhe first
equipment. Since that time there
has been added a Universal milling
machine at a cost of $1400; an
automatic shaper at the cost of
$rQ0, and a Universal grinding
machine at a cost of $300.
Five, thousand dollars in actual
cash for work done in the shops
has been turned over to the school
board during the Q years, offset
ting expenditure for equipment. A
sanding machine made by the boys
was used by Bergman and the
school janitors in sanding the
desks in the various schools last
summer, and it is est imated .that
the school board was save( an
I e x p e n d i ture of approximately
j S1450 in this instance. Onion-top
j ping machines are also builjt in
j the t lasses and sold to the ' oiion
.growers in the Lake Lahish'dis-
I trict for $250 each.
t , t . , tn :- -
Inn from Anderson, Ind., where j
ho was a member of the high
school faculty thre. Through his
efforts, it is said, the great ad
vance in the department's activi
ties has been possible.
Popular Voung Reader Also Se-
cured for Wekly Program
The appearance of a trio com
posed of Mary Talmadge Hedrick,
violinist; J. D. Beebee. cellist;
and Clarence Wenger, pianist, is
promised for the regulaV weekly
lobby program at the YMCA Wed
nesday night, according to Ben
Rickli, assistant secretary. These
musicians are all members of the
Elslnore theater orchestra.
Also assisting on the program
will be Flora Fletcher Hedriek,
vocalist, and Lorena Rideout, pop
ular young reader.
The program is under the direc
tion, of Miss Beatrice Shelton who
will present a number of her piano
pupils in concert, during the eve-
Slick From Helsingfors, Finland,
to He Used iii Kindling
Fire in Salem
The "Fire of Friendship" whic"h
is one of the Saturday night feat
ures of the Marion county boys'
conference held next Friday, Sat
urday and Sunday in Salem, has a
very interesting origin, according
to Loyal Warner, boys' work sec
retary at the local YMCA. who is
in charge of the gathering.
At Helsingfors, Finland, last
year, 52 nations were represented
a a boys' conference, part of the
world tour sponsored by the Y. M.
C. A. The United States had 45
boys at this conference. On a cer
tain evening a fire was kindled,
and as the boys gathered around
it, messages from each country
were conveyed to the group by se
lected representatives. Before
leaving, each boy was given a stick
from the lire, as the following
pledge was subscribed to: "We
leave this lire with a great vision
cf Christian fellowship, conscious
of a difference, but resolved to
A stick from this Helsingfors
fire will be used to light the one
in Salem Saturday night. After
tht lire of friendship, which will
Le conducted by Ed Socolofsky and
Frank Moran, each boy will be
given a stick from this fire, and
so will become memTjers of the
world-wide friendship league.
Thirty boys from Salem high j
school will dress as represent:!- j
tives of 30 different nations at the
"fire of friendship" here.
Residents Fleeing City In Kxpec
tation of Hostilities.
MAN AG A. March 28. (AP).
Residents of Leon, where United
States marines have set up a neu
tral zone, are reported to be flee
ing the city in the fear that' an en
gagements here between conserva
tives and liberals is imminent.
Official reports, were received
today frora Leon giving details of
a brush last night between Ameri
can marine outposts and a force
of 30 men, believed to be liber
als. The reports say that the out
post was fired on about 6 o'clock
in the evening, and that the. at
tacking band sought to enter the
city. The " marines' returned the
fire and the band fled.
Forty minutes later at the
other end of the city the band ig
nored the challenges of marines
until threatened with fire. A
third attempt was made at 11
o'clock but also failed. Therae
were no casualties on either side.
Four rifles were dropped by the
band in retreat.
Cantonese Train Heavy Guns
on Warships in Yangtse,
London Report
Hope for Avoidance of Antj-for-cign
Outbreak Felt at Wash
ington Following Latest
Shanghai Reports
LONDON, Mar. 28. (AP)
The British cabinet decided today
to take a firm stand in China and
make no ffirther concessions there
until the present "anarchial" con
ditions have "ended and the Chinese
authorities have proved themselves
capable of esetablishing order.
Leaving a two hour meeting of
the cabinet ministers in Downing
street. Foreign Secretary Chamber
mons and there assured the mem
raon and there assnre the members
bers that there would be no fur
ther surrender of Brish rights in
China until the Chinese could pre
serve order whereevr their auth
ority exists.
Praises Sailors' Act
In the course of his addjess. Sir
Austen declared that he had not
the least doubt that the action of
the two American bluejackets who
signalled the American and Brit
ish in the Yangtse to open fire on
Cantonese looters at Nanking a&t
Thursday, and the resulting fire
had saved the lives of the foreign
refugees on Socony Hill.
(The signallers were Henry C.
Warren ot Olin, N. C, and Dennis
D. Taylor of Lincoln. Cal., both
attached to the destroyer Wm. B.
The Cantonese at Nanking have
mounted heavy guns on Lion Hill,
overlooking the Y'angtse river and
have trained them on the Ameri
can and British warships and
merchantmen anchored in the riv
er, says a Shanghai despatch to
the "Daily Mail from Sir Percival
Phillips, its correspondent there.
The Cantonese also were stated
to have manned the river forts be
tween Chekiang.and the mouth of
the Yangtse and to have fired on
all, passed foreign vessels, the,
(Continued on para 4.)
building Permits grow
200,000 Mark for March May Bo
Reached; .Work Resniries
Chances for March building per
mits to reach the $200,000 mark
we're enhanced by the addition of
815,000, representing permits for
four dwelling houses, three repairs
and alterations, and two garages
issued- yesterday.
G. A. Hillman. 925 South street.
S2800; George Bruce, .2285 Che-
meketa street, Sa.000; A. , E.
Baulig, 1535 N. Summer street.
$3,000 and I. F. Shutt. 670 South
street, $3500, will build residences
at the listed locations.
Permits for repairs went to
John Barker, dwelling at 1250 N.
19th street, 500; Mrs. J. B. Ste
vens, dwelling at 1165 Market,
f600; and IL E. Caswell, dwelling
fit 1331 N. 17th street, $1000.
Otto Kubin. 2020 S. Commercial
and J. L. Tucker. 1624 Chemekefa
will build private garages at a
cost of $350 and $250 respectively.
Recent Graduate of Willamette
Teacher at Canton College
Leland Cbapin, former promi
nent Willamette university stud
ent, is a. member of f the faculty
of the Canton Christian college
which may be ordered evacuated
as a result of Chinese pirate ac
tivities. Chapin, who graduated
two years ago, signed a three-year
contract to teach in the China col
lege. (
The Shameen district, the for
eign settlement in the city of Can
ton, where tbe college Is located,
l the home of more than ISO Am
erican missionaries and other re
ligious workers, including officials
and students of the college.
WINONA, Miss. March 28. Be
cause : her parents treated her
younger brother ''better than they
did me." Kitty Jones, 15, shot and
killed ; her father and seriously
wounded ; her,wotber last night,
ens ..told; officials In the ?ounty.
jail here today. Mrs. Jones con
dition wa declared critJcalt
Spent Childhood in Orphanage
Worked Way Through
DETROIT, March 28. (AP).
t-Aaron Sapiro, sleek-haired, 42-year-old
Chicago Jew. who does
not look his age by a dozen years,
took the witness stand late today
to relate the story of his life in
his $1,000,000 libel suit against
Henry Ford.
It was a picture of a most un
promising (Start which culminated
in internationally recognized suc
cess which be left with the Jurors,
because his narration was broken
by adjournment before he reach
ed any of the story of alleged per
sonal harm and injury to his ef
forts as an organizer of farmers'
cooperatives done by articles
printed in Ford's weekly, the
Dearborn Independent.
An hour and a half tomorrow
will suffice for the last part of
the story, William Henry Galla
gher, counsel for Sapiro said at
Sapiro leaned far forward in
the witness chair, hands grasping
a roll of paper in his lap. A vivid
flush spread over bis face as be
crackled answers to his counsel's i
volley of questions..
Question and answer piled into
the voluminous .trial record at
snch a pace that United States
Senator James A. Reed, chief of
Ford's counsel, appealed to Judge
Fred M. Raymond to enforce more
"Do you mean deliberation on
(Con tinned on paga 2.)
Utlca Republicans Protest Honor
Paid "Obstructionist"
UTICA, N. Y., March. 28. (By
A P.) A group of local business
men, including prominent repub
licans, has protested formally to
the local committee in charge of
a proposed dinner in honor of
United States Senator William , E.
Borah of Idaho, scheduled for to
morrow night.
Bradford II. Divine,, spokesman
for the group, declared it should
be understood the invitation was
of a personal nature rather than
political, and does not come from,
nor with the approval of, organ
ized republicans.
"Tbe reason that the groups, of
men for whom I am speaking,"
continued Mr. Divine, "do not be
lieve that the senator from Idaho
is entitled to a public: dinner as
an honor fn recognition ot his at
titude in Washington is hecause,
if the published reports of bis re
cord are correct, . he has been pb
structive to the. policies ,o ably
advocated by President Coolidge
and his supporters in both bouses
of congress.
"For republicans to honor Sen
ator Borah for his obstructive pol
icies would be nothing more orJ
less than a direct, slap in the face
for President Coolidge."
Fish Commissioner "Gladly Com
plies, He Tens Reporter
ASTORIA, March 28. (AP)
W. T. Eakin, fish commissioner.
stated here tonight that he had
received a letter, from Governor
I. L. Patterson requesting his res
ignation from .the state fish
commissioner, stated heredtbnlght
that he had received a letter from
Goyerifor I. L. Patterson, request
ing his resignation from the state
fish board. Mr. Eakin said that
he. was glad to be relieved of the
duty and that he would submit
his resignation at once.
He added that "he believed a Bim
liar, request had "been made of
Commissioner Jess Hays, of Tilla
mook. The resignation of Com
missioner John Veatch Is already
in the hands of the governor.
, Mr. Eakin stated he was not In
formed as to whom Governor Pat
terson intended to appoint, to. the
. - - -
Former Policeman Arrested; Child
Itettanwd 'After 'Payment -
; CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., larcb
28(AP)-r-Frank: Basket., 45,
an ex-policeman, was arrested. late
today and. charged. with. kidnap
ping and demanding a ransom, in
connection with the.abdoction last
Wednesday night of Virginia Jo,
two .year old daughter, of ; City
Commissioner and Mrs. Fred B.
Frailer. - - - -.
-The -child was 'returned Mast
night after her. parents had "Paid
a, ransom of $3,333 to., the. kid
napers, f', " . .'.' V
: Other arrests wera expected to
follow Immediately ': ; f- :.
Mayor's Suggestion of Com
mission Plan for Salem
Comiuittexv Will .Withhold Recom
morula ion Until Members"'
Make Study or Various ;
Forms of Contract " 7
As a first step iu the consider
ation of Mayor T. A. Liresleys
plan to change, the Salem city gov
ernment from the council plan to
that of a commission form, the
committee, recently . appointed by
the mayor met in the chamber of
commerce rooms last night to dis
cuss the different systems pro fend
con. .
N6 definite action was tafcen.
and no recommendations will be
made, it is said, until members of
the committee have made a care
ful study of all the different vari
ations of jthe. commission; and city'
manager forms ' in operation at
varIou8American cities, Another
meeting, has been ealleLfor some
time next '.week by fchairm'an H.
1I-. Olinger at,wnich time a specific
recommendation may: be evolved.
Opinions Differs
Members. of the committee last
night appeared to, differ in opinion
as to which form of the commis
sion plan would bo bert salted to
tbe needs of Salem. , A number,
favored adoption of the .city, mana
ger f plan which . Is. coming Into
favor among, the larger .cities after
having been instituted ' bjr the
smeller 'towps. '.Goth commission
and city manager plans, are being
used In various, forms .by cltie
which have'relegated'tne-conncfl
plan to the things antedated. ,Th
problem of the, 'committee is to
work -out some pla,n , which' ..will
prove the Ideal government for
Salem, provided It is .finally, de-
cided to amend the. city charter
and make a change. V ' ..",-
First Commission Forni
What was probably the first
commission, form .of government
was established at Galveston, Tex.
after the great storm .of 1950
which destroyed a whole section of
that city. . For a time, municipal
(Continued on pare 2.)
Patterson Indicates Office of (at
Parole Officer to .Remain' 5 ;.
Vacant. t
James Lewis was recommended
yesterday for the office of warden
ot the state penitentiary by Henry
W. Meyers, recently appointed,
superintendent of the prison. For
f the past four years Mr, Lewis has
been serving .very efficiently as a
deputy sheriff, of 'Marion county.l f
His appointment will be confirmed
by the 8tate.hoard of control at a
meeting 'here today. it . is under
stood. Sir. Lew la will enter upon
his duties as warden on Friday,
April 1. ; - '
. Mr, Lewis was at one time em
ployed at the Oregon state hospi
tal lie later,, was appointed dep
uty, warden of the prison, and
early In the Olcott, administration
was promoted to warden of the in
stitution., He served In that capa
city for more . than: three ; years.
Since retiring from the penlten-
J-tiary Mr. ie wis has acted as dep-
uiy- snerur. ,
Mr. Meyers Intimated today that
he had selected Gene lialley for
the office of .deputy warden of th.
prison.., Mr, Halley was employed
la the sherif fsof flee in Multno-
man county for a number of years.
later accepting a position as turn-,
key at the state penitentiary, for
the past few years he has been em
ment o the public service commis
sion . ,-: '. ' -" :
Mr. , Meyers, newly appointed
superintendent of the prison, will
enter upon his new, duties Ftld ay.
II5.wf8 t one .time engaged In the
mercantile business here. For the
pat few .months Jiehas acted as
manager of the Allies Linen mills.
Governor Patterson iias Indicat
ed, that the office of state parole
officer, would be Ieftjvacaut,' .
eMr LewU WlU jsacceed J W.
LSllie, who has acted as warden of
the prison for two years.