THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEU, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 25, 192710 w Kcftfinytfi ' 'l . r Kv rff jiff ' 'ill .Hew First National Bank Building basement Da Lum Shining Parlor Experts for Ladle snd Gentlemen . ENTRANCE Tad's Cigar Stand . Ted Irwin. Proprietor 8ECOHD riOOB Coffey's Photo Sorrte Tel. 7 ob, crver th Bp THIRD FLOOR Morris Optical Co- S01-S02-303 Dr. Hsnry E. Morris, Optometrist Teiapnon gas C. r. Glllett Uwrit Salt sie -Telephone lose HTLLMAJf FUEL OOMFANT Retail Office 311-911 Btoksr Display . 811-318 Oohsultlng Engineer - - SI Executive Boom 309-613 Telephone 87 Yard 1866 Prank R. Kellogg, PubUo Aoeotrataat Systems Aadltlng Iacoxso Tax Telephone 1846 .-;,,, ; JL. Boom 301 King A Wyckoff , 306-807 Distributors for WUahira'a ''leoa-s-co" Socolofsky Son, TaL 70 304-301 Ksal Estate Loana Insuranc FOURTH FLOQB Dri. O'VtUl ft Burden, Optometrists Phone 625 401-402-403-404-405 Willard H. Wlrts aad Paul P. Bnrrls Attorneys. 410-411-412. TaL IBS Lana Morley, 413, TaL 767 r Boa. 1916-W Baal Batata Loans Inauraneo PTTTH TLOOB Dn. Lewis, Schmidt ft Cavaaaga .602-608 Dentist SIXTH FLOOB Geo. B. Vehra, M. D Phyateiaa 6) Surgeon 8oit 603. Tel. 2378-2379; .Bos. 776 Bobla D. Day sad Donald W. Miles Attorneys at Law Tslephon 193. 610-611-618 E. P. Smith, Nov York Ufa Boom 613. Telephone 193 EIGHTH PXOOB Dr. C. Ward DaYla, General Dentistry Tslephon 816.' - Boon 801 L H. Bandars, K. D-, Physician At Bargees Suite 810. Telephone 666; Baa. 234 Dr. H. B. Seofmld : , 801 Chiropractor, Keorocalomotar IktIci KKIH . PXOOB Dr. H. M. Brown, Eya, Ear, Voaa At Throat Specialist. Salt 941 TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. John soa. Dontirt than 1286 - , mnj Chalmar La George, D. S. 8. General Dentistry B. M. Griffin. D. D. 8., Orthodontia Telaphona 181.. . Satta 1002-1006 f UNION ROSTER o o Bod cabbie bs and btjii.dino la borara Local No. 441, moots WaL, i p. m. Call 179 fo? maa. lAPITOL TTPOORA1HTOAL TTNIOK io. 210 rPraaident, G. P. raaa; aeo 2Tt retary, M. D. Pilkantoa. Haota aoo 1 tf ond Saturday, 3:00 p. m. CARPESTEBS" UNION NO. 1065 Haeti Thars. ovaniac. Harbart Hals, preaident; Wn. Pattit, aeereUry. Skilled mechanics furnished. Phono 179. 8 A I.EM UNION LABEL LEAGUE Mts at Labor Hall an call of presi dent. P. W. Sears, secretary Bos . mem, we. I LODGE ROSTER : o KNIGHTS OP PTTHIAB MEETS AT ilcCornaek Hall, stot Milior's 8toro. r Saturday yaniog. P. J. Taos, C O.: H. EV Bark. K. ol B. 8, TaL 1319-W. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BECKE A HE5DBIICK9 189 N. High. TaL 169. LEE W. BELL 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg. TaL 484 BOH ItS 8TEDT PATNB i7 X. Commgrciel. Telepboa 577. P. W. GEISE3 441 Court. - Telaphoa 8318, 47 N. Com U Km. 1. . TU 117. ' BliBh Bldg. TL 8485. .Q, GERTRUDE t. 3U PAGE 492 N. . TaL 1186. TRIANGLE REALTY CO 411 Court St. , ,TL SIX. ULRICH BOBERTS 12 N. OommerciaL TaL" 1854. , ,yi.9TOR 8CHXEID KB, Realtor. Ul N. Com'L -J TL 677. SQUARE DEAL REALTY c 8. Nat l Baak Bldg. TaL 470. Local Rates For Classified Advertising 8 eiit per word 6 cents par word II daily and t ine rat. adTrtiamat mast rwa la coosecutiT isaoaa. .. No Ad takea tor lass thaa 85. Ada. ran Suaday ONLY charged t ona-hma tat. - . p Adyertiaemeat " (ez'eopt Paraonala and Sitsatioaa Waatd)-wHl ho tahaa oer the telepboa if 'ta adrartiser is a lobscnber to phones - . - . . Th Statesman wUl reoelr adrar tiamats at any Sim of th day r . T iaaar . proper alaaaiiiaa tioa Ada, ehonld b Ta ha for (a, TELEPHONE 88 OB 688 13 h Directory fa The Oregon Statesman Published erery morning ( except Hoa- uj oiui, iii capital x vnses. ADVERTISING HONEST ADVERTISING Thee ol amaa mast be kept free from anything of a qaaationabl aatar. Af isrepreeoa tatioaa will not be tolerated. Infor mation ahowing any aeetionabl in tent a th part of th advert iar aaonld be reported to this aawspapar or th Salem Ad. club. Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE T. K. FORD (Over Ladd Bath Bank) AUCTIONEERS a F. N. Woodry Th Woodry everybody knows. Cash paid for nsed furniture. Res. and store 1610 K. Summer- St. 'Telephone' 511. Ii. F. Woodry & Son Bight down towa. Caah paid for aaed furniture. Store 271 N. Com'L Tel. 75. Agents for Lang Bangea. ACTOTOP8 SEE US FOB TOP AND PAINT WOBjK O. J. Hnll Auto Top and Paint Shop. 267 8 CommerciaL 516tf BATTERY A ELECTRICIAN 6 R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES Starter aad generator work; 202 Sooth High. - - TeL 198 COURT ST. JOE WILLLAHS PLEENER ELECTRIC OO. HOUSE wiring by honr or contract. Estimate furnished. TeL 980 471 Court St. BICYCLES & REPARNQ 8 LLOYD E. RAM 3D EN COLUKBIA BI eyeles and repairiag. 387 Court. HKIiP ; WANTED Ml 11 ' i 1 1 . I. - , ' WANTED A LIVE NEW8PAPER SUB . seripUon c4atser. Call Cireulatioa . Manager, Statesman nffie. llmlltf HELP. WANTED Female 13 WASTED A GIRL FOR HOUSE WOBK ; ?2ib Lee. TeL 1607-J. 13mch27 CHIROPRACTORS 18 DR. H. B. SCOFIELD, P. 8. C. 806 First Natieaal Baak Bldg. DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSO CHIROPBACTOa 256 N. High. TeL 828-B. or 67. , FLORISTS 16 CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS roneral wreaths, decorations, u. F. Breithaapt, . floriat, .- 512 But St. TeL 380. MAGAZINES Farm Papers 17 IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper aead frr 2-eent stamps to th Pacific Home steed, Salem,. Oregon for a thre months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTBYhTEN SEND EIGHT TWO- cent stamps for special thre months trial for the beat and oldest Journal in the west. ' Th article and adver tisements are of special interest to thl poultry breeders of th Northwest Northwest Poultry Jonrnal, 811 8. Com mercial 8t Salem. Or. INBURANCE 18 POB SALE FIBST AND SECOND Mort gagee. Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses Wilt net 6 to 30. BECKE SVHENDRIGKS , . Heilig Bldg.. 189 N. High 8t. ' jl tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONET to loaa oa good farm eeeurity. CITY LOANS We ar loaning Pro dential Insurance Company money os city residence and buaineaa propert) at plua a commission. Hawkins Roberts, Inc.. 205 Oregon Building dl4tf Insure Your horn or ear aow. Phone 161 BECKE HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg 189 N. High St. Jl-tf WANTED Employment 10 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT aiggtng ana team work. Tel. 7ZF2. 19ml4tf FOR RENT Apartments 23 MODERN THREE-ROOM APARTMENT with garage. Close in. Inquire 127 Union. 23mch26 2 ROOM FURNISHED APT. AND GA- rage close in, S.2. 555 Marion. 23mch25 SICE FURNISHED APARTMENT, 580 uniou. tw 23mch27 FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT wun two. xnree or lour rooms. 408 N. Cottage St. No Children. 23m25 FURNI8HED COZY 3-ROOM APT., OA- rag, electric lights, and, wster includ ed. $25 per month, 1315 Jefferson St. 1 block oast of N. Capitol. 13mch27 NICELY FURNISHED 8-ROOM APABT- ment, heat aad prirat bath. 1138 Court. 83ml0tf Ambassador Apartments 550 N. Summer St. Salem's New, Latest, Largest and Only Uptodate Apartments Electric ranges, radio reception, electric refrigeration, electric wash in g machine. Use of telephone, overstaffed furniture. Everything for your comfort. Fur nished or unfurnished. One. two and three-room apartments. 838.50, 842.50 np. 23m2S MINUTE MOVIES TWATWE IS Leaves Tose . . Ai.iit T&vA) H0M& J , !( . FOB RENT Rooms 25 SLEEPING OR HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS close in. Cheap. 267 8. Church. S5meh26 FURNISHED BOOM FOB GENTLE man, atrietly medera bom. PriTat bath, near state hone. 1465 Ohemok ta St. TaL 1894-J. 25fl3tf BOOMS WITH BOARD NEWLY equipped at th Alexandria. TeL Mm. E. A. Banaatt. 1539, 1030 Chemaketa. 35ml9tf FOR RENT HoTAses) 27 3-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NICE IX catioa. Owner 1910 N. Com'L 27m26 FOR RENT 4-ROOM HOUSE, VERY nice; has .fireplace, and garage 825 per month. For two people it ia very com fortable. Located in S. Salem. A four-room modern bungalow close in, has basement, furnace, gas ranre, built in kitchen and dining alcove. 830. Ideal for two, will bo vacant April 1st. See J. A. MILLS 331 State. TeL 175. 27mch25 FOR RENT 6 ROOM FUBNISHED house, clos in. Inquire 1185 Marion. Tel. 1911. 27mch29 WANTED TO RENT 80 LIVING ROOM WITH SLEEPING perch. For teachers. Box 70, car Statesman. 30mch23tf WANTED TO RENT A 5 OR 6-ROOM furnished bouse. Call 294 or 784-W. 30mch26 LAUNDRIES 82 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pur Materiala." Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway. THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 268 8. High. TBY THE HOME WET WASH LATJN- dry. Tel. 171. 1356 B Ptreet. jlTtf TAILORS 84 D. H. MOSHEB TAXLOB FOB MEN and women. 474 Court St. WANTED Miscellaneous 85 WANTED EARLY VARIETY SEED Po tatoes. Tel. 1736. 85mch25 HORSE WANTED I WANT TO BUY A good work horse for farm use. What have you. Tel. 49F23. 35meh27 FURNITURE PACKING FOB 8HIP ments. Giese-Po-w era Furniture Oo. i20tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB farm loana. W have eeveral applica tions oa hand. Hawkins As Boborta, Inc. 205 Oregon Bldg. Sadl4tf MATTRESSES 86 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for aad delivered. All work guaranteed. Tel. 19. f 1 9tf FOR SALE 87 USED PIANO LEFT WITH US FOR sale, looks and is like new. Will sac rifice for $175. A real bargain. See at Tallman Piano Store. 12th and Mill. 37mch27 SLIDE TROMBONE IN PERFECT CON- d it ion.' 815. J. D. Laywood, Auto rare. V4ij uat. 37mcn26 QUICK SALE HOUSEHOLD GOQDS Electric motor, earppnter and gar den tools, two pumps, rear Cottace. 767 N. Liberty St. 37mch2G FURNITURE RANGE, DRESSER, double bed and springs, 1 single bed, oak extension table, dining chairs, rockers. New Home sewing machine. Rt. 5, Box 2 B. 37mch29 Radio Superhetrodyne 8 Tube Set Will sell at sacrifice price. See this sot outfit at 865 North Commercial atreet. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 87m8tf BLACK DIRT FOB SALE IN EITHER North or South Salem. Reason able. TeL 72F2. 87dl2tf ALFALFA. GRAIN HAY, TIMOTHY, Dariey ana wneet; gnarantoed quality. Prompt shipment. Prie upon appli cation. Richard Nymaa, Wall Walla, Washington. 37mayl FOR SALE Live Stock 80 FEEDER PIGS FOR SALE. TEL. 49F23 39rachS7 VETERINARIAN 89 FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN Office 529 B. Commercial. Tel. 1198 Res. Tel. lfiflS. m28tf WOOD SAWING 42 LET HAMS SAW YOUB WOOD. TEL. Z500-J. 4208-'27 WOOD FOB SALE; t 43 16-INCH OLD FIR. TEL. 14?. 43ml5tf THE BEST WOOD IN THB OTTT FOB the money at Tracy's wood yard. TeL 29.13. 43j4tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. TaL 72F2. M. D. May field. 43fl8tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. Telephone 529. 43a30tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16-rneh. Large, loads are cheaper to buy. Mill wood is our specialty. Prompt delivery snd reasonable price. FRED E. WELLS 280 S. Church. TaL 1542. 43d9tf MEDICAL 44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUQH REMEDY lei. 51T-W. HERE ,SG TrTi roM T7- oh, N&F0LE0N Ro2fc5 utwo, IN S - Pitiful cevM- IMTION , HAS JUST tASHEt -CrT AM RBftTIC f ALL I MtaMT ' rW' lV1 E0S1MESS IS CWEK i WERE' WJT l -V Ay a POULTRY AND EGGS 45 PULLETS AND COCKERELS FOB SALE Rocks snd Rods, eight weeks old. By the doxen or hundred. Flake 'a Petland, Salem. 45apr6 FOB BALK HATCHING EGGS. PRIZE winning atrain Brown Leghorn. Han sen Whit Leghorn; 2-reax-old hens. Fred F. Peters. TeL 1349. 45al2 BABY CHICKS EVERY MONDAY AND Tuesday 7 leading Tarietiea Prices reasonable. Salem Chicken,- 864 N. Cottag. 45a3 ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE Oaly on left. A new brooder of 250 ehis capacity, well known make, never anerated will b sold at a. discount. Can be seen at th Statesman office. Aak for Mr. Stiffler. 45ml 8tf CUSTOM HATCHING, WE CAN PLEASE you. Baby chicks every Monday sad Taesday. Th .Oregon Capital Hatch ery. 8144 North 5th St., Sales. TeL 2620. 45sprl7 CHICK, CHICK, CHICK t OUR CHICKS live to make yonr liviag. Big hatch every Monday, 5 breeds. Wed. ia bar gain day. PETLAND, SALEM, ORE GON. 45f ltf BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH ing. Expert help, most modern equip ment. Chicks for sale, all breeds, very Monday. Settings four days aeh week. TeL 32F21. Lee's Hatch ery. 45fl0tf PRODUCE WE VJtT CASH FOB POUL , try, egg, pork, veal and hidea. We carry feed and poultry enppliea, here and at Silverton., Withers A Neal Pro duce Co. 260 Ferry. Tel. 125. 45f3tf MUSIC STORES 46 GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS. PHONO grapha, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and aewing machines, 432 State street, Salem. NEWSPAPERS 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency. The Ace. TeL 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN 50 CENTS per month delivered to yonr horn early each morning. TaL 23 or 588. NURSERY STOCK 40 CONSIDERABLE VARIETY ORNAMEN tal plants, shrubs and grape vines. All home grown. 2260 Neb. Ave., Salem, George Sehreeber. 49mch26 ROYAL ANN CHERRY AND NUT trees, Rt. 7. Box 222, Garden Bwad, Walker's Nurseries. 49al2 PAPER HANGING 50 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PAINTING BOA CHAS. BENNETT, PAINTING OON traetor, interior decorating. 541 Mill. 1771-M. n27-tf MISCELLANEOUS 51 PULLETS SEPARATED FROM COCK erels in baby chicks day old or older. 93 per cent accuracy guaranteed; for particulars write Poultry Expert Boy Statesman. 51mch28 OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST boosters heesus when we do your welding, 'tis dona, not yon. Electric and acetylene welding, large and amalL C. D. Oppen, 695 MiU St. Tel. 872 and 2086 J. 61m6tf BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL- ry, Gnat, Tools, Bieyeles, etc. Star, t-xenanga, sz a. uom i. Tel. 855. FOR SALEM SCAVANGER CALL 167. 5111028 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE pairing. Giee-Power Furniture Store. 5ts20tf PACKING AND SHTPPNG 53 FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff's Furniture Store. Tel. 941. LOST AND FOUND ' 53 GKEEX FOUNTAIN PEN WEDNESDAY on Capitol or Center St. Reward. Tel. 1027-W. 53meh36 PIANO TUNERS 54 THOMAS FAY, PIANO TUNER, NOW at th Portland Manic Co.. 355 N. High. Have yonr piano toned by one who haa . had year of experience in th work. 8s3tf EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders WilPa Music Store. PRINTING 50 FOR STATIONERY, CARDS, PAMPH lets, programs, books or any kind f printing, call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 8. Commercial TeL 583. MONEY TO LOAN 57 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Best 'terms obtainable. Our insurance department off era yon ex pert advise and service in all lines. HAWKINS a ROBERTS (lac.) Phone 1427. 205 Oregon Bldg. 67fl0tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on city property. B. S. Martin L. R. Martin, attorn ejs, 413 Oregon Bailding. Tel. 2084. 57ml0tf FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5. F. L Wood. 341 .-State St. 57m7tf WANTED LOANS 50 WANTED Prirat money to loan en REAL W. H. GRABENHOBST A CO. 184 8. Liberty St. 59026tf PLUMBING 60 FOR GOOD SERVICE. TELEPHONE zay. ueom tee number. Repair work. Shop 1815 N. 5th 8t. HIGH GRADE PLUMBING, REPAIR ing reasonable. Cheap or inferior jobs not solicited. j. . van Lydecran. TeL 2296-J. 6012 PLUMBING AND BEP AIRING RE A- rsttskVtlsa. y-fciwmiM A 1. f3-A t. 127 Union St. Tel. 495-W." 60fl6tf PLUMBING AND GENERAL BEPAIB work. Uraber Bros.. 154 S. Libert v TeL 550.. . iptf pry MftSAjEtfe . mtz Uvcr wrmouT rr ! TD DO IS MAfevSy trr AClflrV- TfcVSS. - x. I B AMINOS THTi- Cfsossrs A3 SHE OOCS.HAXa. rVXLOUJS IMS -T&yo UP A SVC WtSS ON " $ BUS. OPPORTUNITIES 61 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN OIL 8TA tion, giocei snd confectioaery a high-' way north with living rooms. Will invoice or take 3160O cash. Salem Bealty Co., 462 Stat street. 61ml8tf RADIO 62 BADIOLA8 For very anrpoa. for very pu All stead a rd aises of Radi Tabes. flALIK EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 335 Court St. Tel. 488. REAL ESTATE 63 SPLENDID GROCERY STORE GOOD live town, at invoice; reason for sell ing is back to the farm, tialem Rt-altv o 4G2 State. 63mch25lf FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL TEN-ACRE suburban ranch attractive place, good buildings, cash rent only; owner 2173 State street. 63mch2i FURNISHED 4-ROOM BUNGALOW A neat little home on paved atreet. Like new. Many built ins, basement and garage. Furniture alt to go aad of the best. Owner away and sacrifice the price from $3500 to 32850, with part terms. See Childs A Bechtel, Realtors, 320 State St. 63mah23tf SALE OR TRADE FIVE ROOMS SOUTH SALEM fireplace; hardwood floors; Dnteh kit chen; full cement basement; pipe fur nace: laundry trays; double garage: paved street and cement walks. Fine location $5700. $500, will handle. Ac cept small close in acreage. NEW BUNGALOW FIVE ROOMS -NORTH. Strictly modern; fine loca tion; convenient to bus; schools and business district. $4250. Will ex change for 40-acre farm near Salem to $6'00. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY "Headquarters for Homes" 421 Court Street. Ground Floor. 63mch23tf DO YOU HAVE FROM 20 TO 40 ACRES well improved near Salem which you will turn in as first payment on a ful ly ' equipped, well improved Lincoln Cqunty Dairy and Stock Ranch I It's a dandy. A. C. B0HRXSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 No. Commercial St. Salem. Ore. 63mch25tf $3000 BUYS 6-ROOM HOUSE MODERN conveniences, paved street, 5 lota, bear ing fruit and nut trees. Terms. $3500 modern new-house, 5 rooms, furnace, garage, city light snd water, H acre ground, fine view. - - $5000, buys 8-room, furnace, garage, excellent condition, corner lot, will take smaller house ia Eaat Salem. $5500 Fairmount Hill 5-room mod ern house. Several lots priced right froe $350 up. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. 175 & High St. 63ml9tf FOUR-ROOM STUCCO HOME FUR nished complete with fine new furni ture; 2 bedrooms; Dutch kitchen; breakfast nook; gsraze and wood shed. Well located on paved street. TRICE FURNISHED $370-0 Terms. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street. - Ground Floor "Headquarters for Homes" 63mch24tf BEST BUYS IN HOMES WITH EASY TERMS $ 800 Garage house and 2 good lots. $ 850 Two-room plastered house; fine lot in N. Salem. $2100 Five-room house, double lot, fruit and shrubbery. Room for another house. $1750 Four-room plastered house. Good plumbing and lighta. Ga rage and woodshed. Large lot, fruit and shrubbery. $2300 Five-rooi plastered bungalow. Best of plumbing and lights, garage and paved street. $2300 Kor a nest little 4-room bunga low. Garage, shrubbery and j flowers. Corner lot, paved street and paid. Owner anxious to leave and will sacrifice. See ClttLDS A BECHTEL Realtors. 320 State St. 63meh23tf SPECIAL Good home in Portland to exc-hanga for small tract near Salem. New 8-room modern house with 1, acre, one mile east of Salem to ex change for a house in town. 10-room apt. house with large lot close in on High St., to exchange for small improved acreage close in. GEO. THOMASOX, 320 State St. With Childs and Bechtel. 63mch25tf FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, LARGE LOT ... $2500. Five-room house, modern, east' front, pavement, garage, fruit trees $2300. Easy payments. Six-room bouse, garage, pavement $2525. $600 down. Four-room house, comer, pavement. $170O. $100 down, $12 and interest per month. Two east front lots, old house $1800. Easy payments. Five-room house, garage, street paved $3100. Easy payments. Five-room house, new, modern in every detail. East front, beautiful view. $5500. 11 acres near Salem, set to fruit, $0200. We have some splendid business lo cations. Come and see us about them. We write fire and auto insurance. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottag. 63m24tf GREVTEST TRADING ORGANIZATION UN THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match yonr exchange EXACTLY. M you would like to trade yonr property TODAY, come in TODAY. Jet GASKILL ft EARLE. Realtors. 166 8. Liberty. Tel.! 2242. 63j21tf LOTS No. 1. 50x160 $600 No. 2. 50x100 $500 No. 3. 4nxl00--$450 No. 4. 70x100 $300 Each one in desirable location. Valuable Portland lots to exchange for Salem property. PAYXE With BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Com'l St. 63mch2ttf OUT OF TOWN OWNER SAYS "SELL" his 5-room bunga low home at a -reduced price. Large living room and xepsrate dining room. Built in buffet; fireplace; Dutch kitch en is, wired for range; large breskfast alcove: large floored attic; full base ment with pipe furnace and trays. This home has east front with VIEW OF MOUNTAINS: beautiful flowers and ahrabs; convenient to schools. THIS $5500 HOME IS NOW OFFERED JOB $4700 Some terms. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 fourt Street. Ground Floor. "Headquarters for Homes' 63mch24tf w TV" iw iS' gx J0i ft Rrs, 63 $100 down, balance monthly, 3-room bungalow. Pric $1550. $100 down, balane monthly, new 4 room bungalow, furnace, fire place, laundry traya, hardwood floor, garage, fin lot. Prie $3150. 8250 down, balance monthly, new 4 reom English type bungalow, basement, furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, garage, paving paid. Price 83C50. f 400 down, balance monthly, 6-room. new ban ga low, modern hardwood floor, garage, etc., $4500. $300 down, new 5-room modern bnn galow, " good location. Price $41)00. $750 down, balance monthly, new 6 roora bungalow, large living; hardwood floor, fireplace, base ment,' pip furnace, laundry trays, nook, recess bath tub, shower: enrage and concrete drive. $4650. $1500 to loan. ' MELVIX JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bids. Tel. 637. 63mch25tf TO LEASE FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW beautiful place North Salem, plenty of flowers and shrubbery; call any time, 2943 Portland, road, one and one-half blocks north of Highland Ave. See owner at 2173 Stat atreet. 63meh25 REAL BUYS IN BEAL HOMES I New 7-room house ia North Salem. 5 rooms finished and 2 rooma upstairs unfinished. This very close in and a real buy at $5000. Terms. New 4-room house on Fairmount Hill. Only 8 blocks from th corner of State and Commercial. A real hem for only $3750. Terras. THIS IS A REAL MONEY-MAKERt Good 5-room house in growing part of city and close to school, and earline for only $1700. $300 down and bal ance very easy payments. The rent this place will bring will more than pay for the place. Good 5-room house in North Salem on a paved atreet. Large corner lot fronts east, close to school. A real buy at $2500. Easy terras. LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS THAT IS SHOWING A GOOD PROFIT Store in North Salem doing a Bice business. This has a good lease and $237". cash includea a clean stock and 4 rroms for living quarters. ?Ur and equipment ia North Salem doing a very good business snd in s very good location. Building includaa 4-nice rooms for Irving quarters. This can be had for $6500. Terms, . . See SCHNEIDER 228 OregonBMg. TeL 673. 63m2-2tf $100 DOWN AND $25 PER MONTH In cluding interest buys a good comfort able home. Price $2200. 6-room house, new, full basement, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays, hard wood floors, garage, $300 down and $30 per month. Small suburban home cheap. We write Fire Insurance. LANE MORLEY tc CO. 413 First Nat l Bank. Tel. 757. 63mch25tf FOR SALE FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, a strictly modern 8-room home close in, swell district. $6500. A good 8-room home farther out, good location $3500. A 50 acre farm, all under plow, fair buildings, $5000 or will rent. A new three-room bungalow, close in $1550. We .trade too. . F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED 341 Bute St. 63mch23tf LAFLAR SPECIALS Want good house. $4000 cash. Have good Buick to trade for lot in Yew Park district. Good store in small town close to Salem on R. R. Nice stock, good busi ness, to trade for acreage or Salem property. Want to list 2 good homes in South Salem. Good house and garage in Gervais to trade for good sedan late model. LAFLAR A LAFLAR 1-onns Bonds Insurance 406-7 Oregon Bldg. 63mch25tf GOOD BUYS OR INVESTMENTS 5-A. suburban, new blags. $3500; $500 down, or take residence. 20-A. suburban, good bldgs.. fruit, berries, near school, $6800, terms. 7 room home, 2 fine lota, $3000; $200 down, balance $20, int. monthly. 12 -room Apt. $5500, easy terms. 4 good farms for city property. Large modern bungalow Apt. house, $10,000, take acreage for part. Money to loan. Fire Insurance. PERRINE A MARSTERS 212 Commercial Club Bldg. 63mch24tf , . a List No. 311 is s 15-acre diversified fruit and poultry farm, only 4 miles from Salem. Choice land and cheap at $6000. Good terms. Your Choice of lots from $200 up. We have many that are in fine loca: tiona at very reasonable prieea. Farms are coming into demand. Here is one of 84 acres, all equipped with cows, horse and machinery. Good improvements. Price only . $9600. With this 5-room plastered house goes 9 new ilnvi linnleum nn V i -n bath, nook and dining room. All ior a-Biw. Us -ually you pay for what yon get, but not when you get these 5 kits and 7-room house at our special price. See this bargain. We have moved into the Old First National Bank Bldg., ground floor, ULRICH A- ROBERTS, Realtors. 129 North Commercial. 63mch27 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK K K K K K K K K FOR SALE I $3000 buys stucco house and garage. Fireplace, breakfast-nook, shades, linoleum, and universal range. $250. cash, balance, 40 per month. $3200 buy 5-room honse on S. Church . St. Paving paid. $250 cash, balance $35 per month. KRUEGER Realtor. . 147 N. Com'l St. TeL 217. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K r-K K K K K K K K K K 63m23 K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO REAL ESTATE 63 HAVE DESK ROOM OR PRIVATE OF- f ice to rent to one who - will share stenographer expense. Address 68 ear Stataaman. 63f2?tf TAXIDERMIST 68 TAXIDERMIST SHOP E. E. WIO . gins. Prop., 1145 Norway, Near Woodry' Auction Market. TeL 2281-W Toledo Local creamery sold to P. C. Jorgensen, ot Carlton, who will enlarge business. REAL ESTATE tvJTATTWAT j there Goes a Nne man VEfaV M0MEMT ( FROM 1WE HOUSE AJOU), ArOWy' THE FAMOUS Af?E TI?A1DMS- MlM !! J MUST DETECTiVe, HER. S SEE WUAT THIS US ALL Disease, is bus WATCH IMS MYSTERIOUS CHIMA- MEN ffcOM use. WNDOU) " REAL ESTATE Subwba 69 NEW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOB aal a term a lik rent, Oouola con struction, fully plumbod, electric fix tores, etc., 4 rooms aad breakfast Book, garage, tc Oa half acre of finest garden land. Prie $2850. Carl Abrama, 1465 Cheaaketa St. TaL 1894-J. 6fl2tf TRANSFER a HAULING 70 WE MOVE, STORK AND SHIP H0U8E- hold goods. Our specialty is pisso aad furnitur moving. W also mak coun try trip. We handle th beat coal and wood. Call on a for prices. We give good measure, good quality nd good service. Larmer Transfer Co. TL 930. TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. TeL 72F2. SALEM TRANSFER FUEL CO. Local and Long Distance Healing, Storage snd FueL . 399 8. High. Tel. 529: J030tf CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Tel. 988. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WANTED Real Estate 71 CISTINGS WANTED We have several calls for small pay ment dewn, home mod era and semi modern. - If yoa are in need of money aee na St nc, perhaps we can help you along. Lee W. Ball, 503 Bk. of Comm. TaL 484, . Fir Insurance. 71m9tf WELL DRILLING 73 R. A. WE8T, RT. 6 BOX 103-A. TEL. 110F5, 3 mil east on Garden Road. WATER 74 SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office 804 South Commreil 8t. Tea per eent discount oa domeatie flat rat paid in advance. Na deduction for ab sence or any cans nnlss water is shut off your premises. TRAVEL 76 TBAVEL Safely, 8wiftly ssd Comfortably in bus of the Parker Stag Lines. STAGES LEAVE FOR: Silverton 7 a. m., 11 s. m., 5 p. ax. Mt. Angel 11 a. m., 5 p. m. Dallas 7 a. m., 9 a. m., 1 :25 s. m. Fella City 7 s. m., 2:10 p. m, 5:15 p. m. Independence 7 s. m., 9 a. m., 11 :15 a. m., 3:10 p. m 6:15 p. m., Sun day only 8:80 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m 11:15 a. m., 8:10, p. m., 5:15 p. m. Sunday only 7:10 p. m., 8:80 p. m. MeMlnnvilf 8:80 a. m., 2:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Newherg 8:80 a. ol 2:10 p. m., 5:15 p. m. Tillamook 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m. Call 222 or 696 for information. d23tf AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO 77ml2tf USED CARS FOR SALE 70 Always Priced Right No Special n Sales We Sell Them For Less 1924 Coupe, good, tires $230 1925 Coupe with a positive guar antee -- - $350 1924 Lignt delivery, reconditioned $185 1923 Touring, exceptionally well preserved .$165 1926 Roadster, grey Pyroxylin ....$335 1920 and 1921 Tourings $75 to $100 Truck with good pneumatic, tires, cab and stake body for $125 Dodge panel delivery. Dodge Touring. Buick Touring, 4 wheel brakes. Hudson Coach. Chevrolet Delivery. Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oregon.; 79mch25tf See These First 1925 Chevrolet Touring $400 ' 1925 Chevrolet Touring, 1st mod el, lots of extrss $450 1923 Dodge Touring $375 1923 Ford Touring, new top, rpare tir. pot light $150 Newton Chevrolet Co. Opp. City Hall. 79mch24tf The Greatest Used Car Sale In the History of MAC DONALD AUTO CO. SPRING IS HERE. BUY NOW, DON'T WAIT FOR THE SELLING SEASON TO OPEN. BUY THAT USED CAB NOW. 1926 Hudson Broughsm. 1926 Overland De Luxe Sedan. 1926 Overland 4 Sedan. 1925 Marmon- Sedan (Demonstrator.) 1925 Marmon Coupe. Hudson Sedan. Willys-Knight Country Club Sport i on nag. Willys-Knight Touring. Overland Tourings. Cleveland Touring. , Dodge Roadster. Buick Touring. Ford Coupe, Ford Sedan, snd Ford Tourings. Many havo this year'a license, new paint and good rubber, all have recon ditioned mechanically. Easy terms. .Trades Accepted. MacBonald Auto Co. Cottage A Ferry Sta. Tel. 409. MARMON CHANDLER 79mch20tf TEXAS HAS MOST MULES AUSTIN. Texas. Texas is far ahead of all other states In Its mule population with 1,073,000 Oklahoma is second with 365,000 and Missouri third with 358.000 By Ed Wheelan MZMlrt asout!! Cam it &e, that CJWETeS ARE ApTfeR lHE FATAL Money masajaTe te WALL SEC! USED CABS FOB SALE 70 Better Automobiles , Excellent Values v I Maxwell Touring, he- tifal gray Due finish. Buick ' 6 Touring, splsa . . did conditio. Hudson Speedster, looks. ' lik new. good tire a. Chevrolet Touring, good mechanically aad tira. j Jordaa Toarlng, fia fia- lsh, new tires Overland ' Sedan, - lata aaodL Hadaoa : Sodas; ' good J bap. oxtr tire. quiptnnt. Nsb Tearing,, splsadid vain. Psig Sedt. fia m- . -i rhaaieal snap. Willya-Knignt, roadster. two tea finish.. Bepubti Trueav axllas '- shaps. Other excellent Values Ford Touring Car Vith .' 4J 1927. Uc, -$106 aad V . ' " ap. . ,- ' r"U -r-n " , Frd CnpV-1150. 1' ; " hnl r,iin - 9AS. - C .r - i'- Careful burar . wtli r msriat.' th neat, clean-, orderly display of ,xchngd automobiles offered by th K-W. Pwtty- john Co.. under th basia po)iey which naa made a host f customers. pisa with thei parchnss. - F. W. Peiiyjbhn. Coi 865 Nerth Cmmersll Stret j Telephone 1260 . "After W Ball W Serve" " PACKARD OLD8MOBILB Two " t' 01 The Best Packard sedan $1660 Oldsmobil soup 550 50 00 175 Oldsmobil tourist . Oldsmobil sedan Chavrolat touring . .$156 to Ford coupes, sadaaa, tourings, roadsters .... .. .$33 to Other mskas, turings, toad stars - ,,. . i,,.,,,,.$50 t Dodge touring too too 125 Our stock changes dsllr sad w have always a rood 11 n of good nsed ears prieea for $nick solo. If yoa ar looking for good tr as portation St lew cost ft will pay you to look our Stock over. W ara open veaings aad Boadays, Capitol Motors' Inc. Biddy Bishop. ; ' Al Roasseaa. $50 N. High Street. Two Of The Best PACKARD 0LDSM0BTLB 79ml8tf CERTIFIED USED CAB As sold under th fsmens 8tudbskr National Used Csr Pledge feprsMnts tb utmost trsnsportitioa vslu. "Th Customer is right," U war service motto. , Comh ia today. Inspact and compare . . - - - - - - 1923 Maxwell, 2-pMS. Coup, many tf . 4465 1920 Studebsker Special, Six, Touring, . new . psiat, bump ers, good -tire, swip-i.$383 1925 Star Touring, bt motor, brakes roliaod. motor O-K, top aad curtains reset J$Z$S 1924 Studebsker Light Six, Tour ing, new pslai, looks lika s new csr ..m.a. -tCU 1924 Fraaklln Six- Touring, aow Due .paint, motor ovar- hnld . $95( We have a few mor other makes. Convenient trms at lowst rates. Marion Auto Company Studebsker and - ?rskla Six Dalars for Salem and Marioa County. . Ask for Gibbons, Used Car Depot. 235 So. Com'L Tlphoa 662. T9m20 2 General Llarketa LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. March 24. (AP) Cttl steady; receipts 30. Hogs steady; receipt 945, Including 20 direct. Sheep nominally steady; receipts bob. PROVISIONS PORTLAND. March 24 (AP) Whole sale prices: Butter, prints aad cartons down 2c, cubes steady. Extra cnbos, city iVic; stanaar ze; prim firsts lfcc; firsts 41; prints 46c; cartona 47e. , tJids to farmers: Jtwk. buter rat sown 4c. Best churning eresm 42e ia rakley: ' 43c net shippers' trssk ia son 1: cream delivered Portland 46c per pound. Raw - milk- (4 per cent). 2.55 cwt. t. O. o. Portland. . ; j Egga steady. Current receipt 20: fresh medium 19c; fresh -standard firsts 22c; fresh standard extras Z3.. Poultry steady. Heavy hens 2526e: light 20ilc; springs nominal; broiler ' 3on 31c; pekin white ducks 20c; colored nominal; turkeys, live, nominal; draaaed 37c. Onion steady, local $5(35.50. Potstoes stesdy, $1.40(1.60 sack, DAIRY EXCHANOZ PORTLAND. March. 24. AP) Dairy Exchange, net prices: Bntter, extras 42 He; standards 42c; prim firsts 41 Vic; firsts 41e - - Eggs, extrss 2Xt; firsts 22e; pallets 19c; current receipts 20c. PORTLABD WHBAT PORTLAND, Ore., March 24. (AP) Wheat: ' BBB hard 'White, . Mar., $1.33; hard whit bluestem, Baart, federation, soft white, western white Msreh, Apt., May $1.31; bard winter Mar., ApL. $1.32; hard winter Mar.. ApL. $1.32; northern spring Mar., $1.30; ApL, . $1.82; Western red Mar. ApL. May $1.38. Oats. No. 2. io ponad.whii feed Mar.. ApL, May $34; ditto 86 pound gray Mar Apl., May 3.- Barley, No. 2. 43 pound BW Mar., Apl, May 30. Cora,-No. 2-KY ahipment Mar Apt $34.50; May $34.75,- ; OBEOOV HAT -PORTLAND, March 24. (AP) Hay. baying prie: Eastern Oregon timothy 821.50; ditt valley 17fti 1750; cheat 614.50; alfalfa $180 18.50; oat hay $14.50; -oat aad vetch $16.50 17; straw $6.50 peg ton. Selling; prices 9? a too mW" i":' "" : ' ' CHICAGO oBAnr CHICAGO, March -24. 1 AP) feanr- al of liquidating sales in th cars xear ket today brought about the lowest price yet this season for corn, -and weakened other graia as well. Cora closed aaset tled, le to I 8-o act . lower, wheat changed t 1-4 dowa and ot l-4(u3-Se to l-2e ff. ' - x,, .- . PORTLAND. Msreh 2t. ( AP Ther wr. ng-4a -bultr-r ffg quels- -tiona at th Dairy F.xehaag today. Bat ter receipts wer 15.S0& pounds wad pro daetion 18,ft3l . jxiupds Kgg: retpt wervV 2.43$ ,cas :qd$17 cs want iato otorsga. . : ' 1'oallry end dressed meat receipts war limited ud pru-es.wer steady. , , - . VCUCXASUES MBTLAND.U Aiarch . itWAP) 1,1V ral eapplio of asparagus arrived today mmn rK" mrvpgvm r""l'7 oaie were mad at a wida. rang from 15 to 27 He per poaad. - " . - , 4 -Fresh sappliea of Walla Wall apiaaeh r oiling -$2.50-e $2-75 -per crate and f 1,25 to $1.4U pry 20 poaads, es 'sm . r-omssBSaaawjwwssi a X- . I'll --:i '-7i: