THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON Saturday morning, march c, 1927 i .1 V 1 KM ' a. Tf - Lift! r: J New First National Bank Building Directory-' BABEKEJTT D Lui Sntalng Parlor Expert for ' Ladio and Oentlemon. ISfTBAHCB Xad's Cigar Stand Ted Irwin, Proprietor BECOWD IXOOB Coffer' Photo 8rrtM Tel. 708, Over the Bp THIKD FLOOl Morris Optical Co, 801-303-303 Dr. Henry E. Mem, Optometrist C. F. Gillette ; Suit 31 Lawyer Telephone 1066 BILLMAV FTEL COHTAVY Betail Office i i 311-S1S Stoker Display 211-318 Consulting Engineer 310 Executive Booms , 309-313 T1ephn 87 Taxd 1868 Frank B. KeUolg, FubUo Accountant Syatem AnAltin Income Tax Telephone 188 Boo 308 King Jt-Wycioff : 806-307 msinautof ir WUahlre' 'I-on-ae" Socelef sky ft Sob, Tel. 970 .804301 RssJ Butata. Loans, Insurance FOTTBTH FXOOK Dr. O'NelU ft Bnrdett, Optometrists Phone 826 .-. 401-402-403-404-405 Wlllard H. Wlrta end Piul F. B arris Attorney. 410-411-412. Tel. 188 Lane Motley, 413, Tel. 757; Be. 1915-W Beal Estate Loans Insurance FIFTH 7XOOB Drs. Lewis, Schmidt ft CaTanaga602-603 Dentist SIXTH rxoos Oeo. B. Venn, at. D., Physician ft Surgeon Suite 003. Tel. 2378-3379; Be. 778 Bob la D. Day and Donald W. MUes Attorney at Iiaw Telephone IBS. eiO-811-812 E. F. Smith, Hew Torn Ufa Room 613. Telephone 193 EIGHTH PLOOE Dr. O. Ward Darts, General Dentistry Telephone 816. Beasa 80S L n. Sanders. M. D-, Physiol sn ft Sargaoa 8alM 810. Telephone 666; Ban, 2341 Pr. H. B. ScoTUld .SOI Chiropractor, Ksaroeslometex Serrlc VTJTTK nooi Dr. H. M. Brown, - Era, Ear, Jfo ft Throe) Specialist. -, Bnlta 901 V V . TZJTTH FXOOB Dr. W." A Johnson. Dentist Telephone 12B& .-, .1001 Chalmer tie Goal, D. D. S. General Dentistry . M. Griffin, D. D. ., rthodontls Telephone 181,- - . - Satte 1002-100 j UNION ROSTER I C : ' ... .? ' O BOD CABEttBS" AKD BOTLDIXO.LA borer LealTio. 441.' aU Wed, p. m. OaU.l9 toy ateaJa lAPrrOL;, TYPOGRAPHICAL TNIO No. 210 Preside nV' G. P. Senna; sec retary, -nf . D. Pi Ike n ton. Meets see sod Saturday, 8:00 p. m. CARPENTERS .CMOS' KO. 1085 sleets Thur. wveaing. ' Herbert Hale, president; Wm. Pettit, secretary. Skilled mechanise famished. Psoas 179. 8 A I.EM OS ION LABEL. LEAGUE Meets -at Labor-Hall an eall of presi dent. F. W. - Sears, secretary Boa 413, Salens, Ore. s I LODGE ROSTER o , - -" ' o KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS MEETS AT McCornack Hall, ver Miller' Store, every . Saturday evening, t. J. Toes. C. C.H. K. Bark. K, ol E. 8, Tel 1319-W, : t . REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ' BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 N. Hick. TeL 189. LIE W. BELL " 603 Bank ot Commerce Bldf. TeL 484 30HRN8TEDT PAYNE ' 14? N. Commercial. Telephoae 677. P. W. GEISEB, 441 Court. Telephone 831 J. W, G. KBUEGEB 147 N. Com'l. Bm. 1. Tel. SIT. JOHN W. ORB ew Bligh Bldf. , r - TeL 8485. GERTRUDE J. MV PAO 492 S. Coture. TL 11S6. TRIANGLE: BEALTY CO 421 Court St. , , s TeL SSL. VUtlCB KOBEBTS m W: UmaaereiaL , TeL USA. VICTOB 8CHNEIDEB. Besltor. 147 N. Oom'L . . OTeL 677. i ii r. i I, i 8QtURK DBALV BEALTY H. R. Nat'l Bank Bldt. TL 47S. Local Rates For Classified Advertising Dally er Snnday B eentaper wewd 6 entaer verd 8 seats nor word r- a m una lune Three times six times 1 mo. daily and 8an30 cents per word . in order to earn the more than one time rata, advertisement mast rma in eoneecntWo isauee. No Ad taken for less tbsa BSe. Ads. reB Banday ONL7 eharasd. at ne-tima rate. AdeertiaeaMnt (except Pan end Situations Wanted) will Va Pamonnla takes er the telephone if the advertiser is snbseriber m pheae. The 8 ta tea sua wiU recolre adrer tiseaaats at aay time of the day or 'Cht. To I asare proper elaseilea oa Ads. .hoald k la befora.T p. as. TELEPHONE 88 OB 88 The Oregon Statesman Published every aaornlng (except Men day; at Salem, the capital of Oregon. ADYEBTL8INO HONEST ADVERTISING Tbaae eol amna moat be kept free from anything of a questionable nature. Miareproaon tatioaa will not bo tolerated. Infor mation sbowist- any qiteeuenabla in tent on the part of the advertiss shoe Id bo reported t this aewspapsr or the Salem Ad. club. Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE T. K. FORD (Over Ladd ft Bush Bank) AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry The Woodry everybody knows. Cash paid for uaed furniture. Res. aad store 1610 N. Summer St. Telephone 511. tf. F. Woodry & Son Right down town. Cask paid for need f arnitare. Store 271 N. Oom'L TeL 75. Agenta for Lang Ranges. AUTO TOPS O SEE US FOB TOP AND PaInT WORK O. Hnll Aato Top and Paint Shop. 267 8 CommsreisU &al6tf BATTERY A ELEC3TRICIAN 6 tt. D. BABTON EXIDE BATTERIES Starter aad generator work; 802 South High. TeL 198 COURT ST. JV& WU.i.lAMS FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnifhed. TeL 980 471 Court St. BICYCLES A REPARXG 8 LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI eyelea andWeoairiag. 887 Court. HELP WANTED Male 11 WANTED A LIVE NEWSPAPER SUB seription canvasser. Call Circulation Manager, Statesman office. llmlltf MELP WANTED Femahe 13 PRESSEK EXPERIENCED TRE ferred. Salem Dyers and ClMner. 1073 8. Com'L 13mch29 WANTED A GIRL FOR HOUSE WORK 2245 Lee. Tel. 1607-J. 13mch27 CHIROPRAX3TORS 15 DR. H. B. BCOPIELD ,' P. 8. 0., 806 First National Bank Bldg. DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSO CHIROPRACTOk 256 N. High. TeL 828 R- or 87. FLORISTS 16 CTJT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOCQUETS Funeral wreaths, decorations. 0. F. Breitbaupt, florist, 512 State St. Tel. 880. a MAG A ZI N" KS Farm Paper 17 IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five B-eent stamps to the Pacific Homestesd, Salem. Oregon for a three month trial aubaenptioa Mention this ad. IOULTRTMEN SEND EIGHT TWO sent stampa for special three months' trial for the best and oldest Journal in the west. The articles and odver tisementa are of special interest to tbs poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 8. Com meretal 8t Salem. Ore. EV8TJRANCK 18 FOR SALS FIRST AND SECOND Mort gagee. Tin it Deeds, Contracts on c m:n . m a rs oousee - wm i o v av-e. BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. 189 N. High St. il-tf TARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONK) to loan on rod farm security. CITY LOANS' Wa are loaning Pru dential Insaranee Company moaey at city reaidenee aad basinesa p-roperm at 5H, plua a eonunieaion. Hawkim ft Roberta, Inc.. 205 Oregon Builriina d!4d Insure Your homo or ear now. Phono 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS HeiUg Bldg, 189 N, High St. -'. Jl-tf WANTED Employment 19 CHILDREN OR ELDERLY PEOPLE -TO care for in my home. Tel. 1730-J. 19mcfc29 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WITH first class local references wants posi tion for all or part time. Tel. 498. 19mch27 TOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT digging and team work. TeL . 72 PS. 19ml4tf FOR RENT Apartmenta 23 MODERN THREE-ROOM APARTMENT with , garage. Close in. Inquire 127 Union. 23mch26 NICE FURNISHED APARTMENT. 590 Union. 23mch27 FURNISHED COZY 3 ROOM APT.. GA rage. electric lighta, and water includ ed. 825 per month, 1315 Jefferson St. 1 block east of N. Capitol. S3mch27 Ambassador Apartments 550 N. Summer St. Salem's New, Latest, Largest and Only Up-to-date Apartments Electric raages. radio reception, electric refrigeration, electric washing machine. Use of telephone, overstuffed furniture. Everrthinr for your comfort. Fur nished or unfurnished. One. two and ' tHre-room apartments, 38.50, 842.&0 np. 23m28 MINUTE MOVIES FINCriftSV PEAK... "ns dawgcr" HAZEL-! " SECRET. IH THS 1 1 FOB REXT Apartmriifn 23 NICELY P URN I SHED 8 ROOM APAKT ment, beat aa4 private bath. 1133 Court. - llmlOtf FOR RENT Rooms 25 SLEEPING OR HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS closo in. Cheap. 267 3. Church. - -5asek26 FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE man, strictly modern home. Private bath, near atat house. M65 Cheeaeke ta St. - TeL 1894-J. 85tl2tf BOOMS WITH BOARD NEWLY equipped at tan Alexandria. TeL Mrs. E. A. Beaaott, 1589, 1080 Onemoketa. 25mltftf FOR RENT Honaea ' 2? 3 K(K)X MODERN HOUSE, NICE Lo cation. Owner 1910 N. Com'L 27m3S WANTED TO RENT SO WA.VTK11 TO RENT A 5 OK C-ROOM furnish)! boue. . Call '.'94 or 784 W. numeh2i LAUNDRIES 32 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laaadry of Pure Matoriala." Telephone 165. . 1864 Broadway. ' THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 268 S. High. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- drr. TeL 171, 1856 B Street. j!7tf TAILORS 34 D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. WANTED -MJtecenaneotia 83 WANTED RURAL TELEPHONE. J. B. Van Cleve, Rt. 4. Bos 9-M. 35meh29 HORSE WANTED I WANT TO BUY A good work horse for farm uae. What hav you. Tel. 49F23. 35mch27 FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP ments. Giese-Powers Farnitnm On. a20tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB farm loana. W bav several applica tion on hand. Hawkins ft Roberta. Inc. 205 Oregon Bldg. adl4tf MATTRESSES SO MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. TeL 19. f!9tf FOR SALB 37 FOR SALE TRIO OF PENCILLED Indian Runner Ducks two years old. Prise winners, Oregon State Fsir. 86. Tel. 2337 R 1340 Msdinon. 37mch29 C!ED PIANO LEFT WITH US FOR sale, look and is like new. Will sac rifice for 8175. A real bsrgatn. See at Tallman Piano Store, 12th and Mill. 37mch27 FOR SALE WOOD FRAME RIP AND cut off mws, one Vi h. p. motor; one 3 h. p. motor. Will sell with or with out motor. Price very reasonable. Sherwood Vslley I.umlier Co.. Sher wood, (rt-Kn. 37m:h27 S?UIDE TROMBONE IN PERFECT CON dition. $15. J, ly. Laywood, Auto fark, 740 Oak. 3 7 inch 26 QUICK SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Mectrie motor, carpenter and gsr den tools, two pumps, rear Cottage, 767 N. Liberty St. 37mch2 Radio Superhetrodyne 8 Tube Set Wilt sell at sacrifice pUse. See this set outfit at 865 North Commercial street. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 87m8tf BLACK DIRT FOR SALE IN EITHER North or South Saleaa. Reasonable. TeL T2P3. 37dl2tf ALFALFA. ' GRAIN HAY. TIMOTHY barley and wheat; guaranteed quality. Prompt .shipment, prices upon appli cation, jsaaaara nwan, waua wini, Washington. - 87msyl FOR SALE Ute Stock SO FEEDER PIGS FOR BALE. TEL. 49F2:t 39mrhl7 VETERINARIAN 39a ... r t ,j BED W. LA NOB. VETERINARIAN Offtcr 629 8. CommeroiaL TeL 1 IPX. Rea. Tel. 1666. .m93tf WOt)l SAWING 42 LET UAMS SAW YOUR WOOD. TEL. 2506-J. 4208-27 WOOD FOR SALE 43 16-INCH OLD FIR. TEL. 142. 43ml5tf THE BEST WOOD IN THE CITY FOB the moaey at Tracy 'a wood yard. Tal. 2318 43j4tf 1 6-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak aad ask. TeL 72F2. M. P. May field. . 43fl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. Telephone 529. 43s30tf BEST GBADE OF WOOD Dry wood. 4 ft. aad 16-inch. Large loads are cheaper to buy. Mill wood ia our specialty. Prompt delivery and resso sable pries. FRED E. WELLS 280 S. Church. Tel. 1542. 48d9tf MEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Tel. 61 7-W. ' POULTRY AND EGGS 45 PURE FANCRED STRAIN WHITE LEfi- horn chicks from a selected flock tld per 100. No chirks sold -from; pullet eggs or less thsn 24 ounces per I dox. Customers report Bp to 90 of eggs ia Nov. Gehring Breeding Farm, 4 Hilvertoa, Oregon. 4omch26 PULLETS SEPARATED FROM COCK erela ia baby chicks day old or older. 95 per ceat accuracy guaranteed : for particulars, write Poultry Expert. Box 9 1. Statesman. 45mch28 HAzri RUSHES T-THE Srr3e OP THE MAN .SHOr BV THE Tv0 . CHVNrV7Ct.. IN--TlNCnVELV PUTTIN& HEI2 lDCNTlF.CAT.Qr4 MARK ON HIM 1 GO BuT AS SHE IS CARRIED FROM OA3E . AiOTWER, SHEj IS ABLE TO MAKE. HJ5R. TML- jfcUB CHALK MARKS J 1 1 f POULTRY AND EGGS 45 PULLETS AND COCKERELS FOR SALE Rocks and Beds, eight weeks old. By th doxea or hundred. Flake' Petland, Salem.' 45aprti FOR SALE HATCHING EGGS. PRIZE winning strain Brown Leghorns. Han aew White- Leghorns; S-year-old hens. Fred F. Peters. TeL 1349. 45al2 BABY CHICKS EVERY MONDAY AND Tuesday 7 leading vartetiee Price reasonable. Salem Chickeriea, 264 N. Cottage. 45aS ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE Only one left. A new brooder of 2M) ebis capacity, well known make, never uncrated will be sold at a discount. Can bo seen at the Statesman office. Aak for Mr. Stiffler. CUSTOM HATCHING. WE CAN PLEASE you. Baby chicks every Monday and Taesday. The Oregon Capital Hatch ery. 2144 North 5th St.. Salem. TeL 2020. 45aprl7 CHICK. CHICK, CHICK 1 OUR CHICKS live to wake your living. Big hateb every Monday, 5 breeds. Wed. is bar gsin day. PETLAND, SALEM, ORB GON. 45fltf BABT CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATC1I ing. Expert help, moat mo tiers equip ment. Chicks for sale, all breWs, every Monday. Settings four dsys each week. TeL 32F21. Lea's Hatch ery. 45flOtf PRODUCE WE PAY CASH FOR POUL try, eggs, pork, veal and hide. We carry feed aad poultry supplies, here and at Silverton. Wither ft Neal Pro duce Co. 260 Ferry. Tel. 125. 45fStf MUSIC STORES 40 GEO. O. WILL PIANOS. PHONO grapha, cowing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing phoao- grspbs and aewmg machines, 433 state street, Hslem. NEWSPAPERS 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency. The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN 50 CENTS per month delivered to your heme early each morning. Tel. 28 or 588. NURSERY STOCK 4 CONSIDERABLE VARIETY ORNAMEN tal plants, shrubs and grape Tines. All home grown. 2260 Neb. Ave., Salem, George Schreeber. - 49mch26 ROYAL ANN CHERRT AND "NUT trees, Rt. 7. Box 222. Gsrden Road, Walker's Nurseries. 4912 PAPERHANGING SO PHONE GLENN ADAM8 FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhangiog, tinting, etc. Reliable workman PAINTING SOA CHA8. BENNETT, PAINTING CON tractor, interior decorating. 541 Mill. 1771-M. n27-tf MISCKMaA XrXlUB SI OUR CUSTOMERS ARB OUR BEST booster because when we do your welding, 'tis dene, not you. Electric end acetylene welding, large and small. C. D. Oppen, 695 Mill St. Tel. 72 and 20HA-J. Slnifitf BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL- ry, Gnns, Tools, Bicycle, etc. Star Exchange, 824 N. Com I. TeL Bb6 FOR SALEM SCAV ANGER CALL 167. 61110-28 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE psiriag. Giese-Powers Furniture Store. 51s20tf PACKING AND SMIPPNG R2 FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, call 8tiff' Furn'tur Store. .Tel. 941. LOST AXI FOUKD Sit GREEN FOUNTAIN PEN WEDNESDAY on Capitol or Center St. Rewar3. Tel. 1027-W. 63mchJfi PIANO TUNERS THOMAS FAY, PIANO TUNER, NOW at the Portland Music Co.. 355 N. High. Have your piano tuned by one who baa had years of-experraace in the work. . 83tf EDWARD WKLP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave order Will' Masie Store. PRINTING 36 FOR STATIONERY, CARDS. . PAMPH lota, pro grama, books or any kind of ririntlng. call at the Statesman Print ng Department, 215 8. Commercial . TeL MS. , MONEY TO LOAN 57 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Best terms obtainable. Onr insurance department offers you ex pert advise and service in all lines HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) Phone 1427. 205 Oregon Bldg. 57fl0tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on eity property. B. 8. Martin A L. R. Martin, attorneys. 418 Oregon Building. TeL 2084. 57ml0tf FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5. F. L. Wood, 841 State St. 57m7tf WANTED LOANS 39 WANTED moaey to loan Private ESTATE. on REAL W. H. GRABENHOBST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 69026tf PLUMBING HO FOR GOOD SERVICE, TELEPHONE 2599. Debe the Plumber. Repair work. Shop 1615 N. 5th St. HIGH GRADE PLUMBING, BEPAIR ing reasonable. Cheap or Inferior ob not solicited. J. E. Van Lydegraa, TeL 2296-J. Ada It PLUMBING AND REPAIRING REA onable Estimate. A. L. Godfrey, 127 Union St. Tel. 495-W. 60fl6tf PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros., 154 S. Liberty. Tel. 50. 19tf RADIO 32 RADIOLAS For every purpose, for every parse Ail standard sites of Radio Tube. MALIK ft EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 885 Court St. Tel. 488. I rAUST SEARCH HIM TOR. CLUrrS AND THEM AFTER THOSE TWO CrOHrlErU - est SPLENDID GROCERY STORE GOOD live town, at invoice; reason fee' sell in j; is Ls.-li to the farm. Salotu Realty (o, 4ti-.' State. 63meh25tf FURNISHED 4 ROOM BUNGALOW A nest little home on paved street. Like new. Many built ins. basement snd garage. Furniture all to go and of the best. Owner away and aeerifiee the price from 83500 to 82850, with part term. See' Child ft Bechtel, Realtors. 320 State St. 63mch23tf DO YOII HAVE FROM 20 TO 40 ACRES well improved near Salem which you will turn in as first payment on a ru ly equipped. Well improved Linoin County Dairy and Slock Ranch? .t's a da ud v. A C. BOHRNSTFDT ReaHur Ixtana Insurance 147 -N" Commercial St. .Halem. Ore. 63mcb2Stf :'.-A. GOOD VIEW. c:iI.EK, CI.OSK IN. ..Ulll. $IM00. Sf-liiO air. i-lik-A in on paved road, -VtHom. new snd uioderti, ek--!ric iighr.f, ftirnairc. fircpim-t-, fruit and lira'rir! nuts, a ?raxe, a model home for. juOO. fiO a. nil in riilt ivat imi. spring, well located. iili"Mi, rash and very easy terms on remainder at j9.11-a pavtrl road, 7 room modern house. -l--!rn-i y. 4-a. in cultivation, '4 mile to hahOni aud chur-h, fully rHuippl fur dairy, all jttock kocr at 17,0iil. WINN IK PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 17." S. High -St. 63mch26tf FoL'R-ROOM STICCO HOME FUR ncitied complete with fine new fnrni tare; 2 bedrooms; Dutch kitchen; breakfast nook ; garage and wood shed. Well located on pave street. PRICE FURNISHED 370O--Terms. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street. Ground Floor "Headquarters for Homes" 63mch24tf BEST BUYS IN HOMES WITH EASY TERMS . f 800 Garage house and 2 good lots. 8 850 Two-room plastered house; fine lot in N. Salem. 82100 Five-room house, double lot, fruit snd thrubbery. Room (or another house. $1750 Four-room plastered house. Good plumbing and lights. Ga rage and woodshed. Large lot, fruit and shrubbery. 82300 Five-room plastered bungalow. Bert of plumbing and lights, garage snd paved street. 82300 For a neat little 4 -room bunga low. Garage, shrubbery and flowers. Corner lot, paved street and paid. Owner anxious to ( leave and will sacrifice. See CHU.DS ft BECHTEL Realtors. 320 State St. 63meh23tf SPECIAL Good home in Portland to exchange for small tract near Salem. - New 8-room modern house, with 1, sere, one mile esst of Salem to ex change for a house in town. 10-rooro apt. house with large lot close in on High St., to exchange for small improved acreage close in. GEO. THOMASON, 320 State St. With Childa and Bechtel. 63mcb25tf FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, LARGE LOT 82500. Five-room houe, modern, east froat, pavement, garage, fruit tree 82300. Easy payments. Six-room hoime. garage, pavement 82525. 8500 down. Four-room lniiie. corner, pavement, 81700. $100 down. $12 and interest per month. Two esst front lots, old house $1800. Easy psyments. -Five room house, gsrage, street paved $3"O0. Easy payments. Five-room house, new, modern in every detail. Esst front, a beautiful view. $5500. 11 acres near Salem set to 'fruit. $0200. We have some uplendid business lo cations. Come and see us about them. We wrie Pre and auto insurance. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage. 63m24tf GREVTST TRADIWG ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST; We have over 8000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If yoti would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. See GASKILL ft EARLE, Realtors. 166 S. Liberty. Tel. 2242. 63j21tf LOTS No. 1. .".OxKlO $00 No. 2. MlxlOO $500 No. It. 40x100 $450 No. 4. 70x100 $800 Each one in desirable location. Valuable l ortland lots to exchange for Salem property. PAYNE With BOIIRNSTEDT 147 N. Com ! St. 63mch24tf OUT OF TOWN OWNER SAYP "SELL" his 5-room bunga low home at a reduced price. Large living room and separate dining room. Bnilt In buffet; fireplace; Dutch kitch en is Wired for range; large breakfast alcove: large floored attic; full, base ment with pipe furnace snd tray. This home has east front with VIEW OF MOUNTAINS; beautiful flowers and shrubs; convenient to schools. THIS 85500 HOME IS NOW OFFERED FOR $4700 Some terms. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street. Ground Floor. "Headquarters for Homes" 63mch24tf HAVE DESK ROOM OR PRIVATE OF fice to rent to one who will share stenographer expense. Address 58 care Statesman. 68f27tf SMALL ACREAGE ON EASY TERMS $ (150 Fine acre tract located southeast of the McKinlev nchool in bear ing apples and cherries. $50 down, balance $10 per month. $ 600 Block nf land 2 (XI feet square lor-ated on Hansen Ave., south. $50 down 10 per month. A FINE PLACE TO BUILD A HOME. ' $2500 Beautiful laying five 'acre lo cated four miles out all in bear ing fruit, a wonderful place to build. $250 down, balance monthly at 6 interest. $3000 12-acre trac located near main highway, milex south, 5 acres in hearing prune orchard, balance plow land. This prop erty in well located and nriced below value. $250 down, balance 720 per month. $1575 Fine five acre tract on paved road at Swegie srhool. $25 down balance $10 per month. $1250 Ten-acre of red hill land located south. $100 down, balance $10 per month. All under plow and excellent for fruit or nuts. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN REAL ESTATE. SEE US; WE HAVE ALL KINDS FOR SALE. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. 63mch29 REAL ESTATE However , the CMlNlSE ASSASSINS, REALIZING- THAT THE NrVUHlTE was 2J SEEN TOO MUCM 'TOR TWElR GOOD, SUDDEN L RUSH OUT AGMti ANP SEIZE I SPEcTofe AJJAITS V VAIH PROMISED J S 1 13 aCALL FRCTM I . JCUWA- 3d novJW . J 33 SNAP 4 roem home with lot 100x138 with bearing cherry trees located near paved road i and - bus line. Price 1b5; $1oO down, balance $20 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty tt. 63mch29 $100 down, balance monthly, 3 room bungalow. Price $1550. $100 down, balance moathly, new 4 room bungalow, furnace, fire place, laundry trays, hardwood floor, garage, fine lot. Price $2.1 down, balance monthly, new 4 roem English typo bongalow, basemen), furnace., laundry trays, fireplace, garage., paving paid. . Price $350. $4 00 down, balance monthly, 6 room, new bungalow, modern hardwood fioor, garage, et- $4'00. $3O0 dowu, new 5 nHiiu modern bun galow, good location. Pri-e t"4lIM. $750 down, balance monthly, new 6 room bunealxw, large living; hardwood floor, fireplace, base ment. p"4e furnace, laundry tray, nook, recess bath tub, shower: garage and concrete drive. $4650. $1500 to loan. M EL YIN JOHNSON 320 I.'. f. Bank Bldg. TeL 67. 6:imeh25tf $:ti;00 BUYS A new 4-room home with breakfast nook located on paved street, has basement, furnare. fireplace and ga rage, located within one block of school, (.250 down, balance monthly. I M M K 1)1 ATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. 63meh-9 REAL BUYS IN REAL HOMESI New 7-room bouse in North Salem. 5 room t finished and 2 rooms upstairs unfinished. This very close in and a real buy at $5000. Term. New 4 -room house on Fairmount Hill. Only 8 blocks from the corner of State and Commercial A real boms for only $:1750. Terms. THIS IS A REAL MONEY-MAKER! Good 5-room house in growing part of city and close to school and rarlins for only $1700. $300 down and bal ance very" easy payments. The rent this place will bring -will more than pay for the place. Good 5-room bonse ia North Salem on a paved street. Lsrje corner lot fronts eat, close to school. A real buv at $2500. Easy terms. LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS THAT IS SHOWING A GOOD PROFIT! Store ia North Salem doing a nice business. This has a good lease and $237-' rash includes a clean stock and 4 rrlms for living quarters. F:orvDd equipment in North Salem doing a very good business and in a very good location. Building include 4-nice rooms for Irving quarter. This can be had for $6500. Terms. See SCHNEIDER 228 Oregon Bldg. TeL 673. 63m2tf $100 DOWN AND $25 PER MONTH IN cluding interest buys a good comfort able bone. Price $2200. 6 room house, new, full basement, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays, hard . wood floors, gsrage, $.'100 down and vfSO per month. x Small suburban home cheap. We write. Fire Insurance. LANE MORLEY & CO. 413 First Nat'l Bank. Tel. 757. 63rach25tf FOR SALE FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, a strictly modern A-room home close in. swell district. $6500. , A good 8 room home farther out good location $.'1500., A 50 acre farm, all under plow, fair buildings. $5000 or will rfnt. A ne three-room bungalow, close in $1550. We trade too. F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEEft ' 341 State St. 63mcr,23tf LAFLAR SPECIALS f t r. Want good bouse, $4000 caeTi.JlIjve good Boick to trade for lot in! Yw Park district. - . v. Good store In small townyells. to Salem en R. R. Nice (lock, good bhsi ness, -to trade Toy. acreage or Sulem property. - . j; ' ' Want to list 2 good boms South Salem. V. T Good house and ravage in ervais to trade for good sedan late mi I. LAFLAR ft LAFLAR Loans Bonds Insurance 406 7 Oregon-Bldg. 63moh25tf GOOD BUYS OR NVfTSTlfENTS 5 A, suburban, new blags. $3500; $5o0 down, or take residence. 20- A. suburban, good bldg., fruit, berries, near school, $0000, terms. 7-room borne, 2 fine lots, $3000; $'200 down, balance $20, int. monthly. 1 2 room Apt, $5500. esiy terms. 4 good farm for city property. Large modern bungulow Apt. house, $ 10k 000, lake screage for part. Honey to losn , Fire Insurance. PERRINE ft MARSTERS 212 Commercial Clnb Bldg. 63mch24tf List No. 311 I a 15-acre diversified fruit and ' poultry farm, only 4 mile from Salem. Choice land and cheap, at $8000. Good terma. Your Choice of lots from $200 up. We have many that are in fine loca tions nt very reasonable prices. Farm are coming into demand. Here is one of 84 seres, all equipped with cows, horse and machinery, (rood improvements. Price only $9600. With this 5-room plastered house goes 2 new stove, linoleum on kitchen hsth, aonk and dining room. All for $800. Us -nally you pay for what yon get. but not when you get theee 5 lot and 7-room housi at our special price. See this bargain. We have moved into the Old First , National Bank Bldg.. ground floor. ULRICH A ROBERTS, Realtors. 129 North Commercial. 63mch27 o K K K K K K K K K K K K K tv K K K K K KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK . FOR SALE 5-room house and garage on paved street. Basement. Cor ner lot. Price $320O, $8O0 cash, balance to suit. New 4 -room house in East Sa lem. PrL-e $2500. Easy terms. 5 room house and garage. Cor ner lot. Price $2100; $300 -h, i.alaru-e .5 a month in o K K K K K K K K K K k" K K In. K K K K K cluding interest. KKUEGER. Realtor. 147 ?(, Com'l St. Tel. 217. 63meh26 Klamath Falls Addition being built to $150,000 new Willard Hotel. MOST GOTO HER - SHE. MAY BE IN PANGEK it REAL ESTATE Xi. . " ajPLa sj J . ... .' V -"x - M asw - m , rX 1 . s I REAL ESTATE TRADES 33 FOR EXCHANGE 1 0 acre ranch located ten nfileont near paved highway. Price for quick sale 65 per acre and will exchange for eity property. W. II. GRABENHORST CO. Realtors. 134 P. Liberty tiu 5meh29 TAXIDERMIST 38 TAXIDERMIST 8HOP R. K. WIO giaa. Prop.. 1145 Norway. Near Woodry'a Auction Market. TeL SS61-W. REAL ESTATES Ha baa-ban 69 NEW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOR sal oa terms like rent, double con struction, fully plumbed, electric fix tures, etc.. 4 rejoin, sad birkt nook, garage, etc. One half acre of fiueat garden land. I'nr $2M.0. Carle Abranis. isn't fbrtneke'a St. Tel. 184 .1. 6fl2t TRANSFER dt HAULING 70 WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty ia piano aad furniture moving. W'e also make eoua try tripa. We handle the boat coal and wood. Call oa as for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Lariuer Tranafer Co. TeL 930. TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Tal. 72F2. SALEM TRANSFER ft FUEL CO. Local and Long Distance Haaliag, Storage and FueL 399 8. High. Tel. 529. 70a30tf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. . Tal. 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WANTED Real Estate 71 LISTINGS WANTED We hsve several calls for small pay ment down, homes modern aad semi modern. If you are in need of money see us at once, perhaps we can help you along. Lee W. Bell, 503 Bk. of Comm. Tel. 484. Fire Insurance. 71m9tf WELL DRILLING R. A. WEST.. RT. 6, BOX 103-A. TEL. II0F5, 8 milaa east on Garden Kosd WATER 74 SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Office 804 8onth Commercial St. Tea per cent discount on domeatic flat rate - paid in advanee. No deduction for ab sence or any causa nnlesa water ia shut off your premise. TRAVEL 7H TRAVEL Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably la buses of the Parker Stage Lines. STAGES LEAVE FOK: Silverton 7 a. m., 1 1 a. m., 5 p. m. Mt. Angel II a. m.. 5 p. ra. Dallas 7 a. m.. 9 a. m., 1:25 a. m. Falls City 7 a. m.. 2:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Independence 7 a. m.. 9 a. m., 11:15 a. m.. 3:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m.. Sun day only 8:30 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m., 11:15 a. m., 3:10, p. m., 5:15 p. m 8unday only 7:10 p. m.. 8:30 p. m. MeMinnville 6:30 a. m..' 2:10 p. m., 5 : 15 p. m. Newberg 8:30 a., ra., 2:10 p. m.. 5:15 p. m. Tillamook 8:30 a. m.. 2:10 p. m. Call 222 or 696 for information. d23tf AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIK.ER AUTO 77ml2tf USED CARS FOR SALB 70 Always- Priced. Right l JW Special vrt" 'J, Sales --f We. Sell Them For Less 1924 Coupe, good tires $250 1925 Coupe Wflh $ positive guar ant 4 $350 1924 Light delivery, reconditioned $185 1923 Touring, y exceptionally well preserved' $165 1926 BoadstcrV grey .Pyroxylin ... $335 1920 and 1921 Touring $75 to $100 Truck wtth good pneumatic tires, cab anl stake body for $125 Dodge panel 'delivery. Dodge Touring. Buick Touring, 4 wheel brakes. Hudson Coach. Chevrolet Delivery. Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oregon. , 79mch25tf The Greatest Used Car Sale In the History of MAC DONALD AUTO-CO. SPRING IS HERE, BUY NOW. DON'T WAIT FOB THE SELLING 8EASON TO OPEN. BUY THAT USED CAR NOW. 1926 Hudson B rough am. 1926 Overland Do Lax 8eda. 1926 Overland 4 Sedan. 1925 Marmon Sedan (Demonstrator.) 1925 Msrmon Coupe. Hudson Sedan. Willys-Knight Country Clnb Sport Ton ring. Willys-Knight Touring. Overland Tourings. Cleveland Touring. Dodge Rradstr. Buick Tearing. Ford Coupe, Ford Sedan, aad Ford Tourings. Many have tble year'a licenaa, new pamt and good rubber, all bav re con ditioned machaaleally. Eay terma, ; Trade Accepted.. Mr '-.Donald Auto Co. Cottage 'ft Frry 3t. Tel. 409. MARMON CHANDLER - -'- - 79mch20t( By Ed Wheelan m rhlATEL KNOTT, TWE FAMOUS tETTf CfTrVE. , SuRE" LVi9 H PANSEKt, BUT LET US SEE. WHAT HAPFENS . ,H TO'YiOR R-?mJ '$ EPISODE ! - :M tJSED CARS rOR ALK 79 See These First 1925 Chevrolet Tourlag .f400 1925 Chefrolet Touriag, III mod el, lots of extra - ..fv50 I92J Dodge Touriag . S7S 1 92 Ford Touring, new top, spare . . tire, spot light , -t ISO Newton Chevrolet Co. Opp. City Hall. 79meh24tf Better Automobiles Excellent Values Maxwell Touring, beau tiful gray Duco finish. Hoick 6 Touring, splea did condition. Hudson Speedster, loo ha like aew. good tiraa. CheVr- ltj Touring, good t. mechanically aad tiros. Jordan Touriag, (re fia "ish, new tires. ' Overland Sedan, lata . model. Hudson Sedaa, good ana pa, extra tiroa, equipment. Nash Tearing, splendid value. Paige Sedan, fin me chanics! shape. - Willys-Knight, roadster, two tone finish, . Bepublie Trusk. excellent shape. . Other Excellent Values Ford Touring Cars with 1927 license. 100 aad up. Ford Coupe, $150. Ford Coups. g200. Careful buyer will appreciate ' th neat, clean, orderly diaplay of exchanged automobile offered by the F. W, Petty John Co., under the buainess policy which us made a boat of- customer pleated with their purchase. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Commercial Street Telephone 1260 "After W Sell W fterve" PACKARD OMIHMOHILB Two Of The Best Packard sedaa 61650 550 550 Uldsmobila coupe Oldaraohil touring Uldamobtle smIi .. ta . Chevrolet tourings 150 to Kord coupes, ' sedans; . tourings, roadsters g6 to Other makes, touring, road. ters tSO to 4U0 375 too 20O lii Uodge touring ... . Our stock change dally and w have always a good line of good ucd cara priced for quick sal. If you are looking for gowd trans portation at low cost it will pay y-u to look our slock over. W are open evening aad 8unday.- Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy Bishop. Al Bouasean. S50 K. High 8treet. Two Of The Best PACKARD - 0LD8MOBTLK - 79ml6tf Your Spring Car At Winter Prices jSplldUnder' ' Studehaker Pledge 19 r, Ttollins" 4" Touring. 4-wbeel brakes, balloon tire. inco point. 1922 Mtudehalcer KjMa ! Six Club KABdsteiv: A-1 shape. Windshield trtngft, -many other extras. 102-V Hiii .4' --Touring, balruoa tires, LHico paint. - . r 192.1 tUar -:". Touring, 4-wheel rse. -it 1923 ataxwell, '2-pase. Conpa lota f xtras, . f . - 1924 Mtudenrr Light Six Touring. -New paint, balloon tires, motof - overhauled. 1923 Ktudeaaker Big Six Coupe Soda. Duco: paint, motor rebuilt. ( . 1921 rraakiia Sedan. Duco, alva ground, good tires. I'1! Chalmer 7 -pans. Touring. 1923 Stndebaker Big Six, 7-paas. Marion Auto Company Studebaker and Krskina Six Dealera for Salem and Marion County. Ask for biironn,' l aed Car Depot. So. Com' I. .Telephone 3C2. , 79mch26S TWEW INCORPORATiOHS The National Self Senrlce itortM. with", capital stock o( 10.000 and headquarter " tn Portland, has been Incorporated by J. Welner, B. B. Bloom and'J. H. Herxateln.. The . Edlow Patents company. Inc., hag been incorporated by Mil ton Tarlow, Louise Edeleon andl L. M. Bernstein. The capita stock Is $1500 and headquarters: are in Portland. Arttcles were filed In the coporw atlon department yesterday. TOXO DEATUH SOW THUKK , CHICAGO, March 25. (AP The death-toll in the Chicago tonE war reached three early today with the death f tb,e second of two. men wounded ia shooting affrays , last night. - The latest totalities were Sam Sing; Chinese laundry owner and ' Hip 81ng member, and Moy. Kung, one. of the On.' ieong long". : EXECTTOR NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that t'e undersigned -was" duly appblnV'ed executor of the last will and estate of Rachel Jenetta Matheson,' de ceased, by. order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for. the County of Marion; on t be 24th day of March, 1927. andAhat all persons haying claims against the said estate are hereby requested to present: their respective claims, with proper vouchers,, duly veri fied, to the undersigned executor at the office of John Bayne, 341 State street. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. . : ' '- - - ; - " Dated this 2th day of March. 1927. - " . - . .-. : - I FRANK W. CLARK, ; Executor of the last will and estate of Rachel Jennetta Matiie son, deceased.--.'. --.. J ; JOHN BAYNE. : ; Attorney for execnf of . i'h-; ' -v. . '-.-:-'' S