LOCAL IMES IN BRIEF Special Services Tonight Rev. K.' L Harrington will preach in the Market Street Free Methodist church this evening at 7:30. He will also conduct the services on Sanday. Everyone Is cordially invited to attend. Six-Room Modem House V. For rent. See Mr. Giese at Giese ' Towers furniture store. m25 Smith & Barnes Piano, $75 As is, walnut case, late model. $5 down, 15 a month. The Port land Music Co., 355 North High street. m2T Hotel Marion Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8 every evening. n26tf Dr. Tully Addresses Conference Dr. Norman Kendall Tully, pas tor of the First Presbyterian church. Jias gone to Eugene where he will give two addresses at the Lane County Christian Endeavor convention. Know How Your Furniture Is built. Birchfield overstuffed furniture built in our window to day. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. m25 Short Talks by Thoughtful Mothers. A Louisiana (New Or leans) mother speaks: "Our child had a cough that almost strangled her. A kind neighbor brought in a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and in a very short time it eased the dreadful paroxysms of cough ing and made her comfortable. I recommend it as a valuable medi cine, one that is free from opi ates." Foley's Honey and Tar Compound checks croups, Is inval uable for whooping cough, meas les cough, and the heavy wheezy breathing that accompanies many children's diseases. Your druggist sells and recommends it. Sold at Capital drug store. m26 Ice Cream Khcrijet Salem Mid. Ask for it at the Sanitary Confectionery, 1857 State Palm Confectionery, ,4 6 7 N Church m2G Robbins & Co. Piano $126, $5 down and J 5 a month. This is the best buy in Oregon in a good used piano. The Portland Music Co,, 355 North High St. m27 Lions flub Music Special music at the Friday luncheon of Lions was furnished by Miss Claudine Gerth, Violinist, who gave two numbers, "Gondol ier" and "Good Night," both by Nevin. She was accompanied at the piano by Miss Betty Bedford, club pianist. 'jLart.Day of Demonstration my See Birchfield overstuffed furnl pture built ia our window today. liiese-Powers Furniture Co. m25 Choice Corner Lot Cash, by owner. Bargain. Call 2088J. . m27 Oliver Piano, S225 Beautiful walnut case. $8 down and $8 a month. The Portland Music Co.. 355 North High St m27 Plays With Dynamite Cap Lighting a match to a dynamite cap was dangerous business for a visitor at the city dump yard yes terday morning, who became curi ous over his find. He is now re covering under the care of a doc tor. Furniture Upholstery And repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. fStf Court Appoints Exec nt or The county court yesterday ap pointed Arnold J. Zimmerman ex ecutor of the will of Anna Zim merman. Good Practice Piano, f OO $5 down and $5 'a month. A dandy good piano. The Portland Music Co., 355 North High St. m27 Old Time Dance, Derby Hall Sat, night. Dad Speers' orches tra. m26 Scotty's Market, !th and Hlnes Special Saturday .-only. Sirloin steak and round steak, 15c; roast leef. 12 c; Hamburger, 10c; boiling beef, 8c. m26 Another Divorce Granted Edythe L. White was granted divorce from Francis A. White in ch'mit court yesterday on a charge of desertion. The Whites were married in 1920 and have one daughter six years old. "No prop erty rights were under considera tion in the case and the child was granted to the mother. l-at Dav of Demonstration See Birchfield overstuffed furni ture built in our; window today. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. m25 f 175 Kdison and Records, $75 -Just used a few months and couldn't be told from new, $5 down and 8,5 a month. The Port land Music Co., 355 North High street. xn27 , Birchfield Overstuffed Furniture Built in our window. Giese- Fowers Furniture store. m25 Knw How Your Furniture Is built. Birchfield overstuffed I'inuturc built in our window to day. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. ni25 Admitii(rat,P Appointed Jacob f. Fox of Silrerton was appointed yesterday to serve as administrator for the estate of his mother. Agnes Fox. - t'sod Piano Left With Us For sale. Looks and Is like new; will sacrifice for 8176. A real bargain. See at Tallman's THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON County Officers Toi County Judge J. T. Hunt and Commissioner J. A. Smith inspect ed roads and streams in the vicin ity of Scotts Mills. Monitor, SU verton and ML Angel yesterday. f 125 Vlctrola With all kinds of red seal rec ords, 845. 85 down and 85 month. The Portland Music Co.. 355 North High street. m2Y Small Roof Fire The fire department extinguish ed a roof fire at the Hoover resi dence, 17th and Mill streets, yes terday. Only slight damage was done. Birchfield Overstuffed Furniture Built in our window. Giese Powers Furniture store. m25 One Marriage. License Joseph E. Lee of Eugene and Echo E. Thatcher of Springfield were issued a marriage license yesterday by the county clerk.' They were married immediately afterward by Rev. A. F. Helmer at the Center Street Methodist par sonage. 973 Phonograph Table model, like new. S20: 13 down and 83 a month. The Port land Music Co.. 355 North High street. . m27 Two Permitted to Repair Permits were granted for dwell ing house repairs to- Fred Corrodl, 1500 Chemeketa. 8225. and to Beulah Wilson. 150 S. 17th street, 81,000. The latter will also build a dwelling house at 1704 Ferry street to cost 82,000. Six-Room Modern House For rent. See Mr. Giese at Giese Powers furniture store. m25 Permit for Private Garage C. P. Bishop took out a permit to build a private garage at 765 Court street, to cost 8500. $485 Wellington Piano 8325. This piano is nearly new 810 down and 810 a month. The Portland Music Co., 355 North High street. m27 New Concrete Building F. N. Derby will build a con crete One story building at 531 Trade street, costing 82500. I Will Not Be Responsible For any bills accumulated af ter March 25, 1927. Merion Jack son. m25 Accident Reported A. B. McKilloy. 670 Union street reported to the police that his car was struck Friday afternoon by a machine driven by R. G. Proppe of Portland, while turning into the driveway of the Valley Pack ing company. Proppe claims that McKilloy turned in too abruptly, failing to signal in time to avoid the crash. Fenders and bumpers were smashed. Installed a New Lawn Mower Sharpening machine. Makes old mowers cut as good as new 1849 V State. Tel. 1926. m.27 One Lone Parking Fine W. P. Dunsmoor paid a fine of 81 in police court for overtime parking. $275 Vlctrola, S63 - Like new. 85 down, 85 a month. The Portland Music Co., 355 N. High St. m27 Will Build House Ruth E. Fuson was issued a permit to construct a one-story dwelling at 1780 Fairgrounds road, to cost 82500. J. W. Goode was named as builder. Nelson Held at Jail ' : S. P. Nelson of Independence was arrested last night by city officers and: lodged in the city jaii on a charge of drunkenness. Nel son was picked up with a half pint of alleged denatured alcohol and canned heat in his possession. William F. Kirk, Poet and Columnist, Dies CHIPPEWA FALLS. Wis., Mar. 25. (AP) In his boyhood home to which he returned in 1918 after many years in the newspaper work in Milwaukee and New York, Wil liam F. Kirk, poet and columnist died today after a long illness from cancer. He was 50 years old. Mr. Kirk is survived by his mother, Mrs. David Kfrk, and two brothers, David and Robert of Spokane, Wash. .His brother David arrived just : before his death. Commercial Secretaries Conclude Eugene Meeting EUGENEj March 25 (AP) The state commercial secretaries concluded their seventh annual session at the University of Ore gon today and elected Earl C. Reynolds of La Grande president, C. T. Baker of Med ford, vice presi dent; and ILi E. Cully of Roseburg, secretary treasurer. i- L. P. .Sabin, retiring.; president, Klamath TallsrJohn Eckman. Mc Mirinrille; J.. H. Fuller. Ashland; W. A. Reid. Corvallis, and L. N. Tallinger, Portland, were appoint ed, as members of the executive board. ' , , i . Manager C. E. Wilson' of the Salem chamber of commerce returned-Friday after attending this NEW TABERNACLE TO BE DEDICATED Special Meetings to Be Held in New Structure During Entire Week The new Evangelistic Full Gos pel Assembly tabernacle, with a seating capacity for 1.000, erected on Thirteenth and Ferry streets, will be dedicated Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. - Rev. Charles Orville Benham, a former assistant to Aimee Semple McPherson, Angelus Temple, Los Angeles, will conduct the initial revival campaign of the series. -The visiting evangelist hs just arrived from Eugene where he has been speaking at the 3,000 capacity Lighthouse Temple. Mr. Benham is well known in religious broadcasting circles as a gospel soloist and is a cornet and banjo artist. He has conducted success ful campaigns in Winnipeg, Van couver, B. C, and has recently come .from large efforts in Bakers field and Fresno, Cal. He is the composer of a number of gospel songs nd singe numbers of his own composition in his meetings Rev. Frank Gray of Tacoma, chairman of the northwest district general council of the Assemblies of God, will speak in the after noon at 3 o'clock. Evangelist Benham announces for his Sunday evening topic, "The Aimee Semple McPherson Case Was She Really Kidnaped." The meetings will continue throughout the week every night at 7:30 o'clock. PREPAREDNESS FAVORED BY DAR AT CORVALLIS MEETING CORVALLIS, March 25 (AP) Communism, bolshevism, social ism, "liberalism" and ultra-pacifism were all lumped together as radicalism to receive the frowns of the delegates to the annual state conference of the Daugnters of the American . Revolution who listened to an address on this sub ject .by Miss Anna M. Lang of The Dalles, Ore., national vice presi dent general. A thorough campaign of educa tion by every chapter was decided upon as necessary to acquaint the public with the seriousness of the situation as seen by the confer ence. Following Miss Lang's address the conference adopted a sories of resolutions previously adopted by the Woman's Patriotic Conference on National Defense, a national organization composed of 33 pa triotic societies, of which the Daughters ofthe American Revo lution is one. Miss Lang is Oregon chairman. These resolutions indorse the general policy of preparedness, in cluding that of the chemical war fare division, deplore the cam paign against the reserve officers' training . corps and citizens' mili tary training camps, denounce the attempts to. "delete our school histories of the heroism of battles and honor rolls of our valiant fighters" and indorse laws requir ing all teachers of public or priv ate schools to take the oath of allegiance to the United States. Richard Barthelmess Barely Escapes Injury TACOMA, March 25- (AP.) Richard Barthelmess, star in "The Patent Leather Kid," the war scenes of which are being filmed at Camp Lewis, narrowly escaped being seriously injured late this afternoon when an armored tank almost ran him down, according to a report by an official in charge of production work at the post. . The last, "shot" of the day was being taken and the wind machine, used to blow away smoke after powder charges have been explod ed, had been turned off. A pall 6f pmoke was hanging over the "set" where Barthelmess and his film associate. Arthur Slone, were at work before a camera. ' , A tank suddenly loomed up be fore the camera, missing Barthel mess by less than a foot, and plunged into a trench, persons near the scene reported. K. M ilmev tn Kneak Rev. A. F. Hilmer, pastor of the Center Street Methodist church. will speak at the: Salvation Army ball tonight, commencing at o o'clock. The public is cordially invited. f Service at RickreaH . U Rev. G. L. Lovell, presiding el der of the Salem district of Evan gelical churches, will I preach in the Rickreall pulpit Sunday morn lngat 11 o'clock. . j - ICI-U-GRIIP , Check before it starts, y - Rub on inhale vapors ISMS' FROWNED ON r I '- JtmrmX'mmt V mm . mm OQ.QJ I SATS: We have 1921 Ford truck with starter, complete overhaul 'job, good rub ber, and ready to go to work," for $150 Tu'U.LI& That Service Built SUDDEN DEATH OF MRS. FRED LOCKLEY Was Student and Teacher in Salem and Had Many Friends in City PORTLAND, March 25. (AP) Mrs. Fred Lockley, 53, wife of Fred Lockley, Portland newspaper man, died here today. Nervous shock, following a surgical opera tion, was given as the cause of her death. Mrs. Lockley (Hope Gans) was born in Faribault, Minn., and came west with her folks when sb6 was 18 years old, the family lo cating in Salem. Mrs. Lockley at tended school in Salem and taught for a time in the East Salem school. She married Mr. Lockley June 16, 1897. Lawrence Campbell Lockley, an instructor in English literature at the southern branch of the Uni versity of California, in Los Angeles, is the only one of three children who survive Mrs. Lock ley. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon. Rev. John W. Beard, of Mount Tabor Presbyter ian church, will officiate. ' Had Many Friends Here The above telegraphed news of the "death of Mrs. Lockley will give genuine sorrow to a host of friends in this part of the state, where she was esteemed as a woman of fine attainments and splendid character; kind, sympa thetic, blessed with the graces of true womanhood. She was an inseparable comparr ion of her gifted husband, going with him on his manifold errands in the service of the Portland Journal, on which he has been a staff writer for so long; one of the best known men In the news paper ranks in the Pacific north west. The Lockleys were often in Sa lem. They were here together last week, when Mrs. Lockley seemed in perfect health and the most buoyant spirits; speaking of the pleasure she had in meeting so many old friend's here. Judge Dearth Absolved v by Jury Commissioner INDIANAPOLIS, March 25. (AP) Jacob Cavanaugh, to whom Judge Clarence W. Dearth deeded a twenty foot lot for $1, so that he might qualify as a Jury commissioner for the Deleware circuit court today told the Indi ana senate hearing impeachment charges against the jurist that his friend was not guilty of illegal actions in connection with the drawing of talesman. The 63 year old witness assum ed the blame for impanelling nu merous men and women who were not free holders. He Insisted Judge Dearth never asked him to violate the law. MORE TYPHOID REPORTED MONTREAL, March 25 (AP) Despite assertions that the ty phoid epidemic, raging here . since March 4, was on the wane, health officials said tonight 102 new cases have been reported, bringing the total number of cases, since the epidemic began, to 1110. On the advice of the health authori ties many residents are being in oculated. Physicians throughout the city were busy tonight admin istering anti-typhoid serum. .. . All Sixes Films, Kodaks, Devel oping Our Specialty Prompt Service J. F. TYLER'S DRUG STORE 157 South Commercial "The" Home of" bras Store Service"1. Two room plastered house and woodshed , On a lot 40x120 ' - V' Yon pay for the lot only at " S700 if you act at once S ULRICII A ROBERTS, Realtors ' 123 North Commercial ; ' Teacher of Piano Errna L. Boughey ' Studio 1784 State M It The Houae - 7 " - - BARRETT BROTHERS GARAGE OPEHS SOOIJ Big Free Dance Scheduled for Tonight;. Construction Work Excellent The Barrett Brothers new gar age, located at 2045- N. Capitol street, just north Of the Holly wood theater, will be opened to night with a bi free dance. The floor s being especially prepared for the evening's entertainment and a fine orchestra has been secured. The new garage building has been constructed out of re-enforced "concrete and is 50 by 121 feet in size. It has a balcony an 3 several small rooms. The front has been artistically finished and is graced with, a large electric sign. Every effort has been made to make the building modern in every respect. The proprietors will conduct in this splendid new structure an up-to-date garage. Modern conven iences have been installed and preparations made to give the very best of service possible. Bert Townsend of 1853 N. Capi tol street was the architect and contractor for" the Barrett Broth ers garage. He reports that just 60 days from the time the work started everything was completed. He believes this stands as a rec ord in the community. Mike J. Carter of 656 Center street was the. plasterer in charge and an excellent class of work was done In the new structure. This part of the work was also done in record breaking time, which attests to the efficiency of the workmen employed. CARLSON PRESENTS VIEWS OH MEXICO President Calles Declares Country Working Out Own. Salvation at Present The conflict of Secretary Kel logg's interpretation of interna tional law and the cause of Mexi can humanity places a real prob lem in the hands of American cit izens, according to Dr. Frank E. Carlson, pastor of W a v e r 1 y Heights Congregational church, Portland, speaker at the Lions club luncheon Friday. Dr. Carl son has just returned from a com prehensive tour of Mexico, where he interviewed every possible of ficer of prominence. "President Calles aims to give Mexico to Mextcans and to accom plish this his government is suc cessfully tearing down the old autocracy build up by the dicta tor, Diaz, during his long rule. In lfllO practically the entirety of Mexico was owned by 33 fami lies. One of these haciendas cov ered more than six million acres, taking nearly eight hours to cross it by train," said Dr. Carlson. Dr. Carlson described Calles ef forts as not bolshevistic but only a move towards remedying an an cient evil of debt slavery. As to the Mexican stand on the Nicara gua question, the speaker said it was Just like a gamble. Both Ca saca and Diaz had the same right to the presidency, except that Diaz has been at one time a clerk for a prominent American oil in terest and thus receives the sup port of the Melion-Doheny inter ests. Casaca is a liberal and would naturally receive Mexican 1937, FREE WALLPAPER SAMPLE BOOKS Call, phone or writs MAX a BUREN 179 H Commercial Salem Yick So Herb Co. Est'dclS Years in Salem J H. LEONG, Mgr. If other treatments have failed ra nnr ChnM rnmAdlpl for asthma, bronchitis,- croup and cough. We hate given relief, to many suffering with throat trouble. Never neglect a cold. We also treat all disorders of men, women and children. Consultation Free Call or writs 4 2 0-4 2 Stats St, Salem, Oregon, Phons lit ' -Is l ! , li , ' )... : -. 4 Ti Free Dance Tonight . ' - - . . - - We Are Opening Our New Garage . 2045 : North Capilbl Street1 , : Come Oijt and Bring Your -Friends ; ' - - -.' . . ' ;-" - V ' ' ' '' - ., : ..: ; .. .- . . - , ; : BARRETT BROS. . ? 'Telephone 2301 . .: Nht tone 2591 ; SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 26, 192T support, Each country is placing bets on its favorite. : . When , Interviewed concerning the suppose affiliation .with Rus sia, President CaUes told his vis itors .hat Mexico was working out Its own destines, and that the country was merely on friendly terms with the Soviet leaders, ac cording to Dr. Carlson. Boy Scout Folder Soon to Be Published Here Impetus to spring Boy Scout activities was given yesterday with the announcement- by Harold D. Ware, scout executive, that the Boy Scout folder giving details in regard to the Cascadia camp will be published soon. This folder will contain a schedule for use of the camp by the different units. Two troops have been organized at Chemawa Indian school. Mr. Ware also ' announced. George Bent, disciplinarian for the In dian service, will serve as one scout master. , Another will be se lected later. FICTION SAYS KINS Order Barring Senator From Country Discussed Ifr State ment on Return NEW YORK, March 25. (AP.) Senator William H. King, dem ocrat of Utah, declared tonight that the refusal of the state de partment to have the order of President Borno barring him from Haiti withdrawn, was "an effort to keep alive the fiction of Haitian independence" and had only served "to focus the attention of Ameri cans upon the domination of this government la Haitian affairs." In an interview at the Hotet Pennsylvania, after he had dis embarked from the United States transport St. Mihiel, on which he came from Santo Domingo, Sena tor King said that, if the state de partment had so desired, it could have compelled the Haitian presi dent to withdraw his order. Senator King exhibited copies of the order and subsequent cor respondence between Brigadier General John Russel, high corns missioner in Haiti, and General J. S. Burrill, American army officer In charge of the .Haitian gend armes, to prove that the final de cision on the order rested with the American high tommissioner. When he reached Santo Domin go he said his attention was called to the order of the Haitian presi dent barring him. The senator Bald he then wroto to the state department protesting the order ind intimating strongly that if the state department saw fit, it could, through General Rus sell, have the order rescinded. The state department's reply. Senator King said, was that it had advised President Borno, through the Haitian minister, that refusal to permit the senator to visit Haiti would result in "unpleasant con sequences to all concerned. SPECIAL! Exchange a lovely suburban home, strictly modern, for city property or stock ranch. - GEO. F. PEED 841 State Street It' Time to Think of PAINTING and CLEANING UP We Sell Martin Senour 100 Per Cent Pure Paint DOUGHTON Je SHERWIN 2841 N. Commercial TeL 039 TRY US FIRST SALEM HARDWARE CO. Inc. The Winchester Store SALEM, OREGON Phone 172 120 N. Ooml. St. Fniitland Nursery Office and Sales Room 174 South Liberty Street Fruit and Nut Trees Shrobbery and Roses Please all,and see my stock ind get prices before buying. Office Phone 877 A. J. MATHIS, Prop. IIEPEUIT HAITI HIT F.VE HAiED Tf COAST Representative of Shipping Board Head Starts Cam paign With Survey ; SAN FRANCISCO, March 25. r AP l The nratnine wed ere for the creation of a merchant marine on the Pacific coast was driven here today 'with the arrival from New York of Frank A. Lord, di rect representative of T. B. O'Con nor, chairman of the United States shipping board. In a complete and exhaustive survey of American foreign ship ping fields and important harbor points on the Pacific coast. Lord will pave the way for the arrival of O'Connor the latter part of next month. Reports and recommenda tions are then expected to follow. Commenting on the object of his visit here, Lord declared: "Mr. O'Connor believes the fu ture of the American merchant marine belongs to a great extent on the Pacific coast; that legisla tion is not enough to promote the American flag on the ocean; that cargoes and passengers alone are able to solfe the problem. "He believes also that within the last year or two there has beon stimulated an increasing interest in an American merchant marina and that this is due in part to utterances of American citizens and to foreign events over which the country has no control. "The merchant marine is neces sary as an adjunct to the United States navy. On the question of government and private ownership, the United States shipping board Is unani mously in favor of private owner ship when possible, but when im possible to sell a line to private operators, it is the plain duty of the government to operate lines until they so become an attractive purchase for private operators, or until shown such a line cannot bo operated publicly or privately at a profit." LONG .AIR TRIPS PLANNED BERLIN; March 25. (AP) Airship service between Spain and South America starting within 18 months is predicted by Dr. Hugo Eckener, Zeppelin expert, provid- I wish to '-' CONGRATULATE Barrett Bros, on the Opening of Their New and Up to Date Garage I am pleased to have done the plaster work on this up to date building MIKE J. CARTER " . Telephone 2339-W BROODERS We have a complete line of Brooders including; Coal Brooders, Oil Brooders and 'Electric Brooders. All sizes for the various kinds. Including the Buckeye. Queen and Lyons Brooders. Special Catalogues Free or Call and See Them - POULTRY SUPPLIES A complete line of Baby Chick Mash, Chick Scratch, Developing Scratch, Growing Mash, Scratch Feed and Laying Mashes. . - We are now manuf acturnig our own feeds as well as have in stock Fisher's of Seattle and the Ilodgen Brewster feeds. D. A. White & Sons Phone 160 261 State Street HaraH zood ?t ifj MOBBSjBHMsiVHtBBBjaSBBBHSaaSBSSM ' 340 Court Street ed that the German government furnishes the remaining 2,000,000 marks necessary, tor the comple tion of the . airship ; to be used, which is being built In Germany. OBITUARY ,V :"Wilson' .- . X w! E. Wilson, 64, passed away in this city on March 25. . He J survived by his widow, Mrs. Jessie Wilson of Salem; three children, Mrs. P. E. Neer of Salem, Mrs. J. a Leedy of Roseburg, and Ensign Ralph E. Wilson of New London, .Conn.; also three sisters and one hrother in Iowa. Funeral an nouncements will be . made later , by the Webb undertaking parlors. Donigan " Died In this city March 23, Lorene Dunigan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Dunigan of Howell Prairie; -sister of William Edward Dunigan. June 'Daphne Dunigan and Orville Layton Duni gan. Funeral services Saturday, March 26, at 2 p. m. 4 from the Rig don mortuary. Interment in the Murphy cemetery. Turner , John L. Turner, 18, late of Val- - nouncement of funeral later from the Rigdonmortuary. TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service For Less Licensed Lady Mortician 770 Chemeketa Street - Telephone 724 We Sell and Recommend THE WOODROW A Superior Washer Halik & Eof f Electric 337 Court Try a Classified Want Ad 656 Center Street - H - 9 Batb Stools 18 Inches High.' SPECIAL TODAY