THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1927 J.K.IIT I'OSTS ( ()MI(; Fans Eager for Coast Championship Tilt PLAGES RESERVED Uf POBTUi FOLK Mackie and Humphries Able to Make 126 Pounds at Specified Time Moro interest than has leen manifested in any previous fight of the season, is being displayed in the Pacific coast featherweight championship lout Wednesday night at the armory, when Ad Mackie of Portland will defend his titye against Art Humphries of Kverett. Wash. In addition, to many local reser vations, a larpe number of seats are being asked for by Portland fans, showing how prreat the in terest is even that far away. To make this a championship fight, it is necessary for both of the fighters to make 12C pounds, but theji can both do it easily. Matchmaker Harry Plant reports. Miickie will weigB in Portland and Humphries in Salem. Qn addition to the fight pro era m was announced Monday. Pete Willwert of Salem is matched to meet Kid Hayes or Stay ton in one of the four round prelimi naries. There will be one more. Kddie Kruean meets Bud Gin ther of Oregon City in one of the special six round events, and Hal Sharp or Salem and Jack Davis of Oregon City will meet in the other. Wednesday Night at Armory conflict with the ball game if ther is one. . The Salem marksmen who turn- : ed in 25s Sunday were Charles '. Allison, Frank Haberman and Lawrence Imlah. The full record ' of the shoot held Sunday on tlie Salem Rod and Gun club range follows, the first figure after each name being that made in the tele graphic shoot : K. Oouley. II); Charles Allison, i 2T,; Jim Lewis. 24: Cliff Evans.' 24; Cliff Parker. 24, 21; Morris Race. 22, 21. 21; Tom Wolgamott. 1 23. 22; Clarence Bowne, 2;j, 2.". 22; George Viesko, 22. 22: Ted Shelton, 2 4, 20; George palmer, 2::. 23. 2.,; Carl Bahlberg, 23. 24; C. C. George. 21; Grant Farris. 24. 21; A. I,. Funk, 18. 24; Walter Simon, 21: Frank Haberman, 25, 22; Lawrence Imlah, 25, 23; Bill Viesko, in, 16; Fred Bernard i. 18, 19; Dr. G. K. Prime, 22. 21, 18; Kenneth Brown. 23. RISKO BKATS SKIFKKT PITTSBURGH. Pa.. March 21 (AP) Johnny Risko, Cleveland, won the judges' decision over Sandy Seifert. Pittsburgh heavy weight, at the end of a hard fought 10 round bout here to night. Risko weighed lST'a and Seifert 1 Kl 't . Drive 'rouno. on Good Tires. "More pleasure and leas trouble." The famous Viking Tires and Tubes have no superior. Malcolm's J lire Shop, 205 N. Com'l. () Salem Ducks Win Game From Bungalow Quintet The Salem Ducks defeated the Bungalow Christian Sunday school team Monday evening on the YMCA floor, 29 to 7. The Bunga low Christian quintet won the championship in the Sunday school league season recently ended. SUMMARY V I ( Of)i.- ' 4 i Brt)Hir K . .. . ( 1 ) Walkj-r ( .. 1. 1 I fJarr.-t t -i ... fiilmore Marr ." ) Hale i 9) . l)H;iriirt ( U ) K.-Jin.f.r H seem. in (4) . I..iim1.I 2 K. Pellarport . Strong Mound Staff Indicated for Salem "RejtHlars" miiI " Vannitians" INay Game Kinling in Tie The Salem Senators" pitching staff is farther advanced in its spring training than the batsmen. Sunday's game between the "reg ulars" and " yannigans" indicated when a fire inning contest result ed in a 2 to 2 tie. In the field the candidates play ed fast and accurate ball, and the pitchers "bore down" sufficiently to hold the score to that low fig ure. Brahani. Ashby. Russell and Meyers did the twirling. Manager "Frisco" Edwards at tended a meeting of the league officials in Portland Monday night. Hungry? Don't wait, order tome Better Yet Bread from your grocer. It Is fresh, wholesome and clean. Made by the Better Yet Baking Co. () SALEM MARKSMEN TIE TWO SHOOTS Hold Second Place Through Victories Over The Dalles and Medford Just three members of the Sa lem Rod and Gun club turned fn perfect 25"s in Sunday's tele graphic shoot, and by virtue of these three unbeatable scores, the Salem team won two victories, de feating Medford 7." to 7 4 and The Dalles 75 to 68. Salem remains in, second place Bend leading with 10 straight victories. Salem has won nine and lost one shoot. A large delegation of local shots will go to Kugene next Sunday to take part in the five-city shoot there. A shoot will also be Jield at the local range for those who do not go to Eugene. Plans are going forward for the five city shoot which will be held here April 3. Over 1 shotgun experts will congregate here for that event, which will be held at 9:30 in the forenoon and will not TLU-GRIP MO Check before it starts. Rub on inhale vapors PLUMBING Quick, Reliable Service H. EGNER 1615 Center Street Phones 352 and J310-W Fine Fixtures Standard Equipment I IT S A Till & Straight or - v mommy Payment 10 per mo. per flOOO LAFLAR & LAFLAR 406-407 Oregon Bids. ) Fruitland Nursery Office Jtfwi Sale Room 4.74 Soutn jjiDortjr-isire: XvnAlknA Nbt Trees - Shrubbery and Rosea Please call and - ee my Btock tad 4 get prices before tmyiix. Office Pbone 8TT , I J.IA11 IP-? ; 4 French Tennis Aces Have Easy Time in Indoor Meet NEW YORK. Mar. 21. (AP) lean Borotra and Jacques JTrug non, French liavis cup stars, stroked off straight set victories in two rounds of national indoor term's title play today while their American opposition was thinning under a gruelling pace. Xeither of the tri-eolor contend ers was pressed. Borotra did not feel called on to make his custom ary assaults at the net to turn back a New York veteran. Tt. K. Roberts. 6-1. 0-3 and a Japanese foe. S. Onda. C-3. 6-2. Brugnon won with almost paral lel ease on an adjoining court. Putting out youthful Ferdinand Geller of New York in the first round. 6-0, G-0. he pushed on un der slightly stiffer opposition from I. G. Iiockafeilow, former Colgate athlete, 7-5, C-l. SILVERTON", Ore.. March 21.-- , ber of residents, in this district j are also busy wiring their homes. (Special (Holes for the electric, p. H. Mosher, Merchant Tailor, light posts which are to bring ilie is turning out the nobbiest and new line nut to .he Evergreen dis- . b"St f l,tlnfAAta,IloKr ?ad s " measure; 100, business and pro- trict are leing dug. A large nimi- fessional men buy of Mosher. () VA "". BEATS LA BAISBA BOSTON. March 21 -- ( AP) Johnny Vacca. of Boston, tonight won the decision over Fidel Ea Barba. world flyweight champion, in a 10 round bout at the Boston arena. They fought at catch weights and the champion's crown was not in danger. It was Vu era's second win ov.-r Rarhu within a few weeks. EOXING SALEM ARMORY, WED., MARCH 23 MAIN EVENT AD MACKIE, Portland, vs. ART HUMPHRIES, Everett, Wash. 10 Rounds 4 Round Special Events EDDIE KRUGAN, Salem, vs. HH1) (ilNTHEIl, Oregon City, 1 19 AL SHARP; Salem, vs. JACK DAVIS, Oregon City, 1.1S TWO OTHER SNAPPY PRELIMINARIES I.IRKUAI. LWV VKTOKI vetoed the bill passed last week j that he intended to enforce th Iy the legislature lineranzmg me DV tne legislature linerauzing ln" ! ancient stitni.s i- rOM".MRl'S. S. C. Marc h 21. existing Sunday blue laws. t By j ' s h""l he recent Covernor Richards tonight jfhis action, the governor indicated ; 'y reieo. t- To Curd & Cold in One Bay Take1 Ltxffve Brornn Quininsi The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century as an effective remedy for COLDS. GRIP, INFLUENZA and as a JsveBtrre. f rite 20c. Ttc boz bears this signature Since 1889 See the New Star Silent Four and the Greater Star Six at the AUTOMOBILE SHOW TONIGHT Salem Automobile Co. N. J. WOOLEY C. J. TAYLOR H. E. SHADE See it" OnVe It - GBasy It- Shirts The season's smart dressers will welcome the new spring shirts of light grounds in striking checked or striped designs, in splendid contrast ing combinations. Ties Both silk and knit of plain and colorful patterns. Large assortment unusually attrac tive, only SI.-OO. Hose Silk and silk mixed novelty iox as sketched featuring modified hades or rich delph tones pre dominating. Track Suits rSilk shirts or knit- vests In undergarments with plain or iancy drawers forma under . 'clothing without peer for 1 comfort, fit and durability. riU"'-" ' 1 1. ! i m ,! v::1 'bb yi' !'.' mi! vaasg i m ' . . . -L 1 I I II II .. i i: Spring Styles An Exclusive Showing of the Famous Twistex Fabrics in Men's Clothing We invite your attention to live models wearing the season's newest gar ments and to share with us our orchestra and trio. Tonight, 7:30 to 10:00. State and High Streets YE DARE TO BE DIFFERENT The Extra Quality in the Bread we make does not cost you an extra cent. Order your meat and bakery products with your groceries no charge for delivery. Phone 455-456. Pure Cane Sugar 100 Lb. Sacks Fine Berry Grade $6.19 Crown Flour 49 lb. Sack $1.95 Eagle Brand -x FLOUR 49 lb. Sack $1.91 Mellow Blend With Chaff Extracted 3 lb.$1.0O Half Gal. Amber Color SYRUP 1 Gal. Cans Standard Quality APRICOTS Packed in light syrup Large No. 2Y2 size cans 15c 15c Fancy Maryland CORN Per Can 10c Golden Sweet CORN Can 12Mc Del Monte Large size can 2 for 35c Preferred Stock Tender Melting PEAS 20c t s . Large Can Sliced PINE APPLE 1 Lb. Package Seedless RAISINS 4 PkgM; MARKET FEATURE Chuck Roast The cut of Beef every body likes! Busick's quality roasts are noted for their tenderness and fine flavor cut from prime young beef cattle. PER POUND 19 c Silver Leaf LARD 4 lb. Pails Snow Drift 4 lb. Pails CRISCO Fresh New Stock 6 lb. Pails $1.39 10 Bars P. & G. Soap 31c 10 Crystal White 5 Bars IVORY Soap Large Package Peet's Machine ' " Soap 33q Good Quality Burbank POTATOES $1.37 Fancy Small White BEANS 6 lbs. 45c i - 6 Lbs. Head RICE V