The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 27, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    Soiomccond, U.cion PJ3M IWow Almost Ready to Turn Out Finished Producto from OeegpnLFlnxJribQvp
Commlsoion Form Government Is Important. But City Ownership of the' Water Works la Rl ore Important
t- WKTATrreirrXHtECAST: Cloudy and n
' switled profcably. with light local-rains la west
. uortioB.. fair lit east; freezing,- temperature
- . i ill -l v-. ... t i.i i i i v i r w ! tr iur. t j..,. r. jrmM m w . w . k v- a- '- -i ---k -a a r . ci . i . i . .. .. i
Gigantic Struggle Seen Be
tween Ford, General Mo
tors, Independents
w Low PHcwl far Relieved
I n rant's Flair Ford Planning
New Car to Compote in
Middle Field; Said
DETROIT, Mich.. Mar. 26.
( ai As thfe period approaches
when the long rumored war within
the motor industry is expected to
he brought into the open, leaders
in the industry continue to observe
a tight lipped silence respecting
their plans, '
la the meantime persons af
fected by the ebb and flow of the
market speculate in all directions
regarding the; next move of the
principals. -
Of the three priuiA factors in the
rumored war the Ford organiza
tion, the General Motors, corpora
tion, and the independents from
only the latter has there came a
tdatement upon which; might be
placed the stamp of officialty.1
William C. Durant, a manufac
tnrer in the Independent fild,
which includes cnocerns affiliated
neither with the Ford organiza
tion nor the General Motors, - an
nounced that he shortly will reveal
plans for a more that" Will rival
iinything in his already sensational
carper within- the motor industry.
Speculation regarding Durant's
plans is rife, but the most persis
tent rumors is that he will with
draw from Walt Street and again
. take tip an active role- in the man
ufacturing end of the automobile
business. Humor has it tie plans
a netf low priced car, the product
of a combine on which, he is re
ported to iave been working for
nore, than a yea";""''- rr" T
Merger Dlncus-WI
"Whether the reported combine
contemplates a merger of the four
factories in which Durant is now
Interested " Flinty Durant Star
tnd Locomobile with other inde
pendent companies, is a matter of
much speculation. , One report has
tt the Continental " Motors along
h-ith a number of other independ
ent companies thus far mentioned
in published, reports, will be in
cluded in the 'merger if it is
brought about. . .
Of the numerous plans attribut
ion tin ued on page 4.)
9104,000, CLALMKI)
Cray Attempt to Take Poison, Re
IMM-tj Wtrnum Weeper oar
IHrthday NEW YORK, March 26. (AP)
Insurance totaling $104,000, pay
able to Mrs. Rath Snyder, might
have been hers, it was revealed
today, if the murder of her hus
band, Albert Snyder, last Sunday,
had been interpreted officially by
the authorities" as a slaying by
burglars. : -. i r ,
District Attorney Newcomb of
Jut-ens said the $52,000 insurance
carried by the art editor, who waa
ciubbed to death . and chloroform
ed in his bed, included a double
indemnity provision, in case of ac
cidental death, killing-by a burgl
ar coming under that category.
The desire to-obtain the insur
ance money Is said by. the police
partly to have inspired the killing
by -Mrs. Snyder and her paramour,
Hfnr- JiuM Gray, now awaiting
trial for murder. y
Tin- police today reported that
while on the way to New York to
fias!iond Oray attempted 4 to oh-v
'aiu a drink front a bottle; which
be Mid was medicine and , which
dtoctivps haA uken from hi
uiteus in a. Syracuse hotel. He
inn permiiMHiv 10 lane me,
drink. The contents of the bot
"e. on analysis was ; found to-be.
whiskey in which a deadly poison
-had been mixed. ' r
Today was Mrs. Snyder's 32nd
birthday, and she. spent it in a
arful mood, weeping frequently.
Iter attempts to see her daughter.
,vjpi.unf. i a uen again totiay. sne
murder. ,
'.ray. who stiffered a nervous
collapse in his cell yesterday, was
"'H-r loday. t . .
Attorneys for both principals.
Jointly accused and point! y in
fltcted for the murder, today de
' iar.,1 ,t,eir intentions to fight for
wparate trials.
Th- district attorney, declaring
'"I1 crime had been .committed
J"11, said on the 'other hand he
woo id oppose separate trials, Jn
fady Pieaa and anjr change of
-: - . - - - . -" - . I" ' " ZL,-& A;-:-"? T-rt- n, l'd-""- ft-- .,. ..n - ...... ... ... . . T " HiiiiiiiiinsisaBBBBSSaiBBBBsninBiiiiiiii"
W ay chuei for final, ne-
Interstate Commerce Coniiiussion
" Will Fix Term in Cae
of DiMpute
WASHNOTON, Mar. 26. ( AP)
The way was cleared today for
final negotiations started by the
interstate commerce commLfsion
looking to joint use by the South
ern Pacific company and the Ore
gon Trunk railroad of the railroad
line from. Bend to Klamath Falls
in central Oregon in line with the
commission's policy to encourage
competition with unnecessary du
plication of facilities.
The Southern Pacific company
presented the commission with a
contract sitpulating terms which
will permit the Oregon Trunk rail
road joint use of its line between
Klamath' Falls and Bend.
The commission in turn for
warded the document to the Ore
gon Trunk with RrequesUn report
if the conditions are satisfactory.
If objections are filed, the commis
sion itself agreed to consider
exact terms to govern the joint use
of the single line by thj two rail
road systems.
The Oregon Trunk has been re
fused the right to exUnd its own
line southward from Bend but has
been permitted to occupy Southern
Pacific railroad facilities upon
terms which the commission has
declared it will make fair and rea
sonable. In its original decision, the com
mission pointed out that that ques
tion of whether the Oregon Trunk
would be enabled to build a branch
line of its own off th- Southern
Pacific's main system would -depend
on-the commission's ruling
when applications contemplating
such construction were presented.
Itrtland Afternoon Paper llacel
in Hands of a Receiver
PORTLAND, March 26. (AP.)
The Telegram Publishing com
pany, publishers of the Portland
.Telegram, passed into the bands
of a receiver today for a reorgani
zation of the financial affairs of
the company, prhe receivership
w-ill" he" temporary,' "pendlhg 4 " re
adjustment of the company's re-,
sources. - The Telegram will con
tinue publication and the editorial,
business, circulation and mechani
cal staffs will be continued intact.
Under the action of the receiv
ership, J. E. Wheeler, retired from
active management of the paper.
The petition was filed by the Lum
bermen's Trust company and the
Bank of California as creditors.
W. F. Brlggs, secretary of the
trust company, and MacDonald
Potts,- business manager of the'
Telegram, were named receivers.
Fred Huntington, Eugene, May
Die a-i Result of 80-Foot Drop'
EUGENE, March 26. (AP.)
Fred- Huntington, 17, student in
the University high school here,'
fell over an 80-foot cliff at Sea
Lion caves, 12 miles north of Floc
ence yesterday afternoon and sus
tianed' Injuries that may prove
fatal. He started to climb down
the cliff whon his footing gave
way and he fell to the rocks be
low. One leg was broken and he
sustained a fractured skull.
It took fonr men and his two
companions, Elmer and Wilbur
Adams of Eugene, five hours to get
Wm to the top of the cliff. He was
taken to Cushman in an automo
bile and sent to a hospital in North
Bend, Huntington is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. F.'B. Huntington of
t-r, f j'
Lieutenant ' s Shot by Sergeant
When RebelUotf Suggested
1. 1 . , , i
MEXICO CITY, March 26.
(AP) -The shooting of a lieuten
ant by a sergeant who refused to
enter info a revolutionary plot in
the army is announced by the war
department. -
It is declared that the shooting
foiled a--ptot t start- a rebellion
among federal soldiers stationed
at Santa Maria del Oro, in the
state of NayaritJ Sergeant Jesus
Ruiz shot 4 and killed his Lieuten
ant Salas Valero, -when the latter
tried to persuade ituic and other
soldiers to rebelji
: i President Calles has sent a tel
egram praising Sergeant Ruiz and
the other Bold ier' for their loyalty.
Wave Knock D.Aj Whlttaker On
Rock Body Not Found '
NEWPORT." Or.. March 26.-
(TAP) -D.-A. Whittaker 19. stud
ent at Oregon Agricultural col
lege,, drowned here today while
batbfhg oa the beach when a large
wave knocked, him down and hurl
ed him;, against i the' rocks. He
went down before assistance coul l
reach him Two1 other OAC? stud
ents. Elmer Cnmp and E. 11. Els
trom, -were with-Whittier.
, Whittaker's body had not been
jecqvered4at hl afterupen, .
Would? Have Broken Jlown
defijfmglii, Guilty;
' v'HobirisWc Claims
MoousliiriinK Story to lie Main
tnfitetl Ty lie ''AufVpniont;;' In
dicatedi '.Federal OperaHves
RegiMer 'incredulity
MEDFORD, March 25. (AP)
The Mail -Tribune-will print a spe
cial dispatch in the morning from
its correspondent ' in - San Fran
cisco, whieh says : r
"We' are all convinced that Hugh
is innocent; and' at his- prelimin
ary heaTing in a week or 10 days,
he will, plead not guilty.'Z said
Elmer B. Robinson, San Francisco
attorney, : who has been retained
by Mrs, Belle De Autrenlont' of
Lakewood'N. M., for the defense
of her son.
' Motlier Convinced -"Mrs.
De Autremont, after
three conferences with her son."
said Robinson,1 "feels like a new
woman. She is absolutely con
vinced her son is not guilty "of this
cold 4 blooded crime. When she
came she was doubtful. She had
heard so much from the other
side. In fact, that was all she
had heard. Ilngh has talked to
no one but me and his mother j
about these charges, and he will j
talk to no one else.
"If he were guilty of this
crime, he would have broken
down before this," continued his
attorney. "Grilled by federal and
army officials for weeks, and dur
ing all that time allowed to see no
one; but those against him.
Would Have Broken
"Human nalure--guBty human
nftue----could not, stand K ip
against a" thing" like - that." No -Hugh
never killed anyone. He
isn't the killer type, and when the
time comes we will prove it."
"Federal-operatives here," the
dispatch continues, "ridicule what
they call De Autremont's alibi.
This talk about moonshining, and
lack of funds, they declare is the
same oM story, advanced at least
three times before by the defenwe,
and there is nothing to it."
EL PASO, Texas, March 26.
(AP) William J. Edik, former
head of the New Orleans secret
service, was turned over to fed
eral officers today to be taken
back to New Orleans, for trial on
charges of passing counterfeit
money and ernbezzling- a govern
ment' pistol.
ivefemlanti Has ;J$ot Yet Entered
( tJouitroom;.;Ia.v lie" Cullrtl . r
. Vk"etnefuy .
DETROIT, Mjh'cli,. 26. A P.)
Henry Ford's Appearance as, wit
ness in Aaron Saplro's $1,000,000
libel suit against him, threatened
tonight to provide little more of a
sensation than his mere presence
in t,he court room.
Every effort of which the de
fense legally is capable will be ex.
erted to prevent the motor manu
facturer from being required to
give testimony upon anything but
the, one issue the brilliant array
of defense counsel recognizes
Sajiro, the individual, against
Ford.' '
"We , will try to hold Mr. Ford's
testimony Strictly to the 'issues of
the case,'" Senator James A. Reed
of Missouri, chief of Ford . coun
sel said 'tonight.
"I do not know what scope
plaintiff's counsel wili,be given in
questioning him. but certainly we
wljl try to have it limited tothe I'
issues. '
! That was interpreted as, mean
ing that Ford probably would be
gagged as efficiently as was '. Wil
liam J. Cameron, editor of the
Ford owned Dearborn Indepen
dent, who in six .divs. answered
hardly half a dozen Questions ex
cepting after strenuous objection
and argument over the legality of
the interrogation.
Just when the auto manufac
turer would be called remained a
matter of conjecture tonight. It
had been intended to' call him
during the past week', but the pro-
ress i me trial was so slow tnai
it got far off schedule.
Next Wednesday was suggested
by William Henry Gallagher,
counsel for Sapiro, as possibly
the day of the great event in the
Schutz and Kowitz uientioned for
, Coancil Apiminhncnt
Facing -the resignation of J. E.
Galloway, vetern councilman from
the sixth ward, the city council
must meet the responsibility of ap
pointing a new member to take his
chair in one of the most Important
years of the city's history:
Frank Schutz and Chris Kowitz
have been mentioned to succeed
Galloway, but are opposed by Wat
son, Townsend, second member of
council from the sixth ward. Town
send said last night, "I want to see
a prbgressive man get' that ' place,
one who will support Mayor Lives
ley's program fbr reorganization of
the city charter, off the cdmmission
plan, an a man "Who will thlnkof
Salem's future rather than himself
in handling tha business before
him." '
The petition for Schutz's ap
pointment is already in circulation
but that concerning Kowitz is only
a rumor.
Y0URS7 J &L. fou QON7 j
J S tit 'l WAT AGAr4 J j
C t7 ' THIS YCAr p
Movie Htiiditt Employe and Chef
Held for Questioning;
Many Involved
LOS AXGELES. Marcii 26.
(AP,) rTragedy slipped into tjie
Eddie Digging. 29, lightweight
boxer, was stabbed to death in a
tree for all fiht in the dark.
None of- the throne of men and 1
women in the club, which is noth
ing mare than a cafe, could tell
police who ttabbed the boxer. Few
could give similar" accounts5 of
what happened after onetore the
leg of a table and battered out the
Charles Meehan," 24, described
as a motion picture worker and'
Joseph Sempello, chef, were held
for'further police questioning af
ter they and five others had been
held for a time.
Meehan was under guard at the
receiving hospital where he was;
taken for treatment for a .gash in
his head. He uras found crumpled
In. a corner where" he ' apparently
had been felled by a heavy blow.
Lloyd Hamilton, film'comedian,
was at the side of the dying boxer
trying- to administer first aid when
the .lights' came on again. Ham
ilton told police he had been in the '
bar room of the cafe when the1
fight started and had gone to see
what was happening. He was re
leased with 'Meehan's wife, Irene ;
James r Sinclair, director; Jack
Waggon?r, also a director; and Joe
Karachi, Japanese' kitchen boy
after they had given their versions
of the affair.
I t! 1 2 m
and his wife met Hamilton, Sm-:fun
iiair auu miiy ones, a mm Slum :
v,, ,nH ri
Liquor flowed freely, the off!
cers said. Conflicting stories were j
told of an asserted Insult to Mee-
e'"Ert"?h.T?';!S' part !
tr , " . . !
Hiinployes if the cafe were said ;
to nave grouped together and-j
started menacingly toward Mee
han's table. Then darkness, hard-
rf.wV.T mil. . !
Ti.J : 7 r ' i mJn BU!;Slf
for exits while men fought. Six
unidentified men seen to leave the
cafe together and speed away in
an automobile were being sought
by police.
Diggins died before he could bejlarly is true in connection with
moved to a hospital. No trace
could be found of the knife which
caused his death. The wound was
directly over his heart. The boxer
was prominent about 30 years ago
in San Francisco ring affairs.
CHILDRESS. Texas, March 2J.
(AP) Suffocated in a cave' of
their own digging, Calvin Kent.
L5, "and Harvey King, 11, were
found) dead by their grandmother.
Mrs. Jame Woodward, on a farm
two miles north of here. The
boys were cousins.
fi OM yiETSL
Bdmbardmcot" of
Fires SmouW
neneral Chang; Kron.s Xaval Guns
Tae Says Foreign Lives Will
lie Safe; Refugees
Praise- Seameu
5Hlvnlt 3., i
SHAN G HAL March 2i, (Sun-1
day)-(AP ) -A Americans auorium frVof charge to the
evacuated from Nankins: are onf?"tV " nAW flnd it i un
board ships en rou to Shanghai lAtewliene
where they are expected to arrive! can be secured. or the
lonigni. ,
(AP.)i The American Red Cross
today appropriated $10,000 for the
relief of hundreds "of American
refugees from Hankow and else
where in the Yangtse valley as a
result of the rapid evacuation t
Shanghai. '
Uprising Fearel
SHANGHAI, March 2U. (A P.)
Amerlcans'and other foreigners
were fleeing tonight from points
along the "Yangtse valley, driven
by the fires of anti-foreign feeling
n hich the hAmhiiritmcnt nf Nnn.i
baa apparently fanned into J
biaze. Meanwhile a state-1
rcvn.ti.n n 9 1
inc-to School Boanls .
Every effort should be made by
school boarcjs to prevent the ex-
1... , 1 M 1, 1 l 1 .
HdHHIn prpoa.. .cOTrainr to
' Charles. Howard, state super-
intettdent of public instruction.
"Complaints have been, received
at this office," reads Mr. Howard's
statement, "that some of, the pub
lic schools are being usefcl for ad-vertisInE-
nnmosea. This nartlcu-
the plan of a certain rpubllshing
company which has attempted to
organize the school children into
a sales force. j
"The state department of educa
tion does not undertakie to regu
late in detail the activities of local
schools. I do not hesitate, how
ever, to say that exrireme cafe
should be exercised to avoid the
exploitation of school children for
private purposes.
"The policy adopteid by many
school ' boards denying the use of
the schools and the school organi
zation for advertising purposes is
a wise one."
Indications Point to Revival
Construction Artivity
Not only marriage permits but
building permits have (gone into
a raid-season slump, for, the week
just passed yielded just: $29,365,
one of the lowest outlays of the
year.' . - -,
The returns last week fleave the?
March total nearly $40,000 shy, of
the $200,000 mark which. January
and February set. l , - . .
Of the permits last weik, eight
were for' new residence two for
repairs on dwelling houives, two
private garages, a concrelie build
ing to be built by F..NLtOerby atlwfth i the facilities arittf eom
531 Trade street, a loadtng plat
form for the Associated Oil com
pany and a milliner's marque. (
Announcements of proposed pro
jects made in the press 1 ask week
indicate that the present ' slump
has only a short time- to? last. ,
" -'- i
Frerl'Markarenko Quits Crefv at
; Anlun -Harmless j,
j Fred Markarenko, native f
Russia,' an inmate of the firegmi
state hospital: here, disappeared,
frotn't the hospital! lawn; wbMrJ he1,
was working, Saturday forenoon. '
and had not been located' upi to
late .that , night. -. He- is-tntirely
harmless. . , s ,
- .Markarenko is 5 feet 8 Inches'
tall, has brown hair and blue eye
and is. 38 years old brt does .not;
appear to be over. 24
. AUGUSTA, -. Ga i' March 26."
(AP) C- T. Stone, . aviation
mechanic., third-, class, of the
Hampton -. Roads., naval station,
was killed near here today when:
a -plaheenroubfj- to Jthe Pensaeola,
air station rel. : 2.000 'feetV Lleu-.-
teoant. N. BJ Wllkins pilot and;
G;.P; LaWhcirr; chief taechanics',
mate; ' leapefll arid' were"nbf httrt-
stone JnmpeH and, iatteimpted to-
re1eaJU: hta r4fiTaAhnf a" ni InrPSttU
gatlon disclosed. , '- .'- '-
' "
Division Officers Present at Meet
ing and Pledge Support to
The encampment of the GAIl
and the allied organizations will
be held in Salem on June 21-24
according to an announcement
j made by the general committee
I last night.
I The committee met Satihrday j
j evening and discussed the general
! arrangements for the convention,
ber of commerce was present and
'assisted in working out various
i details which are of interest to
! the organization. This affair may
wen i I'uusiuriru uuc v-uo "e
! gest things booked for Salem this
year an.d the citizens should co
operate with the committee and
assist in every way possible to
make this convention successful.
vilta r,ffi.fort thofr
Dausnters at about what the jan
itor work costs. It is hoped to
secure the basement of the Metho
dist church for registration pur
poses and the hall of the house of
representatives for the gTand- re
ception, and possibly the camp
fire. If a good man to handle a
barbecue can be secured a big
barbecue will be staged.
Some solicitation will have to
be done to secure funds and eith
er Manager Wilson of the cham
ber of commerce or Hattie B.
Cameron, treasurer of the general
i-niUmittfip will be glad' to re-
I oeive contributions.
. r, . ti .a-., Uvtoinn
ooramandeP of the Sons' organiza-
17 waS present at the meeting
, . . , . -i,, w-- Tonif
last night as was also Mrs. Louise
King, president of the Sons aux
iliary. Both pledged the support
of their organizations in carrying j
out anv Dlans. which may be- ar-1
ranged by the committee in oraer
to make1 the encampment Buccess
fnl. '
tion, Slatntenaucc Foreseen
(AP.) More than $ia20,00.0(H)
will -be spent this year-by states
and subdivisions on highway con
struction, maintenance and bridge
building, reports to the bureau of
public roads indicate. The state
highway programs call for con
struction of '26.841 miles of road,'
maintenance of 239,847 miles, and
construction of a number of large
bridges, the states expending
S648.483.000, and counties and
lesser subdivisions $475,000,000.
On the Pacific coast, California
will construct 80 mile of new
highway; Oregon 258, and Wash
ington 385.
' Of the 26.S41 miles of newcon
struction, 6957 are to be eftrth
improved roads, 12,395 miles sand
clay, gravel and macadam, and
74 89 miles asphalt, concrete- and
-' - -
Air Warfare IWIlities at Pearl
Harbor to be lncrcset
HONOLULU, March 26. (AP)
Naval air equipment at Pearl
Harbor is inadequate both as to
quantity and qnaHtyj Assistant
Secretary of "the; Navy Warner said
today as he departed for the
mainland. Warner made, an 11
day. Inspection of the aviation situation-in
the Hawaiian islands.
The official said rthat the Pearl
Harbor air force was 'operating at
fhr absolute maximum of Void
mand. He expressed a belief that
the equipment undoubtedly Would
bt increased and' improved;
Foreign Doctors Killed at Nanking
for Treating Wounds i
A Shanghai dispatch to the Sun-H
day Observer says the twd .foreign
doctors killed at Nanking were
put to death because they attend
ed' to the wounds of Northern sol
diers, t i
Dr. J. E. "Williams, American,
vice president of the Nanking uni
versity, is the only American re
ported killed In the Nanking dis
dtrders. , .The killing of Dr. Satch
wll Smith, Britisher, was an-s
noainced Friday. "
State Treasurer and Wife to Re
wain in South Three Weeks
Thomas B. Kay. state treaenreri
who has been in ill health for sev
eral weeks, will leave within the
next 10 days for CaHfornla: where
he will enjoy, a needed rest. He
will be accompanied by Mrs. Kay
They : wIUc proablr j make theit
headquarters at Los Angeles, air.
and Mrs.' Kay probably , will re
main in California for. three
Shantung Fleet Fires on
Forts, Exchanges Shots
With Northerners ;
Ahti-F-cigtt- Terrorism' In Plduu
Fch-m1 ut-WiishiBfitoni l.VH
More Marines Are DIs:
natchel from F. 8
SHANGHAI. Mar.' 27. fAP)
( SUNDAY) The mouth of the
Yangtse river was the- eene- erly
this morning of a Chinese naval
A number of vessels of the
Shantung fleet arrived from Tsiag
tao and opened a bombardment
upon Woosung forts, later engag
ing in a spirited fire with ships of
the former' taorthern fleet which
recntiy went' over' to the southern
cause . -
The firing was clearly audible in
Shanghai but the outcome of the
battle was not learned.
Strengthen Position '
LONDON, Mar. 26 (API A
company of machine gttnners or
the United States marine force now
in Shanghai has been transferred
from ' the eastern sectloa -of .ttie
foreign settlement, says &: Sang-hai-dispatch
to the Sunday Ex
press., - -.5".;;
The Americans went to work lin
mediately . erecting, .machine gun
emplacements in the ne position
which would become the Ameri
can front line' on the-outh side of
the international settiement'It the
French lines should be penetrated.
Persistent-reports from reliable
Chinese sources, the dispatch says,
indicate? that an attack- by. Chinese
forces from the French side was
due during the night;
Terrorism Feared .
W A S H I NOf O K Mar. 26-
(AP) Fear' that a faT-fttfhg
storm of foreign terrorism may.Tw
brewing-in China-gripped official
Washington tonight- almost sab
merging the relief that came with
word that surviving Americans at
( CoHn-d on pat a;)"-
Arraignment Latl Next Week;
GuAHIs t t attli 1 Irioner
Constantly - -
MEDFORD- Mar. 26. (AP)
Hugh De Autremont, long sought
as the leading spirit of the atro
cious Siskiyou" tunnel' attempted
train robbery and quadruple 'mur
ders, October 11. 1923, soldierly in
bearing and smiling with respect
ful confidence, was brought- back
ioaay ior iriai on & iirst aegree
murder charge -;vrs'',j:i"- J
And itt the wake of his return.
the youthful bandit snspect was
instrumental in bringing together,"
for the first time in, many years.,
his divorced parents Mrs. Bells'
De Autremont of Lekewood, New
Mexico and Paul De Autremont of
Eugene. - -
: The father and mother met in a
rooming house in this c!ty. then
with Attorney Fred Smith; counsel -for
the accused, went to the county
Jail; at Jacksonville, where voder
the eyes of special guards his kin
and attorney held a conference In
the steel cell, aKfljpledged' their
nailed aupport in, fiis defense.
It Was the first meeting of fath
er ana son. since a few days before
the tnnnel.botdup. .
; .UntllhesaWHngh in his ell.
the" father would not, positively
state the man brought from Manila
was his son.
When he returned to the open
again, the parent saidr
'-It Hughle all right.' ' --i
Later, .the father-expressed the
oplsion that Ray and Roy; twin,
brothers accused of the same
crime, and fugitives, were dead.
The mother reiterated her belief
1 the-. Innocence of' her favorite
boy, and had -but little to say. ,
The parents left by automobile
this afternoon for Kagene.? -Mrs.
De Autremont will bo the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, return,
ing here when Hugh Is arraigned,
the latter part of next week;
His attorney, Fred Smith, Is de
fending the Veneta pool hall ban
dits, also charged with first degree
mnrdef and legal stoves in Hugh's
defense-Is held up, pending the
fonClosion of that case. v :
. De" Autremont, when he disem
barked .front the train, here- was
handcuffed . to v Deputy. Sheriff
Ralph O. Jennings, and he facet! a
carious throng of 00 with a sniUo
and a jaunty air. -He posed tar a